HomeMy WebLinkAboutSkirting Ventilation SpecsMende Supply i`Sd G&rt nQ top ff.,�. i
a s of manlIntgon Joe �.zq
tt- Afts,n, Supplies
want Psnm88l �haT &dad an
ted6ti aq 4.2 sq. I'
average 2810 high Veelt ed !
Psneg WOO Ra sq,ITMAdv mn �lddMol
M M 28lei htr =M'Hneal feet
Tapp Rail Vent:
118-5 lineal fQV A �, � . inches per toot
124 p-66, 28,f vank. penef:
124 P, x 9.8 sq. Inches per
TOW Venff6et on sq. inches
Total VOnUfmtion sq. ft.
412,5 gq. inches
1527.7 eq, Inches / 144
11.3 sq- t. OF vemilation
P Aso
1. Determine a place fan mourning. Ptare bo=m edgy of back xail
just belowbottom edgeof doebome. u%ovation Must offersolid
suppacc fiox etr 6kg and wind W pm= for paw& and gaits.
a. Kecp the back rail straight and IrA Snap a dhalk fw =wd the
home to &side due tap edge of tits basis rats.
3. Contact =mipgorn mod►od for bkckraq: Start Godwbuk
aide of ehc homete. MCA screw; or hails in the =w of dte slot.
S,mwlaail to shout fnt a clewam of jt18" from the basis A
aatrface. NM avoid cghdy sea wing or tta 1mg bark raft. A V16"
glomace dlwm for norarA ez wdon and contrution mth
cempemu= cbwq& Ph= a rjew or nail in ctrery other "t,
4. Provide a la' &eF bet m a each back rail s kr normal
thermal O paaEsim
To Wtall sound te£er to Step E.
PAS0, A:
1. Detetmjae va luga►+t pars d montaje. Cologw d bards inf dor del
riel de aiiayo junto st,7ejo del hors infaior de 9n sa_a9. IBM
ubleacidn dcbe A= un apoyo fi=e qu2 pdMIM davat IM rielcs
y sopottar is pred6aa par cacp dt viento en lee paneks.
2. AMP dew d rW ds soPorte y a nivd. lidarque umt Tina
ccn al wrdal entieeda olrededar & la can pare Oar al borde
supr.„dw del dd de q*yo.
3. Mft& coac+ecto Para dam d rd de apoyv comiance an In parts
for & la a . Cokqut: iGO CW03 to d sentao do la rattan
pars chvw.IMdu= loa Clarks y4 una holUM de V19 desde
la superUc del dd de qqm Note: No claw army sj+ MdMMw
d mid de apoya Una hol m de V16" con k ObM del ck"
pawatir6 d espxcio suu=te part packet In cvansl6n y
=tmccidn aormda resatlmattes de los cambia do bemP .
cohNF s 10 ckVM CA mum altraM
4, Des - = apadg * IM COO cads seaidta de rjei de W Peas
tew en cuanta la wMi6n tilwks M=d.
peas irasWar d producio alrcdodar de leis eaguiam, oo ndit cl per .
1. Gratma vtepactft FMM fu STauadso that it h smooth, lr
of loons scamps dada or proavdhj atbstarl¢s. Cruard atgain
uneven aetding of newly �vated grMA by taoun&g d
bottom ral on fueled (2`in hunbes
2. bh& the Vround kcedon directly balm the outride, boaarn ed
of the home. Use a lt=evl or plumb bob to dam..m*c this 10ca6
at each comm
3. Snsp a Ern or eiaetch a nyton sWing b "11 sash MMc r
Inuit &a battoma rail.
4. Pbsltion the bottanm tail rash the 61lt leg %warad elm inside of F
dtelk lice perimeter
5. Drive ru adsp'1ho wq 1910chec.TWOG is o¢holes we pmvk
in dw bottom tA'�t+ ty are kwed saae tie d Mu'A a,ul ion
bads h;S. Geound sgt 0 may be drives in either bale at intervals
19 incites.
6. kst "on on was ft. Use a 3W rataaaary mall. You may a
dill a Wr Ear a 31165' may setts► and p10tic 9"M (Nail s
screw metei 4 we available it most hardware stores)
To install exouud comer, der to Snap E.
PB� Oi �HFE����
�Bd��M9 DEL, EL
1. prarpam2ddn dd de Berm px pars el gim & mama qua
unifonne, da fosse Mdtxs, t =.M to obsdc*n quo sob=
del p1m Prot* In ins;a9addn coazn d mmtaamw .no WE
t apisos rreiEn wavadm, matn=& ri adel brfer"rar an una p'1c
waal n wads (2, s 21.
2. N&,Tm la ub'rracWn en el piso db mmeaw A* dd !
istferior amw alp la cans. Use un nivd o UM plomada
d-tetrautim enta uNca ddo m Oda 000,
3.. lilac p ama Ifin tO d aostld satin& o tyoloqum una stet
nun onus sA esquuto. para Osr d gad de apOya.
4. Carlogae d rid de apayo ammo gate cis respaido hack el itwi
pedmewo maaca do For la WX8 do &L
S. laftdm 6 clkvae gctm ca €I piss a CO& 19 F4F1aa.
nel inferior se pmpordonan dos Conjuntos de agujems. &tog se
edCuamtmm deotm del canal, en la pata de sopotw. Los claws
gmews Para el Viso se pueden clavar a travis de odquicra de los
agujeros a una &tattcia de 19 puWas entre si.
6. Instalacidn err pima de coacmto, Use wr claw de Y4° gars
mampostteda. Ad misma se puede tadaclur un ag*vu pass un
tomillo do 3116° dpo Molly cm onda pranks. (Los matcdales do
claws y 6 wrn&s own dhponibles en la mgoria de in
Para Instalar el producto almdedor de Ias esgtrwA consults el Paso E.
