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Architectural Drawings
Temporary Sanitary facility shall be maintained on Site during construction. Contractor Shalt review drawings and on Site conditions prior to permitting and Start of construction. Additionally, contractor Shall verify location of electric, telephone. water, gas & sanitary sewer service prior to Start of contructlon. if the contractor believes he has discovered errors and/or ommlSslonS in the Construction Documents, he Shall notify tho Architect In writing for clarification before proceeding with any work. If the contractor falls to give Such notice & obtain written clarification, he shall be roSponslble for Such omissfon(s) and for the cost of rectifying same. Contractor shall furnish or provide equipment, operations, labor & materials, necessary to perform and complete the Project. Work shall be done In accordance with applicable local, State & federal bulletins and saftey codes and with manufacturer's published Instructions, Contractor shalt provide owner with a full year warrantee on the entirety of the complated Improvemants and additions notwithstanding warrantees Issued upon indiVldual components by manufacturers or sub- contractors. The 1 year perloci begins art date of acceptance by Jurisdiction. SiTE PREPA1tATtON See Shoat ST-1 for raqufrments of site cloartng & prepporatfon. Allowable bearing Is 2500 PSF per Site Report by KS M Englneerfng. (attached to Permit SubmPsafon) CONCiZETE Concrete Shall be ready mixed per ASTM C-24. Concrete Shalt develop a minlmum strength of 4000 pot W 25 days after placement. See Concrete Teatime requirements on Sheet ST-1. REINFORCiNO Kafnforefng steel shall be deformed, new billet steel In accordance w/ ASTM A-615. Grade 60 and datafted per ACI 315. Splices shalt be chat( be in accordance w/ Chapter 7 of ACI-31S. w/ A min. Splice of 49 bar diameters. CONCR ETE MASONRY Concrete block units shall conform w/ A5TM C-90. Mortar shall be Type M w/ a Fm of 1500 pat per ASTM C270. Lay concrete blocks In running bond w/ OUCCeSSlve courseS lapped 1/2 of A unit. Placement of units shall be Stralght, level and plumb and true to a tolerance of 1/&' In 10'. Provide DUR-O-WALL Standard weight all galvanlzed #9 ease truss reinforcing at each second course of masonry Lay concrete blocks In runnfng bond w/ successive courses lapped 1/2 of a unit. Vertica[ Masonry Relnforoement : Fill calls where shown on Drawlhgs w/ #5 vertical and #5 4a diameter overlap dowel to footing for all wails. - CAST -IN -PLACE TKENCH DRAIN SYSTEM EconoDraln - series 12 sloped drain system w/ #EO-0424-1- DI-ADA grate - AASHTO M306-HS25 (50,000#) load rating. AvaflaWat vlm direct order: Multi-Drafn Systems - (704) 50a-1010 1405 5tatesvitle, NC 2,5625 STKUCTUIZAL STEEL Structural Steel Shall conform to the latest edltfome of AISC Specfficatlono for the desfgn, fabrieatlon and erection of structural Steel and ASTM A-36, latest edition. All field welds shall be repainted w/ two coats of rust inhibiting paint of the same brand and type as the shop coat. PRE-ENGINEERED STRUCTUKE The pre-eng(neored bullding system, mozzanfno frame & Clack, exterfor trim, wait & roof panelo shall be designed. signed & Sealed by a Florida Keelotered Englneer. CECO 5ulldtng Systems Job #17-a-71752-1 WZ-5";Ir chcusc & 0-f Jce -fore 2908�L 5to Lucie County, Florida The lntermedlate frames, roof purlfns and framing Shalt be components of a pre-omelneercd bullding structural System rated for F5C 160 mph , Exposure "C". Manufacturer shalt supply structural drawings prepared, signed and sealed by a Florida Ucenood structural engineer. ROOF & WALL PANELS - Coco 26 gage "Rib 12" 0alvalume overlap Scrow-down panel oyetem. - install per Manufacturer's F5C 160 mph 3-Second wfndzone acceptance. METAL STtZUCTUi2E ROOF INSULATION DUlleiing roof Insulation shall be Ghat[ be 3" vinyl faced Fiberglass batte . All components Shall be a part of A elmeto manufacturer's system. MISC. METALS Supply mfecoltanooue rriatats me reolufred to completo etructuro and other compononts. HAi2DWAIZE Products installed for this Pro eat Shalt be brand, tine &ffnlsh per [feting below. Contractor to submit (4) copfge of Hardware 5chedule prepared by an Architectural Hardware Consultant for review me Shop Drawings before releasing material. CAULKING Exterior sealant shall be oingle part polyurathano DOOtZS Access Doors - Hollow Metal - 0-60 gaty. steel 16 gage inoulated door & frame with ADA lever handle lockset & safety Chaim. CAULKING Exterior soa(ant shall be Sfngle part polyurethane. SlkaFlex 1A. INSULATION - CONDITIONED AREA ROOF & METAL WALLS - Nominal 5" average thicknoo R-20 Icynone Clasic MAX open cell foam polyurethane insulation. - Per 1CC-ES9 #1a26, Section 3.5. areas of ieynena ines- ulatfon not covered by min. Wall gypsum drywall, Shalt be oovorod with "DC-315" (ESP, 3702) Intumeneont coating. INSULATION - WALL -1" thick iZ-6 , double mylAr faced THERMAX foam board (me- utatton applied in full cheats directly over C55 watts, tape all Joints w/ Mylar "duct tape", foam -Seat Ali outlet & switch boxes, instal( furring over completed Inc. For Additional insulation types, see+ Notes Shoot M-2. STOREFRONT & FIXED WINDOWS Operating & fixed windows chat[ be aluminum frame, Impact resistant, Low-E, Arson filled, Inoulated COI 3500 nomtnat 