HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval DataPGA Golf Club South Course Restroom Facility Product Approval Data David Miller and Associates, P.A. 2090 Palm Beach Lakes Blvd. Ste. 205 West Palm Beach, FL 33409 October 29, 2003 Roofing Products Approval Mt IA MtIDAD�. t NIIAttiII-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA METRO-DADE FLAGLER BUILDINNG PRODUCT CONTROL NOTICE OF AC CF—PT,aNCF Englert, Inc. 1200 Amboy Avenuc Perth Amboy ,NJ 08802 e' R111.I)INC CJDC COI11'LIANCE OFFICE i�lli"i"Rf)-I)r),1]l: P[,11G(,liit 1111It,C7l'�(3 140 Wl""5T VL,'AC;I,(iR S'1'ltlii;'!', S1.lI'I'[i I603 ;�91r1�fll, 1�LOI;II);1 33130-1b,i i3t15) 375-39()1 FAX (30 ) 375-290 (:i)\'i'li:1C"1'()It 1.1(:I?titi1\(: 5i•:('i'I()ti (:(hti'rt2:1(-1.01{ 6;,\f 01:(:6;11tCti'1 U1�'15[(1.ti (305) 375-2966 FAX (30�) 37- ,9Ua (�(15) 313-190U VAk CM51171-6339 Your application for Notice; of A=l puince Enorlort Series 2000 over Wood Deck under Chapter 8 of the Code of i`rfianii-)aide: County governing dw use ofAlternaw Vlaterials and Types of Construction, and completely deseribcr_-1 herein, has been reeon11rri nded for acceptanccr by the Mian)i-Dad,c County BuildingT Code Compliance Office (OCCO) Linder the conditions specitied herein., This iVOA shall not be valid after the expiration date stated below. BCCO reserves the rittlit to secure tl]is prodLICE or material at any time txoni a jobsite: or manufacturer's plant for clualit;' Control testing. It' this product or material Faits to perform in the approved manner, I3CCO may revok,u, modify, or suspend the use of such product or material immediately, BCCO reserves the right to revoke this approval, if it is determined. by BCCO that this product or maicna.l Fails to Met the re:(fuircniznts Of the South Florida 1;uildirig Code. 1 hC: exponse of SUCK testing will be 1t1CLIrred by L11e t]ZailUtaCLLlrtrr. ACCEPTANCE NO.: 01-0420_01 EXPIRES: 0-5/17/20(76 Maul R.ociri' ucz ChietTrodkict Cowrol Division T1-1I'S IS THE CO'VFRSHF'F1' SEE ADT)I'1 ONAL PAGF,S FOIZ.F,I'FCIFIC AND GENERAL CONDITIONS BUILDING C )171,X C-T: S,VYrM-(-1MITTFF, ki This application for Produce flppri�v� >�z „�� ,��� �,ti,���r cl�,cbty Itl Ij CCU and approQvQd by the Building L'()de and Product lZeview Cott]ltyittcc t ��t�I� ;��=�, ll)5''`�� tL_'�{ji ty, Florid) ul]der tine conditions set u8A7 Y Itg �r�R:f'4 U I., L� hl Z �a Nr. i(7rth above. Celruka(i4De, stutumertls t:nd ade4,.[:.onlAiRad + t)®rein kre Only walid Mon =W In cgnjunctban wilt) r - - callified Eacik:)Y Malaria(. crft(3(paoducts may nor I/jL, po)9orrnlh,)warn_,0!!OQraapecilirdlyornatec(� rrrJll /�G_I cavor-Age by this drt:,altlaetd anrt any mriWUhR $ wr- maily a%silabls ihrouoh Engia,t. Trio CompauyIMAM Wow has Paid s;+r oMf!;oato C'rwiciSCO J. Quiritalla, R,A. hold rrnd distribuiet nr:tdiil�:) ei7ned and eenbwadi Director copivaofihisdoournent. f�`Ilallll-f?;;(IC CUCttlty` Al'f'1-()VED: 115/17/2001 Company; Code ode Cnllipliarlcc Office Chy; Slatd' , Grlly true Cutti(lud rop!m of this doaunVsnt beer '11:a rwsed seal of thu enr?;�('r Caruoration. rluthaYlzexi Sllnat> 11sA;Sr)t)U I'.P�2000ll(cmpl )te;lnotico accapr�nte Cover psg .qle of ISSruo; „V - t� �W tntl;ruc( rnstil :tdrlress: llostrnastcr�u:huilclittt;cq(leonlint:.com P"n tloutcptt(;c: heel):f/rv)vtit•,lluiltlin�?t`gdct)tliinc_com TO 39VJ Vd31SAS c)NIADON -lvinl P.) 717it7r7)1 Qi, : t T P err,17 iq7 Inn EiN6LERT, INC. ACCEPTANCE SS'O: 01-04120.01 ROOFING AssEMBLY APPROVAL Rootal- Sub-catezon': Non -Structural Nlctzl 1�a0fin tMateriais. Stecl Ivinximuni Design i'ressurc -62.5 psf Approval pate: May 17, 2001 Expiration late: 1INllay 17, 2000 TRADE NAMES OF PRODUCTS MANUFACTURED Oil LABI, LED 13Y Al'l'LiCANT: 'rest Product 1'rod tit; t Dimensions Specilicaticsns Desc.ri pion Series 2000 1 � varlOUS PA 110 Corrosicri resistant, galvanl2t'd, w = 1 S" & preformed, standing seam, coated, Thickness 0.0276 PA 125 pretinislied, metal panels. 