HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding permit app�� - - - af.ti��a�r. �.�ti_ a -ram � ��� �� �... �= yr-f•��• i AU APP#�CAB1.E INFO.MUST 8E CE?IVl�E�€Ii EC)R 1�PPL[CATit3i�f TQ BE ACCE"'EID Date: 7/27/2^U-rV1- v --� - �- �-.�: tom_ ��'-������1�? `�k_�.•t_• titi � - - ----•��^�� Perm. 0 41 Built�ing PermiAppli-ca-tion Plarie�� andandDevelopmentDevelopment Services 8 ud�ing an c� �'�de Reeulatir�r� Dar�ri�irsn 2300 Vfrqinia Avenue, Fort Pierce FL 34,982 Pht�ne: ;,"f 12) A 92 Fix: (772) PERM-IT'APPLICATION FAR; Pt"mhinn Address Commercial Res"I'dent'loal X .t=-�}'•+� - - - .r �- =%� .�'t - - =�� � -�� h"� �v�- - ��•='i��.t +� tr _ t .fir_ �+r-+�� � _ ' - -�= - .}=� -- �-r�=3'-':F'� �-!ti �� �� a —a - •� �� - - ram_-_- -�� _-�. -ram_-- - a��Y�t �y � - ���*��z� - •fir. t W� 1 Ewa k-• - _ -Y v—.��_ _ - - ~ 1 - - -� � i � �.: k - L� }•� - __ _7�-•i - �� � - - Yti � k Via- � - _ - - • •k• t' -:-ti-: r-ti t•+F_t r i - = _- - _- ��- - - - �'••T = ter- _ ti. -}-"` �r�`ir- =�-t �� - - _ _ -_ , � '-•-.� _�. � t� - `� rt• _ �� +�..���_.�-- - +�� _"�i�+-� _tea �_�' _ . - _ _ ���„x i�•�� - _ .�__�;�_ 'ti ,�.- - -.��: � '� t� �i - r• _ ;- rr_ __ _ _ ;_ �k_-.� -_ � Lam-- � �'�i r -- _ � ��'�,� 4w- �' _ - ti 7704 HOLOPAW AVE Legal Description: tINT.'VV%-"LJ _ _ _ _ _ _ Jam- ~+l • � � • �_ - - �� 1� •� 'N`� y � •- _ ' _� ��� � _ _ � - - �_4 _ _�._�a ��C'� 3'1i ti'-�=�� -��z �_� ��� - ��`��S '�`��.• ter: "� � -t � _sue = • r•.`�+ `,'k� �, iz �.: -- - •: ••�+� - _ �'�`� - _ P%M M U Property Tax ID 1301zw605,u*01634)00*4PEI Lot. No. Site Plan Name: ...... Block No. Proj"aect Narrie,: Patricia J Ritch-1ze Setbacks front a c k 4: Rimght Side: Left Side. 44�AL ���-��tlC WATER HE A ER REP�A��NIENT Electr`ic Tank It Plumbing Total Sao. Ft of C^.-.-,,,P.s-trucUon.- 1.560 71 a - -tir-- -• atya•_:�LL % �17 "S, a as Piping Sprinklers Cost of Construction 4 enerator Su. Ft. of I.:i'rst Floo Uti"'lities:* Sevier `'�vt=ter �.,.�-}l �•- r y� + ,•s '~ �- � � �r�.. _ W� — � � �•• • tart �F - ME- AY�R4�(f� Roof caof P 416 -9 Septic t3ultaing�:,-ieign-c* 41 M N,Pat J Ritchie Name 7704 Halopaw Ave corri P Address. k M, - DIMFTRE 808EV FLORIDA DELTA MECHm-Mm {CAS rifv.s FT FILRCE st2te: �L 1 Address Zip Cady: 34951 Fax,. Phony N,^:. 772aw801%mw5055 Ev*Mali. Fil I in fee sim.pie Title 14-fder on next page (if different from t#te 0wner fisted- above) 8402 LAUREL FAIR CIR SUITE I'I'l � City _ TAMPA State: FL Zip CId-e,@ 33610 Fax- FLPERM11. O)DELTAMECHANICAL-IIIIIICOM State or Couq.ty��ce�s�_ GFG.i4259'!7if value of construction 'is $2WO -or ore, a RECORDED Notice of Com encementis requi"redo tNo PP11*cable Na . . ., _ :.ram - -. �•,��� ,re- epa s,* &W:2,tAU-, REL FAIR CIR S Ad dff zz L-1 TE I I I Zip%. MW city%0,;rLi 'fir NT_R VI-the OWNER/% CO ACTOR �� r- n rm wk and installat-ion ' indicate DESIGNERG1-NEERJ hill, _ Kt Not Appilocable N aVie: Pzmcia i Pjtchi � 4 77C�ii AVE C*ty* REIRCE te: P4 zi b:� n on t� Fz-,.i.E SIM-P� TtTf.