1 3/4" x 5" Clear anodized Storefront Systom, STOREFRONT Doors Operating & fixed windows shall be aluminum frame, Impact resistant, Low-E. Argon filled, insulated Clear anodized. COI Series 3550, EXTERIOR SAND FINISH STUCCO Stucco on C55 shall Consist of 3 Coate. Coate 1 & 2 shalt be 1 part Portland Cement to 2 1/2 parts clean white eAnd. The Contractor chat[[ keep the stucco rnofst 2 daye following Application. Not lose than 2 days after the ftrot coat io Applied, the finish coat of similar cement chat[ be with Iisht sand textured finish coat. Minimum thickness 3/4". STUCCO ACCESSORIES Plastic Compononts, Inc. - ULTRA -TRACK 1" x 31W stucco channel reveal with molded corners & Intersections. - Weep-scroods, J-beads, corner reinforcement, eto. shall all be Plastic Components PVC. INTERIOR WALL STUDS Unless otherwise noted on Plane, wall Studs ahall be 20 sago Aluminized Steel w/PT baewe plate. Size As shown on Plane. MISC. METALS Supply miscellaneous metals AS required to complete structure And other components. PAINTING SCHEDULE Interior paint Shall be ftrot grade products of 5enjaman Moore Paint Co. or Keim Mineral Coatings. Exterior C55, Stucco & 5orml Trim Two fullceats of KEIM Mineral Coottngs " 50DAL1T ME", self-cleaning Sot-911fcate fIrish w/ KEIM primer. Interior Drywall - 5enjaman Moore "Cashmere" line or bettor Primer (1) coat interior grade latex drywall prfmar (2) two full coats eggehelt latex Interior HM Doors & Metal F) Atkyd primer 2) full coats gloss alkyd semf-gloss Interior wood doors (1) clear Sanding seater (2) Mtnwax oft based Stain 3 full Coate full gloss Mtnwax full gloss polyurethane varnish. NOTE - ALL SIX surfces of door panels shall receive the Same ftnfeh. PLUMBING NOTES Contractor shall connect Sanitary outfali to St. Lucia County san- Itary system per Site Englneering plans prepared by M5V Engineers, Materials 1. Sanitary Waste - PVC 2. 5elow grads supply - Type "K" soft copper. 3. Above grade supply - UPONOR PEX saml-flexible pipe with non-motalllc Connections. 4. Insulate hot water supply per FBC Plumbing & Energy Efficiency codas. Ptumbing system shall meet all requirements of the F5C "Moch- anlcal Coda", Florida ADA and local requirements. Provide all Permits and InSpoctlons as required. HVAC NOTES See Sheet M-2 for aditional requirements. HVAC system shall be constructed per these plans and the require- menta of ASHRAE, F5C Mach. code., Florida Energy Code and other regulations as they apply. Air Condltloning Ductwork shall be interior coated Fiberglas duct - board,. Spiral palnted metallic duct or flexible round Installed per F5C & A6HRAE requirements Contractor shall balance system and adjuSt air balance and control Systems as required for complete operation. Provide complete system guarantoo & maintenance for A period of one year from Issuance of Certlftests of Occupancy. Compressor and controls shall additionally carry a five year full coatof roplaco-meat guarantee. ELECTKICAL NOTES see sheet E-3 for additional electrical requirements. h e accordance w/ the re ufrementS Electrical instailatlon and equipment shall b in ac r q of the 2008 Edition of the NEC (NFPA #70) as amended, and all local and state Codes in force 4 the time of construction. Contractor shall make final arrangements for electrical and tolephono service. Verify transformer location and service points for utilities prior to bids. Provide all necessary permfte. All material shall be UL approved & labe[od. Ground syetem in accordance w/ Article 250 NEC, Panelboarels and loadcenters shall be square D, ITE or approvoei equal. Provide custom engraved minimum 8" x 10" sign affixed to each panel Identifying panel name, voltage and ampaoity. Provide a typewritten directory for each pmhc$oard. Deffered Submfesfons: - Automatic Fire Sprinkler System & calculations - Ffre Alarm System - Iriterfor & exterior stairway shop & fabrfcatfotl PKODUCT SELECTION froduots idettiflad in this SchadWe are thedfreot restilt of the products manufaoturar in deafgnfng, testing &gaining approval for the product motiq the requirements of the Hotels flu 144 Code. 6y olgntng rf; sating of this document, the Architect Is accepting responsibility for the selection of the product in meeting the requirements of the Florida Bdldfng Coda but not for the responeiblllty of the product itself, 4 II -II I7-:Md Ili 11 I`T D D Mil A L5-1 Life 5afety flan 5T-1 Foundation flan, Site Prep 5E-1 5fte Lighting Photometrfcs 51--2 Foundation Schedule & 5ectfons 5D-1 Site 51gn 5T-3 Loading Area & Truck Well Details A-1 Suflding Elevatforle M-1 First & 5econd Level HVAC plans A-2 First Level Floor Plan M-2 Mechanical [Zoom Detail Plan A-3 5econd Level flan LV-1 Low Voltage & Lighting control Plan A-4 Door & Wfndow 5chedule E-1 Door & Window 5chedule A-5 Keetroom Detail flan & Elevations E-2 Llghtfng Plan A-6 Lobby 5ectforis E-3 Electrical Panels, Load Cato & Kfeer A-7 5tair Elevatfons Proposed Warehouse & Offfces Bufleifine Areas Wslrehouee 121000 5F Wolf Lubc E�ui pmemtppfrle LLC Sht a10 5 Level Office 1,?a5 5F 19t Level 2nd Level Office 2140 5F Post Office Cfrcle A/C 5toraec aeo 5F: 5t. Lucie County, Florfda Loaeifrle Dock 635 5F Total 1 a,220 5F Q:QD�D Ili Q`.QD103[IlD1LIIlA.N` Q:lE - Florida 5uilding Codc 2017, 6 th Edition Space Net Area (Sr) SF/Pereon Occupants -160 mph - Exposure "C" - 3 -second burst Lobby 609 100 6 Occupancy - Mixed use, single occupant Conference/D(splay* 664 33 21 5eotlon 304.1- Buslness Group"B" Offices break (Zoom 1800 20 9 5ectfon 31M - Group "64' Warehouse Office - 2nd Fir. 2415 200 12 Table 508.4 Iequf red Separation of Occupancies" Acc storage, Mechanical 8,97 500 3 Warehouse 26 "N" No separation requirement 12660 500 Total Occupants 77 Type of Construction II 8 Noncombustable,1007a NFPA 13 compliant sprinkler Exit capacity - stairs 4a' / 0.3/ com =160 or 10607. of req'd.2nd floor egress FBC Table 504.3 - Allowable Helght Above Grade Plane Exit capacity tot Floor 32" /0.2/ocou,=IGO or 2077. of req'd.lot floor egress Maximum 76 height - Actual height = 32' st ridge Minimum required number of exito = 2 FBC Table 504.4 - Allowable # of Stories Above Grade Plane Provided = 5 with 3 (GO%) bottle barrier free 4 building oornere &front, center Allowable # of stories = 2, actual = 2 Daef c Load Facto re (per FBC 2w section 1soai.4) FBC Table 506.2 -Allowable Area Factor -1" 69,000 s.f., "S-i" 53,500 0. Floor loads First Level Dead Load-40 pof Offices ,125 pef Warehouse & Shipping Area of proposed structure = 4,785 s.f. 5uslnees,12,610 s.f, 5-1 Second Level - 50 pef dead load - Office 50 pof Live Load, 126 pef Publication Prep 51 12,810 s.f. + Business 4,785 s.f. = 0.239 + 0.069 = 0.308 < 1.0 Roof Loads per leultdtns manufacturer - Dead Load - 6 pef, Live Load 20 pof Internal pressure coafftcterrt = 0.15 53,500 s.f. 69,000 e.f. Warehouse & Off (coo desfgn oche enclosed structure Per F5C 5506.4.2 the single occuppancy mixed use is allowed. Loading Dock as open structure. Mean bullding height = 30 Roof Pitch = 0.5 /12 4:aDMIIlDQDPqD r47117SiS - (I:II� � &BD 11D TrP4CM I -.... _.. _._ Product Manufacturer Model # FL# / NOA im act Attachment ABLE 7-10 eulldinerressures TS0.6.1 Rated Dee. Pressure OH coiling door ASTA Door Model 420 RIM, 20 gage FL 15918.2 Yes 1/2" thru bolts to str. frame at 12" 0.0, 37.1 (-)44.6 55 - 53 Access Doors 10-e116t0i Doors, Inc Series 406 flush steel door FL 213aZA Yee Me HDG thru-bolts to steel 019" o% 41.a (-) 44.8 00 0 80 Alum Storefront CGI Windows & Doors Series 3500 Alum. SF NOA 171114.02 Yee 1/4" uttrace"s or IN'thru-bolts #W' o/o 41.0 014.8 90 0100 Storefront Doors CGI Windows & Doors Series 35W Alum. SF NOA 171114.01 Yoe i/4" TEK @elf-tapplhg Screws O 14" o% 37.1 0 42.0 90 0100 Walt Louvars Greenheek Fan Corp 1 ESD435X I FL 6876.3 Yea i/2" stainless steel thru-bolts 04" o% 41,a 044.8 200 "I have reviewed the above components & cladding & have approved their use in the. structure. These products provide adequate resistance to the Wlnd loads & forces specifiedbycurrent code proWslons." John M. Foster - Architect - Florfda Llconea #a5ll uOCA4-E ii w- 41 4 for E A ass mA 2s0 OXo F o N L u tc�3+luod i OtLromN}011 �a.4-L00l0 U 30 30%) U L 'q0033as S L L ID U'N QUU �� L t-t645�00.7 C �-f ............................................................................................................................................................... WMI• 0 tQ use VIlimited ' :, awe; oltuttare • �",11Lfire �iffiiiiiiiiiiii'� all '- .. - OCPT:, 3IW , 8" PT105' XE �12 56' FE-3 egress area /marking (6' x 01) A \ one hour rated D/W "�FE. partftlon to 2roof de 4 Publfcat(orl Prep �® IN ID m Second Level L(fed Safety Plate Scale - 3/3211 =1' O" 150' 0 " I It 4' 1 I 't4 •T 1 I I / 291 15321 / ' v i i i I i chair lift or ilmlted use elevator l l.XE one hour rated D/W partftlon to roof deck s9� • one hour rated D/W P� G i ♦ 1 s'xte stair openlne Mo a. partition to deck abov� . N ♦ x , v q O♦A 6 q gn �� ,ypy,0n 9° 340" 4" Ie's, FELobby \�♦ (Q;�� M ei"er r�/Conference N : N canopy abovel ; ' ---------------------- - M. Handy" abovrail 0 3e step a ge 141011 2nd F(nlsh Floor OI o,t Finish Floor 25' 0" Loading • .I E111110111110 0 FE-3 hour one rated 06111mg v y _ _� XE Fonohour Y ro- rated D/W xEn to roof deck 5hfppfn " VIV4" r / 39'Bn -- 2" " 30`4n n wol. to deck above talrway Travel Distance = 32' O" n rrU (r Al a, � a °2 ♦ �c 3 loot Congo 6 6 O > usg3i o3tIL u3i°s a•4+043 Occupar►t Load Area NFPA 101 F13C 0 , i to 5usfriess -1st Floor 2715 SF 54 pereone 27 persons + O- "n 5uefness - 2nd Floor 2915 " 5S 29 _+ Z.a e to 12, 70 it 25 25 11 L most- o N 0 0 > mho=�N n u Total 15,000 OF 137 pereone 81 pereone t n.qo e m o 30u0—Oi4'IL m Occupant Load OF / Person L u o u a s �rw� 101-table FBC 2017 Tab►e 1004.2.1 L 19 Is n t fls �1FPA Business -1/50 5F Busines6 -1/100 5F o0o s � i Warehouse -1/500 6F Warehouse -1/500 OF H is � o v -°1 � II II 1 II II � [ a Lt 5ta(rway Schematic 5erct(on Scale - 3/321,=1' O" 5y m bo I Leg en d Ia d➢ WIVIdetrdTb raWtranoh•arate 5o' Dlstance along travel path CPT 00 _—� Commmon Path of Travel E r � 0 PT 43 Path of Travel (total length) o u FE-1 2A1015C FE-2 2mm3c 1e u- LAMN"bubble" wall mount - fires t;' Cabinet not In path of travel 0 SC2409.gR • 6ted Cabinet White saw"finieh FE-3 2A4013C � �' 0 N Vertiooldlwoutlamaring wall mount- Mmisrojection-1112" not In path of travel lD � D N anDL ° U Emereamcy Light Fixture 5chcelule Mark Descrf t(on ManuP. Catalog Number Watt Ffn(sh Mount Komarks XE CombomdVemergehcy Dual Wte EVC-U-K-W-D4D-1 2 LED White wall 09" " above adjacent floor XE(Z Kemotowrexter(orhood EVO-D-W 2 Well V" * above adjacelltfloor XM Itecessedemereahcy EV-4-K-1 4 CetUng