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APPROVED Health approval
STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH ONSITE SEWAGE TREATNMNT AND DISPOSAL SYSTIRM CONSTRUCTION PERMIT FOR: OSTW New APPLICANT: Alan & Joni Ulf xskowski PROP2ATY AMRESS: &004 Hamilton Ave Fart Pierce, FL 34951 PAM= @ . 56 SF- 73144 APPLICATION it AP16567 36� DATE PAID' FEE PAID. RECEIPT it; DocuNmn # : PR1580 4 LOT: 3&4 BLOCK: 47 SUE9iIVISION; Lakewood Park PROPERTY ID $; 730f-fi0-0181-OQO-6 [SECTION, TOWNSHIP, RANGE, PARCEL NUbMERI [ply TAX ID NUMBERS SYSTEM MUST 8E C0N$,TPVCTF,a IN ACCOP.D,�CP WITH SPECIFICATION$ AIM STANDARDS OF SECTION 3$1.0465, F_5_, AND CHAPTER EAE-6, F.A_C_ DEPARTMENT AFFROVAA, OF SYSTEM DOES UOT GOARANTEE SATISFACTORY PERFOFMANCE FOR ANY Y SPECIFIC PM10D OF TIME, ANy CI &m= IN MATERIAL FACT$ , WI3XCH $F1V= AB A EASIS FOR ISSUANCE OF THIS PEST, R]EWIFE THE APPLICANT TO #=TFY THE PERMIT APPLICATION_ SUCH MODIFICATIONS NAY RESULT IN THY$ PERMIT SEINE MADE KIM AND VOID_ I$SUANCE OF TH19 PERMIT DOES NOT EYEMPT THE APPLICANT F JDU COMPLIANCE WITH OTHER FEDEPtAL, STATE, OR LOCAL FERKITTING REQUIRED FOR DEVELOPMENT OF THIS PROPERTY - SYSTEM E)gSICN AND SPECIFICATIONS T t 900 ] GALLONS l GRD Smbc new CAPACITY A t I GALLONS / GPD NIA _ _ CAPACITY N i ] GALLON$ GRFA E IUTIFF-C—EPTOFR CAFACITY [h9kXrMDM CAPACITY SIYGLE TMK'1250 Q LLQNS) K [ ] GALLC*r$ DOING TANK CAPACITY [ IGAL-LONS @[ ]DOSES PER 24 K S RPMPS D ] $QvMZE FEET Drainfietel new SYSTEM R [ ] SQUARE FEET NIA SYSTEM A TYPE SYSTEM; i ] STANDARD t ] FILLET} LXI NOu [ P I CONFIGURATION: ] TRENCH [X] 8E1;5 [ N F LOCAW10N fiF-t Nail in tah. C[ or rd_ VV fil mdendod S I ELEVATION OF PROPOSED SYSTEM SITE L 0_00 ] f iNCHES FT ] [ AEOPYE BELOW JEMUCHkiAPVAgFERENCE POINT E BOTTCM OF DRAI=ELD TO BE 1 3.00 ] INCHES FT ] ABOVE BELOW ]BEt7CFQWZ/REk'EAEHCE POINT L ID F ILL REQUIRED: [ zl.uuj INCHES F-XCAVATIC?U RE RED L 1 LiquUK5 Tha system is sued for 3 bedraGms with a maximum occupancy of B persons (2 per bedroom), far a total estimated flow of 300 gpd. $FECIFICATICA BY: Brian .i Y am TITLE; Envirpmmntal Specialist III APPRUVED BY; TITLE; EnvLiron"fktal Specialist III SriaA d ram DRTE I$$VED' OBJ1412O EXPIRATION JDATE' DH 4416, 08/D9 �Obsoletes all pmprious editions which may not be us&d) Incorporated; 64E-6.003, FAC u 1.1.4 APIG56736 SE1537430 t. Lucie CHD 12114M22 Page 1 of 3 NOTICE of FLIGHTS A party vvhuse substantial interest is affected by this order may petition for are administrative hearing pursuant to sections i24.569 and 120,57, Florida Statutes, Such proceedings are governed by Rule 28-106, Florida Administrative Code_ A petition for administrative hearing must he in writing and must be received by the Agency Clerk for the Department, within twenty-one (21 ) days