HomeMy WebLinkAboutApproved roof info sheet t \ �. c _1�� L'1f 41 t Y a LUCK I '0 S:—,j, i II - ST:LUCiE<COUNTY ROOFING PERMIT INFORMATION SHEET Florida Building Code 7th Edition(2020) Based on Section 1535:6f the Florida Building Code=Suildirig INSTRUCTION PAGE COMPLETE THE NECESSARY SECTIONS OF THE UNIFORM ROOFING SHEET APPLICATION FORM AND ATTACH THE'REQUCRE . DOCUMENTS AS`IVOTED sELOW: Required Sections `of' Attachments Required Roof System the:Permit Application See List Below Form Low.'Slope Application .A,.A C. 1,2A4,5,6,7 Prescriptive BU.R-RAS 150 A;-B,C 2,4;5,6,7 i Asphaltic Shingles A,B,D Concrete o'r,Clay,Tile A;B,D,E 11,2;3,4;5,67. Metal;Roofs A,.B,D. tWood.Shingles'and- A;B,D IA4.6,67 Shakes" _ Other As Applicable ATTACHMENTS REQUIRED As 4ppicable): 1, Fi'e Directory listing Page 2. From Product Approval: I front Page ' Specificsysterri Qescription t 'SpecificSystem Limitations 'General Limitations Applicable Detail Drawings —'Applicable Calculat ons:per.Chapter 16,or if applicable,RA51V orRAS 128. 4, ,Other cdrnponent of Product Approval 5, Municipal Permit Application 6. Owners Notification for Roofing considerations(Reroofing Only) 7, Any.Required Roof Testing/Calculation Documentation _ . ._._. . form Rooflnfokb21 Rev.Feb 18,2011 r JU E Section A(General Information) Master Permit No. Process No, Contractors Name: I Ve q 5:S e. Cbo-SI- KDof i g License 4 C G4 l3 30 6 5 3 Job Addres C/ad y 1" a � ROOF CATEGORY 0 Low Slope ❑Mechanically Fastened Tile.- ❑Mortar/Adhesive Set Tiles 0 Asphaltic Shingles 0 Metal Panel/Shingles DWood Shingles/Shakes El Prescriptive SUR-RAS 150 ROOF ROOF TYPE. • New roof 0 Repair D Maintenance 12 Reroofing O Recovering ROOF SYSTEM INFORMATION Low Slope Roof Area(SF) Steep Sloped Roof Area(SF) „ " Total(SF) .2c;L29 Section B(Roof Plan) r Sketch Roof Plan: 'illustrate all :levels and sections, roof drains, scuppers, overflow-scuppers :and overflow drains. ' include dimensions of sections and'ievels,,clearly identify dimensions of elevated pressure zones'and location of parapets: i f 1I J . is z S: is .- I, F I l � - g�. ( 1 5 a ."1 1 I • - 'x5 'Y�ti`tom". S - . 4k wss { { 4 f ST A h . : ,k Sectiont(Low Slope'Roof), Surfacing: Fill in specific roof assenibiy.cornponents and identify Fastener Spacing for Anchor/Base'SheetAttachment: manufacturer 1:� oc@ ap, Row ®Zone _ °o0 (If a component is not used,identify as"NA") Zone 1:_. "oc @Lap;#'Rows ®_°00 System Manufacturer: Zone 2 "oc'@:Lap;:#'Rows @ "� ' Zone 3:_"oc•@'.Lap,.#Rows oo " Product Approval No.: Number of Fasteners Per Insulaiion:Board: Design Wind Pressures;From•RAS 128'Or Calculations: Zone 1': one 1: Zone 2• Zone 3 Zone'1': . _ Zone fi: Zone 2: Zone 3i 111ustrate'Components Noted and Details as Applicable: Max.*Design_Pressure;from the specific product-approval Woodblocking, Gutter, Edge Termination, :Stripping, system:.. Flashing; Continuous Cleat, Cant Strip, Base Flashing, Counterflashing,'Coping,Etc.; Deck: indicate: Mean Roof Height, Parapet Height,Height.-of Base Type: Flashing,Component:Matec'ial,Material'Thickness,Fastener Type,.Fastener Spacing orSubmit Manufacturers Details that Gauge Thickness: Comply with RAS,111•and Chapter:16., Slope: Anchor/Base Sheet.