HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPPROVED Revised 24' x 30'x( 9' ID) Easi-Set Skyline RR Design Sealed 05-14-2021Project Number: 2021.332.016 DESIGN COMPUTATIONS FOR Easi-Set Skyline Restroom 24’-0”x30’-0”x (9’-0”I.D.) Fort Pierce, FL PREPARED FOR: Easi-Set Worldwide 5119 Catlett Road Midland, Virginia 22728 PREPARED BY:  State License # 33534 860 Hooper Road, Endwell, New York 13760 TEL: 607-231-6600 FAX: 607-231-6650 EMAIL: precast@delta-eas.com www.delta-eas.com Page 1 of 51 Checked by: JRW 05/14/2021 05/14/2021 Revisions Description: Codes and Loads Material Properties Lateral Analysis Connection Forces Component Design - Roof, Post-Tensioned Component Design - Floor Component Design - Wall Connection Design Component - Reinforcing DATE DESIGN SUBJECT SHEET 05.13.21 CCFH EASI-SPAN BLDG T.O.C. DATE CHECK ITEM JOB NUMBER TABLE OF CONTENTS 2021.332.016 1.1 - 1.11 7.1 - 7.3 6.1 - 6.5 5.12 - 5.25 Table of Contents 5.9 - 5.11 5.1 - 5.8 4.1 - 4.2 3.1 - 3.2 2.1 Page 2 of 51 Checked by: JRW Description: Design Codes and References: IBC - International Building Code ASCE 7 - Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures ACI 318 - Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete PCI Design Handbook (PCI) AISC Steel Construction Manual (S.C.M.) FBC - Florida Building Code Gravity Loads: Dead Load (Service) Load Factor (Dead Load Only): ASCE7-16, Sec. 2.3.1: Load Factor (Dead Load Combination): Load Factor (Dead Load and Wind Only): Load Factor (Dead Load and Seismic Only): ASCE7-16, Sec. - 0.2SDS = DLr, Roof Dead Load (Colateral/Misc.)DLf, Floor Dead Load (Colateral/Misc.) Live Load (Service) Load Factor: ASCE7-16, Sec. 2.3.1: LLr, Roof Live Load LLf, Floor Live Load Lateral Loads: Wind - ASCE 7-16 Load Factor: ASCE7-16, Sec. 2.3.1: Ult. Wind Speed: ASCE7-16, Fig. 26.5-1 Risk Category: ASCE7-16, Table 1.5-1 Exposure Category: ASCE7-16, Sec. 26.7.3 Kz, V.P.E. Coeff.ASCE7-16, Table 26.10-1 Kzt, Topo. Factor: ASCE7-16, Sec. 26.8 MWFRS ASCE 7-16 Chapter 27 (Directional Procedure) Wall - Windward - Enclosed Wall - Leeward Roof - Windward - ٣ to Ridge Roof - Leeward or Flat - ٣ to Ridge Roof - ǁ to Ridge Wall - Windward - Partially Enclosed Wall - Leeward Roof - Windward - ٣ to Ridge Roof - Leeward or Flat - ٣ to Ridge Roof - ǁ to Ridge C & C, Pnet= 0.00256V2KzCnetKzt Aeff, Effective Area of Wall Is any discontinuity present (Wall)? Wall - Enclosed Wall - Partially Enclosed Aeff, Effective Area of Roof Is any discontinuity present (Roof)? Roof - Flat (Tapered < 10°) or ║ to Ridge Roof - Flat (Tapered < 10°) or ║ to Ridge Roof - Gable Roof - Gable Yes10 ft² No50 ft² DATE DESIGN SUBJECT SHEET 05.13.21 CCFH EASI-SPAN BLDG 1.1 14th Ed. DATE CHECK ITEM JOB NUMBER 24'-0" x 30'-0" x (9'-0"ID)2021.332.016 Codes and Loads 2018 2016 2014 7th Ed. 1.4 1.2 0.9 0.890 0 psf 0 psf 30.5 psf -36.9 psf NA NA 1.6 60 psf 150 psf 1.0 II 165 mph D 1.03 1.00 7.9 psf -59.5 psf NA NA 72.0 psf 94.6 psf -84.2 psf NA -106.8 psf NA -57.7 psf -80.3 psf 2020 Page 3 of 51 Checked by: JRW Description: Seismic - Equivalent Lateral Force Procedure - ASCE7-16, 12.8 Load Factor: ASCE7-16, Sec. 2.3.1 Risk Category: ASCE7-16, Table 1.5-1 Ie, Seismic Importance Factor: ASCE7-16, Table 1.5-2 Site Class: ASCE7-16, Table 20.3.1 SS, Mapped spectral response acceleration at short periods: ASCE7-16, Fig. 22-1, 3, 5 and 6 Fa, Short-period site coefficient: ASCE7-16, Table 11.4-1 SMS, MCE spectral response acceleration at short periods: ASCE7-16, Eq. 11.4-1 SDS, Design spectral response acceleration at short periods: ASCE7-16, Eq. 11.4-3 S1, Mapped spectral response acceleration at 1s period: ASCE7-16, Fig. 22-2, 4, 5 and 6 Fv, Long-period site coefficient: ASCE7-16, Table 11.4-2 SM1, MCE spectral response acceleration at 1s period: ASCE7-16, Eq. 11.4-2 SD1, Design spectral response acceleration at 1s period: ASCE7-16, Eq. 11.4-4 Seismic Design Category: ASCE7-16, Table 11.6.1 and 2 A Seismic Force Resisting System - Bearing Wall ASCE7-16, Table 12.2-1 Ordinary PC Shearwalls R, Response Modification Coefficient: ASCE7-16, Table 12.2-1 Ω, System Overstrength Factor:ASCE7-16, Table 12.2-1 Cd, Deflection Amplification Factor: ASCE7-16, Table 12.2-1 ρ, Redundancy Factor:ASCE7-16, Sec. hn, Structural Height (See "Building Properties") ASCE7-16, Sec. Ct, ASCE7-16, Table 12.8-2 x, ASCE7-16, Table 12.8-2 Ta, Approximate Fundamental Period: ASCE7-16, Eq. 12.8-7 TL, Long-Period Transition period: ASCE7-16, Fig. 22-14 thru 16 Cs, Seismic Response Coefficient: ASCE7-16, Section & 3 1.2 DATE DESIGN SUBJECT SHEET Codes and Loads Cont'd 1.0 II 1.00 D 0.049 0.08 0.067 1.60 0.0523 0.028 3.00 2.50 3.00 0.152 sec 0.0174 1.0 0.02 0.75 ≤ 15.00 ft ≤ 8 sec DATE CHECK ITEM JOB NUMBER 24'-0" x 30'-0" x (9'-0"ID)2021.332.016 05.13.21 CCFH EASI-SPAN BLDG 2.40 0.045 Page 4 of 51 Checked by: JRW ASCE 7-16 Wind Forces, Chapter 27, Part I DELTA ENGINEERS, PCLic. # : KW-06003282 DESCRIPTION:Wind Force (Directional Procedure, Part 1) Software copyright ENERCALC, INC. 1983-2020, Build: File: ES Gabled Building.ec6 Project Title:Easi-Set Skyline Restroom Engineer:CCFH Project ID:2021.332.016 Project Descr:24'-0" x 30'-0" x (9'-0" I.D.) Enclosed Basic Values 2 165.0 0.850 Exposure D Exposure D Exposure D Exposure D 30.0 24.0 10.520 Risk Category V : Basic Wind Speed per ASCE 7-16 Table 1.5-1 Horizontal Dim. in North-South Direction (B or L) = Exposure Category per ASCE 7-16 Section 26.7 h : Mean Roof height = ftKd : Directionality Factor per ASCE 7-16 Table 26.6-1 Horizontal Dim. in East-West Direction (B or L) = ft North : East : South : West : Topographic Factor per ASCE 7-16 Sec 26.8 & Figure 26.8-1 North : K1 = K2 = K3 = Kzt = East : K1 = K2 = K3 = West : K1 = K2 = K3 = Kzt = 1.000 Kzt = 1.000 User has specified the building frequency is >= 1 Hz, therefore considered RIGID for both North-South and East-West directions. Building Period & Flexibility Category 1.000 ft South : K1 = K2 = K3 = Kzt = 1.000 Building Story Data Level Description hi E : XStory Ht E : XR ft ft R ftft Gust Factor For wind coming from direction indicated North = East =0.850 West =0.850 0.850 South =0.850 Enclosure Check if Building Qualifies as "Open" 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 ft^2 Roof Total 100.0 ft^2 500.0 ft^2 ft^2 0.0 ft^2 North Wall South Wall East Wall West Wall ft^2Agross ft^2 ft^2 ft^2 Aopenings ft^2 ft^2 ft^2 Aopenings >= 0.8 * Agross ?No No No No Building does NOT qualify as "Open"All four Agross values must be non-zero User has specified the Building is to be considered Enclosed when NORTH elevation receives positive external pressure User has specified the Building is to be considered Enclosed when SOUTH elevation receives positive external pressure User has specified the Building is to be considered Enclosed when EAST elevation receives positive external pressure User has specified the Building is to be considered Enclosed when WEST elevation receives positive external pressure Velocity Pressures psf When the following walls experience leeward or sidewall pressures, the value of Kh shall be (per Table 26.10-1) : North Wall = 1.030 South Wall = 1.030 psf East Wall = 1.030 psf West Wall = 1.030 psf When the following walls experience leeward or sidewall pressures, the value of qh shall be (per Table 26.10-1) : North Wall = 61.032 psf South Wall = 61.032 psf East Wall = 61.032 psf West Wall = 61.032 psf qz : Windward Wall Velocity Pressures at various heights per Eq. 26.10-1 Height Above Base (ft) North Elevation East Elevation West Elevation Kz qz Kz qzKz qz Kz qz South Elevation 1.030 61.030.00 1.03061.03 61.03 61.031.0301.030 1.030 61.034.00 1.03061.03 61.03 61.031.0301.030 1.030 61.038.00 1.03061.03 61.03 61.031.0301.030 Page 5 of 51 Checked by: JRW1.3 ASCE 7-16 Wind Forces, Chapter 27, Part I DELTA ENGINEERS, PCLic. # : KW-06003282 DESCRIPTION:Wind Force (Directional Procedure, Part 1) Software copyright ENERCALC, INC. 1983-2020, Build: File: ES Gabled Building.ec6 Project Title:Easi-Set Skyline Restroom Engineer:CCFH Project ID:2021.332.016 Project Descr:24'-0" x 30'-0" x (9'-0" I.D.) Pressure Coefficients GCpi Values when elevation receives positive external pressure 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80 -0.50 -0.50 -0.450 -0.450 -0.70 -0.70 -0.70 -0.70 GCpi : Internal pressure coefficient, per sec. 26.13 and Table 26.13-1 North South East West 0.180+/- 0.180 0.180 0.180+/- Specify Cp Values from Figure 27.3-1 for Windward, Leeward & Side Walls Cp Values when elevation receives positive external pressure Windward Wall East WestSouth Leeward Wall Side Walls North +/-+/- User Defined Roof locations and Net Directional Pressure Coefficients : Cp or Cn Cp or Cn Values when the indicated building elevation receives positive external pressure Description North South East West -0.90Normal and Parallel to R -0.90 -0.90 -0.90 Wind Pressures Wind Pressures when NORTH Elevation receives positive external wind pressure psf Windward Wall Pressures . . . Height Above Base (ft) Positive Internal Negative Internal Pressure (psf) Pressure (psf) Positive Internal Negative Internal Leeward Wall Pressures -36.925 -14.953 Side Wall Pressures -47.30 -25.328 psf psf psf 0.00 30.52 52.49 4.00 30.52 52.49 8.00 30.52 52.49 Roof Pressures . . .Positive Internal Negative Internal Description Pressure (psf) Pressure (psf) Normal and Parallel to R -57.68 -35.70 Wind Pressures when SOUTH Elevation receives positive external wind pressure psf Windward Wall Pressures . . . Height Above Base (ft) Positive Internal Negative Internal Pressure (psf) Pressure (psf) Positive Internal Negative Internal Leeward Wall Pressures -36.925 -14.953 Side Wall Pressures -47.30 -25.328 psf psf psf 0.00 30.52 52.49 4.00 30.52 52.49 8.00 30.52 52.49 Roof Pressures . . .Positive Internal Negative Internal Description Pressure (psf) Pressure (psf) Normal and Parallel to R -57.68 -35.70 Wind Pressures when EAST Elevation receives positive external wind pressure psf Windward Wall Pressures . . . Height Above Base (ft) Positive Internal Negative Internal Pressure (psf) Pressure (psf) Positive Internal Negative Internal Leeward Wall Pressures -34.331 -12.359 Side Wall Pressures -47.30 -25.328 psf psf psf 0.00 30.52 52.49 Page 6 of 51 Checked by: JRW L/B=30/24= 1.25 Roof Slope < 10º 10.52/24=0.43 10.52/30=0.35 1.4 ASCE 7-16 Wind Forces, Chapter 27, Part I DELTA ENGINEERS, PCLic. # : KW-06003282 DESCRIPTION:Wind Force (Directional Procedure, Part 1) Software copyright ENERCALC, INC. 1983-2020, Build: File: ES Gabled Building.ec6 Project Title:Easi-Set Skyline Restroom Engineer:CCFH Project ID:2021.332.016 Project Descr:24'-0" x 30'-0" x (9'-0" I.D.) 4.00 30.52 52.49 8.00 30.52 52.49 Roof Pressures . . .Positive Internal Negative Internal Description Pressure (psf) Pressure (psf) Normal and Parallel to R -57.68 -35.70 Wind Pressures when WEST Elevation receives positive external wind pressure psf Windward Wall Pressures . . . Height Above Base (ft) Positive Internal Negative Internal Pressure (psf) Pressure (psf) Positive Internal Negative Internal Leeward Wall Pressures -34.331 -12.359 Side Wall Pressures -47.30 -25.328 psf psf psf 0.00 30.52 52.49 4.00 30.52 52.49 8.00 30.52 52.49 Roof Pressures . . .Positive Internal Negative Internal Description Pressure (psf) Pressure (psf) Normal and Parallel to R -57.68 -35.70 Story Forces for Design Wind Load Cases Values below are calculated based on a building with dimensions B x L x h as defined on the "Basic Values" tab. Load Case Windward Wall Eccentricity for (ft)Wind Shear Components (k) In "Y" Direction In "X" Direction Mt, (ft-k) Ht. Range "Y" Shear "X" Shear Building level Trib. Height Base Shear for Design Wind Load Cases North +Y Values below are calculated based on a building with dimensions B x L x h as defined on the "General" tab. Load Case Windward Wall Leeward Wall Wind Base Shear Components (k)West +XIn "Y" Direction In "X" Direction Mt, (ft-k) Case 1 ---South 0.00 ---North Case 1 ---North 0.00 ---South Case 1 ---West --- 0.00East Case 1 ---East --- 0.00West Case 2 +/- 0.0South 0.00 ---North Case 2 +/- 0.0North 0.00 ---South Case 2 +/- 0.0West --- 0.00East Case 2 +/- 0.0East --- 0.00West Case 3 ---South & West 0.00 0.00North & East Case 3 ---South & East 0.00 0.00North & West Case 3 ---North & East 0.00 0.00South & West Case 3 ---North & West 0.00 0.00South & East Case 4 +/- 0.0South & West 0.00 0.00North & East Case 4 +/- 0.0South & East 0.00 0.00North & West Case 4 +/- 0.0North & East 0.00 0.00South & West Case 4 +/- 0.0North & West 0.00 0.00South & East Page 7 of 51 Checked by: JRW1.5 ASCE 7-16 Wind Forces, Chapter 27, Part I DELTA ENGINEERS, PCLic. # : KW-06003282 DESCRIPTION:Wind Force (Directional Procedure, Part 1) Software copyright ENERCALC, INC. 1983-2020, Build: File: ES Gabled Building.ec6 Project Title:Easi-Set Skyline Restroom Engineer:CCFH Project ID:2021.332.016 Project Descr:24'-0" x 30'-0" x (9'-0" I.D.) Partially Enclosed Basic Values 2 165.0 0.850 Exposure D Exposure D Exposure D Exposure D 30.0 24.0 10.520 Risk Category V : Basic Wind Speed per ASCE 7-16 Table 1.5-1 Horizontal Dim. in North-South Direction (B or L) = Exposure Category per ASCE 7-16 Section 26.7 h : Mean Roof height = ftKd : Directionality Factor per ASCE 7-16 Table 26.6-1 Horizontal Dim. in East-West Direction (B or L) = ft North : East : South : West : Topographic Factor per ASCE 7-16 Sec 26.8 & Figure 26.8-1 North : K1 = K2 = K3 = Kzt = East : K1 = K2 = K3 = West : K1 = K2 = K3 = Kzt = 1.000 Kzt = 1.000 User has specified the building frequency is >= 1 Hz, therefore considered RIGID for both North-South and East-West directions. Building Period & Flexibility Category 1.000 ft South : K1 = K2 = K3 = Kzt = 1.000 Building Story Data Level Description hi E : XStory Ht E : XR ft ft R ftft Gust Factor For wind coming from direction indicated North = East =0.850 West =0.850 0.850 South =0.850 Enclosure Check if Building Qualifies as "Open" 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 ft^2 Roof Total 100.0 ft^2 500.0 ft^2 ft^2 0.0 ft^2 North Wall South Wall East Wall West Wall ft^2Agross ft^2 ft^2 ft^2 Aopenings ft^2 ft^2 ft^2 Aopenings >= 0.8 * Agross ?No No No No Building does NOT qualify as "Open"All four Agross values must be non-zero User has specified the Building is to be considered Partially Enclosed when NORTH elevation receives positive external p User has specified the Building is to be considered Partially Enclosed when SOUTH elevation receives positive external p User has specified the Building is to be considered Partially Enclosed when EAST elevation receives positive external pr User has specified the Building is to be considered Partially Enclosed when WEST elevation receives positive external pr Velocity Pressures psf When the following walls experience leeward or sidewall pressures, the value of Kh shall be (per Table 26.10-1) : North Wall = 1.030 South Wall = 1.030 psf East Wall = 1.030 psf West Wall = 1.030 psf When the following walls experience leeward or sidewall pressures, the value of qh shall be (per Table 26.10-1) : North Wall = 61.032 psf South Wall = 61.032 psf East Wall = 61.032 psf West Wall = 61.032 psf qz : Windward Wall Velocity Pressures at various heights per Eq. 26.10-1 Height Above Base (ft) North Elevation East Elevation West Elevation Kz qz Kz qzKz qz Kz qz South Elevation 1.030 61.030.00 1.03061.03 61.03 61.031.0301.030 1.030 61.034.00 1.03061.03 61.03 61.031.0301.030 1.030 61.038.00 1.03061.03 61.03 61.031.0301.030 Page 8 of 51 Checked by: JRW1.6 ASCE 7-16 Wind Forces, Chapter 27, Part I DELTA ENGINEERS, PCLic. # : KW-06003282 DESCRIPTION:Wind Force (Directional Procedure, Part 1) Software copyright ENERCALC, INC. 1983-2020, Build: File: ES Gabled Building.ec6 Project Title:Easi-Set Skyline Restroom Engineer:CCFH Project ID:2021.332.016 Project Descr:24'-0" x 30'-0" x (9'-0" I.D.) Pressure Coefficients GCpi Values when elevation receives positive external pressure 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80 -0.50 -0.50 -0.450 -0.450 -0.70 -0.70 -0.70 -0.70 GCpi : Internal pressure coefficient, per sec. 26.13 and Table 26.13-1 North South East West 0.550+/- 0.550 0.550 0.550+/- Specify Cp Values from Figure 27.3-1 for Windward, Leeward & Side Walls Cp Values when elevation receives positive external pressure Windward Wall East WestSouth Leeward Wall Side Walls North +/-+/- User Defined Roof locations and Net Directional Pressure Coefficients : Cp or Cn Cp or Cn Values when the indicated building elevation receives positive external pressure Description North South East West -0.90Normal and Parallel to R -0.90 -0.90 -0.90 Wind Pressures Wind Pressures when NORTH Elevation receives positive external wind pressure psf Windward Wall Pressures . . . Height Above Base (ft) Positive Internal Negative Internal Pressure (psf) Pressure (psf) Positive Internal Negative Internal Leeward Wall Pressures -59.507 7.629 Side Wall Pressures -69.882 -2.746 psf psf psf 0.00 7.93 75.07 4.00 7.93 75.07 8.00 7.93 75.07 Roof Pressures . . .Positive Internal Negative Internal Description Pressure (psf) Pressure (psf) Normal and Parallel to R -80.26 -13.12 Wind Pressures when SOUTH Elevation receives positive external wind pressure psf Windward Wall Pressures . . . Height Above Base (ft) Positive Internal Negative Internal Pressure (psf) Pressure (psf) Positive Internal Negative Internal Leeward Wall Pressures -59.507 7.629 Side Wall Pressures -69.882 -2.746 psf psf psf 0.00 7.93 75.07 4.00 7.93 75.07 8.00 7.93 75.07 Roof Pressures . . .Positive Internal Negative Internal Description Pressure (psf) Pressure (psf) Normal and Parallel to R -80.26 -13.12 Wind Pressures when EAST Elevation receives positive external wind pressure psf Windward Wall Pressures . . . Height Above Base (ft) Positive Internal Negative Internal Pressure (psf) Pressure (psf) Positive Internal Negative Internal Leeward Wall Pressures -56.913 10.223 Side Wall Pressures -69.882 -2.746 psf psf psf 0.00 7.93 75.07 Page 9 of 51 Checked by: JRW Roof Slope < 10º 10.52/24=0.43 10.52/30=0.35 L/B=30/24= 1.25 1.7 ASCE 7-16 Wind Forces, Chapter 27, Part I DELTA ENGINEERS, PCLic. # : KW-06003282 DESCRIPTION:Wind Force (Directional Procedure, Part 1) Software copyright ENERCALC, INC. 1983-2020, Build: File: ES Gabled Building.ec6 Project Title:Easi-Set Skyline Restroom Engineer:CCFH Project ID:2021.332.016 Project Descr:24'-0" x 30'-0" x (9'-0" I.D.) 4.00 7.93 75.07 8.00 7.93 75.07 Roof Pressures . . .Positive Internal Negative Internal Description Pressure (psf) Pressure (psf) Normal and Parallel to R -80.26 -13.12 Wind Pressures when WEST Elevation receives positive external wind pressure psf Windward Wall Pressures . . . Height Above Base (ft) Positive Internal Negative Internal Pressure (psf) Pressure (psf) Positive Internal Negative Internal Leeward Wall Pressures -56.913 10.223 Side Wall Pressures -69.882 -2.746 psf psf psf 0.00 7.93 75.07 4.00 7.93 75.07 8.00 7.93 75.07 Roof Pressures . . .Positive Internal Negative Internal Description Pressure (psf) Pressure (psf) Normal and Parallel to R -80.26 -13.12 Story Forces for Design Wind Load Cases Values below are calculated based on a building with dimensions B x L x h as defined on the "Basic Values" tab. Load Case Windward Wall Eccentricity for (ft)Wind Shear Components (k) In "Y" Direction In "X" Direction Mt, (ft-k) Ht. Range "Y" Shear "X" Shear Building level Trib. Height Base Shear for Design Wind Load Cases North +Y Values below are calculated based on a building with dimensions B x L x h as defined on the "General" tab. Load Case Windward Wall Leeward Wall Wind Base Shear Components (k)West +XIn "Y" Direction In "X" Direction Mt, (ft-k) Case 1 ---South 0.00 ---North Case 1 ---North 0.00 ---South Case 1 ---West --- 0.00East Case 1 ---East --- 0.00West Case 2 +/- 0.0South 0.00 ---North Case 2 +/- 0.0North 0.00 ---South Case 2 +/- 0.0West --- 0.00East Case 2 +/- 0.0East --- 0.00West Case 3 ---South & West 0.00 0.00North & East Case 3 ---South & East 0.00 0.00North & West Case 3 ---North & East 0.00 0.00South & West Case 3 ---North & West 0.00 0.00South & East Case 4 +/- 0.0South & West 0.00 0.00North & East Case 4 +/- 0.0South & East 0.00 0.00North & West Case 4 +/- 0.0North & East 0.00 0.00South & West Case 4 +/- 0.0North & West 0.00 0.00South & East Page 10 of 51 Checked by: JRW 1.8 Notation a = 10% of least horizontal dimension or 0.4h, whichever is smaller, but not less than either 4% of least horizontal dimension or 3 ft (0.9 m). Exception: For buildings with θ = 0° to 7° and a least horizontal dimension greater than 300 ft (90 m), dimension a shall be limited to a maximum of 0.8h. h = Mean roof height, in ft (m), except that eave height shall be used for θ ≤ 10°. θ = Angle of plane of roof from horizontal, in degrees. Notes 1. Vertical scale denotes (GCp) (GCp) to be used with qh. 2. Horizontal scale denotes effective wind area, in ft2 (m2). 3. Plus and minus signs signify pressures acting toward and away from the surfaces, respectively. 4. Each component shall be designed for maximum positive and negative pressures. 5. Values of for walls shall be reduced by 10% when θ ≤ 10°. Diagram External Pressure Coefficient, (GCp) - Walls ELEVATION FIGURE 30.3-1 Components and Cladding [h ≤60 ft (h ≤18.3 m)]: External Pressure Coefficients, (GCp ), for Enclosed and Partially Enclosed Buildings—Walls Minimum Design Loads and Associated Criteria for Buildings and Other Structures 335'RZQORDGHGIURPDVFHOLEUDU\RUJE\'DU\O%XUQVRQ&RS\ULJKW$6&()RUSHUVRQDOXVHRQO\DOOULJKWVUHVHUYHGPage 11 of 51 Checked by: JRW Use Wall GCp =-1.0 Enclosed Walls: p = 61.03 psf*(-1.0-0.18) =-72.02 psf Partially Enclosed Walls: p = 61.03 psf*(-1.0-0.55)=-94.60 psf 1.9 Notation Diagrams a = 10% of least horizontal dimension or 0.4h, whichever is smaller, but not less than either 4% of least horizontal dimension or 3 ft (0.9 m). If an overhang exists, the edge distance shall be measured from the outside edge of the overhang. The horizontal dimensions used to compute the edge distance shall not include any overhang distances. B = Horizontal dimension of building measured normal to wind direction, in ft (m). h = Mean roof height, in ft (m), except that eave height shall be used for θ ≤ 10°. θ = Angle of plane of roof from horizontal, in degrees. Notes 1. Vertical scale denotes (GCp) to be used with qh. 2. Horizontal scale denotes effective wind area, in ft2 (m2). 3. Plus and minus signs signify pressures acting toward and away from the surfaces, respectively. 4. Each component shall be designed for maximum positive and negative pressures. 5. Values of (GCp) for roof overhangs include pressure contributions from both upper and lower surfaces. 