from the receipt of this order. The address of the Agency Clerk is 4052 Bald Cypress Way, BIN A-02, Tallahassee, Florida 32399. The Agency Clerk's facsimile nurnber is 850-413-8743. Mediation is not avaiIable as an alternative remedy. Your failure to submit a petition for heating within 21 days From receipt of this order will constitute a waiver of your right to an administrative hearing, and this order shall become a 'final order'. Should this order become a final order, a party who is adversely affected by it is entitled to judicial review pursuant to Section 120.68, Florida Statutes. Review proceedings are governed by the Florida Rules of Appellate Procedure_ Such proceedings may be cornmenced by filing one copy of a notice of Appeal with the Agency Clerk of the Department of Health and a second copy, accompanied by the filing fees required by law, with the Court of Appeal in the appropriate District Court_ The notice must be filed within 30 days of rendition of the final order. St Lucie Count Health Department 5150 NW Wrier Dr Port Safnt Lucie, FL 34983 HEALTH PAYING ON: # 56-SF-2273144 BILL DOC#5 BIB e0 5 CONSTRUCTM Af 10: APIB567K RECEIVED FROM: Pace 200IncAMOUNT RAID-. $545g0 RAYMENTIFORM: CHECK 8078 PAYMENT DATE: 0411912021 MA IL TO: Afan & Joni Wyzskows ki FACILITY NAME: PROPERTY LOCATION. e004 Harniftone Fort Rem, FL 34951 Property ID: 1301-605-2 @ $ $ EXPLANATION orDESCRIPTION : QUANTITY FEE 128-OSTDS Construction Systern bgpac�on Research Fee 4 $ 5.00 - - Sue harq ] $ 45g0 - .OSTDS New Permit Surcharge $ 100-00 d-OSTDS Construction Application and Plan R m Ne 4 & 100.00 1 -OSTDS Construction Site Evaluation ] $ 115. 1 .OSTDS Construction Pt(Ww or Mod, Amendment) 1 $ 55-00 127-OSTDS Con !mom 0n System Inspection ] S 75.00 ! .OSTDS Construction Reic#on 4 $ 50-00 RECEIVED BY: AdEmsCAUDIT CONTROL NO- 56- %%- 7G N@e: Well App from Down the Hole to be sent '7 y J 1 7� 1I - STATE A FLQRTR& _ PZPARTM&UT OF 5EKLTH l ".-'!LZ }gx!4E F3.RiTmgr-' a4LLL_+.tk T AMD DISiO ' SYSTEM ��,�TCAxTQN 7EQA: . New 3st I DAB FAiD : L —1 WE 11 mod Repair x st��ng ZYS1z m, [ ] Holding Ta4c [ 7 hin�vativa C ] Abandmament f 3 Temporary I 1 r f ` TO BE COMYLWD APPLICANT OR ILMNIT' S 1 UTUORWED AgEITZ', SrsTE MUM M CONSTRUCT= Y A RSO Z.x ELYS I} "3LxAkT TO 489.145(3) (m) OR U9.552, . LORTal STATUTES v' is 'ice' Aff"C NT $ "PpkiSWWW TO "VIDE DOCC NTAT101 OF TUT DP °J- -'LoT wm Ca&,Vj2p pgR. "AMMO rIAUAY) IF RIQUE8TIsa CONSXammag OF STAR RY 8 D1E 7C ma PROVi�YG�TS. ' 9 O1 J r i `ICJ S }K: SlTJBDIVaSIB;� PL.1' J: _AY - CJI { � 1*. SOk� vm Ca ZaurVAT SC : [ T l bT ]. ,FFrQK&RTT Sink: ACRES TrAT&a Vullow_ PUSLIC t 0 4 a - j> 400GPD [E i SILVER AVAI BW AS Zta 081. 