HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval 5/4/2021 Florida Building Code Online x " u : �' � np- BCIS Home Log InUser Registration Hot Topics Submit Surcharge Stats&.Facts ; Publications ! Contact.Us BCIS Site Map i t Links Search d b r 9"'�Product Approval ��1) Sd �' USER:Public User 2 b Product Annrura7 Alerpn>.Ara>faffi or Aonbcat6an Such>AucRcai®rtc tilt>Application Detail REVIEWED FOR I �s �y /�FL# CO DE ODE COMPLIANCE Application Type evision Code Version R020i T. LUCIE COUNTY r Application Status Approved BCCC rat Comments Archived Product Manufacturer C.H.I.Overhead Doors Address/Phone/Email 1485 Sunrise Drive Arthur,IL 61911 (217)543-2135 Ext4273 windloadengineering@chiohd.com Authorized Signature Pat Hunter windloadengineering@chiohd.com Technical Representative. i He COPY Address/Phone/Email s dYCr Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category Exterior Doors Subcategory Sectional Exterior Door Assemblies Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida I Professional Engineer y Evaluation Report-Hardcopy Received Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed the John E.Scates Evaluation Report Florida License PE-51737 Quality Assurance Entity Architectural Testing,Inc.,an Intertek Company Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 12/31/2023 Validated By Kurt Dietrich PE Validation Checklist-Hardcopy Received Certificate of Independence FL15012 R8 COI Cert of Ind Srates 2020 CHI s odf Referenced Standard and Year(of Standard) Standard Year ANSI/DASMA 108 2017 ANSI/DASMA 115 2017 Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Sections from the Code Product Approval Method Method 1 Option D https://www.floridabuilding.org/prlpr_app_dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDquS73Fr2ZyiPgc%2bhldlGcB6FNEuJraPOT175Yf4A2wLUQ%3d%3d 1/5 5/4/2021 Florida Building Code Online y Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes FLIS012 R8 TI Z3-10-01307 s vdf Impact Resistant:No 1 Verified By:John E.Scates,P.E.FL-51737 i Design Pressure:N/A Created by Independent Third Party:Yes I I Other:Sectional doors provided for wind load application. i Evaluation Reports FL15012 R8 AE FL15012 Eva] Rent Dan s.odf ? Created by Independent Third Party:Yes 15012.7 ?15012.07 Pan Doors,Residential n Sectional steel door with or without vinyl backed polystyrene r insulation,for widths 6'-00"through 11'-00"see drawing for r i applicable pressures. ? j Limits of Use Installation Instructions I Approved for use in.HVHZ:No i FLIS012 RS IT Jamb4tlarhmenlDetails 2020 s.adf 3 Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes FLIS012 R8 11 Z4-10-01307 s.Ddf � Verified B Impact Resistant:No Y:John E.Scates,P.E.FL-51737 Design Pressure:N/A Created by Independent Third Party:Yes 1 Other:Sectional doors provided for wind load applications. Evaluation Reports 3 FLIS012 R8 AE FLIS012 Eval Rept pan S. e Created by Independent Third Party:Yes 3 I 41115012.8 115012.08 Pan Doors,Residential ;Sectional steel door with or without vinyl backed polystyrene 'insulation,for widths 6'-00 through 12'-00"see drawing for i l applicable pressures. Limits of Use Installation Instructions 1 FL15012 R8 13 JamhAttachmenlDetaft 2020 s.vdF 'Approved for use in HVHZ: No s I Approved for use outside HVHZ:,Yes : FL15012 R8 II Z5-10-01307 s.adf 3 Impact Resistant:No = Verified'By:John E.Scates,P.E.FL-51737 ; Design Pressure: N/A Created by Independent Third Party:Yes f Other:Sectional doors provided for wind load applications. Evaluation Reports f ; FL15012 R8 AE FUS012 Eval Rent on s Drlf a I Created by Independent Third Party:Yes 1 115012.9 115012.09 Pan Doors,Residential Sectional steel,door with,or without vinyl backed polystyrene 1 j insulation,for widths 6'-00"through 10'-00"see drawing for applicable pressures. !Limits of Use Installation Instructions HVHZ: No FLJSD12 R8 11 JambAttachmentl3etails 2D20 s.odf Approved.for use in H ` I Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes s FL15012 R8 11 Z6-10-01307 sa:df e f Impact Resistant:No i Verified By: John E..Scates,P.E.FL-51737 Design Pressure: N/A ' Created by Independent Third Party:Yes j Other:Sectional doors provided'for wind'load applications. Evaluation Reports j FL15D12 R8 AE FL15012 Eva] Rent pan s.pdf Created by Independent Third Party:Yes ; 15012.10 115012.10 Pan Doors,Residential Sectional steel door with,or without vinyl backed polystyrene j insulation,for widths 10'-00"through 12'-00"see drawing for applicable pressures ' Limits of Use 4Installation,Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No ; FL15012 R8 II JambAttachmentDetails 2020 s.vdf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes { FIISD12 R8 11 Z6-10-013L7 s-adf ; i Impact Resistant: No i Verified By:John E.Scates,P.E.FL-51737 Design Pressure: N/A Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Other:Sectional doors provided for wind load applications. Evaluation Reports j FLIS012 R8 AE FL15012 Eva] Peat ggn s.adf s 3 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes i a 15012.11 4,15012.11 Pan Doors,Residential a Sectional steel door with or without vinyl backed polystyrene t ! j insulation,for widths 7'-00"through 10'-00"see drawing for 3 I applicable,pressures. Limits of Use Installation Instructions i Approved for use in HVHZ: No a FLIS012 R8 11 1ambAtlarhmentDetails 2020 s. df = Approved for use.outside HVHZ:Yes I FL15012 R8 11 ZS-10-01307 s pdf j Impact Resistant:No a Verified By:John E.Scates,P.E.FL-51737 . i Design Pressure: N/A Created by Independent Third Party:Yes ' Other:Sectional doors provided for wind load applications. i Evaluation Reports y FL15012 R8 AE FLIS012 Eva] Rept on s.adf ! Created.by Independent Third Party:Yes 15012.12 1 15012.12 Pan Doors,Residential Sectional steel door with or without vinyl backed polystyrene i l- 1 ; 1 insulation,for widths 8'-00"through 11'-00"see drawing for applicable pressures. I Limits of Use ;Installation Instructions. Approved for use in HVHZ:No I FL15012 R8 11 JambAttachmertMetails 202D s.pdF 3 Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes 1 FL13012 RS I3 Z10-10-01307 s.DdF Impact Resistant:No Verified,By John E.Scates,P.E.FL-51737 y Design Pressure: N/A Created by Independent Third Party:Yes a j Other:Sectional doors provided for wind load applications. i Evaluation Reports i FLISO12 R8 AE FL1SD12 Eval Rent van sopdf i Created by Independent Third Party:Yes i https://www.floridabuilding.org/pripr app_dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDquS73Fr2ZyiPgc%2bh1'dlGcB6FNEuJraPOT175Yf4A2wLUQ%3d°/"3d 315' t I CAL.OYERHEAD DOORS EIMED WINDBREMER oo SERIES Series - { Supplemental Instructions Pan Doors: Residential I Higher wind pressures and larger doors require additional reinforcement. A CAUTION I ,T�O Premature failure of door system may result from improper \. A V 1 application. See:chart in lower left corner of drawing sheet one for the approved wind.pressures and door sizes. These supplemental instructions do not contain basic door installation.steps and related safety information. 1 A' Failure to follow basic installation steps and related safety WARNING /�, j: A V V A R�'VA�I v G information may result in injury or death. j Door installers must follow a.primary instruction manual for basic door installation steps and related safety information. i The correct selection of door and framing materials in adherence with local \\\\ �1 �• SCgj ��/� building code directives is the responsibility of the building owner/designer: Use of a reinforced garage door does not constitute automatic compliance with -� any building code. Locall building code officials determine compliance criteria. No.51737 1, A locldn system must be installed if the door is not electrically operated- STATE g Y y OF See drawing using top molding,sectlre molding withen door is minimtlm 8d nails otr 2-U2"long than.scre Pegg �i�/�O��S+F4.OR+O , (�2�`\ 1/ ONA ifil ,,��\\ J John E.Scates.P.E. 2560 King Arthur,Ste 124-5'4 Professional Engineers seal. Digitally signed by John E.Scates,P.E. Lewisville,Texas 75056 provided only for verificatioaof Date:2020.09.2912:10:57-05'00' TXPE 56308,F-2203 windload construction details Supplemental Insthuctions_Pan Copyr ghc2030 C Hd:Overhead Doors Florida P.E.