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Product Evaluation Report; Glazed Fiberglass Single Door
p sm%rt;,,912?SIB �klding R R Consultants, Inc. B Consulting and Engineering Services for the Building Industry C P.O. Box 230 Valrieo. FL 33595 Phone 813.659.9197 Florida Board of Professional Engineers Certificate ofAuthoriaation No. 9813 Product Category Sub Category Manufacturer Product Name Swinging Therma Tru Corporation Fiber -Classic and Smooth -Star Exterior Exterior Door 118 Industrial Drive Composite Edge Glazed Fiberglass Single Door w/Sidelites Doors Assemblies Edgerton, OH 43617 Inswing/Outswing Phone 419.298.1740 "Impact" Scope: This is a Product Evaluation report issued by R W Building Consultants, Inc. and Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. for Therma Tru Corporation based on Rule Chapter No. 61G20-3, Method 1 D of the State of Florida Product Approval, Department of Business & Professional Regulation. RW Building Consultants and Lyndon F, Schmidt, P.E. do not have nor will acquire financial interest in the company manufacturing or distributing the product or in any other entity involved in the approval process of the product named herein. Limitations: 1. This product has been evaluated and is in compliance with the 6th Edition (2017) Florida Building Code (FBC) structural requirements excluding the "High Velocity Hurricane Zone" (HVHZ). 2. Product anchors shall be as listed and spaced as shown on details. Anchor embedment to base material shall be beyond wall dressing or stucco. 3. When used in areas requiring wind borne debris protection this product complies with FBC Sections 1609.1.2 & R301,2.1,2 and does not require an impact resistant covering. This product meets missile level "D" and includes Wind Zone 4 as defined in ASTM E1996 and FBC Sections 1609.1.2.2 & R301. 4. For 2x stud framing construction, anchoring of these units shall be the same as that shown for 2x buck masonry construction. 5. Site conditions that deviate from the details of drawing FL-20468.11 require further engineering analysis by a licensed engineer or registered architect. 6. Fiber -Classic & Smooth -Star Door and Sidelite panels require the use of "J" part numbers and must be stained or painted within six months of installation 7. See drawing FL-20468,11 for size and design pressure limitations. Supporting Documents: 1. Test Report No. Test Standard TEL 01460131 ASTM E1866-02, E1996-02 ASTM E330-02, E331-00 TEL 01460274 ASTM E1886-05, E1996-05 ASTM E330-02, E331-00 TEL 06-1031-4 ASTM E1886-02, 