44,700 psi Grade D Class Series 2000 Clip min. 0.048" I'A 114 Corrosion rdsismar, formed, steel .i'1" ]oil- x Appendix E clips for metal panel installation. I'/," Iligh Trine Pieces I = varies Pal 110 Standard tl.ishing and trim pieces. w = varies ivl:mulactured for each panel width. .Thickness 0.0276, EVIDENCE SUBMITTED; Test Agency Undcrwriters Laboratories. Inc. Architt:ctural Tusiin„ Inc. Architccwral T4'Stli7'�', Inc. Architectural Tcstin-, Inc. ArcIlitCCtUrni T"stinI_. 111C, Test Identifier 91 NK 6936 01-32796.01 01-32796.03 ATl 99023 01-35499.01 I'n;-v?ot6 Test Nnine/Report Date Uplift Pres,,urc Tes61111 Oct- 1992 LPL M-Constructioll No. 359, 35M PA I00 Scp. 1993 Tensile -nest ' Oct. 1998 ASTNI E 5.96 PA 125-95 Dec. 1999 Pit 13.7-95 Feb. 27000 Prank zul0a!",a, RRC Roofing Product Control Examiner 60 39Vd W31SAS ENIJ00d -1Vi0i ISLL VCZz L 91 : 1T OOZ;OZ/OT ENGLERT, INC. ACCEPTANCE NO: 01-0420.01 SEFr ][Es 2000: ENGLERT, INC. 1200 AMBOY AVE. PERTH ArMSOY, NEW JERSEY 08862 . SERfES 2000 ;PANEL AND AT7,AC; ME f CL,1P" T 09, R -- 1 `' PANEL PROFILE 1, ALL 01MENSIONS A. ;7 TO CENTER LINE OF MATERVU- 2, ALL P0011 ARE O.09- UNO 3- PANEL TO SE IA;`dIU '1d 24 CJl STEEL -. CLIPS TO SC MiNIMU.I 18 CA. S7E4 PANEL JL 3 1:2' SIBS RAT1: cup SID `V1=4'i PANE.ENG.AGEMENT fW 1'aocJ a Of'l Iran Uloau. fifiC Ruafin6, PfodUCt Control Lxamincr CO 39Vd W31SAS 9NIA00d -1V10l 5LLZ0VC(—,LL 5b:t T vOK/87,/0T ENCI.,ERT, INC. ACCEPTANCt, NO: Ot-04ZO,01 APPROVEM AssE, INI 3Lil:S: Deck Type: Wood, Non - hmuWmd, Deek Description: New Construction "i,2--Or �,rcatcr plywood orwood plank. Slope Runge:";1 2" or greater Nluticuum Uplift Pressure: The maximum allowab[C uplift pressure (or 15" panels shall be; —62.5 psf, Deck Attachment: In accordance with applic;alblt; 13uilding, Cod , but in no case slut k be less than k 3 x 2" lo,l,, sc:rt%vs spaced Vox- In r'erootrng, where the deck is less [Ilan r'i.2" lhic:k (MiniMLun 1561") Mic above: atmchmenr method. alust be in addition to existing attilehrllcnr. Unclerhtymellt: Nlininulm underlaymem shall bu all ASTPO D 226'I'ype (f installed with a tni dmurn 4" sicieda p and 6" end -laps. Underlayn:ent shall be fastened with approved corrosion resistant tin caps and annular rung shank nNis, Spaced 6" ox. on the laps and two rows spaced IT' ma in we Held of roll. Valleys: Valley construction shall be in c umpliancc with Rooling Applicmioll Standard RAS 133 and with tic current pubHowd installation Irltitrtrcdons and duails in Fn!�lort c'.1cta1 Roofing intitullntion yklnLI, Panel Clips: P:nicls shall bu installed with approver) clips, tILIICIICd to sul5stratc with t,xo corrosion resislam K10-16 self -tapping, lrtncaka sercws orsuf7icient length to pcnctrmtc through the strucuwal duck a ndnirluun of it" at a Fire Barrier Board; For class A or B fire ratan'`*, InStilll I111n1n1Uill thick Georgia Pncitic "Dens Deck" (with current NOA) or minimum 4mm thick of 'rritcx. RockRoof (Nvith current NOA) or '/v" water resistant type X gypsum sheathing with tremor) core mid facer. Metal Panels ant1 Install the "Saks 1100 Panel" and accussuries in crinpliancu with the current published installation histructions, and details in Englert Mutid Roofing Insmiltltion Manual, IMICIrations, v:lllcy construction and adler demils shall be constructed in Compliance with Roolin�," ,+tipokalkm standard RAS 133_ l7cnlaIe Ic,^ of s,r,:p scant shill be caulked wadi a Illlllllllllnl Vbend of-seal:Int prior to irlstall:rtiml. L: l) l tl [rank Zuluava, ItP.0 Rooting Product Control Cxamincr ENGLERT, ?NC. ACCEPTANCE NO., 01-0-420.01 SYSTEIm LIMITATJONS: I , Increased design pressures at perimeter and corner areas, in compliaacc with applicable building code may be nict throm li rational. analysis by inucusitlg the nutllbu of attachtnelit points in moso 4ireas. Tfie maxitilunl laswrier spacing 11mcd in the "Systems Description" section of this approval shall not be excmdCd. All ruional analysis Cumputation $hall be prepared, signed and scaled bya Florida re-istcred Prufi s!;ionaI Engineer, Registered AtchiteCt, or Registered Roof Consultant. 