HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIONAl I AP PU ABLE I N FO M UST 8 E COMPUTED FOR AP F Ll CATION TO BE ACCEPT E D Date: — 9z L LITCXE Permit NUMber` Building Permit Application Planning -and 0evelopment Servjce5 1501ding and Code R u il Da v&00. 2300 Virginiv Avenue, Fo(r Pierce FL 3499.2 Phone' (7721462-1553 Fax:. (772} 462-157 PERMIT APPLICATION FOR - Commercial VKU1wU E� i[vIIPR I E IE[ T � Ail - — Address. 4 � v l Property Tax I D #: Residential Site Plan Naive- Preject Narne 1 DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF WORK: %o n Kc mew H ect ri ca I Meter Second E1 ectei cal ete r _J Lcrt N o. Block N o. CONSTRUCTION 1 ORMATIO : Additional work to be performed under this perrnit —check all that appiY: —mecharlica Electric Gas Tank Plurnhing —Gas Piping Sp i nklers Total Sq. Ft Df Construction: w Cost of Constructierr: — L J_ - OWNER/LESSEE: Name 1 _C_i; State Zip -00-de; Fix= — Ph -one No. — 5 hutte rs Gene rate r I win(jowV1):o1oT'5 PoTid Sq _ Ft, of r i rst Floor. U t-11ities: _ Sevuu r _Septic Roof Pitch Building Height: CONTRACTOR, Na rne:ell r — Ail -dress; by city State; Zipade, `! — _ Fax: Phone NO �r f �if�er�rtt E-Mail„ Fi I I I n fe e s i mple Title Ho Fier on next p a ge ( i state *r CountV License lc�l' M frorrti the L;wn er V V19:1 1f �� LU � of e�nSCru ck i art is ��ee o r n'+�re, � RECORDED�Ie of CaMm enCeMent iS required. If value of HAV is S7,50Dor rrore, a FtECO E ]a ice fCommencement required. — SUPPLEMENTAL CONSTRUCTION LIEN LAW fN ' DESIGNER ENGINEER: Not Applicable � Na rune r Address. iI State: ZIP, Phone FEE S1MPLE TrrLE HOLDER: Not Applicable Name: Address: Cats{:_. _ ZiP: Phone: 'OR ATION: M OIRTISAG E CO M PANY; Applicable Marne: Add ress= City: st-ate: ZIP: Phone: A BONDING COMPANY, N a me; Address. i ; Zip- Phone: -I. ,i- Not Applicable OWN ERI CONTRACTOR AF FID IT: AP PI i cati on is hereby mad a to obta i ri a permit to do th a work and installation as i ridicated. I certify that no work or Installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permft. St. Lu cie Co u nty rn a k-es n o representati on that is gra n#i ng a Perm it M111 authorize the peem it hold or to b u i Id the 5u bject structure which is in confIia with any applicable Dome Owners Ass+ociation rules, bylaws or and covenants that may. restrict or prohlbit such structure _ please cans u I t with your Home Owners Association and nevi eve your deed for and+ restricHens which may apply_ In consideration of the'rantfng of this requested permiltr I do hereby agree that J will, in all respects, perform the work in accordance with the approved plaits, the J=lorfda Building Codes and st. Lucie County Amendments. The following building permit applications are exempt from undergoing a full concurrency reWew; room additions, -accessory Structures, swimming pools, fences, waft, signs, screen rooms and accessory uses to another non-residential Use WAR N ING TO OWN E R.- lea u r fa it u re to Record a Notice Gf Commencern ent may result in Paying twice for Improvements to vour property. A Notice of Commencement mu!5t be recorded in the public records of St, Luce Coyrity and posted cn the jobsit�! before the first inspection. If you Intend to obtain finarrdng, consult with lerr e r rM �ttorn befare commenci ng work or recording Year Notice of Commencernent. Signature of Owner/ Lessee/Contractor as Agent for G wner STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTYOP ,5w rc to or affirmed) a nd s u bscri bed befa rE me of hWeal Prime ce or Online Notariz�tivn this day of . 2021 by V; rf4LX NaMe of person making statement. Personally Kncwn Type of Eden ificalion Produced (Sfgna 5ignaturi� of -Con-tractor/License Holder STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF f- to (C r affirmed) and s u bsori bed before me crF v�r rrr hysioa l Presence or ON i ne Note rizatiori this day -of 2026 by Name of pe roc n maki rig state-merrt OR Produced Iderrtificatfon Perscnally Known OR produced Iden ification Type of Identification Prod LFed of Nota ry Vu bl et- State of Florid a ,�EK A L. F`RA�I ComrtissiGn N RENEWS DATE RECEIVED DATE CO PLETE D ev. Ey'py ,d,pcil2q.2G23 art } IadI'd :,0Lr� ServLm FRONT ZONING SUPERVISOR COUNTER REVI EW RVI EW (Si ,atu re cf Notary PuN ic- State of FRarida ) rnmission Epic_ � ``` -, � ,IENNAL_ FRANCO PLANS I VEGETA-FION REV I EW REVIEW 11EKNosApciii 29,2023 SEA TURTLE MANGROVE RElulEW REVIEW