HomeMy WebLinkAboutWolflube Door & Window NOAsFlorida Building Code Online 12/18/20, 4:43 AM s I SCIS Home I Log In j User Registration I Hot Topics j Submit Surcharge j Stats a fads j Publications j Contact Us j SCIS Site Map j Links ( Search j 'Product Approval VSER: Public User /34 Product Approval Menu > Product or Application Search > Aoolica8on List > Application Detail FL # 15918-R3 Application Type Revision Code Version 2017 Application Status Approved Comments Archived fl Product Manufacturer e A DOOR ASTA DOOR CORPORATION �5 Address/Phone/Email Et�� II�ST L DRIVE NW ACWORTH, GA 30101 (770) 974-2600 Ext 208 JFRENCH30ASTADOOR.COM Authorized Signature JAMES FRENCH JFRENCH3®ASTADOOR.COM Technical Representative James French Address/Phone/Email po box 420 acworth, GA 30101 Jfrench3@astadoor.com Quality Assurance Representative Alan Peyton Address/Phone/Email Asta Door Corporation 4255 MCEver Industrial Drive Acworth, GA 30101 (770) 974-2600 Ext 226 apeyton0astadoor.com Category Exterior Doors Subcategory Roll -Up Exterior Door Assemblies Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer 7 Evaluation Report- Hardcopy Received Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed the Joseph H. Dixon, Jr. P.E. Evaluation Report Florida License PE-7768 Quality Assurance Entity National Accreditation and Management Institute Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 12/31/2020 Validated By Gordon Thomas, RE. 14 Validation Checklist - Hardcopy Received Certificate of Independence FLIS918_R3 COL.32022 Cart Finan Inden.odf FLI5918_R3 CO[ Cert g_L5gj 20175,Etes 2017 s.odf Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard)Standard Year ANSI/DASMA 108 2005 ANSI/DASMA 115 2005 ASTM E330 2002 Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Florida Licensed Professional Engineer or Architect https://floridabuilding.org/pr/pr_app_dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDgsDdFYerPlwHNAKosm%2fFQHbp7u2lDXed7c%2fkcAPIGL3EA%3d%3d Page 1 of 3 CGI Windows and Doors. Inc. NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE: EVIDENCE SUBMITTED E. MATERIAL CERTIFICATIONS 1. Notice of Acceptance No.14-0916.11 issued to Kuraray America, Inc, for their "SentryGlas® (Clear and White) Glass Interlayers" dated 06/25/15, expiring on 07/04/18. 2. Notice of Acceptauce No. 14-0916.10 issued to Kuraray America, Inc. for their "Butacite@ PVB Glass Interlayer" dated 04/25/15, expiring on 12/11/16. F. STATEMENTS 1. Statemen.t letter of conformance, complying with FBC-5f° Edition (2014), dated May 2, 2016, issued by manufacturer, signed and sealed by Anthony Lynn Miller, P.E. 2. Statement letter of no financial interest, dated May 2, 2016, issued by manufacturer, signed and sealed by Aithony Lynn Miller, P.E. 3. Laboratory compliarcF letter for Test Reports No. FTL-7137, dated 12/10/12 and FTL-7208, dated 01/04/13, issued by Fenestration Testing Laboratory, Inc., both signed and sealed by IMarlin D. Brinson, P.E. G. OTHERS 1. Notice of Acceptance No,15-0612.08, issued to PGT Industries, Inc. for their Series "SS-3500" Aluminum Storefront System - L.M.I. approved on 07/30/15 and expiring on Oi/17/18. 2. NEW EVIDENCE, SUBMITTED A. DRAWINGS 1. Drawing No W17-52, titled "SS-3500 Aluminum Storefront Sys. (L.M.I.)", sheets I through 5, 5.1, 6 and 7 through 15 of 15, dated 05/23117, prepared by Al-Farooq Corporation, signed and sealed by Javad Abroad, P.E. B. TESTS 1. Test reperu on: 1) Air infiltration Test, per FBC, TAS 202-94 2) Uniform Static Air Pressure Test, Loading per FBC, TAS 202-94 3) Water Resistance Test, per FBC, TAS 202-94 4) Larg:. Missile Impact Test per FBC, TAS 201-94 5) Cyclic Wind Pressure Loading per FBC, TAS 203-94 6) Forced Entry Test, per AAMA 1304-02, PBC 2411.3.2.1, and TAS 202-94 along wish marked -up :lrawings and installation diagram of a storefront system with French door and transom, prepared by Fenestration Testing Laboratory, Inc., Test Report No. FTTL-17-7007, dated 05/05/17, signed and seated by Idalmis Ortega, P.E. Manuel efez P.E. Product Contr E iner NOA N 114.02 Expiration Date: January 17, 2023 Approval Date: December 28, 2017 E-2 CGI Windows and Doors. Inc. NOTICE OF ACC13PTANCE: EVIDENCE SUBMITTED C. CALCULATIONS 1. Anchor verification calculations and structural analysis, based on current approval and updated to comply with FBC 61 Edition (2017), dated 07/13/17, prepared by Al- Farooq Corporation, signed and sealed by Javad Ahmad, P.E. D. QUALITY ASSURANCE 1. Miami -Dade Department of Regulatory and Economic Resources (RER) E. MATERIAL CERTIFICATIONS 1. Notice of Acceptance No.14-0916.11 issued to Kuraray America, Inc. for their "SentryGias® (Clear imd White) Glass Interlayers" dated 06/25/15, expiring on 07/04/18. 