0065 kS [ X % ] 17?STA 7C]E To 5 53]'i lC? : I�. .PROPROVY WDRuSS: 11VILD O XNF0 MTXpN Mit, Type 01 ' 3h7# �s�.atb�ieh�a�rYt ' 2 i ifi A V e, `. CU ` No, of Ruildzng cozo?YKa-LITneiiiut;ianal sy!Rtem Design Lis 2wea S ft Ta le X CFI tar 6$E--5 zzka w x� (specify) r -� V 40.5' 08109 {obso!"P Previous adlKlons which may riot be used) Paw 1 4 STA"iTS OF FLORIDA APPLICATION # AP1i�56736 DEP,ARTNE1%TT OF HEALTH YEPI-aT # 56-SF-2273144 ONSIW: SEWA1 E TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL SYSTEM nOCUbMQT # $r:1537450 SITE EVALUATION AND SYSTEM SPECIFICATION APPLICANT, Mart & Joni Mzskowuki CONTRAETOR / AGENT: Pace 2000, EnC LOT: 3&4 SLGC1t: 47 SUBDIVYSZON: Lakewood Park Io#! 1301$05-0 91-NO-6 TO BE COMPLETED 67 V9GINEER, HEALTH DEPARTMENT SNPLOESE, OR OTHER QUAI.IFIED PERK, EnGINErR5 MUST PROVIDE REGISTRATYON NLZfBER AND SIGN AND SEAL tACH PAGE OF SURKETTAL- Oa"PLCTF, ALL ITEMS- PROPERTY SIZE CO:IFlaRms TO $TT$ PxAK! [ X ]YES [ ]NO NET USABLE AREA AVAILABLE; 0-45 ACRES TOTAL ESTT�TED SEre= FLOW: 300 GALLONS PEFL #AY ] RESIDENCES -TAM -El / �T}ER-TABLE 2 ] AUTHOR= SEWAGE FLOW- 675.{10 C-ALLONS PER DAY [ 1500 GPD/OR 2500 GPI}/ACRE ] UNOBSTRUCTED AREA AVAILABLE: 1050,00 SQFT t7VM$T11RVCTFED APEA REQUIRED- 750.00 SQFT BtE4CHMP.RVREFERENCE POINT LOCATIW- Set Nail is tab. CL 4f rd, VV PL extended ELEVATION OF PROPOSED SYSTEM $I7E 0,00 1 INCHES f FT a ( #13Q'%F, / BELOW 1 HENC8MR UVREFTRIUt CE POINT TM MLNIi+AIt-i SETBACK WHICH CAN BE Mi'=AINED FFJX4 TFE PROPOSED SYSTEM TO THE FOLLOWIWG b'E.ATCRES SURFACE WATEit: FT BITCHES/SWALES: 10 FT NDF&9ULrY WET: [ ]YES [XINO WELLS: VIpIC: �FT LIMITED USE: FT PRIVATZ-f 94 FT N014-POTABLE; FT BVILVrNG FOUNDATIONS: 5 FT PROPERTY LINES: 5 FT POTAMM WATER LINES: 40 FT SITE SLMM T TO FREQUENT FLCCOMG7 10 YEAR FLOOD ELEVATION FOR SITE: ItMYT. D%rf"' ''TT.F. T1,T�1"7RWMrPTnM !ZT'' 9 i [ ]YES [X ]NO 10 YEAR FYDMING? [ ]YES CX]N01 FT [ 14SL / NGVD ] SITE E=VATION: FT [ MSL I CIO,VD USDA SOIL SERIES= Munsell #fCplor Texture Depth 14YR S11 Sand 0 To 9 10YR $11 Sand 9 To 30 10YR 711 Sand 21 To 33 _ 10YR 514 Sand 33 To 43 110YR 413 Sandy Okay Loam 43 To 10YR -9A Sand 56 To 67 HOLE CAVING Refusal 67 To 72 T traY�n�rM MYl1kT OTT •i USDA SOIL SERIES: Murrell #10olor Texture depth 10YR 4!1 Sand 4 To 5 10YR 511 Sand 5 To 19 10YR W1 Sand _ 19 To 31 1 OYR 711 Sand 23 To 35 1 DYR `n+4 Sand 35 To 42 1 OYR 412 Sandy Clay Loam 42 To 55 I OYR 54ea Sand 55 To 69 HOLE CAVING Refusal fig To 72 038ERVEn WATER TREBLE: 58 00 INCHES ; ABOVE / ESELApr 1 EXIST115IG GRADE TYPE: C PERCHED { jkPPaRRrrr ] ESTIMM WET SEASON WATER TABLE ELEVATION: 21 INCHES [ ABOVE / EXISTING GRADE HIGH WATER TABLE VEGWtA'TI t: [ ]YES [XjPIO MOTTLING: [X]YES f ]NO DEPTH: 21.00 INCHES 90IL TEXTUR5/L0ADXNG RATE FOR SYSTEM SIZING: DRAINFLELD C.00FTC RLTIQN: C 3 =- NCH CX ] RED r PMMARRS%ADDITIONAL CRITERTA S andr0 6O DEPTH Gig' EXCAVATION; INCHES [ ] OTHER (SPECIFY) uWSVJT debermiMd using USDA WS and soli bwing3- 14YR7fl Wpping In 10YR60 matrix>10%with diffuse boundark�star[Ing at 21" in 5131- 3131 0" above BM. SB2 1" belowAM- SI-'E EVALUATED BY; I ngram, Brie itlw Environmental Specialist III (ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTHl nE 4015, 013/09 (CbsolWtas pr*v±0u6 edaaO: hick may not be kBadF 1n rp =ted; 64E-6-001r FAC Ap1656736 IRD2273144 DATE: M0712021 Page 3 oP 4 v 1 A. 2 Michelle Franklin, CFA -- Saint Lucie County Property Appraiser--Allrights reserved_ Property Identification SiwAddmss; 9004 Parcel ID: 1301-605-41$1- Account#: 1211 SrtlTownMange- II54Sf39E E [AM I]TON AVE 000-6 Map ID; 1 Y1 IN Zoning: PS4 Count Use Type, OW Airisdiction: SaiatLucie county Ownership Legal Description Alan Wysakowski L2LKEWOOD PARK-UMT 5-1RLK 47 [; OTS 3 AND 4 (MAP Joni Wyszkowski IV I IN) {OR 3017-156) 545 NE Solida CM Port 5t Lucie, FL 34983 Current Values Historical Values -}rear Just Markc[; S14,300 Assessed; S12,664 Year JustfMarket Assessed Exemptions Taxable Exemptions: SO Taxable; $12,664 2020 $114,300 $12,664 $0 S12,66A 2019 $13,800 $11,513 $0 $11.513 2019 $13,200 $10,467 $0 $10,467 Date BaoluTage 08-28-2003 3017/0156 06-10-2005 22M l0654 08-05-2004 203711599 View: Roof Cover: Year Built, NIA Frame: Primary Wail_ Story Height; Bcdroom& 0 Full Baths= 0 Half Baths: 0 Typc Sale History Sale Code Deed Grantor 00 WD PBG Homes LLC, XX00 WD Ville Timothy XX00 WD Kaufinan Mcl D Primary Building Information FinishadArca of this building: 0 SF Gross Sketohu-d Arta; 0 SF AIC %, 0°1/n Heated 9Yo-: WAIN. Sprinkled %: 0°10 Exterior Data Rooftructure: Grade: No. Units: 0 Interior Data Electric: Heat Typo. - Heat Fuel, Total Areas Price 21,000 S97,000 81 8,000 Building Type: Effective Year. NIA Socondary Wall, Primary int Wall; Avg HgUFloar- 0 Primary Floors; Finishud(Under Air (SF): Grass Sketched Arca 0 (SO. Land Size (acres); 0.45 Land Size (SF); 19.650 Total Building Count l Special features and Yard Items City Units Year31t All infonxaiiort is bet iev"l to bo correct at this time, but is subject to chaggc and is provided without any wm"nty. Copynght 2021 Saint Lucie County Property Appraiser. All rights rew"ed_ x�xx'err-�c}rYrr. r :x;: I k a� - r _ s Y ! r• e �Y I " � nwr.�K::7C7 l iGxrxx::sac:::iac,�I ' Custom Soil' Resource Report t. Lucie County, Florida 4—Arents, 0 to 5 percent slopes Map Unit Setting Nati al map unit symbol: l jpt Elevation, 0 to 30 feet Mean annual precipitation: 49 to 88 inches Mean annual air temperature: 70 to 77 degrees F Frost -free period: 350 to 365 days Fam-land classification: Not prime farrnland Map Unit Composition Arms and simifar soils, 90 percent Minor cornporrents, 10 percent Est?mafes are based on observathotns, descriptions, and