HomeMy WebLinkAboutSurveyLE5AL DESCRIPTION: FROM THE NORTIOEST CORNER OF LOT 13, BLOCK 1 OF HARRIS SUBDIVISION, AS RECORDED IN PLAT'aOOK --N PAGE 5 OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA, RUN THEN SOUTH 23437' EAST, ALONG THE EASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF FLORIDA EAST COAST RAILWAY COMPANY 204.7 FEET MORE OR LESS TO THE SOUTH LINE OF MAIN STREET, 70 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 176.22 FEET: THENCE NORTH 176.22 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING SAID TRACT BEING A PART OF GOVERNMENT LOT 2, SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 36 SOUTH, RANGE 41 EAST, ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA. ABBREVIATIONS: R.O.W. = Right of Way CONIC. = Concrete R = Radius of curve L = Length of curve A = Delta of Curve MEAS. = Measured SET = Set 5/8" iron rebor With yellow cop marked "PSM 5543" X--X--X-= hain Link Fence 0--0-0-= ood Fence (&= PoWer Pole B3 = Water Meter ® = Bell South OH —OH —OH— Over Head Wires ®= We I I S.F.=Square Foot F.F.E.=Finished Floor Elevation (•)=Not verified by field measurement FD=Found 5/8" Iron Rebor PL=Value as plotted MS=Value as measured in field #=Value as platted & field measured Q�= Site Benchmark FD 'e SURVEYORS NOTES: CD 1. Unless otherwise noted only platted easements are shown hereon. 2. No underground utilities or improvements Were r located unless other*ise sho*n. 3. This site lies Within Flood Insurance Rote Map c Zone X Map# 12iiiCO292K Dated 2/19/20. 4. Flood.Zone sho*n hereon is an interpretation by the surveyor and is provided as o courtesy. s The flood zone should be verified by a determination agency. 5 5. Bearings sho*n hereon are based on the East line of Subject Parcel as being S 00'00'00" E according to the Plot described hereon. 6. P.U.D.E. denotes Public Utilities and Drainage Easement. 7. All Lot dimensions shown ore per plat unless otherwise shown. +28 ALL ELEVATIONS SHOWN HEREON .ARE BASED ON BENCH N.A �.D. 88 NORTH AI�ERICAN VER71CAl DAiu OF 1988 (4.A.V.D.'98) BENCHMARK NAIL AND DISK IN ROAD 'TREET _ � �— 20' R.O.W.- 20' ASPHALT ROAD J S 90'00r00n E 70.00 1 STORY FRAME & STUCCO CO ' F.F.E = 32 30 FlnLE -.. . T Ogg :, • . ill CREENE 0 ��a PORCH DE( 0 r— ��R 4r, AN F j j g 1 fi i' E't Li I MIN! x II FEN INSIDE Rx 4 LAST FIELD DATE:11/23/20 109 MAIN STREET SCALE: "=30 "Atlantic Lan��D~esigns DATE:3/22/05 of the Treasure Coast, L67468, 754 NE Jensen Beach Blvd. Jensen Beach, FL 34957 DRAWN: KAC Mailing Address: 2005-0465 A D5543@gmaencom (772) 398-42908 DATE: REVISIONS 5/5/05 REVISE CERTS 11/28/20 1 add topo STORY FRAME & SIDING In F.F.E. = 32.85 h N p LLJ � O i— � O O LO 0.20' F.F.E. = P xy,VR ,Vo NOT SUBDIVIDED BOUNDARY SURVEY I hereby certify that the survey sho*n hereon Is true and correct and is based on actual measurements taken In the -field. s�M- C6_f Cti\ 1Ff C, PSM 5543 1 att =lames ACesimlf.wltlanticland DesNm Ja . Cesiro Jr, ,�,<W.am.n�,mu,aa�,mad�A�S A . Oate:3070.11301Y37IB.050V Cp STATE OF NOT VALID WITHOUT AN AUTHENTICATED ELECTRONIC N FCO&LAP SIGNATURE AND AUTHENTICATED ELECTRONIC SEAL �0 suave°Q Po P2R.y- 20 ASPHALT RCA) B=ater Meter ®= Be't I South FD cONC. o S 90°00'00" E 7 .0 OH--OH--OH—= Over Head Aires x " ®_ Wei I �tihx S.F.=Square Foot F.F.E.=Finished Floor Elevation (*Y=Not verified by field measurement CD FD=Found 6/8" Iron Rebor `r PL=Value as platted MS=Value as measured in field #=Value as plotted & field measured 0.= Site Benchmark an nn STORY FRAME & STUCCO 20.15' F.F.E. = 32-30 N CREENE - Ypw atic � ,4a L co ��o• PORCH ,� � x IS SW W - {i2 G M (CD u+ w ^, t„ 3619' CD OO ' 24.0 o? " 7,52 1 STORY FRAME 75ZL ] Ebo &SIDING i/ FENCE 0.74' F.F.E. = 32.85 INSIDE PROPERTY ^. ax S- h N C L C � L C O C F O o ��x to �x S 0.2C do SIDING 7.44, F.F.E. = 3�5.3 a tFD CONC. C N a. � O -- NOT SUBDIVIDED ?N C. I Volz I l LAST FIELD DATE:11/23/20 109 MAIN STREET B O U N D A R Y S U R