6. If overhangs exist, the lesser horizontal dimension of the building shall not include any overhang dimension, but the edge distance, a, shall be measured from the outside edge of the overhang. PLAN ELEVATION External Pressure Coefficients FIGURE 30.3-2B Components and Cladding [h ≤60 ft (h ≤18.3 m)]: External Pressure Coefficients, (GCp ), for Enclosed and Partially Enclosed Buildings—Gable Roofs, 7°<θ ≤20° Minimum Design Loads and Associated Criteria for Buildings and Other Structures 337'RZQORDGHGIURPDVFHOLEUDU\RUJE\'DU\O%XUQVRQ&RS\ULJKW$6&()RUSHUVRQDOXVHRQO\DOOULJKWVUHVHUYHGPage 12 of 51 Checked by: JRW Use Roof GCp =-1.2 Enclosed Building Roof: p = 61.03 psf*(-1.2-0.18) =-84.22psf Partially Enclosed Building Roof: p = 61.03 psf*(-1.2-0.55)=-106.80psf 1.10 Page 13 of 51 Checked by: JRW 1.11 Description: Materials (U.N.O.) Foundation and Subgrade Coefficient of Subgrade Modulus Allowable Soil Bearing Pressure Concrete Unit Weight Precast - 28 day Modulus of Elasticity per ACI 318 Precast - Release Precast - Post-Tensioning Grout Non-Shrink, Non-Metallic Weld Plain Steel Stainless Steel Reinforcement Bar Deformed Bar Weldable Deformed Bar Welded Wire Reinforcement Welded Plain Wire Welded Deformed Wire Modulus of Elasticity (Rebar and WWR) Stressing Strand Pre and Post-Tensioning Strand: (7) Wire, Lo-Lax Diameter and Cross Sectional Area Hardware Structural Plain Steel - Plates and Angles Structural Stainless Steel Welded Headed Stud (HCA)ASTM A108: Coil Bolt Per manufacter's specifications Coil Nut Per manufacter's specifications Flared Thin Slab Coil Insert Per manufacter's specifications Finishes (As Required) Zinc Coating - Hot Dipped ASTM A123 Zinc Coating - Painted ASTM A780 Electro-Plated ASTM B633 Crushed Stone Base ITEM JOB NUMBER Sliding Friction Coefficient, μ = 0.5 Material Properties DATE CHECK --24'-0" x 30'-0" x (9'-0"ID)2021.332.016 50 pci DATE DESIGN SUBJECT SHEET 05.13.21 CCFH EASI-SPAN BLDG 2.1 1500 psf (min.) 150 pcf Ec = 4286.83 ksi f'c = 5000 psi (min.) ASTM A416, fpu = 270 ksi f'ci = 2500 psi (min.) ASTM A615, Gr. 60 ASTM A706, Gr. 60 ASTM A1064, Gr. 65 5000 psi (min.) Es = 29000 ksi ASTM A1064, Gr. 65 f'ci = 3500 psi (min.) E70XX Electrodes E308-XX Electrodes 0.25in-0.375in, Type A, Fu = 61 ksi 0.5in-1.0in, Type B, Fu = 65 ksi ASTM A36, Fy = 36 ksi ASTM A276, Type 304, Fy = 31.2 ksi Φps = 0.500 in,Aps = 0.153 in² Page 14 of 51 Checked by: JRW Description: Building Properties:(Note: "North" for the purpose of this calculation may not reflect that of the actual building site.) Dimensions:(1)N Roof Type: Width (O.D.): Length (O.D.): Height (I.D.): Wall Thickness: Floor Thickness: Roof Thickness: High Point Roof Thickness: Low Point 1(1)2RIDGE Roof Slabs North Wall/s South Wall/s East Wall/s West Wall/s Floor Slabs Add'l DL Summary (1) @ 10.00 ft @ 10.00 ft (1) @ 10.00 ft 30.67 ft27 ft² (Wall Opng/s.)0.000 in 30.00 ft Front Elevation29.33 ft 24.00 ft No. of Walls:0 ft² (Roof Opng/s.)No. of Walls: 9.00 ft4.0 in (1) @ 24.00 ft (2) @ 14.67 ft (1) @ 10.33 ft (1) @ 10.33 ft@ 10.00 ft TTT Span13.25 in 5.00 in E - W Direction C.G.Component Length Width (ft) 6.00 in (ft)(k-ft)(ft)(k-ft) Thick'ss Opening Weight Component Dimension and Weight (ft)(ft)24.00 ft27 ft² (Wall Opng/s.)ROOF PLAN FLOOR PLAN ELEVATIONS 30.67 24.67 0.3523 68.32 ft² (Wall Opng/s.)2 ft² (Wall Opng/s.)Easi-Span SHEET 05.13.21 CCFH EASI-SPAN BLDG 3.1 24.00 ft 30.00 ft 9.00 ft 4.00 in DATE DESIGN SUBJECT Lateral Analysis DATE CHECK ITEM JOB NUMBER 24'-0" x 30'-0" x (9'-0"ID)2021.332.016 24.67 ft(ft2)(kips) N - S Direction 0.00 6 ft² (Floor Opng/s.) 24.00 9.00 0.3333 2.00 10.70 0.17 29.33 9.00 0.3333 27.00 11.85 23.83 29.33 9.00 0.3333 27.00 11.85 Mres.C.G.Mres. 15.00 742.8349.52 12.00 594.26 44.63 12.00 12.00 NA Enclosed Enclosed ASCE7-10, 26.2 0.17128.40 1.78 15.00 177.75 15.00 177.75 1.98 282.43 29.8388.61 220.28 162.33 12.00 1947.97 14.70 2385.77 12.00 535.50 15.00 669.38 26.40 12.00 316.80 15.00 396.0010.52 ftInterior Walls Enclosed Partially Enclosed by others NA NA 30.00 24.00 0.4167 6.00 24.00 9.00 0.3333 68.32 7.38 Enclosure Classification SLOPE SLOPE Page 15 of 51 Checked by: JRW Description: Building Partially Enclosed Lateral Resisting System:(Note: Negative Pressures are Acting Away from Structure) ↑ W TOT =↑ WTOT = Arf = ↔ ETOT =↔ ETOT = → WTOT =→ WTOT = Wind - North →South Wind - West →East (ELEVATION) (ELEVATION) Applied Loads at T.O. North and South Wall: DL, Roof Slab DL(ksf) x A = WL, Suction E W Dir. WL(ksf) x A =↑ WL, Suction N S Dir. WL(ksf) x A =↑ Applied Loads at T.O. East and West Wall: DL, Roof Slab DL(ksf) x A = WL, Suction E W Dir. WL(ksf) x A =↑ WL, Suction N S Dir. WL(ksf) x A =↑ Note: The following forces in the table below are determined using LRFD. Building Stability: Seismic Base Shear, 1.0E Sliding Friction (μDL), 0.9D O.T. Moment, 1.0E Resisting Moment, 0.9D Wind Base Shear, 1.0W Sliding Friction (μDL), 0.9D **O.T. Moment, 1.0W Resisting Moment, 0.9D dd Flr.: PT PT Rf.:OK OK * Note: For shearwall overturning connection forces see sheet 4.2 N-S, 1.0W N-S, 1.0W E-W, 1.0W E-W, 1.0W 1.7 k 39.9 k-ft 1.6 k 25.5 k-ft 0.8 k24.5 ft30.5 ft79.8 k-ft 3.3 k 51.1 k-ft Diaphragm Chord Force Chord Reinf.: One PT Strand U.N.O. Fpx per ASCE 7, Sec. 12.10 NA Building 2.8 k 10.6 k NA 17.0 k 73.0 k NA 4.2 k-ft 185.1 k-ft 2.8 k 72.2 k 14.9 k-ft 2122.3 k-ft 0.4 k NA 2.1 k-ft 43.5 k-ft SW E-W SWN-SBuilding N - S Direction E - W Direction 0.0231.0812.0220.048SWN-SBuildingSWE-W Building OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 72.2 k 14.9 k-ft 1732.8 k-ft 0.8 k 21.3 k 73.0 k 4.3 k 840.5 k-ft 1753.2 k-ft 202.5 k-ft 187.3 k-ft 1000.3 k-ft 2147.2 k-ft Force (M/d) 88.9 k-ft 44.0 k-ft OK Force (M/d)Moment Moment ITEM JOB NUMBER 24'-0" x 30'-0" x (9'-0"ID)2021.332.016 3.2 DATE DESIGN SUBJECT SHEET 05.13.21 CCFH EASI-SPAN BLDG 7.9 psf-59.5 psfWL =WW =WL =WW =W =-59.5 psfW = 12.3 ftROOF LOAD DISTRIBUTION BY TRIBUTARY AREA (ROOF PLAN) A = 226 ft²A = 152 ft²W = 12.3 ft Lateral Analysis Cont'd DATE CHECK 60.7 k AN&S =316 ft²12.2 k 12.2 k -80.3 psf -80.3 psfW =AE&W =253 ft²7.9 psf18.1 k 18.1 k 10.0 k 14.8 k 2.8 k 21.3 k 2.8 k 17.0 k 60.7 k 756 ft² Page 16 of 51 Checked by: JRW Description: Connection Type and Spacing Connection Type: Total number of connections along length of long wall: North/South wall, Typ. U.N.O. Distance to CL of first connection from edge of wall: Center to Center spacing of connections along length of wall: Total number of connections along length of short wall: East/West wall, Typ. U.N.O. Distance to CL of first connection from edge of wall: Center to Center spacing of connections along length of wall: MID-CONN. TYP. Wind - Components and Cladding Note: Ref. "Codes and Loads" Building Partially Enclosed Walls (1.0W) Roof (1.0W)↑ Roof Dead Load (0.9D) Total ↑ ASCE7-10, 12.11 - Structural Walls and their Anchorage 12.11.1 Design for Out-of-Plane Forces W p = ɣcon.(twall) Fp = 0.4SDSIeWp Fp ≥ 0.1W p Wall Anchorage Forces Fp = 0.4SDSkaIeW p Eq. 12.11-1 ka = 1.0+Lf/100 Eq. 12.11-2 Lf = 0 for Rigid Diaphragms Fp ≥ 0.2kaIeWp Fp (1.0E) 50.0 psf 1.0 psf 5.0 psf 1.0 psf 1.0 DATE DESIGN SUBJECT SHEET 05.13.21 CCFH EASI-SPAN BLDG 4.1 Connection Forces DATE CHECK ITEM JOB NUMBER 24'-0" x 30'-0" x (9'-0"ID)2021.332.016 10.0 psf x x x x North and South Wall Elevation East and West Wall Elevation x x x x x x x x x x x x 4 Welded 2.500 in ≈ 4.75 ft ≈ 4.58 ft x x x x 6 6.500 in x x 14.67 ft 10.0 psf 24.00 ft 0 x x -106.8 psf 94.6 psf 47.6 psf -59.2 psf Note: At doors, provide one connection ea. side of door at B.O. wall panel (Typ. U.N.O.) Page 17 of 51 Checked by: JRW Description: Connection Capacity Note: Ref. "Connection Design" ɸXn ɸYn ɸZn * "Normal" Force Distribution (Ref. AISC S.C.M., Table 3-22c) Connection: Factor: Connection: Factor: Reactions in Terms of wl (w = linear "normal" force, l = connection spacing): R = wl x "Factor" Summary of Connection Forces Roof Uplift - W, C&C T.O. N/S Wall *4OK Roof Uplift - W, C&C T.O. E/W Wall *6OK Roof Shear - Diaphragm - W, MWFRS T.O. N/S Wall ÷4 OK Roof Shear - Diaphragm - W, MWFRS T.O. E/W Wall ÷ 6 OK Roof Shear - Diaphragm - E x Ω T.O. N/S Wall ÷4 OK Roof Shear - Diaphragm - E x Ω T.O. E/W Wall ÷ 6 OK Wall - Normal Force - W, C&C T.O. or B.O. N/S Wall *4OK Wall - Normal Force - W, C&C T.O. or B.O. E/W Wall *6OK Wall - Normal Force - E, ASCE7 12.11 T.O. or B.O. N/S Wall *4OK Wall - Normal Force - E, ASCE7 12.11 T.O. or B.O. E/W Wall *6OK Base Shear - W, MWFRS B.O. N/S Wall ÷ 4 OK Base Shear - W, MWFRS B.O. E/W Wall ÷ 6 OK Base Shear - E B.O. N/S Wall ÷ 4 OK Base Shear - E B.O. E/W Wall ÷ 6 OK Wall - O.T. Uplift - W, MWFRS B.O. N/S Wall ÷ 2 NG Wall - O.T. Uplift - W, MWFRS B.O. E/W Wall ÷ 1 OK Wall - O.T. Uplift - E B.O. N/S Wall ÷ 1 OK Wall - O.T. Uplift - E B.O. E/W Wall ÷ 1 OK 3.13 k 3.13 k 0.46 klf 0.38 klf 2.13 k No Uplift 5.32 k 0.00 k 1.53 k 0.43 klf 0.43 klf 0.05 klf 0.05 klf 4.26 k 10.64 k 0.40 k 0.80 k 6.31 k 0.65 k No Uplift 1.06 k 1.77 k 0.10 k 0.13 k 3.15 k 0.65 k 0.00 k 0.00 k 3.13 k 3.13 k 4.85 k 4.85 k 4.85 k 4.85 k 2.47 k 2.47 k 2.47 k 2.47 k 4.85 k 4.85 k 4.85 k 4.85 k 3.13 k 3.13 k 2.39 k 1.95 k 0.53 k 0.89 k 0.00 k 0.26 k 2.22 k 2.21 k 0.24 k 0.23 k Load Type Location Total Force (Ultimate) No. of Conn. Max Conn. Force Conn. Capacity DATE CHECK ITEM JOB NUMBER --24'-0" x 30'-0" x (9'-0"ID)2021.332.016 SHEET 05.13.21 CCFH EASI-SPAN BLDG 4.2 DATE DESIGN SUBJECT 4 Connection Forces Cont'd 2.47 k 4.85 k 1.100 1.1000.400 3 3.13 k 0.400 1 2 North and South Wall Elevation 0.395 1.132 0.974 0.974 1.132 East and West Wall Elevation 1 2 3 4 5 6 0.395 WALL Z X Y Page 18 of 51 Checked by: JRW <1% Say OK Description:Component Design - Roof, Post-Tensioned Simple Span: AB C Section Properties: 10.00 ft x 24.67 ft, Easi-Span End (Solid Slab - Section A) Ag P.T.P.T.d, Depth to Reinforcing .. .. .. .. Ag (4)#5 P.T. STRAND End (TTT - Section B) @ 0.67 ft Ag (4)(0)h, Height of Leg ytop, C.G. from T.O. Flange ybott, C.G. from B.O. Leg Ig Stop .. .. .. .. Sbott Mid. (TTT - Section C) Ag h, Height of Leg ytop, C.G. from T.O. Flange ybott, C.G. from B.O. Leg Ig Stop .. .. .. .. Sbott Applied Loads @@@ @@@ @@@ @@ @@ 0.060 ksf S.W. 0.000 ksf 0.00 k 0.00 k Applied Loads LL DL DL DL DL LL 0.00 k 0.00 ft LL 0.00 k 11.67 ft 23.33 ft 0.00 ft 11.67 ft 23.33 ft 0.00 ft 11.67 ft 23.33 ft 0.000 klf 0.600 klf 0.000 klf 0.600 klf 0.33 ft 0.33 ft 0.33 ft 0.33 ft 10.00 ft @ 3.42 ft 728.3 in² 8.250 in 767.9 in² 803.8 in² @ 0.67 ft @ 1.17 ft SECTION - A 3.42 in 8.09 in 3.42 in6.40 in@ 0.67 ft3.54 in10.00 ft 5.399 in 398 in³ 191 in³ SECTION - B 5.00 inSPAN = 23.33 ft 13.25 in@ 12.33 ft10.00 ft 6.00 in 462.5 in² 4.324 in 2.859 in 2.075 in 826 in^4 3.686 in 9.564 in 0.482 klf 0.000 klf 0.600 klf 0.00 ft 0.00 ft 0.00 ft MagnitudeType 3.74 in 8.72 in DATE DESIGN SUBJECT SHEET 05.13.21 CCFH EASI-SPAN BLDG 5.1 DATE CHECK ITEM JOB NUMBER 24'-0" x 30'-0" x (9'-0"ID)2021.332.016 24.67 ft @ 2.0 in@ 0.0 in6.70 in@ 1.17 ft6.40 in@ 0.67 ft6530 in^4 1772 in³ 683 in³ 0.759 klf 0.482 klf 3.74 in SECTION - C 0.00 ft Page 19 of 51 Checked by: JRW Description:Component Design - Roof, Post-Tensioned Cont'd Structural Analysis Load Combination: + Allowable Concrete Stresses Compression: @ Time of Tensioning, f'ci = 3500 psi Stress Limit Per PCI Sec. 14.1: Compression: @ 28 Days, f'c = 5000 psi Stress Limit Per PCI Sec. 14.1: Tension: @ Time of Tensioning, f'ci = 3500 psi Stress Limit Per PCI Sec. 14.1: Tension: @ 28 Days, f'ci = 5000 psi: Class U: Uncracked Stress Limit Per ACI 318 Table Class T: Transition > 7.5√fc Estimating Post-Tensioning Losses General Info f'y, Post-Tension Strand Strand Diameter ns, No. of Strands 4 Aps, Strand Area Pi = 0.8fyApsns 33.0 k per Strand: Eps, Modulus of Elasticity - Strand f'c, @ Time of Post-Tensioning f'c, @ 28 Days Eci, Initial Modulus of Elasticity - Concrete Ec, Final Modulus of Elasticity - Concrete Elastic Shortening ES = KesEpsf'cir / Eci Kes, Post-Tensioned Members fcir = Kcir(Pi / Ag + Pie2 / Ig) - Mge / Ig Kcir, Post-Tensioned Members 5.312 5.063 4.626 3.158 4.626 5.063 5.312 6.819 Loc. (ft) → ES-Intial (ksi) ES-Final (ksi) fcir (ksi)2.051 1.598 1.523 1.392 0.950 1.392 1.523 1.598 2.051 e (in)3.324 4.447 4.671 5.121 8.564 5.121 4.671 4.447 3.324 8.575 6.819 2450 psi 3500 psi -444 psi -530 psi -849 psi≤ 12.0√f'c ≤ 7.5√f'c 7.5√f'ci 0.7f'c 0.7f'ci Ref.: PCI 7th Ed. Section 5.7 & PTI Technical Notes: Prestress Losses in Post-Tensioned Structures 0.00 2.50 3.00 4.00 11.67 19.33 20.33 20.83 23.33 8.575 6.680 6.367 5.817 3.972 5.817 6.367 6.680 3409 ksi Support-L Support-R Reactions (k)(k)(k)(k)(k) 7.24 7.24 0.00 0.00 7.00 7.00 14.24 14.24 19.88 19.88 0.00 44.83 52.60 66.92 119.75 66.92 52.60 44.83 0.00 19.88 15.95 15.14 13.50 0.00 13.50 15.14 15.95 19.88 0.00 32.15 37.73 48.04 86.18 48.04 37.73 32.15 0.00 14.24 11.46 10.88 9.72 0.00 9.72 10.88 11.46 14.24 274 24.84 45.35 24.84 19.43 16.52 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 15.63 18.30 23.20 40.83 23.20 18.30 15.63 0.00 St (in3)yt (in)yb (in)SW (k-ft) 398 1912.07 4.32 0.00 2.42 2.49 2.63 3.69 2.63 2.49 2.42 2.07 532 565 639 1772 639 565 532 398 6.12 9.56 6.12 5.67 5.45 4.32 248 2.50 3.00 4.00 11.67 19.33 20.33 20.83 23.33 Loc. (ft) 0.00 553.6 728.3 553.6 530.8 519.4 462.5 826 1286 1406 1678 6530 1678 1406 1286 462.5 519.4 530.8 826 A (in2)I (in4) 1.00 0.500 in 0.153 in² 0.50 28500 ksi CCFH EASI-SPAN BLDG 5.2 DATE CHECK 4287 ksi 5000 psi 270 ksi 132.01 k 3500 psi 236 24'-0" x 30'-0" x (9'-0"ID)2021.332.016 DATE ITEM JOB NUMBER 1.2D 1.6L DESIGN SUBJECT SHEET 05.13.21 DL (k-ft)LL (k-ft)Ms (k-ft)Vs (k)Mu (k-ft)Vu (k) 5.45 5.67 Sb (in3) 683 274 248 236 191 16.52 19.43 Page 20 of 51 Checked by: JRW Description:Component Design - Roof, Post-Tensioned Cont'd Friction FR = (Pj - Px) / Aps α, Angle Change in Radians Px = Pje-(μα + Kx), if (μα + Kx) < 0.3 Total Angle of Bends Px = Pj / (1 + μα + Kx), otherwise K, Wobble Coefficient μ Pj = Pi e, Base of Napierian Logarithms Creep CR = Kcr(Eps / Ec)fcps fcps = Pi / Ag Kcr, Post-Tensioned - NW Concrete Shrinkage SH = (8.2x10-6)KshEps(1-0.06V/S)(100-RH) RH, PCI - Design Aid 4.11.11 Cure Time Ksh, Post-Tensioned Members Relaxtion of Tendons RE = [Kre - J(SH + CR + ES)]C J, PCI - Table 5.7.1 Kre, PCI - Table 5.7.1 C, PCI - Table 5.7.2, where fpi/fpu ≈ 0.70 3.466 3.449 3.440 RE-Intial (ksi)3.493 3.550 3.559 3.575 3.631 3.575 3.559 3.550 3.384RE-Final (ksi)3.384 3.440 3.449 3.466 3.530 0.00 0.00 Loc. (ft) →0.00 2.50 3.00 4.00 11.67 19.33 20.33 20.83 SH-Final (ksi)2.349 2.325 2.320 2.311 2.239 2.311 2.320 2.325 fcps (ksi)0.285 0.254 0.249 0.238 0.181 0.238 0.249 0.254 Loc. (ft) →0.00 2.50 19.33 20.33 20.83 V/S 1.78 1.93 1.96 2.02 2.47 2.02 1.96 1.93 CR-Final (ksi)3.036 2.703 2.645 2.536 Loc. (ft) →0.00 2.50 3.00 4.00 11.67 19.33 20.33 20.83 2.502 0.861 0.646 0.539 (μα + Kx)0.00 3.00 4.00 11.67 19.33 20.33 20.83 23.33 Px (k)132.0 131.7 131.6 131.5 130.5 131.5 131.6 131.7 0.00 FR-Intial (ksi)0.000 0.539 0.646 Loc. (ft) →0.00 2.50 3.00 4.00 11.67 0.75 132.0 k 2.72 0.07 0.00 0° 0.001 23.33 132.0 0.000 05.13.21 CCFH EASI-SPAN BLDG 5.3 DATE CHECK ITEM JOB NUMBER 1.6 0.285 DATE DESIGN SUBJECT SHEET 3.036 24'-0" x 30'-0" x (9'-0"ID)2021.332.016 23.33 0.040 23.33 1.78 2.349 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.928 2.536 2.645 2.703 0.861 3.493 60 day 0.45 75% 5000 Page 21 of 51 Checked by: JRW Description:Component Design - Roof, Post-Tensioned Cont'd Post-Tensioning Loss Summary: Total Loss Stresses @ Time of Tensioning, f'ci = 3500 psi Final Stresses, f'c = 5000 psi Class U U U LL Bott. (psi) DL Bott. (psi)0 0 0 U U U U U U U U U U U U Tot. PT+D, Bott.0 1725 1625 1455 947 1455 1625 2305 Tot. PT+D, Top 0 -423 -378 -304 -127 -304 -378 -423 0 U U U 0 U U U U U SW Top (psi)0 373 413 467 307 467 413 373 0 PT Bott. (psi) U U U U 1744 2542 2566 3144 00256525662542 0 0 0 0 Loc. (ft) →0.00 2.50 3.00 4.00 11.67 19.33 20.33 20.83 23.33 -314 -389 -435 PT Top (psi)0 -796 -791 -771 -434 -771 -791 -796 0 0 U PT Top (psi) PT Bott. (psi) SW Top (psi) SW Bott. (psi) Total Top (psi) Total Bott. (psi)0 1763 1662 1488 954 1488 1662 1763 0 U U U 413 373 0 -435 -389 -314 -128 0 0 -839 -941 -1087 -797 -1087 -941 -839 0 0 373 413 467 307 467 0 0 2603 2603 2575 1751 2575 2603 2603 0 0 -808 -802 -781 -435 -781 -802 -808 10.254 10.572 10.768 0.00 2.50 3.00 4.00 11.67 19.33 20.33 20.83 23.33 Pff (k)122.5 123.6 123.8 124.1 125.4 124.1 123.8 Loc. (ft) → 123.6 122.5 DATE CHECK ITEM 24'-0" x 30'-0" x (9'-0"ID) 12.068 TL-Final (ksi)15.588 13.780 13.478 12.939 10.856 12.939 13.478 13.780 15.588 Pfi (k)124.6 125.4 125.5 125.7 125.8 125.7 125.5 125.4 124.6 TL-Intial (ksi)12.068 10.768 10.572 10.254 10.105 Loc. (ft) →0.00 2.50 3.00 4.00 11.67 19.33 20.33 20.83 23.33 05.13.21 CCFH EASI-SPAN BLDG JOB NUMBER 2021.332.016 DATE DESIGN SUBJECT SHEET 5.4 0 U U U U U -70 LL Top (psi)0 353 389 436 277 436 389 0 DL Top (psi)0 0 0 0 SW Bott. (psi)0 -839 -941 -1087 -797 -1087 353 0 -941 -839 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -794 -886 -1015 -718 -1015 -886 -794 0 U U U U U U U U U Tot. PT+D+L, Top 0 -70 11 132 150 132 11 Class U U U U U U U U U Tot. PT+D+L, Bott.0 931 739 439 230 439 739 1511 0 Page 22 of 51 Checked by: JRW Description:Component Design - Roof, Post-Tensioned Cont'd Ultimate Strength φ =φ = PCI Eq. 5-4 ACI 318, 18.8.2 ACI 318, Eq. 18-4 ACI 318, 18.7.2.b/c EASI-SPAN BLDG 24'-0" x 30'-0" x (9'-0"ID)2021.332.016 DATE DESIGN SUBJECT SHEET 05.13.21 CCFH 5.5 DATE CHECK ITEM JOB NUMBER 23.33 0.0 0.61 173.4 5.00 0.24 0.80 0.30 4.40 0.067 120.00 120.00 120.00 3.92 0.61 0.61 0.61 0.61 3.85 Mu, k-ft 0.90, Ten. Controlled 0.0 44.8 52.6 66.9 119.8 66.9 52.6 44.8 0.65, Comp. Controlled Loc. (ft) →0.00 2.50 3.00 4.00 11.67 19.33 20.33 20.83 a, in 0.24 0.25 0.28 0.28 0.29 0.28 0.28 0.25 f'c, ksi 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 fse, ksi 173.4 175.2 175.5 176.1 178.1 176.1 175.5 175.2 Aps, in2 0.61 0.61 0.61 0.61 c, in 0.30 0.31 0.35 0.35 0.36 0.35 0.35 0.31 β1 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80 c/dt, in 0.067 0.052 0.057 0.052 0.032 0.052 0.057 0.052 dt, in 4.40 5.87 6.16 6.75 11.25 6.75 6.16 5.87 3.54 14.92 15.19 15.25 15.36 16.19 15.36 15.25 15.19 14.92 bf, in tf, in bw, in 120.00 120.00 120.00 120.00 120.00 120.00 3.54 3.85 3.92 4.04 5.00 4.04 243.0 243.0 243.0 243.0 243.0 243.0 243.0 243.0 0.0012 dp, in 4.40 5.87 6.16 6.75 11.25 6.75 6.16 5.87 4.40 ρp = As/bd 0.0012 0.0009 0.0008 0.0008 0.0005 0.0008 0.0008 0.0009 1805.2 Compression Block in Flange h, in 6.40 7.87 8.16 8.75 13.25 8.75 8.16 7.87 6.40 NCf = 0.85f'ctfbf, (k)1805.2 1964.8 1996.8 2060.6 2550.0 2060.6 1996.8 1964.8 243.0 NT = Asfpy, (k)148.7 148.7 148.7 148.7 148.7 148.7 148.7 148.7 148.7 fpy, ksi 197.8 L/h 43.8 35.6 34.3 32.0 21.1 32.0 34.3 35.6 43.8 fps, ksi 197.8 204.4 235.5 236.1 238.1 236.1 235.5 204.4 0.90 0.90 φMn, k-ft 0 53.9 65.1 71.6 121.4 71.6 65.1 53.9 0 Control φ 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 Tension Tension Tension Tension Tension Tension Tension Tension Tension 0 Mcr, k-ft 56.1 φMn/Mu ≥ 1.00 0 1.20 1.24 1.07 1.01 1.07 1.24 1.20 1.39Asprov., in2 1.39 1.39 1.39 1.39 1.39 1.39 1.39 1.39 As = 0.004Act, (in2)0.85 0.92 0.93 0.95 1.14 0.95 0.93 0.92 0.85 φMn/Mcr ≥ 1.2 2.16 Page 23 of 51 Checked by: JRW Description:Component Design - Roof, Post-Tensioned Cont'd Vertical Shear φ = W 4 Camber and Deflections Camber and Deflection Multipliers Erection - Selfweight PCI, Table 5.8.2 Erection - Post-Tensioning PCI, Table 5.8.2 Final - Selfweight PCI, Table 5.8.2 Final - Post-Tensioning PCI, Table 5.8.2 Final - Dead Load PCI, Table 5.8.2 PCI 5.8.3 - Bilinear Behavior DATE DESIGN SUBJECT SHEET 05.13.21 CCFH EASI-SPAN BLDG 5.6 DATE CHECK ITEM JOB NUMBER 24'-0" x 30'-0" x (9'-0"ID)2021.332.016 11.67 19.33 20.33 20.83 23.33 1.00 1.00 ACI 318, 11.3.2 19.3 28.5 26.4 25.4 162.9 ACI 318, Eq. 11-2 1.85 1.80 2.70 2.45 19.88 15.95 15.14 13.50 0.00 13.50 15.14 15.95 19.88 0.75 Vu, k Loc. (ft) →0.00 2.50 3.00 4.00 φVc, k 162.9 25.4 26.4 28.5 19.3 28.5 26.4 25.4 162.9 4.80 ACI 318, d, in Vudp/Mu 5.12 6.29 6.53 7.00 11.25 7.00 6.53 6.29 5.12 ACI 318, 11.3.1 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 bw, in 120.00 15.19 15.25 15.36 16.19 15.36 15.25 15.19 120.00 Vc11-9, k 456.1 71.0 73.9 79.8 7.7 79.8 73.9 71.0 456.1 ACI 318, Eq. 11-9 λ 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Vcmin, k 86.9 13.5 14.1 15.2 25.8 15.2 14.1 13.5 86.9 ACI 318, 11.3.2 Vcmax, k 217.2 33.8 35.2 38.0 64.4 38.0 35.2 33.8 217.2 0.5φVc, k Not Req.Not Req.Not Req.Not Req.9.7 Not Req.Not Req.Not Req.Not Req.ACI 318, Avmin., in2/ft 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ACI 318, Eq. 11-13 smax, in 4.80 5.90 6.12 6.56 9.94 6.56 6.12 5.90 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 WWR fy, ksi 65.0 65.0 65.0 65.0 65.0 65.0 65.0 65.0 65.0 sprov. =0.00 in W4.0 W4.0 W4.0 W4.0 W4.0 W4.0 W4.0 W4.0 W4.0 Avprov., in2/ft 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Per ACI 318, 12.13 WWR: 3.00 Loc. (ft) →0.00 2.50 3.00 4.00 11.67 19.33 20.33 20.83 23.33 Vs, k 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ACI 318, Eq. 11-15 φVn, k 162.9 25.4 26.4 28.5 826 Icr, in4 69 125 138 167 478 167 138 125 69 PCI Eq. 5-78 n, Modular Ratio 6.76 6.76 6.76 6.76 6.76 6.76 6.76 6.76 6.76 Ie, in4 826 1286 1406 1678 6530 1678 1406 1286 Ig, in4 826 1286 1406 1678 6530 1678 1406 1286 Ie, in4 826 1286 1406 1678 6530 1678 1406 1286 826 PCI Eq. 5-76 Mcr/Ma, SW NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA PCI Eq. 5-77 Mcr/Ma, SW+D+L NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 826 PCI Eq. 5-76 NA PCI Eq. 5-77 Page 24 of 51 Checked by: JRW Description:Component Design - Roof, Post-Tensioned Cont'd Camber and Deflections Note: Positive delfection is up, negative deflection is down. Applied Loads at T.O. North and South Wall: LLr LL(ksf) x W = LLr, Ultimate DL, Roof Dead Load DL(ksf) x W = DL, Ultimate DL, Ultimate Vu Applied Loads at T.O. East and West Wall: LLr, Roof Live Load LL(ksf) x W = LLr, Ultimate DL, Roof Dead Load DL(ksf) x W = DL, Ultimate DL, Ultimate Vu 0.15 0.17 0.22 0.39 0.22 0.17 0.00 PCI Design Aid 15.1.3 0.19 0.23 0.35 0.23 0.19 0.16 0.00 1.130 klf 0.969 klf 2.153 klf 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Final - PT, in 0.00 0.35 0.41 0.52 0.92 0.52 0.41 0.35 0.00 PCI Design Aid 15.1.4 0.00 Final - SW, in 0.00 -0.16 -0.19 -0.24 -0.42 -0.24 -0.19 -0.16 Final - DL, in 0.00 0.00 0.00 Final - LL, in 0.00 -0.03 -0.04 -0.05 -0.14 -0.05 -0.04 -0.03 0.00 PCI Design Aid 15.1.3 Total, in 0.00 0.16 (1.6L) (1.4D) (1.2D) (1.2D+1.6L) (1.6L) (1.4D) (1.2D) (1.2D+1.6L)2.153 klf 0.740 klf 0.00 PCI Design Aid 15.1.3 Erection - PT, in 0.00 0.26 0.30 0.38 0.68 0.38 0.30 0.26 0.00 PCI Design Aid 15.1.4 Erection - SW, in 0.00 -0.11 -0.13 -0.17 -0.29 -0.17 -0.13 PCI Design Aid 15.1.3 Total, in 0.00 0.15 0.00 Release - SW, in 0.00 -0.08 -0.09 -0.11 -0.20 -0.11 -0.09 -0.08 0.00 PCI Design Aid 15.1.3 Total, in 0.00 0.11 0.12 0.16 0.28 0.16 0.12 0.11 0.00 Loc. (ft) →0.00 4.00 11.67 19.33 20.33 20.83 23.33 Release - PT, in 0.00 0.18 0.21 0.27 0.47 0.27 0.21 0.18 0.00 PCI Design Aid 15.1.4 2.50 3.00 ROOF LOAD DISTRIBUTION BY TRIBUTARY AREA (ROOF PLAN) 1.184 klf 0.807 klf 0.969 klf 1.184 klf 1.130 klf 0.740 klf 0.807 klf W = 12.3 ft W = 12.3 ftDATE DESIGN SUBJECT SHEET 05.13.21 CCFH EASI-SPAN BLDG 5.7 DATE CHECK ITEM JOB NUMBER 24'-0" x 30'-0" x (9'-0"ID)2021.332.016 -0.11 0.00 Page 25 of 51 Checked by: JRW Description:Component Design - Roof, Post-Tensioned Cont'd Flange Design ●●●●●●●●● Flexural Design - General