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FL'# �Y p
FLvision1502' R12 ®� COMP 1g4o
Application Type" Revision (� ,,�Y1��r
Code Version 2020 �'® . a�+�� COUW
Applicatlon status Approved STa. - V ��
9® y
Product Manufacturer Owens Coming Roofing andiAlsohiltt;4C
,,Address/Pfione/Email One`OwenS Coming Parkltiay
Toledo,;;OH 43645
Greg,Keeler@owensccrning:cd n
Authorized.Signature Keel&r Greg
Greg:Keel er@oweriscdrn ing.co m
Technical Representative: Greg Keeler
Address/Phone/Emall 2790 Columbus Road
Granville,OM 43023
greg:keeter(glowensco'ming com
Quality Assurance gepresentative
•Ad dress/Phone/Email'
Category Roofing
Subcategory Underlayments
Compliance Method Evaluation Report.fr6 a Florida Registered ArchiEect,or'a;Licensed Florida
Professional Engineer
Evaluation Report Hardcopy;Received "
Flbrida'tn o gineer rArchltect Name who,developed the Robert Nieminen
.Evaluation Report
`Florida Ucense PE=59166.
Quality,Assuranc' Entity• Intertek testing.Services NA,Inc, QA:Entity
Quality As'surance.Cohtract Explration Date i23i/2023
Validated By. John W.Knezevich,PE _
P,Validation Checklist-Hardcopy'ReceiGed
Certificate of_Independence FL11G02 Rig Csli 20? 01 -Cai'NIEjlLNEN•ndf
Referenced Standard and Year(ofStandard) Standard Year
ASTM D1970 2015
ASTM D4533(tear strength) 2015
ASTM DON(weathering) 2011
ASTM'D4f364:(Iigii(d transmission) 3016
-ASTM D5035(tensile): 2011
FRSA/TRI,S icth,Edition 261B
UL,1897 2015
E4uiv6ierce of Product Standards
Ceitifl'W By
httpsalfloddabpilding org/pelpr_app dtl.aspx 1/2
5/6/2021 Fiorida Building Code Online'
-Sections d'rhr ftCode
Produd.Approva..I Metho8 Method 1 Option D
:Date Subniltt6d 0241/2021
Date Validated 02/14/2021
:Date Pending FeC Approval 02/23%2021
,Date Approved 64/13/2021
:Date Revised 04ji9%2021
Summa` of Products
FL# Model,,Numher or-Nartie Description
116.gM ; Titanlum Roof IJnderlayments, Syntheticsheet4ype rob underlayments
Limits of Use InstailationInstruou-
Approved for use'1n.HVH2:"Nv FL13602 AlZ II '2021 02 32 FINAL-ER TITANIUM FL'11602
Approved for use:outside HVHZ:Yes R12.
Impact Resistant:'N/A ,Verified By R.obert`Nieminen.PE.59166
Design Pressure.;+NJA/i42i5• Created by Tridependent Third:Party:•Yes
Other 1.}'The design pressure'noted;Herein pertains to use Evaluation Reports,."