lransects of the mapunit, Description of Aran% Setti n g Landfoma: Rises on marine terraces Lanarfbtm position Three-dlmens+orralj: Rise Down -slope shave: Oonvex Across -slope shape: Linear Parent rrraterial: Altered marine deposits Typical profile 1 - 0 to 10 inches' sand 2 - 10 to 51 incha,S: sand A4 Eb - 51 to 80 incites: sand Properties and qualities Slope, 0 to 5 percent Depth to restrictive feature, More than 80 inches Drainage class, Sornewhat poorly drained Rtinoffclass: High Capacity of the most limiting layer to transmit grater (Ksat): High to very high (5_ 95 to 19.98 inthr) Depth to water fable: Abort 18 to 36 inches Frequency of flooding: None Frequency of pondingr: None Maximum salinity: Nonsaline to very slightly saline (0.0 to 2_0 mmhoslcm) So&um adsorption ratio, maximum: 4.0 Available water capacity: Very law (aWut 3,0 inches) Interpretive groups Land capability classOkation (irrigated): done specified Lard capability classification (r=f 4ated)., 5s Hydmlogic Sail Group: A Forage suitability group: Forage suitability group not assigned (C 1 D 999FL) Other vegelative classification-, Forage suitability group not assigned (G156BC999FL) t4ydrfc soil rating- No 10 Custom Soil Resource Report Minor Gwriponents Sanitary landfill Percent of map Un f: 5 percent Hydncsodrafing, Unranked Canaveral Percent of map unit_ 5 percent Landform: Dunes on marine terraces, ridges on marine terraces Landform posif0n (three-dimensional) Interfiuve Down-slbpe shape: Convex Across -slope shapa., Linear Other vegetafive classification: Forage suitability group not assigned {G1 S6B999I=L) Hydrrc soj! rat+gig: No 11 mission: To protect prwole & improve the heaO of all panot in Florida lhrou$ ac-iegmlcd Mate. wuntw & oarrmumwefiorts. Florida HEALTH Vision_ To be the Heallhiast State in the NaWn Eton deSanfis C-gdemcsr Scott AL ffirkees, FAD State Scogean GeveraI Florida Department of Health in t_ Lucie County Conditions for Issuance of Water Well Permits Effective Juiv 24, 2017 • Contact the Florida Department of Health in Saint Lucie County (FDOH — St. Lucie) prior to constructing or abandoning any well - a. Cali the FDOH — t_ Lucie Well Line at 77-873-4836 or email SL DQH-I EL-. ,5 FLFiEALT _ O b, Provide the following information: i- Permit number ii- Driller name iii- Address Iv, Date and tirne to begin constructionfabandonment + A minimum of 24 hours' notice is required before constructing any public water suppler wells- Please cal I our main office at 77 -87 -4931 and speak with Environmental Health Staff or provide notification by email to SLQQQH-WELLS@FLHEALTH.GQV *Submit revisions to permit and/or site map and associated fee within 48 hours of well construction or abandonment. Florida Department of Health St. Lucia County ] Accreaed Health Department 51,yq NW 6iiher Due • Fb't St Lure FI MRU I Public Health ACGr�dit�tion Board F1HONE= 772+4Ge-3M - FAX: "2+871-53GO S#LajcieC*untyHesl th.aom * x STATE OF FLORIDA P WIFrAPPLICATION TO CONSTRIKT. WAK MODIFY, OR ABANDON A WILL - � `3auCFtvnest p riliaErfdu� PPtrr;F.trl.EfiELlS5 G f,6nrlhws3# (notes ttequlCett Fle[ds i�mcr�,�p�cahfe� �St,lahna R;ia�r 77frxarv4rr,4 r�,rwGeru�w.at4k forearrp�¢r�ru �� �+ �u�Y4�nRl�en FiNAEsT trio �arrn undfoiwund�ngdryw,msq�pM9r'm ra Ehe .-DEP s/s7�oraKrdr4�,medowroMN�SY,ceq k !�DEeJnaatG� Autharioy (IfAppkeftbso PwmitxM 59-31B62 rbrkW Uha*� ID Paurcd 56pul ioma Rsx-alod (Sae , R&6adf 524 Quad ka [)a-vlu iun Na G11P1Y4F4; P App itatitrl No 1 4 'D-mr, Legg Narrme A Gurpurabon 'kLdmess 'Cryy 5la+� 'ZiP Tr [e; 3spne wulrlber 2 v 'VV80 L—b-- Aj+dfess, P�ftW Name ar NumbLr. Clay 3130 - M5-4181-000-6 3 & 4 �_ 7 'l5ard3al ID No. (PIISD OrAttomate % (Cirde Ones - — — Lat Brock Line �. I A P -� Lu C;h6C[If62-524[] Yes 0 No 'SeeLlm or Land Gran: `Town%Np `mange 'County Subdh&ian 5. James Pain Tyson 11352 954-81 B-4269 downthahole att.net Water Wall! ConEractor 'Llceriaa Numbw 'Telephone Nutthar E:anai[ Address 6, PC BOX 8a1496- Port St. LOe . F1 34988 WP'e'Wall Contraclzxs Address City State ZIP T. 'Type of Wo&: Cartnucklarr E] Repalr 0 WditicaJanD Abandonment 8_ 'NwrAr o.`PFoposgd V56s ? kcPb uk. R Dr � 9 . 'Spadly InUmded Use(s) of ¢'I S}r i--I10 ❑oftftt)A Landscape trligaiiinn 1 I Agrkm2l.Lual tniga5on SE:e Inwestig4dnna r Bott'aLidem d Wate- SuPAr Rrea[lan Area Irrigation p Lhmeboc& hilonRoring PuNcMtf--r$up*&.krdWuseD'o'd-[} Nuraerllar�sfl-jn Feat JUN 1 4 2021 Pub9p Vdat)er %up* (Canmurv'ty or Non-Comttwr%v.g71�} C0mmsrd9V[noustrW Earth CoLrplad Gen#s wal I I3stI k InJeo cxt ©© Golf Cease I rr9pow HVAG Sty* HYAC Ratum f 0R in 8F Luae Cou vla9� V Ir�ect:an; �] F��rtr�� 1,] CammeroaaVlnders#r'al EksRas$I 0 A,q ulfar StoraEg and Recoverk © f}rdcmta e : 4U=dk ti= RawveTyo Air Spar�]� Qther (Dmaidei N iRO�e�e H FJ ❑ OLhv We I VDiva-rC'rorn Saptic system If s 200 I'_ 119 Facili�ty �Q�oyscfrpii; er eWc _ 6 12. estlnlq d iza bate I3,"Es�r etgd Vielr depth . It -f=Eh m�Md 8sirlg Drpt-n l:.Q_11, Primary Casting D arnerer 2 n. Op9n HOW Fr= _�TD 0 j F51.1mme5d Suem tleraal= Frain -Tol 30 tL Primacy Ca.9slg a,1 m!;r- Black SPgI Ga1UaF1bMd 49e, $ladle" Sled Not I'bacd Other: S13 Vftd8fy Casing; '(f6rscope CaISN Liner Surf wC-nlrr9 d9wFWAer— in. 17_ Sa i Iary Cavlgg l iator, d 113* ;3Ieel GahmnFzz PVC S;ai lbm Steel MethadofCanslYlst l,Repadr,aeAbarldwrnrj: Auger QaWeTaol JMtl S Fdl Camblrration 01W €ff MWL. MallAWS) Hand DdvLm {Weil F4int. Sand PUMA Hydrauge Patna Mfact Push} ii4112utallsil6rg PkiggeCtbyApW=f.�!dNffrhod Qth (Uraal 19_ FWgFedC-CM[ing InttfvM for the PTirrygry. Secandary, and ktd[! F(GrrQ— Tda 105 seal 261atemr( aeoatanite t Orrrer_ .. 