#51737 Page 1 of 5 1 For. Use With Drawing Number Z6-10-01307 Strut Placement Door.Height Section 6-6"to T-0" T-6"to 8'-0" 8`-3"to 8'-9" 9'-0"to 10'-6" 10'-9"to IT-3" IT-F to 14'-0" 14'3"to I5'-9" 16-0"to 17-6" 17-9"to L9'-3" l9'-6"to 20'-0" Number 12 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 1 at Detail A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A. N/A N/A. I at:Detail A 1 at Detail B 11 1 at Detail C ? N A NIA N/A N/A N/A. N/A N/A I at Detail A L at Detail C 1 at Detail D / 1.at Detail 1 / � 0 9 1 at Detail B 1,at Detail B I at Detail B N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A t at Detail A I at Detail C 1 at Detail C L at Detail C 1 8 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A, I atD L at Detail IIetail.A 1 at Detail C L at Detail D 1 at Detail D 1 at Detail D N/A N/A N/A. N/A 1 atDetail A I at Detail B L at.Detail B 1 at Detail B I at Detail B 1 at Detail B 7 I at Detail.0 I at Detail C 1 at Detail C L at Detail C 1.at Detail C N/A NIA N/A. l at Detail A. I at Detail B l at Detail D l at Detail D l at Detail D L at Detail D I at Detail D I at Detail C N/A 1 at Detail A l at Detail A. I at Detail B 1 at Detail B I at Detail B' I at Detail B' I at Detail B 1 at Detail B I at Detail B 1 atDetailC 1 at Detail,C 1 atDetailC latUetail',C i at Detail C 1 at Detail C I at Detail C 4 I at-Detail A 1 at Detail C I at Detail C L at Detail B I at Detail B 1 at Detail.D 1 at Detail 1.at Detail D 1 at Detail.D 1 at Detail D L at Detail.D 1 at Detail D ' 3 I at Detail B l at Detail B L at Detail B I at Detail.B 1 at Detail B L at Detail B t atDetail B I at Detail B 1 at Detail B 1 at Detail C 1 at Detail.C 1 at Detail C I at Detail C 1 atDetail C I at Detail C 1 at Detail C L at Detail C 1 at Detail C 1 at Detail C i 2. 1 at Detail C 1 at Detail C I.at Detail C L at Detail C I at Detail.0 I at Detail.C t at.Detail.C 1.at Detail C 1 at Detail.0 1 at Detail-C f 1 1 at Detail D 1 at Detail D I at Detail D I at Detail D 1 at Detail D 1 at Detail D L at Detail D I.atDetail D L at Detail D I at Detail D Push Nut Detail (use on all rollers) use 3/8"I.D.on bottom fixture roller stem use 7/16"1.D.on end hinge and top fixture roller stems. Push nut:Slide roller into fixture and tap Fpush nut onto roller stem using 1/2"socket and hammer. Leave and-fixture. space D between.push nut andfi fixture. Track Bracket Spacing Track bracket spacing shown for doors up to four sections high.Additional door sections may be added for maximum door height depicted on line drawing. Track brackets must be added(per track)for each section and C spaced at a distance not greater than the corresponding section height(see line drawing for required quantities). Strut Placement Concerning Windows Where a strut crosses a window,it is acceptable to move the strut from a position of"Strut above hinge"down to"Strut on top half of tile hinge". Do Not Exceed D 10" B Strut strut C 28" B 28" e A 10" A End.Hinge End Hinge +/-Y tolerance , Strut above hinge Strut on top half of hinge Paee 2 of 5 For Use With Drawing Number Z6-10-01307 Strut Placement Detail Strut End Hinge Strut 9 9 Top Fixture Strut End Hinge Strut above top fixture Strut on bottom half of hinge Strut above hinge t Detail A Detail B Detail C End Hinge r F End Hinge or Bottom Fixture Strut in center of section Detail D f f Optional Windows j Intermediate Hinge A Strut. B P Strut C � Strut e C 6 Strut Strut i 5 Struts i Page 3 of 5 4 3 2 1 Glazing Options:(max daylight opening 39-3/8"x 12-1/2") -1/8"DSB "1/4"Tempered Glass or Polycarbonate -7/16"Insulated