of'a;specificunderlayment system tieneath"tile,roof syst6l . ,FL11602 R AE-2D21 02 i FINgt;ER�TTTANTUM FLi'1602
Referto ER Sectlon'S.8:3 for'details.24-Refer to ER Sections MP_d#
Sand 6 for.other.Limits of Use." Created by.Indepen jent TFiIrd,Party Yes-
.C.,it.ct U ;; 601 Blair Stone(toad.TallphaSki!:FL32399.Phone:=850-437=IRZ,4
'hie'State of florida,ls an nti EO-em to er.C lit 2007-2013 State'of Flotida. Privacv'Sta[ement,:;Actessriiiiitv•Staterrient::'Re/und•SfStemerit-
Under flMda Taw;eMaii addresses are public records If you ifo not Want your C..Maiaddress released In response to a p6biic records request,do boi send cleiroriic
mail:to this entity:lnstead,:coritact the office by phoneor by'tradltional mail.If you have any questions,please contact 850:487.1395.-Pursuant to'Secti6n.455.275(1),:
Florida statutes;effective October L.2012,licensees ilcensed under Chapter 455,F.S.must pr6ide.the;Department with an onalt address If they have one.The emalls
;provided may used for oMc'iaPcomniunlcation with the llcensee:Howeveremaii addresses are public record.if you do not wish tId supply a personal address;please
provide'the Department with anemall address vihich can'be made avallable'to the public.To determine If.you are a llcensee.u6cler Chapter 455,F.S.,please dirk em
ProducE Approval A2ceptsr
Safe.' -
httpsa/floridabtiilding.org/prlpr]app_`d0. s'' �j2
NE(VIQ�`ef ,
Certificate of Authoriaaifoh#f32455
353.Christian StreeE;Unit#13
Oxford,CT b647-
Owens Corntng`Roofing an i4sphalt,LLC Evaluation Report'111980;11.Oi3-it13
One Owens Corning Parkway FL1 (i02-R12
T6gLdo,`Ql-i 43659 bate of issuance:ll103/2008
(740)311.6345 - Revision.13;'02/12/2021
This Evaluation R.eporE as issued under Rule;61G20-3.And Ahe applicable rules and regulations'governing'.the use of
construction materlals'.in the Sfate of iFlonda.l he:documentation.submitted;has been reviewed by.;Rpbert Niemben,
P.E.for use of.:the orotluct under the:Florida:Building Code. The'products`d6'lbed.herein have been evaluated for
c6mpllant-6 with.the`7th Edition.(1020)Florida Building Code sections noted herein:
;DESCRIPTION TltaNum®Roof Untlerlayments
LASEL ` Labeling shall be. in accordance with the requirements of.the Accredited Quality.Assurance:Agency noted.
.herein and FBC 15071.1.
CONTINUED COMPLIANCE:This Evaluation'Report is valid unf l such fthe_as the named produd(s):changes,the referenced
Quality Assurance or production facility locati,on(s)changes,{or Code provisions that relate to the,product(s) cf anger
:Acceptance of',our Evaluation'Reports by the flamed clienf constitufes:agreement:to notify MEMO ETC, LLC-,of any
changes to the product(s), the Quality Assurance ar the producti6ii facility;aocation(s) 'NEMO ETC, LLC:requires a
complete review of its Evaluatiari Report relative to updated:Code requirements with each Code Cycle:
ADVERTISEMENT:The Florida Product Approval Number (FL#)-preceded'bythe.words`"NEMO,Ietc::Evaluated":may be
dlsplayed in advertising literature. If`any.:portion of'the Evaluation Report is displayed;f en'it:shall•be;done in.its
entirety.. '
INSPECTION:Upon request,a copy of;this-entire Evaluation:Report shall be provided't'o'the user bythe.manufacturer or
its:distributors'and shall be available-for insp'ectionat the'job-site atihe request of the Building Official,
,,This Evaluatioh Report consists of pages l•through 8;
;r ca FI le ;
vim:..-.na..s .,Q.-»..'" •r
y r�r
Robert J.M.Nieminen,PS.. .'ems :�oT� the'facsimile seal appearing was authorizedbyRobert
Fforfda i?egf3rration No.59256,Fiorld6''DCAANE1983 `�''!:�-In Nieminen,P E,on 01/12/2021.This does-riot serve as ao
electc6n:161iy signed,document'..
ETC,'LLGdoes not",hav%nor does it;intend to acquire'or will it"acquire;'a financial interest-imany.company manufacturing or
rdistributln"g;"producfs it evaluates. '
2. ,NEMO ETC,LCC Isnot:owned,roperated_o"r controlled'by'any company manufacturing or distributing'proddi is it evaluates:
3. Robert'Nieminen;'01.does not'have nor, ill,acguire,a"",fii ai interest-in any-company manufacturing or distributing products for
which the evaluation reports are.tieliig lssued..