1 From TO Seal m.abaaal ( E.entorAa m Qnwl Other 1 Fttprq To . Seal UUW31 90M0r`3a Neat Cedatenl Other Fromm_ 'Co Seal ha dal Eltraoni!E Neap C tM It Ouner f 20_ V1110:2 t09E rilAmtef 01F ex:stdrrg vraUa on S.Te< C) List nurreber 0 uml med wells err site ..0 21.'!s m�t WE W ftM 6xLs+ir� via ar mlor with Ir'k otuner+s euntJ uous props wmred uminr a Con�=ptivpljhtar use Pwut (CUPS Wp) ar CIJPf'Au? Appllceiinn7 Yes Na yles. tampltto !he�1k3wwjg- No_ Di9te VMl ld . _ 22 Laltt�de Longftbde 23, Opm Qbw4nw From: G?S Map Su gray Datum: _____NAD 27 NAD M / MVVG5 84 R r tWWrQNW1rv1 Va renyEyvaY,. �.vz`l riac 4e T4W44 Fk.,.AdM k.tiea Cad,, and due■x ; -. .. re;:-Aq, Rur� .xy: a ba w.n .{ }� dybiaJ a io .,,. r. °'dh' Rat F�rh�arar ai ur W .tr. et � r . +....-.... p�w.r aeurr4arlrin I re M w+l a'4wC Adx{h�7JS, Fbgli�Frarf.nm.r,��ppa.ra.P��+a+W2 .�w�xior_InrrR wlairiuY.ve�prermS=Lam,-gaeo.rahiM W�lwednan �t+0.�iwa4o �cf /•'�Hrir.`4�r�r�d �.uw..+vm�e n. w•e1 M7 h�a.+J din �du+r. cma, a W&:C e , Iragpayy. 1 yea b pA kw ■wa n�por�fOhu as 14n C4.wr eKs In X&v gpfflkm d ddriatMv Cr Ds 4p4d wuvra� ear» i rl hs re C,4_' Ax'bh W 4apr gFW jft .k t>m4 '.,reH'. n.+Aanm. er . ar�yy ■,. �, a, r�Ylrire Pax air�dx .rayaN-.a a�rw`�x8e ,Ih7ehr�+wk►4et `q - � .M LknranNo, gnalrwdoffi orarAoam eta pp mvilI Gr aSBu Ay Fy■ Rf*ai'rad S. Issue C1a14/ � T i � � i�lrerll4n DGrfil R.prpl No. oheEk No HydW445LAppeov f khrlw IUS PERMIT IS NOT VAUD ONT111. PROPERLY; NED By AN AUTHORIZED OFFLCIcR OR Rr;N?ESENTr rnr5 07 THE VWD OR DELEGAi QD AUTHaRITY, THE PERWT SYkL SE AVAI:AE _E Jb r ThS WELL SITE DUMNO ALL 00N+t3TKUGMN. RFPAIR. M001FIr l MiL OR AuAw-cmaLEmr AGTMTIES_ Etraah* 133tm' ■E FLOOD ZONE` x k u. �1 14 ma •,r Y = M.DATE 2JACI 412 fE } # s 7 e s fa aqo Cafe 1" — 0' SET 1, /�.�aT FD. M& C- w-eQ+:a kTM a•aQ �� r4- I,k, � 4' E. ..mac*waaan�awur Q,<q 5. ni�uxnrmc�.M � 156- ��1c.Aamc� C Fit-,�1Vror.x .eva.-..t a � F r.. hS'•�hY: 4 T STORY RK `.ELL & 5EPM OF RAJ'_•c 7.PC r LOT t EOT 2 SB HCUSEtI— SETEL. Q7;' nnsiau.aaox d _ g Lk& 3 uTc L) W W 17 La> � :lOiJSE # r" A EL- E�.12?J' 70AW se r.5• oso 1 R I { 2JC1WtP.] s +sp.arx IiAkiIL ON AVENUE LOT 31/+s 5U k&L HOUSE & TAD -vAC r f�1.R.€L�t1.46' LOT ze/0 HOUSE RNILEL _M HALL -c TV WT 27/40 >a0U5E FWYLEL.1337 7s' pn:F SITE RMCHWARK r13,w EEvxjRM - JQW (A5UNE ) "°°•" ter,• ' i•Y ' DE=VnON,(SUPMED BY WaM `i °�'4•�- �'" WTS 3 AND # (AS OKPARCEL). BLOCK 47 OF IAKEWOD PART[ MT NO. 5". ACCORDING To N0TvALMvjrjHDTjTTHH3.ECiNA'FM THE FLAT THEREGF, A5 ffFONDED IN PLAT hI` TMORIMW,] * S.riSLOr BOOK It, PAGE 5 OF THE PUBLIC gE XDS I1 FiC1Kf�xtid U- ,+ RC T4 [+fit OF ST. LUCIE OWNTY. Fi,0ftA. .4M3&kPF0_iPJLC,•'S�Fa SAIb LANDS SITUATE IH ST, LUa€ COUNTY- FLORIOA. ,i MITCHELL AND A S` &G,i M ma 1i15 DMUiMENT MPARED Im TKE OFFICE OF. STA 71FICATE• pRIZxpO NT7k E64 75 :-A- MJT L AND ASSOaATES, PNc. tp85} A41) SURV€YIORS AND MAPPERS� ss &>,ti'- SOUTH MAcEDo BaEIL<vnRa +! OU ST, LUCIE. FLORIDA- 3490, CUN A. WCHOLL. ILLS. (772) 97$-7547 REQS%RED LANQ SURVEYOR AN6 "O ER FLORIDA REGISMATFON HO. L$ 41 {SINCE 1982) Ti82L9h r-A.W _._Mom I LDS 3 do BLOCI[ SL sa. Iu _pri�� .