1996-02, ASTM E330-02 TEL 06-0831-1 AAMAIWDMA/CSA101/I.S.2/A440-05 ASTM E1886-02, E1996-02 TEL 01461612 ASTM E1886-05, E1996-09 ASTM E330-02, E331-00 TEL 01461939 ASTM E330-02, E331-00 ASTM E1886-05, E1996-09 Testing Laboratory Sianed by Testing Evaluation Lab.,inc. V.K. Wright Testing Evaluation Lab.,lnc. V.K. Wright Testing Evaluation Lab.,lnc. V.K. Wright Testing Evaluation Lab.,lnc. V.K. Wright Testing Evaluation Lab.,lnc. V.K. Wright Testing Evaluation Lab.,lnc. V.K. Wright 2. Miami Dade NOA Materials Testing 16-1117.01 Butacite® PVB Interlayer (Kuraray) 17-0712.05 Saflex® PVB Interlayer (Eastman Chemical Company),, ,%2%U 09a,tq,g,, 3. Drawing No. Prepared by c®oaft ra°�i,+f f� No. FL-20468.11 RW Building Consultants, Inc. (CA#9813) 4. Calculations Prepared by 6� Anchoring RW Building Consultants, Inc. (CA#9813) ldo 43409 5. QualitgAssurance 1 Certificate of Participation issued by National Accreditation and � a Management Institute, certifying that Therma Tru Corporation is °o F �g [ Of manufacturing products within a quality assurance program that complies ® 0 'Q„ ' with I8011EC 17020 and Guide 53. a 1 © ON oa oaas Sheet 1 of 1 Signed & Sealed by Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. ;f OMPLIANCE :-C''��®U NTY §n9i5n�9eflmidt, P.E. FL PE No. 43409 12/14/2017 THERMANTRU" DOORS Fiber -Classic. & Smooth -Star. COMPOSITE EDGE GLAZED FIBERGLASS SINGLE DOOR w/ SIDELITE(S) INSWING/OUTSWING "IMPACT" GENERAL NOTES 1. This product has been evaluated and is in compliance with the 6th Edition (2017( Florida Uding Code (FBC) struclural requirements exciudmg the "High Velocity Nunicane Zone (HVHZ). 2. Product anchors shall be as listed and spaced as shown on details. Anchor embedment to base material shall be beyond wall dressing or stucco. 3. When used in areas requiring wind bone debris protection this product complies with FBC Sections ldW.12 & R3012.12 and does not require an impact resistant covering. This product meets missile level •D" and includes Wind Zane 4 as defined 6r ASTM E1996 and FBC Sections 1699.122 S R301.212.1. 4. For 2x stud framing construction, anchoring of these units shall be the some as that shown for 2x buck masonry construction. S. Sile conailions that deviate from the detaft of this drawing require further engineering analysis by a licensed engineer or registered architect. 