Glass w/opt for Tempered D D 10'-0"width shown (see notes for other widths) Optional Windows (see Glazing Options) x� door height o o w 4D � EQ � N 6'-6"to7'_0�� 4 5 3 Top Fixture T 6"to 8'-0"' S 6 4 CE 9 ID 2 8'-3"to 8'-9" 5 7 4 C 4D /1 �I - Flag 9'-0"to 10'-6" 6 8 5 2 f Bracket 10'-9"to 12'-3'" 7 10 6 7' End Stile ' t - 12'-6"to 14'-0" 8 11 7 B A li 14'-3"to 15'-9" 9 13 8 End Hinge 1C 16'-0"to IT-6" 10 14 9 - - 4A / Track 17'-9"to 19'-T° 11 1 16 10 2 Bracket 19'-6"to 20'-0" 12 1 17 1 11 Bottom Fixture Track bracket quantities shown are for use with grade 2 or better Southern 2B 2A Yellow Pine.Refer to Jamb Attachment 2 2 Detail supplemental instructions for B usage of alternate jamb materials. B Intermediate Strut Supporting structural elements shall Hinge be designed by a registered professional engineer for wind loads shown on this ,1+,I I I f II' drawing.If door is not electrically operated,a lock must he installed. \\\` S C `\\NN\pE N$F rFtS No.M737 �. Complies with IBC/IRC 2018.Tested per ANSI/DASNIA 108 STATE OF Maximum door height: 20'-00" Glazing and door have not been tested for windbome debris. %o A Off�•��L•(oR% '• ♦ to '-- A. s //!sS/p11SA1. \\� o Width Design Pressure(PSF) Stile Qty. RlS John E.Scates P.E. o 0 oOOO r'-po" +sz.3/s9.z OS-27-2020 , 7"-00 +9.3 1. s'-0o" +3 i 2560 King Arthur,Ste 124-54 Models Series: 4. 1-349 9.4 I Professional Engineer's seal provided Lewisville,TX 75056 Pan Doors,Residential 10'-001" +31.4/.35.5 z only for verification of windload TXPE 56308,F-2203 C.H.I.Drawing-Z6-10-01307 construction details Florida P.E.#51737 4 page 4 of 5 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 Details on some views may have been omitted for clarity. i Top Fixture The vertical wood jamb fasteners may be counter sunk to provide a flat mounting surface. Flag Bracket (.059)galvanized steel top fixture See jamb attachment details for more information about attaching jambs to stricture. (.086)galvanized 00000 attached with steel flag bracket D four 1/4"x 3/4"screws. 2"x 7/16"(nominal)stop molding to be attached with minimum 8d nail attached to wood D or 2-1/2"long screw on 5"'spacing.Stop molding not required when door jamb with three push nut 5/16"x 1-5/8" is more than 1.'wider than opening. End Stile wood lag screws,to (.034)steel end stile nominal(.0185)galvanized steel minimum horizontal track with two 1/4"x 5/8' track bolts and nuts and to vertical track I with two 1/4"x 5/8"' track bolts and nuts. Optional Top Fixture (.034)steel center stile 2"(min)x.045(min) (.109)galvanized steel top fixture galvanized steel track attached with Track Bracket C two 1/4"x 3/4"screws. (,102)galvanized steel track push nut bracket attached to wood jamb c (.034)steel end stile with one 5/16"x 1-5/8"wood lag screw per bracket and attached to vertical track with one 1/4"x 5/8"track bolt and nut or two 1/4"x 11/32"rivets. End Hinge p galvanized steel O Intermediate Hinge attached with attach galvanized steel Q four 1/4"x 3/4"screws. Q attached with \``111111 U1 `!/ four 1/4"x 3/4"screws. 0 push nut 0-%c F.N$$-.'66 B �'�• 2"(max.for.069 thick)__ — 2 3/4" 2 3/4" Np,51737 i 4"(max.for.109 thick) .p STAVE OF J 4 nominal 2"(min.) 3-1/2"(min.)stem 10(min.)ball roller / ��••ft0RIO,'' with nylon or steel tire. /� ss ON11 I 00 3„ �1 o tJ_ Professional Engineer's seal provided 000 o 1 7/8" only for verification of windload Bottom Bracket construction details A (.102)galvanized steel bottom bracket 1/2" ��� 8G C nts A attached with push nut four red 1/4"x 3/4"screws. John E.Scates,P.E. •° °� 08-27-2020 Optional Bottom Bracket Strut 2560 King Arthur,Ste 124-54 Models Series: push nut (.109)galvanized steel bottom bracket (040)50 ksi galvanized steel 3"strut Lewisville,TX 750.56 Pan Doors,Residential Vinyl attached with attached with TXPE 56308,F-2203 C.H.I.Drawing:Z640-01307 weatherstrip Aluminum extrusion four red 1/4"x 3/4"screws. two 1/4"x 3/4"screws per stile. Florida P.E.