ractahgldartrim plate XJZ Emergency light EV-2-1 2 wall a9'*" above Adjacent floor XT Edge Ili acryllo Exit LES-C-D-K-X-N-E-t 4.5 Satin alum. Cell(ng double side transparent Xy IndustrlalEmergeney DYN-121-06-L 12 palyoarb. walla720'•'wlumnmt.0eartaralots X�I�iK Me; to head DYNKD-D 4X 6 polyoarb. wall 0 20' • •uI areI Ire Occ to oleic XE I Edge lit acrylic Exit LE&W5 K X-WE4 3.3 White lwalIVIV jolholooldo transparent All fixtures listed above have min. 90 minuto emargenoy battery backup & Spectrum self test/diagnostic elootronlcs. C e First Level Plai'l Scale.3/32"=1'0" of 5' 10, 15, 20, 25, 5ullding Areas Florida dire Code; 6th Edltfcm - 2017 NFPA 1 - 2015 Ed(tfon, NFPA 101 - 2015 Edition Type of construction Type it (000) Separated Occupancy—5u6inees, Ord(nary hazard Storage Fire separation = ONE HOUR * * Per Table, a two hour fire barrier le required between these Occupanc(ce. Thls rating to allowed to be reduced to ONE hour where the bu(ld(ng (s protected throughout by an approved, monitored automatic sprinkler system. - Florida Bullding Code 2017, 6 th Edition -160 mph - Expoeure "C"• - 3 -Second buret Occupancy - Mixed use, 51ngle occupant 5ect(on 304.1- 51.lelne66 Group "13" Off(cee 5ectfon 311.1- Group "54' Warehou6e .Table 508,4'Xqu(red. 5oparat(oo of 0>vcupanc(e5" "N" No eeparatlon requirement Type of Conetructlon -115 - Non0oMW5table,100% NFPA-13 compliant eprinkier F13C Table 504.3 - Allowable Helght Above Grade Plane Maximum 75' height - Actual height = 32' at ridge F5C Table 504.4 -Allowable # of 5torfe6 Above Grade Plane Allowable # of etorlee = 2, actual = 2 p5C Table 506.2 - Allowable Area Factor --"5" 69,000 e.f., "54' 53,500 e.f. Area of propooM Structure = 4,785 e.f. 5uelneee,12,810 s.f. 5-1 t1n 1a 1� 11„� y i NFPA 101 - 2015 (FFC 2017) - Table Occupant Load Factor le Warehouse 12,000 5F Space Net Area (5F) 5F/1'ers;on occupants 5hfppfng 610 5F Lobby 609 100 6 lot Level Office 1,765 5F j 2nd Level Office 2140 5F Conference/Display* 6a4 100 7 Loading Do k 635 5F Break iZoOm 1so 100 2 / Office - 2nd Fir. 2415 100 24 Acc Storage, Mechanical 3a97 300 13 12,011, 5' o" 12' o" Total 16,220 5F Warehouse 9aeo 0 0 u 4? s Z U d t i rL i 4Z a 0 0 U U. U_ •� '< 0 i 43 lY N S A � O N� L d 0 0 U u a� s � di U 0 � � � NIZZZ L Total Occupants 52 Exit capacity - 6taf re 48" / 0.3 / occu. =160 or 1577% of req'd. 2nd floor egress 5 h ee Exit capacity 1st Floor 32" / 0.2 / occu. =160 or 306% of req'd. let floor egress �( o M(nfmum required number of exits = 2 (� Provided = 5 w(th 3 (60%) being barrier free 4 building corners &front, center Off ................................ ...................................... .......... .................................................. ..................................................... I ......... I... ..................... .... . . 6 690 41' 08" W - 6 a 3. 36' See Sheet E-1 for electrical wiring L tl (aS D 40• 0 ut 06 aq� �iQUr -11 t L� up<,° �a�Lm�4 s �snq as, m a� It °zQ U w v6 4Aa U � � z � o I o n -O u 40 � J Y ga 20.. hot dip galy. latch Fromt Elev. PT 2x8'e on rear of gate - thru-bolt w/ (2)1/2" ply. carr(age bolts & 2" dia.galy. washers at each croseing of 2x12 & 2x8 raised stucco band - —hot dip galv.latch alternate horn. 2 x 12 & 2x4's-#2 or better PT gate C56 wall - stucco exterlori gale. wheels at each gate Side E[ev, Opposite side slmllar w/o opctihig 16101, 6'0" rot 0If 6'011 opening in wall filled Celle w/ #5 Vert. reinf. & #5 dOwewt to footing (typ) Kea r E [ ev. 1/411=11-011 IS I I 4" - 3000 s( conc. slab F-1 N opening in wall n ri on compacted clean sand fill „ o w/ 66x66 wwm 7. n � n N tl a I dp struck -joint C55 wall q - I paint to match exterior O o 6" conc. block C-� wall c n I 6" x 6" x 3/5" ( n n l TS bollard l bit---- ---------- -- ---------------------------- - 3000 psi conc. slab w/ all 66x1010 WWM on com- all pacted clean sand fill .nQii ii�- dta. sleet 1r011oar( �6" r�tG a 2nen p nu u nn ji: it 510N G, FT ;•,•••- �e•II II wood ates �• .: n. 1/4"=1-0 1/2"=1' -D" 1 Z Slope stucco Inward 11/4' x 6" raised stucco band #5 dta. contin. w/ corner bare Single fliled "H" block Stucco exterior - paint to match bid'g. nom. 8" x 8" x 16"00110. block In half -running bond filled cells w/ #5 vert. retnf. & #5 dowewl to footing (typ) PVC weeep-screed 2" below elab level 6" dia. concrete filled steel ppipe bollard w/ concrete backfill Pumpotcr Emolooure L4 12" x 16" thick - 3000 pet integral footing w/ (2) #5 Cont, f '3 &3611x361'#5corner bars Paltlt steel bollarde w/ metal primer &,'two (2) coats of full oloss "safety yellow" 221 O 11 , - Ar-9 1 1 , r------------------ ________________________________________________________________________ _____- ' 1 1 l ' , ' l I ' I i 1 I I I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I 1 1 I I I I ' 5i0h Flail 0 O o 2 EI ER Z !IN Mm =U__IN 111 stone cap & vertical end cap nominal 6" x 12" x 16" beam -block w/ (2) #516 &fliled w/ 3000 psi concrete matte finish ceramic tie facfng LED back -lit aluminim text & WolfLube logo 9 gage gale. Dur-o-Walt ladder ties 0 each second course nominal 12" reinforced C55 wall w/ (2) #5 vertical 0 24' o/c adhered masonry base on 7 5/8" 3000 Pei poured concrete baee 3000 psi formed & poured concrete baee w/ (2) #519 vertical 0 Volt o/c 611 layer of 2" graded washed river gravel over double layer of geotextfle cloth • r