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Gi aaZw�OY.sdl FL# FL20876-R2
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Application Type Revision
Code Version 2020
Application Status Approved
*Approved by DBPR.Approvals by DBPR shall be reviewed and ratified by
the POC and/or the Commission if necessary.
Comments J
Archived O S12'!
Product Manufacturer DUPONT '��ViIE®
Address/Phone/Email 5401 Jefferson Davis Highway � - "
Richmond,VA 23234 MpLIANCE
(812) 212-4429 Coc)� C Colj"Ty
Authorized Signature Melissa Grant 50C%.#
Technical Representative Melissa Grant FILE COPY
Address/Phone/Email P.O. Box 103
202 E.Washington Street
Morris,IL 60450
Quality Assurance Representative
Category Roofing
Subcategory Underlayments
Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Product Evaluation Entity
Evaluation Entity Intertek Testing Services NA,Inc.
Quality Assurance Entity Intertek Testing Services NA,Inc. -QA Entity
Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 12/31/2023
Validated By Intertek Testing Services NA,Inc.
Certificate of Independence
Referenced Standard and Year(of Standard) Standard Year
ASTM D226 2009
Equivalence of Product Standards
Certified By
Sections from the Code
https://www.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr_app_dti.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDgtbxPgODTr%2bX6LbKlCltDIK%2bREhnyvpM2JKEKWrhllkgw%3d%3d 1/2
5/27/2021 Florida Building Code Online
Product Approval Method Method 1 Option C
Date Submitted 01/27/2021
Date Validated 01/27/2021
Date Pending FBC Approval
Date Approved 01/29/2021
Summary of Products
FL# Model,Number or Name Description
20876.1 Dupont Protec Underlayment 120,160,200
Limits of Use Installation Instructions
Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL20876 R2 II K29385 Tyvek Protec Install Guide.pdf
Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Intertek Testing Services NA,Inc.
Impact Resistant: N/A Created by Independent Third Party:
Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports
Other: FL20876 R2 AE 2021-01-26 CCRR-1062.pdf
20876.2 Dupont Tyvek Underlayment Roof Protector
Limits of Use Installation Instructions
Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL20876 R2 II SC00501-Tyvek Roof Protector Brochure.pdf
Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Intertek Testing Services NA,Inc.
Impact Resistant: N/A Created by Independent Third Party:
Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports
Other: FL20876 R2 AE 2021-01-26 CCRR-1087.pdf
Bacl: PBettt
Contact Us::2601 Blair Stone Road,Tallahassee FL 32399 Phone:850-487-1824
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mail to this entity.Instead,contact the office by phone or by traditional mail.If you have any questions,please contact 850.487.1395.*Pursuant to Section 455.275(1),
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DbPon '" TY. ,v,, ek' RoofProtectar
f "
. _ � ♦ s� r of
Lightweight,Strong Roof Protection Easy to Install Trusted Quality and Durability
Excellent grip to the deck and strength Lays down flat and easy to reposition. A product you can rely on from DuPont,
of product helps to minimize tearing at a leader in science=based building
fastener points. envelope materials.
�n v Zt
DuPont'Tyvek°Roof Protector"is an engineered synthetic
roofing underlayment with a high strength to weight ratio. FatiMayer construction
Brought to you by DuPont,the trusted name in total building Tap layer provides good grip
envelope solutions. DuPont'Tyvek®Roof Protector"is idealLaminat
for steep slope roofing applications under asphalt shingles or asaba barrier
layer acts
` as a�rrlor to water,
metal cladding. j
Wcsven polypropylene
gtrim Ofavides strength. 1
Slip•resistantcoating j
u c O,a a a _
Roof Protector"
Roll size ) 42 X 286 square)10 s " '
l Q _
Rolls Per Pallet 49 t
Roll Weight 20 lbs
Warranty 20 yearsf. .::.
UV Exposure 3 monthss Designed to Lay Flat Printed Guidelines for
Lays flat and stays flat for a more Shingle Alignment
Roof Types uniform shingled surface. 2"chalk mark guide lines make
Asphalt shingle ✓ installation go quickly.
Metal Cladding ✓ 1 i
n /mod kIff
Recyclable ✓ ,r r ' ` �
ASTM D226 Types I&II ✓ �� ((,
AC188 ✓ 6 � v� k' VICC
(60 Intertek CCRR 1087 ✓ � � �
Protects the roof High coverage in a roll
Class Per ASTM E108 ✓ Preserves the roof deck during Large,but lightweight roll
installation and provides an provides maximum coverage
effective secondary moisture for a quick installation.