#51737 page 5 of 5 4 3 2 1 When applying back jambs over dry wall or other non-stuctrual wall covering,use longer fasteners to insure minimum embedment required. This chart applies to 2x6 wood species with specific gravity of 0.55(Southern Pine)or better. Each auclior inquires it 1-1/2"diameter washer that complies with ANSI B 18.22.1 type B, 3/8"DeWALTScrew-Bolt+ Embed 3.5",Min Edge Dist 3.5",Min spacing 9" 3/8"POWERS Wedge-Bolt+ Embed 3.5",Min Edge Dist 3.5",Mn spacing 9" 2500 PSI CONCRETE 3/8"Hilti I(wikBolt3 Embed 2.6%Min Edge Dist 3",Min spacing 6" - keep each area MAX WIDTH1 DESIGN PRESSURE IN POUNDS-PER-SQUARE-FEET(PSF) clear of any back IN FEET 12 PSF 15 PSF 18 PSF 21 PSF 24 PSF 27 PSF 30 PSF 33 PSF 36 PSF 39 PSF 42 PSF 46 PSF 50 PS_F 53 PSF jamb attachment :. - - -_ - - ---- - - -- 9' 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 34-" 24" 24" 24" fasteners 10' 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24 24" 12' 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 14' 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" header 15' 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24' 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" _�� 1 8" 16' 24" 24" 24'' 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" -1-. 18' 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 3° 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" -� 20' 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24 24" 24" 24" 22' 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24' 24' 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 23" 22" 26' 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 23" 21" 20" 30' 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 23„ 22„ 20" 18" 17" o 3/8"De WALT Screw-Bolt+ Embed 3.25",Min Edge Dist 1.5",Min spacing 3" CMU FILLED W12000 PSI GROUT 3/8"Hilti I(wikBolt3 Embed 2.5",Min Edge Dist 4",Min spacing 8" Highest ancherinstalled at MAXWIDTH1 DESIGN PRESSURE IN POUNDS-PER-SQUARE-FEET(PSF) least as high as door opening, C IN FEET 12 PSF 15 PSF 18 PSF 21 PSF 24 PSF 27 PSF 30 PSF 33 PSF 36 PSF 39 PSF 42 PSF 46 PSF 50 PSF 53 PSF Anchors to be evenly spaced between the header and the floor,9' 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24'' 10, 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 12' 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" o 14' 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 23" 21" 20" 2x6 Southern Pine/Structural grade lumber 15' 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 22" 20" 19" May be counterbored up to 3/8"deep at 16' 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 22" 20" 19" each anchor location to provide a 18" Flush mounting surface. 18' 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 23" 21" 20" 18" 17" 16" G o 20' 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 23" 21" 19" 18" 16" 15" 14" 22' 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 23" 21" 19" 18" 15" 15" 14" 13" First anchor located at no more than 24' 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 23" 21" 19" 17" 16" 15" 14" 13" 12" 10"above floor,but no 26' 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 21" 19" 18"' 16" 15" 14" 13" 12" Ill. less than the minimum edge distance. 30' 24" 24" 24" 24" 21" 19" 17" 15" 14" 13" 12" 11" 10" 9" o r - \\\�`�"' Supporting structural elements shall be designed by a registered professional engineer for wind loads in addition to other loads.This drawing does not address the jamb/wall \\ �►�---- F` // design,but only door attachment.Jamb/wall construction is `ate �Q.d�G�NB�`•�� �� shown only for illustration purposes.The building designer _� ; • / is responsible for ensuring that the jamb/wall is sufficient No.51737 i to carry the door live and static loads. This drawing does not address the spring pad connections. Registered professional engineer may approved an alternative design. *O STATE OF ;4- 10o SCALE Manufacturers installation instructions must be followed. Digitally signed by John E.Scates,P.E. �! ; <i/ M � ppp none Maximum spacing shown in chart, Date:2020.09.04 11:49:50-05'00' 0� QP':G\% AF ❑�J�J❑ ❑ 0E3L1 DATE Lesser spacing may be used to avoid interference with door hardware // e.