3. Panels sliall be roll f01'I11Cd itl C011tlllttotlS len`,ths from cave to ridge_ Nfaximunl lend-ths shall be as described in Miami -Dade Comity Rooti,lg Application Protocol RAS 133, 3. All panels shall be perimmently labeled With the 111u111LO- uLurnr's rlamc and/or logo, arlcl t}1c: followim smrt4m4nt: "Miami -Dade Cou111Y Product Control Approved, All clips shall be permanently labeled With manufacturer's name, and/or logo, ancf/or Model. Paige 5 oC6 Frank f uloag a, IZJZG Routing PrOdLICt Control Examiner f• n 7LlH J h 11 I r I r tom&. IT 1n 1 "I W I n I r J,-- I , -- - -- . r, . 1-1 C[Y4t..L121', [ttiC ACCCvr vNcE �,o; ot-o4zo.oi 0 NOTi.CE 01, ACCFI'TANCs: STANDARD CONDITIONS Renewal of t.10 Acceptance (approval) shall be considered after a renewal application has been Filed and the original submiled doc:unren[atian, including test supporU[1g CI, ta, cn",!inem in- documents, are no older than eight (8) years. -kny and all approved products shall be p nlanently labeled with the rt'ianulaeturer's liaine, city, state, and the following staMment: "NAW-Dade County Product Control Approved", or as specifically stated in tile; specific eonditions of this Acceptance. Renewals of Acce:ptanco will not be considered if: a) There has been a change in the South Florida Building Code al'lectin�g the evaluation of this product and the product is not in compliance: with the code changes, b) The product is no longer the: same product (identical) as the one oriti�inaily approved; c) II the: Acceptance holder has not camplied With All the requirements of this accep(ance, ili;ludin�d thw correct installation of the produc(; d) The engineer who originally prepared, signed and walled the required doeumcntation initially submitted, is no longer practicing the engineering prolkssion. Any revision or change in [lie materials, use, andJor mantlfactlrre of flit; prodUCt Or prOCCSS shall automatically be cause for tern'rinittion or this Acceptance, Unless prior 14ricren approval has beep requested (through the filing ol'a revision application with appropriate fee) and ,uranred by this ORMO. Any of the following.; shall also be �.'rourldS for removal of this Acceptance: a) Unsatisfactory perronnaricc; of this product or prOCUSS, b) lvli = oms mceptance as an endorsement ofany product, Ir sales, advertisiq or any other purpose:. The Notice or Acceptance number preceded by the %words Nliami-Dade C uuwy, l'lorida, and followed by the expiration date may be dispi;,tycd in advcrtitiing literature. It any portion orthc Notice of Acceptance is displayed, their it sllalll bt: done in it;; entirety. A copy orihis Acceptance as well as appro'.'cd drowhWs and other documents, •whcrc It npplks. shall be provirled to the user by the nianufacuiror or its dislributtws and shad be available Ic7r inspection at cite job site at all times. The copies need not be resealed by the engineer. Failure to comply with any section of this mceptancc shall be cause liar trnninado►1 and reinovni or Acceptance. This Acceptance contains pages I thmi gh 7. END OF THIS ACCEPTANCE, 1'n 6 o C 6 ' I'Cz11"1li �UlUaa:l, RRC Ruching Prtsduct C00tr0I 1?.