HomeMy WebLinkAboutGrand Isle4 l a f a_ 2 Y y e, 1 Y x ro 3 t f i s TIMwi q'TF.?!r ARCH k x��s s i�: "' �y S S LIE _.: CVR TABLE fir, CONTENTS SP-1 OVERALL SITE PLAN H -1 HA D CAPE LAYOUT PLAN H -1 ENTRY FEATURE S IGAGE PLAN H-1.2 .1 HAR SCAPE DETAILS PLAN H-1.3 HA DSC PE DETAILS PLAN -H-1.4 ENTRY FOUNTAIN DETAILS PLAN H-2 ENTRY GATE ELEVATION PLAN H-3 SITE SIGNA DETAILS PLAN H-3.1 SITE SIGNAGE DETAILS PLAN H-3.2 BUILDING WALL SIG N GL PLAN H-4 TRELLIS DFIA-AILS PLAN H-4.1 TRELLIS DM FAILS PLAN H-5 POOL AREA DETAILS PLAN H-5w1 SHOWER TOWER DETAILS PLAN L -1 LANDSCA" E PLAN LS ECS. LANDSCAFE SPECIFICATIONS L DETAILS. LANDSCAPE DETAILS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT LANDSCAPE DYNAMICS INC. 3165 McCRORY PLACE SUITE 101 ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32803 PHN:407.897.7009 FAX:407.897.6632 FEBRUARY 28, 2002---LDI# 2213 REED ONTRACTORS, INC. 258 WST S.R. 434 SUITE A LONGWOOD, FLORIDA 32750 PHN:407.339.7050 FAX:407.339.7449 D 0 C IN U M �J I � CIVIL ENGINEER VELCON GROUP, INC. 702 S.W.PORT ST.LUCIE BLVD.,SUITE PORT ST.LUCIE, FLORIDA 34953 PHN:561.879.0477 FAX:561.871.6659 ARCHITECT CHARLAN/BROCK & ASSOC JNC. 1 2600 MAITLAND CTR.PKWY.,SUITE 260 MAITLAND, FLORIDA 32751-7208 PHN:407.660.8900 FAX:407.875.9948 a NOTE, faaure to notify Landscape Architect of plan, detaN, or specification discrepancies pry to construction rakes contracts responsible for all costs Nxurrea for construction charges, not the owner or his representative(Landscope Dynamics, Inc. i., 4 _ 4"K l� A ANDSC ITECT: obert chano a932 LANDSCAPE DYNAKS INC. hereby reserves ITS oommm low mpyiPt and other propaty,AflS in these pans. idm ma aesVs. lb. WQ aSSWf a jWS me not to be reproduced, mmged, a < ied b my farm m mm,wr whatsa . rar ere they to be osrogned to y thkd Daly Olmt asl mtaFmg me e�ress allm pmnissm kern LANDSCAPE DYNAYXS INCLL w C .L r 'o c_ .al w I Z/� W o Q Z U W U U E — Q W a- [ a ti W o f1,) • z o U F 0 L U v :O (n F U N /Z W W J PAVEMENT SPOT ELEV. Zoo BERMING LIFT RMING LIFTING GARAGE Ij ARAGE P3 GARAGE <PARKW STATION PARKING PAP.KIN ' -__ f PARKIN A Ul D. M W \ OTTED PL N CONCRETE SAND ASPHALT n 'a..PAVER DRIVEWAY-^� �n DRY RETENT(11 OND EC AL p P ERjSIDaK+1-cAq.0A S.F., S 'ry SIDE A K �% ' VE zS II OPTIONAL BOAT/ GARAG _ B RMI G �0 i RV PARKING PAPKIN ❑ ❑ CROSSWALK iI 12 BERMIN ETT P NT W f I SIDEWALK' PA RS 5IDEWALK i--'- m BER NG SIDEWALK SIDEWALK ❑ ❑ EE T NDING 12 BERM`NG COLON FRCOLUMNDI/CO U NS 0 1 RMI G II 1 ❑ r• ❑. COR T EGA E �ij TURF D G RA I E FE E DECO N yILA ER ENTRY UN N ` KNOL P WITH 51 N AL AND DECO COLU J A SUBM 5IB L GHTINr ETTED PLANT N POTTED J 'NOW=R OWE PAVER DRIV P11 CH LAWN SPORTS AREA SPA 1 E EWAY CO COLUM S 4NN���/// * \ MI G PU A ) 1 P - TED PLA { OPTIONAL BOAT/ x-a 1 RV PARKIING BE NG EGORA IVE FE CE PAVER KNOL p 5IDEWALK SIDE AL ❑ � / _i. �. DR RETENTION PON yl-1. MA50 RY COLUMN OLO (� BERMIK , - AND WALL RMINGDECORA IV SIDEWALK t G TES O 5 / - SIDEWALK c v x-s B PAVEMENT PO E L S CIALiLT SWIMMING FOOL SPOT ELE 5 M PAVERS 41 X 53 -1.2 d110ILU. sFlip ERMI G TRELLIS/ARCHED DOOR DETAIL `� BUILDING WALL FAGS COCKER ea.�. D A K. \ - FE G A ONR COLUMN / D ORA IVE E CO UM WJ - AN LO WALL P T PLA PAVER 5IDEWALK RM I NG EGO IVE FENCE - RMIN CLUBHOUSE AND TWO CONDOMINIUM UNITS DEC W/ DECO L N5 W/ PAVERf DECO LUMN5W �./� POT P' T - 'POT. ED ANT RIVEWA7 POT 6 LANT. ' - n 0 II GRILL ON PAD BBO GRILL O AD 0 ME TIVE.. NCE DEC ATIVE EN N II RY F T yty T SIGN AN BERM NG 0 / II 5 SIBLE LI HTI ❑ ❑ C COLUMNS W/ POT ED PLAN 5IDEWALK SIDEWALK 12\ TRELLIS AT BUILDING ENTRY AND _BERMING y ICON C. ARCHITECTURAL FOUNTAIN WALL ® ®. ]FIRMING �y BERMING ',._�'� PAVE S PAVER SIDEWALK+/-QA6.53 S.F. � SIDEWALK SIDEWALK ... �k. H/C ACCESS 0 O O 0 G+ Y DEST CROSSWALK ASPHALT .'%.-PAVER DRIVEWAY <;iww....n.,-.,.: ..Ma..:...... . - .�.,:..a,�' i NT 3IDEwALK O CONCRETE BAN 'C EXIT GATE ERMI G � .,� � �; �.. GARAGE PARKING , SITE ACCESS POI D C L 5 l' /' s s rr q. 9.,T,......�,,.� ..,,..� T DECO COLUMNS W/ POTTED PLANT ARAGE - ARKI ARAI K ENTRY GATE RMI. ARKIN y d- IGO� COLUMN < ICON COLUMN BERMING �....�.., .. ._.Fit, ._,._. T� LOW WALL ENCLOSURE PAVEMENT 8 � ELEV. e i f PROPERTY LINE ,., EX151TING SA,JD DUNES \ UND15TURBE NATURAL VEGATION AREA \ tP PAVEMENT 9 SPOT ELEV .20 0 \ \ t112 �\ BERMING \ \ \ \ 12 \ \ I" EL V. 1 I►IIP 12 O O )MIN UM TOW ,,,-�UNDI5TURBED NATURAL VEGATION AREA 45 U 4ITS EME T r H ERM N 1 PAV MENT Spar ELEV. p 9. — H-3 II ND15TURBED NATURAL VEGATION AREA t2 BERMI _- I � 0 12 1 SHOWE R DECK OWER TOWER 1 4- BENCHES PAV LK H p XISITING RDWALK FLU514 GRADE T WALK AND DECK -i. F H GRADE AT WALK AN DECK PAVEMENT 0 II 12 9 SPOT ELEV. H-41 NDISTURBED NATURAL VEGATION AREA.. f 'BERMI G -q rYN.v r 2 g PROPERTY LINE SCALE- I,- W-V MIRE, Failure to notify Landscape Architect of plan, detall, or rclfWation dlscrepancles prior construction Hakes contracto responsWale for all costs 4Ycurre for contstruction char®", not the owner or Ns representative(Landscape Dyrwnics, Inc.) ANDSCA CNITECT: '.. obeft cl and 000932 LROSCAPE DYMMCS INC. hereby resells IT'S torn. lot copyright and alter popwiy rights in thee, pain. Mess, and dmighs. mese ideas, designs, and pans we not to he reproduced changed, a copied many form or monitor Matmeer, na are they to he assigned to any third paty. riihout first ottdnmg the esaess wxten permissm been LANDSWE DYNAMICS INC C 0 .0 „t ILFY G®i GV •OoLL F 'W Ar 0 " 1� • a OO 0- IZ a v Q ® w M J i q 00 LL a. • Z � v Cn � • U L- O Cl c* nao cm b N l01 U -------------- SCALE: 1"m 10'-0" NOTE, Failure to ratify Landscape Architect of plan, detail, or specification discrepancies prim to construction makes contractor responsWe for all costs Incurrel for construction charges, not the omer or his represmtathee(Landscape Dynamics, Inc.) �A ANDSCAPE CHITECL Obert Qdchana L o00932 LANDSCAPE DYNAMCS INC. hereby reehr a IT'S canon low might and other properly rights n these plan,. ideas and doe ns These ideas, designs. and Alms we mt to be reproduced, chmged. or copied m my form or mmna whatsoever, nor are they to be designed to my third portg without W Warren the eeprem written peradesim from LANDSCAPE DYNANICS NC. / 0 CO \ al tp � 00 w^� 0 3v� CO LL ODZ ;wx" (L� oW z z 0 a a U U a W a U CO 0 z a. 1 Ld O LL r \ o i J ~ • J Al L n O t� C a O ?. Z C" .\ all t0 � 0 NM n� X / N c mOil B I i DECC FENCE PROJECT ICON LOCATION SIGN COLUMN W/ POT t PLANT ENTRY DECORATIVE ENTRY DECORATIVE PEDESTRAIN COLUMN W/ POT t FREESTANDINCa COLUMN W/ POT a DECORATIVE PLANT DECORATIVE COLUMNS FOUNTAIN PLANT I ENTRY ntrncAerKA-- B ENTRY DRIVE FEATURE ELEVATIO H-2 1 /4"=V-0" VE * PROPERTY LINE PEDESTRIAN ncrnQgTlvE N PATE, F*Kure to notify Landscape Architect of plan, det*K, or ZpecWlcotion discrepancies prior o construction rakes contractor responsible for all costs incurred for construction charges. not the orner or his representativeCLandscape Dynamics, InO AND SCA " ' iIITECT: obert chana 000932 LANDSCAPE DYNAMICS INC. hereby reserves Irs minmon kw nWfiot am other properly rights in then plop, Won, and deign b. ideas, designs, and plan. are not to be IW.Ued. MMSK IX topw P my I. or moon" whots w, hor ae they to he osigred to my thwd paty, wrtW ari mlaedng the eyrese wraleo permission Iran LANDSCAPE DYNAMICS INC. C i t O U C CID I rn .� w o LL • J n i n 00 C> t E 0 Z G�10 '.... Q �'U U Q _ W v q 06 � v.l o _ ICE s i T L Ntp; hop �m m no ON C-3 0 4'-0' SQ, CONC COLUMN FOOTING: ':A:�DECORAT DECORATIVE ARCHITECTURAL FOAM WALL SEE DETAIL C BELOW ,41 � E. I" SLOPE Ti FINISH GRADE AT PAVER POOL DECK: N.G.V.D. SEE CIVIL ENG. PLANS. ALL EXPOSED COURSES TO BE SPLIT FACED CMU. POT WITH PLANT (SYNTHETIC) —04 REBAR CONTR IN GROUTED BOND BEAM PROVIDE CORNER BARS (TYP) — ARCHITECTURAL FOAM BANDING: — 8'X8'XIb:' CMU COLUMN - 10 COURSES —15 VERT. REBAR * EACH CORNER IN FILLED CELL — ARCH FOAM W/ SYN. STUCCO 4 'REGLIT 'LOGO DETAILING: —FIR GD — 2 CMU COURSES BELOW GRADE — STD. W DEG HOOK W/ 2-4' LAP — (4) 5 REBAR IN CONC. FOOTING - BOTH WAYS ' CLEAR NS WITH POTTED PLANT ELEVATION SCALE: 1 /2"=l'-0" DECORATIVE COLUMN CAP TO MATCH BUILDING DETAILS - SEE SECTION DETAIL D BELOW WALL/DECO. COLD DECORATIVE PVCAII=TAL FENCING S' O.A. HT. TYP. $' SECTIONS CONCRETE FOOTING _ CONCRETE FOOTING SUB -SURFACE GRAVEL COMPACTED SUB -GRADE ELEVATION SCALE: 3/8"=l'-0" 1'-011 WIDE X 61IHT. ARCH FOAM NALL CAP. 24" LENGTHS ON CMU WALL N/ IMPACT MESH/STUCCO PAINT — COLOR BY OWNER. #5 REBAR IN GROUTED CELL CONTIN. FIN. GD.(NGVD—SEE CIVIL ENG. PLANS) REINF. S/F CMU WALL N #5 DOWEL N/ACT qO HOOK @ 24" O.C. 3 COURSES 1/2" DIAM. SCH.40 PVC DRAIN SLEEVE @ 5' O.C. N/ FILTER FAB t I C.Y. GRAVEL @ EA. SLEEVE. CMU WALL BENEATH GD 2—COURSES. OR PER GRADING PLAN. (2) #5 CONTIN. CONC. FTG. 10"X2411 I I —0" COMPACTED SUBGRADE @ q5% PROCTOR DENSITY. #4 @ 24" O.C. I 6'-0' GATE (2) 3'-0' SECTIONS 12' OPENING &k,POOL AREA EN r 1' SAN _-- 03 DEBAR bn 410 WWM COMPACTED SUBGRADE TO %90 PROCTOR DENSITY PAVER STEP DETAIL SCALE: 1-1/2"=l'-0" TOP STEP * DRIVEWAY 2'-0'A5OVE POOL DECK ELEVATION SCALE: 1 /4"=1'-0" PAVER TONE j PAVER (J' THICK) 4' THIN SET BED CONCRETE (2) 03 REBAR COIN. PAVERS 3/8' THICKNESS RIBBON CURB SAND BEDDING COURSE ASPHALT SAND FILLED TS BELOW PAVERS SOIL CEMENT / CRUSHED LIMESTONE SEE CIVIL ENGINEERING DRAWINGS CRUSHED LIMESTONE OR SOIL CEMENT COCNERE CEMENT - SEE CIVIL DRAWINGS ,HITECT AND ECT'S STRUCTURAL CONCRETE BAND PAVER SECTION DETAIL .� R-12 SCALE: 1/2"=l'-0" 6' THICK CONCRETE STEP FOUNDATION 24 PAVER THICKNESS DETAIL CONTINUES FOR 4 RISERS TOTAL PAVER POOL DECK a a ; 17 3' REBAR NOSING ROD CONTIN. * EACH 3'-0" SQ, NIPPED METAL HIPPED IA COLUMN CAP. PRIMNT WOOD TRIM BAND ARCH FOAM TRIM BAND 04 REBAR CONTIN. IN GROUTED BONDED BEAM 05 VERT. REBAR * EACH CORNER IN FILLED CELL 8'X5'XI6:' CMU COLUMN - S COURSES (2) COATS SYNTHETIC STUCCO TO MATCH SLOG FIN 4 PAINT TO MATCH BLDG COLOR 05 REBAR W/ STD W HOOK 4 24' LAP EA. CORNER IN FILLED CELL COMPACTED SOIL OVER FOOTING (4) "5 REBAR IN CONIC. 