6. Fiber -Classic & Smooth. -Star Door & Siderrte panels require the use of "J" port numbers and must be stained or painted wiitrin six months of installation TAM OF CONMM 76" MAX. FRAME WIDTH oas 37-75' MAX 37.5- MAX. FRAME WIDTH FRAME WIDTH T_ z z 3 d Oa Op c� pW n= P �l i ;/ I/ X O �e 1142Y MAX. FRAME WIDTH O.7 0.75" 37S' MAX 37.7; MAX. FRAME WIDTH FRAME WIDTH i i O X O ,9 / r r DESIGN PRESSURE (PSI) DESIGN PRESSURE (PSI) CONRGURMON INSWING OUTSWING POSMVE NEGATIVE POSITIVE NEGATIVE xO/Ox, Ox0 +50.0 -50.0 +50.0 -50.0 See Sheet 4 for Hardware SpecNicat(ons sCM-L N.T S. Oxc er: JK cra. ae US FL-20468.11 ccr _L OF 14 os— le G1 QMIOR mill, 40 O.S. . 0-, Z, As -- %-- o 0-67 z ZY A-. ic 0 gym COMPOSITE L—A—IL CAP I'll, pill ► j%% COMPOSITE HINGE STILE 11 OR LOCK STILE Z, CAP (ENGINEERED WOOD) HORIZONTAL CROSS SECTION (ENGINEERED WOOD) co, 121 mi E. Em Z- o a ta '5 6 0 EL G1 0.698-, BURIOR TOP RAIGCAM (COMPOSUMNNEERED S r WOOD) Fz ........................ ...................... COMPOSITE CAP COMPOSITE HINGESTILE IIMMIOR LOCK STILE aQ CAP (ENGINEERED WOOD) (ENGINEERED WOOD) c o Ig, FOAM CORE Zt HORIZONTAL CROSS SECTION (POLYURETHANE- M 1.9PCFMN,) ca Uff MAX. DOOR 35.813* MAX. DOOR 35213'MA)L DOOR PANEL WIDTH PANEL WIDTH PANEL WIDTH GI a 4 > INTERIOR EXTERIOR INTERIOR EXTERIOR C3 fE ci G1 Ln Gi N2N z !—r a 8 L5 0 5 �j tu r2 am r2 — !� k�� — — — w 1�� o - oa E < < I o a! 0 0 0 FIBERGLASS SKIN 0 joarTHr) C5 0 vie 0 T BOTTOM RAIL (COMP-) 08102116 VERTICAL CROSS — N.T.S. SECTION mr. By- JK m 3 VEIMCAL CROSS SECTION /-4 \- 2 2 CHY BY.. LFS WAWM NO.- FL-204'68.11 @�pDX0OR PANEL DOOR PANEL 40 DOOR PANEL 42 DOOR BOOK 41 9�pll Door Hybdd Door %tEu 2 oF 14 1 HOP RONTAL CROSS SECTION 3 36" MAX PANEL WIDTH 50 51DELRE PANEL TOP RAIL (COMP) c = $ Ew FOAM CORE E o g (POLYURETHANE- 1.9 PCF MIN.) " d E cZ 0 9 _ � . EEW a° 3d 0 �O IN s" m ExfERIOR INTERIOR V ¢ ` j n FIBERGLASS SION 0 BOTTOM RAIL N zl (COMP) SCAM 08 02 . 1L � N.T.S. DWC Ertl. JK CHk er: LFS VERTICAL CROSS SECTION DR� NO- 3 FL-20468.11 %w 3 of 14 ©©© AAA FAMIM vvv Q 4 1� O 5 5 1 v X O v m 6 5 Ta !D 4 8 8 8 8 t 8 SEE HARDWARE CHART Fiber-Classic/Smooth-Star Door Panel Opflons Products approved include all embossed panel doors and 2 panel recessed panel doors. Similar glazed panel configurations are allowed. Panels shown are for Mustration and are representative only. rFAfWVrsua: rAor.c MANUFACTURER ;. MOD�1. KNOB. F51 SCHLAGE DEADBOLT. 860 KNOB: SIGNATURE SERIES KWIKSEr DEADBOLT: SIGNATURE SERIES (98D) HOPPE MULTIPOINT : MPDGART (TNFgMp.TRU, (3 pt. Manual Tongue) J- IuMO1i IRS o � m UN •• u Z O 1 m 13 mdii E ^Z z Wi- N.T.S. c. BY: JK X. sn LFS AWING NO.: FL-20468.1 1 rFr 4 of 14 1-1/4!'NN.1 .I v 29 EMB. (TYP.) 1 HORIZONTAL CROSS SECTION § Ouisro ng shown (Sevin sim3ar) 0.15• (rYP)P) SEE NOTE 1 INTERIOR 25 EXTERIOR 1-1/4' MIN. EMB. (TYP.) — r21 HORIZONTAL CROSS SECTION $ Outswing shown (Inswing similar) UFMIN. EMB. (TYP.) 5 HORIZONTAL CROSS SECTION b HOR)ZONTAL CROSS SECTION 5 Outswmg shown (inswing similar) 5 ouwmng shown Inswing similar) Notes: located 6 from \\vim :...