�aminer 90 TIM H31SAS 9NIA00N WWI Gtzr nhP.z1_ ,t� :t7T. Mnr• /QT!nT Exterior Door Product Approval Amweld's Miami -Dade County (Florida) DACE: 10/00 Hurricane. Rated Assemblies PAGE: 1 SCOPE: This bulletin covets the scope and criteria for the above noted program, PURPOSE To provide the necessary information to specify or evaluate Atnweld's outswing, commercial impact resistant (hurricane) approvals, DESCRIPTION: Amuveld subjecred essentially standard 400 Series 16 gage frames and 15LE Series 18 Gage doors to test protocols #PA 21000-94. (Impact test), PA 202-94 (Uniform Static Air Pressure)'aad PA•203-94 (Cyclic Wand Loadizin�;as .defined by the South Florida Building Code. Testdd;assemblies utilized: comiaon•buildees hardware and -Wearhersiripping without additional surface bolts or other mem s of restraint not normally used on exit doors. A'series of single 3'4" x 8'0" doors and 60" x 7'2" double doors was tested_ Prior to actual testing, a "lead to failure" simulation was conducted. The single unit withstood up to 117 Ibs/sq. ft_ load. Double unit withstovd 67.5' lbs/sq. ft. AIlov&g for a 1.5 safety fa(;tor, single doors were tested at a design, load of 7.0 p.s,f and double doors were tested at a design load of 4` p.s_f Actual test reports, design drawings and approval information are contained on Amweld's internet site (wwtiv_arnweld.coni). A sync)psis of approvals follows. IMPORTANT NOTES: In order to comply with the conditions of approval (Acceptance No_ 997-1124.07) all components inust be indicated in the synopsis_ 2. These units do not require shutters, awnings, or overhangs to meet wind, impart or water penetration requirements at The specified design pressure, 3. In most cases, building codes require dosign pressure (in pounds per square foot) to be indicated at each door opening either on floor plans or on door schedules. Note that this requirement is not to be noted as "wind speed". Actual PSF loadings will vary by the location of thebuilding, location of doors in the building, height above. grade, in addition to wind velocity. � - V 0 16 y BUILDING PRODUCTS, INC. DOR 08/08/03 FRI 15:03 iTX/R% NO 75051 17I002 a -d d04sio0a S a W d9s :SO E0 82 400 Hurricane Rated Assemblies PAGE: 2 ^J Single Door O.rtsWng +1- 70 PSF Msi n Pressure General Information Daor Opening Sizer. 34' x 87 mdmin sirde swing Hamca ProtectionSystem (shutters): Not Reared Irrupt Resistant :!es. Gazing in Door. M> (Rush Door C n1y) Poor seder": 15LE (25LE:) a 17LE (27LE)19/4' truck Gspa' 18 Ga (.0428' minimum) or 16 Ga (05V mirimurri) CRS orC-�Ivanized CPdchs:.: Edges rrg y be cu�irgxx sly s cled t-lare�nere• Reinforciix,� ,iQ Cac,�, (min.) }-Irge R�r�f�lerrt 14 Q.2ge Y-C L Lock Peirft=,er� 12 Gage Clos& Reifforcement Frame, - — Seies: 400 -'7' Face 16 Ga (053' min) or 14 Ga CAS or Calvarized Cepth SW.t vv,, h 12'/-,' knocked dowl Wth gusssets CPtidzs: Come- and return gadded HardAu Reinforcing; 10 Cage (min.) liege Relrf4oerr-rrt 14 Gage (min.) Strike Reir¢ort 12 Gje (rein,) ism F)it'Cevice Reirlfaroermm Anchors Spacing 7 .GaL Wre matey or 18 Go. Masorry tee 22" Max 0. C L (5 w jamb @ 8'a ) x a tQ F MM JrQrn QCaoM #241ag,sdEw(LAG) and bottom of jamb W x4' mn "oolt" Kr in 22' max en center S x 5' Camage Scit & Nut (1)1Z' rnax from shrike jamb in header rdwara tees : Hager BB11681% pair 7 ' and rrder, 2 pair aver 7'2' wn:M �Series.{tested•:LN£t)�tnorse �t�or:'1•'S�'es:(ie�tr�tl_'�0:1 � ' act�rical Threshold and 1N'eatheWps Head and Jambs: HaW #861S and #'7WS Threshold fter#560S (fasteners 12 WT QC nmin-um) Bottom Svoev Hager#754S Ming Stiles: HW #1574S and #736S Sealant (as mgUam): C.SI Series PCI58 u%hite latex 'BUILDING PRODUCTS, INC,' �,A 08/08/03 FRI 15:03 IT-T/RY NO 7505] 1aoo3 c 64, E -d ipBt+8tr9�IaLL doysjooa s g W d9S sSO '60 Ba '400 Amweld's Miami -Dade: County (Florida) DATE: 10100 Hurricane Rated Assemblies PAGE: 3 Single Dw r OubsWng 70 PSF Design Presume' Gerrerallrtfnrrrion Door Cpedng Sim. 34' x 72" n-adnun sirgte skng ....... Hurricane Pratecticn .