4. 'Robert Nieminen,P.E,does not'have,nor will acquire,a financial interest in any-other entity fnvolvetl in.the approval process of;fhe
product. `
S. This is a building code evaluation ':Neither NEMO ETC,LLC nor Robert Merrilhen,P.E.are,.in any way,,;the•.Designei ofRecord-for any
project ion which thisivaivation'Report,.or previousveis'ionsthereof is/was used for'permitting or:deslg?!guidance unless retained
specifically for hat,purpose.
.. _��,
-. �
_ ,
NEM01 etc.
Product Category. Roofing"
'Sub-Category:. Und6layment
Compliance Statement.'Titanium19 Roof.Unde-irldymenits,as produced-by Owens Corning Roofing and.Asphalt,
LLC,.have'.derhonstrated-compliance with.the following sections of the 71h Edition(2020)FloNda Building Code
through testing in accordance With applicable sections the following Standards. Compliance is subject to the
Installation Requirement's and Limitations/Conditions-of Use set forth herein:
/ Section! - Pro a Standard' Year
1504:3,1 Wind.resistance U1.1897 -201.5
1507.1.1,1507.2.4,1507.2.9 2/R9051.1, sMaterial standard ASTM D1910 2015
1S07.1-A. 63',Exception),11507J.1.1(5)J Tearstrength ASTM D4533 .2015
R9051A.I(Mj ExcepiidrivR405.1.11(5)
1507.1,1.1(2&3,Eiiceptlon),11507.1.1A(5)% Tensile strength ASTM D5035 -2011
1507.1.1.1(5)/R905.1.1:1(5) Liquid water transmission ASTM•D4869 3016
1507.3.3/,11905.3.3 Mater'lal standard FR5A/TRI,Sixfh Edition 2019
TA5110 Accelerated Weathering ASTM D4798 2011
Entt •.'Examination`..". Reference Date
ERD(TST6649) Various,system tests 135520.06.11 .06/15/2011
ERD(TS.T6049) Wind Uplift 135520.08.11-1 08%.12/2011
ITS'(TST1509) FRSA/TRI,partial 3126617COQ=005 .16/31/2007
ITS(TST3509) ASTM D48691 LWT 161823107COQ=067A 12/09/2014
Owens.Corning Prod uct.equivalency 'Declaratiori :06/18/2018
NEMO(TST6049) FRSA/TRI,file slippage 4j-OC-19-SSUDL-01:A 06/14/2019
PRI(TST5878) -ASTM D1970 OCF-341=02-01 09/20/2017
PRI(T5T5678) FRSA/TRI,partal 0CF-343-02-01 11%09/2017
PRI(TSTS878) ASTIVI D4798,'D1970 OCF-341-02-01 11/27/2017
PRI(TST5878) TAS"117(8);'Pull4hrough oitt 422-02-02 1 .04/03/2018
PRI(TST5878) FRSA/TRI,partial OCF-425-02-01 OS%13/2018
PRI TST5878 UL1897 -1378TO02( ) 07/SO/2019
PRI(TST5878) ASTM_D1623,TA5103 OCF-507-02-01 { 08/13/Z019
PRI(TST5878) OL1897 1378T0117 10/20/2020
PRI(TST5878) ASTM D4533,D4798,D5035 1378TO110. ! 10%15/2020
PRI(TST5878) ASTM D4533,D4798,D5035 1378T0311 ! 10/15/2020
PRI(TST5878) ASTM'D4533;D4798,'D5035 1378T0112 10/15/km
PRI(TSTW9)' ASTM D4533,D4798,D5035 1378T0059 02/13/2020
PRI.(TST5918) ASTM D8257=20 1318T0061 1 01/21/2031
'ITS(QUA1673) Quality Control Service Confirmation 12/09/1020'
ITS(QUA1673) Quality Control Florida SC18 Current
NEMO ETC,.LLC Evaluation Report'11198D.31.68-R13
Cb&ficoteofAuthntuation#32455 7mEDITION(2020)FBCNON-H-V'HZ'EVALUAT1ON F111602•R12
Ttaniuni®Roof Underiayrnents'• Revision 13:02/12/2021
Page I of a
NEnno etc.
