HomeMy WebLinkAboutapplicationAll APIPLI CABLE INFO MU5T 8E MPLETED FOR APPLICATJON TO BE ACaPTED Date- P=it Number: Building Permit Application Planning aad Devekpr )ent Se'wcex J3a ldxnq ww Code Pegdabu? &wvay Commercial Residential 1:f la 1lrgil Avenge, Fr# Pierce FL 3&9&2--- PFhone: (T72) 4G�-155� Fax: M2) 462 lS 18 P ER IT AP PLICATIO N FOR: PRQPOSE D I MPR01fWENT LOCATION: Prnperty Tar€ ID 3!- Sete Plan Name: Pr*ct Name: DETAI LED DESC R9 PTION 0 F WORK _ --- z-f- Ncw Electrical !V!4-ter Second Electrical Mater CONSTRUCTION INFORMAT10N; Additional work to b--- perForrned under this permit check AI that.3pply; (Aff-rdavit requiribd) Lot No. 3 t Block No. _Mechanical �-. Gas Tarok _ Gras Piping _ Shutter$ _ windows/Doers _ Pond Llectric Y Pl rrF�i r _ 5prinzlers Generxtor Roof Pitch otal $q_ Prot Construction: r� _ S+ . Ft. of F-rrA Floor - (log of Construction- 5 � �'rNiti-e5= _ Scwcr _ Septic BuiWing lief e.ht ERAESSEE: Na rr r C zip Code: 'f ii Fax: phone No. r 3 7 � F-�Ilail:•-- --- Fill in fee sirnple Titf a HeIcler on next page if difftrent FrOM the Owrtii�r listed ahovia) CONTRACTOR. Naive- - cORlptiirijr: U Stater Zip ode- I yf Fax; Phone No L 14 State Dr Cotyr License_ ` urr if value of eoFKMZti13rt CL 7.50a OF mom a RECORDED Notice of commencement i& rt qu i�rd. rf value of HAVC is $T,StA or more, a RECOR]]FD U tke of Com mericemerrt is required_ S U PPLEM ENTAL CC N TR UCTION U EN LAW f N FORMA-PON, YESI GNER f EN GINI` ER; _ Not Applicable Narn-e= Add reSS: ' - — + , State: Zip: Phone FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLDER; _ Not Applicable Name: ,add ress: City_ LP: Plhone= MORTGAGE COM PANY: _ Not Appl ica He Name_ Address: Ciy= Zip- Phone: BONDING COMPANY: N-ot Appl ica b4e Name: Address- — - Cxty- — Zip= . -• -- P*IOrle= — — OWNMI CONTRACTOR AFFIDIJIT_ AppIif:.iitVn i-. hcrcbY made to obtain a permit to do tlsi!� work and ins#allatiorr as indicated. I certrfy that no work -or imUll;illoi bas commenced prior to the isspane.(- 01;0 permrt. St Lucie Court m.0 kC'ti ng representation -that is granting 3 permit will aixtMrize She permit Braider to build ffic- sut;jed s#ructwe which 11; 16 Wriflict with anyr app;lcahle Home ownfY!� Amu-datiorn ruses} bylaws or and oawenanU that rroyr rcArkt -or prohibit such struOu re- Please consult witfi y,aur i amr : Fwrs Association and review your dertid tw any eestricdom which may apply_ In consideratico cf the gmeiting of this guested permit, 3 do hereby agr(* #hot I vyill, 0 al! respects, perform the work in 3cowd'sm with the approved plans, the Flofiil$ I0Idin¢ fides and St Lucie Cuunty Ampmdmentc. The foltowing building permit appUfAti<:ins are exempt h-Dm undergoing a full conGjrr-ency review-. Toom addilic s} accessory-Muc.,"res, swimming pools, fences, wraps, sins, soven rooms and aacessc ryf uses to another non- re -+den ial use WARN tNG TO OVIAN.ERL Your failure to ReLmd a Notice of Cummenmmimnt may restitt in payiig twits for improvements to your property- A Notioe of CQm€nen cement must be recorded irw the public records of St. Lurie County and posted) an the jo idea before the first in5pectl ort- If you intend to obtain Financing, wnsult with lender Qr an att-orney before coma -Lend ng work or repo riling you r Notice of mmencernent- i a5 Agent (or Owner ,Sworn ko for aifirmedj anq subscribe d be c me of Hh�sica I P're noe oe —_. Online Notaraatie n this _15 day al _ , y 20 e, t b-I Name of pP.ry" rr,-kang sta meat P�ers�Fn r`KY3own- O}R Produced ideirtificat inn TYReI ntification Prod ur�d •.iSipLnaE f Natwy Public -Stag i)f Flea I Corr mission No- 9 IL� lij') j5e2t� F RONT COUNTFR N.W AAM ST 5rM MA rkWFY PUNW. - Staie of FknZ �gfflRwa:" r GG 26419? k -0r rti. IN CWW- URes DEC 13. 7 0 7 j 5andLA 4hra* hWtk I Sol &:Y 4w _ MAFJCj ROVE REVIEW