HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOCJOSEPH E. SMITH, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT — SAINT LUCIE C FILE # 4529478 OR BOOK 4231 PAGE 876, Recorded 02/08/2 19 0sRE6HWEQ AUG 0 2 2019 I ST. Lucie County, Permitting Pawk No. Property Tax W Na. _ i L 0 (i % State of Florida, Cody of St. Lock The Undersiped hereby gives notice fiat Iurprevemeat wW be made to certain rent property, and to accordance wua Chapter 713, Fkiidn Sbttutt:4lie faftwing bA 1n1r m Is provided Is this Notice of Cosamencewt. of proprty aDd address ra- Address latest is rnpertr. pj w n Fee Simple THIe bolder (if otter than owner) Address contractor ReK U, en d T Pig" # 5Yyq LS�:: Address Fax # Surety Pbeae # Address Fax # Aaronat of Bond leader Pboae # Address Fax #_ Personswitbin the State of Florian designated by Ownerupon whom modem or other doeaneents my be served as provided by Section 713.13 (a) 7., Florida Statues: Nam Pbose # Address Fax # to addition to bimseK owner desipates —of Pboae # Fax # to receives espy of the 13eaor$s Nodes as provided L Secdea 713.13 (1) (b)4 Florida Statsrtes_ Expirrttita date of eadee of ears aoemeat b one year f vn the data of rem nolas a dilfiererlt date b specified. WARNING TO OWNF.B: ANY PAYMEM MADE BY THE OWNER AFTER THE EXPWATION OF THE NOTICE OF COMMMSMa ARE CON MCM DdMopER PAYlhORM UNDERCHJ13.13, F.S., AND CAN RESULT IN YOUR PAYM TWKZ POR UPROVEMEN7S TO YOUR PROPERTY. A NMWE OF COMMICZAMffMUW8ZRKCOUDBDANDP09r1WOtVT=S0RSrM19F0RS] 9MR9179WORC110N WYOURnIMTOOBTAIN FRIANC1NOh CONSULT WrrH YOUR LW OM OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE CpMblEMCM WORK OR RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COiM O..we n e.ee..r OWWAO or RAN= saws�taK s�tital�roeece State of Florida, County of A. a_ Ae1®ow fibs dsy of r 20 �, 6y wig ear Ps+d� ssidstifiWiaL fu�'+�4. PubUc Sv U of Audre Renee Nichols (Seal) M Number Digital lyy siggned byy :The Honorable Joseph �� aF Date: 20-05:00 19.02.08 0915:38 vIsrr xrrrs//srwc¢nrnx.con/ TO vnuonTc THIS o«unu+r,? Reason: Electronically.Certified Copy q Location: 201 South Indian River Dr, Fort <"rf._e44 Smith Pierce, FL 34950