2. Notice of Acceptance No,16-1117.01 issued to Kuraray America, Inc. for their "Trosifol& Ultraclear, Clear and Color PVB Glass Interlaye&' dated 01/19/17, expiring on 07/08/19. F. STATEMENTS 1. Statement letter of con arnance, complying wit FBC 6'h Edition (2017 of no financial interest, dated J1y 13, 2017, issued by - arooq o on, 'signed and sealed by Javad Al tnad, P,E. 2. Letter ao rs owner of exij-ting NOA, dated June 30, 2017, stating that as the parent company PGT Industries, Inc. transfers this NOA to CGI Windows and Doors, Inc., and requests that the current :hIOA issued to PGT Industries, Inc. be rescinded, signed by A. Lynn Miller, P.E. Senior Code Compliance Engineer, PGT Industries, Inc. s. Testing proposal #16-1-33414issued to CGI Windows and Doors, Inc. by the Product Control Section, dated December 15, 2016, signed by Manuel Perez, P.E. G. OTHERS 1. Notice of r'ioceptance No. 16-0505.04, issued to PGT Industries, Inc. for their Series "SS-3500" Aluminum Storefront System - L.M.I., approved on 06/02/16 and expiring on 01/17i 18. Manuel P ez, E. Product Coutro Era finer NOA No. - 114,02 Expiration Date: January 17, 2023 Approval Date: December 28, 2017 E-3 IWZ9-LIM lNtl-dWOJ Z6M-f6S (9aC) 'XY! a6BB-C6S (90C) "OL aLeaeaLuwel xr! ooresec (goG-Iga ZLL££ 'lJ 'IWtlIW Uae w w '7 .7 (eggs -u're) fdLf laoi l"w 13381S 1 M'N OOIOI OZL ZaaS Itl0 a90a .,q a aoado fa w •ou p puo amopup/1 I`JO ,o-,l•,s/I :Hey. •a`- N111 tl?lOd t400i1Vd ('I'V11 'VS 1NOtlf1N0 ON&YON WS£-S$ 9sa 5a o u-a-m :.Iw a Ts C z . 11 1..,.L 1 O a n1 � �z w �/ i <m $� 1Al 3 q• LLl IIII 9 r OO V �s r I � G$3x IHaI3H-NB W/3fd]G,.. 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Maximum height up to 21'0' high. Commercial Sheet Door Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FLIS918 R3_IL32022 Dwg Series 2031M 0002 odf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes FLL5218 R3 II 32022 Install Series 2031M 0004.adf Impact Resistant: Yes Verified By: Joseph H. Dixon, Jr. RE. No. 7768 Design Pressure: +40/-40 Created by Independent Third Party: No Other: Evaluation Reports FI t 5918 R3 AE_3 022 ER-12-0003 0004 odf F115918 R3_AE Affirm for FBC 6th 2017 15918 Asia 54dt Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 15918.2 Models 422FIM, 420 FIM and 418FIM Maximum width up to 16'6" wide. Maximum height up to 3010" high. Impact Rolling Steel Service Door Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FLIS918 R3 11 32022 Dwg Series 400FIM 0002.df W HVHZ: Yes FLIS918 R3 II 32022 Install Series- 400FIM and 6001M_0004.ndr pact Resistant: as Verified By: Joseph H. Dixon, Jr. P.E. No. 7768 Design Pressure: +55/-55 Created by Independent Third Party: No then. Evaluation Reports FLIS91.@_R3 ER-12-0003 0004.odf 9E_32022 FL15918 R3 AE Affirm for FBC 6th 2017 15918 Asta_s.adf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 15918.3 Models 6221M, 6201M and 6181M Impact Maximum width up to 16'6" wide. Maximum height up to 30'0" high. Insulated Rolling Steel Service Door Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL15918 R3 H 32022 Dwo Series 6001M 000Zd& Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes FLIS918 R3 11 32022 Install Series 400FIM and 600IM 0004 odf Verified By: Joseph H. Dixon, Jr. P.E. No. 7768 Impact Resistant: Yes Design Pressure: +50/-45 Created by Independent Third Party: No Other: Evaluation Reports FL15918 R3 Air32022 ER-ib0003 0004.otlf FL15918 R3_M_Afi1mL(gLF$C_¢1h_2o17 15918 9sta 5.odf Created by Independent Third Party; Yes Back Next Contact Us :: 2601 Blair Smne Road, Tallahassee FL 32399 Phone: 850-487-1824 The State of Florida Is an AA/EEO employer. Copyright 2007-2013 State of Florida.:: Privacv Statement :: Accessibility