r,•:••Inr=, :•, r•,e votiumcf1t, Sigh 5cotion n , ' +.r.r�•G+:. +•. r•. G I i I 1 L----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monument high Details 42" wide x 12" thick - 3000 pef (ntegrai footing w/ D (5) #4 continuous & #5 cross bars 012" o/c L 43 J_SU 0 us e D {] U L U L 0 L) nCL 4,63 - 43 j: -n t U +3'Nir45 :1% U LUSmA 43 4.1 >, a S q_oxOUO U m OS� U N L U N L 0 m N U 0 La�vo M +3 'as43 ILID o�n.L�S UUUUX as HW43 iou -U)Q �i E s 0 L fl. slope stucco cap toeards center nominal 8" x 8" x 16" beam -block a IL w/ (1) #4 - filled w/ 3000 psi concrete N f(Iled cells w/ #4 dowels 0 2' O" o/c p N f VC weep-ecreed all around N slope grade away N o OL from curb nominal 1" stone cap & vertical end cap matte ffn(sh ceramic title facfng nom(nal 12" reinforced C55 wall U I N s S i z U < R _ o L o � o L i 41 iL N u. U L is 6 0 U. v 43 1 0 rJ6..n V L 0 adhered masonry Mee on 7 5/8" 3000 ir Psi poured concrete baee 6" layer of 2" graded washed river gravel over double layer of geotext(le cloth U o©©© v--slope grade away from curb ` v 0 i•, t' • •i1J• r• t , 51em E(evatio+l D-2 20" wide x 10" thick - 3000 psi integral footing w/ (2) #4 continuous & 36" x 36" #5 corner bare • e J n �ar.?`r f� 7 1 ;IM 1 321011 2`1 011 Top of parapet y' 26' 011 Eove _ 241 011 Cellfng Ftnfsh . typical painted Galvalume wall panols—� Impact rated. Insulated alumfnum storefront 14, 011 Flnfsh 2hd Tor D (top of cooporeto wall) bottom of metal panels PVC control Jothts sand finish stucco on CaS wall 01 011 .I. Open Thru 0.5 12""_" painted gutter & rake trim co„trastfhe color wall pa„ete`vatumq painted Galvalume Cap flashf„g building roof beyond M LONIME 41.E -44.5 M� apfaal pafhto alvalume wall panets ------------ I 6' x 20' Canopy n 37.1 -42.0 0 Eaot Efoya-tioh 37,1 -40.6 41.E -54.6 ✓'Cafe - Va" = 11 011 M 41.6 -44.5 41.6-44.5 zPcale - Ida_ = r v rated alumfnum O.A. & air exchange -- 1--r 1/2 . 41fG-154.ro' ` ' ' ` ' ' ` ' Opon Thru nominal V width PVC stucco reveals w/ pro -molded fnterseetfons & corners PVC weep-eeroed 2" below flnfeh floar Loadfho bock NOTE: Component & Cladclffie Deofeti Wfnd rreeaures are from ASCE 7-10, Ffeure 30.5-1 aci jurvtccl for 321 hefeht of 6truoture W ht. aluminum fence beyond Woo t Elov�-tioh 50ale-Va"=11 s.,UpDU q m U U U UX13 Da 4,3 L A t p 43 U LUSmp 4341s43a. s OX 36 m Dr X N Q U U>)3:- U0 L L L aV uiSIL m •uUoam�s m 43 boo r S L0340 S X{.1 D Q 43 0U-)d U � U 4?s�o q) N dl Lt U d m o i_4- p D L 4� IL N i u L -13 O IL IL v u n ' < S £ NNE N U co I cet o ,. O An4h pyweep•ecreed 2"-----' belCow finish floor contraetf„g Color belaW weep- sereed (on edge of slab) 0 Hm A � 10 4" 20, 9 V4" 21' 8 " 21' 8 " 20' 0 " 21' 8 it 21' 8 it 20' 91/4" 10 0 1#1 24' 0 It 7--n I 1 I I I 0 N 4z l ;l o N O '( it r' r it r, , . r. r% N FE-3 � 9 '" 16' Dfa e res5 area markln (6' x G' non-5k(d epoxy) 23' roll � 23' 6 " E 25' 8 At .... .... ...... ; . • .. , ; ..., coiled hose storage - max hetght 6' [-X , 28' 10 " 111/4" 22' 6 3/4" .® O MIZEEKIj t 18' 6 At _— -�- ----- - O - - - --- 0 O � t r , , r rl i = , If (D O „ Loading , ' botiaiaa , „ ,__-______J�.. 5Lee1 Storage raGK5 - Ifo" nmoi F-7-77--T-- -7 F 7 FE-3 42" guard roll hose reel - , 12" 24" ht. reinforced C65 wall , - --.. REQUIRED traffic rated guardrail 12" We traffic rated trench-erats I , i r r , , , , , , , , , , , , L�UO USQ6E }}1? U L V 1{pL m3fl.�0 4-{.3 LAL op 0 043 43 'N O L 41 000W—i EL 0 P�s NA 41 i� g U C43 p O U 0to N p 1. 000 m U 3 043 o 0 p L id4u°SI4 '6U0}3 Z.2 1: US L L L m m43au13 Ts L U U U pS aS _ Hi6��i41 0 < >u u p 11_ � L o- d i U � Ll N U- :2m 0 O N N � p !u. `\ O O O4-3 W Z 4 v See Sheets 5T-1, a <� Order Aeoembly ; I L —1eQ 2 & 3 for Lo"he ; o o O s io Dock Details m in, ! i! IIl1 .0 U ---------------------- 0 V m I a m1n, one hour rated n/WI � partft(on to roof deck ...I.r4.1.7.,6..L1s41•.I.a� , 6 x18 etafr oponing one hour rated b/W ---- partftfon to deck above N iZece�tlOn 4 36'0" 6" 4 34' a" i Conference FE-1 I < r N r cl Ina © n canopy ® Q I above ; 1 12r 8 r, 5' O rt 1' 0 „ IT O If 1' D " 19'_O ---------- 11-0' I I I i i I 18'0" 20'0" 150, O " 14'10" 25'0" 1910" cp u s L •a , oL ri"4'�„•::4�riar7�ri�f4 �:��.�.p - - n. , JL 0) r, r, r r, t,, r n FE-3 e O V , M " one hour o t.-ttl JL rated ceiling--�—< ' t de:�ip•lJr: h�t'ed` C�iW `: ' '; � 3 rt'itGon••to ro'nFdeck.: ; .Slt'i�g :- „—,M7' r 6" 9,1 " " : : :'4 8" 14'O" 1r0„ .;Br ak oILI 'ne: our..''t^at. '.:'' .'.•'' �W f-- ---- ' par�(t(vra•to''del� �Fpve = i cJ1 o , 12" ADS ap,,Firot Level Plan scale-v8"-1'0" 1710" 110" 0" 1218" 1 outfal[ P It 1 I O` 5' 10, 15, 20, 25` I - Wall Type Lcecmd Two hour fire rated gypsum drywall - Clark Dletitch ; 6",18 gypsum 611aftliner, (t) layer 1/2" "Type -XI` D/W catch cF- 18' 0" i 23 6" 111/4 I side of wall - ClarkMeti �eslgn #CD/WA 120r02 ; O u 22' 6 3/4" - Fill wall to roof deck w/ K-19 fiberglass Batt insulation; i«t==:: JJn wl resin coated Kraft paper moisture reefetant barrier.; One hour fire rated gypsum drywatt -1 5/6' x 5 5/8", e6 U 20 gage aluminized steel studs P 24" o/c; (1) layir U 5/S" "Type-V D/W each side of wall - Gypsum As;�,'ti N File #WP-1072. - NU wall to 2nd floor or roof deck w/ th J Unrated partft(an - (1) layer 516" gypsum drywall each 4e; 0 of 15/8" x 5 5/8" , 20 gago alumfnfzed steel studs 0 24" p/c. S �j 5 ui l d lIm e Areas Fit[ floor to deck/ce(ting w/ min 5" mineral