14 CONC. FTG (3) -'S BOTTOM TRANS. REBAR I'-O' COMPACTED SUBGRADE SUBGRADE TO 135% PROCTOR DENSITY. CLASSICO PAVERS (PRECAST CONCRETE) SAND FILLED JOINTS zo EDDING COURSE OURSE SAND) COMPACTED SUBGRADE (SOIL CEMENT OR CRUSHED LIMEROCK) i r , 2' Nts.V.D -SEE CIVIL �/� i, - : , ENGINEERING PLANS 1-1/2' 1'-0' NGVD - SEE CIVIL 'ISH SIDEWALK PAVER DETAIL ENGINEERING PLANS FOR FINGRADES SCALE: 1-1/2"=1'-0" GRADE BERM TANGENT TO SIDEWALK AND PARKING GRADE AT 2' BELOW WALK — 4' SIDEWALK LOCATION VARIES - (SEE PLAN) CURB — PLAN CERTIFICATION GRADE TOP OF BERM AS A CONTINOUS CURVE CURVE WITH NO PEAKS OR FLAT SPOTS 3:1 MAXIMUM SIDE SLOPE COMPACT FILL TO 90% (AASHTO T-180 METHOD) —HEIGHT NGVD - SEE CIVIL . VARIES ENGINEEIRNG PLANS BY (SEE PLAN) VELCON, INC. WIDTH VARI BERM DETAIL - ELEVATION R#-1.2- _ = SCALE: 1 /4"=l'-0" THESE DESIGN PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS ARE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE STANDARDS ESTABLISHED IN SECTION 6213-33.007, FLORIDA ADMINISTRATION CODE. THE MAIN WIND -FORGE RESISTING SYSTEM HAS BEEN DESIGNED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 61 AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDS / AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CIVIL ENGINEERING 7-88 (JULY IggO) "MINIMUM DESIGN LOADS FOR BUILDINGS AND OTHER STRUCTURES" TO WITHSTAND THE WIND LOADS ASSOCIATED WITH A MINIMUM BASIC SPEED OF 110 MILES PER HOUR. THE COMPONENTS AND CLADDING HAVE BEEN SELECTED AND THEIR USE INCORPORATED INTO THE DESIGN AND SPECIFICATIONS IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 6, AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDS / AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CIVIL ENGINEERING 7-B8 (JULY IggO) "MINIMUM DESIGN LOADS FOR BUILDINGS AND OTHER STRUCTURES" TO WITHSTAND THE WIND LOADS ASSOCIATED WITH A MINIMUM BASIC WIND SPEED OF 110 MILES PER HOUR. SECTION - SPLIT FACE BLOCK DECORATIVE COLUMNS WITH POTTED PLANT ELEVATIO -1.� _}¢-[-- --- 3/4"=l'-0" GALE: 1/2"=1'- NOTE' Failure to notify Landscape Architect of plan, detaN, or spec9flcaticn dIscrepancles p{rior to construction makes nfroctor responsible For all costs Incurred for construction charges, not the oener or his rep•esentative(Landscape Dynamics, Inc.) , \�� ^ ANDSCA A CHITECT: obert Q chanar / 000932v LANDSCAPE DYNAMICS INC haeEy,ese,e ITS common low copyright and other property rights h these plans, ideas. and deslps. These ideas, designs, and pans ae nol to A� reproduced, Hanged, a copied in any lam a manna motsoom, ov ae they to Ee assigned to any mkd port, wdhaut IBM obt.ilmq the ergs: wdllen pemhsbn from LANDSCAPE DYNAMICS INC. x \y - C, ro g �0 (0 O � v u/\x 1 Sd i U 0 U ,q o co CV o� 104 04[n 1�000) A � /W\ �\N m i 2'-0' WALL PITCH 1' DN FROM TOP TO DRAIN EACH WAY. ARCH FOAM BAND / WALL CAP W/ IMPACT MESH 4 STUCCO MOUNT ON REBAR EXT ARCH FOAM RAD. SIGN TOP W/ REINF. CONC. BASE FOR TOP ABOVE CMU 2 45 CONT. IN CONT. GROUTED BOND BEAM TOP OF WALL. "5 tv III O.C. VERT. N GROUTED CELLS - STAGGER BETWEEN FRONT 4 BACK FACE PER PLAN a B/H - 5' PROVIDED ADDED VERT. BARS 0 CENTER WALL PER PLAN. ARCH FOAM SIGN FACE FRAME / STUCCO 4 BEVELED EDGE. la I' STONE TILE VXV ON 45 DEG. ANGLE (SEE ELEVATION) J' DEEP SIGN LETTERS - POST MOUNT - ALL THREAD FASTENERSFROM TILE FACE FOR DRAINAGE. ARCH FOAM WALL GAP/STUCCO 0 o WAT RLINN� m WATERPROOFING 5 32' O.G. VERT TYP IN LOW WALL Q FIN. GO CONTIN. ALL S'XS'XS' LINTEL BLOCK W/S REBAR CONTIN. TIE TO SURFACES BELOW VERT. (TYP). PROVIDE CORdER BARS 4 CONTIN.15 III=1 DECO BAND. L' 1 1-1 1 (TYP) TIE BEAM = 10, S' HIGH CMU -3 COURSES III III III III=1 I I 9 4' HIGH CMU - I COURSE 4'X8'XIb' REINF. CONC FOOTING W/ S REBAR 2'- ' FTG COMPACTED SUBGRADE ecn% BENEATH ALL REINF. CONIC FT635. CONTINUOUS BENEATH ALL CONIC. 3 #5 REBAR FTGS. (TYP) CONTIN. 4 'l5 TRANS. BAR PROVIDE HORIZONTAL JOINT 1-0' O.C. REINFORCING m 16' O.C. (EVERY OTHER COURSE USE: PREFAB DOUBLE - WIDTH g 16' WALLS, TYP. IN FEATURE WALL H-1.3 I' SLOPE TO PfRu h FIN15H GRADE .._. ,. AT PAVER POOL DECK: N.G.VD. SEE CIVIL ENG. PLANS. ALL EXPOSED COURSES TO BE SPLIT FACED CMU.- 1'-0' STUCCO BASIN SECTION SCALE: 1/2"=1'-0" 1'-O' WIDE X 6'14T, ARCH FOAM WALL CAP. 24' LENGTHS ON CMU WALL W/ IMPACT MESH/STUCCO PAINT - COLOR BY OWNER '5 REBAR IN GROUTED CELL CONTIR RE INK S/F CMU WALL W'5 DOWEL W/ACT W HOOK Is 24' O.C. 3 COURSES FIN. W. (NGVD-SEE CIVIL ENG. PLANS) WALL BENEATH GO 2-COURSES, OR PER GRADING PLAN. —'4 ® 24'O.C. (2)'S CONTIN. CONIC. FTG.10'X24' -O' COMPACTED SUBGRADE 1995go PROCTOR DENSITY. �L SECTION - CMU WALL H-1.3 3/4"=1'-0" —DECORATIVE POT WITH PLANT (SYNTHETIC) —1`4 REBAR CONTIN. IN GROUTED BOND BEAM PROVIDE COMER BARS (TYP) ARCHITECTURAL FOAM BANDING 8'X8'Xlb:' CMU COLUMN - 10 COURSES S VERT. REBAR s EACH CORNER IN FILLED CELL ARCH FOAM W/ SYK STUCCO 4 'REGLIT 'LOGO DETAILING FIN. GO 2 CMU COURSES BELOW GRADE STD. W DEG HOOK W/ 2-4' LAP (4) 5 REBAR IN CONIC. FOOTING - BOTH WAYS I I-1 11—I I I —I 11-1 I 4'-0' SQ, CONC COLUMN FOOTING LDECORATIVE COLUMNS WITH H-1.3 ►TTED PLANT ELEVATION SCALE: 1 /2"=1'-0" PLAN CERTIFICATION 1' SLOPE TO GRAIN 4zr FINISH GRADE AT PAVER POOL i DECK: NG.VD. SEE CIVIL ENG. Z?S_ PLANS. ALL EXPOSED e COURSES TO BE SPLIT FACED CMU. STUCCO c` SECTION - CMU WALL H-1.3 3/4"=1 1'-O' WIDE X II ARCH FOAM WALL CAP. 24' LENGTHS ON CMU WALL W/ IMPACT MESH/STUCCO PAINT - COLOR BY OUTER. 45 REBAR IN GROUTED CELL CONTIN. RE INF. S/F CMU WALL W'5 DOWEL W/ACT W HOOK m 24' O.C. 3 COURSES FIN. GD. (NGVD-SEE CIVIL ENG. PLANS) CMU WALL BENEATH GD 2-COURSES. OR PER GRADING PLAN. 44 is 24' O.C. (2) 5 CONTIN. CONC. FTG,10'X24' 1'-0' COMPACTED SUBGRADE a 95% PROCTOR DENSITY. THESE DESIGN PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS ARE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE STANDARDS ESTABLISHED IN SECTION 6213-33.007, FLORIDA ADMINISTRATION CODE. THE MAIN WIND -FORGE RESISTING SYSTEM HAS BEEN DESIGNED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION (o, AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDS / AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CIVIL ENGINEERING 7-88 (JULY Igg0) "MINIMUM DESIGN LOADS FOR BUILDINGS AND OTHER STRUCTURES" TO WITHSTAND THE WIND LOADS ASSOCIATED WITH A MINIMUM BASIC SPEED OF 110 MILES PER HOUR. THE COMPONENTS AND CLADDING HAVE BEEN SELECTED AND THEIR USE INCORPORATED INTO THE DESIGN AND SPECIFICATIONS IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION G, AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDS / AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CIVIL ENGINEERING 7-55 (JULY IcRO) "MINIMUM DESIGN LOADS FOR BUILDINGS AND OTHER STRUCTURES" TO WITHSTAND THE WIND LOADS ASSOCIATED WITH A MINIMUM BASIC WLND SPEED OF 110 MILES PER HOUR. e NIND FaNwe to ratMy landscape Architect of plan, Vol, or speelFlcntbn discrepancies for to ca+st`11a rakes contractor responsible for all costs incwred for construction charges, not the oener or his S;%esentative<Landscape repr rics, Inc.) AND SCA A CNITECT: Robert Ch0(10 00932 LANDSCAPE DYNANNS INC. Icemby reserves ITS cmrmm I" mpAM and other properly (ights'n these plms. idsoA and deigns. These Neon, design% and plms m,. not to be rewodumd. aIwnvd, a copied In any lam m manna wbolw. w, rwr we they to be esigned to my. New petty. OW first obtonng the Mress mRlm pmm'aswn frmn LANDSCAPE DYNAIACS INC. in O L J u � o I� _ U I ti _ 0 Z 4) 3;/ N LONMI t m w ■ _ S: <�(s�a'Li �i'' cuC `w: r4 �n..t 2r x'^.bYii`d11 m J'`SaA4 3" �r lSt'',5 3✓ tir G I1 Tr2. 4..r^, :a ? 'a y�f'�.rvxhjYTYeu $,.; JF \ + i;a rf ej M14 ,Hyy 7-y, ¢ a 4 M " h>r'+a x I rt r � to rN�r` eyty fa r�rr t"''?+"1 � f� o P a i `a r i.rrf 4} Fa �,a -. X• fi Y'�Y 3 t tY'{,�4� s � � � ?! i 1 }.,54 t /i �F � s t�s s tt ���� t\ ti> s u'$ � ?. � +v �L} R / •s., 5 .� S-v~� \ b \ � 3 yt a 3r f' q:l�, 1 k yyl � v � i1.. N kF sAY��� F frii w`rok i" pe r^v t 9 .`� ' a � r p v tt P AtrG le v xf rx eri -ty � t�T, r+' ej 1 +b z, rri 2"e �'.W f „ ;" ii apt fwt} 3 y�rr i >•ilR� " �' zik '. r r N f%Ar"' S r ➢ � 3 �.�� r �^ i7 k`k v 3+'�'u... rA, t a ,.a µ� +sty. r a 1� y t'""w SaFd, ? r' + � r+.a6k. +ti " ✓ x x. t J ' M9` �Y " 'M.� t �' - Yaaf .}a sn .a L ,:, 9 MINIMUM POOL REQUIREMLEN T S N.T.S. PRE-FA6 FCWAIN (KETSTONE FINISH) SENTRY FOUNTAIN ELEVATION X\i N TSTae MAINWALL 1P SHEET H-1 FOR .ECTRIC SERVICE SENTRY FOUNTAIN PLAN VIEW H-1 1/2"=1'-0" KEYSTONE CA J MARSITE FINISH ---.------- 18 A d 1. 2 LATER STUCCO WI ° PAINT COLOR a ° APPROVED BT OUNER a1 a. a'xa' CONCRETE CAP e 8' Cku TEXTURED STUCCO -COLOR APPROVED BT OWIJE d ° ° a' ° a d 8 0' a ° a ° e ° d ° . d CONCRETE FOOTING SENTRY FOU H-1, FINI&ED GRADE COMPACTED SUB BASE TO 95% PROCTOR DENSITY CONTINUOUS UNDER CONCRETE FOUNTAINSLAB SECTION 1-1 /2"=1'-0" HITECT: obert chona OWOW3`1 LANDSCAPE DYNAMICS INC. Naehy reserves ITS wmmm low copyright and othe, property rkfits In these plms. ideas, and des. Nhese l0eas, desigrce, and [dots we oot to he repromced. mmged, a copied In my form a mom Whatsoever, lwr we they to 0¢ asdated to my lhkd paty, without lkst mtohin the eW M WHIM mmissim fmn LANDSCAPE DVNPMHS INC. C w O 00 ZIMA r w C � NOTES. Fountain Contractor to install 110 volt = N electric service to fountain feature E O, and submersible lighting units CV Fountain Contractor to install 1-4' drain line to storm sewer for purposes of draining fountain for 9 routine maintenance hh O Fountain Contractor to install waterline for fountain pump- hp 0 submersible o NOTE: SEE STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENTS FOR THE REQUIRED REINFORCING/ WAT�(WI ROOFING ETC. FOUNTAIN CONTRACTOR MUST OBTAIN APPROVED PERMITTED CONSTRUCTION PLANS BY A LICEN5ED STRUCTURAL ENGINEER PRIOR TO INSTALLATION zllll� lac x i I i r � min 1 • 8. e a r' t, ' s • rl Y NDTEh Fallwe to notify Landscape ArdMtect of plan, detall, or Specification discrepancies prior to construction wakes contractor responsible for all costs incurred for construction charges, not the owner or his representative(Landscape Dynowks, Inc.) DE( FAN ENTRY DECORATIVE COLUMN W1 POT 4 PLANT ARCH TOP DECORATIVE h =q= 4--- ENTRY DECORATIVE COLUMN ENTR `;' ,�,V" ATF -L EVAT 10N- OPTION 'A'3/8 =]'-O ENTRY DECORATIVE COLUMN W1 POT 4 PLANT PEDE5TRAIN FLAT TOP DECORATIVE DECORATI 4 GATE FLAT TOP DCOATI A =4= i== A • K 14'-0" MIN. EXIT DRIVE 14'-O" MIN. ENTRY pf21vE ENTRy DRY � GATE ELEVATION o ���ON B' 3/879-19-0" AAl f v DECORATIVE FENCE �1 AN HITECT: obert chant 0932 LANDSCAPE DYNAMO INC. hereey reseves DY common Ion cwpyiot ond olhe p(M;ye drPts in these glare. Weal, and desips. loem Wen. design and Ware ae not to he reproduced. Mooged, a copied m any farm a m wr Nhatsoew. nor are they to he 09317" to any thYd poly. nithout first oCt& g the e.rees Oleo pennosion trap LANDSCAPE DYNAMICS INC75 v t o v h ® z - a Z 0 U �. f1 V Q Q CL q 0 �cn 15 LL w as O E-4 — W • Z c V v W ao a 0 0 Zo N0 N00 N C4 m Z �V �9\ I°I STOP I I 37' GALVANIZED - LAG SCREWS (TYP) 8'x4'x4' PTP POST 7' ROUTED COMERS (TYP) - HIPPED TOP 2x2 BAND PTP 2' THICK CEDAR SIGN. SIGN FACE TO BE SAND BLASTED D.O.T. RED BACKGROUND WITH WHITE FOREGROUND. 