•--- . �r�O��� 1. Sidelite assembly screws Q each end and 6 more screws equally spaced _: g A a o• m between (B screws total per side jamb).= 2 Siidelite assem • screws located T tram each - t1' 9• 1 . z end & at centerline 13 screws along head jamb). y� EXTERIOR WVA INTERIOR 3 VERTICAL CROSS SECTION 5 Ouiswmg stwwrr (Insw ng similar) OMNI- EXTERIOR % •• - QCROSS SEC170M \\ Q T N r I Ili^ 00 0 a N z ` V 0 x Za a E m EN z m° ` 9poa Sh: 'ma`'L `o vz m- 08 02116 ILE: N.T.S. a er: JK K. er: LFS &WNC NO, FL-20463.11 m-r 5 or 14 111111111//// 0 Notes: 1. Siderite assembly screws located 6" from �= • O �j �, each end and 6 more screws equally spaced = between IS screws total per side)amb). 2. Siderite located T from assembly screws each z O a n end & at centerline (3 screws along head jamb). E ° e �Y• g O • � om n = O- O Z A C 10, N •• oZn A z n =O Om Ld E �m n m* =1 0M C E 40 41 42 Sz C o C 4i f n 3d b� ov. y 1 ( a oa 1 EXTERIOR INTERIOR J? �m ' o �x 6 50 a VERTICAL CROSS SECHON G INUIOR p' 6 Shawnw/iXsubbuck �'a �m zw Outswing shown (IrmNing smt@ar) ncr,"' c 0 o O =� 0 U a a a. EXTERIOR 25 .o E °> SEE NOTE Ioon 1-i/4"M1N 29 40 41 42 1 N J N EMB. (TYP.)En 1-1/4"MiN. A C z "' a w N 9vi8. (iYP.) ; 1 HORIZONTAL CROSS SEC17ON 2 HORIZONTAL CROSS SECTION g W o 6 Shown w/ 1X sub -buck Outswmg shown (Inswing smulor) 6 Shown w/ 1 X sub twck 25 w SEE NOTE 2 a G o A Q 3 Z 5o 7 m W Z o EXTERIOR INTERIOR W aTC.08 02116 ? sr„�. N.T.S. �4� VERTICAL CROSS SECTION 6 Shown w/1Xsub-buck C". BY. JK m Outswing shown (Inswing s'vdar) aur. ar: LFS 3 DWtWM N0. Fi-20468.17 0 smw 6 or i 4 N 3 HORQOMAL CROSS SECTION ] Oufswmg o ly w% 69/0l6 jamb Notes: 1. S•idelite assembly screws located 6• from each end plus 6 more equally spaced between (8 screws total per side jamb). 2. Sidefite assembly screws located 3• from each end & at centerfine (3 screws olong head jamb). ono. I, , r.r 1 HORIZONTAL CROSS SECTION 7 Shown Direct to Masonry Outswing only w/ 6-9/16 jamb MAY, r — MUt. 4 VERTICAL CROSS SECTION ] Shown Direct oonlytw/ 6-911166 jamb INFERIOR aa: a N x' UetWIEC. z * 'O—�a�o iW THE 61 11^ zU o. � N o m \ 4 og Z O Z 9mu d maa o E o= 3a c ERERIOR // � a - z SEE OIE 1 rM� 802116 1-114" MIN. 2 N.T.S. VERTICAL CROSS SECTION FMB. (TYP.) scar: ] JK Shown Direct to Masonry Outswmgonly w/6-9/16'jamb c"K By; LFS BMR*um rw.: FL-20468.11 9iff7 % OF 14 Notes: * SDI Item #'s 17.1& 32. 