HomeMy WebLinkAboutSub-Contractor Agreement$U51A E. PERMIT'iW IS. AT ' W PL -AN M-NG LOPME E, SERVICES VISIOIi RECEIVED 'D' Omp JUN 1*7 2021 BUILDING'r, kdlikEWNT' St. Lucia County PermilitInQ C_ 1) C 4 &w ha've',a_-g--'r-eed,tO.'lie Ud Natne), b co -trac lP4mary.,CbntrgctorX located;rzn)�q_ ft.tAd&e 'T i(Project" Street' wor.ftOper_tY,,.tbHD _3 -5..... R is undersibbd-thatff th-eip, I ,eof_StatUS_re.-&dine.,.Our pat4oipatlon_with the.above,,mentibiled pro 046 Regulation Divisip O-St tithe County. will,b . ­ UaIrk-16-the.. :project Bijilding, afid..'O, .01-44Avised'-PWI-1 filing of:a Change -6f `Sub -on CONTRACTOR PWITINAW COUNTY 'CERTMCAT1O:N,7EP le't vi bya, wlio ls;personiky, imown,—orfihs;' "Aft h t .,. pra &d as iaentidtad6p, Print JVnmeoFNotaxvPutiTic KAREN S ' NIELSEN 64,"�sState of Florida -Notary Public Commission # GG 207484 F F, M -ssion Exphes Vz My Corn' i June.12, 2022 . WP'gNTRACTOkSIGNAT.tu',(Qualifier , rMITN"M C F, 0-, COIWY C M-TMCA'AON MME.R, " DjajdtnftL z it N KYLIE VERA Notary Public - State of Florida Commission - NH 75942 My Comm. Expires Dec 29. 2024 ;STAMP: ISSUE EMWE, PLANNING & DEViLOPMENT NICES Building,.& Cade Compliance .Division ,SUB-00NT,RAC,.. TORAGREMM NT- RECEIVED JUN 17 2021 St. Lucie County Permitting __(_X_1i_\_ CAfte dove agreed to be (Con dNme) Vaqy,Namq?T0_qv1du the Aim (Type cifTn0e) For the project lomie&at- Itis understodd that, if there is any chance of stains Teg with the oiled gardingOurpatilcipafionwi. ibove�mejfti ii Division , of St. Lucie county ��111 be advised vursua , �t -Io -the Project, the Building-andCode.Regulan 0­ filing of a Chan.0 of '$ub-cOntr4tor. no,tice. 7 7 Co� Ce CoUNTY cERTmCATION LMMBER State of Florldii, County Of, - Tteforegoinginstrume 0 ope %vhois,perso=Uyknoivn—orhupr4dticedo V-.0 w, 'usideAtMca STAMP Offmetm"_ P-Ablik i. S. NIELSEN Print-Name-ofiXotaryPubi gtate of Florida -Notary Public n 11 GG 207484 Commission ion ExPires My C "Irlis, June 12, 2022 Revised 3IAW2016' COUNTY CM- M-IC&TIONNUMBER State .of1hoAdoxonutkod ✓5 + - I �- GI e­ ,the foregoing histroiji6t jpas signed before me tbls// -%y of 0L. Print wam Or Notarypublic i* I Cam A. Qub= VNotary Public*5State of Florida Comm# HH080 682 EA%% Expires 1/13/2025 Sqc'�'s C_ PERMIT# "( ISS E'nATE a_ '�'1. PLUG &. bE-VELOPMENT SERVICES Building~& Code Compliance Division RECEIVED NOBUELDING PERMIT J U N 17 2021 SUB -CONTRA dTOR" AGREEM9NT St. Lucie County j Permittino have agreed to be (Company tQnelIiidividual. Name) L the Sub=ccintcactor fore, 4ez (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor): For the projectlocated;at� (Project Street -Address or Property Tax ID #) � . • jp.� �ryQ4�� It is understood that,.if there is any chap a of status regarding our arheipation with the above mentioned project,,the Building- and=Code Regulation Division.of St. Lucie.Coulity will be advised pursuant to;the filing :of a ChAnge:of•Sub-contractornotice. CONT"CTORS ATURE (Qualiffery v� � GCs�w► PRINT NA ,tE ` COUNTY CERTIFICATION Nf.T U= nn State ofFlorida, County of.�V�� The ``foregoing:instrument}tiussignedbeforemet _n'd0of ivho is personaIIy known `or has produced asfdentificati �S�TAA _ � iSignature of Notary W 404CON SIGNATUBE(Qvaiitfer) i PRINT NAM i COUNTY CZ:RTMCATION�N,[J�ilNI�B,ER" State of Flonda, Couaty`of a i�84-b ° Thefbre9oingjnstramcn�t,+�vassigneii.befcreme thisd��'day of l (i1A�rC 20 b' 1 � S, t C1C avhoiis,personallyknown �rdiasproduced:a' I as'f4entifi .tion: STAW Print Name of Notary'Public KAREN S. NIELSEN State of Florida Notary Public __. •= Commission# GG 207484 9 ,?; My Commission Expires June 12; 2022 Revised 1:1116!2016. .4 A rib-l® u RoM1,/;' Notary Public State of Florida. " o : Maria A Molina y c : } kly Commission GG 211062 'Ole eon Expires 04/25/2022 j PERMIT# ISSUE DATE the (Type of Trade) For the project located at PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILD NG PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT n RECEIVED JUN 17 2021 St, Luoi® County pamliong have agreed to be L,L., C, or Property Tax ID #) . `7'►C% cb .: CDt` It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contract otice. S to of Florida, County of S/t. C� E T e foregoing instrument was §ipW before c d 20 by _ who is personally +vn or has,produced a. as identiticai r \ day of Print Name of Notary Public KAR.EN S. NIELSEN =e�PPYFLB�:State of Florida Notary Public _■ *= Commission # GG 207484 ., My Commission Expires Jtin,. 12, 2022 Revised 11/16/2016 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of l The foregoing ibMrument was signed before me thisday of . 20,_.1 by who is personally known or has produced a as identification. STAMP Signature of Notary Public. Print Name of Notary Public ST--E FLORIDA INDIVIDUAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT ...L' %:;r.4:`.�:. ti .� ' Y' -.K.: •.L- ,L-;'J:. :.n,�.. ...i�y�. •.:e •C:,..'•i .tv .`. a;:^'-1�" • ."r+�sY� ' w^�`` 3.5"•. ,}• _ � , ti> _ State of Florida County of hA ot44i V1 ri�Y Pv`•.,. a llotary Prida comm. MY Comm.023 Place Notary Seal Stamp Above The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by means of Physical Presence, —OR— ❑ Online Notarization, this `A day of A\)"L- , by Date Month Year AM VA Name of Person Acknowledging Signature of Notary Public — State of Florida Mav'\t S P-1 Name of NotaryTyped, Printed or Stamped ❑ Personally known Produced Identification Type of Identification Produced: ip1—kts Completing this information can deter alteration of the document or fraudulent reattachment of this form to an unintended document. Description of Attached Document Q Title or Type of Document: J� �a�lV►. �OV�� ` We, Document Date: A10 1 �-V�- Number of Pages: Signer(s) Other Than Named Above: N 'A ¢ - ev,a ' r:'Tx' srLT: 6.:rr:::lr:A'+fr%"sr�:.::•:�'T� `^.•'r7: '�� •T ;v:L• : ,Y, Ysi:Lv:,.7:s=T.i'iII = :e+.fia.'.a..: rya. s. ,.,..s, v . Su a r=c, 9,n.: T,}:` wev�v "'st.):^'..' a 02020 National• • • M1304-11 (11/20)