� �t)�i��. 1 certify that no work on stal lailill io n has co,rnmenced prior to tie issuance of a Inerm it. St.LucieCo-unt makes no representaVon that is grantl ng a oe; ;t v(authorize the permit holder to bu'ld the subject structure �'31C�'e 3� i�"s .iAil lii with any applicaNe Horn �' Owners Asso'E"Ni3tY�'i?1 Pt. lg��3ttra�stc ter ar3r3 rnv�nante that maxirectrIct nrprnh&.53� s�.rl�S'Cii7ctU''L. �i£�S�' �2'�SLS�f 1fL'Bt�l �i�2L!r ��s c�ns€deratton grant4ing per�,it, i doi�e;Eby agree that t wi4i, rr a[1 respects, pe�arsn the �roric:a�t acc€ardarace with t�ae apt;�sve! pBeans, the E(or;cfa Bu€fc3tn� ;;cries end St. M�;e County Amertdrrents. i�ot A�pIicabie i�arne: Address: City: yip: P�tc�n�: tiK � —�_ � •r rvr •- _ �L _��s2_y � L 7L� � _.�zr __'`-•� f v 4 + : k� -•r.-�kk-ram- � ��_-=ti_•_-'••K;v,��= L ��"� r �_��_ ��� _ _ �-•- ��ti�� ��k;'-'• '-;try:- - Tri - �' - - ;Y�••.: -_ •= ti �:• '• - J•.k� { �-� TM��t yi �s r„'_+. ••�� �-�-. t4� .�_ _ .. U�Lr:' _ _ � ..t�:.s�r �_ ~ Not Applicable !��tt�e: ol�arr��risEv Address: 77o4 Hwwaw Ave TAMPA city& la Pttc�tte. {)#�TC�ACE CO1PAI�iY. BQl�CiiN� �t}lVtPF�iY: the of this Thefo 'fin: .e - ._�._.._.. �.�.H, fi.�a,�..a:...- ems .R-:!:ems wRv��ss�.saar..r �a��s�j�f �,..�a.� 1�� � �.siEi�B:� a��,..iL4.i �''.ome cAvners Associlat'ion 'Yf3ad ririadcw your �ee�.f �ri.i'r any restrictions which i�97� apply_ app cat ons a_ e exempt from under -go i ng a full concu rrency rev tew w mmn fences wall -een rooms and accessory uses to anotil-ler non-k--res11dt=..ntz'ai use s, signs, sc� ffi'o pft , room addi AKI'+14l�I(7� t C�? VVlINER: lft?�s�° a1��7ie'�ti ReCO� a Nt3�1ie t!f C�Utiii4ie�" �'� �C�a�" �e s iiI# iIi VflUipi�np��v��°ner�is tc� �r��r �� �a ��. � iV�tice t�f Camrt�enceme�rt rr�ust be �ecoraed ad hosted or� t�ie ic�bsite efore ihe Ersii�speo _ i� �roU-� d t� ob#air �nar��� �: ���s�alt vvi#h Iender or ate att�r ev0efore1,n aying tW fir our fl� ce of-- Commence rne- � f ,I of owner/" Lessee/contract-or as 4gent for Owner -Z) f: F LO R I DA, COU OF The for-go!Ing'Instrument eras acknowledged before me day of 2.0 Name �* pe-Tson making statement Prsori g €!y Known (� _ OR Produced Identification TypIII 1,dentfficatlor_,� of Pfoduced k � ' pure Notary Public- State � wW�,J . . . . . . . . . . L dLwyiiiiiiiii� I ME .r� Commission 0:W S', :JI, E%MtLY H:a rJ p"'ki 70 yT,�l��}�`6, F � � "� �, ; rule �2022 Undorw REVIEWS RONT .r ZONING r' 'UPERV"OR COUNTER REVIE� REVIEW DATE RECEIVED DATE Rev. 8/ z'�7 5igna { t-,U\`f,e of Contra r/Ulc'ense OF FLORIDA U#1�TY OF Ltiiiiilll� 4t t 'the foigoing instrument was acknowledged before me phis Z,-1 day of J:r� ; 20 bv Name of piison making statement Personally Known,_ } red de tiffton Type of Identifilcafion Produced AL } r nature � i # IL "ON G 6 MY COMUIS& 41, commIJISSIon DvIlLY H., MF.DINA EXPRES: June 11,, 2022 f f a ' Thm Notary POlic Undetwditers Boinldtd 1 F # L PLANS REVIEW VEGE ION REVIEW SEA TU LE REVIEW REVIEW MANGROVE