Statement :: Refund Statement Under Florida law, email addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mail address released In response to a public -records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. Instead, contact the office by phone or by traditional mall. If you have any questions, please contact 850,487.1395. -Pursuant to Section 455.275(1), Florida Statutes, effective October 1, 2012, licensees licensed under Chapter 455, F.S. must provide the Department with an email address If they have one. The smalls provided may be used for official communication with the licensee. However email addresses are public record. If you do not wish to supply a personal address, please provide the Department with an email address which can be made available to the public. To determine If you are a licensee under Chapter 455, RS., please click bet€. product Approval Accepts: ®im®® https:llfioridabuilding.org/pr/pr_app_dti.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDgsDdFYerPIwHNAKosm%2fFQHbp7u2lDXed7c%21kcAPIGLSEA%3d%3d Page 20l3 LIDL$-G IM lNtl-dWP'J 2D$B� (o$ (,p¢)Kg{ D6S9-S6S (SM) 131 p o N N eeeazez (SD:)xve ooxapzz moc»v ZLt££ 11 'IWVIW yqu1 0 (esss 'sra) eesce valaol39www 133WE WLSZ MN OOtO{ _ azs azlns'3nroa 13SNns Dees •out'Woo0 Puo SroPulM [00 (.i e.s/c :plpp. wn L WdOISMU MRC.Hd V etf33NIDN3 3 NOLL's•uq U00 boOMVA"lV (PrW-1)'vs woN NOIS nHwnnn DDW-SS DOI oea :sdolaua el-ez-m :elpp a 3: $ �i aim 9 iaau. 33' y I L� 1 p - ,do ,'a — M06H 3WVU3 S 13Bi5 335 $ 133HS 33S 'zwHi/I lnmHz/i t. - 'Dd0 3'U 'Dd0 l'0 S 1 .4 33S $ 13316 as 'NYNmZ/l xm z/I rr N0188JMfH JHDI3N 3M W6B8BE 19'+-WA oolB l(I 11 T■ �'7as... sz ns^arnna yasnn ZBSB-tB, (GM) 'ol ZLI££ 'li 'IPfVIw MKS HLSZ 'M'N OOIOI •ou) •saooa pun aMopuim jaa SAS ,NONi38— WONIWn.1 OOS£-SS Iu �N III �� II 3 1Si >; � w_ i� � �s� �-' III• s ]F � V O V p O22 �$ Sty �.43 y5� i_ YY � UU 2p9 V 2911 UpG ccµ iv 1 S I pUp3 i1c- tc i I I LL�n I - IS i•<: Ilm ^M'IEN OIBY1 :Fp •.p 'O g LI-IY�e :wPo � 3 - -..IF 4 still v? a J L'yZjyZ m� is I�" U N^ Fi qZG 2 s 8m U pY8 I ,qy � ri1pJ\$ � �o22, ui_ 5 a <O al< i UtCII YGiEI, �O`v��� =18U 1 III I I---Viz'-'----1r---- =it a 5"Vg IF U� � L_. 'on Ilm 'M. .. _ b./I OL mn m I OL SWMS I a o �-Z 31L ii z5 W>�BY I�.p0 �. MFFG I _o�e�ln 1 I� IDOZB-LIM lW-dWO0 )z50-fay (S ) WA omW ar (S ) '13L lq ♦r> j (�f N eeaexsz tcueixde oosessz tsoal yr zL(ii lj •IWVIW (— l() :i errs 'x'ral E/TEE tlpltl011':YMW L3381S H19Z WN OOIOI ■ uzZ 3rl0E'rNb0135N0i 08S6 yU) 'BJ000 PIID 6MOPUfM 100 •t ..a/r ape c i JN3WdCi3hi0lJ000tld RSN33NIpN3 _ 3 y Pr NOLLW'aduo bOOLlmad•T/ L SAS '1KIHfltlOLs WOINWON OOSS-SS uol sea :suw u-¢-ss a�yy��� 3 Y90 3pp3 7 ••. I Fal '18p 3003 �& xx f Fes` II I' I it 1 I 1 I II 1 1 l i e .11 n I i ii i i i o �� O � i [ r Ii ii I ill ' I di I CI II 1 I I 11 �� 11 O JY. 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The documentation submitted has been reviewed and accepted by Miami -Dade County RER - Product Control Section to be used in Miami Dade County and other areas where allowed by the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). This NOA shall not be valid after the expiration date stated below. The Miami -Dade County Product Control Section (In Miami Dade County) and/or the AHJ (in areas other than Miami Dade County) reserve the right to have this product or material tested for quality assurance purposes. I£ this product or material fails to perform in the accepted manner, the manufacturer will incur the expense of such testing and the AHJ may immediately revoke, modify, or suspend the use of such product or material within their jurisdiction. RER reserves the right to revoke this acceptance, if it is determined by Miami -Dade County Product Control Section that this product or material fails to meet the requirements of the applicable building code. This product is approved as described herein, and has been designed to comply with the Florida Building Code, including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone. Aluminum Storefront Entrance Door w/wo Transow)- L.M L APPROVAL DOCUMENT: Drawing No. W17-54, titled "SS-355 uminum Outswing Door (L.M.I.)", sheets 1 through 15 of 15, dated 05/30/17, prepared by Al-Farooq Corporation, signed