HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENTCOUNT;y PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT -'JSAMrrJ 17Qti�-a,,.1S 1 ���tnl� IAI �winpany NarDe/Individual Name) ` S�l)l�� "ANC have agreed to be the `l.t �h (Type of Trade) LN- -Sub-contractor for �S�F,U (Primary Contractor) For the project located at � �� ` J � Q— (Project Street Address or Prroo-perty Tax IL) f -� `�-A It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant tothefiling of Change of Sub -contractor notice. co R SIGNATURE (Qualifier) �— Maim HWft at N"Mest F wk* tna PRINT NAM1fE ---_ COUNTY CERTffICAT10N� Staac of Florida, Couary The foregoing instrument was signet before me Ibis tk day of Iola by William Bryan Adams who is personally knawa bks produced a as identiricatioo. i SHELLEYA. SEPUINEDA Print Name of Notary Public SU�CONTRA�1, SIGNATURE— (Qua�fier) P R M NAME as (P�(e-., COUNTY CERTffICAT10N NllM1tBER State of Florida, County of 51 LUCt.� The foregoing instrument was.signed before me this I day of fv\0.Y & 20 Z( by (i . '3 ? m-e.h'r.z who is personally known _ �r has produced a as identification. STAMP (� Signahire of Notary Publ}LP�1u'�tl+lic ;o`'"� • t�.: SHELLEYA. SEPULVEOA MY COMMISSION k GG 262074 EXPIRES; January 25, 2023 •e""°T� Bonded ThN N Revised 11/16/2, olarYPudlrUndtxwlilars Hc&nn o,,h M o o r `p. Print Name of Notary Public a llotary Public Slate of Fonda Hannah E MooreMy Commission HH 017099 Expires 07/Ot/2024 STAMP PERMIT # ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division AAPEX Electric (Company Name/Individual Name) the Electric (Type of Trade) 4y BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT —` -- have agreed to be Sub -contractor for Adams Homes of Northwest FL, INC (Primary Contractor) — — For the project located at AProect Street Addrssor Proprrty Tax tD)[—'( It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advist d pursuant to the filing of a Change of sub -contractor notice. TRACTOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) W. Bryan_ Adams 29179 OUNI'y CER CTIFICATION NURtBER State of Florida, County of St Lucie The foregoing instrument was signed before me this day of MaYc'h , 2oz:, b!, W. Bryan Adamsl Who is personally known or has produced a as identification. `n Signature of Natar O y Public ---- tia n nq_v� _No � f j Print Name of Notary public SUB-CONTR4CTOR SI(:NATURt; l PRINT NAME - - - ....... C Y CERI fFtCgT�7N NUR __ BE R Statc of Florida, County ori4 L-LX;e— The foregoing instrument Was signed before me this I Jay of K a.1r CJA .20. )by _ w'ho is personally known X or has produced a _ as identification. --- sl'AM11P 2om4kYPo", JOJb1FLFIAftNER i attire of Notary Public t , MY C6lFh15'AION # GG 0891Z2 +f o` EXPIRES A0612.2021 Beaded T 6% Si,C el Notary Seances ri-at Name of IHotary pu be "--- �� Notary Public state of FLonda F Hannah E Moore Ravish I 1 16/2016 MY Commiuion HH 017099 ��w t+ Expires 07/01/2024 PERMIT # COUNTY ... ...... F. O R 1 D A ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT ,SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT -fir Pcz4irl i� C err (Company Name/I iividu;ll Name) the /� �— have agreed to be a (Type of Trade) --------- � Sllb-CUntractor for �- For the project located at (Prllnary Contractor) (Project Sheet Address or Property Tax ID #) -- It is understood that, if there is any change of status regardi Project, the Building and Code Regulatna p m g our hticlpatlon with the above entioned fiion Division of St. Lucie Count will ling of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. y be advised pursuant to the CONTRaCTORSIGNATURE --�I I► Jam_ (Qunlilierl PRINft "^^�� CO UNV I J CERTIFICAIIOh —�� NU��96ER Slate of Florida, Counly or The fore Dine i nstrumenl nassiened belo,e me this LL dad of +vhn is Persona y n nor has produced a as identilication. � Sisnature of Notary Public STAhIP Q�. Print Name of Nofa / !� ry Public -- `��o PATRICIA ANN GRIFFIN MY COMMISSION # GG137624 EXPIRES September 26, 2021 Rev,;ed 11i16i20I6 % C RA TOR S1CN,\PURE � (Qualifier) PRINT NA�1 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUiIMBER State of Florida, County or Ft The I'ure+oing instr ` a&n ; c QQ umen1 11as signed hel'ore me rJ tl,is ILL-,�_ 1 _ day o f s�ho is prrsoriall vn i/ or has produced a as identification. _-------- Signature of Notary Puhlic --� STAMP PrintN, L.oao1. J Y �,ublic4—' _ PATRICIA ANN GRIFFIN = MY COMMISSION # GG137624 ori� , EXPIRES September 26. 2021 PERMIT 7 ISSUE DATE PLANNING &DEVILOPMENTSERVICES Building & -Code. COnlPliance Division tl.� BUILDING PElo-mr SUB-CONTR�\(:7-()I;t AGREE.-MENT A' Vb (Callipaily Nanne Indi\ icjtjal N a In 1-7 17reed to be the Rooting ................ Sub-contracCor fol. Adams Homes of Northwest Florida. INC Por the project located ;It -13P.T.- flme, A.- --C Wroject SLUzei Ad(hcq; ()I- Tt ix I D It is 1111derstood that; it-ti-ILI-C is any change of slattIs re-(Ja1-cj;rjo our parrfcipati(),, %viti, the. jbo�,O 111cr1tj()I1c(I pro-iect, [lie I3uildin« and ("OCIL' RC(,Ul,1tio1j Ision of St. IA[CiC COUIUV k%;"f he a(IOSCCI PUI'sLfWlt to the. Minn, orij 3-- Williacin Bryan Adams ----------------------------------------- state of Florida, cornr[N of St. Lucie ore ctlj5 dirt ul 11) William Bryan Adams has P ru d Lie W ,Is Identification. v a OF N a Public 0' ry PuWFc State or Fpida Hannah E Moore My C._-,M HH 01 709E) f c-\ . di xp" s 0 01 rV M"Y"COrno"Ilssm HH 0 17099 t, 2o 11. Al LOwp Expires 07/01/2024 - t311, -ZA ("A 17, RJ� Ck.... SlAte of Florida, ('nunfv of St Lucie signed tio .9 tim. ol is pmoualli, knoi.11 has proanec.(I a ils W-ritirlea (ion, rvblk-O�-O- 0 " s,I-ANIP -ftin C4 - A "M.9- Y4 I'lini NJ 4p @90e il. RE] Notary put*c Slat, to of F Pride Hannah E Moore My Commifton HH 0 17099 Expires 07/01/2024