1 '•.
Product: MateriatStandard Plant(si� Description
41 TitaniumP PSU-30 ASTM D1970.iihd Dubai,'UAE unreinforced pblyreern :ma
SAJTRI 09=18 Brentwood,NH ' adhered to the underiide'of a polymer-coated,-
syntheticwoven 5heet..The underside is backed
with a-release film.:Uhit Weight 241bs/square
4.2 Titanium"UDL-25 1507.1.1:1(20, Qingdao,China syntheticsheet-type.underlayment comprised of
.Exception),1507.1.1:1(5)/ a woven corecoated on one side with a polymer
R905.1.1.1(2&3, coating: Unitweight2:Slbs:/square
4:3 Titaniurrie UDL-30 1507,1.1.1(20'. Qingdao_,China synthetic sheet-type Gnderlaynment cdrnorised of
Exception),.iM 1A 1(5)% a''woyen core coated on'both sides with a.
R905.1.1.1(293, polyrrmercoating. Unitwelght4.0lbs./square'
4.4 TitaniumO ODL-50 1507.1.1.101, Qingdao,China synthetic sheet type underlayment comprised of
Exception) 1507.1.1.1(5)/ a woven core coated on,both sides-with a
R9051.1:1(2&3, polymer coating. .Unit.weight 4.7 lbs./square
4r5 Tmtaniume X30 1507:1.1.1(2&3; Qingdao,China synthetic sheet-type underlayment comprised of
Eit6eption),1507:1.1.1(5)1 a non-woven'polypropylerie top scr m1aminated
R9M.1:1.1(2&3, 'to a central non-woven polypeopylerie scrim with
Exception),R905.1.1.1(Sp polymeric coating on the bottom side. 'Unit
ASTM D8257 weight 5.0 Ibs./square.
5.1' a building code'evatuation Tdeith,ii NEW ETG,LC nor Robert N eminen,p .are
This is pre,in any way;the"'Designer
of Recordfor any project.onwhich this Evaluation Report,'orprevious versions thereof,_is/was used for permitting
or design guidance unless'retained specifically for that purpose.
5:2 This Evaluation Report.Knot for use in FBC`High Velocity Hurricane Zone.jurisdictions(i.e:,Broward and Miami-
5.3 This Evaluatibn'Report of rtalhs�to above-deck'roof components. Roof'deeks'and structura'i members shall be in
accordance with FBC requirements to the satisfaction of the Authority"H#irig Jurisdiction.
-5.4 This Evaluation Report-does not include evaluation of fire'clas"s.ification. Refer to FBC 1505 for requirements and
.limitations regarding roof assembly fire classification; -Refer to FBC,2603 for.•requirements and.limitations
concerning the use of foam plastic insulation.
'5 5 Titanium® Roof Underiayinents may,be'_used with any,prepared roof cover''where the"product'is specifically
referenced within FBC'approval'documents: if not listed', a :request may;be made to the Authority"Having
Jurisdiction for approval based on this evaluation combined with supporting'data for the prepared roof covering..
56 Allowable Roof.Covers:
FBCSectlen: J507.2 IS07.3 1S07.4&JW.S' 1507.7 1S078&'1507.9
Clay and Concrete Tile
Asphalt metal Panels. Slate or Slate- Wood Shingles and
Underiaylnent, Mechanical Adhesive-
Shingles - Attach g� and Shingles. TypeShingles ' Shakes,.