and sealed by Javad Ahmad, P.E, bearing the Miami -Dade County Product Control Revision stamp with the Notice of Accentannumbetand,exnControl Section. MISSILE IMPACT RATING: Large and Small Missile Impact Resistant. L?XMMLe a"%1 unirs1'ralf"G a a permanent lal wt a rrs name or logo, city, state, model/series, and following statement: "Miami -Dade County Product Control Approved", unless otherwise noted herein. RENEWAL of this NOA shall be considered after a renewal application has been filed and there has been no change in the applicable building code negatively affecting the performance of this product. TERMINATION of this NOA will occur after the expiration date or if there has been a revision or change in the materials, use, and/or manufacture of the product or process. Misuse of this NOA as an endorsement of any product, for sales, advertising or any other purposes shall automatically terminate this NOA. Failure to comply with any section of this NOA shall be cause for termination and removal of NOA. ADVERTISEMENT: The NOA number preceded by the words Miami -Dade County, Florida, and followed by the expiration date may be displayed in advertising literature. If any portion of the NOA is displayed, then it shall be done in its entirety, INSPECTION: A copy of this entire NOA shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall be available for inspection at the job site at the request of the Building Official. This NOA revises and renews NOA# 16.0421.10 and consists of this page 1 and evidence pages E-1, E-2 and E-3, as well as approval document mentioned above. The submitted documentation was reviewed by Manuel Perez, P.E. NOA No. 17-1114.01 Expiration Date: January 17, 2023 Approval Date: December 28, 2017 l (' Page 1 CGI Windows and Doors, Inc. NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE: EVIDENCE SUBMITTED 1. EVIDENCE SUBMITTED UNDER PREVIOUS NOA's A. DRAWINGS 1. Manufacturer's die drawings and sections. (Submitted under NOA No.12-1005.02) 2. Drawing iVo. MD-3550.2-LM, titled "Storefront Entrance Door Details - LM", sheets 1 through 19 of 19, dated 03105116, prepared by manufacturer, signed and sealed by Anthony Lynn Miller, P.E. B. TESTS 1. Test reports on: 1) Air Infiltration Test, per FBC, TAS 202-94 2) Uniform Static Air Pressure Test, Loading per FBC, TAS 202-94 3) Water Resistance Test, per FBC, TAS 202-94 4) Large Missile Impact Test per FBC, TAS 201-94 5) Cyclic Wind Pressure Loading per FBC, TAS 203-94 6) Forced Entry Test, per AAMA 1304-02, FBC 2411.3.2.1, and TAS 202-94 along with marked -up drawings and installation diagram of pans of French doors, prepared by Fenestration Testing Laboratory, Inc., Test Report No. FTL-8842, dated 02/25/16, signed and sealed by Idalmis Ortega, P.E. 2. Test reports on: 1) Air Infiltration Test, per FBC, TAS 202-94 2) Uniform Static Air Pressure Test, Loading per FBC, TAS 202-94 3) Water Resistance Test, per FBC, TAS 202-94 4) Large Missile Impact Test per FBC, TAS 201-94 5) Cyclic Wind Pressure Loading per FBC, TAS 203-94 6) Forced Entry Test, per AAMA 1304-02, FBC 241I.3.2.1, and TAS 202-94 along with marked -up drawings and installation diagram of a storefront system with French door and transom, prepared by Fenestration Testing Laboratory, Inc., Test Report No. FTL-7137, dated 12/10/12, signed and sealed by Marlin D. Brinson, P.E. (Submitted under NOA No,12400S.02) C. CALCULATIONS 1. Anchor verification calculations and structural analysis, complying with FBC-51a Edition (2014), dated 06/05/15 and revised on 04/13/16, prepared by manufacturer, signed and sealed by Anthony Lynn Miller, P.E. (Submitted partly under NOA No. 12-1005.02) 2. Glazing complies with ASTM E1300-09 D. QUALITY ASSURANCE 1. Miami -Dade Department of Regulatory and Economic Res urces .R)D Menu .1 Pe E. Product Control E i er NOA No.17-1114.01 Expirotlou Date: January 17, 2023 Approval Date: December 28, 2017 E-1 CGI Windows and Doors. Inc. NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE: EVIDENCE SUBMITTED E. MATERIAL CERTIFICATIONS 1. Notice of Acceptance No.14-0916.11 issued to Kuraray America, Inc. for their "SentryGlas® (Clear and White) Glass Interlayers" dated 06/25/15, expiring on 07/04/18. 