HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENTPLANNING & DEVILOPRENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BumDING pE"IT SUB-CONTRACTOR AGREERENT have agreed to be ASSoGlrot€S LIC.. I S "ST € emASTEEL ©F (Company Name/Individual ame) the Phomh a 1 Sub-contractor for Crype of Trade) Afyn G'rimary Corrmctor) Fortheprojectlocatedat ail®i ^/c*3 Gie.€G~ BielAfa (mQject Street Address or Property Tax D #) A_Ly`_ City FL. 3\ci??O It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the flling of a Change of Sub-contractor notice. A~r>;E E;. ayic.wEceP-NARE cOUT`ITY CERTIFICATI0N NUMBER State of Florida, Churty of _S+ . LuC}`g, Th€foregoinginstru]nentwas§igredbeforemethisL|L`dayof _rv\cLt^\_ _ _ _,2Ozi who 1§ persomuy known as id€ntificatlon. has pinduced a Prfut Nalne Notary Public Revised 11/16/2016 STAun SUBfloNTRACTOR SIGNA TURE (Qualifier) _____ CH£/a OFgAIIIocHPINT NARE cOuNTy cERTIFlcATION NuveER ::etefo°rfe:°=dyfro:=tyn:fw¥o:`ne€thisq± mtlm* r=rE¥EE"H pr drty Of STAun PERMIT #lssuE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB-CONTRACTOR AGREERENT CioF=®ELi±eeTpzlcL (Company Name/Individual Name) the fLLfr7,e/ c4f Sub-contractor for IType of Trade) have agreed to be 49 i c3el IATGS a.L€ , Fortheprojectlocatedat a.\c>q Nu=> GeE£~BelAe LH P4c.n CZ.ITy €13C/9Po Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St, Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the ___4ryode_ E_. Mic#£~cE.PRINT NARE c} s_Oc2 ¥ COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER StatcofFlorida,Countyo6+.LUG+.i€ Theforegoinginst-ntwassignedbeforermtlds++in-,2oZJ, who is persormlly known asidentiflcation. I _ day Ofichg\- lLas produced a Revised 11/16/2016 STAun ` . `.` Ao)&4f `.. C" PRINT NAVE `1o 7 / COUNTY CERTIFICATI0N NUMBER stateorFiorich,countyo[te t7ZoZ/€[/1 seJ!dx] £ty£900HH #uuro] ep!J0lj '0 a)8]S 3!iqnd ^Je]ON ueiio-punipa eueiJoo