Titanium'°P5U-30 :Yes Yes Yes(see S:G.IJ Yes; Yes (iointstrips,1501.1.1.3/
Titaniumd UDL-25 Yes No, No Yes Yes No
NkMO ETC,'LLC Evaluation Report 1119W.31:08-R13
CeitftareofAuihwhaifonk31455 7t6ITiON'(2(l20)FBCNONrHVH2 EVALUATION. FL11602•R12
Titanium°Rout Under_layments Revision 13:02%12/2021.
page 3 of 8
FBCSecdon: .25072 1507.3' _ 1507.4&"1307.5,.. ]50i7: 1507.8$1507.9,.
Clay and Concrete Tile
Asphalt Metal Panels Slatc or Slete- ',Wood Shingles and,
Underiayment Mechanical A'dhes►ve-'
Shingles At4aeh g and Shingles type Shingles. Shakes
Yes Yes.
Titanium®06L-30 Yes (BaseSheetin (BaseShec£in Yes Yes No
2=plygm1m). 2-ply system)
Titanium"UDL=50 Yes No 'No Yes Yes No. ,
Titani0m19;X30 Yes No No Yes Yes No
5.6.1 Adhesive=set is limitedto'use of following underlayment y tile-adhesive combinations.
Underlayment Adhesive Florida Product Approval
'Pupont'Tile Bond'",Roof Tile Adhesive'' FL22525
Titanium°PSU-30 ICP Adhesives and sealarits'"Polyseta AH-160" FL6332
ICP Adhesives and Sealants"PolVsetli RTA-1" FL6276
5.7 Allowable Substrates-
Substrates esigned to meet Wind loads:for.oi bct)
Underlayment Application
Type Primer Maferlal(s)
'Deck[theathing. (Optlonal)ASTM D41, Plywood
None ASTM'D226;Type.11 felt
Titanium0 P5U-30 self-adhering ,
Base sheet ASTM D41 Titanium0 UDL-30
None Titan)uni°,UDL-30(inverted)
5.8' Attachment Limitations:
5.8.1 For use under mechanically attached NQIV-TILE prepared roof coverings,,attachment shall be in accordance with
the manufacturer's installation instructions,Out—foe mechanically attached underlaymenis or base sheets-riot
less than FBC 1507.1.1 or.R905.1.1,
SA-.2 For 'use under tile roof systems; attachment.shall'be-in accordance with the manufacturer's installation
instructions,but not less than Section-5.8.3 herein.
5 8:3 Wind Resistancefor'Underlavment5ysiems in Tile RoofApWicat16nsi
The following wlnd:uplift limitations apply-to underlayment systems'that are not prescriptive in the FRSA.'/irRI
Florida HighWind Concrete and Clay Roof Tile Instailation-Mvnual,Sixth Edition. The Maximum Design Pressure
is the-result oftestingfor.wind load resistant:e.based on allowable mind loads,and reflects the ultimate.passing
pressure divided by'2(the'2 to 1'margin:of safety per"FBC 1504:9 has already been appiled). Direct=to=Deck:.
The:makimurn design pressure for the-Selected a55eer ly,shall meet'Or.exceed that,required under'FRSA/TRI
Florida High Wind Concrete'and Voy Roof Tile installation.Manual;Sixth Edition,Appendix'A,Table 1A or the
critical(highest)design pressure determined in accordance viiith`FBC 1609 or FBC Residential Chapter 3.
fer to Tile Manufacturer's or Adhesive M6nufacturer's Florida Product Approval for Overturning Mornent Res stance-Performance.
'NEMO.ETC,LLC' Evaluation Report 111990.11.08R13
Cgr0ficateofAuthorigotion#32455 J"-EDITION,(266)NCNON-HVHZEVAWATION FL11602=R12
Titaoluni Roof Underlaytnents 'Itevislon1 02/12/2021
Page it of B
#1 Miximurn Design Pressure=-45 asf:
Deck: Min.15/32-inch plywood to meetprojectrequirements to'satisfacfion of Authority Having Jurisdiction.