2. Notice of Acceptance No.14-0916.10 issued to Kuraray America, Inc. for their "Butacite® PVB Glass Interlayer" dated 04/25/15, expiring on 12/11/16. 3. Quanex Part Super Spacer® Standard by Edgetech I.G., Inc. exterior flexible, organic foam spacer complying with ASTM C518 Thermal Conductivity 0.881 BTU - in/ hr: ft? °F, ASTM F 1249 WVTR-Pass, ASTM D3985 Oxygen —Pass, ASTM E 2190I.G. Durability -No Fog -Pass. 4. Quanex Part Duraseai® complying with ASTM C518 Thermal Conductivity 2.22 BTU -in/ hr.-ft2-'F, ASTM F 1249 W VTR -Pass, ASTM D 1434 Argon Permeauce- Pass, ASTM E 2189 I.G. Durability -No Fog, ASTM E 546 Dew Point Development 20°F in 48 brs. F. STATEMENTS 1. Statement letter of conformance, complying with FBC 5'b Edition (2014), dated April 13, 2016, issued by manufacturer, signed and sealed by Anthony Lynn Miller, P.E. 2. Statement letter of no financial interest, dated April 13, 2016, issued by manufacturer, signed and sealed by Anthony Lynn Miller, P-E. 3. Laboratory compliance letter for Test Report No. FTL 7137, dated 12/10/12, issued by Fenestration Testing Laboratory, Inc., signed and sealed by Marlin D. Brinson, P.E. 4. Testing proposal issued by the Product Control Section, dated December 9, 2015, signed by Manuel Perez, P E. G. OTHERS 1. Notice of Acceptance No.15-0612.09, issued to PGT Industries, Inc. for their Series "SE-3550" Outswing Ahuninum Storefront Entrance Door w/wo Transom - L.M.I. approved on 07/30/15 and expiring on 01/17/18. 2. NEW EVIDENCE SUBMITTED A. DRAWINGS 1. Drawing No W17-54, titled "SE-3550 Aluminum Outswing Door (L.M.I.)", sheets 1 through 15 of 15, dated 05130/17, prepared by Al-Farooq Corporation, signed and sealed by Javad Ahmad, P.E. Manuel f6rej, P.E. Product Contrq E miner NOA No.-1114.01 Expiration Date: January 17, 2023 Approval Date: December 28, 2017 E-2 i� ¢ N O o smno g' 3 t me w zw LU C��oo ���� O — ffi Q o n"• w ¢�gri gggQZo �° S �ivwdcwi _ hxh i `' 100111111 a Y , n �2 �n0 aF U m g Nr/2�OW (N��y��w9 iD�WN � / O • S � yO� N A IL WWSyV4J yyW i / / ` ! O; I Uw p % mri 9 Su�5uTu�i �r5 JL� / • 2 y. I V)(J i�✓� wry{ g��i1 Z662Q II ����< � // •�W s�ij� OiQz�= d`` • • Gi � � 52 0 � pu w m awe vn b CJ N Q .ZE/6 l .ZE/lZ l QQ ,rr JQyJQ W O CGI Windows and Doors, Inc. NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE: EVIDENCE SUBMITTED B. TESTS 1. Test reports on: 1) Air Infiltration Test, per FBC, TAS 202-94 2) Uniform Static Air Pressure Test, Loading per FBC, TAS 202-94 3) Water Resistance Test, per FBC, TAS 202-94 4) Large Missile Impact Test per FBC, TAS 201-94 5) Cyclic Wind Pressure Loading per FBC, TAS 203-94 6) Forced Entry Test, per AAMA 1304-02 and TAS 202-94 along with marked -up drawings and installation diagram of a storefront system with French door and transom, prepared by Fenestration Testing Laboratory, Inc., Test Report No. FTL-17-7007, dated 05/05/17, signed and sealed by Idalmis Ortega, P.E. C. CALCULATIONS 1. Anchor verification calculations and structural analysis, based on current approval and updated to comply with FBC 6' Edition (2017), dated 06/30/17, prepared by Al- Farooq Corporation, signed and sealed by Javad Abroad, P.E. D. QUALITY ASSURANCE 1. Miami -Dade Department of Regulatory and Economic Resources (RER) E. MATERIAL CERTIFICATIONS 1. Notice of Acceptance No. 14-0916.11 issued to Kuraray America, Inc. for their "Sen"GlasO (Clear and White) Glass Interlayers" dated 06/25/15, expiring on 07/04/18. 2. Notice of Acceptance No.16-1117.01 issued to Kuraray America, Inc. for their "Trosif610 Ultraclear, Clear and Color PVB Glass Interlayers" dated 01/19/17, expiring on 07/08/19. F. STATEMENTS ............ 1. Statement letter of conformance, complying wi FBC 6" Edition (2017), d of no financial interest, dated June 30, 2017, issued by Aarooq""�ed and sealed by Javad .4Ilmad, P.E. 2. Letter .from owner of ex<sting NOA, dated June 30, 2017, stating that as the parent company PGT Industries, Inc. transfers this NOA to CGI Windows and Doors, Inc., and requests that the current NOA issued �o PGT Industries, Inc. be rescinded, signed by A. Lynn Miller, P.E. Senior Code Compliance Engineer, PGT Industries, Inc. 3. Testing proposal #16-143411issued to CGI Windows and Doors, Inc. by the Product Control Section, dated December 15, 2016, signed by Manuel Perez, P.E. G. OTHERS 1. Notice of Acceptance No.16-0421.10, issued to PGT Industries, Inc. for their Series "SE-3550" Outswing Aluminum Storefront Entrance Do r w/wo Ti ett{ - L.M.I., approved on 06/02/16 and expiring on 01/17/18. / Manuel P P.E. Product Contro E lner NOA No. 1-1114.01 Expiration Date: January 17, 2023 Approval Date: December 29, 2017 E-3 IOOYS-LIW I- - Moo L65B-c65 (t0[) 'AYJ OBS9- Q (SOT) ' L t c '1 a<ea¢vL cval'xva ooTeoeL (voslw ZLICf "U YWMw In `o .7_ (vcsr. 