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t O COC�L)Ar-cb Avt • PI, ing & Development Services I ltrtment Residential Building Permit Checklist • s � When you submit your building permit application for a new single-family residence or duplex, you should use the following checklist to determine if your application submittal is complete. Only complete applications filled out with ink can be accepted for processing. ITEM HOW MANY? COMMENTS u Build�n �Permit� 1 co t ly fi led out building eerrnrt application musDbe� ,Application �_,� tnclud�ng`all required infgtrmat on`�r, ?`s_ubmrtted, �applicatton must,be gigned by .the applicants-- ri xthe ,W signatures: must be,notari2ed. Notice oLC.ommencement ' C" 1 �i_recorded Notice of Commencement foryall construction ..r1�.�9z"'^�'�. T` 4 r 1 I y} . ith atualie1exceedmg $2;500 has=to4b"e,sub�riubtecliat=tune, �of�_builduig perrrt`t S „'.,,,-•`.`i��-w :a 7: nstr�u IWi Plans` 2�sets ,All apropos -' nstowtjoif besaccut ' g y4, l own on the `- e plans'Zncludmg,but g�� L L 11 a +i L I. �'i' °t - -• L �' lumbmg, heat/an condinomng, piping, windows and }gas -rY'-r-�r`.l 'C,I cj r nr Hf, doors Theme rnulunurn�£p ottisize for thesep ans4is'8Y'/2 b3n- l,_� inches rnaxtrnum size is 24 by 36 inches :Both sets off„ E plansYneed to b6signed and segistezed „ ,Erigineer or Architect and.include truss'p'Ians. Both sets of plans must be stamped by the -Health Department,-if- C septic permit is required. ?egetation Removal Permit - ��-- 1-s All_residential properties ,of.any stze-requ e a c'o xipl ted Ap y gam-applieation _Alis-d deettc vegetation-remo.-val-plan is r-equu-eu, meluding plans €or ;Need or Plot I.v_ar►- 4.preservation; re=planting, and_tree-mitigation`___ plicable� A'survey-and 'a Iandscape_plan (if apphcable�per_._L-An: dq---- M vel pment_C9de -S'ectioiis 7.0903 & 709:04:1� must `�aecompany_the-.applicationIf.:youthave'any questions please-cofit act-the-Environment=Resources--Dept at i7-i- `,462-22fz :.. urveys—=--�u:„' _ 'Surveys are required for allfbfildtngz �tS nnuolv�nga,, prtmaty-'structure or for access©r jy �structurerwith.a constructton value exceedtng $10,000 All�copies�must be h' _---',,, �" t"•-T r , T I '- , v ''e'er- "-, stamped by the Health Department; if aseptic permit is The surreys must:be�sgned&/sealll1ed' by, r`gu�red a - Yhh'LH loC1� yo.. S reg stered:Fc ida su ,ver: ��I�ot--Splits_ Any'parcelsor'parcnot�eeting.�he nuniiiu-m�'� rNon C.onformmQ Lots of y b`' ' ' ID, n!�I requirements of the lot size and &EensionaL ez quuem n s. rnust be ieviewed by theZoning�DepartmentAriy d 'tsio � ,. �.J; of proeynotsubject-to Site Plan'revtew tlu o. gh the - -� r�r Growth Management Depart;menf�vill requre,i evtew by ' T the Zonuig"D`epartment"_.P_1'ease �coitact`77�r y a`..°1 Wind Load Calculation =9; ,}^"-•---..,,,.�_ 2- 3�.-a.F-••"C�V^-"K'v+�'V�"'f�rlE�S r.i"h��;,� �-._.... r This fOrm"`rtust be signed7seale by£a�Floida ♦, .v.,C 7t'c regtsteied"engineer or Areltect I IN LTEIVI r ,n ' FiOW MANY?4'' CUT/11\/JEi\TTS F S-ubcontrac or gr-eement---3 Q each On se uUcUntractur agLent..w_itEZ it guialasignatur-e-is -� . - ZTequired-fog each subcontractor on_t �jah The buildings relit e ilit ha�-15 dF_0rr*ed-that cannot >ssue�ic -u — all j `sil con _actors=.are=properly.licensedand reg ed - �----D (;tom v The -use -of unlicense _ ontractors-is-strictl - ri)hibited ner. ,yXalculatioinv 2 each Both;forns must- bear.=the-or-iginal signatui•esofboth_tbe creator and contractor. M&nu 11's ,,Filled L dna Affidavit; , a�'� } - � f _his form-is-requiredfor all_constructron, except-;for- r It'"must°bear the notarrzed-�- r�Iq i(` � � �' `-v p�� � �.interio.._ xenovationr origmal sig�n�atur`�e of the owner Thts=affidavit serve ";,, ,� ;property notify the=property'+owner ntheir responstlirh� not�ty �ad�ersely-;`;`impact;.theuZrieighbor's propert>es--with — - (stormwater drainage^and runoff° =. ro uct Review Affidavit ThL� e Enginee o Architect -of Record --must certify -all yyjl / E7 `co pore n Iisteon t� eT product affi avid 't per:tRie submitted�ans:,-- be accepted fobreview-this-affidavit, `must be corm letely^fill'ed�out-and and sealed —The fact al' design pressures,mustUbe rioted" on'the`seale- drawings-foneach,epmponen pening Recorded Warranty Deed 1 If the property has been purchased within the last six months, the Property Appraiser records may not be to date. In this case we must see a recorded warranty deed in your name to verify ownership. caner � der ffidavi l;l When the application is�applied for ur der t1i owner/build r provtsroris o£Gliapter 489 103.(7)IF,S� the apphcant`for ,this building P&W. =mus p�sonall appe r. to-signr"t eh �ppr-Q ate affidavit Health Department Septic 2 If you are planning to use an existing or new septic system, Approval you must first obtain Health Department approval for the system. Surveys and the construction plans must bear the original Health Department approval stamp. Driveway Permit 1 When you directly access a State or County road, you are required to obtain a driveway permit from the Florida Department of Transportation or the St. Lucie County Road & Bridge Department. Flood Elevation Certificate 2 If your property is located within a designated flood zone you are required to file an original flood elevation certificate signed/sealed by a Florida registered surveyor. NOTES: ❖ Additional information beyond that contained in the checklist may be required in order to ensure a complete review of your building permit application. SLCPDSD Revised 07/19/18