Primer., (Optional)ASTM D41
Underlayment: One or two plies Titanium® PSU-30, self-adhered and back=nailed max:6"',o.c:.with 12'ga.:galvanized
.annular rink shank nails through 32 ga,y 1-5/8=inch diameter tin caps'.1n.accord ance:with Owens. rning
'Roofing and Asphalt,LLC published installation requirements.
#Z Maximum Desir?n Pressure=442.5'n3f:
Deck: Min.15/32-lnch plywood to meet projectrequiretnents to satisfaction of Authority Havinglurisdiction.
Primer: None
Underlayment: :One ply Titanium°PS6736,self-adhered andtack-nailed fn x.6"o:c..With 12`ga:galvanized'annular rink
shank nails through 32'ga„VS/8-Inch diameter tin caps'in accordance with Owens Corning'Roofing and
Asphalt,LLC published installation requirements. Mechanically-Attached BaseSheet:
The maximum.design pressure for-the selected,assemblyshali meet or exceed that required under FRSA/TRI
Fiorido'High.Wind Concrete and Clay Roof Tile InstallotionVonuol, Sixth Edition,Appendix A,Table'1A or the
critical'(highest)design pressure determined in accordance with.FBC 1609:or FBC Residential Chapter-1.
,Aiternafively,the maximum design pressure.for the'•selected assembly shall meet.or exceed at least the Zone.
design pressure determined in accordance with FBC 1609 or FBC Residential Chapter 3; Elevated pressure zones
shall employ an attachment density designed by a qualified.design professional to resistthe elevated pressure
criteria. Corm onlyUsgd methods are ANSI/SPRI WD1,FM Loss Prevention Data Sheet 1=29,Roofing Application
Standard RAS'117•and;Roofing Appiication"Standard RAS 137. Assemblies'marked with an asterisk*,Carry-the
limitations set forth in 'Section . of FM Loss Prevention :Data Sheet 1-29 '(February 2020) for
#3 Maximum Design Pressure=-30 asf":
;Deck: Min.IS/32-inch plywood'to meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority Havint.lurisdiction.
Base Sheet: Titanium®UDL-30(invert0d)
.Fasteners: 12 gd.'annular ring shank nails having not less than 26 rings per Inch,heads'not less than 3/8 inch'diameter
and'length.sufficient to penetrate through the thickness of deck not less than 3/16-inchwith'mim 32 ga.,
1-5/8";diameter tin caps
Spacing:` 6-inch o.c.at 4-inch wide side laps and 12-inch o.c.at three,(3),equally spaced_center rows.
Primer: ASTMD4lprinrier'requiredat all tin-caps.
Underlayment; ;One or"two:plies,T1tanl' m0:P$U 30,self-adhered and back-nailed max. 5"ox,with 12 ga.,galvaniied
annular rink shank"nails through 32 ga.;1-5/8-inch diameter tin capsin'accordance with Owens Corning
'koofing,and Asphalt;LLC published.installation requirements.
#4 Maximum Design Pressure=-30 nsf*
Deck: Nl In,15/32-inch plywood to,meet project requirements to.satisfaction of Authority HaVingJurisdiction.
Base.Sheeti Titanium°'UDL-30'(printed.side up)
Fasteners: 12 ga.r'annulae ringshanknaiis having not less than 20 rings per inch,heads not eez than 3/8 inch'dianieter ,
and length sufficient to penetrate through the.thickness of deck not less than3/164nch with min.32 ga.,
i-5/8"diameter tin caps;,
Spacing: 6-inch-o.c;at,47inch wide side laps and 12-inch'o.c.atthree(3) equally spaced center rows.,
Primer: ASTM D41 primer required over printedside of UDL-30.
Underlayment: One or two plies,Titanium°, PSU 36,self-adhered and back=nailed'max..6":o.c:with 2 ga,galvanized
annular rink shank nallsAhrough'32 ga.,1-5/8-'Inch diameter caps In accotdance With Owens Corning
Roofing and Asphalt,LLC published installation requirements.
