HomeMy WebLinkAboutSub-Contractor Agreement`t T i PERMIT # ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES M Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERlbirr SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT AAPEX Electric (Company Name/Individual Name) have agreed to be the Electric -- (Type of Trade) — — " - --- Sub -contractor for Adams Homes of Northwest FL, INC (Primary Contractor) — For the project located at � 5L/l 5—L (Project Street Address or r prr y Tax ID 9). It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above menti. project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be toned filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. advised pursuant to the TRAC'r0lt SIGNATURE W. Bryan_ Adams 29179 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUh]BER - --- State of Florida, County of St Lucie The foregoing instrument was signed before me this day of O'-y- lz'h .20Zl, by W. Bryan Adams who is personally known or. has produced a _ as idcnlifica lion. Signature oAary Jpubbc V& Aj Print Name of Notary Public r7__. - -. z SUB CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE (Qualiricrj - PRINT N�M11e " CvVrvfY CER7fFtcgryUM1jBER State of Florida, County ofC�_LXX ;e— The foregoing instrument Was signed before me this l Jay of VVla.v. c� .20. 'by who is personallyknown X.or has produced a _ as identification. — S7'AM11P 2otfiL.P(J JAJASFI HARNFJ4 ti2fur'e—or Notary Public r My CUANON # GG 089122 N� o EXPIRES APO 2.2021 F P. Bcnded 13t B Cs el Notary Services n' nt Name p(Hotary Pu be — Notary PutNlc State of Flpnde Hannah E Moore Re,,lsW t 1 16/2016 MY Commisalon HH 017099 R1100pne� Expires 07/01/2024 PERMIT # ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES s Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT PQ�;�) (Company Nante/► iividual Name) the %l (Type of Trade) --� For the project located at �— have agreed to be Stlb-contractor for (Primary Contractor) sy= Lam° (Project Street Addr s or Property Tax ID #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regardingour project, the Buildin a Pattictpation with the above mentioned l; and Code Regulation Division of St Filing of Change ofSub-contractor notice. CONTRACTOR SIGN,\TURE --� I II �(—�L (Qunlilirrl PRI'VT N,\h9E" C 0 U ­NT 1 CERTIFICA710\ State of Florida, County or C(t' The fore oinginstrument,,a.csie ned belbre me thi.a V day of 'dlhy C ho is persona y .n i �S or has produced a 35 identilication. Signature of Notary Public STAhIP Print Name of Nota � 1� ry Public -- ti PATRICIA ANN GRIFFIN My COMMISSION # GG137624 EXPIRES Se Revved 11/16/2016 September 26, 2021 Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the -C TOR SIGN,17'URE U1% (Qu;ililirr) rC. p uSSo PRINT NAME COUNTY RTIFICAT(ON NUNIBER State of Florida, CounIN of F The I'urreuin^ Lin,lrunen t +1 as signe�•�d herore me tis bk 1/ �day SOS, e A,LL s�'ho is prrsor all vn i/ —or has produced a as identification. _-------- - CC =_ �V' fnat Notary — -- STAibIP Print Name oaotar Y Public —� PATRICIA ANN GRIFFIN _ My COMMISSION At GG137624 '•� ';' EXPIRES September 26, 2021 E—� MIT q 7 ISSUE DATE MMIMMEMM - J,_ _ PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES ® - Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PER1vl1T SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT PE7r-1SA61 IA! the (Company N.Mr/tndividual Name) (Type of Trade) �� For the project located at ' i NzA IN S<3WrcCS -ZNC have agreed to be Sub -contractor for Ada=Homesd (Prima .ct.rrc3tFbdd".tr ry Contractor) (Project Street Address or r erty Tax IG d) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised above mentioned filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. pursuant to the CO R SIGNATURE (Qualifier) AdtL M HWtI! 01 N0rtt11K`St PKi(k1k tilt}, PRINT NAM1tE COUNTY CERTCFICAT10N NUAfBER Stele of Florida, Couory gmi� sURI-CONT R SIGNATURE (Qual,,e , --� PRINT NAM1(E cp_, COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER The rorrgoiog instrument was signed berore me Ibis I dey of State of Florida, County Of V=CI. 'e— M&CLk—'J& by William Bryan Adams The foregoing instrument seas signed before me this : I �— day of who is personally knowo bas Produced ® `^ _ 21, by I m�e.hz es id entificatioo. 20 who is personally known P Y _or has produced a as identification. v'stnrevi-Ivnu,T-fi,tiiic ��� STAM1¢ SHELLEYA. SEPULVEDA Signature of Notarr}' Public � Ill STAMP Prior Name of Notary Public ?+.r�yc : SHELLEYA. SEPULVEDA My COMMISSION N GG 262074 ;�, o;�:' EXPIRES: January 25, 2023 �` ", Bonded Tbru N Revised I1/l6/20 =PtiD(ICUnderwMer3 Print Name of Notary Public 5=o —%, . B� Notary Public State of Florida Hannah E Moore My Ccmmimon HH '►arcd� 017099 Expires07/01r2024 I PERMIT 1� ,Si. 'L:�'aY�{�.r'r4�.'"'"sr,�tNn✓:�'_r,:'?fit ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PI::IZ:�11I. St'13-('ON-I-RA(:'1'O11;\GI2E.EIIEN-1- Tvp Shte C�__t�v Wonlpany Nai-,-IX k idual \a)n(rl Ila1'C Ft rCCCI to be -; ------ tllc Roofing Sub-coritractof fur Adams Homes of Northwest Florida, ING (7'Vile 01' Trade) -- - _ (Printu'yConirac'torj ------ ---- }Of tllC proiec.t located at 1111*0jee[ Scr:ei Add, e�: or ' )I rty Tax lU It Is ItlldC.f5[i)c)d tllat; It ill IC k 21f1�' C111111`�C of stdtt15 I'i Ln,, Our p,11'ilClf)1[IUII ll'Itll [IlC 8bi)l' ll1CI1[IUIh(I proje(t; tilt:fiuil(iin t antI i ode RCLILllatiorl I)i� i.�iun of St. Lucie COunry 1s'ili be ad�•iscd Pursuant I'() the. Filing of n C'notic e. CU\'lk\C"lO ...TITTRI3(Qualitierj - '" William Bryan Adams ciit•�"t�i ��r•:ri-rii'ii�:�•i'r'u� �t:�tiar:a---�-------------- Stdtc.of Floriaa.Curmr+ of St. Lucie 7 hr ('lrr�nin; tnirrurtunt +,;u si�ucd hel'urc rnr thii 1 d;rz of _.___ _ _-- • v'J—v „• William Bryan Adams— rohu is per5u0rd1} E nJ•rri -Xor lids pr'uduecd a — --- as Identification. sifinaiure nl'\'nfary Public tf �.__n_ G h..- - .►-M o u �_•_ I'rinr .\':one at' �Nutan Pul,fic a ryPublic Stare of Flprrda Hannah E MooreMyComm'Um HH 017099 }rrtr. Expires07/0112024 rl r 5Ut3-C:f)\'TR.IC"(i>21�a'rLF21 kr�Iifi�r) __...------- ----._.._.._...— C(,i(r\'-I'1' C'i;R-I'n{1C.4T'fU>' x['hlFtt?R Stntc Of Florida, ('nunh• of St Lucie The rorcgniu9 instrunr+afl ++:+v rihrted he turf n,c th)s t d:r+. ill U ++hu is personnll!' knmhu .K..-ar has pro fmccrl d a5 idcutifit'afian. ---. _-.--- -- _ ---- ww� $i,•-nn tn,/U------ STA.%IP an_n-c_+ A -t o o r .� Print N'arrtc or\nlar+ Public - '---'- '� Note P .0 ubdo Star° Of Flprrda Hannah E Moore +� My CommtS&r n HH 017099 aw Expires07/01/2024