%r 1em (shuAers): Not Required • IrrpaU Resistant Yes Glazing in Dccr: W (lqush Door CQ1y) Door Series: 151.E (25i:.EE);!r 17LE (27LE)1,7,1! thick Gage: 18 Ga (.04 . rrirvrnurn) or 16 Ga'(:053" rrinfrrxrn) CR5 or Galvanized Options: Edges maybe c or t moz-ly sepmvielded Hardware Reirrfac9ticG 10 G-� (trim) Inge Reirifo mmertt 14 Gage Y-GL-tbdc RdrrfamnW 12 Cage Clos+eeReinkxcen-efj Ffmm Series 400 - Z' Face 16 G3 (.053" rdh) or 14 Ga CRS or Q2 ' Depth: 5' .' t1yough 12%' Wo:krd dmn with gus�ets Options: Comers aril mturns welded Ha'dware Reirtfaxc my 10 Gaqe (Trim) large Reir>foromx rtt 14 Gage (rda) Stri lm Re irlfaterrtertt' 12 Gage (mint,) Rim Bdt Dice Relntbmeg,t Anchors Spacing 7 Ga Mare rrasorry-m 18'Ga N{es rx ytee 2z'Max O C (4 per jarrh) 3e' x4" Qyrebdt .5' n-mc from bottom of fader 424 lag screw (LAq and bCO m of jamb 3r8 x4' morl '1ru-lY'1Gngpin 2Z' meec on center W x ' Bolt & Nut (1)12' mac front strike jamb in header Finger Hager E361279 or SB1168 1 Y pair Exit Devim: Mularch (F� 18M x LE Trim X 81279 spike Thres Wd and Weatimr tilps Head aid Jams F bger ##861S and #736S lPrt tdd Hager#5MS (fasteners 12 %:' O.Q maadnvm) Bottom sw Hagx #754S • Meeting Stiles; Fr#874S and#736S Sealant (as regtirted)-•- - OSI Seies PC158 white latex A V-M�'Valff' !'M 't�'1'A IG BUILDING PRODUCTS, INC. � Dff-fl 08/08/03 FRI 15:03-[TX/RX NO 75051 Q004 1, - d dogs jooa s g W d9S : SO 60 Be 400 Amweld Single Door Specifications Page 1 of 7 Single Opening Door Report Manufacturer: Amweld Building Products, LLC Address: Industrial Park, 1500 Amweld Drive, Garrettsville, OH 44321 Specifications: Metro Dade County Protocol PA 201, 202 & 203 DESCRIPTION OF UNIT Model Designation: Series: 15001400; Out -Swinging Steel Entrance Door Overall Size: 37 7/8" (43 7/8") by 8'2" (98") high by 5.750" deep. Configuration: X No. & Size of Panels: One steel panel; 3'3 11/16" (39 11/16") by 7'11 1/18" (95 1/8") high by 1 3/4" thick. MATERIAL CHARACTERISTICS Frame Construction: Equal leg typeframe. Frame head and jambs have mitered joints, each fastened with a corner key and tabbed over. Frame threshold and frame jambs have butt joints, threshold not fastened to frame jamb. Threshold has a mill coated finish, aluminum *alloy 6063 T-5. `Size of frame members are as follows: frame head and frame jamb (each 16 gauge steel), 2.000" by 5.7500" by 2.000" by 0.059" wall thickness (solid extrusions); frame sill (solid extrusion) 0.875" by 5" by 0.500". Panel Construction: 18 gauge steel panel has a continuous seam, spot welded on 2" centers. Panel is 1 3/4" deep with a polystyrene core and has a wall thickness of 0.048". Weatherstrippi II Ouantitv: II Description: II Location: Single adhesive black vinyl bulb, * Row Hager No. 736S at frame head and frame jambs h4://www.amweld.com/single_dat.html 10/31/03 Amweld Single Door Specifications Page 2 of 7 Single Row S ingle Row Hardware: foam cell with multi . * Hager 861 S inyl bulb weatherstrip; 80S . weatherstrip adapter in frame ad and frame iamb frame threshold Quantity: Description: Location: Four 4 1/2" long butt hinges, *Hager # BB 1168, with 9 3/4" and 35" 10 gauge steel plate reinforcement from each end of the frame 'amb One surface mount lever type entry lock, push button 39 1/2" from lock on the interior and key operated on the bottom of exterior, (A-1, A-2 and A-3, * Falcon LM561DG panel lock stile Mortise Lock with 35328M template reinforcement; A-4, * Falcon T501D with 35020M template reinforcement) One 4 7/8" ANSI strike plate, *NT Falcon with 16 40 1/4" from gauge steel plate reinforcement bottom of right frame jamb *as per manufacturer and drawings Weepholes: None Reinforcement: None Sealants: Lower frame corners and weatherstrip adapter sealed to frame with white colored latex sealant, *OS 1 Pro Series PC- 158 Pads: None Additional Description: One aluminum weatherstrip adapter, *Hager part No. 861S, at frame head and frame jambs, fastened with No. 8 by 1/2" pan head self drilling screws, 12 at each frame jamb and five at frame head. One aluminum bug sweep, *Hager 754S at panel bottom rail, fastened with h No. 10 by 3/4" self drilling screws, 2" from each end and on 8" centers. Unit Installation: Unit A-11 A-2 and A-41 tested in 2 X 12 pressure treated wood test buck, and unit A-3 tested in a 3. 