Evaluatipn Report 111980,11.08-R13
'Cent cote o Ad[huiitdthmN32955 7n)EDIfl0N 2(i20 FBC NON.HVHZ EVALUATION.
� f ( i •FLI3602-R32'
Titaniuroe Roof Underiayments Revision 13:02%12/2021
Page 5 Of`8
O. NW61 etc.
-#5 MaArWyrn-Design Pressure=-45 Psf*:
Deck: Min.,15/32-Inch plywood to'rneet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority Having jurisdiction.
Base Sheet: Titanium=UDL•30'(inverted)
Fasteners;. 12 ga:annular ring shanklnails having not less than 20 rings.per inch,heads not,lessthan 3/8 inch diameter
and length.sufficient. penetrate through the thick'ne'ss of deck not less than 3/164rich with min.,32 ga.,.
1-5/8"diameter tin caps,
Spacing: 6-Inch:o.c.at 4-inch wide's)de laps and 8-inch o c.at three(3),.equaliy spaced center rows.
Primer: ASTM D41 primer required at all tin-caps.
Underlayment: 'One.or plies,Titanium"PSU 30,'self-adhered and back-:nailed 6"o.c.with 12 ga.galvanized annular
rink shank nails through 33 ga.,'1-5/8-inch diameter tin caps,in accordance'with Owens Coming Roofing
and Asphalt,'LLCpublished Installation requirements.
#6 Maximum Design Pressure=-4S dsf*:
Deck: Min.15/32-inch plywood to meet projectxequiremerits to satisfaction of Authority Having Jurisdiction:
Base Sheet: TitaniumO UDL-30(printed side up)
Fasteners: 12 ga,.annular ring shank nails having not.less than 20 rings per inch;heads'not lesss than 3/8 inch diameter
and.length sufficient to'penetrate'through the thickness of deck,not less than 3%16'- 32 inch with min:- ga.,
1 Val"diameter tin caps:
Spacing: 6-inch bit.at 4-inch wide side laps and 8-inch o.c,at three(3),equally spaced.center rows.
Primer: ASTM D41.primer required over printed side of UDL-30.
Underlayment: One or,two plies;Titanium'PSU 30,self=adhered and back-nailed'6"ox,with 12 ga.galvanized annular
rink shank nails through 32 ga.,1=5/8-in6h diameter tin caps in accordance with Oweris Corning Roofing
a rid.As0halt,LLC published installation requirements.
53 Exgosure'Limitations:
Underlayment Prepared.Roof Cover tnstallation Type Maximum Exposure(days)
TitaniurhO PSU-30 Mechanically attached 180
Adhesive-set the 30
Titaniumm UDL-25;Titanium®'.UDL-30, mechanicall attached 180
Titanium®UDL-50,Titanium°:X30 y
5,10 Tile Slippalte Limitations: When loading roof tiles on the,underlayment In:direct-deck'tile assemblies, the
Sriaxiniu'm roof slope shall'be as follows. These slope limitations Can only be exceeded'by using battens during
loading of the roof tiles.