wool 4coust(c in6U[atlon L Nominal 8" C6C Wait, 16" height 8" x 8" x 1611,A TM C-9d 16 Warehouse 12 0a0 5E CMU in half-runnfng bond. Fill all cells w/ 3000concrete, cj rein2' force w/ #5 dowels 0 0" o/c & top coursbbbbbb of beard block 5hipp1n0 810 5E Eire Kated Ceiling rebar. ; Nominal 8" C66 wall, 8" x 8" x 16" ASTM C-80 GMU in half - lot Level Off ice L7,35 5E shipping, Fuel Nozzlee & Meter areas runnfng bond. Fit[ all cells, reinforce w/ horfzdntal, 9 gape Opp atv. Dur-o-Wall "ladder" ties 0 each second Bourse & c its 2nd Level Office 2140 5F Two Hour fire rating - UL Design 30 filled w/ 3000 # sl concrete rout & #5 rebar d 'wels 0 2' A� o/c A/C 5t o ra e 8(80 6F Gypsum Association F(tc # FC 2130 p g A g 1) layer 5/8"Type IT' fIre code Nominal 12" Ces wall, 8" x 8" x 16" ASTM C-90 CMU in half- Load (n Dock 635 5E gypsum drywall on rigid furring runnln band. Fill all cells, reinforce w/ hoFfzontat, 9 gage " channels t� 24" o/c fastened to �,o" g ealy. ur-o-Wall 'ladder" ties 0 each seccy�ld course 8y cells steel bar Joist structure w/ 16 filled w/ 3000 #pot concrete grout & (2) #5/rebar dowalrPA 4' 0" a/c ;�• t� 1 gage tie-wfre, Total 18 220 5E rafnted 24 gage Galvalume wall panelsbn pre-engfnaored T� steel building system girte, a nT s 0 2A105C 4° LARSEN "bubble" t fire ext. cabinet `r #C2409-69 - steel cabfhat White Satin finfsh Vertical die-cutletterfng Max nro lactian =11/2" Fire Ext. Cabinet FE-1 1 I-E rcceptfon/Office e __ _--7 o 2A1013C 4° .I Surface Mount i'ublfcatfon Prep 2A405C Surface Mount FE-3 — � Warehouse/Shipping m U N }'tan VfeW s Product # br) Z-3 z 5-4663-KC) FE Sign NT5 a myeafety5fgn,com Fifii5h 5chcdulc F fmjoh Notcs Area Floor Base Walls Cooing Cefting Ht. Xamarke * Vlnyt 5060 - contlhUOUS length vtnyt base, 1/81, xt for drywall lasef1hisit walls. koppe 1/8 x 4 No Toe base with a2eee tfon p 5tafned Concrete Vinyl * D/W o en bar- ofStS * p J 13' 8" dr fall "mfdn( ht blue" Pain Y g p Conference iZoom 5tafned Concrete Vinyl * D/W open bar-Jofste * 1,31511 dryfall "mldnfght blue" patmt molded outside corners, 120' roll stock Schluter bass trim DILEX-AHKA satin aluminum Seated to epoxy concrete floor. Select to match watt tile, thick - , Hess. Install W/ 90 f1161d0 COYheY6 & end CAPS. Schluter top cap QUADEC satin alum. Select to match wait tile thickness, ihStatt w/ 90 corners & and caps. Shipping & Mater Storage Cellings Entry izestroam Epoxy Concrete Schluter DILEX- satin AL D/W - Car. Tile* D/W 9' 0" * ceramic tile wafnscot to 46" above floor. Warehouse Warehouse iZestroam Epoxy Concrete D/W -Car•. Tile * D/W 9 D * " ceramic tile, wafnscot to 48 above floor. Break 12oom Stafnad Concrate Vfnyl * D/W 2' x 2' Acoustic 9' 0" Shf pping Seated Concrete Vinyl 6D D/W D/W, palnted C155 D/W (1 hour fire rated) * 12' O" Fuel Nozzle Storage Seated Concrete Vinyl GW D/W D/W, palnted C05 D/W (1 hour fire rated) Stoll Warehouse Sealed Concrate N/A Metal, D/W Open to roof deck * Varies * vinyl faced ih6Ulatfah -605 Two Hour fire rattng - UL Design Gypsum A66oclation File # FC-213030 - (1) layer 5/43" Type "X" fire code gypsum drywall on rigid furring chahnel6 0 24" o/c fa6tehe4;I to steel bar Joist structure Offfoe/Sales 5tafned Concrete Vinyl * D/W 2' x Z' Acoustic 101011 Manager's Off foe 5tafned Concrete Vinyl * D/W 2' x 2' Acoustic 10' o" Data Closet 5talned Concrete Vinyl * D/W D/W 8' O" Suspended Acoustic Calling „ „ Armstrong 24 x 24 x 3/4 TECHZONE w/ Uttima Field panels #1912, beveled tegular, 9lass white Suparfihe exposed grid System Class . "A"fire rated. NRC 095, Humlguard + Schluter products avallablo from Floor & Decor, 0 Gattln 5oulavard, Port St. Lucie M/W iitestrooms Epoxy Cencrote Vinyl Covc D/W - Car. Tile* D/W 9' 0" * ceramic the wafnscot to 45" above floor, Mochanfcal 12oom Epoxy Concrete p Vln I * y D/W - Car, Tile* D/W * - mount to roof urlfhe p Varies * See Ceiling Note at right Hall Stained Concrete Vinyl * D/W 2' x 2' ACOU6t(G 9' O" Pubtfeatn foProp 5tafned Cohcrete Vinyl * D/W Z' x Z' Acoustic 10' O" (772) 301-1-6013 plan Scale -1/8" =1' O" 5' 20, 25' U' t USy'" E i U i 0 U Uca- �30a5 L U OU'°�'{°� 43 4_3 V U 1aLas3s 0�CQ > a 4---2 u L Ip Otm�i L 3o`oosIL m -n UO �4343 US L if t L u0UU_Uc �S— I-W+S3�iou UIQ U � 4? s Z U < a o L l •� L d m 3S o O u U LLN LL. , � < S 4 to N� ; I 0 p EC (,I, � 2M ...........................................................................................................................................................................,......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................:.........................-4..............................................................,....................,........... .........................-............................................................................................................,...... +3 20 /I 1 s.000 ' All ltntals shall ba "Gait -Crates" us --------, alien head „ Lintel �Chedu�e 3500 pg1, Grades ro0 ratnforctng RDA Compllamt, 5lgrlage $ax L ai cam (OCkS Grout 'fill vv/ 3000 pol cohcrete v � a� 0 12' O" o � i = Mark pes(gnatton Location L H AddadlZebar dated# Actual# I�omarks Location Text m�`4a� O L-1 8Fi6.15/1T 12' 8" 5F windows 14' 6" 1' 4" (1) #5 bet (1) #6 top* 1062 425' `s t i ( s'r L-2 $F1616/1? 