HomeMy WebLinkAboutConstruction PlansUL DESIGN NO. U419 FIRE RATING: STC: SOUND TEST: SYSTEM THICKNESS: 1 Hour 48 RAL-TL11-074 4 7/8" 2' - 0" 2' - 0" [610 mm] [610 mm] -1 Em lfj m V, , "r- 'N"WIN"aw"mo vil 6"""" ASSEMBLY OPTIONS: GYPSUM BOARD: ONE LAYER 5/8" THICK GYPSUM BOARD (UL TYPE SCXTM) STEEL STUDS: 3-5/8" STEEL STUDS, EQ25 (0.018"), SPACED 24" O.C. INSULATION: 3-1/2" THICK GLASS FIBER BATT INSULATION GYPSUM BOARD: ONE LAYER 5/8" THICK GYPSUM BOARD (UL TYPE SCXTM) RECENED JUN 2 3 2021 St. Lucie County Permitting NOTES - STUD AND INSULATION SIZES ARE MINIMUM UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED IN DESIGN. FOR THE MOST UP-TO-DATE INFORMATION OR ASSEMBLY OPTIONS, REFER TO THE UL FIRE RESISTANCE DIRECTORY. REFER TO THE UL FIRE RESISTANCE DIRECTORY FOR INFORMATION REGARDING PRODUCT ORIENTATION AND FASTENING REQUIREMENTS. otscweamuo�oMausnou coxraxreoxFxoxsns ixmmmrox users ISSUE SHEETINFORMhT10N: ��� CGC anecss. ewxn:ens. nxo o" amsu vrn°F,ssaxas. BNDNU CODE a mews. art ailElt to 61PElENf eaN9niJenou Rmusrpr ms➢E RECORD: USG Oor tlan poa �s r"x�swvoxrwcme�xrT._--useo°use°soaz2 xorenevosoro vso masysn9sWm s ox+is vouim ova"�itiF.sFa+o wvswwlaysxe ue°esase aswxU419659WestL Revision Date SN-P-1-07 6066 Street Wvvw.USG. 67 USA vwrmw.s sr eeev aiaan tew "mxcr ou60unox�ioo )viss uue mav�se eramExvaxnxEt.wlrwur� T RWUSG.can Y B90.DSG4VOD woumxo°suw woucnmvs. wawmox ovuw vaooucrunsw�vucssmwE°a ESPo�aRenrecl�E OFs�xvxa°Esxoew, 813R0194:59:07 PM RECEIVED JUN 2 3 2021 St. Lucle County Permitting SLbMITUL The.originals%e In.Type,X w6lib-odi.ds-tbi[6tdii6iwail's and Ceiling; _. Provide '6dditi"cin6l-'firiirdsittance,*-oV(it."rej,616-foa6ials Underwriters Laboratories Inc..(UL) OasV icatiorvas to,fi re-reslst6nce,'sUr f ate. -burning characteristics and b-oh-co-rinbUsfibi lity-- X Comply with ASTM.Cl396tphS(sit6l'oedOoeCiias'fbr�5/8-ifi*. Type- :gypsum wallboard' EbNG �D 6618'�eitif6tion-and qualifies ��chie��6..G� UA. G, a , asalow'-OCIemiidwm.iteri '-a] (rneets.CA,01135D); 518jhj . i ' ' " � [ " h a feature: ""yp�'�'pano sit, rot6ct,th'e core; and--theidrids arb'.cut square.and even: The Id n , 9 - joint . S - to . be'reinforded"and --c6ifEe-aldd'With USG'S�ebte6& ii . eetroLk"'Bian�aLFirec6di'�X-p.a,ii,eli are LIL C'169iifled iefke: ULDesign-W6, . - where Type,� panels -are 11 - tted.. Tlle.U.L.-Type De n `6 on'the " face along 1 the g, fa gt Iong.-.edge6f'eac'h,pandl'for easy r !cations..i�hbf6�%��in.-'fVpe•X.6.6-nels 6r required;; tomme appli New or r"r p6'!' r-�-a`q d ,remodel construction: bearing and 'non-, d b' d for stee(:ftamed fire rated° -walls; 4 Pl`�, ibfi`6fl6bd-' b'd ,load qaq,ing Woo ,i. Avoid -exposure,lto'sus'iained,iempera tures.exceedl.ng 125 'Avoid exposureb excessive, rep6iit.ivellor.co.n-ti.nulo,us. tnofsture,b.ewe,iddiinb arid after, installation: *Eilminaie�.sources of moisturel.imme.diately. 7M,akimum-'f-ramespadng forwalls fs�24-in.!O-C, 4.1M ustbe-siored. off ithe 'g"io u'*n'd a-n' a Vfiber'�'c-ovie- r-injakikorida"n'c6 with " Assodi6tidnls' Gypsum Watdling,and,Storageio.�, Gypsum Panel Products_ (GA-801�.67j. 306t.--'f6r;load-,beari"ng-desig,n-a Dd,not a, structural'panel'. piGtio' blrcct'Alp� n P an�iTk��nes�­­--' 0 `L'ca666 -iiewb P n Methc�di' `H�i'Ga AFV single layer Ji 61e Bin, 0�,9rnrnr ceilings-' -,P e r pe Adl cula dewi D 64-i e 51,6 i6 1S.9 -t iAmoi -`6wieifbr,perpe'ndic6far. 24 in; 661-omm . )II S . Id'e, I w6i , Is , 2 , 4.,In. . (61 . 