8'x4'x4' PTP POST 0 Z0 7' ROUTED CORNERS (TYP) (2) 7' ROUTED POST ") ON FRONT FACE (TYP) PRIME AND PAINT 4'x4' POST. SEMI GLOSS WHITE (TYP) SLOPE CONCEETE FOOTING AWAY FINISH GRADE SLOPE CONCERTE FOOTING AWAY FROM POST IN ABOVE GRADE (TYP.) FROM POST 1' ABOVE GRADE (TYP.). I— °' —` o~ 10' CONCRETE FOOTING - — - Q — Cu 6' WASHED GRAVEL b TO DRAIN = — COMPACTED SUB -GRADE —= --� _ —_ STOP SIGN FRONT AND SIDE ELEVATION 1 "=1'-0'i 37' GALVANIZED - LAG SCREWS (TYP) 37' GALVANIZED - LAG SCREWS (TYP) 8'x4'x4' PTP POST 7' ROUTED CORNERS (TYP) (2) 7' ROUTED POST ON FRONT FACE (TYP) P 1kTlrT D Lizo 0 +ti HIPPED TOP 2x2 BAND PTP (2) * GALVANIZED LAG SCREWS 2' THICK CEDAR SIGN. SIGN FACE TO BE SAND BLASTED D.O.T. RED BACKGROUND WITH WHITE FOREGROUND- s'x4'x4' PTP POST 0 `O ?' ROUTED CORNERS (TYP) PRIME AND PAINT 4'x4' POST. SEMI GLOSS WHITE (TYP) SLOPE CONCEETE FOOTING AWAY SLOPE CONCEETE FOOTING AWAY FROM POST I' ABOVE GRADE (TYP. FINISI4 GRADE ,FROM POST 1' ABOVE GRADE (TYP.) I— n;' a4. 10' CONCRETE FOOTING — — a — — o = I Cu — t 6' m FLI I WASHED GRAVEL = —qL — e TO DRAIN SPEED LIMIT / DIRECTIONAL SIGN FRONT AND SIDE ELEVATION SAND BLASTED SIGN FACE. 7' ROUTED CORNERS (TYP) (2) ?' ROUTED POST ON FRONT FACE (TYP) &'x4'x4' PTP POST PRIME AND PAINT 4'x4' POST. SEMI GLOSS WHITE (TYP) SLOPE CON ERTE FOOTING AWAY FROM POST 11 ABOVE GRADE (TYP. =1-d— — — °•' a ION CONCRETE FOOTING IT _ Cu wJ 6 ° — WASHED GRAVEL m -sou m TO DRAIN R — . -- _Zb 09 — ling COMPACTED SUGRADE —�— — — — - -1 I I1i1-1 i I_I _IIIIII-I I II HIPPED TOP 2x2 BAND PTP % CHAMFER AT BOTTOM OF EACH POST TOP BAND TYP. I 2' THICK CEDAR SIGN. SIGN FACE TO BE SAND BLASTED (COLORS BY OWNER) 8'x4'x4' PTP POST 7' ROUTED CORNERS (TYP) SLOPE CONCRETE FOOTING AWAY FINISH GRADE /FROM POST IN ABOVE GRADE (TYP.) I rwomm �.b = lilt-i i I1 i I - INFORMATIONAL SIGN FRONT AND DE EL 1,I=1'-0„ NOTES: ALL POST WOOD TO BE PTP (PRESSURE TREATED PINE 01 GRADE ALL FASTENERS NAILS, SCREWS, BOLTS, NUTS, WASHERS ETC. TO BE HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED ALL BOLTS SCREWS IN SIGN TO BE COUNTERSUNK AND HOLES THROUGH SIGN FACES SHOULD BE WOOD PLUGGED TO ALLOW FOR SIGN FACE ROUTING WHERE APPLICABLE (STREET NAME AND SPECIAL USE SIGNS) ALL PTP POST SHOULD BE ALLOWED TO DRY A MINIMUM OF 30 DAYS PRIOR TO PRIMING t PAINTING ALL STREET NAMES a SPECIAL USE SIGNS TO BE MADE OF CEDAR SLOPE CONCERTS FOOTING AWAY FROM POST 1' ABOVE GRADE (TYP.) OWNERS OPTIONi INSTALL PVC OR METAL SLEVE AROUND POST AT FOOTING LANDSCAPE DYNAWKS INC, hereby wexnes ff $ cemnon law copyriol oud olha prapedY dots in Drew pion itleos, ad desxy�s these Ideas. dmNpn and plan are not to he reprodoeed, fanged, or COPW In any fam or manna wlatwinw, now are they to he assigned to any thkd pat% without asl ohtanng the OWM dNlm pammnn ham LAM SCAPE DYNAMICS INC. m c F) m aEi " O GV O O co t n CL \ NOTE- Folture to notify Landscape Architect of plan, deta&, or speclFlcatlon dlscrepamles prior to eoeutruetion hakes contractor responsWe for all costs Meowed for constreactlon charges, not the otlpxr or his representatK*(Landscnpe i rAcs, Inc. ADD co %' CHAMFER AT BOTTOM OF EACH POST TOP BAND TYP. 37' GALVANIZED LAG SCREWS (TY S'x4'x4' PTP POST 7' ROUTED CORNERS (TYP- (2) 7' ROUTED POST ON FRONT FACE (TYP-) PRIME AND PAINT 4'x4' POST. SEMI GLOSS WHITE (TY SLOPE CONCRETE ifs-80 CLUB DRIVE FOOTING AWAY FROM ° g POST I' ABOVE GRADE (TYP-) — 1 CONCRETE FOOTI - w 0 GON � — — M , N 6' WASHED GRAVEL TO DRAIN — COMPACTED SUB-G 2'-8' a zo MMa) zo 3/d CHAMFER AT CD os � o SAND o CLUB DRIVE D ZD TYP. 2'x6' CEDAR SIGN. SIGN FACE TO BE SAND 37' GALVANIZED Ole1 I BLASTED. COLORS BY LAG SCREWS (TYP) OWNERS APPROVAL. I OP ST �P HIPPED TOP 37' GALVANIZED I LAG SCREWS (TYP) I 2x2 BAND PTP o CDr A p 6'x4'x4' PTP POST S x4 x4 PTP POST `D 7' ROUTED CORNERS (TYP) • (2) 7' ROUTED POST ON FRONT FACE (TYP) STREET NAME SIGN PLAN VIEW PRIME AND PAINT 4'x4' POST. SEMI GLOSS WHITE (TYP) SLOPE CONCRETE FOOTING AWAY FROM POST i' ABOVE GRADE (TYP.) FINISH GRADE-- 7-mir: FINISH GRADE 10' CONCRETE FOOTING w Q 0 6" WASHED GRAVEL -- 6 TO DRAIN a `O COMPACTED SUB -GRADE -=- STREET NAME SIGN FRONT ELEVATION HIPPED TOP -Y4 CHAMFER AT BOTTOM OF EACH 2x2 BAND PTP POST TOP BAND TYP. OYIELD `� :Y4 CHAMFER AT BOTTOM OF EACH POST TOP BAND TYP. 1 II 2' THICK CEDAR SIGN. SIGN 1 FACE TO BE SAND 37' GALVANIZED 0 BLASTED D.O.T. RED LAG SCREWS (TYP) BACKGROUND WITH WHITE FOREGROUND. 6'x4'x4' PTP POST 8'x4'x4' PTP POST :D 7' ROUTED 7' ROUTED COMERS (TYP) CORNERS (TYP) o NOTE: (2) 7' ROUTED POST t ALL POST WOOD TO BE PTP( PRESSURE TREATED PINE *1 GRADE) ON FRONT FACE (TYP) ALL FASTENERS, NAILS, SCREWS, BOLTS, NUTS, WASHERS, ETC. TO SE HOT PRIME AND PAINT 4'x4' DIPPED GALVANIZED POST. SEMI GLOSS WHITE (TYP) TS ALL BOL, SCREWS IN SIGN TO BE COUNTERSUNK AND HOLES THROUGH PLUGGED OW SIGN FACES SHOULD BE WOOD PL D TO ALL FOR SIGN FACE SLOPE CONCRETE ROUTING WHERE APPLICABLE(STREET NAME AND SPECIAL USE SIGNS) SLOPE CONCRETE FOOTING AWAY FOOTING AWAY FROM FROM POST I ABOVE GRAPE (TYP.) ALL PTP POST SHOULD BE ALLOWED TO DRY A MINIMUM OF 30 DAYS POST 1e / ABOVE GRADE FINISH GRADE f PRIOR t0 PRIMING AND PAINTING (TYP.) -- a. - — * -- ALL STREET NAMES AND SPECIAL USE SIGNS TO BE MADE OF CEDAR — STREET NAME SHOUN ON SIGN IS CONCEPTUAL ONLY. CONTRACTOR TO InVERIFY STREET NAMES PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION_ SEE STRIPING AND 10' CONCRETE FOOTING 4 w SIGNAGE LOCATION PLAN FOR REQUIRED SIGN LOCATIONS Q _ SLOPE CONCRETE FOOTING AWAY FROM POST 1' AT GRADE (TYP.) J, —� T ° a OWNERS OPTIONt INSTALL PVC OR METAL SLEVE AROUND POST FOOTING 1 6' WASHED GRAVEL — TO DRAIN a _ `0 COMPACTED SUB -GRADE � ---f STREET YIELD SIGN FRONT/ SIDE ELEVATION 1"=1'- 0" r DOTE. FaNure to notify Landscape Architect of plan, detaK, or specification dIscrepancks rkyr to construction rakes contracts responsible for all costs Incurred for construction charges, not the oener or his representative(Landscape Dynamics. Inc.) W R 4\- t ;+ obert SCA ITECT: chana 000932 LANDSCAPE DYNAMICS INC. hereby reserves ITS fanlmn low Mpyiyd W other properly rWs in throe pl a Wm% and designs. These Mem. demWy a PIMA ere not to he reprodrce(L d qM. a dmtod In My lam a mmrwr whatsoever, rem ae they to In omlq*d to my thkd ply, withmi ast obtokkq the erprem w ftl" pamm6m ban LANDSCAPE DYNAMICS INC. 76 1 F N D o cal Q,0 P i A✓ O v x LL z" / n n W LJ z C Q 9L O < h U /+ V _ -c a 0 Q J J $ � W O OO V Z � C* W F-7 UL L 0 U M t» N m Z UNIT NUM X-X 4" BEVELED SIGN EDGE VNB FOAM TAPE 8" BEVELED EDGE /8" VNB FOAM TAPE SO, @ CORNERS '8" BEVELED EDGE LL THREAD FASTENERS " MIN. LENGTH ANCHOR '16' SPACE GNAGE CONTRACTOR TO MEET SIGNAGE REQUIREMENTS FOR IAGE (TYP.) BER SIGN ® SECTION SCALE: ACTUAL SIZE PL s mks � w FF i = i W N \l \l 2 5 6 r \ \l 4-5/10 3' —31 /2" 211 1" 4'-011 11/4" v w aBUILDING NUMBER SIGN - ELEVATION X-X SCALE: N.T.S. UNIT PROJECT ICON / LOGO BEVELED EDGE OF SIGN FACE I" ALL THREAD FASTERNERS ON BACK OF SIGN FACE SIGN NUMERALS FONT TYPE BY OWNER - ENGRAVED OR SANDBLASTED ENGRAVE OR SANDBLAST CARVED SIGN PLAQUE - PVC ENGRAVE OR SANDBLAST CARVED PIN LINE NOTE: NO FASTENERS THROUGH SIGN FACE PROJECT ICON / LOGO BEVELED EDGE OF SIGN FACE 1/4" ALL THREAD FASTENERS ON BACK OF SIGN FACE SIGN NUMERALS FONT TYPE BY OWNER - ENGRAVED OR SANDBLASTED ENGRAVE OR SAND BLAST CARVED SIGN PLAQUE - PVC ENGRAVE OR SAND BLAST CARVED PIN LINE NOTE: NO FASTENERS THROUGH SIGN FACE SCALE: NT.S. NOTE- Foilure to notify Landscape ArcNtect of pion, detail, or specification dlscrepancks prior to construction rakes controctol resportsWe for all costs kvwree for construction charges, not the owner or Ns representatNe(Londscope Dymmles, Inc.) .K A A HITECT: .Robert R\ Ch4 a 000932\� MDSCAK DYNAMICS INC. nereey reserves ITS comma low coprol and other properly rights 11 these plmS ideas, and designs. These ideas, designs, and plms we not to W reproa-ced. tlmngK or espied M any tanm or mmnan wlwtmever, nm ane they to he assigned to any thbd petty, withal *at ohtaMMg the eWress wrhtm permission from LANDSCAPE DYNAWC5 INC. 4 0It i `v c _ Ecm 0� �o a: N .. Z ® o °C z z J 0— ¢ V N U U U 0 z J M cri ' N rT-1 ® ' Z o � 0 a ✓ `oID ' ID co �' / N ' fw\ Z I ■ 1L_On \ / \ To --- R. \ % rl Ale ` ENLARGED 2x4 BEAM END DETAIL ENLARGED 3x10 BEAM END DETAIL I REPEAT TOP PAIRED IZ RAFTERING DETAIL AT 2'-4" O.C. ON TOP OF ` BEAMS AS SHOWN I 3/4" NOTCH IN BEAM TOP TO CARRY 2x4 BEAMS -,COLUMN I IPSON (STRONG -TIE CONNECTOR ATRSC TOP RAFTERING ATA 5CH INTERSECTION ri ri rL _____---(I) 311XIO" RSC ON COLUMN -BEAM 77�TRELLIS COLUMN SECTION H-4 