HomeMy WebLinkAboutSub affidavits 2107-0586��tiLil4�� Pere P�s-lctcW,Co.� `7 PERMIT # [ Mr o 5 Q-%n ISS E DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPME Building & Code Compli: ---.._ —_ BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREI e.e K 4 S art.s 91 u rm to i ,n T SERVICES ce Division have agreed to be Company NI'me/ladividual Name) J the ILA m Vcl 1 Sub -contractor fol V kA �Aar (Type of Trade) V (Primary Contractor) For the project located at aw ff '14 Lie J5(% (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned prgjcct, the Building and Code Regulation Division of'St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub --contractor Notice. CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) CONTRAC. OR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) ut' , ewpA ba m eeK PRINT NAME PRINT NAME Gf�G Cis -I 3 -7ez COUNTY CERTIFICATION `UMBER COUN State of Florida, County of ^ .�'' State r 1'he f egoirig instrument was signed before aye this r day of `i'bc fo ZU, by r, who is personally [mown _ or has produced a who is as i(Iti titleatlon. I n as ldel STAMP 'S' nature of Notary Public Print Name of Notary Public Notary Public State of Flcxsda ` Patricia K Collins My Commission GG 248672 !yR" Expires 0612412022 OF R [Revised 11/16/20,16 CER°I-WICA'ITIOid NUMBER. rida, County or Ind 14 r 1 yeX rig instrument was signed before one thisG 2 clay of finally kaovva_kor has produced a l Public. Print N Rn of Notary Public o,r .u, Notary Public State of Florida aQ `� Abigail E Lefebure e My Commission HH 120167 Expires 0412112026 GAF f� STAMP PERMIT # � �j � / ISSUE DATE 410 PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES s - Building & Code Compliance Division man BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEM N`I' (Company Name/Individual Name) the ��? ��C-G Sulu -contractor Ior 4 (Type ol-Tra(te) {Pi�imary COtltraCtor) have aureed to be For thc project located at jZ LW x J_,�L .5ggq i ---�---may (Project Street Addr-esti 01- Property ax III Ni It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our par(icipation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Coda: Regulation Division of St. Lucic County will be advised pursuant: to the tiling of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) C3AaU PRINT N:! 11F. C.'OUV'IA' CERTIFICATION NNtA BER nl' State Florida. County of j J-i'(d f ,(o rub Tire rci ing instrument//was signed before me thi f dday er who is personally known _ur'ha.s produced a 11 as)idnrification. { c ^ K ` STANW 15atureol'Nwar} Public j/�t'}y Print Name of Nolary Public - -- C:�/ L9 COUNTY C't:RTIFICAT(ON NUMBER State of Florida, County of 53 The foregoing insn•ument was signed before pie this � y day of 1J4h-'--. 20ZL by � I'L� L fYIMQf iit�� Si£'rfafnre of Print Nome known R or has produced a a ry la — STAMP AN" Notary Public State cat Florida � � Nptwv Public State of Florida Patricia K Collins Tracey R Mascola My Commission GG 2481372 My Cammisaion GG 998134 Revised I I?1612t11h Expires 081240122 k Expires ryll29Q024 O0" '� PERMIT # � ISSUE DATE I � _OtO6 & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES PLANNING Building & Code Comptiance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT (Company Naqw/fadividual Name) the of Trade) For the project located at 111J6. have agreed to be Sub-cantractor for _V6 ah sq-t7m ata"__ (Primary contractor) Address of Property Tax TO #), ItS tMderstood iha4 if there is any change of status regarding otw Participation with. the abov� mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will. be "viscd pursuant to the filiag of a Change of Sub -contractor notice, SIGNATUJIX (-Quallfier) - A—V,* PONT.'NAW SIUM of 00rida, CDUuty Of TA#� re was signed bd*wt we this dy of who i*p0manHy"kinown _� �'r spt*duceda ItLviI mmom WAYIV6 -7-4knfn0mfttJ PIUN-17 NANTE COUN-17Y f 1111MCATIONNUNWR State Of Florida, County of _67- 4UCIC The fqogwog instroftwat was SiPP4 before Inc this 2iMofft 1 2*2 by. ta tk6 Z/X 116go who is pergoaally kno-wu has prq4mced a as identifft!ation. $TAINIP rig JAYwtv, of Notary bite 41M T' 'Off)ON6- Print -Nam ofNetary Public State G' Notary public State of Florida Simone o+n imone I r8 Ay C-70missim GG 957803 OV JgPJ_ "M OS1181=24 1MEXYPCXM PERMIT ISSUE DATE 7 COUNTY %k7l F L 0 1 0 A PLANNING & DEVELOPMET Building & Code Complia BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREFM SERVICES � Division J J(JML, have agreed to be !�l( WoTnpaiiy NametIndividual Nairn) the �2E', C4 Sub -contractor for dL09,:S (Type oFTradc) _J (Primary Contractor) For the project located at IqA� �vnv (Pro icol—street Address of Propeny Tax ID H) It is understood that, il'there is any changc of Status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division orSt, Lucie County will be,0uispd pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CMTRACTOR SIGNATURE (421AvI1r1W)_ stp—C R 11 (Quallner) op =4LVL_ A 1� PRINT NAME PRINT NA,4k—'11 & COUNTY CEItTIMATION NUMPER COUNTY CERTIFICArION NUMBER State of Florida, County of-Th-di (kn rtlw-)/ State ofFlo rl4a,Ctionly of (nA010 4t• Thefu ni day The fvreguinginstrucial way, signed Wore me this U24 da�yiaf btu rdrvt 61 Zlpai,hV who is pvrsonalfy known r" or has producer! a Wbo Is personally ka"'11 ZIr has produced a as Idea STAMP FI'AMP LIFerof'Notary Public Signanirc of Notary Public _7�771, Ct I Y't MdqV-" - Print Name n(Notary Public Priat Name of Notary Public ub 518t8 Of FlQrida P "r a Notary Public Path6a K Collins M Myi: rommisson GG, 2461372 12412 22 Notary Public State of Flonaa Exypives oBI2412022 Carmelo Frantantont RcyisLd 1111612016 MY CO-MaVon HH 008620 EXPIMS W0412024