- MEMBER t..�
DuPont" Tyvek° Roof Protector' - Product Information
Description Ease of Use
DuPont"Tyvek®Roof Protector'-with its four-layer construction Tyvek Roof Protector'preserves the roof deck during
providing excellent strength,grip and water-resistance-is the installation, minimizing tearing at fastener points as a result of its
ideal engineered synthetic underlayment for steep slope roofing excellent strength and deck grip.Tyvek°Roof Protector"comes
applications under asphalt shingles or metal panel roof with a number of features and benefits:
materials,brought to you by the trusted name in total building . Lightweight material lays flat,stays flat and repositions with ease
envelope solutions. • Large roll provides maximum coverage for quick installation
Tyvek Roof Protector'is tough and tear-resistant, laying flat and • Features 2 chalk mark guide lines for easier shingle alignment
staying flat for easier installation and better coverage per roll. . Acts as an effective secondary moisture barrier
Its high strength to weight ratio,slip-resistant surface and
lightweight durability offers peace of mind to professional • Withstands up to 90 days of UV exposure and comes with a
builders and homeowners alike. 20-year limited warranty
• Low flame spread with a class"A"fire rating per ASTM E108
Available Sizes • Florida Building Code approved and meets AC188(Intertek
Tyvek®Roof Protector"is available in 10 square rolls:42"x CCRR-1062),ASTM D226 Types 1 &II,CAN/CSA A123.3,CAN/CSA
28671.1m x 87.2m(93.0m2) A220.1
DuPont-Tyvek®Roof Protector"exhibits physical properties as indicated in Tables 1 and 2 when tested as represented.Review all
instructions and (Material)Safety Data Sheet((M)SDS) before use.Please contact DuPont at 1-800-488-9835 when additional guidance
is required for writing specifications that include this product.
TABLE 1:Physical Properties for Tyvek®Roof Protector-
Test Method Property Typical Value Units
ASTM D1777 Nominal Thickness(mm) 0.254 mm
ASTM D1777 Nominal Thickness(mils) 10 mils
ASTM D4869 Liquid water transmission Pass -
ASTM E96 Permeability(MVTR) <0.05' Perms
ASTM D751 Tensile strength(MD/CD) MD:102 lbf
ASTM D751 Elongation(MD/CD) MD:17
ASTM D4533 Tear strength(MD/CD) MD:25 lbf
ASTM E108 Fire rating Class A -
ICC-ES AC188 UV exposure 90 -
Thermal Cycling Temperature range -40-240 °F(°C)
ICC-ES AC188,per Intertek
CCRR-1087 Code approvals Pass -
TABLE 2:Specifications for Tyvek®Roof Protector'
Specifications Typical Value Units
Length per roll ---_--- -----^ _--------.-_286 ft
Width per roll 42 in
Weight per roll 20 lb
Roll size 42"x286'(10 square) square
Rolls per pallet 49 -
Pallet weight 1,095 lb
Weight per square 2.04 lb
Warranty 20 years
DuPont'Tyvek° Roof ProtectoC - Installation
Safety Preparation
Apply Tyvek°Protec'"taut and wrinkle-free. Do not stretch. Apply Tyvek°Protec"over a dry,smooth,clean and defect-free
• Do not apply Tyvek°Protec'over wet or frost-covered roof deck.Tyvek°Protec'cannot be installed over existing
roof sheathing. roof cladding.
Caution should be taken when walking on Tyvek°Protec"' Tyvek°Protec'"is a vapor barrier. Ensure that the space
until it has been fastened according to instructions. beneath the roof sheathing is properly ventilated before
Caution should be taken when walking on Tyvek°Protec" installing to avoid condensation problems.
when it is wet or frost-covered.
Use fall protection when working on roof.Refer to OSHA safety
regulations 29 CFR1926 subpart M.
Consult your local DuPont'"Tyvek"Specialist for additional
1. Lay courses of Tyvek°Roof Protector"horizontally in. 4.Apply Tyvek°Roof Protector'with two layers on roofs
"shingle style"fashion following the lap lines provided in with slopes between 2:12 and up to 4:12. Begin with a 26"
4"course overlaps and 6"end laps beginning along the eave undercourse strip parallel to the eave edge,and then cover
edge.Offset end laps in successive courses by 6 feet. with a full width sheet.Overlap successive sheets by 26".
2.When attaching Tyvek°Roof Protector"to the roof sheathing: 5. Install Tyvek°Roof Protector"'over drip edges along eave edge
• When used under asphalt shingles,and metal roof cladding, and under drip edges along rake edges.
1"diameter(min)metal or plastic(ring shank or smooth 6.Lap Tyvek°Roof Protector'8"(min)onto walls.
shank)cap-nails or cap-staples are required.
7. Line roof valleys with a sheet of Tyvek°Roof Protector'prior
• When used under asphalt or metal roof cladding,1"diameter to installing horizontal courses of Tyvek°Roof Protector".
(min)metal or plastic cap-nails or cap staples are Lap the ends of horizontal Tyvek°Roof Protector"courses
recommended. Un-capped staples or standard roofing nails over the valley sheet al
may be used if shingles are installed within 36 hours(unless
rain or high winds are expected). Use of un-capped fasteners 8.At ridges and hips where ridge vents will not be applied,
may result in a risk of blow off or leakage around the cross-lap Tyvek°Roof Protector'from one roof plane onto the
fastener penetrations during a wind or rain event. other by 6".For additional weather protection,apply a 24"wide
• All anchoring must be performed flush to the roof and sheet of Tyvek°Roof Protectore'across hips and ridges.
90 degrees to the roof deck.
• Install fasteners 12"on center(o.c)along course and end
over-laps and a single row 24"on center along the middle
line of the field. Use the printed pattern as a guide.
3. In high wind zones(at or above 100 mph per IRC R301.2),
fasteners must be installed at all printed locations on the
DuPont'"Tyvek®Roof Protector".It must be fastened using
corrosion-resistant metal or plastic cap nails with a head
diameter of at least 1"and a thickness of at least 32-gauge
sheet metal.The cap-nail shank shall be a minimum of 12
gauge(0.105 inches)with a length to penetrate through the
roof sheathing of a minimum of%inch into the roof sheathing.