HomeMy WebLinkAboutSub-Contractor AgreementPERMIT # ISSUE DATE n " : qy= ''�. PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Buildinb & Code Compliance Division m , BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT AAPEX Electric (Company Name/Individual Name) -- have agreed to be the Electric (Type of Trade) — --"-- Subcontractor for Adams Homes of Northwest FL, INC (Primary Contractor) -- — For the project located at � � 3 3'� / (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID!'.1) ' It is understood that, if there is any change Of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing ofa Change of Sub -contractor notice. • � TRACTOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) '•-" - W. Bryan Adams PRINT NAME ----- .---_. 29179 COUNTY CERTIFICATION State of Florida, County or St Lucie The foregoing instrument was signed before me this day of MarCkN . 20' 1, b�, W. Bryan Adams who is personally known'K or has produced a as identification. Signature of Natar I V W o y Public Y,nCs�tot Name of Notary Public SUB CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE PRINT NAA1E --,_.--_- C� Y IONNUMBERN)MgER State of Florida, County or59k i.Lr The foregoing instrument «•as signed before me this I day, of CIA, 20 )by who is personall y known � or has produced a as identification. STAMP 2o� r PUBi4 JAA.IF l RARNER i tWur_e�OfNotarY Public r * My Ci3 AWON a GG 089122 EXPIRES AP612.2021 '� � (] i Notary FOF z°! 9cnded T % 9;+fi el Notary SerAms r nl Name of Notary Pu be — i � Notary Public State of Flpnde Hannah E Moore RevisW 11 16/2016 My Commission HH 017099 �7a ^d� Expires 07/01/2024 PERMIT # ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT C ,SERVICES a Building & Code ' ompl�ance Division 7 BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT at--/9i,— PQii�I i� C e� (Company Nanle/I iividu;�l Name) the H (Type of Trade) - For the pra'e t I —-- have agreed to be Sub -contractor for (Pnrnary Contract-Arr��Ll� � F T c ocated at _ �3J1 gMz ( ec (Projt Street Address; or Propert Tax Y ID #) It is understood that, if there is any change ofstatus regarding our attic' project, the Buildinga Participation with the above mentioned and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised Ursa Fling of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. P ant to the CONTRACTOR SfcNATUR- -- I I1 kz4— (Q u/a�l i�fi e/dy� PRINT NAr,—JU Co9 9 T' �R�FtCAl10\ NU,\IBER Stare of Florida, Couniv of f eti The fore Dine instrument nos Signed beln, e me this t/ day of Y •20 C��� m �r has Produced a as identilicatinnn. SignaSTA ture orNotary Pubtic MP 4 r Prtnt Name of Nota r, �� ry Public -- tc, PATRICIA AN.N GRIFFIN -- , k'- MY COMMISSION # GG137624 Revt;ed I lilbi?U16 " EXPIRES September 26, 2021 / COKPA TOR SIG,VAI'U 1 % Z4 fierl PR I N T N t16 ARIE COU RTIFICAT►ON ,,\'UM6ER State of Florida, County of Q f ,n �uGt The furegoin^ instrument nos signed hel'ore me this ���� � day of A by L>� e 1 Russo Who is persohall / vn (/ or has produced a _ as identitication. -------- Signature of Notary Public STAMP Print Name ofallot r n Y Public --— "'ti PATRICIA ANN GRIFFIN MY COMMISSION # GG137624 N. ,p• f- '•�a;Co!°' EXPIRES September 26, 2021 L RMIT # �— ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES ® - Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT %`'"—p4ity NaTe/Individual Name) v NtZ the tA tN ULL ry (Type of Trade) Sub contractor for For the project located at _ 1 5 SdWIe�'S -ANC have agreed to be (Project Street Addressor Pro e e P rty Tax (G a) Adams Hotnas of NotQ *19 Mddk trio. (Primary Contractor) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above ned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant t to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice, p nt to the CO R SIGNATURE (Qualifier) Maim Homes of NN*KtM 1 WIll, 11101' PRINT NA NI --� q/ / COUNTY CERTffICATR N NUMBER Stelc or Florida, Couaty 90�& The roregofog instrument was signed before me Ibis __ day of �o by William Bryan Adams who is personally kno .o Ism Produceel a es idcntificatioo. tnrrofiVvL• r7-pwtiiic �—� SHELLEYA. SEPL11_VEDA Print Name of Notary public SUB -CONY R SIGNATURE (Qua,Geri -� PRUrr NAINII:E aQ COUNTY CERTffELATION NUM1IBER State of Florida, County of The foregoing instrument seas signed before me this < day of fY\0.tt Q Who is personally known ' Or has produced a as identification. STAMP Sig�rory Public Y Il STAMP ::+: !"' •` �; SHELLEYA. SEPULVEDA MY COMMISSION a GG 261074 ;f, opa:' EXPIRES: January 25, 2023 �• ", Bonded Thru N Revised 11/16/20 oraryPul>flcUndervmlar� Hcwna,k Moor, Prmt Name of Notary Public R Notary Pubhc State of Ftonda Hannah E MooreMy COmmisslon HH 017099 Expires 07/01/2024 PERMIT J# ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENTSF,RVIC ES Building & Code Conrpliancc Division BUILDING I'L:t��tt r sir;-� c�xrrincrort Acl[E-NENl- f�uaf \Orncl --._ tirced to be the Rooting -; — - -- Suh-contractor for Adams Homes of Northwest Florida, INC (Primary Conlrar(br.} For tllc PrQicct located at nr ------ ....__....-...... (Project Str:ei Addtiss II IS lllldCl'SlitOd thef, If tllel'e I� ally ClYiln`e ()t SCa[lIS l'i gardln, 011l' P81'[ICJI),ltloll 1l'Ltil the ilbO\'c Itli`nrinn vl project; rile Buildin' alld ('odc Reg'.ulatiorl Ui� isiun of St filing ofa C'Ll;tn�>r of Sub-cc)ntrac[ur ttotirt;. ----- -- A^ I k \ C'l (1 ' CIT!ril: (n«:ditirr} - William Bryan Adams J'Kl\ I tit\rE t'()F'—%FTF( R'rIh'rt"4'I'IO\\t.;�Ilir:R Stntcof Florida, C oun I% or St. Lucie 7 hr fncgnin+ lnsn'untcnt ,+x� sirucd hertrre nic• this 1 1v ...__..._. day ul' William Bryan Adams toho is persulptilt kn,),rn ..A -or has produced a _--- ---. ,is Idenr(Ile, ion. Ci�nat«rr of A'ntary Public fnt .\.role of Kurtry Public °� Notary Publrc State of Fonda 1� Hannah E Moore = My COmmrssm HH 0170% Ifc+i;cJll it,2otr, 9aw� Expires07/011024 Lucie County I.c'ill be ach'i�ccl Ptu-Strant to the. ti(i6-(:0:\'1'R.IC'r� 1C.:\:V'I'[.r21 }ttaliricr) SI:rtcorFlurldn,Counrh or St Lucie Tilt•roregoin�insh'unrcttlunssi;;ncdtse)i,rrmt'rhls (_� darnl' -- J I g P I u t q tr'hu is personalf+' ltnnt�n �/ or hus prod« reel n As ideinirieliinn, Si•+nn(urc or\'otan P« 61ic N o o r :e Prim Nanic or\near) Public -"' R � Pnn ubkc State w Flprrdaail E MooreCOmmis8lpn HHires 07/012024 017089