3/4"=1'-0" 4" RADIUS END CUTS SAME -ALL BEAM/JOIST (I) VIM" RSC BEAM -ATTACH WITH SIMPSON STRONG -TIE CONNECTOR TO BEAMS AT EACH INTERSECTION 4x4x3/8" STEEL STRUCTURAL TUBE 71-8j1 O.A. LENGTH 4" x 5" x 16" CMU - I COURSE FOAM BANDS AND 1/2" STUCCO TO BE CONSTRUCTED TO MATCH COLUMN DETAILS BY ARCHITECT GROUT CAVITY BETWEEN POST AND COLUMN MASONRY COLUMN 5"X8"XI(o" CMU-3 COURSES #4 VERTICAL REBAR IN FILLED CELL TIE TO FTG. REBAR CONCRETE POOL DECK #3 REBAR AS SHOWN AROUND EACH COLUMN OPENING STEEL POST FOOTING FINAL DESIGN BY STRUCTURAL ENGINEER 1'-0" COMPACTED SUBGRADE BENEATH POST FOOTING rE 3/811 X 1211 (6061-TG) 411 X 411 X 3/g 1 STRUCTURAL (4) %21O X 12" J-BOL- (STAINLESS STEEL) OWNER'S OPTION USE SHEET METAL COVER l' TO HIDE BOLTS I FCJ Fn I rYP TRELLIS POST BASE R DETAIL NOTES: 4"X40X n STEEL STRUCTURAL TUBE _<TYP —%ll X 1211 50. (6061—TG) —(4) V X 12" J—BOLTS (STAINLESS 5TEEL) d POURED IN PLACE CONCRETE FOOTER d A °m d ° d ° a °a ° d 0 a � a a a a C TRELLIS POST ( H-4 ? TRELLIS H-? ECTION DETAIL TYP SCALE:1-1/2'=1'-0' TRELLIS COLUMN BEYOND CRATER CLASS WHITE CONC. r5EATCAP-CUSTON BY TROPICAL T I LE- ORLANDO, FL-BULLNOSE 8"X8"X16" CMU-2 COURSES WITH #4 REBAR AS SHOWN TIE TO FOOTING REBAR i- 102" STUCCO -MATCH BLDG. W/ QUOINING TEXTURE/COLOR CUSTOM RED -P2 (SEE SHEET L-5.2 FOR 1 SLAB/FTG WITH #4 REBAR E/W AS SHOWN i I'-0" COMPACTED SUBGRADE H - SECTION 3/4"=1'-0" SCALE: 3"=l'-0" ".OLUMN 1 TRELLIS DETAIL PLAN H— 174 =1 p kaTEl Folure to notify Landscape Archkect of plan, detal, or Specification t:lscreponccles prior to construction rakes contractor respon 6 for all costs Incurred for construction charges, not the owner or hls representotNe(LarMscape DyraMcs. Inc.) AN A CHITECT: obert chana 000932 LANDSCAPE DYNAMICS INC. hereby reserves Irg cmroon br mpy5ht and Ober property rights b these pans ideas and desups These ideas desgns, and ptms ere mt to be reproduced, mmged, or Med in any Tam a mon. "totw, nor are they to be on*ed to my thbd Wly. ♦itbaW Test obtoedog the K. writlen ap permissim trLANDSCAPE MAIN LS PoC .- c \\ `/ K�i g X s /A\h E • v O .� CID 00 C 22 U O Z a a- Z O a U Q w 0- a 0 �q. co r v C-0 0 fn ti Z � w x O M \ Nte7 n� / U N f/I m z w .0 \ / �i t_ b RIDGE �s i p p 6 X6 POST I—I0dX3" NAIL EACH i SIDE TOP AND BOTTOM, TYP. i i i i 2-j" THRU 1__�_2XB a BOLT BEAM ENLARGED DECORATIVE GABLE END POST CONNECTION, N.T.S f � 5UBGRADE 10" DEPTH BELOW POSTS TRIM BAND @ TOP OF POST — I" NOTCH IN 2"X4" (TYP., 2"X4" @6" O.G. (TYP.) 2"X2" CROSS BRACE CENTERED ON BEAM. BENCH SECTION BETWEEN POSTS 5EE DETAILS. DECKING 6"xb"x4'-0" GABLE POST DETAIL WITH SPIKE FINIALS - LAG TO. � _ V4 — 2"X2" TRIM " (� THRU BOLT 4 COUNTERSUNK PLUG ALL FASTENERS (TYP.) TRELLIS DETAIL - FRONT PORTION OF TRELLIS A AS END OF TRELLIS B SEE LAYOUT PLAN FOR LOCATION-1 f I" !� THRU BOLT \_2X8 BEAM EACH SIDE OF POST 6"X6" POST �l ENLARGEDTPOST CONNECTION, TYPICAL. CONSTRUCTION NOTES TO CONTRACTOR I. ALL WOOD FRAMING 4 DECKING TO BE PRESSURE TREATED PINE #1 FOR BENEATH GRADE (POSTS) AND #2 FOR ABOVE GRADE LUMBER. 2. STAIN OR SEAL WOOD WITH COATINGS I'-3" HEIGHT SPIKE APPROVED BY CLIENT TO MATCH COLORS AND POST FINIAL W/ FINISHES OF THE BUILDING. ROUTED BASE 3. ROUTE ALL EXP05ED EDGES OF HANDRAILS, POSTS, RAILS, ETC... 2"X4" CRO55 LATTICE 4. SAND ALL EXPOSED WOOD FACES ON DECKING, POSTS, HANDRAILS AND RAILS. 2"X8" BEAM W/ SCALLOPED END BOTH 5. ALL WOOD CONNECTORS 4 FASTENERS TO BE WAYS HOT -DIPPED GALVANIZED. 6. EMBED ALL WOOD POSTS INTO COMPACTED SUBGRADE 24" MIN BACKFILL W/ 10" DIAMETER HOLE AND WASH IN POST WITH SAND FOR STABILITY. 7. MITRE CUT ALL RAIL TOPS AT CHANGE OF 2"X4" TRIM BAND DIRECTION. NO OD -DEGREE BUTT JOINTS. 1"X4" TRIM BAND 8. INSTALL ALL DECKING, POSTS, RAILS 4 CONNECTIONS PER LOCAL AND STATE BUILDING CODE REGULATIONS. 9. LAG BOLT OR LAG SCREW ALL BRACING, STRINGERS, LEDGERS TO POSTS, OR A5 SHOWA IN DETAILS. ATTACHMENTS MUST BE FASTENED TO P05TS AT A DEPTH TWICE THE THICKNESS OF THE POST 3-#" (SCREWS), 4-j" BOLTS, OR 6"WX13'-O" CEDAR AS SHOWN IN DETAILS. 10. ROUTE 4 COUNTER SINK ALL EXPOSED BOLT OR SCREW HEADS 0 MIN. OF Y II. INSTALL DECKS 4 RAMPS PER ADA -2"X2" TRIM BAND STANDARDS WHERE REQUIRED. 1"X4" TRIM BAND 12. INSTALL HANDRAIL EXTENSIONS BEYOND TOP / BOTTOM OF 5TEP5 / RAMPS PER ADA 2"X10" BASE BAND STANDARDS AS REQUIRED. 13. CONTACT LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION FOR CLARIFICATION ON CONSTRUCTION TECHNIQUES, MATERIALS, ETC. PLAN CERTIFICATION THESE DESIGN PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS ARE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE STANDARDS ESTABLISHED IN SECTION 625-33.007, FLORIDA ADMINISTRATION CODE. REAR ELEVATION THE MAIN WIND -FORCE RESISTING SYSTEM HAS BEEN DESIGNED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 6, AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDS / AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CIVIL ENGINEERING 7-88 (JULY 10m) 1/2 =1 -O "MINIMUM DESIGN LOADS FOR BUILDINGS AND OTHER STRUCTURES" TO WITHSTAND THE WIND LOADS A550CIATED WITH A MINIMUM BA51C SPEED OF 110 MILES PER HOUR. THE COMPONENTS AND CLADDING HAVE BEEN SELECTED AND THEIR USE INCORPORATED INTO THE DESIGN AND SPECIFICATIONS IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 6, AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDS / AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CIVIL ENGINEERING 7-85 (JULY MAO) "MINIMUM DE51GN LOADS FOR BUILDINGS AND OTHER STRUCTURES" TO WITHSTAND THE WIND LOADS ASSOCIATED WITH A MINIMUM BA51C WIND SPEED OF 110 MILES PER HOUR. IOd x 3" NAIL EACH SIDE TOP AND BOTTOM, TYP. SLOPE PLAN VIEW\- RIDGE/RAFTER CONNECTIONS N.T.S (RIDTOP RAFTER (RIDGE) 2"X2" CROSS BRACE CENTERED ON BEAM. 2"X2" TRIM BAND BENCH SEAT i"X4" TRIM BAND BENCH SEAT 2"XI2" BASE BAND WOOD DECKING TRELLIS DET 7'—III" O.G. - END ELEV. 1 /2"=1'—O" RAFTERS E FINIAL FED BASE " ON EDGE " P05T DETAIL 2"X2" TRIM BAND 2"X0 BEAM 2"X4" LATTICE — I" NOTCH 2"x8" BEAM W/ SCROLLED END. 6"X6" POST. 2"X2" TRIM BAND. 1"X4" TRIM BAND. * NOTE: TRELLIS B — UTILIZE (5) POSTS EACH SIDE 0 8'-0" O.C. SEE LAYOUT PLAN. PROVIDE GFI OUTLET ON POST PER ELEC. CODES. 2"X4" / 2"X2" SEAT TOP Ix4 FASCIA TRIM 2X4 FRAME -FINISH GRADE 6"X6" P05T IN CONCRETE FTG. 4'-0" IN GROUND. 6" DEPTH WASHED DRAINFIELD ROCK COMPACTED SUBGRADE NOTE: Fo&ure to notify Landscape Architect of plan, detal, or specification discrepancies prior to construction rakes contracts responsWe for all costs Incrrei for constriction charges, not the owner or his representative(Landscape Dynamics, Inc.) POQL SP-, SLOPE AWAY FROM POOL 2B% MIN. FOR FIRST 4 FEET PAVERS POOL DECK ON SAND P.S. COPING (BULLNOSE) 2-3 ' THICK BY PAVERSYBTEMS &X& POOL TILE DI,ANtOND ORITE WAT RLINE &X& WATERLINE TILE DIAMOND BRITE FINISH COLOR TO BE SELECTED BY CUNER. r Nk'-J `:teE C1 N.T.S, PA' DE( ...,....... ,rr...w,»ww•.wn..,. - ate,-, ,..»ww,w«nr~+x:.>,..w. wwwArtwtiwt_- SPA TO HAVE RECIRCULATION JETS AND THERAPY ACTION CL G- STAINLESS STEEL HANDRAIL 5'-0' HANDRAIL WIDTH WHITE PLASTIC EXPANSION JOINT CRATER CLASS # 585 PRECAST CONC. BULLNOSE POOL COPING AS MANUFACTURED BY: TROPIC TILE INC„ ORLANDO,FL COLOR; TO BE SELECTED BY OWNER W 6 ROWS OF 2X2 CERAMIC I WATERLINE TILE iu DIAMOND BRITE FINISH COLOR TO BE SELECTED BY OWNER �r < < � L I I < < Z < < < < L G WATER LEVEL < �L < CD IN —WALL` SKIMMER L G. AD .. < L L ` CL <.. T d N G r, G < BENCH LL G L' <<. < _< 1 < <. L <( (TYP) L L < < d L 'L < �O < i`' . G < �. < _ ./ E < L _<. .... <.. < .4.. L d , G < 1 1 X 1 NON —SLIP TILES < ON TOP STEP MATCH �..L. < <, , l L' NOSING TILE < G . < < 4 < SUNDECK FINISH ON TOP OF G 4 CDNC. POOL DECK 6" STEP DOWN TO NORMAL LEVEL OF 2"X2" BULLNOSE TILE IN POOL DECK CONTRASTING COLOR W/ NON —SLIP FINISH @ STEP NOSINGS AND EDGE OF BENCH SPA SECTION DETAIL SP-1 1 "=11'-011 _> P� 17P-1 2-3/8m THICK PAVERS POOL DECK 1-1/2' SAND SETTING BED, NO MASON'S SAND 00 M SLOPE AWAY FROM POOL 1 2.57, MIN. FOR FIRST 4 FEET l V `i (2) #3 REBAR -CONT. AS SHOWN STAINLESS STEEL HANDRAIL P.S. COPING: (BULLNOSE) 2-3/6' THICK BY PAVERSYSTEMS CONCRETE POOL SHELL &X6 CERAMIC WATERLINE TILE &X& TILE TO MATCH WATERLINE TILE GUTTER DRAIN 2X6 BULLNOSE TILES ON NOSE TO MATCH WATERLINE TILE (COLOR TO MATCH WATERLINE TILE B CONTRAST UJ/POOL FINISH) DIAMOND BRITE FINISH COLOR TO BE SELECTED BY OWNER LADDER TO TERMINATE IN CENTER OF BOTTOM STEP N,T.S, SOIL LEVEL TO BE SET AT 2" BELOW TOP OF DECK SURFACE i'-0+ u el 1'-0° X 4° CONCRETE BAND COLORED CONIC. W/ LT. BROOM FIN. SPOOL DECK EDGE DETAIL SP-1 N.T.S • NOTE, faltwe to notify Landscape Architect of plan, detall, or specification discrepancies prior to construction makes contractor respons4ole for ail costs Iycwred for construction charges, not the denier or his representative(Landscape Dynamics, Inc.) f 4 n ANDSCA A CHITECT: obert Ghana 000932 LANDSCAPE DYNAMICS INC Hereby reserm irS cannon law ocp tkihi m d Mho properly tights in these pbw% Meer, m,d Fawns lbese iEeoc dewe, and N. me not to be reproduced, ctonged. m copied in my form or mmmdr whoteoerm, nor me they to be assigned to any thkd petty, without fbM aMgnng the aprese written perm'mion frorn W41)5CAPE DYNAMICS INC. r >C s 0 c _ F QM cfl 1 o`o^n ®W U s i Z a o 0 Q co Q ® o- U 0 Z Q q R N i � M co gl • 0 � Q r N F it L O U LO as ¢ NAB ria0 N i �WI z �m i L L PLAN VIEW 1"=l'-0„ 1/2' PIPE INSIDE POST CONC. DECK 2 X 8 W/1/2' CHAMFER 2 X 4 W/ 1/2' CHAMFER 1 X 6 W/1' CHAMFER 2 X 8 BOXED POST TO FORM 8 X 8 HOLLOW SQURE POST 8' DRENCH TYPE RINSE SHOWER HEAD 4 PULL CHAIN 4 LEVER OPERATED SPRING -LOADED SELF CLOSING VALVE CAS ON OM-4213) FROM MURDOCK CO. CINCINNATI OHIO (513) 411-1100 4'-O' ABOVE POOL DECK 1/2' DIA. COPPER PIPE RECESSED INSIDE POST - SEE PLAN BELOW SYNTHETIC ROPE W/4' LONG - 1' DIA. WOOD DOWEL HOSE BIB 1 X 10 W/1' CHAMFER 12' X 12' CONC. FOOTER INTEGRAL W/ DECK EDGE 4 SIMPSON STRONG -TIE COLUMN BASE N C5-88 RINSE SHOWER SECTION AT DECK EDGE H—? 