HomeMy WebLinkAboutSurvey/plansLEGAL DESCRIPTION; (Supplied by Client) Lot 2, ROGERS RANCHETTES according to the plot thereof as recorded in Plat Book 46 page 24 of the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. LrD. 0 c-) CD 0 Na W W 1 W 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 O 1 -4 SURVEYORS`NOTES: 1, Unless other*ise noted only plotted easements ore sho*n hereon, 2, All Lot dimensions sho*n are per plot unless other*ise shown. .- 3. No underground utilities or improvements *ere located unless olherWise sho*n. 4. This site lies Wl'thin Flood Insurance Rate Vop Zone AE 18.0 VapV 12111CO170 J 2/16/12 5• Flood Zone shorn hereon is on interpretation by the surveyor and is provided as.a courtesy. The flood zone should be verified by a determination agency, 6. Bearings shorn hereon are based on the South line of Lot 2 as being S00'03'42"E according to the Plat described hereon. 7, P.U,D,E, denotes Public Utilities and Drainage Eosement. 8. The accuracy of this survey is premised on the expected use of the survey. The expected use / purpose of this survey is mortgage financing. Accuracy - 1 loot in 7,500 feet or better. 9. Additions or Deletions to this survey map by other than the signing surveyor is prohibited ►41thout *ripen consent. 7-34 .�' ABBREVIATIONS: SET = Set 5/8" irom r bar ��yylth yel logy cop marked "PSIO 5543" FD=Found 5/8" Iron Rebor �4O�t. = Right of joy ttyykk eosured P=Volue as platted C=Value as calculated R- Rodius of curve L = Length of curve D= Del to of Curve FFE=Finished Floor Elev tion OH—OH--0H-= Over Head Wires X--X--X-= Chain Link Fence C-o-13Plastic Fence 0---0--0-= Wood Fence CONC. = Concrete C.P.= Concrete Pad Coy.= Covered K= FPL Transformer Pad E jl�ater eter ® = o*er role = Electric Box ® = Utility Box ® = Well = Drainage Proposed and Existing 3,0 LOT 1 LOT 3 AW,?,10�-03-V MIN' S�gACK REQ, FRONT Q O U N DA FZY S U FZ\/ EY NRS o FILE ES COPY RE4 S EgR ZNG. FD IR TECH. 0.78iN, 0,85t o< V < 629.44 GARAGE F.F = 22.00 0* 0 to 1 STORY CONC. BLOCK o F.F.E. = 20.70' A ALL ELEVATIONS SHO* HEREON ARE BASED ON NORTH AVERICAN VERTICAL DATLQ OF 1988 (N.A.y.D.'88) -1 co FD 125.00' iR I I 1� r- I I I I I 1 � 'I I 1 1� --1 II c g ..I 7 p I I I r I I RECEIVED MAY 13 2021 Permitt6ng Department St. Lucie CoUhty 10105 MULLER ROAD Cert if led forAndre*,Leonard and Christine D, Albittron_ Highlands Residential Mortgage, LTD First International Title Inc. First American Title Insurance Company sckE,1 "=50' Atlantic Land Designs of the Treasure Coast, LB7468 754 If Jensen Beach Blvd. Jensen Beach. FL 34257 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1421 Jensen Beach, FL 34958 ALD5543@gmail.com (772) 398-4290 DATE: 7/22/20 1 hereby certify that the survey sho*n hereon is True_ and correct and is based on actual meosurenents taken in the field. C"k':KT`F"'TF° PSM 5543 '' Digitally signeE EyJamesA Cesiro lr. es A. esi ro Jr UN:m=lame A. Cesiro Jr c Adantic Laad Je.i s f.,af,IhR7C In4aw emai=AlD5543@gmad.mm,c US SI'A'ILn)+ y / Gare:2020.072223:0154.04'00' Cr P NOT VALID WITHOUT AN AUTHENTICATED ELECTRONIC pl°0 E SIGNATURE AND AUTHENTICATED ELECTRONIC SEAL RF° su.vc�°R f SW iC 11 2020-0580 DATE: REVISIONS LAST FIELD DATE :7/22/20 A WIND PRESSURE ON COMPONENTS AND CLADDING Zone 1 Zone 1 +/-19.47 Zone 2 +/- 29.96 Zone 3 +/- 41.63 Zone 1 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES BY DRISCOLL ENGINEERING,INC. PO BOX 357577. GAINESVILLE, FL 32635 PH (352)-331-1513 CA 8690 PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS The plans and specifications presented herein are applicable only for the anticipated construction at the locations shown. If construction plans change, the Design Professional should be notified so the plans and specifications can be re-evaluated. The Design Professional should be given the opportunity to review final plans and specifications to see if the intent of the plans and specifications has been followed and/or if supplemental details and recommendations are needed. The Design Professional warrants that the plans and specifications contained herein, have been prepared in accordance with generally accepted professional engineering practice. No other warranties are implied or expressed. CORPORATE PROTECTION It Is understood and agreed that the Design Professional's Basic Services under this Agreement do not include project observation or review of the Contractor's performance or any other construction phase services, and that such services will be provided by the Client The Client assumes all responsibility for Interpretation of the contractor Documents and for construction observation and supervision and waives any claims against the Design Professional that may be in any way connected thereto. In addition, the Client agrees, to the fullest extent permitted by law, to indemnify and hold the Design Professional harmless from any loss, claim or cost, including reasonable attorneys fees and costs of defense, arising or resulting from the performance of such services by other person or entities and from any and all claims arising from modifications, clarifications, interpretations, adjustments or changes made to Contract Documents to reflect changed field or other conditions, except for claims arising from the sole negligence or willful misconduct to the Design Professional. OWNERSHIP OF INSTRUMENTS OF SERVICE Ali reports, plans, specifications, computer files, field data, notes and other documents and Instruments prepared by the Design Professional as instruments of service shall remain the property of the Design Professional. The Design Professional shall retain all common law, statutory and other reserved rights, including the copyright thereto. DEFECTS IN SERVICE The Client shall promptly report to the Design Professional any defects or suspected defects in the Design Professional's work or services of which the Client becomes aware, so that the Design Professional may take measures to minimize the consequences of such a defect The Client warrants that he or she will impose a similar notification requirement on all contractors In his or her Client/Contractor contract and shall require all subcontractors at any level to contain a like requirement Failure by the Client, and the Client's contractors or subcontractors to notify the Design Professional, shall relieve the Design Professional of the costs of remedying the defects above the sum such remedy would have cost had prompt notification been given. VERIFICATION OF EXISTING CONDITIONS Inasmuch as the remodeling and/or rehabilitation of an existing building requires that certain assumptions be made regarding existing conditions, and because some of these assumptions may not be verifiable without expending additional sums of money or destroying otherwise adequate or serviceable portions of the building, the Client agrees, to the fullest extent permitted by law, to indemnify and hold the Design Professional harmless from any claim, liability or cost (including reasonable