� � UNIT 5 �BOUNDARY AND Michelle Frraetkiin FA— Sault Lucie Gerrity Property Appraiser --AEI rights reserved. Property ldentificatiort SiteAddrms 8004 Pumel ID: 1301-605-0191- Account#_ 1211 S—T)-WgT angc_ 11I34S139E HAMIL ONAVE 0100-6 flap ID; I -VI IN Zanin-- R -4 Count Use `IMM, 0000 JLM' Kdjetiorl: Saint Lucie CoWyty Ownership Legal Description AhEl WYcosr$ki Toni �N' rSx}:n%vSki LAl{LWOOD PARK -UNIT 5- BLK 47 LOTS 3 AND 4 (MAP I3J1 IN) (op 3017-1 W 545 NE Solida CIR Port 5t Lucie, FL 34983 Current Values Historical Values 3-year Jus#,1�larket- S14,300 ,sows. $12.664 War 3usVMaruct Asseswd Exeruptions Taxable Extol iarrs- s0 Taxable: SIL664 Z020 514,300 512,664 SO 512.664 2019 $I3,900 S11,513 SO $11,513 2G18 $IV00 $10,467 SU 514,4 7 Time 1300k+page 08-28-2009 301710156 OC>-10-2005 228510654 08.05-MO-Ah 2037 i 1599 View= Year Built: N/-k PYiiti Lry ail' Full Baths; 0 HalfRaa hs- tj 6 YEF Roof Cover Frame $ tory Hei;ht; Sale History Sale Code iced Grantor xxW WD Pao domes i,LC, X 00 WD Ville7imodhy X00 WD Kaufman hotel D Primary Building Information Fi tiishcd .area Of this buildlag; 0 8F Gyros Skctc#and Arra- 0 SF ExunioT L1 ata Roof Swuclure; Building 7j pe- CcRde= Effective Yoar N/A NO. Urfitt; 0 Sacondary Wail; Interior Data A/C W 0°l Ewtric. Primary fret 11; Heated % - - NiAcY, Hest Type:; Avg Hgt+Floor 0 SlNintc3ed °fi: Ova Beat FWI. lsrimary Floors: Total Areas Finishedi[JnccrAir (M-1 Ciro Skmhed Arc= (SF)- Larry Size (acres}; l and Size (SF): Total Building Count; Special Features and Yard Items QtY unit Year ill Price S2l,000 597,000 558,�[IQ 0 0 41,45 19,650 1 1: irtf01MRV0-1 IS neiieveal to bn cvnrcct a` this lime. bug is subject to ch3W and is provided without any waar anty- 0 Caf yright 2021 Sa Ent Lucie Canuty Prop.-rty Appraises. A H rights rmrvcd. t. Lucie County Health Department 4 T; 5150 NW Milner Dr Port Saint Lucie, FL 34983 PAYING, ON- X BILL o-ocu:56-BI-526Q462 REOEIVED FROM: Dawn the Hole 11352 AMOUNT PAID: 116.00 PAYMENT FORM- CREDIT ARD_0.�8983 PAYMENT DATE: 04119/2021 MAIL. TO: Dower the Hole 11352 PO Box $81496 Pork Saint Lucie FL 34988 FACILITY NAME, Down the Hale 11352 PROPERTY LOCATION - PO Box 881496 Port Saint Lucie FL 34a65 Lot: Property ID, w -1 - Well Construction E PLrANATION or I)ESCRFPTION: Block. 1 QUANTITY FEE $ 115.00 RECEIVED BY: AdamsC AUDJT CONTROL NO. 56-PID-4947246 Note: 59-31862 - 8004 Hamilton Ave