1"=1'_0„ NOTE, iallw-e to notify Larwlscape Architect of plan, detall, or specification discrepancies prior to construction rakes contractor resporwMe for all costs Incw^re for construction charges, not the owner or his repress !otive(Landscape Dyronks, Inc. V d 4 ANDSCA A HITECT: obert chono 00932 LANDSCAPE DYNAMICS INC hereby names IT'S amnia I" apyool and other property C*ts o these plan. Ww% Gerd ooe4m These ldew. dealgps. and plons are not to be repmluced. Ganged, u copied to ay form or manna whotsoem. nor we they to be ossiped to any tbkd put), wfthat *sl obtaining the express wltien pdm�ion karn LADSCAPE DYNAMCS INC. r—, c 6 A 45 w'1I E 0 c� cfl I 1 v X Cd O wa/ e � W z z a J z a W Q W I= p v Q Q , �0 { Q1:7 w Q � `0 1E pill in 0 m can � 3 ' ti lu O N ec L 0 p � to I F I N F' , 2 (A NOTES: IRRIGATION PLAN(S) TO BE SUBMITTED WITH FINAL LANDSCAPE PLANS TO ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA; LAND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW DEPARTMENT ALLLANDSCAPED AND SODDED AREAS TO RECEIVE AUTOMATIC, UNDERGROUND IRRIGATION GATON SYSTEM WITH A RAIN GAUGE, G . WATER ZONE KEY: H= HIGH HATER USE ZONE- PLANTS WHICH ARE ASSOCIATED WITH -MOIST SOILS AND REQUIRE SUPPLEMENTAL WATER IN ADDITIONTO NATURAL RAINFALL TO GRAND ISLE SURVIVE. THIS ZONE INCLUDES SHALLOW ROOTED TURFGRASS VARIETIES. PLANTING LEGEND M= MODERATE WATER USE ZONE- PLANTS WHICH SURVIVE ON (NATURAL RAINFALL WITH SUPPLEMENTAL WATER DURING SEASONABLE DRY PERIODS. THIS ZONE KEY QTY. Description Specification Water Native SYM. KEY QTY. Description S eClficatiOn INCLUDES DEEP ROOTED TURFGRASS'VARIETIES. p p Water Native ria 216 Rhaphiolepi: Dwarf Indic me 168 Myrica ceri Wax Myrtle QV 44 Quercus virginiona Live Oak SP h5 Sabal palmetto Cabbage Palm 10-12' o.a. x 5-6' spr. full form, V c.t. specimen 2 112°` cal, min. L 65 @ 8' c.w. straight trunk — L= LOW WATER USE ZONE- PLANTS WHICH ONCE ESTABLISHED, SURVIVE ON NATURAL RAINFALL WITHOUT SUPPLEMENTAL WATER. BECAUSE OF THE RELATIVELY HIGH WATER REQUIRMENTS OF TURFG'RA55, NO PRESENTLY AVAILABLE VARIETIES ARE INCLUDED IN THIS CATEGORY, NATIVE PLANT KEY: N= NOS- THE SPECIFIED PLANT iS OT(NATIVE FLORIDA SOURCES: ST JOHNS RIVER WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT XERISCAPE PLANT GUIDE SOUTH FLORDIA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT XERISCAPE-PLANT GUIDE TWO(2) ANY EX151TING NATIVE PLANT MATERIAL THAT CAN BE PRESERVED SHALL BE PLACED IN A HOLDING LOCATION ON SITE. THIS MATERIAL CAN BE INCORPORATED INTO THE FINAL LANDSCAPE PLAN. NATIVE PLANT COMMUNITIES ARE TO BE PRESERVED IN AREAS' BEGINING AT THE; "CURRENT VEGETATION LINE" TO THE EAST (DUNES) THIS SHOULD ACCOUNT FOR AT LEAST 35% OF THE SITE AT 2.28 ACRES OR 34,760.88 S.F.. FOR RETENTION OF NATIVE PLANTS PER SECTION 6.02.01 (D ( OF THE ST. LUCIE DEVELOPMENT CODE. ALL AREAS OF NATIVE VEGETATION, AS WELL AS, INDIVIDUAL TREES TO BE PRESERVED ON THIS SITE SHALL BE PROfiECTED DURING CONSTRUCTION ACCORDING TO THE MINIMUM GUIDELINES SET IN SEC TFION 6.00.05 C IN THE ST. LUCIE COUNT LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE. NOTE: NOTE, Failure to notify Landscape FINAL LANDSCAPE PLANS FOR CONSTRUCTION MUST NEE Architect of plan, detalb or T specification aprior constructionmmnkesco actor MINIMUM ST. LUCIE CO. LANDSCAPE CODE REQ. AND SUPERCEDE THIS DOCUMENT. responsible for all costs Incurred for construction charges, not the owner or his representative(Londscope Dynamics, Inc.) I GENERAL CONDITIONS SODDING 01.00 WORK INCLUDED 2. MATERIALS 01.00 WORK INCLUDED - The Contractor shall Furnish all labor and materials to complete sodding of areas 01.01 The Contractor and/or Sub -Contractor shall furnish all tabor, materials and equipment necessary for A. Planting beds shall be loosened t a milhirlum depth of 6' and .fertilized with a commercial H. BnckfiU shalt be watered twelve inches (12) at a time. After backfilling is completed, rake shown and labeled sodded' within the contract limits line shown on the drawings P ecifiecl. or herein s. s the completion of items as shown on the plans and/or specifications.. fertilizer at the rates describe in Se tton 5.0. Peat moss shall also be applied at the rate of smooth to finish grade and mulch oil plant beds. All trees and shrubs shall be mulched with '.. two inches <2') thick and worked Into he .upper six Inches (6') of the bed. after planting and finished grading ore completed. Shrubs shall have mulching of three Inches 02.00 DUALITY ASSURANCE (see general conditions) 01.02 Work shown on the plans and not mentioned in the specifications, or vice versa, shall be done as if (3') spread uniformly to cover entire area of planting pits. Areas of ground cover shall be shown on both and should any actual or apparent inconsistencies or errors be found, the Contractor B. The quantities given in the plant list. a e approximate only, and the Contractor shalt Furnish and mulched the same depths as lontin its. For the purpose of preventing girdling f P P 9 P Pos p o tree 03.00 SURFACE CONDITIONS (see general conditions) shall notifythe Landscape Architect as soon as the are discovered and not proceed with an work P Y P Y plaint all the plants required to P P q on tete P the work shownonthe drawings and the specification 9 P trunks by weed eater equipment, a three inch (3') deep x three Foot C3') diameter mulched ring e ) diameter where such uncertainty exists. t additional t. ndiscrepancies a no additio a cos Any ...e Found between the pion t L 1 p a and pant list shot be noted shall be maintained thereafter by refilling as necessary withmulch and by spraying with weed 04.00 PROTECTION OF PUBLIC PROPERTY (see general conditions) at the bottom OF. the bid, so ac urat e quantities can be incorporated in the final contract. killer to prevent.. encroachment of grass and weeds. 01.03 Should any objectionable materials such as old concrete, asphalt, line -rock, sub -base, bricks or other '. debris be encountered during. planting operation, they shalt be removed from the site'. by the landscape C. Plant names conform tothename. given in 'Standardized Plant Names' 1942 edition,. 05.00 CHANGE ORDERS (see general conditions) Contractor. prepared by the American. Joint Committee on Horticultural Nomenclature. Names or I. OAK AND PINE INSTALLATION. Special drainage condition may be required and should be - varieties not Included thereinconformgenernl(y with names accepted in the nursery trade. evaluated at time of installation of oaks and pines. Special planting preparation, i.e. raising c i 06.00 CLEAN UP. (see general conditions) 01.04 The landscape Contractor is entirelyresponsible for the work until final acceptance. of planting .levels, soils amending, etc., may be required depending on drainage conditions. Comply with all local codes and ordinances.- Obtain all permits and bonds to construe the pro,,77'ect. dimensions D.. Plants shall have h habit of growth t. at is normal for the species and shall be sound, healthy, Conditions. may vex between each planting location. Y Y c p g 07.00 COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE (see general conditions) Coodinate his/her work with other contractors. -Verify all existing grades, and conditions'in �o vigorous and. free of insects: dis ose and injuries, Tress Shalt be heavilybranched or In the field and bring discrepancies to the attention of the prior commencement of work. Palms,. leafed. Requirements for eosUrement branching, grading, quality, alling and J. Pruning shall be carefully done In accordance with each plant species' requirements and/or burlapping of plantson the list Should follow thecode of standardscurrently recommended as directed by the Owner or Landscape. Architect. The amount ofpruning sh II be Limited ted to INSTALLATION 02.00 QUALITY ASSURANCE by .the American Association of Nurseryman. Plants shall be Florida #1 or better as outlined the minimum necessary to remove deador injured twigs and branches and to compensate under Grades and Standards for Nursery Plants, for the loss of roots as a result of transplanting operations. Pruning shalt be done in such a A. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to Finish (fine) grade all areas to be sodded, taking care to 02.01 All Conntractors and/or Sub -Contractors shall have labor crews controlled and directed by an manner as not to change the natural habit or shape of the plant. All cuts over a half inch CK') eliminate all bumps, depressions, sticks,stones and others debris to the satisfaction of the Owner. Soil experienced foreman well versed in reading blueprints and specification ertoinin to their articular p g p pe p g p - E. MINI PINE BARK MULCH The rate of application shalt be for a full three inch depth of mulch in diameter shall. be treated with an approved tree paint. shalt be tilled six (6') inches deep toproduce a' loose friable soli conductive to sod growth. Water dry expertise, NOTE: Foreman to hove plans on -site at all times. to be applied. over att shrub. and ground cover areas. soil to depth of three. inches (3') 24 hours before sodding. K. Planting operations shot( be performed according to prevailing weather conditions at the time . 