34. 35. 36. 37, 38 & 39 are attached to Jambs w/ (3) #8 X 2-1/T pth screws at each end. SM Item Vs 16 & 33 are attached to jambs w/ (2) #8 X 2-1/T pth screws at each end. SUI Item #151s attached to Jambs utfl2ing (2) # 10 X T pph screws at each end. 2. S,deite assembly screws located 3" from each end & at centerfne (3 screws a.ong 0). INTERIOR EXTERIOR INTERIOR f77 I SEE NOTE 1 S - - ° p° n •e n n �11 VERTICAL CROSS SECTION $ Insm gSil I SEE a ° P z L I F �m w 4 VERTICAL CROSS SECTION $ Public Access S® EXTERIOR FS F 2 VERTICAL CROSS SECTION i $ Iro-OngSru - 2� 5 VERTICAL CROSS SECTION $ Inswing SM met o �� m aLeJE fir =C1.0SP I°�:ayn J��j �•"- ````� IUWit on z EXTERIOR INTERIOR N a x Z- ^ ^ u Em _z$ a E m g S p o as 4041 42 7 16 1718 a M,tLL li G E oZ SEE NOTE 1 E o 3d Q P �I=/1 aW P jin �m D Z < >� FI U vWi . VERTICAL CROSS SECTION = W a $ O'utsw ng Sl a a EXTERIOR SEE NOTE 2, R ; INTERIOR �-6 � VERTICAL CROSS SECTION 8 outswhg Sig i d s— N.T.S. DWG. 0T: JK �m CM BY. LFS DRAMG No.: FL-20463.II sir 8 of 14 �1launul4! om Fj ^ oOa0 a O N .; MULUON MUWON ^ i o Z o \1 Em m 8 (iYP.) B• (TyP) c tL . m a: a II — 11 II D_ 11 II rr • II � 11 II C 10 v � HEAD 8 JAMBS HEAD & JAMBS (TYP-) 1 1 (TiP.) I I I I j U x ! ! 1 1 �q(A j: U m Q MUCK (TYP-) II II 11 j o II 11 O � II II 11 a II 11 II II II II II 11 11 � �m II — II 11 a_ II II 11 II 11 d Z r O U II II II p 11 fq U I I I I h V O F I I I I O o n ii O II 11 °r0 zo II II NJN 11 II II _ ZWZ � i 11 II I C O 0 11 II a W 0 II II II II II J W �m W II II II m O it II41 U MMON D n � n_r a (TYP-) XO/ OX OX0 Z o °Am- 08102176 i N.T.S.SCALE ° MUG. av: JK m 2X BUCK ANCHORING cm BY. LFS 3 °RAMO NO.: FL-20468.11 0 srlffr 9 of 14 H — — 0 `��T1111111/1�� p� n (3) PTTI WS,7 '''i,'''`; 7 > m II INL 10 nmi JAMB TO HEAD DEFAIL a 5 00 N G DIRECTTO D DIRECT TO D(TYP) P E z 0=o MASONRY MULLION MASONRY o c$ HEAD 4, VYP ) fnP•) HEAD MllLUON gyp) ° N v m a `. RYP.) 4• (tYP) 37 (TYP ) 4 �-) iy x BUCK ¢� a �}yp S� l" ) SW W jz m a 4 o DIRECT TO DIRECT TO N MASONRY MASONRY ° 4 J JAMBS Y >- •) > m 2 U V C m �_R FRAME o lV J N En QYP) "Pi� N'aa„@ o �� oos - c,WOO C23 ¢ ( ° 2 ° ci XO/OX OXO " Z OATS: O8/OZ/} 6 i GyF• N.T.S. s avc. er: JK , m FRAME ANCHORING �. �: LFS 3 FL-20.168. } } 0 s�W }O OF 14 w g (TYP.) 8° RrP.► T �' i I l l I I ( 2X BUCK J 1X BUCK HEAD &JAMBS _ Imo•) N I 1 1 1 I I 1 1 I I — ( 23C8UCK — — — J 1XBUCK HEAD 8 JAMBS — — — L THRu MuwoN D s+u I I I I I I 11 I I qF .% a O •o �F 0 Jr.