HomeMy WebLinkAboutWS 28 - Contractor Agreements - Roof, Elec, Plumb11 1' —_�a? PLANNIiVG & "> V) LOPM1JiVA DiNXVICBS QIJ `' � - I Building & Code Compliance Division DUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT t—t Ny ✓t K-a+t'►, •►-Sl tC WNJJt 1 t ls`a l N1:1 �Y l 1 �l►bt I�� have agreed to be 1 ,(Company NameJtudividual Namo) the NVQC. Q.^uyi& land Sub-eontlaotorfor I(.HovnanlanJVServlcesCo. LLC- Joseph Spalt (Typo of Trade) (Primary Contraotol) For the project located at 5114 Armina Place, Fort Pierce (Project Sheet Address orProperly Tax ID 11) It is uuderslood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie Cc u y w ( be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub-oprftrector notice. //nnll Joseph Spilt P1t1NT NAME CB01263040 -' $t-C 11`8442b co[INrY rluerunanr1oN NUME1sn State oin] aride, County of PBC The orrgninghulrument was signed before nit lhls e,dny of lr�.zoa-•.1 Joseph Spelt who who is peraunity Lown Vor hits produced its idenllacnlion. /n(A A '11n y� /_Ss"Y Pto p BEVIN WIRTH ----iK WlA s^ Notary Public S4'Fg f2jFlorida IF Sigmd cofNolnry Public �;I misslond 611 .,or,f°. My Comm. Expires Sep 29, 2023 Kevin Wirth Banded through National Notary Assn. YrlulNnme of Notary Public Revised Il/I6/2011i CO[INTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER Smto of Florida, County of yF++r+�, The rego11{llog Instrument erns signed before me Ihiiss*ZLA �Jo), ocfe NL 2021, by �[.rfKVl l:. L1Ns m produced n as 11�ar Gigs Print Na"Ica f Notnry Public r Wrro .,, LISAG166S `r `a�'� • �` MY CGMMISSIorI f GG 138185 �•.'o' EXPIRES:Apri122,2022 Cori;;°e�• BondadTam Notary Public Undawdtem PERMIT 1P ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division I3UIGllTNG PERMIT SUBrCONTRACTORAGREEMENT- ELECTRIC CONNECTION have agreed to ha (Company Nume/lndividual Name) the Electrical SubxeOlrtractor for I(. HovnanlaA Florida Operations - Joseph Spall (Type of Tiade) (primary Contractor) For tha project located at 5114 Armina Place, Fort Pierce .(Project Street Addressor Property Tax ID N) ft is understood that, if there is any ohange of stahis regarding our participation with the above meutione(I project; the Building and filing of a Change of Si# Joseph Sji�it rxmr rvnME CSC1283048 or SLC,i«34426 tion i RegulaDivison of St, Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the notice. (:UUN7'Y CRRTlr[CAT[ONNUMnRR Slnloofrloridn, Countyof pgC tt`�•� Tb�gnleg.6isii•nmen(wnss(gnedbefotnnselbis_'t dnyor 20L),y Joseph Spalt win ills pe mwn Alt lips Produced osIdeal (tnaUton. Assn. rrinl Nnma of Nulnry runic Rcvisesl l lrl6l1016 3Un•CON'IYtAC10R5 CN - onliner} I�axr_W 3'ao r6Lmci PR1NT NAMES ECc�293B 'COUNTY CEn'1'll%I42A'1'fONPNUM (6/��RR stole afrlorlda, CountyoP 1 rJl+ The foregoing lns(rnmmil was sf dbefore me Nl dnyor �u1 2U� Uy 0 Mq ryha Is persounlly (mown )(tor bus produced n 57'AMtP - LIBA8A7(ON Commisslong00233050 r Expiros Oclobor 24, 2022 ooneod TMa nuaduaaryoeMeo, PERMIT #:1 1 ISSUE DATE _ PLANNING &DEVELOPMENT SEI2VICE5 • = Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUBCONTRACTOR AGREEMENT RIDGEWAY PLUMBING have agreed to be P Coin yR anlelhldividual Name) the Sub-Contraetor foie K. Hovnanian JV Services Co. LLC - Joseph Spat[ (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) Por the project located at 5114 Armina Place, Fon Pierce (Project Street Address or Property Tax [DO) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building AO o//de Regulation Division of Sl. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub2/ontraetor notice. Joseph Spalt PRINT NAhiR CBC1263048 — SLc #34d2b COIINT'1' CRIYI'iIrICA'1'ION NUMRISR $Igle Of FIorIAA, (:nUllly of PBC 'rite forming Instrument was signed before me this 1L day of 20.t;Aby who is personally nowvi .1/or Ins produced a Joseph Spalt ns IAcnlln(2alinn. NEVIN WIN Notary Public • Slate of Florida Commissi�llA(i[1017671 ' d—y iomm, Expires Sep 29, 202) _(�FV I IJ W I RTl•! Prins Nnnsc ofNolnry Public Revised I IfI00016 19-15354 COUNTY CRIi'I'II+IG1'1'ION NUMUL+R Slxte of Florida, County of PALM BEACH The foregoing Instrument was signed before me this Any of GREGORY KOZAN +vho Is personally known X ur has produced n ns identificxlion. Print Name of Natnry Publlt xATHIEENM,HAII $� Nmarymisdo-I GG10510da t\f-, Cammivion.GG 19p510 `z?o:npj MyComm.Expiresfun17,2022 "'. Bonded through NalionalNolary Assn. offs +U+SIIE-; ; COUNTY f L O R i D n PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PL+RMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT CJM ROOFING, INC. have agreed to be (Company Natne/Individual Name) the ROOFING Sub-eentfaetor for K Hovnanian JV Services Co. LLC -Joseph Spall (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor') For the project located at 5114 Armina Place, Fort Pierce (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID N) it is Illlderstood that, ifthere Is any change of status 1•egarding out• participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub-e94ractor notice. SUD-CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE (Qxnllfrer) Joseph Spilt STEPHEN MALLEK P1tIN7•NAMD PRINT NAME CBC126304Q — s't 1F34426 CCC1327323 COUNTY C.'Hll'1'll+i('A'1'ION NUMDRR WUNTY CERTR+ICA'1'ION vulauRR Stale of Florida, County of PBC The foregoing instrument was signed before me this � tiny of �jrvA4u _Z Eby Joseph Spalt whoispersonnll loown Y] or has produced Anne ee its idenlmcalloo. • ,J,� .ftiN1Y Pie'•; NEVIN WIRTH lMA iI • k• Notary Public•S lights Signal eofNolnry Public `'il, �iammisslonq ,�67i 1.,0(F,;4.` My Comm. Expires Sep 29, 1023 Kevin Wirth Bonded through National Notary Assn. Print Nnnm of Notary Public Revised Il/16/1016 Slefo of Florida, County a[ PALM BEACH 'fhe foregoing Insirumenhvna signed before me Ihls 30TH dqy of OCTOBER 20_,by STEPHEN MALLEK who Is personally [mown Xor has produced a STAMP Slga ire ofNoury Jeanne TAYLOR N. KOSAKOWSKI Print Nnnrc of Notary Public �yrr ery� Notary Public, Ftam or l'Imxla ❑rytnr N KosaY.nwski yr- B My Commission GG 213160 �as�d Expires 05r0712072