HomeMy WebLinkAboutCertificate of TitleMail Lien SaitsfacNon to: Dept of ttlghaW SaEaty and Untar Vehldes, Nall l9rhmn Building, Taltahasse% FL 323994= T # 1435642 749 — g# 88299 MakeL BHP Vessel Regis Na fidentirmaturi Number - Body e S 163441 5D26421250A8 MCI III Ww"11 Registered Owner: Date of Issue 03/30/2021 Lien Release Interest in the described vehicle is hereby adeased g CHRISTOPHER CAMERON FASNACHT B9 8932 CARLTON RD Title PORT ST LUCIE, FL 34987-3225 Date 324PORTANT INFOR1yATION 1. When ownership of the vehicle described herein is P transferred, the seller MUST complete in full the Transfer of Title by Seller section at the bottom of the certificate of title. MaR To: 2. Upon sale of this vehide, the seller must complete CHRISTOPHER CAMERON FASNACHT the notice of sale on the reverse side of this form. 8932 CARLTON RD . 3. Remove your license plate from the vehicle. 4. See the web address below for more information and PORT ST LUCIE, FL 34987-3225 the appropriate fors required for the purchaser to title and register the vehicle, mobile home or vessel: http:/Avww.hsmv state.fl.uslhtmUtitlinf.,html ■ i/westaiethattlp3 .I: i 1 'I`4X�(notmths)miles. deteresd endIherebyamfythsttol6ebestof�oylmowtedgetheot�mUerread'°$ [��k,retlettsACfUAI WEAG$ ❑ 2'isINEXCESS;UFTf5tv18CIiANICALiI[�91TS Q' 3 isNfYTTIiB'ACItIAJIdILEACrE xt �. UNDER PENALTIES OF PERJURY t DECLARETNAT f HAVE REM TFIE'FOREO01NG DOCUMENT AND TNAT THE FACTS STATED IN IT dRE TRUE S8[J L'RMust ; CO-SHUJ�RMust p` Pript Hen. Sclrmg Deata s Ircease Nuno6tr ° �' fax Nu Tax Collected r AucorNeme LceuseNumher ty ) { S 377. ' <' CO PURCHt1SERMust f z v PURCIMS" tt Mast a * 1M Man Lien Satisfaction to: Dept of Highway Safely and 11 W Y*bide% Nell K[tkman Building, Tallahassee, FL323954= T # 1435645295 B# 88299 r Identification Number T Year Make Body Wr-L-BHP Vessel Regis Nu. Tale Number RZI D264212508 I1987 T-ZRI-THS 160, �45365610 11 'I Registered Owner: Date of Issue 03/30/2021 Lien Release Interest m the described vehicle is hereby released CHRISTOP.HER CAMERON FASNACHT � 8932 CARLTON RD ode PORT ST LIICIE, FL 34987-3225 Date Mail To: CHRISTOPHER CAMERON FASNACHT 8932 CARLTON RD PORT ST LIICIE, FL 34987-3225 IMPORTANT INFORMATION 1. When ownership of the vehicle described herein is trarisfarred, the seller MUST complete in full the Transfer of Title by Seller section at the bottom of the certificate of title. 2. Upon;sale of this vehicle, the seller must complete the notice of sale an the reverse side of this farm. 3. Remove your license plate from the vehicle. 4. See the web address below for more information and the appropriate forms required for the purchaser to tide and register the vehicle, mobile home or vessel: httpolwww.hsmv.state.d.us/htmYti linf:html iAVesmtetlim ttus ❑ S;or p 6 digct odometer craw reads L L l_ I LJJ_kL J (�tmths) roues aeie read end l lraeby cepty tLat m thcnest of rn y lnawledge the udoroeterxesdmg 647 re9eels'ACTUAL kLEAGE [] 2 is iN EXCESS QF iTS MEOL4mCALLUAVS [] 3. rs NOTUN ACTCJALMiLBAM UNDER PENALTIES OF:PERJURY, I DECLARE'THATI HAVE READ THE FOREGGMO DOCrIMENTAND THAT THE FACTS STATED IN ITARE TRUE ;; SELL$RMiist r CO=SHLLERMust. h ` ScgoHere 'Sigpiiere ° a: d' s post Hereprint Here' d Senmgneate�slrcenseNimc6er Tat4,Na TexCadectetck i ... ,a.. ... .. .x.. .;.. e....w.... tva....... ,., .. ,.... .a .. - �. ... .. .. , i.iiv+nen Mm,hec ..,- .. .. ., .. ... �s .. � ✓,..,.�. ... ., .7 .. d