'wrn) setvc valy°v YWmw 1331llS HLSZ WN Mot O16d1 'v I Lrrawaov�iaaaonaoudA eBH3dNlONB .°U� 'SJODQ pND cmopuim 100 NOIltltlOdLOO OOOLtld'ltl a uava e o ou # �. 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Product Approval Menu > product or Aoolicatlon Search > Application List > Application Detail FL # FL21382•Rl Application Type Revision Code Version 2017 Application Status Approved Comments Archived Product Manufacturer r{,C.,._Grensteel Doors Inc. Address/Phone/Email 47"Yfr> St. Laurent QC CANADA H4T LIKE, NON -US 12901 (514) 733-3562 Ext 202 bmnogemasl@gensteeldoors.com Authorized Signature Jalal Farooq veronica@Lalceng.com Technical Representative Address/Phone/Email Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category X Exterlor Doors Subcategory OOO Swinging Extedor Door Asser Iles Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professlonal Engineer '71 Evaluation Report - Hardcopy Received Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed the Javad Ahmed Evaluation Report Florida License PE-70592 Quality Assurance Entity Intertek Testing Services NA, Inc. - QA Entity Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 12/31/2020 Validated By Ammad Riaz, P.E. .� Validation Checklist - Hardcopy, Received Certificate of Independence oor (LMH-Cl.pdf Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) Standard Year TAS-201 1994 TAS-202 1994 TAS-203 1994 Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Sections from the Code https://floridabUliding.org/pr/pr_app dtl.aspx?param-WGEVXQWtDgve007nSKOaGCNji8e2hHStCPrOvY2bdNvfFMsHbgZp9Nxg�3d%3d page 1 of 2 Florida Building Code Online 12/18120, 7:34 AM Product Approval Method Date Submitted Date Validated Date Pending FBC Approval Method 1 Option D 06/21/2019 06/21/2019 06/25/2019 312019 FL # Model, Number or Name Description 21382,1 Series "Genstorm" Flush 4888 Outswi Opaque Steel Entrance Door rge missile Impact resistant uhewing opaque steel entrance door. +&"z Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes FL21382 Rl II GS - Ouaoue Outswino Steel Door LMI - DWG W 16- 17Todf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: Yes Verified By: Javad Ahmed PE # 70592 Design Pressure: +80/-80 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Other: See attached drawing W16-17 for span vs load combinat and Evaluation Reports installation details. FL21382 RI_QF_SS - Genstorm Ooaaue OS Steel Door (LMI)-PAE off' Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 21382.2 Series "Genstorm' Glazed Outswing Steel Large missile Impact resistant outswing glazed steel entrance door. Entrance Door Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes 1 31.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: Yes Verified By: Javad Ahmed PE # 70592 Design Pressure: +80/-80 Created by independent Third Party: Yes Other: See attached drawing W16-31 for span vs load combination and Evaluation Reports Installation details. F1.21382_R1_6E_SS - Genstorm OS Glazed Steel Door (LMI)-PAE pdf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 21382.3 Series "Genstorm" Outswing Louver Steel Large missile Impact resistant outswing louver steel entrance door. Entrance Door Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes L2F 21 52 111 Louver Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes 30 odf Impact Resistant: Yes Verified By: Javad Ahmed PE # 70592 Design Pressure: +80/-80 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Other: See attached drawing W16-30 for span vs load combination and Evaluation Reports Installation details St Created by Independent Third Parry: Yes rack Next The State of Florida is an AA/EEO employer. Copyright 