02.02 The Contractor shalt become thoroughly familiar with surface and subsurface utilities. All Contractors 3. WATER and at the discretion of the and/or sub -Contractors shall exercise care in digging and other work so as not to damage existing work Ie .Owner. B. Sod is to be installed within twenty-four'( 4) i 2 hours after 1' delivery, Keep stored sod most and under including underground storm and sanitary systems, water systems, electrical and telephone cables and Water used in the work will be furnished b)i the Owner unless otherwise noted, and will be suitable for L. Plants are to be delivered to the site in and at the dates established in consultation tation shade, or covered with moistened burlap. any other underground structures to be encountered in the construction phase. Should such overhead irrigation and free from Ingredients ha 9 9 mful', to plant life. Hose and over watering equipment shall be P 9with quantities q. su the Owner in order that the Owner's representative and Landscape Architect shall have t r Owner Shell or underground obstructions be encountered which interfere with planting, the Owne sha be furnished by the Contractor. .Every effort will be made to have irrigation systemoperational as quickly n minimum f full u o a u days work in supervising of specimen material. If trees. are C. The Contractor shall install the sod according to good horticultural radices. Sod that is not in good 9 9 P - - consulted and wilt adjust the location of plants to clear obstruction. The Contractor shall be co su ed a j p a such obs c l responsible t as possible. Contractor is responstb a or 't l and watering until systems are operab e.All landscape areas shall placement delivered to the site before slid date, they shall the condition either on the palette or shall be replaced at the discretion of the Landscape p P P - - responsible for the immediate repair of an damage caused b his work.responsibility P P Y 9 Y reaeve automatic irrigation. Proper watering „ and maintenance are the owners during the properly protected against .action of the sun and wind. Earth balls shall be mulched with cypress mulch and thoroughly with Architect. Do not install sod ]n saturated soil 02.03 on -sit before All dimensionsgand. existing conditions shalt be verified by the Contractor a guarantee perirod. - watered water at least once a day . Proper core, as outlined above, shop be taken of any plants stored on - _ construction begins. Any discrepancies shall be bought to the attention. of the Landscapes Architect. construction 4. GUYING, STAKING AND WRAPPING the site for more than twelve (12) hours. D. Solid sod shall be told with closet abutting staggered joins with a tamped or rolled even surface. It Y 9 99 j P shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to bring the sod edge in a neat clean manner to the edge 02.04. The Owner or his agent, shalt have the right at an stage of the operations to reject any and all work All trees shot( be staked unless specific approval .for its. omission is obtained from the Owner or M. Shrubs shall be pocket planted in the following manner, shrubs pit shalt be excavated 8' wider of all paving and shrub areas. 9 and materials which, in his opinion, do not meet with therequirements of these specifications. Such Landscape Architect. Guying and staking of . trees will not relieve the Contractor of the responsibility and 4' deeper than plant ball. Pit shall be backfil(ed with a mixture of two parts approved top rejected material shot( be immediately removed from the site and acceptable material Substituted in r resetting plants after they have been o se g p s a e ey a e town over, nor will it relieve h' f it f him o the responsibility or the soil t three t o ee parts existing sot. Four inches (4') of this mixture shall be placed in the pit before E. The sodded areas must at all b ded in to any its place. plants' uarantee If the plans dle as P 9 P result of bell blown over. All wood used in stoking 9 9' placing shrubs. After placing shrubs, the remainder of the it shall be filled to grade with this p 9 P $ P .times graded e g such a manner as prevent standing water. and guying shall be given one coat of green stain. Braces will not be attached to the tree with nails. mixture. Fertilizer shall be applied at the rate described in.5.0. Sprinkle fertilizers in mixture 03.00 SURFACE CONDITIONS Duckbill staking is also acceptable, Any method ofbracing other than those in the details must receive while backfilling pit. Leave plant 1-1/2' above finished grade for mulch. F. Peg sod on slope greater than.4 to 1 to prevent slippage. prior approval from the Landscape Ar hitec.:An single trunked specimen palms to be staked per detail -0 .01 3 The Landscape Contractor shall coordinate with the Lighting and Irrigation Contractors regarding timing P i9 9 9 9 9 9N. l a m ll trees a a contractor must keep a P P es I a t rl upright { condidtion throughout h s a e, u h ,hea healthy the guarantee P 9 Y9 N. Trees or palms moved by winch or crane shalt thoroughly from G. All sodded r II ll o ed areas shell be rotted with a roller with weighing a e1 him no more than 5 I per foot f roller 9 9 1 0 bs. p o0 o of the. installation of plant materials. Prior to all work, each Contractor and/or Sub -Contractor is to iod. period. protected chain marks, o .girding or bark slippage by means of burlap, wood battens, or other approved methods. width to eliminate all bumps and depressions. carefully inspect the Installed work. of allother trades and verify that such work It complete to the points. QUANTITIES, QUALITY AND SIZE Adequate protection shall be provided at all times for planted areas against trespassing by any where installation by the Contractor may commence. individuals and damage of any .kind. Such protection shall be maintained to the completion H. Apply fertilizer uniformly at manufacture's recommended rate five (5) days after sodding and at three A. The Contractor shall furnish quan ities',necessary to complete the planting as shown and of the contract. Trees so damaged will be removed. and. replaced at. the direction of the Owner (3) month intervals thereafter. Thoroughly water to avoid burning' or dama in 9 Y 03.02 In the event of discrepancies, all Contractors and/or sub -Contractors must immediatel!'y notify the .located on the drawings. Plants holiChave .the habit or growth that is normal for the species or Landscape Architect. gross. 9 9 9 9 Landscape Architect or project manager. No construction is to proceed until all discrepancies are fully and shall be sound, healthy, vigorous, !free from insects, plant diseases and injuries. All plants resolved. shell equal' or exceed measurements specified in the plant list which ore the minimum O, All proposed trees to be installed either entirely in or entirely out of planting beds. Planting MATERIALS acceptable. Plants should be me sured with branches in normal position, before pruning and bedlines are not to be obstructed. Shrub beds and groundcover areas shalt be kept c 04.00. PROTECTION OF PUBLIC PROPERTY pruning shall be done at the time of planting. cultivated, free of weeds and grass. and properly watered until acceptance, If any tree, shrub A. Sod -Sod type shoo be as in.. the wrens shown in the plans. The sod shall the of firm, tough or plant bed settles more than. three inches below the established finish grade, it snail be texture haulm a compact rowth f r I growth o shall contain weeds or 9 P !3 o. gross with good root development, The Contractor and/or Sub -Contractor shall, at all times, protect all materials and work against injury B. Trees selected should be well matched leas to height, spread and general conformation. Trees raised to the proper level and not merely filled filled additional mixed soil any other objectionable vegetation. The sod be free from fungus, vermin and disease. Before. 9 9 v se from any cause and shall provide and maintain all necessary guards for the protection of the public, delivered with broken balls will be re'e>Ided.. All trees must be approved b the Owner or the PP Y. .with Trees begin cut and lifted, the sod shall have been mowed least three times ha The Contractor and/or Sub -Contractor shall be held responsible for any damage or injuries to persons Landscape Architect, All tree ri gs a e to be mulched. Any non -deciduous trees going into to be saved shall be parkin of vehicles, material storage, soil removal, and addition P 9 9 watt with dawn rower, with 's or property which may occur as a result of his/her fault or negligence durin the execution of the work. P P Y Y9 shock shall be removed and repla ed. within dri of fill shall not be permitted within driplines, all work in these areas shall be done by hand:. the final mowing not more than days before the, sod ts.. cut.. The soda' shall be .carefully cut into . The Contractor shall insure that his work does not interrupt established or projected drainage potters. Transplanted plant :material shall not be guaranteed. is ep uniform dimensions. Owner or owner's representative must approve a and sod Installation in writing PP p g C. When all trees have been selected by the Contractor, he shall notify the Owner and to be provided by contractor) and owner must secure the services of a licensed pest control company 05.00 CHANGE ORDERS Landscape Architect to make his nspe tion upon twenty-four (24> hours notice. The P. A Nose without nozzle should b inserted t z s e se tea into the soil just beyond the earth ball and immediately immediately upon completion of landscape and must notify owner in writing within 5 business days. e Contractor shalt have located su ficii alternative choices to prevent loss of time in the event Allowed run at moderate rote until it bubbles at .the surface. Remove hose and place at place Any change or substitution in the plans must be negotiated between the Contractor and the Owner. that some trees fail to meet with the Owner's approval. The Contractor is to submit an PP c a anew location..diametrically opposite allow the water to run until the earth saucer .provided by B. Water - Free of substance harmful'. to growth ob'ectional odor or staining agents. 