HomeMy WebLinkAboutSub-Contractor AgreementPERMIT # ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT the t,--ompany Narpe/lndividual Name) (Type of Trade) ^�1N-4-- For the project located at 51135- 4, I�tZA av 'S�%ICr,� , -ZNC, have agreed to be Sub -contractor for Mom HoftlssofNofttiwegFloffda.br- (Primary Contractor) -� (Project Street Add Perty Tax ID d) l Lr LIA It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the ab project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised urosuamentioned filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. p rit to the Co R SIGNATURE (Qualifier) Ad&= Hwft 01! %t0(ittYl'e3t a hit PRINT NAM1fE COUNTY CERTITICAT10N NUMgBEERq SLa Ic of Florida, County &'ram The foregoing instrument was signed before me Ibis IA —day of 241_ by = Bryan Adams who is personally known bus produced a as identification SHELLEYA. SEPLII VEDA Prior Name of No— Gry Puhlir SUB CONTRA�1, RSICNAT —'� llRE (Qua�fier) PRIM NAM1tE aQ� � COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of C51 LIA tom' (Q The foregoing instrument -as signed before me this 1 f�� day of ` o r &\ 2021b) Q7. 3 r, m-eni-7 /� Who is personally known ' Or has produced a as identification. STAN9 �A ^^ p n (Signat-utr/e.ffJNVotla(ry�P`yu�bhc Y I` ;+: !"'':. SHELLEYA. SEPULVEDA MY COMMISSION # GG 262074 �'�.ro� EXPIRES: January 25, 2023 no';��. Revised II/16/20 9ondednruNotaryPancljnderwiHarb - Haam a.k Moore, Print Name of Notary Public rIAOY I% Notary Public State of Florida Hannah E Moore My Commission HH 017099 Expires 07/01/2024 STANIP PERMIT At ISSUE DATE y� PLANNING &• DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division m , BUILDING PERN11-r SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT AAPEX Electric (Company Name/Individual Name) -- have agreed to be the Electric (Type. Trade) — — "'-' ' --- Sub -contractor for Adams Homes of Northwest FL, INC (Primary Contractor) — For the project located at S� � S Lr<�- 1, `�! (Project Street Address9�x�operty Tax tD - Z L_T_ It is understood that, if there is any change Of status regarding our participation with the above menti.oned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. �T"�toltSIGNATURE (Qualifier) W. Bryan_ Adams 29179 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUM1jggR -- — State of Florida, County of .St LUCIe The foregoing instrument was signed before me (his day of MaYGh 20?I,byW•BryanAdams who is personally known or has produced a _ as identification. (7 �L Sit nature 0f Natar I v W o y Public In n n rt��VQ 0 0 f J Print Name of Notary Public 3 I t ► (z�l SUIi.CONTRACTORSlGNATURE PRINTNAM1IE - C Y CER7IFtCg' ' NeJIL State of Florida, County or!E L•.ur;e- The foregoing ins7rument wag signed before me this I 0.Y LIA Jay of K �.20 Eby %4 ho is personally known or has produced a as identification. S7'AM1iP 2pttAYvua�4 JAJ61E L HARNER i alure of Notary Public r s My C-6AAMON a GG 089122 EXPIRES aril 2, 2021 �nF zoo Bud et Notary SEw ces nQmrry W �� � Notary Pubbc State of Flpnda Hannah E Moore Revtstxi 1116/2016 �;� p` My COmtntsston HH 0 17 099 q p0' Expires 07/01/2024 PERMIT # ISSUE DATE "on PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT ,SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT Pca�r' � f� L' o e r (Compaliy Natife/► ii, the duifl Name) /� have agreed to be (Type of Trade) Sub -contractor for r✓ Guests t F� T For the �" ( Primary C ontractol ) project located at _�' L�� (Project Street AddressP'Property Tax tD #) �! It Is understood that, if there is any change Of status regardin our project, the Buildin and Code g palticlpation with the above mentioned € Regulation Division ofSt filing of Change OfSub-contractor notice. CONTRaCTORSICNATURE --III (Quafifirrl PRINT N,1ME UUNT} CERTIFICATION NU�IBER —�� State of Florida, Counly nr The fore Dine instrument nas sinned belbre me this 2I day of V +vhn is persona � n ��N•�� � ✓or has produced a as identification. Signature of Notary Public STAMP Q�. Print Name of Nota r• �� ry Public -- "''°°��: PATRICIA ANN GRIFFIN MY COMMISSION # GG137624 Rev,.sedllilG/?p(6 r,«f EXPIRES September26,2021 Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the C RA TOR SICN,ITURE `I (Quulilirr) PRINT NArQ C - Q COU� RTIFICATION iN IiBER -- i U State of Florida, County or F ^, The furgloing instru ment "as signed before me this' [��,,�r / day of r r b) 2ghUL e. 1 SO ++ho is personall / v n [/ ar has produced a as identification. _ ------- Signature of Notary Public --� STAMP Print Name oa o,.�ryublic PATRICIA ANN GRIFFIN My COMMISSION # GG137624 EXPIRES September 26, 2021 PERMIT„ ISSUE DATE �`t.4}. R2 \x'? 4C-tFts�. �'0 i°JI'lyi 1'1J l-1, \: \ I1\ <J l , _ �; & UL� ELOPMENT SERVICES Building; & Code Compliance Division ' tit'ILDINC'. PL,Ri�tl � SUR-CO TRACTOR n(aui:,LENT '' ------ -- - - ha1'e agrcc(I to be iting ny \:ime mein I(NaI Name) - - ------.__ _...- --- _ . tllc Rooting f(}r Adams Homes of Northwest Florida, INC •----(l"�•lte of Cr:)(1�} __-----------.._..._---.__.—___-.__---•--------------- ' f frim:u')' ('omrcrturl }or the project locateci at �Pruject.StLvel Ad(hess or I'rut)eM, T;ix ID •`.} — - __...___...._. It i, understood that; it -there is am, change ofstatus regar(hng. our participation %\;ith the abok'e rIlerltioncd project; the littilding and Code IZc"tll(ltloll L)R'I,It)n tl( St. I.LICIC C'OLI111V tS;lll he ads i,ed pursuant tO the. Filing Of it C'h (n,c of Sub-001I1Yacr(lr notice. 1 • <.(1\�IR\C'l (>• � ..: iC77*(Zl, (()u;ilificrj ` William Bryan Adams i--.. -'-.._... - --. . l:(11'\'I'1•(•b:R'rll'r(•4'I'If)� \1.?IHF:I! �--`-----'---- StAte01Florida, cu¢nrcorSt. Lucie 7 hr ('urc uip� fn;n'untcnt a;n sirncd hefurc me rtris t ,rlZjl,,._William Bryan Adams— n ho is persulinll. knun'ri -)LOr has praduccd a _-.-- _.._.----_-- ns idcnfilit:ttion. k-- -- Cignalarr al' \'nran' Public r_ tf _►_1_G_Vi.. _ -- I'rinr Sane• of;\'otar� I'uldic ja Notary Public State or Flprida Hannah E Moore My Commission HH 017099 kc-, i icJ I I I b -' )r. Oa n� Expires 07/012024 - 3(11 -Z. 5[i6-C:O\"1'R.IC"CC rC;"%I[:Rl pralificrl -_ oqqnr�� - C-��cr<<..a.._t..u. rar'r :�Amlr C.'(,1[:�"I'1' C'ISR'I'tFIC'AT'rC}X \'[ :t•IREIt �� Y:rtc-tfFlurida,('ounrruf Sf Lucie rii, furcgoiug instrrrnrtarc u:r.r' .rigncd hetirrc nu this -- \\hu is personally knot\a .c-Or has prodtreccl a _ a5 idcncifrcatian,STAMP / —. --- --- -_..-- Si�nnlurc of n'olary Public a_nn_U n_PubMOO Pr \'a It nl'\'otan lic. -'-- N Nae P State crf Hannhoorelpr'da yCommison HH 017099Ees 07/01024M