*as 0::� SEE 28 DETAIL (TYP.) > M m onmz P O N •- o E ZmZU Em \ LO L 26 V ��n SoLma m 6 a 4 SQ�m p SEE TONGUE E o= > O STRIKE DETAIL fq N m UO O o C W 27 � LATCH& DEADBOLT DETAIL a a� 00 �m0 =o % Kwikset m a N= n L 31 n 4r TONGUESTR}KEDETAIL tiW StELATC ADBOL o S DEADBOLT � � 0 o DETAIL Y °C m 0 SEE LATCH o !` JE F— •��-Security Sub y O O--o�'~x` O SDEADBOLT a i, Strike Plate N m cl DETAIL m 28 o m C3¢� Q oZ� 22 N W y 2 O Z STRIKEJAMB HINGEJAMB SIRIKEJAMB ^ n4. m 27 Latch and Deadbolt Multipoint Lock o m m LAPgmg�?�o L 2X BUCK Q 29 LATCH&DEADBOLTDETAIL g i LATCH & DEADBOLTDETAIL G I X BUCK M _ Schloge M DIRECT TO ^ n MASONRY ^ r a ^a 5 LATCH & DEADBOLT STRIKE DETAILS MDLTIPOINT LOCK STRIKE DETAILS — 08/02/76 i SCALE N.T.S. ° HINGE DETAIL DWG. BY: JK m cwc By.. LFS 3 DRAPING NO.: m FL-20468. } 1 a 14 SHUT } } OF } 4 EXTERIOR go CELLULAR IrtGLASSOITE GLAZINGTAPE z 0-gym" I"THK. GLASS I/IrTEMPERED GLASS IITAIRSPACE 0" z 513T ANNEALED GLASS Em DOW995 cw 0.090'PVB INTERLAYER OR (SAFLEX OR KURARAY BUTACITE) SIKA 552 INTERNAL GRID (GBGj WROUGHT IRON INSERT Ifir ANNEALED GLASS #lox I-itrppHsms 3A SWIGGLE GLAZING SPACER I )SAAS INTERIOR GLAZING DEMIL G1 6 0 Impact Lite Frame IniMmin!". Dm=p Door Panels & Sidefites ti.l C3 20.W D.LO WIDTH PRIVACY INSERT DECORATIVE INSERT I" LAMINATED INSULATED IMPACT GLASS INSERT OPTIONS ri d an z O = I it 0 Q � a 0 Or #10 x 1-11T PM SMS m Q (TYP-) *�AMLUMINUM FRAME ..:. 3A = 1z Panels 8/02/1 6 4smz-. N.T.S. (ryp) Dm. er. JK CML BY. LFS DRAWING NO.: ALUMNUM LITE FRAM FL-204 ISHM 12 OF 14 7.W' L N, 32 I.- �1119Nrl-mlm=- Adristeble M 7-1 /T @)_L 1=11,GTHRESHOLD t Irene ng Moderate Cfmale sift 1-W *M�!GIHOIZ:teClimate Sil 5.75 *INSNtING THRESHOLD Imwing Basic ..d 5311 sm *L=N "o - 'H'Z I.!,- d R rl SM 4.5e '5 O'D *=C.= Adjustable sm , it . it *,rowing LIgNG , . 8.7== Adpgoble SSI 6.T LN C> 15 PUBLIC ACCESS THRPSNOID I.gr ST 2 w Xil 2.38' ZO 0- -0 0- 0 1 WOOD JAMB E 0, m Go. 0 6 OIL 51M # . z 0- Cl -9=G�MHOW "n gnu 4ST On 0 o UIO H HOW IT= SR -5.75" *LU�WINGj=L0ID ffheancdBreo4 I— 2.1I I T— R-:q r3" o N 08102116 En sme N.T.S. BY.. JK "tc-,oi Mr. ciancar: LFS (7DS-L,.'o.Wg RACER �8 gWLIPACEI SID s lofomm NO.: 77 cs �U-Virg MOdeMtaCftKdaThreshold IIIIJI BILL OF MATERIALS L BILLn Z. }•. `� o rn �M pi :art 0 CD �� / ti^ z o m o ro) \\\\\ ai' U •• Z o v 0 ` ozn u Em zmm V aENg jptLL E� maa� =z 09 �W a j �o Q Q W l� Ilz WV tim O N J -m 0 o o a a �m O (1 U ¢ m oZ� 0 N N N CONCREMANCHORMOTU j4' T P. Concrete anchor locations at the comers may be adjusted to maintain the min. a w edge distance to mortoriaints.Ex 2. Concrete anchor locations noted as MAX. ON CENTER" must be adjusted to w maintain the min edge distance to mortarjoints, additional concrete anchors o rr a may be required to ensure the MAX. ON CENTER" dimengon are not exceeded. o r, e S 3. Concrete anchor table. ANCHOR ANCHOR MIN MIN CLEARANCE MUCC a ' 10N1ASONRy TYPE s SIZE EMBEDMENT..:. ... 