2007-2013 State of Flodda :: Privacy Statement :: Accessibllity Statement :: Refund Statement Under Florida law, email addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mail address released In response to a public -records request, do not send electronic mall to this entity. Instead, contact the office by phone or by traditional mall. If you have any questions, please contact 850.487.1395. -Pursuant to Section 455.275(1), Florida statutes, effective October 1, 2012, licensees licensed under Chapter 455, F.S. must provide the Department with an email address If they have one. The emails provided may be used for official communication with the hoemee. However email addresses are public record. If you do not wish to supply a personal address, please provide the Department with an email address which an be made available to the public. To determine If you are a licensee under Chapter 455, F.S., please dick bl l . Product Approval Accepts: ® WIRE https://floridebullding.org/pr/pr app_dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDgveD07nSKOaGCNjiBe2hHStCPrOv%2bdNvfFMsHbgZpgNxg%3d%3d Page 2 of 2 LI=91 �Nv�1a o9 . _-:...- 1----- m I xcel-sre (.187 a zaa-are lniI It �.y .—. sueeaa f0o01 xv� oonss0a 9w¢Itiv 1�9N11�rH oPouop 'o09anO luvnul 75 1 .=mi .✓ (BSBs 'N'P,a) BLS60 tlGWW IWMW-0-101H 096t ONtlI kl ro I ^ OLL 3110S'BNtlO J30NH5OB6'8 .G (O ..- 1W3Wdol)n3nJD1100tld R 9N30NMIWI 1 aiOQl31 84SUBM _ �+t mavw�an: el mm .; ;.°-I .. NOtit/tlOdriO9 OOOfroP7v (Ili'1) BOW 31WYd8 9NWSIM WBV IONif w»lywj uasa s 81A0t 91-nt-ro °wo 221 j o oCQ d S H3NNOD 1'* S to CQ p w Rol �e 0 ° 1 fy pr. Bdm .a.<8 N3NNQ7 SBmm BMT - 8: Cog{"AA� I 9i0 1 * 1a 35L5#y�L 23Hgk�. '< g Po r c ig i <° €o g gigda " dam. pp t rcgi $7 "J is I �31 u sl m �r V d01 B%5 .9/£ Z l i xar �)" 936NIN 3ivw3wtl3n6 X/NM 11 . i .0/S it, M3H 1He 'JNd6 NOPO - .. Ioi y ...-.-. .__. 1HOf8NV _ j_m 2Mt I § ■ | ` \ ■§ lie !| .i, .!| !A R /I§ w (/mJE ■ ('§ � 2 n-|$■ 2§! ,�§!w| ■� ! � /2 8a q)/1/§| R /I \ y m _ j _a. O 'e<abeai2ooe,�iva-'- oosgiia (ppel -iu i 9Nlx4N Opouo 'cage 0 lwjnoq IS (090 k'Y�) 81TE6WINOld'NYtlIW 096* M mInSIDA .13cNns Dees a WDOWIamsues .11va if3OL'Inpp,IdouvA--iv Notivaodaoa 000ava-iv II nh'n',> arou �vre� eat xsm, ; w 0 z o A A 0 t tl 0 i pp �C pZN m;+T r: o� IiE gib 0 me . g� c 6% Florida Building Code Online 12/19/20, 2:50 AM i { e BCIS Home I Log In 1 User Registration 1 Hot Topics I Submit Surcharge I Stats & Facts I Publications I Contact Us I BCIS Site Map 1 Links 1 Search .Product Approval USER: Public User ,pr W Product Approval Menu > Product or Application Search > Application List> Application Uetall FL K 68 -R 1 Application Type A ffirr Affimnation (Approved Code Version 2017 Application Status Comments -- Archived D Product Manufacturer Greenheck Fan Corporation Address/Phone/Email �4B0ItMSAve.•,,... PO Box 410 Schofield, WI 54476 (715)355-2242 mike.steele®greenheck.com Authorized Signature Michael Steele mlke.steele0greenheck.com Technical Representative Address/Phone/Email Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category Panel Walls Subcategory Wall Louver Compliance Method Certification Mark or Listing Certification Agency UL LLC Validated By UL LLC 9 Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) Standard year ASTM E 1996 2009 ASTM E330 2002 TAS-201 1994 TAS-202 1994 TAS-203 1994 Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By 6 (Ji1 affirm that there are no changes In the new Florida Building Code which affect my product(s) and my products) are in compliance with the new Florida Building Code. Documentation from approved Evaluation or Validation Entity Dye ONo ;-)N/A Product Approval Method Method 1. Option A https://floridebuilding.org/prtpr app_dti.aspx?param-wGEVXQwtOqumEMwPzhwcO4XgcbOkXuFF%2f5Us4TaJiMZICvmlutcnuQ%3d%3d Page 1 of 3 250 i- Ud INV dp00 2te1 ¢ce0 ru�(¢Deifies uo[vhea Lm¢I vi 9N L1iV1 opouo� '�a9onp J..wj -)S -AO-MO1H 090 (B69S 'N'PJ) SLTPR YOItlOIi 1"Um m I OM 3One'sr¢ad,a¢Nre Dees II s.JqU� e'"i2 5uas) ''"""-"---,- .. .- p d>h x�. `� Io LNSWdOl3A9O Llf1O9Nld 95L39NN1N3 ._m-+,-...�.." .. _ NOI.LVNOduOO bOOMtldri V Cwv w00 3f10vd0 98WSIIID wo mu. N RM h A fl do wasS d r- ri 19 a ai.