6' 6" 5F windows 7' 10" 1' 4" (Q #5 bet (1)6 top" 2661 326 Fl r 5t Level 0�,�3 � :Q ex T O L-3 8tZ6t�recossod 5h(ppingdoor -R0,=3'�r" 4'6" 1'4" (1)#5bot 020 275 North Lobby Conference / Dis layuc�'T +isna0 L 5-1 Window "A" 12' 8" 31/4" a uid flash(n seat" u v 4 n HIQrI a g 5outh Lobby AGce55ible 12e5troom nos �� , lmlng4t eatr 52 pr Drill cohorsto. slit window "G" & 6" 5114" ends of 6111 to CB5 Jambs m o a o n Qt)�'fU5 To Warehouse ehou5e Acceoe - Employees Only a°igQ ocuPor #A5-9000 eaeketed, Greenheck extruded aluminum louver -4" Vertices( Lift C air Lift to Second Leve[ Offices L �� o s U. U lh mount access panel - Clip mount W/ 4" x 4" x 3/16" steel angle ' a� v L m 4' ' - 5atin etafnless Stec[ finish EL# 6976.3. finish to match adjacent Break 1�oom 5 aff Lounge 0s at3 L L m - www.acudoraccesspane(s.com WId(ng wall panels "'' v ° �' L vvvus�s (hfo@acudoracces5panels,com WH Keotroom Accessible Keetroom u j (888) 622-8367 0 3'0" 3'0" 2'8" 3'0" 3,0,, 5hippfrig Step Down to Driveway 3 automaticirc ----------�I 1�---�1— ----�I 1 O d- N Ko[l-up Poor Arta Door Corp. #420 FIM Wlndlock Impact Rolling Steel Service Door Polar White + - 55 psf rated Chalnfall operated Interior lock 19' O " 0 'ADA laver �. handles , , 60 Min. Fire hated HM O HM Frame, 5C birch Door. � Full Lite Full NFrA-80 Compliance - - 3-piece Steel frame, - Dark gray tint UL Fire 1Zating Label reglred - Birch face flush door pan tempered glass Automatic closer - ADA Lever handle passage Oct - Yarn(rhed wood - Key lock - Keyed lockset - ADA Lever handle passage set - 6" x 30" oaf ety glass lite (wood frame to match door) square hood 6' 6 " 3, 0 „ enclosure closer ---------------------- ------------------------------------------------------- O aluminum sill pan Dp41.8 (-)44,8 141011 ADA laver push -bar handle Putt AAvir.P DI' 10.0 (-)10,0 (Interior) 1.-1 oil -Tempered glans towards Hall finfsh floor finish floor R) Second Level Office Managerls Office ffTE Mech room Equipment Room IADA [ever a l9 ,'ADA (ever O i9 AGGe551b1e Men handle \ handle \ M �0 1c W Acoe55ible Women ` o ° Puplicatfon Prep Workroom `` 5talr Access Storage/Panel "A" HM Frame, 5C Birch Door HM game, 5C Ditch Hoot Hardware Notes 12 ----- Hardware ffnfsh to be brushed aluminurn or etalrilerr Steel - 3-piece steel frame, - 3-piece steel frame, - Automatic clooere ohall be LCN - Birch face flush door panel - �Irch face flush door panel - Lockrete & dead bolts - 5chlage 2 level `master keyed -Weatherstrip head & Jambs - Weatherstrip head & Jambs Thresholds - Pemko #2005AT w/ Pemcote non-skid finish - Penko #2005 AT air real thredehold - ADA Lever handle passage Set - Keylook handle passage net -Key lock yCoordinate Each door swing w/ Floor Flail automatic 3IE--°-�1 close r�0_'31011volt �I la" wide safety glass sidelite o < ADA lever handle 6" x 30" safety cra glans lite i9 dJ ADA lever Q l0 handle \ ►n 511 x 20" clear fire rated lite all 4-3 Q- ' u o QD ,'' ADA [everADA v handlever handle iA 4 -_s s in z = 0 S- `v o < y .10 ` ` Interlock door release U t 43 w/ chair lift controler N V 1i -cc O — Aluminum 5to&ront /� Aluminum Storefront 60 Min Fire kated HM HM Frame 5C Birch Door HM Frame, 5C Birch Door 60 Min, Fire mated 60 Mih. Fire Kated u- 'Q = ' - 5ee "A" for Storefront & glazing - Fabricated aluminum ofll parr 19, 0 " 1 1 Y .L i 1 -45 - 5ee "A" for storefront & laz(n pull NFPA-al) Compliance 3- iece steel frame, 7 g g p _ p - Gurr(es 5-piece steel frame, -1 hour rated roll -down fire Shutter UL Fire Fatfng Label regired frame opening = 4 3/4" o enin -43/4" - ALPINE "p(re5hut" * surface mounted counter- -Arch face flush door panel p 9 shutter fire door, push-up operation - Impact rated HM p - Birch face flush door panel * available from Treasure Coast Garage Door - Automatic closer & safety chain - ADA Lever handle passage Oct - Automatic closer Port 5t. Lucie (772) 579-0487 - 0-60 Galy, door & frame - 6" x 30" safety glary lite - ADA Lever handle privacy lock - Push -bar exit device (wood frame to match door) concealed closers full width panic exit device, ADA pull ' handle F _ , O ' ` o 12 8 6 6 oL-1 --------------------------------------------------------------------; ---------------------------- ---- i l l O i; O O O zi- 0 ADA compliant threshold ---� 0P37.1(--) 42,0 ``'extruded aluminum silt plate 5-1 OP 41, 5 (-) 44. 5 pull NpPA-8o Compliance - pull Nrr A-80 Compliance UL Fire kating Label regfred UL Fire hating Label regfred a - Individual T(relite" vision panel - Individual "Firel(te" vision panel Q E N 1 5 x 1 10 =100 eq. (ncho - 5 x 1 10 =100 01, Inches - Curries welded steel frame - Curries welded steel frame - Sfrch face flush door panel - birch face flush door panel (� - Automatic closer - Automatic closer �l - ADA lever handle on pull side - ADA lever handle on pull s(de 0 31 0 'i- :3 S- - ------------------ ------------------ ----,---------- 5-2 7 0P 41.5 (-) 54.6 o aluminum sill pan 41,8 () 54,6 0` 01` 14-1 011 flnfsh floor finish floor O h --:__ :=_-:i— bar exit device max 1/2" step-down A > I Aluminum Storefront & peers Aluminum St05`=11a` AluminumtorefrQnt pYAluminum Storefront HM, lnulated COI lndustrlcs 5E 3550 aluminum outewing doors - VonDuprin 5eries 3347 - 5ee A for Storefront & glazing - 5ee A for storefront & glazing ee A for Storefront & glaz(ng - Impact rated HM CGI Industries "5E 3500" aluminum storefront system concealed rod panic exit - Automatic - Frecaot concrete Stepped Sill - Precast