10ADJACENT ^ _ rw o h EOGE nw TAPCON ra,E OS/02 16 ? ELCO T/4" 1.1/4" i" 4" sr r. N.T.S. ULTRACON® fiW ® 3/ib" 1-t/4" AS SHOWN 1.1/2" °P�G JK m anc �. LFS ; TAPCON WOOD SCREW IAL57A11ATTON NOTES., DknmNG Na: 1. Maintain a minimum 5/8" edge distance. 1"end dWonce. & 1"o.c. spocing of FL 20468 T 1 m n wood screws to prevent the spfrfft of wood SHEET t 4 ov 14 OF MATERIALS ►►ENT $ DESCRIPRON MATERIAL IIEiN � DESCRIPTION MATERIAL A }X BUCK (SG >= 0.42) WOAD 25 #8 x 2-i /2" PFH WOOD SCREW STEEL B 2X BUCK (SG >= 0.42) WOOD 26 #8 x 5/8" PFH WOOD SCREW STEEL C 1 /4" MAX. SHIM SPACE - 27 LATCH STRIKE PLATE STEEL D 1!4" X 2-3/4" PFH ELCO OR ITW CONCRETE SCREW STEEL 28 DEADBOLT STRIKE PLATE STEEL E MASONRY - 3,000 PSI MIN. CONCRETE CONFORMING TO ACI 301 OR HOLLOW BLOCK CONFORMING TO ASTM C90 CONCRETE 28A DEADBOLT SECURITY SUB STRIKE PLATE STEEL 29 4" X 4" HINGE STEEL F #i0 X 2" PFH WOOD SCREW STEEL 30 LATCH 8, DEADBOLT STRIKE PLATE (TONGUE SYSTEM) ALUM/COMP G 3/16" X 3-1 /4' ITW CONCRETE SCREW STEEL 31 MULTIPOINT STRIKE PLATE (TONGUE SYSTEM) ALUM/COMP I 1/4" X 1-3/4" PFH ELCO OR ITW CONCRETE SCREW STEEL 32 INSWING THRESHOLD ALUM/COMP J t/4 X 3-3/4' PFH ELCO OR ITW CONCRETE SCREW STEEL 33 INSWING THRESHOLD ALUM/COMP L #10 X 2-1/7' PFH WOOD SCREW (1.15' MIN. EMBEDMENT) STEEL 34 INSWING THRESHOLD ALUM/COMP M 3/i 6" X 2-1 /4" ITW CONCRETE SCREW STEEL 35 INSWING THRESHOLD ALUM/COMP N 3/16" X 2-3/4" ITW CONCRETE SCREW STEEL 36 INSWING THRESHOLD ALUM/COMP 1 JAMB (FINGER JOINT PINE) WOOD 37 INSWING THRESHOLD ALUM/COMP 6 WEATHERSTRIP (MEDIUM REACH) EDAM 36 INSWING THRESHOLD ALUM/COMP 7 WEATHERSTRIP (LONG REACH} FOAM 39 INSWING THRESHOLD ALUM/COMP 8 SWEEP VINYL 40 DOOR PANEL (BOOK) - 9 SWEEP (USE w/ MODERATE CLIMATE THRESHOLD) VINYL 41 DOOR PANEL (HYBRID) - 10 SWEEP (USE w/PUBLIC ACCESS THRESHOLD) VINYL 42 DOOR PANEL (Ul) - 15 PUBLIC ACCESS THRESHOLD ALUM 50 51DELITE (FULL LITE) - 16 OUTSWtNGTHRFSHOiD ALUM/COMP 75 SIDELLTESPACER (INSWING) PVC i7 OUTSWING THRESHOLD ALUM/COMP 76 SIDELITESPACER(OUTSWING) PVC 18 OUTSWING THRESHOLD ALUM/COMP 77 SIDEUTE SPACER (INSWING) -MODERATE CLIMATE SILL PVC 22 #8 x 3/4"PFH WOOD SCREW STEEL 88 1 X MULLION {SG >= 0.55) WOOD 23 # 10 x 3/4" PFH WOOD SCREW STEEL 24 #lOx 1"PFH WOOD SCREW STEEL