1/2" by 6 1/2" concrete slab at perimeter of unit. Units, A-1, A-2 and A-4 installed with a single row of 3/8" by 5" long carriage bolts and nuts through steel in frame head and each frame http://www.amweld.com/single_dat.htfnl 10/31/03 •Amweld Single Door Specifications Page 3 of 7 jamb; unit A-3, installed with 3/8" by 4" long wej-it, *Kingpin, anchor bolts through a 5 1/2" long steel anchor bracket at frame jambs and frame head; all units have a single row of No. 12 by 1 1/4" flat head sheet metal screws in frame sill. Approximate location of installation screw spacing as follows: frame head, 11" from right frame jamb; frame sill, 4" from each end and on 12" centers; frame jamb, 5" from each end and on 2 1 " centers. Product Markings: None * as per manufacturer and drawings OFFI,CIAL TEST RESULTS Title of Test Measured Remarks Unit A-1 Air Infiltration Test: (ASTM E283) at 1.57 1.20 cfm/sq.ft. Passed psf 1/2 Structural Load Test: Exterior Load 52.5 psf Passed Interior Load 52.5 psf Passed Uniform Design Load Test: (ASTM E330) Exterior Load 70.0 psf Passed Interior Load 70.0 psf Passed Deflection 0.728 inches Water Resistance Test: (ASTM E547/E331) no leakage at 10.50 psf Passed Uniform Structural Load Test: (ASTM E330) Exterior Load 105.0 psf Passed Interior Load 105.0 psf Passed Deflection 3.048 inches Forced Entry Resistance: 300 pound concentrated load perpendicular to plane of door: within 6" of lock at lock http://www.amweld.com/single_dat.html 10/31/03 •Amweld Single Door Specifications Page 4 of 7 stile and within 6" of the top and bottom. (tested separately) - No Entry Passed Large Missile Impact Test: Center of panel 49.5 ft./sec Passed Lower right corner of panel 50.0 ft./sec Passed Cyclic Wind Load Test: Passed Exterior (Positive) Pressure Range ------- Cycles ------- Duration (Pmax=70.0 psf)--------- (seconds) 0.0 to 0.5------ 600----------- 1.0 0.0 to 0.6------- 70---------- 1.0 0.0 to 1.3-------- 1---------- 1.0 Deflection -------- 0.761" Interior (Negative) Pressure Passed 0.0 to 1.3------ 600---------- 1.0 0.0 to 0.6-------70---------- 1.0 0.0 to 0.5-------- 1---------- 1.0 Deflection -------- 1.284" Title of Test Measured Remarks Unit A-2 Large Missle Impact Test: Center of panel 49.9 ft./sec Passed Lower right corner panel 49.9 ft./sec Passed Cyclic Wind Load Test: Passed Exterior (Positive) Pressure Range ------- Cycles ------- Duration Pmax-70.0 ^ s seconds 0.0 to 0.5------ 600------------ 1.0 0.0 to 0.6------- 70------------- 1.0 0.0 to 1.3-------- 1------------ 1.0 Deflection ------- 0.768" Interior (Negative) Pressure Passed http://www.amweld.com/single_dat.html 10/31/03 . Amweld Single Door Specifications Page 5 of 7 0.0 to 1.3------ 600------------ 1.0 0.0 to 0.6------- 70------------ 1.0 0.0 to 0.5------- 1------------ 1.0 Deflection ------- 0.997" Title of Test Measured Remarks Unit A-3 Large Missle Impact Test: Center of panel Lower right corner panel Cyclic Wind Load Test: Exterior (Positive) Pressure Range ------- Cycles ------- Duration (Pmax=70.0 psf)--------- (seconds) 0.0 to 0.5------ 600------------ 1.0 0.0 to 0.6------- 70------------ 1.0 0.0 to 1.3-------- 1------------ 1.0 Interior (Negative) Pressure 0.0 to 1.3------ 600------------ 1.0 0.0 to 0.6------- 70------------ 1.0 0.0 to 0.5-------- 1----------- -1.0 49.6 ft./sec Passed 49.8 ft./sec Passed Passed Deflection ------- 0.866" Deflection ------- 1.055" Passed Title of Test Measured Remarks Unit A-4 Large Missle Impact Test: Center of panel 50.1 ft./sec Passed Lower right corner panel 49.8 ft./sec Passed Cyclic Wind Load Test: Passed Exterior (Positive) Pressure Range ------- Cycles ------- Duration (Pmax=70.0 psf)--------- (seconds) 0.0 to 0.5------ 600------------ 1.0 http://www.amweld.com/single_dat.httnl 10/31/03 -Amweld Single Door Specifications Page 6 of 7 0.0 to 0.6------- 70------------ 1.0 0.0 to 1.3-------- 1------------ 1.0 Interior (Negative) Pressure 0.0 to 1.3------ 600------------ 1.0 Deflection ------- 0.915 " 0.0 to 0.6------- 70------------ 1.0 0.0 to 0.5-------- 1------------ 1.0 Deflection ------- 1. 