UnderlaymenE Tile Profile Staging Method` Maximum.Slope
Flat Max,10-tile'stack 5:12'
Flat Max 5-tile stack 6:11
Lugged Max.lO-tile stack 4. 12
Lugged Max.5-tile stack 5:12
'.Max.10-tile stack ljover 51
Lugged 5:12
NEN10 ETC,LLC, Evaluation Report 111980.11:08-R13
CertFfirnte of Authorirotion,02455 7'"EDITION'(2020)FB[NON-HVFIZ EVALUATION FL11602-1112
Titanium"Roof Underiay rents Revision 13:02%12%2621
page 6 of 8
'6.1 Ttta'nlum°Roof Underlaymen-6 shall•be'installed in a ccordance'with'O'wens'Corning Roofing and Asphalt,LLC
published installation requirements subject to the Limitations set forth in Section S herein'and the specifics noted
6.2 Re-fasten.any loose decking panels,,and check for,proiruding nail heads: SWeep the substrate thoroughly to
remove any dust'and deb'rfs prior to application,and.prime thd'substrate'(if;applicable),
6.3 Ti0n,1 m6-,UDL-25,Titanium°"UDL-3D;,Titanlum®UDL-50 or Tttanium°X30:.`
6.3.1 'Shall be installed in compliance with requirements for a-synthetic u'ndeflaj.yment in FBC 1507.1.1.1(2,Exception);
1507.1.1:1(3;Exception)'or 3507.11.1(5):or FBC Resldential R90S'1.1.1(2,Exception),`i2905.1,1.i(3,Exception)
or 11905.1.1.1(5) for the'type'of prepared roof covering to be installed;and the manufacturer's installation
instructions. FBC requirements take precedence oVerthe manufacturer's installation instructions.
6:3.2 Fasteners:
Minimum.fasteners shal(.be corrosion'resistant, ring-shank cap nails shall be as set forth in FBC 1507.1:11 or
1507.1:1.3 or FBC Residential,R905.1.1.1;or R905.1.1.3.
6.4 ,L.Tltanium°PSU-30•
.6.4.1 Non-Tile Applications:
Shall b'e installed in compliance with requirements for an approved self-adhering underlayment(ASTM D1970)in
FBC 1507.1.1:1.or 1507.1:1.3 or FBC Residential R905.1a.i;or R905.1.1:3 for'the type of,pre'pared roof covering
'to be installed,and the manufacturer's installation instructions.
When installed over a mechanically attached,FBC Approve_d ASTM 0226 Type II felt,the'-felt shall be fastened in
accordance with FBC 1507.1.1 or'11905:1.1..
&4.2 Tile Applications:
Shall be installed in'compliance with requirements for a Self-Adhered Membrane in the FRSA/TRI'Florido'Nigh
Wind concrete'and'Clay'Roof Tile'•Instollation Monugl, Sixth Edition;'and .the tranufa'cturer's installation
Referto Section 5c8:3 for attachment limitations.
Refer to Table 4 for tile staging:limitations.
6.5 Titanium°.2-Ply System;: i,•
6.5.1 The•Titaniumt'2-Ply System consists of a base layer of Titanium" UDL-30(top-surface p rimed.or sheet inverted)
mechanically.attached tot.he wood roof deck followed by'Titanium9 PSU-30,self-adhered.
65.2 Non Tile Applications:
Install,Titanium', UDL-90:(top surface,primed or;sheet inverted) ;in accordance;with`Section 6:3 followed by
T,itani6m19 PSU-30 in.accordance with Section'6.4:.
•6.5.3 Tile A'oolications:
Refer to Secilon 5.8.9 for attachment limitations.
Refer.io Table-4 for tile staging'limitations.
NENIOXTC,LLC Evaluati0hAbPort 111980.11.08-R13
frrrifaireofAwhuriimionp32455 7-EDITION`(2020)FBCNON-HVN2EVALUATION FL11602=R12
Titanium*Roof Underlayments RepWon`23 02)12/2021
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As required by the Buiiding Official o.r Authority Having Jurisdiction to properly evaluafe the insfallat'ior of.this
_._.. -
il Contadt f}e named QA entity#or manufacturing facilif'ies covered by F.A'.0 Rule 61G20-3 Qp reguireTnents Refer
tbseetion 4 herein for products and production locations having met codified'enaterial:standards.
Interwik Testing Services NA Inc:--QUA1673;(312):906-7779,'.iriaura:r�oriander(�interiek:com
NEIND ETC,L[C Evaluation Report111981h.08-R13
[ertifcateiifAuthodzatfaat132453 '71TREDITION(2020)RCNON HWZ'EVALUATION FL316Q R12
Titanium°Root Und6layments Revision 13:02/12/2021
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