Info. f'c, Concrete Strength ɸ - Flexure f'y, Main Reinforcement b, Design Width f'y, Supplemental Reinforcement Applied Loads Applied Linear Load on Flange: LL DL, Selfweight of Flange Moment Between Webs: MLL MDL Mu (1.6L +1.2D) Moment @ Center Web: MLL MDL Mu (1.6L +1.2D) Flange Reinforcing Info. Main Reinforcement Type:WWR W4.0 x W4.0 - 4 x 4 Wire Size - Perpendicular To Legs Wire Diameter Spacing As As/ft d1 d2 Wire Size - Parallel to Legs Wire Diameter Spacing As As/ft Flexural Requirements Moment Between Webs: Moment @ Center Web: ρ = 1 - (2Mu / ɸbd20.85f'c)(0.85f'c / fy)ρ = 1 - (2Mu / ɸbd20.85f'c)(0.85f'c / fy) Asreq. = ρbd - Short Direction Asreq. = ρbd - Long Direction Asmin.ACI 318, Table Asmin.ACI 318, Table 0.0018Ag ACI 318, Table 0.0018Ag ACI 318, Table Asprov.OK Asprov.OK Minimum Area of Steel Required (Parallel to Legs): 0.0018Ag ACI 318, Table Asprov.OK0.07 in²/ft 0.12 in²/ft 0.0016 0.0022 0.03 in²/ft 0.05 in²/ft 0.04 in²/ft 0.06 in²/ft 0.07 in²/ft 0.07 in²/ft 0.12 in²/ft 0.12 in²/ft 0.060 klf 0.043 klf 4.86 ft 4.86 ft SHEET 0.245 k-ft WWR 4 4 4.0 in O.C. 0.12 in²/ft 0.225 in 0.04 in² 0.100 k-ft 0.072 k-ft 0.177 k-ft 0.127 k-ft 0.436 k-ft 60 ksi 12 in DATE DESIGN SUBJECT 1.50 inCLR.0.12 in²/ft 1.619 in 1.838 in 0.225 in 4.0 in O.C.0.04 in² 5000 psi 65 ksi 0.90d11.62 ind21.838 in3.46 in05.13.21 CCFH EASI-SPAN BLDG 5.8 DATE CHECK ITEM JOB NUMBER 24'-0" x 30'-0" x (9'-0"ID)2021.332.016 Page 26 of 51 Checked by: JRW Description:Component Design - Floor Ref. Army TM 5-809-1, Concrete Floor Slabs on Grade Subjected to Heavy Loads Applied Loads Applied Uniform Load on Floor Slab: LLf DL, Floor Dead Load (Selfweight) Total Uniformly Distributed Load Allowable Uniform Load: w, Maximum Allowable Uniform Load = 257.876s kh/Ec TM 5-809-1, Eq. 3-1 OK s (σt), All. Fiber Stress in Ten. = 9 f'c/S.F.S.F., Safety Factor f'c, Concrete Strength k, Coefficient of Subgrade Modulus h, Floor Slab Thickness Ec, Concrete Modulus of Elasticity Applied Linear Wall Loads at B.O. North and South Wall: LLf Ref: Component Design - Roof pg. 5.7 DLf Ref: Component Design - Roof pg. 5.7 DLf, Wall Selfweight DLf, Total Total Linear Load Allowable Linear Load Near a Free Edge: P, Maximum AllowableLinear Load = 32.8√f'cte 24√k/19000√f'cte 3 TM 5-809-1, Appendix B * P = σtSλ/Bλx, σt = 9√f'c, S = bt2/6 (b = 12 in)[9(12) ÷ 6(0.3224)] ÷ 1.7 Bλx * 1356 plf < 1997 plf, Flexural Reinforcement is Required Applied Moment and Shear: σLL, Applied Bending Stress Due to LL = PLLσt/Pallow S, Section Modulus = bt2/6 MLL = σLLS σDL, Applied Bending Stress Due to DL = PDLσt/Pallow S, Section Modulus = bt2/6 MDL = σDLS Mu (1.6L +1.2D) Vu (1.6L +1.2D) Applied Linear Wall Loads at B.O. East and West Wall: LLf Ref: Component Design - Roof pg. 5.7 DLf Ref: Component Design - Roof pg. 5.7 DLf, Wall Selfweight DLf, Total Total Linear Load * 1356 plf < 1997 plf, Flexural Reinforcement is Required Applied Moment and Shear: σLL = PLLσt/Pallow MLL = σLLS σDL = PDLσt/Pallow MDL = σDLS Mu (1.6L +1.2D) Vu (1.6L +1.2D) DATE CHECK ITEM JOB NUMBER --24'-0" x 30'-0" x (9'-0"ID)2021.332.016 DATE DESIGN SUBJECT SHEET 05.13.21 CCFH EASI-SPAN BLDG 5.9 62.5 psf 737.2 psf 212.5 psf 1.7374.4 psi 5000 psi 50.0 pci 5.00 in 4286826 psi 150.0 psf 1.45 k-ft 1997.4 plf 204.3 psi 347.1 psi 1.45 k-ft 3.10 k-ft 10213 lb-in = 17355 lb-in =50.0 in³ 450.0 plf 740.0 plf 807.4 plf 450.0 plf 1257.4 plf 1997.4 plf 1356.2 plf 204.3 psi 347.1 psi 32.8 0.3224 0.85 k-ft50.0 in³ 2.69 k 3.10 k-ft 2.69 k 740.0 plf 807.4 plf 1257.4 plf 10213 lb-in =0.85 k-ft 17355 lb-in = Page 27 of 51 Checked by: JRW Description:Component Design - Floor Cont'd Shear and Flexural Design - General Info. f'c, Concrete Strength ɸ - Shear f'y, Main Reinforcement ɸ - Flexure f'y, Supplemental Reinforcement b, Design Width cTOP., Reinforcement Cover t, Slab Thickness Shear and Flexural Design - Reinforcing Info. Main Reinforcement Type:WWR W4.0 x W4.0 - 4 x 4 Wire Size - Short Direction Wire Diameter Spacing As As/ft d1 Wire Size - Long Direction Wire Diameter Spacing As As/ft d2 Supplemental Reinforcement Type: d, Depth to Reinforcing - Flexural Rebar Size - Short Direction Spacing Rebar Diameter As/ft As Rebar Size - Long Direction Spacing Rebar Diameter As/ft As Shear Requirements Vu - @ North and South Walls Vu - @ East and West Walls ɸVn = ɸ2 f'c(bd) ACI 318, Eq. OK ɸVn = ɸ2 f'c(bd) ACI 318, Eq. OK Flexural Requirements ρ = 1 - (2Mu / ɸbd20.85f'c)(0.85f'c / fy)ρ = 1 - (2Mu / ɸbd20.85f'c)(0.85f'c / fy) Asreq. = ρbd - Short Direction Asreq. = ρbd - Long Direction Asmin.ACI 318, Table Asmin.ACI 318, Table 0.0018Ag ACI 318, Table 0.0018Ag ACI 318, Table Asprov.OK Asprov.OK Service Stresses md, Service Dead Load Moment = nd .arbr ./8(1+br ./ar+ar/br .) S, Section Modulus = bt2/6 fd, Tensile Stress Due to Dead Load = Md/S fpt, Post Tension - Span Long Direction fpt, Post Tension - Short Direction fr, Modulus of Rupture = 7.5 f'c ACI 318, Eq. fd + fpt, Final - Span Long Direction OK fd + fpt, Final - Span Short Direction OK SUBJECT SHEET 65 ksi 0.90 60 ksi 12 in DATE CHECK ITEM --24'-0" x 30'-0" x (9'-0"ID)2021.332.016 5000 psi 0.75 05.13.21 CCFH EASI-SPAN BLDG 5.10 DATE DESIGN 4.0 in O.C.0.04 in² 0.12 in²/ft 3.413 in 4 0.225 in JOB NUMBER WWR 4 0.225 in 4.0 in O.C.0.04 in² 0.12 in²/ft 3.638 in 1.25 in 5.000 in #3 0.375 in18.0 in O.C. 0.11 in²0.07 in²/ft 2.69 klf 2.69 klf Rebar #3 0.375 in18.0 in O.C. 0.11 in²0.07 in²/ft 0.13 in²/ft 0.13 in²/ft 0.11 in²/ft 0.11 in²/ft 0.19 in²/ft 0.19 in²/ft 4.63 klf 4.34 klf 0.0044 0.0044 0.19 in²/ft 0.19 in²/ft 101 psi 36 psi 1.4 k-in/ft 50.0 in^3 -29 psi 130 psi 65 psi -530 psi 3.525 in Page 28 of 51 Checked by: JRW Description:Component Design - Floor Cont'd Estimating Post-Tensioning Losses Ref.: PCI 7th Ed. Section 5.7 & PTI Technical Notes: Prestress Losses in Post-Tensioned Structures General Info f'c, @ Time of Post-Tensioning Strand Diameter f'y, Post-Tension Strand Aps, Strand Area Elastic Shortening Creep ES = KesEpsf'cir / Eci CR = Kcr(Eps / Ec)(fcir - fcds) Kes, Post-Tensioned Members Kcr, Post-Tensioned - NW Concrete Eps, Modulus of Elasticity - Strand Ec, Final Modulus of Elasticity - Concrete Eci, Initial Modulus of Elasticity - Concrete fcds fcir = Kcir(Pi / Ag + Pie2 / Ig) - Mge / Ig Kcir, Post-Tensioned Members Shrinkage Pi = 0.8fyAps SH = (8.2x10-6)KshEps(1-0.06V/S)(100-RH) Ag, Roof Cross Sectional Area Cure Time Ig, Roof Moment of Inertia Ksh, Post-Tensioned Members e, Strand Eccentricity V/S, Volume to Surface Ratio Mg, DL Moment @ T.O. Post-Tensioning RH, PCI - Design Aid 4.11.11 Friction FR = (Pj - Px) / Aps Flats Px = Pje-(μα + Kx), if (μα + Kx) < 0.3 Px = Pj / (1 + μα + Kx), otherwise (μα + Kx) μ PT Strand α, Angle Change in Radians Number of 90° Bends Note: (5) Total ÷ 2, Strand Jacked from Both Ends Misc. Bends Total Relaxtion of Tendons K, Wobble Coefficient RE = [Kre - J(SH + CR + ES)]C x, Approximate Length Along Tendon Kre, PCI - Table 5.7.1 Pj = Pi J, PCI - Table 5.7.1 e, Base of Napierian Logarithms C, PCI - Table 5.7.2, where fpi/fpu ≈ 0.70 Summary TL = ES + CR + FR + SH + RE Pf = Pi - TL(Aps) fpt = (Pf / Ag)+(Pfe/S), Span Long Direction fpt = (Pf / Ag)+(Pfe/S), Span Short Direction DATE DESIGN SUBJECT SHEET 0.263 ksi 0.670 ksi 0.50 1.6 --24'-0" x 30'-0" x (9'-0"ID)2021.332.016 3500 psi 0.500 in 05.13.21 CCFH EASI-SPAN BLDG 5.11 DATE CHECK ITEM JOB NUMBER 270 ksi 0.153 in²6.0 ft0.31 0.55 in 2.40 0.0 k-in 75% 51.532 ksi Arc Lgth. = 4.7 ft 3.0 ft2.5 ft0.07 25.12 k 5.5 ft 3.93 4.601 ksi 600 in²1 day 1250 in^4 0.92 28500 ksi 4287 ksi 3409 ksi 0.000 ksi 0.063 ksi 1.00 0.130 ksi 0.065 ksi 33.00 k 0.040 2.72 0.75 61.9 ksi 23.53 k Floor Plan - Post Tension Layout 0° 225° 0.001 4.834 ksi 39.0 ft 5000 20.5 ftNA 17.0 ft2.5 33.00 k Page 29 of 51 Checked by: JRW Description:Component Design - Wall Wall - General Info. Enercalc Input Wall Height t, Wall Thickness f'c, Concrete Strength b, Design Width f'yw, WWR w1, Door Width f'yr, Rebar w2, Door Width Reinforcement Cover h, Door Height Wall - Reinforcing Info. Enercalc Input Note: "Equivalent Rebar Spacing/Quantity" is needed for Enercalc input. WWR wire sizes are not available in the program. Main Reinforcement: Type: WWR W4.0 x W4.0 - 4 x 4 Wire Size - Vertical Wire Size - Horizontal Spacing Spacing Wire Diameter Wire Diameter As As As/ft As/ft Equivalent #3 Spacing w/ fy = 60ksi Equivalent #3 Spacing w/ fy = 60ksi Supplemental Reinforcement Type: Opening Reinforcement Type: Rebar Size - Vertical Reinforcing Around 6.3 ft Wide Door/Opng.(2) #4 Spacing Rebar Diameter Rebar Diameter As As Equiv. Quantity of #4 (WWR + Rebar) As/ft Reinforcing Around 3.3 ft Wide Door/Opng.(1)#4 Supplemental Steel Not Required Equiv. Quantity of #4 (WWR + Rebar) DATE DESIGN SUBJECT SHEET 05.13.21 CCFH EASI-SPAN BLDG 5.12 DATE CHECK ITEM JOB NUMBER 24'-0" x 30'-0" x (9'-0"ID)2021.332.016 9.00 ft 4.00 in 12 in 3.33 ft 6.83 ft 0.225 in 0.04 in² 0.12 in²/ft 5000 psi 65 ksi 60 ksi CTRD. WWR 4 4 4.0 in O.C. 0.225 in 4.0 in O.C. 0.04 in² 0.12 in²/ft (2.632) 6.33 ft Rebar 10.675 in O.C.10.675 in O.C. 0.000 in 0.00 in² Rebar 0.500 in 0.20 in² (1.632) Page 30 of 51 Checked by: JRW Description:Component Design - Wall Cont'd Gravity and Normal Forces (Designed Using Enercalc V6 - Slenderwall) Ref: "Codes and Loads" for Wind Pressures and "Component Design - Roof" for Gravity Loads. "b" TRIB. W "b" TRIB. W "b" 0.740 klf(4.17 ft) =0.740 klf(2.67 ft) = 0.807 klf(4.17 ft) =0.807 klf(2.67 ft) = SECTION Gravity and In-Plane Forces (Designed Using Enercalc V6 - Shearwall) Ref: "Lateral Analysis" for Wind & Seismic Loads and "Component Design - Roof" for Gravity Loads.6.83 ftN-S ELEVATION LL = 0.740 klf DL = 0.807 klf E-W ELEVATION (TYPICAL) e = 1.0 in LL = 1.973 k DL = 2.153 k 72.0 psf(1.67 ft) =LOADS FOR DESIGN WIDTH "b" TYP. WALL Gravity x b Wind x bPartially EnclosedEnclosedWL = 94.6 psfLL = 0.740 k DL = 0.807 k 24.00 ft 9.00 ft9.00 ftE = 0.20 k W = 2.13 k E = 0.40 k W = 5.32 k LL = 0.740 klf DL = 0.807 klf LL = 0.740 klf DL = 0.807 klf 1.0 ft ELEVATION TYPICAL9.00 ft6.83 fte = 1.0 in 14.67 ft 72.0 psf(3.17 ft) =228.1 psf9.00 ftSECTION @ 6.33 ft Door LOADS FOR DESIGN WIDTH "b" AT DOOR. LOADS ADJUSTED FOR TRIBUTARY WIDTH. Gravity x (Trib. W. + b) Wind x (Trib. W. ) & Wind x b 1.0 ft LL = 0.740 klf DL = 0.807 klf SECTION @ 3 ft Door LOADS FOR DESIGN WIDTH "b" AT DOOR. LOADS ADJUSTED FOR TRIBUTARY WIDTH. Gravity x (Trib. W. + b) Wind x (Trib. W. ) & Wind x bEnclosedLL = 3.083 k DL = 3.364 k e = 1.0 in 1.0 ft WALL W/ 6.33 ft DOOR OPENING ELEVATION ELEVATION WALL W/ 3 ft DOOR OPENING 72.0 psf120.0 psf72.0 psf24'-0" x 30'-0" x (9'-0"ID)2021.332.016 SHEET 05.13.21 CCFH EASI-SPAN BLDG 5.13 DATE CHECK ITEM DATE DESIGN SUBJECT JOB NUMBER 3.17 ft 6.83 ft9.00 ftLL = 0.740 klf DL = 0.807 klf 1.67 ft Page 31 of 51 Checked by: JRW Concrete Slender Wall DELTA ENGINEERS, PCLic. # : KW-06003282 DESCRIPTION:Typ. Slender Wall Software copyright ENERCALC, INC. 1983-2020, Build: File: ES Gabled Building.ec6 Project Title:Easi-Set Skyline Restroom Engineer:CCFH Project ID:2021.332.016 Project Descr:24'-0" x 30'-0" x (9'-0" I.D.) Code References Calculations per ACI 318-14 Sec 11.8, IBC 2015, CBC 2016, ASCE 7-10 Load Combinations Used : ASCE 7-16 General Information Min Allow Out-of-Plane Defl Ratio = L/0.0Rebar at wall center =Min allow As/bd 0.0020 Wall Thickness 4.0 in Bar Size 3# Bar Spacing 10.675 in =Width of Design Strip 12.0 in 1.0 Rebar "d" distance in2.0 Lower Level Rebar . . . Temp Diff across thickness deg F=5.0 ksi 60.0 ksi Fr : Rupture Modulus 530.33 psi 4,286.83 ksi Max Allow As/bd 0.02125 150.0 pcf= =Max Pu/Ag = f'c * = 0.060 Using Stiff. Reduction Factor per ACI R.10.12.3 =: Lt Wt Conc Factor = Ec : Concrete Elastic Modulus = = Concrete Density =f'c : Concrete 28 day strength Fy : Rebar Yield One-Story Wall Dimensions 9.0 B Roof Attachment A Floor Attachment B Parapet height ft= =Clear Height Top & Bottom Pinned A ft Wall Support Condition Vertical Loads 1.0 0.8070 0.740 Vertical Uniform Loads . . .