HomeMy WebLinkAboutnocMICHELLE R. MILLER, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT - SAINT LUCIE COUNTY FILE # 4889528 OR BOOK 4642 PAGE 1590, Recorded 07/06/2021 08:57:57 AM Permit No. NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT Tax Folio No.� �• V OS^., `�/ �!1 . Coo. [� Stale of Florida County of St. Lude The undersiant,d hereby gives rwdce that Imp c emer wi➢ be made to cenaim real pmpndy, arM In acemeance vt0h Chapte, 713. Florida SI.W tes, the foi.m, infmmal on is provided In this N W :e Of Casrenencennunt. ! Desoto of pro Of street addmss Lf j bl Geneirat description of lmpwemerN: Re -Roof bmprwernrmt: Name _ Address Interest in Nameand CJIrltraelafa Named Total Home Roof' Cpmmaor Address: 697 Co jqufic 40, lHookledae FL 329Fsb Phone Number.�.21-452-9223 Surely (if applicable, a mpy of the payment bond is attached): Amoont of Name and address: laWer Name:_ Lender's address: Persons wilfen the State of FWrid* designated 190wrtev -Pod selsam -0dete wother decpments may beserved as Frvrfded by Section Florida 5tabdef: In addition to himself or herself, Owner deslgnares_ tienoes Notice as provided in Section ? i ].PM {b{. Finn Phone number of person a msUty designated try Owner. Rceme a copy of the Eaplratlon date of notice of commencement: (Tile expiration data may not be betorethe completion of cwstruction and final payment to the conlydQm, bet will be 1 yrrar from the dateai remrdl,s6 unless a different date a spedllCd{ WARNsNG TO 09 1R: ANY PAYMENTS MATTE. R'ITHE OWNER AFTER THE EX11RATION OF THE NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT ARE CONSIDERED IMPROPER PAYMENTS UNDER CHAPTER 713,?.n T1, SECRON713.13, FLORIDA STATUTE5,A.ND CAN RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TIMCE FOR IMPRO'JCMENTS TO YOUR PROPS RTY,A NONCE OF COMMENCENIENT MUST BE RECORDEDAND POSTEDON TNEIOB SITE BEFORE THE FIRST INSPECTW N- IF'YOU INEENOTO OBTAIN HNAGONG, CONSULT WAH YOUR LFNnER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE COMMENONG WORK OR RECORMNG YOUR NOTICE_ Of COMMENCEMEu 1, Under p,.nfvof perjury, I dedere That I have 1.]d the foreRulod'tim Gf rnmmmremmns and that the Tam stated thervia.re Isuex. the best W my yrmw udp," and bdief.,� I„IRna111M.pt(i�W�MI�M/1/M�1CC, n(DY/,YEr:9r �0iA`� m11YGrirlYl Dfli[e(fDfG[Iq/P]Imnr MiNRlu ISignprorys'riilo-(Offipe{ i✓�� STAYS L!r FlUfil[+A r ` C01.Iray G-IA-t _.._., Thug(pre,➢ai s rr°urm:nt T a artnwl�Gsd'gmd 1 to 1G IW nuym +at fJ phvac TIP rco fin R tb gt1'+rd lshb•rulf atfm,. YU<!�.by}T�'iC�__'-=-'-'r' anprtnowllybvrwn mrtG. orl-dunrd._._ �-. .*w`y root KEVINARGOJ- �'''"'�' Comm+s➢IORAGGid8875 * Expires Oci➢tur9, 202E / �erAofFY�or Bpd.atNupvs➢dNdaNBrmots