HomeMy WebLinkAboutDesign Certification for Wind Load ComplianceSt. Lade Co
2309 Vh*ak Ave=e
Fad Fferoe, FL 349M
772462-LW .
Des�n Certification for Wmd Load Compliance
M& Certification must be completed by the project dedgu architect er engineer. M& Certification must be
submitted in dopliitute with all applications fur building permits involving the constmetion of new residence
(single or multi -family). residential addition, any accessory structure regwmg a building pent and any
nonresidential structure. Mis Certification shall not apply to intedornmOvations (provided that no exterior
stmcmw walls, columnsor other components arebeing affected) and certain other minor building permits- For
farther assistance, please contact the Budding Inspection Office at (772)462-2172.
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5treer Addn s
Permit Number
I cmilry that, to thebest: of reyknowledge andbelieL these plans and spec-ffications havebees designed to
comply with the applicable sMwtaral portion of the Building Codes currently adopted and emfewed by SL Lucie:
Co>mty: I also cesWry do srucuml. elements depicted on these plans provide adequate resistance to the wind
loads and forces by cammt: code provisions.
DesiaaPhrameftwwdAmnuttonsilsed: checkor complete the appropriate bm)
1 Florida Boitdmg Code ZO 1 O - n wi& 2tl S� ami:Mt6
7 O
2. Building Design in Encl �Partially used: �OP3. Mom Roof EUght: Roof - Rressare
4. ws�im of Eaa Zone: Wmd ( ) Cu ,�"n MAC`
S. Bmidmg tion Table 1--1. ASCE' FBC Table 16M
6L Wind Egnsare ( tian.t, G t t Ail* lslmeat Factor. fo & 11�
7. Components & Cladding Wend Pnesmre on Roof Zoe 172 W ,' 3 fMA
8. Components & Cladding Wimd Pressure on Wall Zone 4 """ S PS;
9. Components & wmdYressmean erhead Gm pDoor ' P51r
10. Loads. bloor +AA Roof/dead PSF Roof//6ve 5F
11. Shear Walls Considered for Structure? es No 1! (if No, attach eapla�tion)
IZ Continuous Load Path provided? Yes V No (ff No, attach caplamMon)
13. Are Component and tkddmg Details vided? Yes No C¢ Noattach eap lion)
14. W.A. um Sm7 Bearing Premmu: � Presumptive: i� By Test PSF
As witnessed by my sea% 1 hereby certify that the information included with Ibis certification is true and
correct, to the best of my knowle fie beiiei: /�
U� I Cart 8: !TL
Dtnign Fil7o: � � � • { • �' Date:
Revised 5/1 m (CL)
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