HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIONMEN MRT��, MFT,T'r"". �. `=`t om.~. i` r:s^ �o •r��'+ +�� :►• �' +� ,� — -^---^-ma y���.+.,-- ��y �}+� q �+ �. � r�.a���° ,. a�Y' 3-+ '_y^' tti �" r �{'�^�p��+}F xy� YM�+t �.as�} ' i+-•��Ir. i7y- .�1 �p_�•i��C�l•�i�-:.+.ar-.��I�Y.S�!•4•SYI�1'T•_ 'k•4• �.. a�� tea+ ��.-�i1TRMG �YF]••�4i •�+�•. h� Md�li iTai �L;i 'w RYJiSFf '~min--�n��+1�N'�{� ra = r:n��v ��--�e�r��_�aur�a+ -"F �a�a�dk�a'it IVf�. L9Ga.�GG3tY���•1 r'LR +� �y� I -'r.w ram• 14 - �'� •r3y�ti. +'��C}���y �+-i+Fs+a�+i +Y+.:: i� Keg ""a BE C0`HMr7`-LETED FOR APPLICATION TO BE J4L`.'ZE C A L E ";`4 F 0 muo' "PLI- Z�. L L kv 4. t t5 I Date 7/91202.1 .1 tw "t Numbe-,---.!: rm i r..�+.5•a��G':.ram:,—.��=-.,�s�r„n�•r•r-u.a,µr �v z+ri�•.�-+-moors• I�.r.,rii-�nr�• { •..�, J.& �. Co. B Ll d fib er-__ t APPI PrIaniv'17gServices Suilding aRegulotion Divisiqry 2z'iOO Virginia A venue, Fo�q, 'denpL'a x F P h o �-i e (7 7 2.11 4 6 2 �.�. o 7 2'14 62a5 ��LOmrnercia, �� s,. 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Phone No.: 866-m-219,mO880 i E-Ma' FLPERMITSODELTAMECHANICAL.COM �s it 51CFC1425917 I ,�taL-ce or- ounty 6 If Valuecar,�Structfpa,-n, � $215� or rniore Comrrienceman....__.- VS requ i R ..........ie-J++Y-.%1.P"TF iredt M�•s. -� ++..w• .�:�.•�r. ��.�: �'-. _ � mow. , � ��-� - - 5�: = 7. 09t, �,.4a , '�i'e=•• �,�,�,. � �- v �� � 'r���+��..- .. ��-�a���.�.�....-... �� �.•y�T r�r � ����r��•'�'...°�'.'�";, .ti-..��`-��,s•r Yam•-'c�i�' �-.����. �.�.-,. � � �' � �•��+.�� �.. 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OW N E R/ CO NT riACTO,R AFF I DVI T f: A pp 1i catid o n is h ere b �-v vr, a J e toIr -9,P 4- tnstafiation h.o.z., commenced ' '-Q 4% V 'M ;'03 t -M I,- u (".11 e C o u n tv m zil k e s no r e o r e s e n I: t I o n t h - a t i s t:prang m �_ F e m- bt o I d � to buildth:esuNect- structure � is in ell% } .L yF �'It ��� con-tii�W'L �� 2ppzicd—,�ble I�iY�• �� �y�. � � ��� �' � Home Own-er.�-F)—TYarestric.:.t sp-tructure, Pleaseu-,,! corMiult wil'h your Home. Owners. Association and review your deed for ,%ny 4restrictiorms wh'ch may Z-;Pply. In consideratiOn oft' L ant- 3-f -�-h' iie gy- an--hr:'r is requested permit,do hefr tha--L- I Will, in all r e ctspeflorlm, the work in accog-,-adance wrth the approved Florida Couinty The following buildin it applications are exempt frorn. undergoing concurrencvradditiunns, signs zcreen,,,,00- --Lcceizfzo acces.s.ory Lires.., :-�wtmm�ng por,�b; fences, walls.. ms -,an:d cA usesu-r--e -r W*%3 wvviynn TOM dr;q_'r -cerneni: ma)f resua iin Vc ur paying, rw ce Tor Ille L V t I 1Y I U f 1 US, L apm pustea on tie job S oelcre,krine �Irst I - q - ect i o ou i nte n c! I, o-ota P.a n lc� i n cons-u with ei; 0 El,,, r o an axto rn e v ler/ Less 1.Z-.e.,I-Contra ctor as Agent for Ure 0 owl f i • r��—�--.����_.. _ •F t _�T —_ _ _—__— --� __.'ram,--'-r.�,�,ea� T�, �; �u+�-..r+•-cum � 4 a_ tism�ur�a_— --r .mot -F1-or 'Olng in'z""-trument was acknowieciged before me he C4n 1'hi � davr of ram"' of person making sta1!-':e1*rn-Lent }es Knows OR Producedti Type 01 dentiflica--tibn P-,,-oduced w �'aM'��p5ti`��.='�r-.-.xr.�.�c.voc�:a••�ra_��=-�'R4'��'= �n'r`vra�a (,S*1g nal: Lire of Notary Conimissl*on No... A. -44rmw %ff Yim� R ev_ 9/2/ 11 1 2 I- C (". .•..'. �-����rzr' �rYrT-: �•-r.t,�•�►ti.ta'� '.���i2Y.r'� r -r� -■ ur rau��: lic- Stake of F-lorida C.t67$if3iit. 7 of Con""rac-or, .S,,TATE CIF FLORIDA COUNTY 02 r. 0 ue o Th P-,-. fowrgomg instrurn%,ent W2S acknowledgpd before me t his � day �f tJc-,or /-/oor _> ��'Z I by Name of pe.gson making statement Personally Known OR Produced Ider, i kficotl O!ne. . Tvp of Ide r f Prod icy ,1W yly of Notag ljbfic- 2`z'cj-,2te of Flordwt I