attorney's fees and costs of defense) for injury or economic loss arising or allegedly arising out of the professional services provided under this Agreement, excepting only those damages, liabilities, or costs attributable to the sole negligence or willful misconduct of the Design Professional 1-AII construction shall comply with Florida Building Code 7th edition 2020. �3 z ZN ULTIMATE WIND SPEED: 150 - �- NOMINAL WIND SPEED: 116 RECEIVED W Zg u u g Z Z WIND EXPOSURE CATEGORY: B 3 N RISK CATEGORY 1 NON HABITABLE 0 . INTERNAL PRESSURE COEFFICIENT Gcpi- +/- 0.0 nt Srmi L. Lucie Cou DESIGN PRESSURE PER FBC CHAPTER 16, INCLUDING ASCE 7-16 LOAD CALCULATIONS ROOF LIVE LOAD =12.5 PSF ROOF DEAD LOAD = 2.5 PSF CODE OMF MIN SOIL BEARING 2000 PSF TRUSS BEARING LOAD EACH END 4200LB ST. L 1E C TRUSS UPLIFT @ POST 2400LBS ®C( 1. Wood framing and fasteners to meet NDS-2018 requirements. 2. Fastener requirements: (1) All nails are Common galvanized; (2) all bolts are to be galvanized steel and include nuts and washers; and (3) all other hardware (Simpson, etc.) is to be installed according to manufacturer's specifications and recommendations. Nailing (size and number) shall satisfy Tables 2306.2.(1), 2306.3.(1) and 2306.3.(#) FBC unless otherwise indicated. Note: fasteners exposed to the weather are to be treated for weather resistance and compatible with the type of pressure treated wood used (connectors, nails, bolts, nuts and washers). Concrete Construction Notes 1. 2. Concrete work shall conform to "Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete" (ACI-318) and "Specifications for Structural Concrete" (ACI-301), Latest Edition. Concrete mix shall conform to the following specifications. All concrete mixes shall contain a water -reducing admixture conforming to ASTM C-494. Air -entraining admixture shal\�wfifbIrM1tq)�,STM C-260. CONCRETE MIX A \\\� Pip DRISCp��,/ Ultimate Compressive Strength @ 28 days 3,000 PSI �fo G� 3 Slump Range 4" +/-1 ° — _ ; Z = Maximum Aggregate Size Entrained Air None P� Dry Weight per Cubic Foot 150 # 3. 4 Concrete mix All concrete shall be cured for a minimum of 28 days. If forms for vertical surfaces are the curing period, spray surfaces with liquid membrane curing compound. prior to the end of 5. Reinforcing steel shall conform to ASTM A615, Grade 40 (Fy=40 ksi). Lap continuous bars for tension lap splice per ACI-318, unless otherwise noted. Provide comer bars of same size and spacing as horizontal wall reinforcement. Cover for concrete reinforcing steel shall be in accordance with ACI-318, Paragraph 7.7. 6. Welded wire fabric (WWF) shall conform to ASTM A185. Lap sheets two mesh spaces and wire tie adjacent sheets together securely. Cut alternate reinforcement at control joints. 7. All slabs on grade shall have construction or control joints not to exceed 10' - 0" spacing, unless otherwise noted. 8. Electrical conduit and other pipes to be embedded in structural concrete floor slabs or walls shall be placed in accordance with the requirements of ACI-318, Paragraph 6.3. 30' x 36' OPEN POLE STORAGE STRUCTURE 4-17-21 Michael E Driscoll PE FL Reg # 43922 (0 I, - In N N ❑ m � J J � A LW m�aa.. Q�LL JANCE 1UNTY lolI�* ,r 4 / \ 6"X 611. pt post 24" dia. x 48" deep post footing (typ) 36'-0" FOUNDATION PLAN VIEW tVir-r-L -OD * 1 "DW -10 ST. L CIE C BOIC( .