( Applied per foot of Strip Width) Ledger Load Concentric Load DL : Dead k/ft k/ft Lr : Roof Live Lf : Floor Live S : Snow W : Wind Eccentricity in Wind Loads : Seismic Loads : Lateral Loads 94.6 Fp = Wall Wt. *0.02092 =1.046 psf Full area WIND load psf Wall Weight Seismic Load Input Method :ASCE seismic factors entered SDS Value per ASCE 12.11.1 DSS * I =0.05230 Page 32 of 51 Checked by: JRW 5.14 Concrete Slender Wall DELTA ENGINEERS, PCLic. # : KW-06003282 DESCRIPTION:Typ. Slender Wall Software copyright ENERCALC, INC. 1983-2020, Build: File: ES Gabled Building.ec6 Project Title:Easi-Set Skyline Restroom Engineer:CCFH Project ID:2021.332.016 Project Descr:24'-0" x 30'-0" x (9'-0" I.D.) DESIGN SUMMARY Actual Values . . .Allowable Values . . .Governing Load Combination . . . Axial Load Check +1.20D+0.50Lr+W ft4.650Location Max Pu / Ag 33.508 psi 0.06 * f'c 300.0 psi Reinforcing Limit Check Max Allow As/bd0.005152Actual As/bd 0.02125 Service Deflection Check W Only Actual Defl. Ratio L/Allowable Defl. Ratio1,595 150.0PASS PASS Max. Deflection 0.06772 in Max. Allow. Defl.0.720 in PASS Moment Capacity Check +0.90D+W Max Mu 0.9924 k-ft Phi * Mn 1.198 k-ft Maximum Bending Stress Ratio =0.8286PASS Top Horizontal W Only Base Horizontal W Only 0.4257 k Maximum Reactions . . .for Load Combination.... Results reported for "Strip Width" of 12.0 in 0.4257 k Vertical Reaction +D+Lr 1.997 k Moment Values 0.6 * Design Maximum Combinations - Moments Results reported for "Strip Width" = 12 in. 0.06*f'c*b*t Axial Load Load Combination Phi MnMu k Pu Mcr As RatioAs rho balin^2k-ftk k-ftk-ft Phi 0.00520.09 1.0714.400 0.124 0.02130.000 0.901.41+1.40D at 8.70 to 9.00 0.00520.11 1.0714.400 0.124 0.02130.000 0.901.41+1.20D+0.50Lr at 8.70 to 9.00 0.00520.08 1.0714.400 0.124 0.02130.000 0.901.41+1.20D at 8.70 to 9.00 0.00520.18 1.0714.400 0.124 0.02130.000 0.901.41+1.20D+1.60Lr at 8.70 to 9.00 0.00520.58 1.4014.400 0.124 0.02132.404 0.901.41+1.20D+1.60Lr+0.50W at 4.80 to 5.10 0.00520.52 1.2414.400 0.124 0.02131.238 0.901.41+1.20D+0.50W at 4.50 to 4.80 0.00521.02 1.2914.400 0.124 0.02131.608 0.901.41+1.20D+0.50Lr+W at 4.50 to 4.80 0.00521.00 1.2414.400 0.124 0.02131.238 0.901.41+1.20D+W at 4.50 to 4.80 0.00520.99 1.2014.400 0.124 0.02130.929 0.901.41+0.90D+W at 4.50 to 4.80 0.00520.08 1.0714.400 0.124 0.02130.000 0.901.41+1.210D+E at 8.70 to 9.00 0.00520.06 1.0714.400 0.124 0.02130.000 0.901.41+0.8895D+E at 8.70 to 9.00 Moment Values DeflectionsStiffness Design Maximum Combinations - Deflections Results reported for "Strip Width" = 12 in. Axial Load Load Combination I crackedMactualPu Mcr Defl. Ratio in^4k-ft k-ft in^4 in^4 ink DeflectionI effectiveI gross 36,647.70.0030.04 2.841.002 48.00064.001.41D Only at 5.10 to 5.40 19,037.20.0060.08 3.051.742 48.00064.001.41+D+Lr at 5.10 to 5.40 21,645.80.0050.07 2.991.557 48.00064.001.41+D+0.750Lr at 5.10 to 5.40 2,467.20.0440.61 2.851.032 48.00064.001.41+D+0.60W at 4.50 to 4.80 3,028.10.0360.49 3.001.587 48.00064.001.41+D+0.750Lr+0.450W at 4.50 to 4.80 3,218.50.0340.47 2.851.032 48.00064.001.41+D+0.450W at 4.50 to 4.80 2,540.40.0430.60 2.730.619 48.00064.001.41+0.60D+0.60W at 4.50 to 4.80 31,215.00.0030.04 2.841.017 48.00064.001.41+D+0.70E at 4.80 to 5.10 32,434.40.0030.04 2.841.002 48.00064.001.41+D+0.5250E at 5.10 to 5.40 47,383.80.0020.03 2.730.610 48.00064.001.41+0.60D+0.70E at 4.80 to 5.10 40,024.70.0030.04 2.760.740 48.00064.001.41Lr Only at 5.10 to 5.40 1,594.90.0680.96 2.550.000 48.00064.001.41W Only at 4.50 to 4.80 144239.00.0010.01 2.550.000 48.00064.001.41E Only at 4.50 to 4.80 Top Horizontal Vertical @ Wall Base Reactions - Vertical & Horizontal Base HorizontalLoad Combination D Only 0.0 0.01 1.257kkk Page 33 of 51 Checked by: JRW5.15 Concrete Slender Wall DELTA ENGINEERS, PCLic. # : KW-06003282 DESCRIPTION:Typ. Slender Wall Software copyright ENERCALC, INC. 1983-2020, Build: File: ES Gabled Building.ec6 Project Title:Easi-Set Skyline Restroom Engineer:CCFH Project ID:2021.332.016 Project Descr:24'-0" x 30'-0" x (9'-0" I.D.) +D+Lr 0.0 0.01 1.997kkk +D+0.750Lr 0.0 0.01 1.812kkk +D+0.60W 0.3 0.25 1.257kkk +D+0.750Lr+0.450W 0.2 0.18 1.812kkk +D+0.450W 0.2 0.18 1.257kkk +0.60D+0.60W 0.3 0.25 0.754kkk +D+0.70E 0.0 0.00 1.257kkk +D+0.5250E 0.0 0.00 1.257kkk +0.60D+0.70E 0.0 0.00 0.754kkk Lr Only 0.0 0.01 0.740kkk W Only 0.4 0.43 0.000kkk E Only 0.0 0.00 0.000kkk Page 34 of 51 Checked by: JRW5.16 Concrete Slender Wall DELTA ENGINEERS, PCLic. # : KW-06003282 DESCRIPTION:Slender Wall @ 6ft Door Software copyright ENERCALC, INC. 1983-2020, Build: File: ES Gabled Building.ec6 Project Title:Easi-Set Skyline Restroom Engineer:CCFH Project ID:2021.332.016 Project Descr:24'-0" x 30'-0" x (9'-0" I.D.) Code References Calculations per ACI 318-14 Sec 11.8, IBC 2015, CBC 2016, ASCE 7-10 Load Combinations Used : IBC 2018 General Information Min Allow Out-of-Plane Defl Ratio = L/0.0Rebar at wall center =Min allow As/bd 0.0020 Wall Thickness 4.0 in Bar Size 4# Bar Count in Strip Width 2.632 =Width of Design Strip 12.0 in 1.0 Rebar "d" distance in2.0 Lower Level Rebar . . . Temp Diff across thickness deg F=5.0 ksi 60.0 ksi Fr : Rupture Modulus 530.33 psi 4,286.83 ksi Max Allow As/bd 0.02125 150.0 pcf= =Max Pu/Ag = f'c * = 0.060 Using Stiff. Reduction Factor per ACI R.10.12.3 =: Lt Wt Conc Factor = Ec : Concrete Elastic Modulus = = Concrete Density =f'c : Concrete 28 day strength Fy : Rebar Yield One-Story Wall Dimensions 9.0 B Roof Attachment A Floor Attachment B Parapet height ft= =Clear Height Top & Bottom Pinned A ft Wall Support Condition Vertical Loads 1.0 3.364 3.083 Vertical Uniform Loads . . .( Applied per foot of Strip Width) Ledger Load Concentric Load DL : Dead k/ft k/ft Lr : Roof Live Lf : Floor Live S : Snow W : Wind Eccentricity in Wind Loads : Seismic Loads : Lateral Loads 300.1 Fp = Wall Wt. *0.02092 =1.046 psf Full area WIND load psf Wall Weight Seismic Load Input Method :ASCE seismic factors entered SDS Value per ASCE 12.11.1 DSS * I =0.05230 Page 35 of 51 Checked by: JRW5.17 Concrete Slender Wall DELTA ENGINEERS, PCLic. # : KW-06003282 DESCRIPTION:Slender Wall @ 6ft Door Software copyright ENERCALC, INC. 1983-2020, Build: File: ES Gabled Building.ec6 Project Title:Easi-Set Skyline Restroom Engineer:CCFH Project ID:2021.332.016 Project Descr:24'-0" x 30'-0" x (9'-0" I.D.) DESIGN SUMMARY Actual Values . . .Allowable Values . . .Governing Load Combination . . . Axial Load Check +1.20D+0.50Lr+W ft4.650Location Max Pu / Ag 121.841 psi 0.06 * f'c 300.0 psi Reinforcing Limit Check Max Allow As/bd0.02193Actual As/bd 0.02125 Service Deflection Check +D+Lr Actual Defl. Ratio L/Allowable Defl. Ratio4,441 150.0PASS PASS Max. Deflection 0.02432 in Max. Allow. Defl.0.720 in FAIL Moment Capacity Check +1.20D+0.50Lr+W Max Mu 4.119 k-ft Phi * Mn 4.520 k-ft Maximum Bending Stress Ratio =0.9113PASS Top Horizontal W Only Base Horizontal W Only 1.350 k Maximum Reactions . . .for Load Combination.... Results reported for "Strip Width" of 12.0 in 1.350 k Vertical Reaction +D+Lr 6.897 k Moment Values 0.6 * Design Maximum Combinations - Moments Results reported for "Strip Width" = 12 in. 0.06*f'c*b*t Axial Load Load Combination Phi MnMu k Pu Mcr As RatioAs rho balin^2k-ftk k-ftk-ft Phi 0.02190.39 3.9614.400 0.526 0.02130.000 0.901.41+1.40D at 8.70 to 9.00 0.02190.46 3.9614.400 0.526 0.02130.000 0.901.41+1.20D+0.50Lr at 8.70 to 9.00 0.02190.34 3.9614.400 0.526 0.02130.000 0.901.41+1.20D at 8.70 to 9.00 0.02190.75 3.9614.400 0.526 0.02130.000 0.901.41+1.20D+1.60Lr at 8.70 to 9.00 0.02192.73 4.8214.400 0.526 0.02139.222 0.901.41+1.20D+1.60Lr+0.50W at 4.80 to 5.10 0.02191.95 4.3814.400 0.526 0.02134.307 0.901.41+1.20D+0.50W at 4.50 to 4.80 0.02194.12 4.5214.400 0.526 0.02135.848 0.901.41+1.20D+0.50Lr+W at 4.50 to 4.80 0.02193.79 4.3814.400 0.526 0.02134.307 0.901.41+1.20D+W at 4.50 to 4.80 0.02190.36 3.9614.400 0.526 0.02130.000 0.901.41+1.296D+E at 8.70 to 9.00 0.02193.58 4.2814.400 0.526 0.02133.230 0.901.41+0.90D+W at 4.50 to 4.80 0.02190.23 3.9614.400 0.526 0.02130.000 0.901.41+0.8036D+E at 8.70 to 9.00 Moment Values DeflectionsStiffness Design Maximum Combinations - Deflections Results reported for "Strip Width" = 12 in. Axial Load Load Combination I crackedMactualPu Mcr Defl. Ratio in^4k-ft k-ft in^4 in^4 ink DeflectionI effectiveI gross 8,664.00.0120.17 8.493.559 48.00064.001.41D Only at 5.10 to 5.40 4,440.60.0240.33 8.986.642 48.00064.001.41+D+Lr at 5.10 to 5.40 9,479.50.0110.15 8.423.083 48.00064.001.41Lr Only at 5.10 to 5.40 Top Horizontal Vertical @ Wall Base Reactions - Vertical & Horizontal Base HorizontalLoad Combination D Only 0.0 0.03 3.814kkk +D+Lr 0.1 0.06 6.897kkk +D+0.750Lr 0.1 0.05 6.126kkk +D+0.60W 0.8 0.78 3.814kkk +D+0.70E 0.0 0.03 3.814kkk +D+0.750Lr+0.450W 0.7 0.56 6.126kkk +D+0.450W 0.6 0.58 3.814kkk +D+0.5250E 0.0 0.03 3.814kkk +0.60D+0.60W 0.8 0.79 2.288kkk +0.60D+0.70E 0.0 0.02 2.288kkk Page 36 of 51 Checked by: JRW5.18 <5% Say OK Concrete Slender Wall DELTA ENGINEERS, PCLic. # : KW-06003282 DESCRIPTION:Slender Wall @ 6ft Door Software copyright ENERCALC, INC. 1983-2020, Build: File: ES Gabled Building.ec6 Project Title:Easi-Set Skyline Restroom Engineer:CCFH Project ID:2021.332.016 Project Descr:24'-0" x 30'-0" x (9'-0" I.D.) Lr Only 0.0 0.03 3.083kkk W Only 1.4 1.35 0.000kkk E Only 0.0 0.00 0.000kkk Page 37 of 51 Checked by: JRW5.19 Concrete Slender Wall DELTA ENGINEERS, PCLic. # : KW-06003282 DESCRIPTION:Slender Wall @ 3ft Door Software copyright ENERCALC, INC. 1983-2020, Build: File: ES Gabled Building.ec6 Project Title:Easi-Set Skyline Restroom Engineer:CCFH Project ID:2021.332.016 Project Descr:24'-0" x 30'-0" x (9'-0" I.D.) Code References Calculations per ACI 318-14 Sec 11.8, IBC 2015, CBC 2016, ASCE 7-10 Load Combinations Used : ASCE 7-16 General Information Min Allow Out-of-Plane Defl Ratio = L/0.0Rebar at wall center =Min allow As/bd 0.0020 Wall Thickness 4.0 in Bar Size 4# Bar Count in Strip Width 1.632 =Width of Design Strip 12.0 in 1.0 Rebar "d" distance in2.0 Lower Level Rebar . . . Temp Diff across thickness deg F=5.0 ksi 60.0 ksi Fr : Rupture Modulus 530.33 psi 4,286.83 ksi Max Allow As/bd 0.02125 150.0 pcf= =Max Pu/Ag = f'c * = 0.060 =: Lt Wt Conc Factor = Ec : Concrete Elastic Modulus = = Concrete Density =f'c : Concrete 28 day strength Fy : Rebar Yield One-Story Wall Dimensions 9.0 B Roof Attachment A Floor Attachment B Parapet height ft= =Clear Height Top & Bottom Pinned A ft Wall Support Condition Vertical Loads 1.0 2.153 1.973 Vertical Uniform Loads . . .