HomeMy WebLinkAboutPOWERS SUB PERMIT APPSPERMIT# ISSUE DATE COUNTY F L O R I D A PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERN11T SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT have agreed to be (Company Nante'Individual Name) the Sub -contractor for /�K_x /�IGf�S_ (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at icf// ( Project Street Address or Properr! / A/R 3 • ,fD •paw ,3 • aao Tat ID} It is understood that, if'there is any change of'Status regarding our participation %vith the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be Advised pursuant to the tiiin�, of'a Change of�Sub-contractor notice, CO\ 1'R.1(TOR S1(:. A ITRE ( alinvrl PRINT N.,mi. cr.ad /4/s COUN11' CERIIFICA r10N M \IRF 11 State of Florida. County of z AX�rl,-% 1'hc forefloing instrument %%as signed before me [his yday of h,�9�F/G�IA/J Mio is personally lemma V err hats produced a as idendGcalion. Signature f Nolam Public Z_,00 14. DX/eo Print Name of Nu[:in Public Z;r Notary Public State of Florida Lori A MoxkQy My Commission GG 2801418 Expires 11l2312022 t Re%iied II'Inw_a16 — /Z ___ �� __ N, SI_B-CON 'RA( OR SICNATI : (Qualifier) PRINT' NANIF: C(H M1 CER'IIFICAIION Nt NIBER Stale of Florida. Coun[y of fhe foregoing instrument was signed before me this � day of %%ho is persomUlls knot n 11"'iP'r ha. produced a as identificalion. Signalure ufAwaq. Public . Print Name urNoUur% I'uhlic EKE State of Florida eyion GG 260148 12022 PERMIT # ISSUE DATE F?97T7)"� PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT liwe a,,reed to be (Compam NarneAndividual Nar e) the ELECT-ole Sub -contractor for (Type or Trade) (I'rilrru� t'untractur) For the project located at 9// 7W CIL�S4/7 A/J} Z (Project Street Address or Property I'ax ID H) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Dil•ision of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the Filing of Change of Sub -contractor notice. ('O\TR.1(-rOR SIGN. I'1 RE. IQua rrr) AW FI NHM PRIN�� ('01 N rl' CE:RTIFICATION Nt 111IER State of Florida. Cuunir or 71 / the instrr mcnll 1%as siznrd (before me This _& 6% of tisho i. pererrnarh ):noun ur ha+produced a x. idcnliGrution. SF%NII, Signalurr of ii arc Puhtic Z_ a,-r• 14. eWe Print Name of Notary Public yar Notary Public Stale of Florida Lori A Mox1ey My Gommiss+on GG 280148 poi tip Expires 1112312U22 tit-B-co,yi-if+7oR SIC\: 1"1'RE (Qualiricr) PRINTNAME E�oc�oa707 COUN-11 CERTIFWA[ION M NIRE:R Statc of Florida. Count} ofTli fhe foregoing, instrument nas signed before ntic this d/t da} of [� cretirl aho is persomdl} Limn V err has produced a a. idcnliricalinn. STAMP Sianalure ofN ary Public , L.0 X ox/� Print Name of Nolan Public Notary Public State of Florida Lori A Mox!oy MY Commission GG 280148 Expires 11!23/2022 Ke%1,ed II Inr_'1)Io