-- \\ o V e a H F n o 0 0 Q R03-26-2020 and or fastening system,but not less than 8", John E.Scates,P.E, /�� 0 10 NA` ` `�\ Load per jamb=0.5 x door width x max positive pressure x door height. 2560 King Arthur,Ste.124-54 / \ Back Jamb Attachment Detail S"CDN block walls shall comply with,ASTM C90, Lewisville,TX 75056 //�I I l l l I% \ �Use minimum 2001f PSI grout or concrete when filling CMU. Concrete Anchors Florida P.E.#51737 Professional Engineer's seal provided only for Fastener spacing distance may vary+/-1". TXPE 56308,F-2203 verification of windload construction details. C.H.I. Drawing: BJA-101R8 Use Southern Pine table only if both structure and jamb are Southern Pine. 1/2" 1/2"MIN MIN 1/2"MIN 1/2"MIN Use(SPF)table if the structure is Spruce-Pine-Fir or unknown,2x6 jmnbs must always be Southern Pine. ATTACHMENT OF 2x6 XXATTACHMENT OF 2x6 Lesser spacing may be used to avoid interference with door hardware and or fastening system. SOUTHERN PINE JAMB SOUTHERN PINE JAMB Maximum spacing shown in chart. „ ON SHEATHING Lag screw:318"diameter x 3"minimum long;must conform to ANSI/ASME B18.2.1 SHEATHING When applying back jambs over dry wall or other non structural wall covering, use longer lags screws to insure 1-1/2"minimum embedment required. Washer: 1-1/8"minimum outside diameter,must conform to ANSI B18.22.1 type A. �"x 3"LAG SCREWS Pre-drill 1/4"diameter pilot holes for lag screw insertion. 1-1/2"minimum lag screw edge distance required on 2x6. Spruce-Rine-Fir(SPF)STRUCTURE yz"SHEATHING MAX LAG SCREW SPACING(Inches)FOR DOOR WIDTH(max)vs DESIGN PRESSURE %"x 3-1/2"LAG SCREWS keep each area MAX WIDTH DESIGN PRESSURE IN POUNDS-PER-SQUARE-FEET(PSF) clear of any back IN FEET 12 PSF 15 PSF 18 PSF 21 PSF 24 PSF 27 PSF 30 PSF 33 PSF 36 PSF 39 PSF 42 PSF 46 PSF 50 PSF 53 PSF jamb attachment g' 24" 24" 24" 24" 24'' 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" fasteners 10, 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 23" 21" / 12' 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 22" 20" 19" 18" 14' 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 22" 21" 19" 17" 16" 15" O 8,1 15' 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 23" 21" 19" 18" 16" 15" 1A" header / 16' 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 21" 20" 18" 17" 15" 14" 13" 18, 24" 24" M, 24•, 24" 23„ 21" 19" 17" 16" 15" 13" 12" 12" 8„ 20' 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 21'' 19" V. 16" 14" 13" 12" 11" 10" / 22' 24" 24" 24" 24" 21" 19" 17" 15" 14" 13" 12" 11" 10" 9" 3" 24' 24" 24" 24" 22" 20" 17" 16" 14" 13" 12" 11" 10" 9" 9.. 26' 24" 24" 24" 21" 18" 16" 14" 13" 12" 11" 10" 9" 8" 8" 30' 24" 24" 21" 18" 16" 14" 12" 11" 10" 9" 9" B" 7" 7" Southern Pine(SP)STRUCTURE MAX LAG SCREW SPACING(Inches)FOR DOOR WIDTH(max)vs DESIGN PRESSURE ° MAX WIDTH _ DESIGN PRESSURE 1N POUNDS-PER-SQUARE-FEET(PSF) - IN FEET 12 PSF 15 PSF 1B PSF 21 PSF 24 PSF 27 PSF 30 PSF 33 PSF 36 PSF 39 PSF 42 PSF 46 PSF 50 PSF 53 PSF - <_10' 24" 24" 24„ 24" 24" 24'' 24" 24" 24' 24" 24'' 24" 24" 24" Highest anchor installed at 12' 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 2V 24" 24" 24" 24" 23" least as high as door opening. 14' 241' 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 23" 21" 20" 15, 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 23" 21'' 19" 18" 16, 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 23" 22" 20" 18.1 17" Anchors to be evenly spaced between 18, 24" 24" 24" 24" 24'' 24" 24" 24" 22" 21" 19" 17" 16" 15" the header and the floor. 