( Applied per foot of Strip Width) Ledger Load Concentric Load DL : Dead k/ft k/ft Lr : Roof Live Lf : Floor Live S : Snow W : Wind Eccentricity in Wind Loads : Seismic Loads : Lateral Loads 192 Fp = Wall Wt. *0.02092 =1.046 psf Full area WIND load psf Wall Weight Seismic Load Input Method :ASCE seismic factors entered SDS Value per ASCE 12.11.1 DSS * I =0.05230 Page 38 of 51 Checked by: JRW 5.20 Concrete Slender Wall DELTA ENGINEERS, PCLic. # : KW-06003282 DESCRIPTION:Slender Wall @ 3ft Door Software copyright ENERCALC, INC. 1983-2020, Build: File: ES Gabled Building.ec6 Project Title:Easi-Set Skyline Restroom Engineer:CCFH Project ID:2021.332.016 Project Descr:24'-0" x 30'-0" x (9'-0" I.D.) DESIGN SUMMARY Actual Values . . .Allowable Values . . .Governing Load Combination . . . Axial Load Check +1.20D+0.50Lr+W ft4.650Location Max Pu / Ag 80.003 psi 0.06 * f'c 300.0 psi Reinforcing Limit Check Max Allow As/bd0.01360Actual As/bd 0.02125 Service Deflection Check +D+Lr Actual Defl. Ratio L/Allowable Defl. Ratio9,436 150.0PASS PASS Max. Deflection 0.01145 in Max. Allow. Defl.0.720 in PASS Moment Capacity Check +1.20D+0.50Lr+W Max Mu 2.459 k-ft Phi * Mn 3.085 k-ft Maximum Bending Stress Ratio =0.7972PASS Top Horizontal W Only Base Horizontal W Only 0.8640 k Maximum Reactions . . .for Load Combination.... Results reported for "Strip Width" of 12.0 in 0.8640 k Vertical Reaction +D+Lr 4.576 k Moment Values 0.6 * Design Maximum Combinations - Moments Results reported for "Strip Width" = 12 in. 0.06*f'c*b*t Axial Load Load Combination Phi MnMu k Pu Mcr As RatioAs rho balin^2k-ftk k-ftk-ft Phi 0.01360.25 2.6414.400 0.326 0.02130.000 0.901.41+1.40D at 8.70 to 9.00 0.01360.30 2.6414.400 0.326 0.02130.000 0.901.41+1.20D+0.50Lr at 8.70 to 9.00 0.01360.22 2.6414.400 0.326 0.02130.000 0.901.41+1.20D at 8.70 to 9.00 0.01360.48 2.6414.400 0.326 0.02130.000 0.901.41+1.20D+1.60Lr at 8.70 to 9.00 0.01361.26 3.3314.400 0.326 0.02135.992 0.901.41+1.20D+1.60Lr+0.50W at 4.80 to 5.10 0.01361.10 2.9714.400 0.326 0.02132.854 0.901.41+1.20D+0.50W at 4.50 to 4.80 0.01362.46 3.0814.400 0.326 0.02133.840 0.901.41+1.20D+0.50Lr+W at 4.50 to 4.80 0.01362.30 2.9714.400 0.326 0.02132.854 0.901.41+1.20D+W at 4.50 to 4.80 0.01362.20 2.8914.400 0.326 0.02132.140 0.901.41+0.90D+W at 4.50 to 4.80 0.01360.22 2.6414.400 0.326 0.02130.000 0.901.41+1.210D+E at 8.70 to 9.00 0.01360.16 2.6414.400 0.326 0.02130.000 0.901.41+0.8895D+E at 8.70 to 9.00 Moment Values DeflectionsStiffness Design Maximum Combinations - Deflections Results reported for "Strip Width" = 12 in. Axial Load Load Combination I crackedMactualPu Mcr Defl. Ratio in^4k-ft k-ft in^4 in^4 ink DeflectionI effectiveI gross 18,236.50.0060.11 6.082.348 64.00064.001.41D Only at 5.10 to 5.40 9,435.90.0110.20 6.484.321 64.00064.001.41+D+Lr at 5.10 to 5.40 19,932.00.0050.10 6.011.973 64.00064.001.41Lr Only at 5.10 to 5.40 Top Horizontal Vertical @ Wall Base Reactions - Vertical & Horizontal Base HorizontalLoad Combination D Only 0.0 0.02 2.603kkk +D+Lr 0.0 0.04 4.576kkk +D+0.750Lr 0.0 0.03 4.083kkk +D+0.60W 0.5 0.50 2.603kkk +D+0.750Lr+0.450W 0.4 0.36 4.083kkk +D+0.450W 0.4 0.37 2.603kkk +0.60D+0.60W 0.5 0.51 1.562kkk +D+0.70E 0.0 0.02 2.603kkk +D+0.5250E 0.0 0.02 2.603kkk +0.60D+0.70E 0.0 0.01 1.562kkk Page 39 of 51 Checked by: JRW 5.21 Concrete Slender Wall DELTA ENGINEERS, PCLic. # : KW-06003282 DESCRIPTION:Slender Wall @ 3ft Door Software copyright ENERCALC, INC. 1983-2020, Build: File: ES Gabled Building.ec6 Project Title:Easi-Set Skyline Restroom Engineer:CCFH Project ID:2021.332.016 Project Descr:24'-0" x 30'-0" x (9'-0" I.D.) Lr Only 0.0 0.02 1.973kkk W Only 0.9 0.86 0.000kkk E Only 0.0 0.00 0.000kkk Page 40 of 51 Checked by: JRW 5.22 Concrete Shear Wall ENERCALC, INC. 1983-2017, Build:, Ver: Licensee : DELTA ENGINEERS, PCLic. # : KW-06003282 File = U:\2021\2ICFYU~1\016\D6IRIQ~D\5AV8JA~H\EOZUKZ~I.EC6 Description :14.67' Shear Wall Project Title:Easi-Set Skyline RestroomEngineer:CCFH Project ID:2021.332.016 Project Descr:24'-0" x 30'-0" x (9'-0" I.D.) General Information Calculations per ACI 318-14, IBC 2015, CBC 2016, ASCE 7-10 f'c 5.0 ksi Density 150.0 pcf fy 60.0 ksi Phi - Shear 0.650 Ec 4,286.83 ksi Ev 1,863.84 ksi Wall Material :Material Properties Sds 0.05230 Default Rebar Sizes & Spacing Vert. Bar Size #3.0 Vert. Bar Spacing 10.675 in Flexibility Method : Horiz Bar Size # 3 Horiz. Bar Spacing 10.675 in Min. Bar Cover 1.50 in Piers Rigid, Using Relative Stiffness Lateral Shear Distribution Pier Wall Length 14.667ft Wall Thickness 4.0in Wall Height 9.0ft Opening Opening Left Edge Width Dist to Bottom Height Opening ID Dist to 1 1.0 2 5.583 3.50 6.333 1.0 3 10.333 3.50 6.333 1.0 4 2.167 1.0 0.750 1.0 5 6.833 1.0 0.750 1.0 6 11.583 1.0 0.750 1.0 All units : ft 3.500.9170 9'-0" ft14'-9" ft 1 2 3 4 5 6 P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P10 P11 E(0.2),W(2.13) D(0.807),Lr(0.74)6.333 Applied Distributed Vertical Loads Load Location (ft) Load Magnitude (kips) Start Location End Location Dead Load Roof Live Load Live Load Snow LoadHeight of Application 0.8070 0.740 0.0 0.014.667 9.00.0 Applied Concentrated Lateral Loads Load "Y" Location (ft)Roof Live Load Floor Live Load Load Magnitude (kips) Wind Load Seismic Load Earth LoadDead Load 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.130 0.20 0.09.0 Rebar Reqd in PierShear Values (k) & (psi) As - Vert Pier Pier Force Distribution & Reinforcing Summary Load Combination Height Length Grp Vufor Maximum Shear As - HorizID Pier Info vu phi * vc Note P1 2-#3 > 0.16 in2+0.90D+W 14.75 154.68 Vu<PhiVc/2, Min Only 1 2.13 8-#3 > 0.85 in2 1.67 3.76 P2 1-#3 > 0.10 in2+1.20D+0.50Lr+W 0.92 91.92 Vu<PhiVc/2, Min Only 2 0.45 1-#3 > 0.05 in2 0.99 12.82 P3 1-#3 > 0.10 in2+1.20D+0.50Lr+W 1.17 91.92 Vu<PhiVc/2, Min Only 2 0.59 1-#3 > 0.07 in2 0.99 13.23 P4 1-#3 > 0.10 in2+0.90D+W 1.25 91.92 Vu<PhiVc/2, Min Only 2 0.63 1-#3 > 0.07 in2 0.99 13.22 P5 1-#3 > 0.10 in2+1.20D+0.50Lr+W 0.92 91.92 Vu<PhiVc/2, Min Only 2 0.45 1-#3 > 0.05 in2 0.99 12.82 P6 4-#3 > 0.44 in2+0.90D+W 14.75 154.68 Vu<PhiVc/2, Min Only 3 2.13 8-#3 > 0.85 in2 4.58 3.76 P7 1-#3 > 0.10 in2+0.90D+W 2.17 155.38 Vu<PhiVc/2, Min Only 4 0.40 2-#3 > 0.12 in2 0.99 4.79 P8 1-#3 > 0.10 in2+1.20D+0.50Lr+W 3.67 158.73 Vu<PhiVc/2, Min Only 4 0.66 2-#3 > 0.21 in2 0.99 4.69 P9 1-#3 > 0.10 in2+0.90D+W 3.75 155.49 Vu<PhiVc/2, Min Only 4 0.67 2-#3 > 0.22 in2 0.99 4.67 P10 1-#3 > 0.10 in2+0.90D+W 2.17 155.38 Vu<PhiVc/2, Min Only 4 0.40 2-#3 > 0.12 in2 0.99 4.79 P11 1-#3 > 0.07 in2+1.20D+W 14.75 155.69 Vu<PhiVc/2, Min Only 5 2.13 8-#3 > 0.85 in2 0.74 3.76 Page 41 of 51 Checked by: JRW5.23 Concrete Shear Wall ENERCALC, INC. 1983-2017, Build:, Ver: Licensee : DELTA ENGINEERS, PCLic. # : KW-06003282 File = U:\2021\2ICFYU~1\016\D6IRIQ~D\5AV8JA~H\EOZUKZ~I.EC6 Description :14.67' Shear Wall Project Title:Easi-Set Skyline RestroomEngineer:CCFH Project ID:2021.332.016 Project Descr:24'-0" x 30'-0" x (9'-0" I.D.) Pier Applied Pier From Detailed Pier Analysis Self Wt Pier Nu Total LoadComb Pier % V AppliedGroup % Axial AboveID Vu Vu Vu From Nu Self Wt LoadCombAbove Vu Total Govern GovernNu P1 1 0.000 1.000 31.569 0.02.130 0.0 0.00.0 31.5692.130 +1.20D+1.60Lr+1.20D+0.50Lr+W P2 2 0.181 0.212 0.0 0.00.0 0.0 5.7080.4514 5.7080.4514 +1.20D+1.60Lr+1.20D+0.50Lr+W P3 2 0.316 0.278 0.0 0.00.0 0.0 9.9870.5925 9.9870.5925 +1.20D+1.60Lr+1.20D+0.50Lr+W P4 2 0.322 0.298 0.0 0.00.0 0.0 10.1660.6346 10.1660.6346 +1.20D+1.60Lr+1.20D+0.50Lr+W P5 2 0.181 0.212 0.0 0.00.0 0.0 5.7080.4514 5.7080.4514 +1.20D+1.60Lr+1.20D+0.50Lr+W P6 3 1.000 1.000 0.0 0.00.0 0.0 31.5692.130 31.5692.130 +1.20D+1.60Lr+1.20D+0.50Lr+W P7 4 0.181 0.187 0.0 0.00.0 0.0 5.7080.3986 5.7080.3986 +1.20D+1.60Lr+1.20D+0.50Lr+W P8 4 0.316 0.310 0.0 0.00.0 0.0 9.9870.6597 9.9870.6597 +1.20D+1.60Lr+1.20D+0.50Lr+W P9 4 0.322 0.316 0.0 0.00.0 0.0 10.1660.6731 10.1660.6731 +1.20D+1.60Lr+1.20D+0.50Lr+W P10 4 0.181 0.187 0.0 0.00.0 0.0 5.7080.3986 5.7080.3986 +1.20D+1.60Lr+1.20D+0.50Lr+W P11 5 1.000 1.000 0.0 0.00.0 0.0 31.5692.130 31.5692.130 +1.20D+1.60Lr+1.20D+0.50Lr+W Page 42 of 51 Checked by: JRW5.24 Concrete Shear Wall ENERCALC, INC. 1983-2017, Build:, Ver: Licensee : DELTA ENGINEERS, PCLic. # : KW-06003282 File = U:\2021\2ICFYU~1\016\D6IRIQ~D\5AV8JA~H\EOZUKZ~I.EC6 Description :24.00' Shear Wall Project Title:Easi-Set Skyline RestroomEngineer:CCFH Project ID:2021.332.016 Project Descr:24'-0" x 30'-0" x (9'-0" I.D.) General Information Calculations per ACI 318-14, IBC 2015, CBC 2016, ASCE 7-10 f'c 5.0 ksi Density 150.0 pcf fy 60.0 ksi Phi - Shear 0.650 Ec 4,286.83 ksi Ev 1,863.84 ksi Wall Material :Material Properties Sds 0.05230 Default Rebar Sizes & Spacing Vert. Bar Size #3.0 Vert. Bar Spacing 10.675 in Flexibility Method : Horiz Bar Size # 3 Horiz. Bar Spacing 10.675 in Min. Bar Cover 1.50 in Piers Rigid, Using Relative Stiffness Lateral Shear Distribution Pier Wall Length 24.0ft Wall Thickness 4.0in Wall Height 9.0ft Opening Opening Left Edge Width Dist to Bottom Height Opening ID Dist to 1 6.833 2 10.50 3.0 0.0 6.833 3 18.333 3.333 0.0 6.833 All units : ft 3.3302.333 9'-0" ft24'-0" ft 1 2 3 P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 E(0.4),W(5.32) D(0.807),Lr(0.74) 0.0 Applied Distributed Vertical Loads Load Location (ft) Load Magnitude (kips) Start Location End Location Dead Load Roof Live Load Live Load Snow LoadHeight of Application 0.8070 0.740 0.0 0.024.0 9.00.0 Applied Concentrated Lateral Loads Load "Y" Location (ft)Roof Live Load Floor Live Load Load Magnitude (kips) Wind Load Seismic Load Earth LoadDead Load 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.320 0.40 0.09.0 Rebar Reqd in PierShear Values (k) & (psi) As - Vert Pier Pier Force Distribution & Reinforcing Summary Load Combination Height Length Grp Vufor Maximum Shear As - HorizID Pier Info vu phi * vc Note P1 2-#3 > 0.21 in2+1.20D+0.50Lr+0.50L+W+1.60H 24.00 157.25 Vu<PhiVc/2, Min Only 1 5.32 13-#3 > 1.38 in2 2.18 5.77 P2 6-#3 > 0.66 in2+1.20D+0.50L+0.50S+W+1.60H 2.33 91.92 Vu<PhiVc/2, Min Only 2 0.45 2-#3 > 0.13 in2 6.83 5.00 P3 6-#3 > 0.66 in2+1.20D+0.50Lr+0.50L+W+1.60H 4.84 91.92 Vu<PhiVc/2, Min Only 2 2.21 3-#3 > 0.28 in2 6.83 11.92 P4 6-#3 > 0.66 in2+0.90D+W+0.90H 4.83 91.92 Vu<PhiVc/2, Min Only 2 2.21 3-#3 > 0.28 in2 6.83 11.91 P5 6-#3 > 0.66 in2+0.90D+W+0.90H 2.33 91.92 Vu<PhiVc/2, Min Only 2 0.45 2-#3 > 0.13 in2 6.83 5.00 Pier Applied Pier From Detailed Pier Analysis Self Wt Pier Nu Total LoadComb Pier % V AppliedGroup % Axial AboveID Vu Vu Vu From Nu Self Wt LoadCombAbove Vu Total Govern GovernNu P1 1 0.000 1.000 51.658 0.05.320 0.0 0.00.0 51.6585.320 +1.20D+1.60Lr+0.50+1.20D+0.50Lr+0.50L P2 2 0.167 0.084 0.0 0.00.0 0.0 8.6050.4481 8.6050.4481 +1.20D+1.60Lr+0.50+1.20D+0.50Lr+0.50L P3 2 0.333 0.416 0.0 0.00.0 0.0 17.2242.213 17.2242.213 +1.20D+1.60Lr+0.50+1.20D+0.50Lr+0.50L P4 2 0.333 0.415 0.0 0.00.0 0.0 17.2182.210 17.2182.210 +1.20D+1.60Lr+0.50+1.20D+0.50Lr+0.50L P5 2 0.167 0.084 0.0 0.00.0 0.0 8.6110.4486 8.6110.4486 +1.20D+1.60Lr+0.50+1.20D+0.50Lr+0.50L Page 43 of 51 Checked by: JRW5.25 Description:Connection Design Welded Connection Component Capacities: Plate PL Dimensions: x x Steel Type, Plain or Stainless WALL (CONN. DTL. 1 & 5) fyPL φVnPL = φMn/Lb PL Bndng. About E.O. #3 φb F1. General Provisions Lb φMn, Mn = Mp = FyZ ≤ 1.6My Eq. F11-1 Mp Z = td2/4 3/8 CAULK JOINTS NOT SHOWN FOR CLARITY 1.6My = 1.6FyS S = td2/6 HCA - Steel Strength, PCI 6.5.2 φVnHCA = φnAsefu Eq. 6-2 φNnHCA = φnAsefu Eq. 6-2 φφ n, No. of HCAs Ase, Shank Area Table 6.5.2 do, HCA Shank Diameter fuHCA Table 6.5.1 HCA Prop. For Concrete Tensile/Shear Strength Design LHCA, HCA Length dhs, HCA Head Diameter Table 6.5.2 ths, HCA Head Thickness Table 6.5.2 Abrg, HCA Bearing Area Table 6.5.2 hef = LHCA + tPL - ths - 1/8" HCA Effective Embedment Depth #3 Yield Strength φNnRebar = φAsfy As φ fyBar Tail Bar (A706)#3 Weld: Rebar to Plate (Flare Bevel Groove) lweld, PCI Design Aid 6.15.3 Fillet Weld Strength, PCI Design Aid 6.15.2 φVnWeld = φVn/inlweld φNnWeld = φVn/inlweld Fillet weld Size lweld φVn/in Table 6.15.2 DATE DESIGN SUBJECT SHEET 05.13.21 CCFH EASI-SPAN BLDG 6.1 0.11 in² 0.90 5.40 k- in 0.094 in^3 10.11 k 0.11 in² 5.96 k 60 ksi DATE CHECK ITEM JOB NUMBER --24'-0" x 30'-0" x (9'-0"ID)2021.332.016 2.00 in1.375 in 3/16 3.00 in 0.75 61 ksi 0.750 in 4.00 in 4.000 in Plain 36 ksi 0.375 in 1.50 in 0.750 in 4.00 in4.56 k- in 2.00 in7.38 in FLOOR, ROOF OR SIDE WALL (SIM.) 4.18 k/in 0.375 in PL 0.375 x 4.0 x 4.0 w/ (2) 0.38 Dia. x 2 in HCA w/ #3 Tailbar 3/16 3.00 0.281 in 0.331 in 1.469 in 12.54 k 12.54 k 1.50 in 4.000 in 0.75 inFlexural Strength: F11. Rectangular Bars and Rounds (AISC S.C.M.) - 1. Yielding 2.