L Bagirtning 2f awry from the lowest corner of the home, meastue
from the ground up to 1-1M above the bottont edge of the back
121(If the temperature is bdow4U%witb frozen pand, measw
to W obwe the back nO edge,)
2. ildemumments on slopinssmund should bt: taken every lb" (width
3. Cut the bottom of each panel to angle with die ground. Each cut
Panel section dwuldsl F 9d°to the bottom e*of tltehome. Use
aviation snips or apower raw (with a fine toothed saw blade turned
backwards) Sor cutting,
4. Punch lock tabs every r along the top and bottom edge of cut
panel sections (or outside pardon of each panel face %r 13"
Va mcst). A Malco (SL-8) Snap Lock Punch tool is
recotmmended. Consult your srtirting supplier for obtaining this
tool. Tabs art to be positioned outwW to catch on tie hooked
edge of the ails. i
S. Interlock panels and insert into the bottom rail. Begin with the
Scat panel inserted into the bottom raft. Locktabs shotild enappast
the hooked edge of the bottom rail. Insert nextpanel secdnn into "
the k wiock hooks along the vertical edge ofthe panels. Seat each
panel seem* into the bottom fdL Repeat interlocking patters,
forming about a 12-foot sections. Resume panel cut slid interlock
To Wtall around corner, refer to Step K
E Ar%W
I. Cometne 4 a 2f do la esqulns inferior nib Baja de la ms%mida
desdaI&%q erftcle det*hum 1IM srriba del borde :ltif Aordd
sid de apoyo. (Si la twpuatura amblente durante la instaladdn es
infeaor a los 407y etpiso estrl congdado, mida buts 3" atriba del
bottle del del de apoy4
2. Lae medidow err pleas con deWvd deben harmae a cads le
(nacho dd pane).
3. Corte U Parke inferior de c968 panel en angdo segn el dest ival del
,piss Cade egoddn de panel cortado debe emear a escus&m (9(Y) con
el borde Wa tlor de la can. Use ttijeno de hajalatem o uaa sit=
eNctrica (con Una ltoja de Norte de diente fino colocada of re *)
Para ooxMr IN paneks.
4, Petfora lae rengiteto de cierre csda V a to largo der bottle superior
e ir&6x de las secdones de panelea cottados. Semcomienda eI use
ds va puuznnadom de mono 11fiko (SL-8) Snap Lock punch.
Comulte con su pmwor de cenefae Wa c6mo obte"r earn
hen=iento- Lae ieng atas deben cokuaw ha& of = a fin de
poder eageocIm el borde ds gancho de los rules..
j. Eagaache los panelcs c intmddmalos en el tiel inferior,
Comieum con el pruner panel intmducido ea el fie!
inferior. Las leng,etas de cierre deben enganchwe, hasta
mis 0 del horde con gaacho del riel de apoyo. Imtroduma
4 siguiente secddn de panel en los gauchos de
enclavamiento a to largo del borde verticat de Its pantiles.
Aaiente cads panel firmemenre on of del inferior. RepI4 el
enclavamirnto de los pantiles ham forma una section de
aptoidmo ameatn 12 pies. Reanude el come de Jos panics y
e1 mdtodo de enciamigento-
Pam instatar el pmducto an Is culuinas, eonsulte el Paso E.
1. Stait supping one end of the front top rail into the back
top rail, creating the interlock Push the front top rail
upward, its entire length until the front top rail is
completelyintalockedwith the back mg.
2. Overlap V each top rail section.
To imstalE around comer, refer to Step B.
n &%w0 D:
1. Comience eagaochando un a d=o del ricl frontalsuperior
en el rid'superim de apoyv, pass formal el meesu srvo de
enclaverniento. Emp* el rid superior de apayo hacia
u'ba an coda su Ionetud pasta que el rid frontal superior
estd compleamento engandmdo en el riel de apoya
I Traslape V cada aeeci6te del riel supcdoA
Para instAlar el producto art In wquhm, consults el paso E.
1. Top back a! — Make a 1" Yrftical slit f3om the top, -rop
in tMO& hook should be completely cut tkaugh. Notch
45' on bottom anved let.
2. Bottum an — Notch the back portion with snips, as
illustrated, Dead around a comer and attach to the ground.
3.1)=b — Cut panel to proper height. Dowriniae point of
earner bend; bend over it table On forming a uniform
4. Te,
p font rarl—Notch at both the top and bottom hooka of
the front tail, w altustrated. Bend around the corner and fit
into the interlock with the top back rail. Refer to Step D.
1. Rid supctiorde apor —hags un corte vertical de V desde
I, parts superior. El gancho superior de eaclavamiento debe
cortarse completaanente. Hap una muesca a 4.7 en la pata
curvada inferior.
2. Riel inferior — cone la pora6n postearior una them de
hcJaatero sag& se muestm an in Austracidn. Ddblelo
dadedor de una esgtdoa y clavelo al piso.
3. Panedes— Corte el panel a fit altars apropiada. Determine Cl
panto de dobla doble eJ panel sobrc et borde de una mesa,
pa:aforniar un dngnlo recto.
4. Riel fiontel superior — Cone foe gauchos superior a inferior
del niel fioatal, &*n se sUtm an la figum. Doble la pteza
alrededot de la esquina y engdachela ell ei en 102miento
con el riel superior de apoyo.
Consulm el paso D.
MOM-7 A.M an /Puled T 1 nr f nn In rrn man T ^n.r 9 • .—"• • — __ . — __