HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit Application All APPLICABLE INFO MUST BE COINIPLe F06t APPLiCATiQR)30 BE ACCEPTED Permit Number: 9 1So Ll� CM ~�� �•`6�e, C O�tj� RECEIVED 10. :` '- Building Permit Application MAY 0 4 2021 Planning and Development Services R rmitting Department St. L�{cie County Building and Code.RegulationDivision commercial Residential . 2300 Virginia Avenue,Fort Pierce FL34982 , Phone:.(772)462-1553. Fax:(772)462-1.578 PERMITAPPLICATION FOR:ATT NTION:V ILLIAM PRQROSEDNPFtO�IEfi�I[�N1'LOGAT�O�+tr � �y������ �. �.�� 'X°� ._ .�g� ^�.� �` �4�,.',�. Address: 6585'NORTH US 1 Properly Tax ID#: 1406-131-0001 _ _. .. Lot No. . Site Plan Name:THELMA MOTEL,LLC Block No; Project Name: UNIT 5 I?I=T'AILEIiECR1P1t3I 6OF£VtIORi .2< f 4w y �'§ z r x tza ea_ ALTERATION 2(AFTER THE FACT) 1(1 rC G 0 cN *� Gw - 5U, g � c� �5 1nG �(ec New Electrical Meter.Second Electrical Meter r:cOISTRI.JCT41�:?1V 1NI=0RIVIATIOIV '. :• ` ` a' ^ { -' , 1. .n. $,h• -A Additional work.to be performed under this permit—check all that apply: __Mechanical Gas.Tank —Gas Piping_ Shutters ,Windows/Doors Pond Electric -.Plumbing —Sprinklers _Generator Roof Pitch, Total Sq. Ft of Construction: Sq.Ft.of First Flom . Cost of Construction:$ r`}00 Utilities. _Sewer Septic Building Height: a a a r rr 1 - E } V',C /l�E1Iw CQi1fTt3AGi'OR• x NameTHELMA MOTEL, LLC Name:JOSEPH M MOHR Address•465 RUSSE ROAD Cornpany:MOHR.DEVELOPMENT.GROUP,INC. City: FT.PIERCE State:_ Address•201 EAST MAGNOLIA STRi±ET Zip Code-'34946 Fax: City:ARCADIA State:FL Phone No.772473-1618 Zip Code: 34266 Fax: E-Mail: Phone N0863-244-9008 .Fill in fee simple Title Holder an next page(.if different E-Mail RWILLIAMS@MOHRaEVELOPMEINTGROUP.CQM. from the Owner listed above) State or County UcenseCGC1514901 if value of construction is.2500 or more,a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required. If value of HAVC Is$1,500 or more,a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required. DESIGNER%EfVGIIdEER. Not Applicable .MORTGAGE -Not Applicable Name:_Rotuuo j.cEOER Name: Address:431s eoxoLEN LANE Address: City:;TAMPA State: PL City: State: Zip:3M4 Phoneet3-as5-67a7 Zip-, Phone: FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLDER: _Not Applicable BONDING COMPANY: _Not.Applicable Name: Name: Address: .. _ Address: A City; City Zip: Phone: Zip: Phone: OWNER/CONTRACTOR AFFIDVIT:Application is.hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and installation w indicated, I certify that no work or installation has comrnericed.prior to the'issua ice of a-permit. St.Lucie County makes no representation that is granting a permitwll authorize the.perintt holder to build the subject structure which is in conflict with any applicable Home Owners Association rules;bylaws or and covenants that may restrict or prohibit such structure.Please consult with your Home-Owners Association and review your deed for any restrictions which may apply. In consideration of the granting ofthis requested permit,I do hereby agree that I will,in all respects,perform the work in accordance with the approved plans,the.Florida Building Codes and St.Lucie County Amendments. The following building permitapplications are exempt from-undergoing a full concurrency review_.room additions, accessory structures,swimming pools,-fences,walls,signs,screen rooms and accessory uses to another non-residential use WARNING TO OWNER:Your failure to Record a Notice of'Commencement.may result in paying twice for improvements to yourproperty.A Notice of Commencement must.:be.recorded in the public records of St. Lucie County and posted on the jobsite before the first.inspection.If you intend to obtain financing;consult wit witV lender or an attorney beforezornmencing work or recording our.Notice of Commencement. AL L .'16e S' tire of'Cli net/Lessee/Contractor as Agent for Ownerre of Contractor/License`Holdery ATE OF FLORIDA. STATE OF,FLORIDA COUNTY OFeEsoTo COUNTY OFnEsoro Sworn to(or affirmed)and subscribed before me of Sworn to(or affirmed su.)and scribed before me of X Physical Presence or Online Notarization X Physical Presence or Online Notarization this,3KH day ofAPRn.zort ,Zth'8'by this 30TH day cf APRlLzazt by JOSEPH.M.MOHR JOSEPH M.MotiR _ Name Iof person making statement. Name of person making statement. Personally known OR Produced Identification X Personally Known OR Produced Identification X . Type of Identification Type of I entlfication Produce 171.131-#M606-493466.36" Produce 'DLM600493.6S3s&.o {Signature of'Notary Publi (Signature atary Public-5 0 F a GABRIELA BONVILLE .. . Commission No, :%`,. �� No P tit State of Florida c+RY>i GABRIELA BONVILI.E' o. S,oR p GG 2357.33 'Commission NO. /`�, : >(!& jt�ublic-State of Florid orrr� .My comm.Expires Jul 8,2D22' ,,�`�1L tee" Commission> GG 135733 National Notary Assn, orn„ My.Comm..Expires.JutB;20 Bonded thro gh.National Notary Ass . REVIEWS FRONT ZONING SUPERVISOR PLANS VEGETATION. S A. COUNTER REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW DATE RECEIVED DATE .. COMPLETED eY.516/20