HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOCNOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT -Penr-i[ No. itj I e of Florid a Cou rrry of ;t- Ludt Tax FuIiIo No_ W — & J The u ndersi$ned he reby oveS nofte that I rnvove rent w ill be made to ce rEain nil property, and Fn accorlerif it with Ch apter 713, 1`106da Statiatft, the folloom n$ Irlformaticn :5 provided in this Natk* of Coy+ mencerm!nt, I Descriptipor of Ptaper-w: hand StILJ et address if ileblej: (] f# I ltt I � J-C, j j r (-#ter ;L Oitrmrai descripR fan OF rntipra NL-M* rs=�, Darner information or lessee InfoFfnatiork if thi# Leiser contrartPd far the IrnprovemeM' Name iL1 Lii(. I I v C k.-I _. Ad dress II n I--1 1-,a J I _d, #- f Y-r, r' I i•' i f: r r L 1.%ereU in.PrCrpiL�-rty_ I. I -LA" r )f, IF flame and address of fee simple tftienWdtr (if different from Owmr listed abovel, Cerra rtar'S Nam@- Contramr Add rest; ss- --� k x V Phan a Nurnbir: -7 7--�P - 5rjrety lit applicabl-e, a oupY of the paymant bond is attachedp: Amount of bond: 5 amaand addresi: Phor1.4 number: Le-nder Marna; _ Le nOces -add mis : Phue Number: FersQn$ within the State of FINida designated by Owner upon whim notlei s or other &xumentsma r br served as provkded by Settia- 713,13(1) iaa'), Flodda Statutes; iame= #(tdrLss: Phone N61mber= In addrtlon to h0rrk3elV49F herivd, Owner sgnates 0 tomcelae a CDPY of the Llenor's i lotice as prov.''ded i:n Section 713.13I1) (b), Fl urida Statwtes- Phone nurr1 be r Of per16l : or eiz itv designated by per - _ EYRRrottan deeof ncilLize of Commmcement. Otte expiratiao dare may rot be before the cwmpWion of €onstnil-tion and final p,awrr:efit to tk e ron1rutor, but will be 1 yem frorn the date of rewrding unIen a different date Is SoWifidli V.PARN1NG TO CWN E R., AN Y PAYAAE NTS MAX RY TH E OWNI: R. AFTER THE EXMFkATKM OF THE NOTICE O F CA$+iME N ECMI�NT ARE C ".IXRF0 I r.IPRDPER PAYMENTS UN [DER CHAPTER 11.3, PART !, SECTION 713.13. FLORI DA STATUTE5, AN 0 CM iRE%LT IN YQ UA PAVING TWICE FOR IMPR(YVEMIENT5 TO YOVA PROPERTY. A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MUST &E RECORDED AND Po5T-EO ON THBJOB SITE 9CF0RE 7HE FIRST IN5J2ECTI0N. I F YOU IN TEN d T D OBTAIN f I RANCIN Gr CONSULT ' iTH Y R U h � k R OR AN ATTO RNi V BE SCR E CC ItAME NON G WORg OR R ECORDING YOUR NOTICE 0 F COMM-EN CEME N7. Wider peneitr aft perjoryr. I ded art that I hwe a read the f omSoirg rmtrca 0 commencemciA and tKalt the fans staled therein are ime to the best of W knomde Be and b*llef, 1151Une of Owner or Lessm or Own a is or Lesse e's Au:htiori zed O#flcarMrec'Rar/Parkner/Mange r 1watarvs T+tle;/Ckffi sel - - — STATE OF FEOI� COUNTY OF Th MOM, n� : rumor [ s [ awin&c(j ed�ed befafe rrse bye m cans of D phy+s�ca I pies r~ce or r, I. n-0E 3 r izat pn Chi �4w �. , whb Is p-@riariafty kflowii to me -or has da-ce4 f [NOTARIAL SEALS �,,,,,,•,,��i IELLf L wxyPubk cf�l��da a Ca u�rlsi�on T GG 1 Y939 2'COMM, Epiressep -6, 2021 Bw*d d,rzyq h him lys�r. day o4