9 J 9 Any work performed on changes or 'extras' prior to execution of a written agreement may or may not installation program to the Landscape Architect for review for all specimen palm trees. the Contractor is filled to the brim. If this water is absorbed before fifteen (IS) minutes has 9 be compensated for by the Owner at his discretion. elapsed, this Indicated that the procedure outlined above should be repeated immediately, and C. Fertilizer - FS 0 F-241c(1). Grade A or B, Granular fertilizer shall be 16-4-8 with: at least 50 percent D. Extent of sod to be verified b Contractor y in. field. Additional sod required will be adjusted upon a q J P Again for as may times as necessary to retain water for more than fifteen (15) minutes. '�, (50%) of the nitrogen from a. non -water organic source for oil sodded areas. Apply 06.00 CLEAN UP square footage unit price, Additi nal bitting to be approved by Owner. Q. FERTILIZERS; Peat. moss and application of fertilizer. Rate of Application: The rote .soluble and distribute by methods and rates as recommended by the manufacturer. The Contractor and/or Sub -Contractor shall, at all times, keep the area free from accumulation of 6. WORKMANSHIP I. of application for dry Fertilizer shall be I unit of nitrogen per 1,000 square feet (this is equivalent Landscape contractors shall examine of all planting P plan ng areas for suitability to sustain plant growth and - waste material, rubbish and any other debris caused by his/her work. Alt existing plant material is to - to 16 tbs. of nitrogen per 1,000 square feet, 600 Ibs. per acre minimum), recommend soil additives/Fertilizers to owner prior to plant installation. „ remain and be protected unless otherwise noted or directed by the Landscape Architect. No fill A. GENERAL - material or use of heavy equipment around existing trees is allowed. Existing trees are to be protected 1. Application fertilizers shall be spread uniformly over areas to. be sodded or planted D. Stokes -.Softwood, 3-4 inch diameter square with eight inch i length. by a wood barricade erected no closer than the dripline of the tree. Upon completion of all sodding, 1. The Owner shall be notified t enty-four (24) hours in advance of the delivery of any with ground covers by use of an approved distribution device calibrated to distribute - - the Contractor shall leave the premises completely clear of all extraneous material pertaining to his plants to the site,. Deliver slips covering oil plants transported to the site shall be the specified quantities. MAINTENANCE _ o tract. c n furnished to the Owner. 7 2. Commercial fertilizer commercial fertilizer shall comply with the state fertilizer laws. A. Watering - Keep sod moist during firstainfall . week after planting, After first week, supplement rto 07.00 T COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE 2. Following the signing of the Contract and prior to the commencement of planting the A numerical designation for fertilizer indicated the minimum percentage respectively produce a total of two inched <2') per week. Contractor shall contact the Owner and Landscape Architect to work out a schedule of (1) total nitrogen, (2) available phosphoric acid, Q) water soluble potash contained A. Completion of work shall mean the full and exact compliance and conformity with the of planting dates to avoid conflicts in the Owner's construction schedule. in the fertilizer, .The chemical designation shall be as follows+ 9 B. - Mowing When reaches inches. (( in height, provisions expressed or implied in the drawings and specifications, including the complete grass six mow to three a inches in height Do not cut removal of al( trash debris created by. the Contractor. 3. Plant pits shall not be pre -di The location of plants as shown on the drawings are more than fifty percent (50%) of grass leaf in single mowing. Remove all grass 'clippings from lawn all Intended only as a guide. Pans she(( be delivered to the site and set on the ground A A. Shrubs and ground cover shall be 16-4-8 50% organic at the rate of 1-1/2 area B. Alt plants shall be alive and in good growingcondition for each specified kind of plant 10t the in the locations as shown on the''. drawings. All species of plants comprising a planting lbs. per 1,000 sq. ft. time of acceptance., composition shall be delivere at'Ithe same time, unless otherwise directed. The t It C. Weed Eradication - Between second and third mowing, apply herbicide specifically recommended for � Owner or Landscape Architect P t then determine the specific location of the (ants, P p B. Trees shall be 16-4-8 50'L organic at the rate of 1-1/2 tbs. per, inch of trunk gross type uniformly at manufacturer's recommended rate. C. All work under this contract shall not be finally accepted until expiration of the r7•ain!tenance !Sstet diameter. After such time the Owner shall inform the n in writing that a site inspection period. a uc e O e e Contractor g p B. Collected plants hell not be used e p n s unle s nursery -grown k I ntavailablen I o a r then only for final acceptance shall be held. Upon review of oil plants and sodding operations, the when authorized by the Owner. C llec a ed stock material shall have a ball one third larger than R. The Contractor shalt insure adequate vertical drainage in all plant beds and planters. Vertical D. Edging - Neatly edge and trim around all f g 9 y 9 pant beds, curbs, roadways, sidewalks, streets, trees and Owner shad approve or disapprove the completion of the contract in writing. Portia Final nursery -grown stock's root ball. drilling through any compacted fill to native soil shalt be accomplished to insure drainage. plants. Maintain shapes and configurations of plant beds as installed. Maintain clean, trenched edge acceptance may be given to the Contractor, at the Owner's discretion, providing the between gross and mulch areas. Take care not to injure tree trunks or plant materiols during edging unaccepted work is corrected immediately. thereafter. C. The Contractor shalt provide for the lonting operation, sufficient toots. and personnel to tarry 7. MAINTENANCE operation. out the planting without delays, A. Maintenance shall commence after each plant has been planted and shall continue until final E. Acceptance - The Contractor shall produce a good stand of grass, acceptable to the Owner and LANDSCAPE SPECIFICATIONS D. Container -grown plants. shalt be c re£u ly removed From the container so as not to disturb the acceptance of all work. Plantings shop be maintained by watering, removingdead branches, Landscape Architect and shall maintain these areas until inspection and front acceptance. 01.00 WORK INCLUDED - Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials and equipment necessary for the root system. Y resetting plants to proper r r g p pr g odes, o upright position, and any other operations necessary to .Damaged or unsatisfactorilysodded areas shall be resodded to the Owner's satisfaction: e. complete the maintenance. completion of planting and related items as shown on the plans and/or specifications. E. The root ball of all container grown trees must be inspected to Insure that it isabsorbing water. If the root ball is dry, the lands cape',, Contractor is responsible for handwatering the root belt B. Replacement of plants necessary during the maintenance .period shall be the responsibility 02.00 QUALITY ASSURANCE (see general conditions) every three days for two month or until completion of installation. If installation is completed of the Contractor. before a two month period the r sponstbility of hand watering. shall be assumed by the 03.00 SURFACE CONDITIONS (see general conditions) maintenance Contractor for the iemairfder of the period. C. In the event that weeds or other undesirable vegetation becomes prevalent, it shall be the 04.00 PROTECTION OF PUBLIC PROPERTY (see general conditions)` F. MATCHED TREES: Trees designated as 'matched' shott conform to the measurement landscape Contractor's responsibility to remove them.. MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT specified or indicated on the drn tags and shall not vary from the size specified more than 1. Trees, shrubs and ground cover will be measured for payment on the basis of each plant, complete, 05.00 CHANGE ORDERS (see general conditions) 9 107 or hove a caliper size (diameter at breast height/D.B.H.) which varies more then 1/4 inch, Where D. Trees or other plants which fall or are blown over during the one (1) year guarantee period will in piece, Sod and seed will be measured by the square yard complete and in place. a single trunk is specified, the plaint shall have a single straight trunk for a height of not less be reset by the Contractor at no additional expense to the Owner. The only exception being 06.00 CLEAN UP (see general conditions) than 50% of the overall tree het ht. hurricane force winds. 2. Associated products, equipment and execution necessary therefore or incidental thereto will not be 07.00 COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE (see general conditions) - G. Alt trees sholl be planted in pits t least three feet (3') in diameter than their ball of 8. GUARANTY AND REPLACEMENT separately measured but will be considered as included in the measurement for trees, shrubs, ground and. ! .earth or, spread of roots. The epthl greater of the pits shall be at least two feet (2') and as much cover, sod seed, !, deeper as it is necessary to accommodate the ball of the roots and to permit the required A. All new plants shallbe guaranteed for. one (1) full year from time of acceptance, and shall be PLANTING INSTALLATION preparation of the bottom of thepit so that it will not be necessary to raise or tower the tree to alive and in satisfactory growth for each specific kind of plant and the end of the guaranty 3. Payment will be made based n h sea e the measured quantities Y q at the contract unit price. 