114" Passed Note: At conclusion of above tests, there was no apparent damage to unit or fasteners. Test Completed - March 19, 1997 Remarks: This test report does not constitute certification of this product, but only that the above test results were obtained using the designated test methods and tested in accordance with Dade County Protocol PA 201, 202 & 203. Detailed assembly drawings showing wall thickness of all members, corner construction and hardware application are on file and have been compared to the sample submitted. A test sample will be retained at the test laboratory. Note: Test specimens were covered with a 1.5 mil plastic sheeting to seal from air leakage when load tests were performed, however this had no effect on the above test results. Large missle impact test performed with 6' long 2 X 4 (#2 SP) lumber, (weight of missle, 9 pounds). Deflection gauges .were set at midspan of panel. Witnessed by: Mr. Gilbert Diamond, P.E. Mr. Allan Ashachik, Amweld Mr. Mike Kolovich, Amweld FENESTRATION TESTING LABORATORY INC. http://www.amweld.com/single—dat.html 10/31/03 .Amweld Single Door Specifications Page 7 of 7 Mr. Gary D. Rose, Falcon Lock Mr Hong Kim, NT Monarch Laboratory Technicians: Roberto Robleto Roque Zavala Jose Vargas 4 - Amweld Building Products, LLC 2 - Amweld Building Products, LLC (Metro Dade County) 2 - NT Falcon Lock 2 - NT Monarch Hardware 2 - Hager Hinge Company Manny Sanchez President Cert. No. 96-0703.05 Auth No. FTL97014 Lab. Number 1599 March 24,1997 Report Number 2 File Number 97-171 L-2150 THIS IS SUBMITTED FOR THE USE OF THE CLIENT TO WHOM IT IS ADDRESSED ITS APPLICATION IS ONLY TO THE SAMPLE TESTED AND IS NOT NECESSARILY INDICATIVE OF THE APPARENTLY SIMILAR OR IDENTICAL PRODUCTS OF STATEMENTS, CONCL USIONS OR EXTRACTS FROM OR REGARDING O UR REPORTS, OR OF ANY OF OUR SEALS OR INSIGNIA WITHOUT OUR EXPRESS PERMISSION, IS PROHIBITED. View the_pAkgcl_qp1�g dors rpart http://www.amweld.com/sing]e_dat.html 10/31/03 Exterior Louver Product Approval . C/S St (127 mm) DADE COUNTY HURRICANE LOUVER MODEL DC-5304 Fa-m-ca--7A Construction Specialties, Inc, certifies that louver made] DC-5304 shown herein is V=./ licensed tobear the AMCA sea]- The ratings shown are based on tests and procedures performed in accordance with AMCAYubliration 511 and comply with fie requirements ACCREDRED Dof the AMCA Certified Ratings Program. The AMCA Certified Ratings Seal applies to FACILITY wo. �asza wind driven rain performance ratings. rnuvnETEST.m KAMI - DADS N.O.A. It 02-0621.03 DESIGN DATA: To maintain a CLASSA (99%) effectiveness rating with a 30 mph wind speed an rainfall rate of 3in1hr Maximum intake core velocity 1.1 ruts (210 FPM) • Maximum intake free area velocity 1.97 m/s (387 FPM) Intake pressure drop 155mm (0.06 in_) H2O • Intake capacity 1.lm3/s (2257 CFM) *louver tested with lrn core area, mill finish and no screen DADE COUNTY PROTOCOLS: 1. TAS-100A: Test procedure for wind and wind driven rain resistance and/or increased wind speed resistance of soffit ventilation strip and continuous or intermittent ventilation system installed at the ridge area 2. TAS-201: Large and small missle impact 3. TAS-202: Criteria for testing impact and non impact resistant building envelope components using static uniform air pressure 4. TAS-203: Criteria for testing products subject to cyclic wind pressure SUGGESTED SPECIFICATIONS: 1. GENERAL: Furnish and install where indicated on the drawings CIS 5" (127.0 rum) DADE COUNTY HURRICANE LOUVER MODEL DC-5304 as manufactured by Construction Specialties, Inc., Cranford, NJ; Mississauga, Ontario. Complete details shall be submitted to the architect for approval prior to fabrication. 