20' 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 22" 20" 19" 17" 16" 14" 14" 22' 24'' 24" 24" 24" 24" 24'' 22" 20" 18" 17" 16" 14" 13" 12" o 0 24' 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 22" 20" 18" 17" 15" 14" 13" 12" 11" 26' 24" 24" 24" 24" 23" 21" 19" 17" 15" W, 13" 12" IV IV 2x6 Southern Pine structural grade lumber. 30' 24" 24" 24" 23" 20" 18" 16" 15" 13" 12" 11" 10" 9" 9'. May be counterbored up to 3/8"deep at each anchor location to provide a r flush mounting surface. 6- SC4r ,//♦ First anchor located at no more than !�` � A C � `•�� � 10 inches above the Moor and g � /no less than the minimum ed c distance. No.51737 ° Digitally signed b John E.Scates,P.E. * o SCALE 9 0 9 1 �0 STATE OF �(y-z (� 0��0 none Southern,Pine(SP)specific gravity=0.55 Date:2020.09.0411:49:24 05'00' i ° w DATE Spruce-Pine-Fir(SPF)specific gravity=0.42 �j��iC�°°�R(OR�pP: �`���` c ��0 03-26-2020 Maximum load per jamb=0.5 x(door height)x(door width)x(maximum positive pressure) /z ;P* -- �� ��� John E.Scates,P.E. SJO � Back Jamb Attachment Detail These charts do not address spring pad connections to the building. ,/ ��'+�< Alternative design may be approved b are registered professional engineer. 2560 King Arthur,Ste 124-54 /®/�� ,��� s Y pp y' g p g !I1ll La Screw Supporting structural elements shall be designed by a registered professional Lewisville,TX 75056 J g engineer for wind loads in addition to other loads. Florida P.E.#51737 Professional Engineer's seal provided only for C.H.I. Di BJA-102R7 TXPE 56308,F-2203 vetification of windload construction details. Drawing: Self tapping screws (With steel) Reverse Angle Only Screw:1/4"dia x 3/4"self tapping screw;must conform to ANSI/ASME B18 2.1. Washer:9/16"O.D.minimum;must conform to ANSI B18.22.1 type A. Lowest fastener to be within 10-inches of the floor For 3/16 jambs,locate screws as shown on door drawing. For 12ga jambs,use(2)screws at each location shown on door drawing. Add holes to continuous angle as required to satisfy fastener quantity. This document does not address spring pad connections to the building. 100"x 1"fillet welds Reverse Angle Welds performed by a Certified Welder or inspected by a Certified Welding Inspector to verify integrity of welds. a"steel Jambs;allowable load per Weld=l 272 lbs. f00"x 1"long fillet Weld 12 gauge or Vi (E60XX Electrodes Min). Use all necessary precautions when welding galvanized steel. Weld to be located vertically on heel of Locate welds in same location as jamb brackets on door drawing. angle and toe of angle at same locations as jamb brackets on door drawing. Minimum of 3 welds per jamb allowed. Fillet welds to have a straight or convex face surface. Tack weld toe of angle at same spacing to prevent rotation of track angle.. Cracks and blemishes shall be ground to a smooth contour and checked to ensure soundness, 100"x t"long fillet weld Bracket Mount or This document does not address spring pad connections to the building. (E60XX Electrodes Min). Leg Out Angle Weld to be located vertically on heel of angle and too of angle at same locations as jamb brackets on door drawing. - — r ��1111I111/ G S Alternative design may be approved by a registered .- co, professional engineer, `�� O�_• C N sip Supponing structural elements shall be designed by u registered u•V�- professional engineer for wind loads in addition to other loads. 5173� � = This drawing does not address tlio jamb/wall design,but only door No � attachment. Jnmblwall construction is shown onlyfor illysga[ion - * ^� purposes.The building designer is responsible for ensuring that v * the jambhvall is sufficient to carry the door live and static loads. -- - SCALE - -- Digitally signed by.John E.Scates,P.E. �� ��� STATE OF ,;/y` &WoUo M MMM none Date:2020.09.04 11:49:08-05'00' i G�� n Q OL7C7 DATE 3-26-2020 Jobn E.2560 King Shure Ste 1124-54 /, �/(1pN',�?`\, Steel Attachment Detail Lewisville,TX 75056 -J Florida P.E.#51737 Professional Engineer's seal provided only for C.H.I. Drawing: BJA-103R8 TXPE 56309,F-2203 verification of windload construction details.