1. SELECTION OF PLANTS bring it to the required grade, hen the tree has. been properly set the pit. shall be backfilled watered period, except as noted. with existing soils shalt be thorou hly during and after back Filling. Enough existing 4. Final.. Payment will be made when the following documents are., presented to the Owner: A. The Contractor, or a. member of his/her firm, shall select and to all plants, not the soils shall be used to. bring the urfa e when settled to the required grades. B. During the guaranty period, and until its completion. date, any plant that is dead or not in 9 nurseryman or wholesaler. All plants to be Florian #1: or better. �. satisfactory condition, as determined by the Owner or Landscape Architect, shall be removed A. Release of lien - Contractor shall furnish the Owner with release of liens from all his suppliers, and replaced. .Plants replaced.. shall be inspected and accepted and then guaranteed for one as well as any sub-Controctor doing work on his behalf on this. project. The landscape B. The Contractor shall submit photographs or all 'specimen'. plants, if any are so identified on (1) growing season after the new acceptance date. Contractor shall provide the Owner. with a release of lien prior to final payment, the documents, For preliminary approval by the Owner or be prepared for site rejection by the Owner if the plants do not meet with the Owners's approval; C. All (ant replacements shall be of the some kind and size as specified in the lent list. The P P P p _Y B. As -built drawings - During the course of the installation, the landscape and irrigation ill Shalt be furnished and planted as specified herein. The cost shall be the responsibility of. the Contractor shalt record all changes made to the landscape plan during Installation. These 9 P P 9 C. I r 1 permitted only!an SUBSTITUTIONS: Substitutions or plants o change in size of pans will be ed NP Contractor, providing the plants h s eve been properly maintained b the Owner after th 9 P P P Y Y e e are f upon authorization by the Owner or the Landscape Architect. If plants are not suffl tent size completion of the work and expiration of the maintenance period. changes shall be carefully shown in red line on a print of the landscape plan. ..Upon to meet applicable codes, a letter of variance From the appropriate city approval mint be obtained : Landscape contractor shall not be responsible for plant material death ordamage due to Floodingcompletion of the installation, the landscape Contractor shall transfer the red line Information - by the Contractor prior to the issuance of any change order. If plants of smaller size are to be. - (Inducting heavy rainfall, lightning, vandalism, automobiles,: Freezing weather drought, winds in excess..on to a sepia For reproducible os-built" drawings for review and approval by the Owner or his accepted the quantity of plants shall be increased to meet the intent of the drawings at :no of fifty (50) MPH, irrigation failure, or owner. negligence. authorized representative. The Contractor isto ask Owner for sepias of landscape plans. additional cost to the Owner. ' C. Written Guarantee. s NOTE: Follere to no*Wy Landscape Architect of plan, deti or specification discrepancies prior to construction makes contractor ! responsible for all c Incurred for costs nstructlon char not the owner or his representative(Londscope Dymmics, Ii ANDSCA HITECT: oberf chano ON32 LANDSCAPE DYNAMICS INC hereby reemws ITS canon low "py0l and othe, erminly 61 in In. pins, Ideas, end dadgre. These Wens, desi and pans me not to be repro lei chmged, or copied in my Inn or ownnew whoteetwr, ni we they to be assigned to my thhd Peft withal rest 01611 the express wi pam'weim iron LANDSCAPE DYNAMICS INC. G 5 O oa .Q U .0 � 10 a 1:7 N o CMV lD Fol � V! YJ v cc cc • 0 is 00 L W Z J IL 4 W V a: Q 1L U ry d Q J cc Co.) 00 CV lewee LL C�C W Awwwww 0 rn � E A L"'y G7 rr�� VJ • U 0 0- L I UO C1 �.. NCO n00 M oft Ta � t A�. v lyd■ 4 FT. ABOVE I FT. BELOW T. TO 14 FT. 'LINE OF TREE ECTED CONNECTOR NGE VINYL I ADE TO REMAIN PAM 'DUCKBILL" TREE ANCHORS (3-REQUIRED, EQUALLY SPACED) 2-5TRAND5 TWISTED e12 SOLID GALVANIZED WIRE AD,)-A-TYE ROOT BALL a AGRIFORM FERTILIZER TABLETS TREE PIT -LIMIT OF MULCH PLACED A MAXIMUM 4" FROM ROOTBALL AND 6'-8' BELOW FINISH GRADE REMOVE BURLAP FROM UPPER GALVANIZED STEEL 1/3 OF ROOT BALL AND CUT SLITS TURNBUCKLE WITH WHITE ON THE REMAINING BURLAP MATERIAL SURVEY TAPE FASTENED SECURELY TEMPORARY SAUCER AGRIFORM FERTILIZER TABLETS FINISH GRADE l —U'— SOIL MIX WITH TERRASORB SOIL MIXTURE PLACED III -lg - = GRANULES PER MANUFACTURES SPECS. IN THE BOTTOM OF THE PLANT PIT SHALL BE -I —� (=III= —� EXISTING SUBSOIL TAPPED PRIOR TO THE SETTING OF TREE TO PREVENT SETTLEMENT PLANTING PIT 15 TO BE 1.5 TIMES THE ROOT BALL TYPICAL STAKING AND PLANTING DETAIL SCALE: N.T.S. SAUCER 3' MULCH AGRIFORM FERTILIZER TABLETS FINISH GRADE SOIL MIX WITH TERRA60RB GRANNUALS - — GRANNUALS PER MANUFACTURES SPECS. BALL OF EARTH a _ITi —III—IIIIII--I I: I —I I i—III. ROOTS (VARIES) -1 I III— —III—III —I 11= EXISTING SUB SOIL COMPACTED „I II PLANTING MIX TO PLANTING PIT IS TO BE PREVENT 1.5 TIMES THE ROOT BALL SETTLEMENT TYPICAL SHRUB PLANTING DETAIL SCALE: N.T.S. PLANTING 1.5 TIMES TYPICAL PALM TREE PLANTM DETAIL NINE Cur T'ER5 OF BURLAP 'TECT TREE TRUNK 3x8 P.T. UIOOD BATTENS � STEEL BANDS TO BATTENS. ?x4 P.T. UIOOD BRACES L TO BATTENS 2' MULCH m 13 SOIL AS SPECIFIED SCALE: N.T.S. PALMS OVER TEN PEET (10') NEED TO BE ANCHORED. 2'-SAUC CH-�\ A� FIN SH GRADE RM ER TABLETS -III II �x �IIIIIII,IIII�IIII�- - SOIL MIX COMPACTEDII _ :'''':: ^.• :. _ILI'II PLANTING MIX TO _I�— EXISTING SUB SOIL PREVENT : I I I 1111 111-III l i l l 11 I I i-1 1(- SETTLEMENT PLANTING PIT 15 TO BE 1.5 TIMES THE ROOT BALL TYPICAL GROUNDCOVER PLANTING DETAIL SCALE- N.T.S. R EDGE OF PAVEMENT OR CURB 1.51) V �/ V V \{ V \� A )/ A A A ° V Y V V V ° A A A A �— SOD ° V v v V EDGE OF BEDLINE 0 NOTE: FORM EDGE OF BED, THEN FILL IN BED AT TRIANGULAR SPACING AS SPECIFIED ON PLANT LIST, TYPICAL SPACING DETAIL SCALE: N.T.S. r PLANTIM la TIMES I111 +ND TIED FRONDS BIODEGRADABLE FOR TIE MATERIAL IUT' R5 OF BURLAP :CT TREE TRUNK 3 P.T. WOOD BATTENS STEEL BANDS TO BATTENS. 4 P.T. U BRACES TO B ' MULCH M SOIL AS SPECIFIED TYPICAL PALM TREE PLANTING DETAIL SCALE: N.T.S. PALMS OVER TEN FEET (109 NEED TO BE ANCFIORED. TALLATI❑N NOT LANDSCAPE CONTRACTORS (LC) SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE F❑R1 -ALL WORK AND MATERIALS AS CALLED FOR ON THE LANDSCAPE PLAN. -VERIFYING MATERIAL QUANTITIES ON THE PLAN, PLAN TO CONTROL. -COMPLY WITH ALL LOCAL CODES AND ❑RDINANCES. -OBTAIN ALL PERMITS AND BONDS TO CONSTRUCT THE PROJECT, -C❑❑RDINATE HIS WORK WITH OTHER CONTRACTORS. -SUPPLYING ALL MATERIALS, LABOR, AND EQUIPMENT FOR HIS WORK, -VERIFY ALL EXISTING GRADES, DIMENSI❑NS, AND C❑NDITIONS IN THE FIELD AND BRING DISCREPANCIES TO THE ATTENTION OF THE OWNER PRI❑R TO COMMENCEMENT OF WORK, -PROTECT EXISTING UTILITIES, SURFACES, STRUCTURES, AND VEGETATION TO BE SAVED AND BE RESPONSIBLE FOR REPAIR AND REPLACEMENT, -TREES TO BE SAVED SHALL BE PROTECTED. PARKING OF VEHICLES, MATERIAL STORAGE. SOIL REMOVAL, AND ADDITION OF FILL SHALL NOT BE PERMITTED WITHIN DRIPLINES. ALL WORK IN THESE AREAS SHALL BE DONE BY HAND. -ALL PLANT MATERIAL SHALL BE FLORIDA GRADE NO. 1 OR BETTER AS IDENTIFIED IN GRADES AND STANDARDS FOR NURSERY PLANTS, DIVISION OF PLANT INDUSTRY, STATE OF FLORIDA. -ALL PLANT BEDS AND TREE SAUCERS SHALL BE DRESSED WITH A MINIMUM OF 2' SHREDDED CYPRESS MULCH OR MINI PINE BARK MULCH. -L.C. SHALL WARRANTY ALL TREES FOR 180 DAYS, SHRUBS AND GROUND - COVERS FOR 90 DAYS AND SOD FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ACCEPTANCE BY OWNER, REPLACEMENT MATERIALS SHALL BE GUARANTEED FOR AN ADDITI❑NAL 130 DAYS. - ALL PLANT MATERIAL SHALL BE ALIVE AND SH❑WING GROWTH AT THE END OF THE GUARANTEE PERI❑D. -TRANSPLANTED PLANT MATERIAL SHALL NOT BE GUARANTEED, -L.C. SHALL EXAMINE SOIL OF ALL PLANTING AREAS FOR SUITABILITY TO SUSTAIN PLANT GROWTH AND RECOMMEND S❑IL ADDITIVES TO OWNER PRIOR TO PLANT INSTALLATI❑N. -L:C. SHALL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR PLANT MATERIAL DEATH OR DAMAGE DUE TO FLOODING (INCLUDING HEAVY RAINFALL) LIGHTNING, VANDALISM, AUTOMOBILES, FREEZING WEATHER, DROUGHT, WINDS IN ACCESS OF FIFTY (50) MPH, IRRIGATION FAILURE, OR OWNER NEGLIGENCE. -PROPER WATERING AND MAINTENANCE ARE THE OWNERS RESP❑NSIBILITY DURING THE GUARANTEE PERI❑D, -L.C. SHALL KEEP JOB SITE CLEAN AND FREE OF DEBRIS AND RUBBISH AT ALL TIMES. -ALL LANDSCAPED AREAS SHALL RECEIVE AUTOMATIC IRRIGATI❑N, -PLANT MATERIAL GUARANTEE APPLIES ONLY TO THOSE PLANTS GUARANTEED BY THE PLANT GROWER AS PROPERLY INSTALLED BY THE L.C.. -OWNER OR OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE MUST APPROVE LANDSCAPE AND SOD INSTALLATI❑N IN WRITING (FORM TO BE PR❑VIDED BY LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR) AND OWNER MUST SECURE THE SERVICES OF A LICENSED PEST CONTROL COMPANY IMMEDIATELY UPON C❑MPLETI❑N OF LANDSCAPE AND MUST NOTIFY OWNER IN WRITING WITHIN FIVE (5) BUSINESS DAYS. ADDITI❑NAL NOTEI FINAL LANDSCAPE SPECS, AND DETAILS FOR CONSTRUCTION MUST MEET MINIMUM ST. LUCIE COUNTY LANDSCAPE CODE REQUIREMENTS AND SUPERSEDE THIS DOCUMENT, NOTE, Falwe to notify Landscape Architect of plan, detail, or specification discrepancies prior to construction makes contracts respotsiI far all costs Incurr" for construction charges. not the osner or his representativeCLandscape DynaMcs, LxJ � � I Al ANDSCAB A CHITECT�: Oh2lC chaflp 0000932 LANDSCAPE DYNAMICS INC. hereby reserves IYS mmmm low eopyriot ad other Property riots in there paw. dens, and designs. These ideas, desi". and pans ae not to be rWp Wed, mmged, a ca ted b my tame a mmm whatsoew. AM we they to be ossoed to my third party. mttwul first obtoMYq the W'm M. permavm from LANDSCAPE DYNAMICS INC. O m ® CV ^00 �r. u_ Z J X X pnp� 0�0 y�... (L u Lu ® W z Q 0 o Q F- W S 0 Q w a Q U co z J N/, IL O Q ~' Zco F—% /x 0 / 4D z ;\ X. N C7 h up IL , cc / 0 [ \ X