(c) For rectangular bars bent about their minor axis, the limit state of lateral-torsional buckling need not be considered. 8.76 k 0.65 2 5.06 k- in 0.141 in^3 6.08 k 0.90 Page 44 of 51 Checked by: JRW Description:Connection Design Cont'd Connection Capacity φXn PCI 6.5.4 - Concrete Tension Strength, Wall PL dconn, 1/2 C-C. Dist. to Next Conn. (stud) WALL y dT(B), Distance to Top (or Bott.) of Wall φXn dcritical = 1.5hef, Critical Edge Distance de1 de3 Nu de2 de4 XY Case 4: Free Edges on Two Adjacent Sides - Breakout Strength φNcb = φNcbg = φCbsANCcrbΨed,NΨec,N Eq. 6-3 φ Confinement Steel?FLOOR, ROOF Cbs = 3.33λ√f'c/hef Eq. 6-4 3/8 CAULK JOINTS NOT SHOWN FOR CLARITY λ, Lightweight Concrete Factor WALL Xde,max h'ef AN, Projected Surface Area (Fig. 6.5.1) Ccrb Concrete: Ψed,N = 0.7+0.3(de,min/1.5h'ef) ≤ 1.0 Eq. 6-5 Ψec,N = 1/(1+2e'N/3h'ef) ≤ 1.0 Eq. 6-6 e'N, Eccentricity of Tensile Force - Pullout Strength φNph = φ11.2Abrgf'cCcrp Eq. 6-7 φ Ccrp Concrete: - Side-Face Blowout For a single headed stud located close to an edge (de1 < 0.4hef) φNsb = φ160de1 Abrg f'cΨed Eq. 6-8 φ 0.4hef Multiple-Edge Distance Modification Ψed = (1 + de2/de1)/4, where 1 ≤ de2/de1 ≤ 3 otherwise Ψed = 1.0 de2/de1 = Eq. 6-9 For a multiple headed studs located close to an edge (de1 < 0.4hef) φNsbg = φ(1 + s0/6de1)Nsb Eq. 6-10 s0, Spcng. of Outer Studs Along the Edge ≤ 6de1 Nsb, Value from Eq. 6-8 w/o Ψed φXn 0.75 SHEETDATEDESIGNSUBJECT --24'-0" x 30'-0" x (9'-0"ID) 18.250 in 2.203 in 2021.332.016 05.13.21 CCFH EASI-SPAN BLDG 6.2 DATE CHECK ITEM JOB NUMBER 1.469 in 25.98 k 13.3 NA 2.47 k2.00 in1.38 inde1For de,max ≤ 1.5hef, then an embedment depth h'ef ≤ de,max/1.5 should be used in Eq. 6-3 through 6-6 141.167 in 23.4 in² 0.588 in 0.70 0.000 in 8.86 k 1.00Uncracked 18.25 in de2PLAN 0.70 Uncracked 1.00 NA 1.0 Yes 0.887 2.47 k 0.815 0.500 in 0.194 1.00 1.375 in 2.000 in 18.250 in 141.167 in 2.00 inde3#######de42.000 in 0.000 in 141.167 in Page 45 of 51 Checked by: JRW Description:Connection Design Cont'd Connection Capacity φYn PCI 6.5.4 - Concrete Tension Strength, Floor Slab Nu dconn, 1/2 C-C. Dist. to Next Conn. (stud) WALL dconn, 1/2 C-C. Dist. to Next Conn. (stud) dcritical = 1.5hef, Critical Edge Distance φYn de1 de3 x de2 de4 FLOOR, ROOF XY 3/8 CAULK JOINTS NOT SHOWN FOR CLARITY Case 1: Not Near a Free Edge - Breakout Strength φNcb = φNcbg = φCbsANCcrbΨed,NΨec,N Eq. 6-3 φ Confinement Steel? Cbs = 3.33λ√f'c/hef Eq. 6-4 λ, Lightweight Concrete Factor de,max h'ef AN, Projected Surface Area (Fig. 6.5.1)FLOOR, ROOF Ccrb Concrete: Ψed,N = 0.7+0.3(de,min/1.5h'ef) ≤ 1.0 Eq. 6-5 Ψec,N = 1/(1+2e'N/3h'ef) ≤ 1.0 Eq. 6-6 e'N, Eccentricity of Tensile Force - Pullout Strength φNph = φ11.2Abrgf'cCcrp Eq. 6-7 φ Ccrp Concrete: - Side-Face Blowout For a single headed stud located close to an edge (de1 < 0.4hef) φNsb = φ160de1 Abrg f'cΨed Eq. 6-8 φ 0.4hef Multiple-Edge Distance Modification Ψed = (1 + de2/de1)/4, where 1 ≤ de2/de1 ≤ 3 otherwise Ψed = 1.0 de2/de1 = Eq. 6-9 For a multiple headed studs located close to an edge (de1 < 0.4hef) φNsbg = φ(1 + s0/6de1)Nsb Eq. 6-10 s0, Spcng. of Outer Studs Along the Edge ≤ 6de1 Nsb, Value from Eq. 6-8 w/o Ψed φYn Walls Not Shown for Clarity 0.00 k 2.9 1.0 3.13 k PLAN 2.00 inX6.38 inde1de2de4de3 19.25 in 1.000 0.815 0.500 in No 0.70 0.194 1.00 For de,max ≤ 1.5hef, then an embedment depth h'ef ≤ de,max/1.5 should be used in Eq. 6-3 through 6-6 19.250 in 1.469 in 18.25 in25.98 k 0.70 Uncracked 1.00 NA 0.70 0.588 in NA 0.000 in 6.375 in 7.375 in 18.250 in 19.250 in 2.000 in 0.000 in 3.13 k --24'-0" x 30'-0" x (9'-0"ID)2021.332.016 18.250 in 19.250 in 2.203 in 7.38 in 28.2 in² Uncracked 1.00 DATE DESIGN SUBJECT SHEET 05.13.21 CCFH EASI-SPAN BLDG 6.3 DATE CHECK ITEM JOB NUMBER Page 46 of 51 Checked by: JRW Description:Connection Design Cont'd Connection Capacity φZn PCI 6.5.5 - Concrete Shear Strength, Wall PL dconn, 1/2 C-C. Dist. to Next Conn. (stud) dT(B), Distance to Top (or Bott.) of Wall y dcritical = 1.5hef, Critical Edge Distance φZn de1 de3 de2 de4 Vu XY - Front Edge (de3) φVc3 Hairpin Provided φVc3 = φVco3Cx3Ch3Cev3Cvcr Eq. 6-11 φ Confinement Steel? Single-Anchor Strength Vco3 = 16.5λ√f'c(BED)1.33 Eq. 6-12 3/8 CAULK JOINTS NOT SHOWN FOR CLARITY λ, Lightweight Concrete Factor BED, Distance From Back Row of Studs to Front Edge Eq. 6-13 X-Spacing Factor Cx3 = 0.85 + X/3BED ≤ ns, When X = 0, Cx3 = 1.0 Eq. 6-14 ns, No. of Studs in Back Row Thickness Factor Ch3 = 0.75 h/BED, for h ≤ 1.75BED, Ch3 = 1.0 for h > 1.75BED Eq. 6-15 h, Component Thickness Eccentricity Factor Cev3 = 1/1+0.67(e'v/BED) ≤ 1.0 for e'v ≤ X/2 Eq. 6-16 e'v, Eccentricity of Shear Force Cracking Factor Cvcr No Edge Rein., or Edge Rein. < #4 - Corners φVc3 φVc3 = φVco3Cc3Ch3Cev3Cvcr Eq. 6-19 Check Corner if 0.2 ≤ SED/BED ≤ 3.0 Eq. 6-17 SED, Side Edge Distance Eq. 6-18 Cc3 = 0.7(SED/BED)0.33 ≤ 1.0, Corner Factor Eq. 6-20 Check PL in Ajacent Corner φVc3 φVc3 = φVco3Cc3Ch3Cev3Cvcr Eq. 6-19 Vco3 = 16.5λ√f'c(BED)1.33 Eq. 6-12 BED Eq. 6-13 Check Corner if 0.2 ≤ SED/BED ≤ 3.0 Eq. 6-17 Cc3 Eq. 6-20 Ch3 Eq. 6-15 Provide One #3 Hairpin Around Stud Group Provide One #3 Hairpin Around Stud Group 11.93 k 0.500 in 0.70 11.93 k 5.00 in 0.910 0.593 2.00 in 0.589 1.51 k 2.38 k 8.38 in 0.239 0.436 0.580 19.70 k 11.93 k 5.88 k 1.00 3.38 in 1.000 1 0.913 18.25 in de418.250 in 141.167 in 141.167 in 0.000 in 2.000 in Adjacent Wall Not Shown for Clarity 1.375 in 2.00 in FLOOR, ROOF de3 Y 2.203 in 1.375 in 18.250 in Yes 0.75 2.000 in DATE DESIGN SUBJECT SHEET --24'-0" x 30'-0" x (9'-0"ID)2021.332.016 05.13.21 CCFH EASI-SPAN BLDG 6.4 DATE CHECK ITEM JOB NUMBER de12.00 in141.17 inde22.56 k Page 47 of 51 Checked by: JRW Description:Connection Design Cont'd Connection Capacity φZn, Cont'd - Front Edge (de3), For Next PL Nearest to Corner φVc3 = φVco3Cx3Ch3Cev3Cvcr Eq. 6-11 de3 Vco3 = 16.5λ√f'c(BED)1.33 Eq. 6-12 BED, Distance From Back Row of Studs to Front Edge Eq. 6-13 Cx3 = 0.85 + X/3BED ≤ ns, When X = 0, Cx3 = 1.0 Eq. 6-14 Ch3 = 0.75 h/BED, for h ≤ 1.75BED, Ch3 = 1.0 for h > 1.75BED Eq. 6-15 - Side Edge (de1 or de2) φVc1 = φVco1CX1CY1Cev1Cvcr Eq. 6-22 Check Side Edge if SED/BED < 0.2 Eq. 6-21 φ Confinement Steel? Single-Anchor Strength Vco1 = 87λ√f'c(de1)1.33(do)0.75 Eq. 6-23 X-Spacing Factor For a one-edge connection condition or a single Y-row of studs in a two, parallel edge condition: CX1 = nxx/2.5de1 + 2-nsides, where 1 ≤ Cx1 ≤ nx and Cx1 = 1.0 when x = 0 Eq. 6-24 nx, Number of X-rows x, Individual X-row Spacing nsides, Number of edges/sides (1 or 2) that influence the X direction (2 when de1 ≈ de2). Y-Spacing Factor CY1 = 1.0 for ny = 1, CY1 = (nyY)0.25/0.6de1 + 0.15 ≤ ny for ny >1.0 Eq. 6-26 ny, Number of Y-rows Eccentricity Factor Cev1 = 1 - (ev1/4de1) ≤ 1.0 Eq. 6-27 ev1, Eccentricity of Shear Force 6.5.7 - In-the-Field φVcp = φ215Ψyn f'c(do)1.5(hef)0.5, for hef/do ≤ 4.5 Eq. 6-28 hef/do φ Confinement Steel? Ψy = y/4do, for y/do ≤ 20, Ψy = 1.0, for y = 0, Ψy = 1.0, for y/do > 20 y/do y, Center-to-Center Spacing of Studs in Direction of Load φZn 44.500 in 22.62 k 192.61 k 46.50 in 1.000 0.246 05.13.21 CCFH EASI-SPAN BLDG 6.5 DATE CHECK ITEM JOB NUMBER --24'-0" x 30'-0" x (9'-0"ID)2021.332.016 2.00 in 5.33 4.85 k 1.329 2 0.938 0.500 in 5.98 k Yes 0.75 3.92 0.94 k 0.043 4.85 k Yes 0.75 7.41 k 1.000 1 0.00 in 1 DATE DESIGN SUBJECT SHEET Page 48 of 51 Checked by: JRW Note: Center Pick Points on C.G. Typ. (4) (See Below for 4 Point Pick) WWR W4.0 x W4.0 - 4 x 4, CTRD. Reinforcement Cover TOP & SIDE EDGES 1.5 in U.N.O. (2) #4 AROUND 6.33 ft DOOR (TIE TO REBAR MAT / WWR) (3) #4 EA FACE WITH 0.75" COVER @ 6.33 FT DOOR (TIE TO REBAR MAT / WWR) (2) ROUND OPNG. NOTE b REIN. TYP. TYP. (2) #4 AROUND 6.33 ft OPNG. (TIE TO REBAR MAT / WWR) OR (1) #4 AROUND 3 ft OPNG. (TIE TO REBAR MAT / WWR) WWR W4.0 x W4.0 - 4 x 4, CTRD. (TIE TO REBAR MAT / WWR) Handling Ref.: Meadow Burke Precast Products Manual 2T RL-4 EREC. ANC. (79527SP)24.000' Wall 14.667' Wall Catalog Cap., Shear (f'c = 3500 psi) H, Height of Anchor w/ Shear PL f'ci, @ Release Adj. Shear Cap. = f'ci/3500 x Cat. Cap. Wall Weight ÷ 2, (Tilt Up) No. of Anchors Provided Load Applied at Ea. Anchor OK OK Catalog Cap., Tension (w/ Tension Bar) Wall Weight (Hanging) Load Applied at Ea. Anchor OK OK TOP, BOTT. & SIDE EDGES 2T RL-4 EREC. ANC. (79527SP) 1.817 k 3.315 k 2 1.658 k 4.000 k 6.631 k 3.315 k 2.50 ft 7.01 ft 7.01 ft 2.50 ft 14.67 ft #3 PERIMETER BAR, TYP. U.N.O. 2.00 ft, MIN. TO NEXT OPNG. TYP. 6.0 ft, MAX. 2.150 k 2.25 in 2500 psi 1.817 k 5.425 k 4 1.356 k 4.000 k 10.850 k 2.713 k 2.150 k 2.25 in 2500 psi 1.00 ft, MIN. 24.000' Wall 4 Point Pick Anchor Locations (if req.) 1.53 ft 4.28 ft 4.28 ft 1.53 ft 14.667' Wall SHEET a. For single openings equal to or less than 10" dia. (or square), add'l reinforcing around it's perimeter is not required. b. Install #3 bar thru opening when erection anchor located above and 2'-0" > header > 1'-0". c. If door is located in "Long Wall" use door reinforcing shown above.9.042 ft#3 PERIMETER BAR, TYP. U.N.O. +/- 3.04 ft+/- 3.04 ft 2T RL-4 EREC. ANC. (79527SP) 2.00 ft, MIN. OR EQUAL 8 in HOOK WHEN DISTANCE TO TOP OR SIDE EDGE IS < 2.00 ft, TYP. 7.1 CHECK ITEM JOB NUMBER 24'-0" x 30'-0" x (9'-0"ID)2021.332.016 DATE 9.042 ftDATE DESIGN SUBJECT +/- 4.97 ft +/- 4.97 ft 6.8 ft, MAX.24.00 ft 6.33 ft, MAX. TYP. 1.00 ft, MIN. 05.13.21 CCFH EASI-SPAN BLDG Page 49 of 51 Checked by: JRW Reinforcement Cover 1.5 in U.N.O. 1/2 DIA. POLYSTRAND (PT) (4) WWR W4.0 x W4.0 - 4 x 4 SUPPLEMENT W/ (TIE TO REBAR MAT / WWR) #3 @ 18.0 in O.C. - SHORT DIR. #3 @ 18.0 in O.C. - LONG DIR. F.S. COVER = 1.25 in (SHORT REBAR) FORM Handling Ref.: Meadow Burke Precast Products Manual & Building Lifter Design 2T RL-4 EREC. ANC. (79527SP)OR EQUAL 0 Catalog Cap., Shear (f'c = 3500 psi) Capacity H, Height of Anchor w/ Shear PL Building Weight f'ci, @ Release No. of Assemblies Provided Adj. Shear Cap. = f'ci/3500 x Cat. Cap.Load Applied at Ea. Anchor ### Floor Slab Weight ÷ 2, (Tilt Up) No. of Anchors Provided Load Applied at Ea. Anchor NG Catalog Cap., Tension (w/ Tension Bar) Floor Slab Weight (Hanging) Load Applied at Ea. Anchor OK DATE DESIGN SUBJECT SHEET 05.13.21 CCFH EASI-SPAN BLDG 7.2 DATE CHECK ITEM JOB NUMBER 24'-0" x 30'-0" x (9'-0"ID)2021.332.016 10.00 ft+/- 6.00 in EQ +/-EQ +/-TYP. U.N.O. 24.00 ft +/- 1.00 ft 15.000 k 4.000 k 3.750 k (See Below for 4 Point Pick) 9.600 k 162.331 k 0 #DIV/0! FLOOR REINFORCING (FORM VIEW) T.O. SLAB DOWN IN FORM 7.500 k 2T RL-4 EREC. ANC. (79527SP) PULL: 33.0k PLACE STRAND ON T.O. REBAR MAT / WWR 4 Point Pick - Erection Anchor Locations (if req.) 8 Point Pick - Bldg. Lifter Locations (if req.) #3 PERIMETER BAR, TYP. U.N.O. 2.150 k 1.25 inCLR.2.50 ft 4 1.875 k 2.50 ft 7.01 ft 7.01 ft 2.25 in 2500 psi 1.817 k Page 50 of 51 Checked by: JRW SEE NOTE DATE DESIGN SUBJECT SHEET 05.13.21 CCFH EASI-SPAN BLDG 7.3 NOTE: PROVIDE ADDITIONAL REINFORCING AROUND OPENINGS EQUAL TO THE W WR/REBAR INTERRUPTED, HALF EACH SIDE. THE ADDITIONAL REINFORCING MUST BE PLACED IN THE SAME PLANE. FLOOR/ROOF OPENING REINFORCING DATE CHECK ITEM JOB NUMBER 24'-0" x 30'-0" x (9'-0"ID)2021.332.016 Page 51 of 51 Checked by: JRW