HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication for Zoning Compliance - Use Permit a �4'1- y 5 °= - Plantsin g&Develo meet Servitces g. ,: p DeParent ' COUNTY g : �l RECEIVED — Btnldin &Code atltons 2300vW9WaA1e: JUL 3 0 CO21 ZOATierce :Fl34982 772462-1553 St.Lucie Couft Perml"Ing APPLICATION FOR,;ZONINGCO�VIPLIANCE—HOME�CCUPA TION Business Name: �$ k}se's of $nsiuess.Address: 3 1 g ' �32n1��C9 W tiJl'ir �r /G�l ption of Type of Brrsiness. PH.ONEAND,OFFICE USEQNLY jor. 2- rQ �i;�,1t�12Ah Cv'ht4vinl 1.7)ef4 �s '/.st P GL✓ Nk ezc- -'to tY1(4,,7' �q�°S Property Tag.W# a`La`�- t 1- o do Applicant's Name._(:�f•,//'(n� Z. '0, b LD' Phone: App1icmtNA0dress -.3/97 ✓ °A :1.N( t✓ �, e C : State:: L Zip. I HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THE ABOVE-IS CORRECT:AlYD:AGRFE TO.CUNFORM;TO THE ST LUCIE COUNTY ZONING AND BUELDING.CODE. ANY VIOLATION OF:SECTION 8:01.80 'HOME OCCUPATION"WILL BE PURSUED THR UGH ST.,LUCIE CODE ENFORCEMENT. Applicant's:$ignature OFFICE USE MY Date•: Initials: Subdiuisiori Block:- Lot: r Section:; Township;' Mange:. Map Zoning. Land Use_ Certificate.of Competency Requimd. No Yes Number Type-of Certification: SLCPDSD RmiscA 5/12U14 i PLEASE READ. PRIORI()FI :LING I7►UT.TITS A�'PLICIA ION FICTTTIOUS.N REGULATIONS (May Apply to Y O lfyoit�use any name other than your,personal_name-on this application tt=mayf require cdihpl Once: with FICTITIOCIS name laws.-before the Tax,Collector can issue your Occupational License,: Other exceptions may apply,. They would,have,to.be addressed on ail individual basis. If you`have any questions regarding these State requirements.or exeMptious,please contact St. Lucie.County Tax Coilector.'s office:located in koom.1.06 or phone 462%1650 before filling 6ut. this:application_ 9.6l.06,06MIE OCCUPATIONS: 8 01.4.1 Pt.TF€PtQ5E The purpose of this sectidnJ; to protect andma,intain the character of'residential night orhoods vAile reeogit mg that.partieulargrofessional;and liinited business activities are tradifiona]ly'and:moff`erasively carried on in the(tome: 8.01.02 AUTHORIZATION. The following home occnpattoiis shall be permitted m any residential dwelling unit,including mobile homes; provtdedthat the home:occupati9p complies with the lot size bulls,and parking it quiretnents,ofthe zoning district in which the.home occupation°is Ioeateri:; A Homebound employment of a physically,mentally;,or etriotionallyliaridicapped persdn-who is.unable:to-work. away from<.home"by reason of hisZ'sat ility B: Oflyce facilities provided that no.retail..or wholesale°sales are made or transacted:on:the premises;and, C:Studios or:laboratories: 8,01.03 USE-LlWrATIONS'FOR HOME OCCUPATIONS In addition to meeting the requirements of the zoning&tri t iu which.it`is located,everyhome occupation shall comply with the following restrictions:. A No person other than members of the iunilyresiding on tlil' cruses shall lie:engaged in:the conduct or support of such.occupation. B. No stock in trade shall be displayed or,sold on the premises; C. Only sales ineidental-to the home occupation shall,be:permitted D.. The home occupation.shall 6e conducted entirely'within.the_prntcipal dwelling unit,and.ia no event shall such use:he visible from any other residential.struchire or a public way: E: The,use of the dwelling unit for the home.occupation shall be incdeniai;and subordinate to its use;for-residential purposes;and no more than-twenty-five(25%)percent of the building floor area shallbeused.in the conduct of the home occupation. R There shall be no outdoor storage of equipment or:materials used in the home occupation: G..No more than one'(1),vehicle shall be used'in the conduct of the home_occupation. H.,No mechanical,electrical,or other equipment that produces:noise,electrical.or titagnetie interference,;vibration, heat,glare,.or other--nuisance:ontside'the residential structure'sball 1.be'used. I. No home occupation shall be permitted,ihat,is,]noxious,offensive or haiacdous by.reason of vehicular traffic generation or emission of noise,vibration,smoke,dust;or otherparticulatematter,odorous.matt°r,heat,humidity,. glare,refuse,radiation;_,or other objectionable emissions: J. No traffic shall be generated by such;home occupation in greater volume than would normally be expected in a residential nei bo gh rhood,.and any need-.for parking generated by the conduct'of sucli.home,occupation shall be met off the street and othenthar 4a required front yard.. CL ' , plicanes Sagna D UPDATED.7102010: Property Card Page 1 of 1 Michelle Franklin, CFA--Saint Lucie County Property Appraiser--All rights reserved. Property Identification Site Address:3171 MORNING DEW LN Use Type:0300 Sec/Town/Range:29/35S/40E Account#:32562 Parcel ID:2429-111-0003-000-5 Map ID:24/29N Jurisdiction:Saint Lucie County J Zoning:Planned Un Ar- Ownership •� � A -r Edwards Landing LLC p� 2324 S Congress AVE Ste 2E � 4 r West Palm Beach,FL 33406 , Legal Description - 29 35 40 NE 1/4 OF NE 1/4-LESS N 290 FT OF E 350 FT AND LESS FROM NE COR OF SEC RUN S 290 FT,TH W 40 FT FOR POB,TH CONT W 130.5 FT,TH S 160.82 FT,TH E 130.5 FT,TH N 160.63 FT TO POB AND LESS RD AND CANAL R/W AND LESS ADDN RD R/WS AS IN OR 623-2549:725-2547:1966-2116-(33.50 AC)(OR 3748-2580) Current Values r q Just/Market Value: $2,701,700 �' ' —A Assessed Value: $2,701,700 Exemptions: $0 Total Areas Taxable Value: $2,701,700 Finished/Under Air(SF): 49,657 Gross Sketched Area(SF): 56,896 Property taxes are subject to change upon Land Size(acres): 33.5 change of ownership. Land Size(SF): 1,459,260 • Past taxes are not a reliable projection of future taxes. • The sale of a property will prompt the removal of all Building Design Wind exemptions,assessment caps,and special classifications. Speed Taxes for this parcel: SLC Tax Collector's Office — Occupancy Category !I H (III&IV Download TRIM for this parcel:Download PDF _. _.__ Speed 140 j 150 160 Sources/links: All information is be to be correct at this time,but is subject to change and is provided without any warranty. 0 Copyright 2021 Saint Lucie County-Property Appraiser.All rights reserved: file:///C:/Users/givensd/AppData/Local/Temp/Low/4BW17CDI.htm 7/30/2021