0 MMY: 9 Py r, MM, Nofesf 1. Long edge position relative '10'6arhing. ir6unisp acn Eortiibh quality finish hg results{USG recgmmends USG Sh"e.'etYock 'Brand finishing product Painting products and systems_shoul`d be used that`comply,with recomrnendations and requiremerits in Appendices of ASTM C840. For-,priming'arid decorating wi(hpamt,, tbAik6' or wall covering follow manufacturer s.directions:for materials used: GypsufnAssociafion's Recommended Specification forLevels:of dypsum_Board'Finish (GA=214) should;'be referred t b order fo:determine fhe level.of finishing needed to-ensure;asurface'properly prepaYetl to'accept the final decoration: All surfaces mcluding`applled'joint compound must kle thoroughly dry, dust -flee ar d'not gl ssy, Prime WIthUheeroW Brand First Coat'" Primer or with>an undiluted,'interior-latex'flaf aiht with high -solids -content. Allowto dry'lodfore,decoraung To irriprave fastener concegh-drit Where gypsurn panel walls antl ceilings will be subjected to severe artificial or natural side ightmg or'w)II be decorated.,with a gloss ppip. (eggshell,. sem gloss, pr gloss) the; gypsum- panel should b.e skim coated with joint compound This equalizes sucti m; and texture-differences'betwe'en=the drywall face:paper and the finished �oint-compound be ` re: painting: As an alternative to'skirfi.coating or.when'a Level 5 finigh.is-requiredi use USG Sheetrock' 13rarid Tuff=Hide"" Primer Surfacer. For more Information, refer to USG literature Finishing & Decorating'Gypsum Panel ..White Paper,(.12010).- Property ASTMUst'Method ASTM01396Spedfi&1116 'ULno—S& $]81n Wollboard Noncombpstlblll[y. E136= :Pass ;Pass surface bueningFlame Spread E84 FlemLsp,eadindex not 15 charactefistics greater than25 Smoke Developed E84 Smoke Developed Index 0 notgreaterthan450 Classcfication E84 — ClassA ' lCaidhardiiesrz(Itif) Field. i C473(8) Notiessthan:li Neetsore ceeds End C473,u tlessthan11 Meetsorej%yceeds Edge 1473(B) Not lestthanll Meetsoreiceeds_ FkiUr-astren6th(16f) Parailej $473(a) ,Notlessthan46 Meetsorelcceeds Perpendicular ...... C473(B) .. , ... Notlessthan 147' .,.... toleetsorel.mds ....,.. Humtdifieddeficctiorr(164 C473 Notgreaterthan5%Bin. Less liars Nallpuliwslstance(Itilf L473(8) Notlesst-h- l)7 Meetsoresceeds ..UL-TYPi3CX_ '�.. Thlekness: 5/8m d1 .9mm) ,Lengths A16ft (2438 1267mm) �_„ +width'. 4ft:(1219mm) 541n.':xsl2ft:(1372mmz3658mmF, : Welght , nominal' . ... 2 21b /;q ft,.(1 D.7 k4 sq; m!)` Edges, ipeckegfng Two'panels perbuni7le ;Notes .3. Other sizes available by;specwl order. 6heck with your local USG representative for avallgblll .4. Represents apiJmirmte Wcight(oKdesign anil%hipping pur`poscs. For'specific product weicj USG representative or call the Customer ServiceCenter at 800'950�3639:, Meet or d -;OISTM C136., 6t ion S,6Rr-15/8--p;;gypsum wallbotr.d* jyp" d' X h Material 6-s-tif i-eid'a"s"b" C-fas"S-,A, Jfitdi6f F1 !�.h M& I n" I' 'khilgUk "OL41— �e?eil�fzifte,.sur6' -bor'' Classification to fire Plge n..pOoro.tteristics:and,cor,e-.combust • Achieved 6RLtNQAR-b'G' 61d--C-e-'t6fic6-tion and'qualffies.qs.aloes Vbc emitffi-ig:material (meets GA'O135O)t cofitkitir ,Ayq. U'S9,50!r M6huf&Uea by w62964-USA-tRd/6'17 I United.ptal�eg 0ypsunri Lompany X,, 2_OVYSGj;orporptlort and/or' i SSO.Mit'Aaain-s Street its affiliates. All rightsreservedreserved.;USG picqp; iL iio6o 0, r d I' U " I .�A ITS,-YOLIR:WqRLD. bU LI),V' Compliance and performance Above results are based upon testing using Type X gypsum board. For additional designs, please contact ROCKWOOL Technical Services. Acoustical performance ASTM C423 CO-EFFICIENTS AT FREQUENCIES MOM ROCKWOOL 3" 0.52 0.96 SAFEWSOUND' Compliance and performance ASTM C 665 ASTM E 136 ASTM E 84 (UL 723) Dimensions ��5He aft- tua With flexible edges Density 1.18 1.07 1.05 1.05 1.05 Mineral Fiber Blanket Thermal Insulation Type 1, Complies Surface Burning Characteristics Non -Combustible Surface Burning Characteristics Flame Spread = 0 Smoke Developed = 0 3" x 15.25" x 47" 76 mm x 387 mm x 1194 mm With flexible edges ROCKWOOL Group 7