&No.df Ply(s): 'Anchor/Base Sheet'Fastener/Bonding Material: FT. 1risu'lafion Base Layer: { Base lnsuitation Size and Thickness,: Parapet Base Insulation Fastener/Bonding Material: Height Top Insulation Layer: I Top.lnsulation Size and Thickness:.. .. . FT., i top Insulation Fastener/Bonding Material:' .I Mean 'Base Sheets)&No.of Ply(s): ---- — --_ Roof Base Sheet Fastener/Bonding Material: Height a t I P oheef(s)'&No.`of Ply(s)s. . { Ply Sheet Fastener/Bonding Materials ` Top Ply:. { Top.'Ply Fastener/bonding`Maierlal: Section D($teep.Slope Roof System) Roof.System Nlanufac arer V h� o =' C,a3-r.U ciG, '1 n NOU'ed of Acceptance Number F� ad M1n}inum 4o Ign MFIO Pressures If AP00661e From:RAS 2Z7 or Calculatibns)s Zone.l 67�one 2e: one Zn• he 2r 8 a Zone 30 9 Zane 3r: Type'UnderEayntont: a» 5-�- Roof Slope . Jnsulaflon:. ....... .:.: RidgeVent�(atian? FastenerTYpe$�'Sp�cing ' �AdnesEw'rype �e C� Sheen: Mean Ftaaf`HeIglrt S �r_ N. Roof 66verng: 5 TYpe S:Siz Drip Ed o�Jta r I 9e ' S TO 'LUCIE Section lE(Tile Calculations) For Moment based til6system"s,dkbose either Method i ori Compare thiva*1u6s,for'Mr With the valUeS ffo rhM*.lfthe'Mfvalu6s . are greater than or equal to the-Mrvalues, for each'area of the roof;then the tile attachment method is acceptable::. Method I'Micirriefit.Based Tile Calculations.Oer.'RM 12T (zone I- :.ia ProclOc A Approva!'M"--..— '(Zdhe-26: xX Product Approval -p (Zoihe.2n: Mg: =106 Product A'ppr6Val,lVl.i— Vone 2r: xX— . --J Mg: =Mv 'Peo-duct-App"roval Mf .12orie 3e'-, 'x Nz, Mw Product Approval M'f— (2one 3r; x)- Me Product.Approval M' Nethod.2"Simplified Tile'Cilculations Per Table-Below' Required MorhOnt of Resistance(M&trom Table Bdow—Product Approval M K required Moment Resistance Mean Roof Height Roof Slope '15. -25' 40' 2:22 34.4 36.5 38.2 .39.7 42.2, 3- 44.4 36.0 37.4 412 l M4 32.2 1 33.8 35.1 313. 5:12 28.4 30.1 -31.6 32.9 14.9. 6:12, 26.4 28;0 29.4, 30.5 7:12 24A 2579, 27.2 28.2 *Must be used friconjunction With a list of moment based file systems •For Uplift based the systems use Method 3.Compare the.61u6t for F'with the values for Fr It the F'values 're-greater than or va s.a re. equal to:the Fr values;for each area of the tr&bftheh the tile attachment'method,is acceptable, Method 3"Uplift Based THO'616ulations Per.'W.12-T (Zonel-., x L.- =x W-.=____)-W:—cos r =Fa_ PtoduE,t Approval F' vone4e- x*L =)(W:= -w* cos r =Frze 'Product A ail F' pprov Vone2n: ,XL--=xW:=---J.-W:--._cosr- =Fr2,_ Prddutt Approval,-F' cos r .=Fr2r Product o uct Approval F'. (Zone 3e: _x L. =x W-= )-W: cos r :=Fr3b Product Approval F' ,(Zone 3.r: W-,,�= j-W: 'cos r, =Fr3r P.roiluc'tApproval F' W46r.6 to obtain information Description- Symbol Where to find 'ap -bl table InRAS-127 orb nehglheering'analysis From applicable e b6sign Pressure Zohes 1,2e,in,2r,3e,3r . 'Y prepared by-PE based;on AkE 7 Mean Roof Height i H Jo6'Slie Roof Slope I :0 '06b.'Slte Aerodynamic,Multiplier Product Approval Restoring Moment dueto Gravity Pr6ductAppr6val Attachment Resistance Product Al5prbV61 _J Required Mom6ht Resistance M, Calculated Minimum Attachment Resistance F' Product Approval Required Up lift r Resistance: Fr ^Calculated Avefa&z rlile'Welght w Praduct.Aliproval Tile DiDimensions ----44- L=lbrieh W=width Product Approval Ali.-calculations must be submitted to the building official at the,time of permit:application..