concrete Stepped rill - Fabricated aluminum sill pan clorer &Safety ch Large & small missile impact rated device - G-60 Galy. door & f rams Glass - E(xed 5torcfront -Type "K" insulated w/ Sentry- -10" ADA bottom door rail - P'recaot concrete If ntel - Precast concrete (Intel ; < - Deadbolt lock Glass interlayer, Low-E, Argon fill, light gray t(nt - ADA pull handle - PuSh-bar exit device " - 5E doors - Glass Type "D" Insulated w/5entry- - Automatic closers ®,-�y 1� \ I► / ��- C - ADA Lever handle lockset Glass (rlterlaycr, Low-E, Arcon fill, light gray tint -ADA threshold - I'cmko 2005-AT �✓✓ 1 I V Y - Exterior ADA pull handle' ......................................................................... ....................... .......:................... ......,.................................................. , ....................................................... ,......................,...............................................,..................,.........................................I............... U u0 LL 0 o 3 O � u u Q ode s �► N u �O DEC 0 A-5 3/4"CDX fn-wall blocking for Lav & grab bars (typ) 31 011 WC control towards Lav mirror _.swimE. p - \I /I! , 1110 roll 4----- 51 0" clear to edge of Lay. ?,car Elevation 3/4" CDX in -wall Wockfng for Lav & grab bars (typ) cer. wall the on 1/2" cement backer board to bottom of reel. surface vinyl ADA boot around supply and drain Schluter cove — trim all around Acce55ib�e 1�e5trooms 3/4" CDX plywood _________________-_ _.:------ wall backing el EWC i d) I I y v clear floor space 1 30° -1 per P13CA 602.4 mil � W i llj--i tq plan view - mte Pri h kf ng Fouhtai h - fits Elkay EZ5TL8LC - ADA Compliant barrier free dual level water cooter rated partition nom. 6" & smaller 1 i 1 ti3 Sch. 40 PVC pipe"- --- 3/4" max. annular space double "TromstopWe" fntum- escent wrap stripe w/ (a) full turns around pipe "Tremstop MM" prefabricated -steel collar over wrap stripe both aides of wall "Tremstop WWI' min.1/4" thickness of sealant appl(ed to interface of wall and collar & collar & pipe both sides Kated Wall Fehetratiom N-r5 Tremco Inc, Commercial 5ealant5 & waterproofing UL Detafl # WL 2125 mirror �I to bottom of ref I. surface , � I � 1 I � I � 1 11 roll I ,1rJ I ' l _ Gear (of or area x 48" des 12" ht. to rim wall -hung urinal w/ automatic flush control A-5 service faucet . 24"x36"x12; stainless steel wall guard I (V 6" 3' 0" at Schluter cap towards Lav tr(m all around 1' 5" East Elevation W arehou5e Kcotroom ,3/4' hot and cold water to service Control valve (typical) Vacuum breaker 24" x 24' x 12" Molded / Stone Mop basin seal all around to 3" PVC to wall w/ exterior an. service one -part poly- urethane !A- Mop 5'mk - fits 5Mop elnk shall be plat Products # M55-2424 Molded 5tone floor e(nk - 24" x 24" x 10" 5ercice faucet # a30-AA - Hose & hose bracket #532-AA 5ta(nlese steel bumperouard #E-65-AA - Stainless steel Walt Guard #M5G-3636 Panel M (in same, room) A-5 3/4" CDX (n-wall blocking for Lav & grab We (typ) \ grab bars \ TP holder 25" from rear wall ; I accessible lay.--.4 I ADA accessible — water closet A-5 1' O" 31 611 1 I --_ r-------------- i � wall mounted tanklese water heater 1/21, GV 6 0" As, clear turning circle cer. wall the on 1/2" cement backer board EtiG Elcvatl0f1 1i211=110" Acccooi ble Kcotroom5 Tamklcea WH net pressure & temperature relief valve 1/2" CW supply cold water Inlet 1/2 Gv filter 1/21, CPVC -_ overflow line to A/C II NT5 5tefbel-Eltron tarikicee water heater Model DHC-E-12, 12 KW, 240 V, 50 A. provide, PT 3/4" COX blocking for ggrab bare & pl'b. fixtures I i O� I I ADA "Acceeelble 1200troom" elfin a 60" above floor i 1 /f I LO I I ro011 dfa. 48" 0 461 -I 54" ' 36" I I overlap ! grab bar, allowed 11 ,I O II 1 4211 --- - - grab bar\ TP 11611 1 holder 36'I ADA "Acceee(We grab bar O ^ tzestroom" sign 9D60" above, floor - In overlap 60" `allowed 1 ©- - — - - --- ,t4-1 �7130'I to 1' 6 6011 aA 9p 8 'L1/� 0 6011 required door & �ta dfa.'' fixture clearances �� cis 49h I I I "IPA � ~ o l ; \ 4 48" •• i ' jell 6 15t Level 1Zestroom �(�h U) TP oLU� u s��U E }? u L L 19 L 0343oW N LA t +3+'L2 o M—*C L ��3 1. Us mA +3 +3 43 r4'tas°0 u �o`cl'nNQ n m}'LomN o u �fl.or 13 `~LUOOIs L 30 1 U L �a�Uosu 43 6sL0 mks m+' CL U � t `LL U U U US ZS H9143 U �d T' 0) 0 6 U i_ Q :2 o d�� U n o u. 0) Gd See Electrical flan 5heete for lfght fixtures & receptacle5 S � U) 12estr cane Notes N >X Provide, ADA compl(ant emboeeed "Acceeelble 1Zestroom" sign w/ Braille text. - Mount at 5' 0" AFF to center on privacy lock elde of door Floor fin(eh to be sealed epoxy over surface prepared concrete slab or concrete deck Wall Ffnlsh - CI(ent selected ceramic tile, field the onty required. Cove Mee & wall cap trim by Schluter Shower 5yeteme, see below. Ceramic wall the shall be installed over 1/2" cement backer board. Attach backer board to wall studs using corrosion reefetant, self dr(liine, self countcr(nk(ng screws Cm 6" a/c along all framing members. Schluter baee trim DILEX-AHKA eat(n aluminum sealed to epoxy concrete floor. Select to match watt tile. thickness. Install w/ 90° inside cornere & end caps. Schluter top cap QUADEC satin aluminum Select to match wall the thickness. Install w/ 90" cornere & end caps. Schluter products available from Floor & Decor, 2260 Gatlin boulevard, Port St. Lucie (772) 301-6013