2. MATERIAL: Frames and blades to be fabricated from 6063-T5 aluminum alloy. Blades to be minimum 0.060" (1.52 min) thick extrusions and frames to be a minimum 0.080" (2.03 rum) thick. Louver to be mechanically fastened using stainless steel or aluminum fasteners. Louvers to be supplied with 4" (101.6 min) high by full depth sill flashing formed from minimum 0.050" (1.27 min) thick aluminum. Sill flashing to have welded side panels. Louvers and sill flashing to be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's recommended procedures to ensure complete water integrity performance of louver system. Louvers to be furnished with 1/2" (12.7 min) mesh screen secured within a 12 B & S gauge extruded aluminum frame. 3. STRUCTURAL DESIGN: Structural supports shall be designed and furnished by the louver manufacturer to carry a wind load of not less than T psi (kPa) (Note: if this paragraph is omitted or if the design wind load is not specified, the louvers will be manufactured in self- supporting units up to a maximum of 5' 0" (1524 min) wide by 8' 0" (2438 min) high Any additional structural supports required to adequately secure these units within the opening shall be the responsibility of others. To maintain Dade County product approval status, the louvers must be attached to a structural substrate in accordance with the Dade County Product Approval Drawings. In addition, the structural substrate to which the louvers are attached must be designed to withstand the point loads transferred by the louvers when subjected to the design wind loads. 4. FINISH: Louvers shall be finished in Kynar 500x/Hylar 5000�, a minimum 1 mil (0.025mm) thick full strength 70% resin fluoropolymer coating. The coating shall meet or exceed all requirements of AAMA spec 2605 "Voluntary Specification for High Performance Organic Coatings on Architectural Extrusions and Panels". The Louver manufacturer shall supply an industry standard 5 year limited warranty against failure of the Kynar 500/Hylar 5000 finish. This limited warranty shall begin on the date of material shipment (Note: Kynar 500/Hylar 5000 finish with an extended 20 year limited warranty is available as an option at extra cost). The finish will be applied to the exterior elements only. WIND DRIVEN RAIN PERFORMANCE: The louver test was based on a 39.370"(1.00m) x 39.370" (1.00 m) core area unit tested at a rainfall rate of 3 inches per hour (75mm/hr) and with a wind directed to the face of the louver at a velocity 29.1 mph (13 ruts). The test data shall show the water penetration effectiveness rating at each corresponding ventilation rate. Core Ventilation Rate (m/s): 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 Core Ventilation Rate fl/min): 0 98 197 295 394 492 591 689 Free Area Ventilation Rate (ft/miD): 0 181 364 1 545 727 1 908 1091 1272 RatingEffectiveness: A A A B B B C C Effectiveness Rating: A = i to 0.99 B = 0.989 to 0.95 C = 0.949 to 0.80 D = 0.80 to 0 Discharge Coefficient Intake Cd = 0.274 (Class 3) AMCA-if a�-fti -tom -1y DC-5304 SECTION VIEW :�r�i S-lei BLADE BRACE Page 1 of 1 http://www.amweld.com/images/hurricane/amfl-2—sm—c.gif 10/31/03 Page I of I kattlY.thstUgb: ibfX 6 ilftp y tjrM M 01- 4-1.0DO .. .. . ........ .... ...... .... WN ......... . ... .. ..... ..... m ...... ..................... .. ..... ... .. Di hem -bc 4 ......... . ...... . ' .... ... .. . .. ........ ................. . gs dnp.)'is to ......... . . ..... Sw ...........r1his.... .. .MOIN . ... . . . ..L......... . ... . . ..... 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