HomeMy WebLinkAboutSub contractor agreementsPERMIT# ISSUE DATE P1ANj. ING & DEVELOPMENT SERVIC ES 5 � Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT A V)rn& Mor� p— L o, nij)Yn,4, have agreed to be (Company Name/Individual Name) the _1D?}rot Sub-contractor£or (Typo of Txade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at W E j_ A � c77 7 �t,Qrn �✓' QQ"� (Project eet Addross r Property Tax ID #) . G?al FOY+- tm_" It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and. Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) IBC i`►Y�t;��uT_1� COUNTY CERTIFICATION N11MER State of Florida, County of M The foregoing instrument -was signed before me this I day of gg who is personalty known or has produced a as identification. STAMP tgna re of Notary Public Print Name of Notary Public SUB-GONTRACTORSIGNA y .` (Qualifier) PRINT NAME 9P Y-A CoUNTX' CERTIFICATION NUNMER State of Florida, County The foregoing instrument was signed before me thisitR1 _day of _ _ate _ 209,/by jgP '5- who is personally know_�or has produced a as identification. �� STAMP Signature Ti otaryPublic PrintName of Notary Public RHONDA . ROW... * Commission NFI 1223Sg . o�; rtiBr DENSE 1EMAY N Q ExplreS May %Zu25 MY COt9i 1SSIPN # CG 477396 Revised 11/16/2016 9�0��°�� s0f�°d�°tl98t�0 N 'vr a EXPIRES; Aistut 23, 2021 `'F vJ Bondod Thru Bu*t W_y SwAm PERMIT# ISSUE DATE .vt PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES tdf Yet, ; k f Bu ilding & Code Complia ce Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT Preferred A/C & Mechanical, Inc have agreed to be (Company meAndi-•ideal Name) the nal Sub -contractor fox Ranar Builders, LLC (Type of Trade) (Primary Contrac' ar For the project located at Morningside .: Palm Breezes ,e rG2 (Project Street A46ess orPropcity Tax ID #) �g It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to.the ding of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE (Qnalllier) Lisa M Field PRINT NAt4fE CBC I2U'fg =:sr:% 1 d COUNTY CE111TVICAVON NUIVIBER StateafClorida,ountyof Martin The foregoing instrument was signed before me this 00 day of J, .ao,Uby /JA wha is personally known or has produced a as id tification Au-n sT,4rap Signatt a otid tary Public )7rintName of Notary Public ?ve�c RHONDAS. ROWE =ogtgp Commission # HH 122364 a o4 Expires May 19, 2025 Revised 11116.1016 �TFpF OQ� BondedTtnBudgetNotarySo*" SUB -CONTRACTOR sf NK (Quatiticr) Donald Wayne O'Byron PRINT NAME 28947 COI NTY CERTWICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of _St. Lucie The foregoing Instrument 19thday of o'Byron P�`7bof4W d0N#G03104 yf EXPIRH�: July Is, 2023 _ t. .�.�oF fti�' .Ut'P�IadMilli i`I✓I�iil5;IL1�hC�+.1VIi1iL,'r,3,' STA@IP PERMIT# �������ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES B01ding & Code Compliance Division BUJI.IDING PERMIT Comfort Control Services have agreed to be (Canipany Nate/Individtlal Nanie) the Electrical Sub -con tractor 'For Renar Builders, LLC (Typa of Trade) (Pritnary Contractor) For tlic project located_ at Morningside @ Palm Breezes ���' "\ ,(�r-a�ZaA I - - (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID Y) e�� q_ F"A It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County kyill be advised pursuant to the filing of.a Change ofSub-contractor notice, CONTRACTOR SIGI ATURF:. (Qualifier) SUR-Ct . A . £)R Sit.i\ATURF (Qualifier) Lisa M Field aRT N A _ME CBC1264695 �tl. _:�rr:f�..t S COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of Martin The foregoing instrument was signed before ine hi,, (his / dayof 20 2G, /-J S , - 05- who is personally known _or has produced a _ as id tiiicafion. U F/t✓ STAMP Signa \otaryl'ublic Print Name of Notary Public 0YPU®�� RHONDAS,ROW E e® k�Ru O Commission # HN 122364 Iterisca I1i16l2016 Nam. QQ STFOFF�u� ExplrasMayiB, 2025 BwdedThroBudPtN*NSEn" Wayne Zimmerman PRi tiT NALP TE 31572 COUNTY CLIVYIFICATION bICYNn3F:R State of Florida; Count)• of st. Lucie The foregoing instrument was signed before me this 1 7 day of who is persoually limown �qr Iras Ot vtlucecl a aside dfd,tiartl• r� C� ST1 A111' nreof'%�otan Public/ % Print tV:unc of notary Lf34LNKirnla Public, State of Florida J. Simnnemmission GG 957BQ3s0511®f2Q24 PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Co Yapliance Division . . . . . . . . . ..... . -11T BUILDING PF)R;N SUB-MN'TRACTOR AGREFNIENT Aqua Dimensions. Plumbing, Services, Inc t-1--y vidiliwinuiviouat ,\-aine) the pq'ur-A� I" Q (TN)I- Of Trade) have agreed to be Z� Sub-fontrautur for Renar Builders, LLC For the projoe-T located at Morningside @ Palm Breezes (PrOjpct Street Address or Propeffy Tax M (Primary Contractor) ) It is understood that, if there is any change of Status regarding our pait 0 i ip tio a 11 with the above mentioned projeat. the Building and Code Regulation Division of St, Lucie County Nvill b6 advised pursuant to the filli",- of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CONTRACTOR SIGNTj�kK- Lisa M Field FRINTWAiEr CBC1264695 'D i ;ff(—)UNTY Martin The foregoing instrument was signed before me (111S I day of 2o�A by __LtI6, �rn as . dcritification, STAMP Sian nraot`.NofaryPubljc Print INAMe -Ofi\T(�tary public RHONDA& ROWE 0 COMMISS�1n #H14 122,M4 Tr Expires P44Y 19 2025 01,414 Tin awget NZY servh$ UR-CONTV—rel $LGNXJ URE (Qualifiery Robert Ludlum PFU;NT mN-m 0- F C- 0 S �'7 5 z State ofFlorida, Conntt of St. LuGle The forephigm,ti-ij, nent was signed btilim rue this i 7 day of 70 by Robert Ludlum ------ L A- tg`na'tu""'� i'd I PriuWan e of Notary Putwe Noriary Public State of Flooda Rhonda Lafferty My Cornmsswn HH 0042 11 xpu -s'02J17)2025