`OXII I111 r¢;j"- -V` NPR 4-17-21 Michael E Driscoll PE FL Reg # 43922 N N CO � J W LL m�a Q�LL u z A6 z U, �T w Z as z w uu` z z w J J H u Z 0 OZIS U ofAkWN ;UK E r IE 11 ,+ , 6"X 6". pt post 24" dia. x 48" deep post footing (typ) ROOF PLAN VIEW N Ce) c� N N om - W LL. mC:)D QOL~L \�\\\1IIIIIIIIi�i ARD D /�� L z �s E NSF ' 4�`S'��i z w 4 922 ` �, � z W =,t= - - ' j uua z W z F- m l TAT IF'IW- o � F� �, � �i (�` •. C_ORIO_. G� �� .8,Z re CZ)$ u �11111t11\\ 4-17-21 Michael E Driscoll PE FL Reg # 43922 kNCL NT'Y r :a E 14 Ga purlin 2"x 6" #2 syp Drip edge attach connector purlins attach to clip in accord w/ mfr specifications w/ 2 #10-15 X 1-1/2" screws 1" 29 ga. metal roofing attach in 4 4 accord with mfr. specifications Galy ridge cap FL # 9555AR4 2"x 6" #2 syp —7 F purlins @ 24" max spacing 3-1/2" dia thru bolts nut & washers RIDGE CONNECTION DETAIL 29 ga. metal roofing attach in accord with mfr, specifications FL # 9555.4114 2- 1/2" dia. carriage thru t nut & washer to match See sheet 2 &3— for post & footing sizes Truss details (see sheet 5) PURLIN CONNECTION DETAIL 2"x 6" #2 syp purlins @ 24" max spacing Galy ridge cap og COLLAR TIE Truss details (see sheet 5) NTS 29 ga. metal roofing attach in accord with mfr. specifications FL # 9555.4R4—\ 2"x 6" #2 syp purlins @ 24" max spacing 2- 1/2" dia. carriage nut & washer to mat See sheet 2 & for post & foot sizes Min 3000psi concrete #5 X 12" BARS CENTERED EACH V� FOR 18" DIA HOLES USE 12" LONG FOR 24" DIA HOLES USE 18" LONG 80# BAG SACRETE MIN. OR 24" SQ X 4" THICK CONCRETE PAD iss details e sheet 5) POST FOOTING TO TRUSS DETAIL NTS ARD SSA 0 N A\- \��\ //IIII10 4-17-21 Michael E Driscoll PE FL Reg # 43922 9 i °� v0MPL'ANCE ST° ,CIE COUNTY BOcc ca r` LO N N ❑ m fY ❑ � J LU U- r :2 IX m � D- QoLLL Z L� Z w 2z W Z Z w = Z Z a w $$ J � i 7 O Z� 0. u 89 0- No. ELEMENT MATERIAL (50 KSI) DESCRIPTION M1 Collar Tie ASTM 572 L1-1/2"x 1-1/2" x 3/16" M2 Collar Tie ASTM 572 L1-1 2"x 1-1/2" x 3/16" M3 Top Chord ASTM 572 L1-1/2"x 1-1/2" x 3/16" M4 Bottom Chord , ASTM 572 _ „ 1-1/2" 3/16"— M5 -Center vertical -ASTM 572 „ „ M6 End Vertical ASTM 572 L 1-1/2"x 1-1/2" x 3/16" M7 Bearing angle ASTM 572 L 1-1 /2"x 1-1/2" x 3/16" M8 Inside vertical —Diagonal ASTM 513 L1-1/4"x 1-1/4" x 1/8" M9 web ASTM 513 L1-1/4"x 1-1/4" x 1/8" STEEL TRUSS CROSS SECTION NOTES: CONNECTOR SCHEDULE 2"x 6' #2 syp pudin to 6"x 6' x 14 ga. dip 2-#9 x 1-1/4" screws Truss to truss @ ridge 3-1/2" dia thru bolts & nut Wood post to truss- 21/2" dia thru bolts nut & washers Post to concrete 24" dia x 48" deep w/ 2 #5 bars thru post 1-MATERIALS SHALL CONFORM TO STEEL ASTM 572. 2- ALL STEEL SHALL BE 50ksi IN ACCORD WITH CURRENT AISC MANUAL. 3- WELDING ELECTRODES TYPE E70XX 4- ALL WELDING SHALL BE IN ACCORD WITH CURRENT AWS REQUIREMENTS. 5-ALL WELDING SHALL BE DONE BY A CERTIFIED WELDER. 6-BOLTS SHALL BE ASTM A325. w/ NUTS & WASHERS. (TYP) 7- WELD STRENGTH 70 KSI MIN. 8- ALL POST SHALL BE #2 DENSE PRESSURE TREATED GROUND CONTACT. 9- PRIMING & PAINTING SHALL BE DONE BY TRUSS MANUFACTURER. 10- MIN EDGE DISTANCE FOR BOLTS HOLES SHALL BE 3/4" MIN 11 WAX TRUSS SPACING SHALL NOT EXCEED 12'-0" UNO. 12-THE DESIGNER DISCLAMS ANY RESPONSIBILITY FOR DAMAGES AS A RESULT OF POOR WORKMANSHIP, OR IMPROPER USE, AND ACCEPTS NO RESPONSIBILTY OR EXERCISES NO CONTROL WITH REGUARD TO FABRICATION, HANDLING,AND INSTALLATION OF TRUSSES. 2— 1 /2" DIA. CARRIAGE BOLTS NUT & WASHE STEEL TR CLIPS' pukes FILE COPY ,`%I_ v 3 r_vv r—v r'-j" 'ODE COMPLIA NCL ST. LUCIE COUNTY BOCC \�\\\ ARD- 43922 'k .ter S/ONAN-�\\\ ////IIIII%\\\ TRUSS TO POST DETAIL PLAN VIEW T 1'P n000d post for Ala ,n TRUSS DETAILS 4-17-21 Michael E Driscoll PE FL Reg # 43922 )o/ts