�2� �ju6 S��m }~•T•�•iH`Y3H 3NF1t! �.... t �i u �d 0 F�F KY i 55555 rNl.ga'' A r e \ I Z I � ff 3 Z!+pipY I •:....�.1 F (Yl9) ! LSSS4SL (bli) 'Nl k YA d h_ n -'v (aal'MV! Ov[av6e (ace) va �I 9MLLvH upouop -IS '(864C 'H Y•�) 61SCE VOItlnlf'IWtlIW L al�alH pS�h I� -�c==e� �� dW1 k N c ( 10 unwaois�sa lonoouaysane�ioHs (I — �. _ � i q oo u •-: � r it NOLLtllIOdMoo OE)OkNd itl f ..(I'M'I) NOW 31W(d0 911A45ND BAB6 N5111! .�^IsaU� ��_�.. - suois ait„�mT"wv a 'x �. I INN Lo lk t' Mir x ate. l / B w' OV O i e \— ` OU QM1� Y J $, W 42 a �w k -F t .i. { -i- .i• �_; �M ion W' 8 , a a v Kp G O� s� ti WBE9t l8�)XY33�Cdi84OL(BOs)Tdl i9N114H •poun, ao9etq i wnn} IS K (vote VrY) ELvmVUIH 4 w ' IH 016.------ on .y{ r ixm4oT ma mnaom v 9N93NI`JN3 fit„ �"d®®Q Bed 511a9 — uo ineo • i ` •n�' co. Bl ns lmw l35NH9 0a68 }4 _l�fOLLVLOdtl00 bOUHtla!-1M ('171'1) U000 YIWd9 OWk41M BBAO N9t1f WmISwj� ro oe � ei-ea-co �e> �o �+ 5j w� )011;: y _ SS off': =R_ -_. - i mg a - 1 lqQg 3 v� ✓(avor w v*a) Wild NOI1VHodHoo boOMVxJ-qV HTMIJ KW YOM SHMSIM MV MITMAI" 11 1 C11 co 2 CQ -3 4� 12 ek! 2 2 I wi lit ig g 01 it Nil I11 5jo iz gig I O'd 1! 1 IS 9 gig:!g g I gig, V; 6q; �41 W!� 1� .9i 81. "I SI -s d 12 W:Q wjwhp "2�2i2!212 2 d�ok 21 !2pq 1 .lds3� CI lit gIE'IIR jl III 121 a 9 1 I- - 2 1 . NOIIVMOdkIOO � � ) c dd ®\ . e e e e ) § Florida Building Code Online 12/19/20, 2:60 AM Date Submitted 07/24/2017 Date Validated 07/24/2017 Date Pending FBC Approval Date Approved 07/25/2017 Date Revised 11/16/2020 Summary of Products —I PL Jf Model, Number or Name Description 6876.3 AFJ-601X 6" Deep, Fabricated Aluminum, Acoustical Florida Product Approved Stationary Louver Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes FL6876 RIO C5A:_825139_AFI-601% UL Cart Como6ance.odf FL6876 RIO C CAC IULQuality Assurance CContract 9-19- 0 0 odf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant: Yes Design Pressure: +200/-200 09/19/2020 Other. Load and size ratings In accordance with attached table. Rated Installation Instructions for Basic Impact Missile Level D (50 fps). Product not rated for AMCA 550 FL6876 R10 11 AFI-601X Install Details - CIJP Amile Mount.Ddf FL6876 RIO 11 AFI-601X Install Details - Continuous Angle MOum.Ddf or TAS 100(A), but may be Installed In a location where the room behind FL6876 R10 11 R25119 Load and Size Ratings.odf the louver is designed to drain water penetrating Into the room and the room will house water resistant/proof equipment, components, and/or Verified By: UL LLC supplies. Created by Independent Third Party: Evaluation Reports Created by Independent Third Party: 6876.2 EHH-501X 5" Deep, Extruded Aluminum, Horizontal Wind Driven Rain, Florida Product Approved Stationary Louver Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use In HVHZ: Yes FL6876 RIO C EAC_R25119 EHH-501X Uy_rg_C=DIiance.ndf FL6876_1110 C CAC UL Duality Assurance Contract 9-19-2020 odf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant: Yes Design pressure: +200/-200 09/19/2020 Other: Load and size ratings In accordance with attached table. Rated Installation Instructions for Basic Impact Missile Level D (SO fps). Product not rated for AMCA 550 FLE876 RIO Details f FL6876 RIO II EHH-501X Install Details - Continuous Angle MDDOL'Q f or TAS 100(A), but may be Installed In a location where the room behind El R10 Il R 5112 Load and Size RftiaMadf the louver Is designed to drain water penetrating Into the room and the room will house water resistant/proof equipment, components, and/or Verified By: UL LLC supplies. Created by Independent Third Parry: Evaluation Reports Created by Independent Third Parry: 6876.3 ESD-435X 4" Deep, Extruded Aluminum, Dralnable Blade Florida Product Approved Stations Louver Limits of Use Cetion Agency Certificale�� � • - rtifica Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes FL6876 RIO C CAC R25119 ESD-435X UL Cert Comollance odf FL6876 RIO C CAC LIL Quality Assurance Contract 9-19-2020 gd3 Approved for use HVHZ: Yes Impact Rasiet : Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Design Pressu +200/-200 09/19/2020 Other: Load and s ccordance with attached table. Rated Installation Instructions for Basic Impact Missile Level D (50 fps). Product not rated for AMCA 550 FL6876 RIO ILESD-435X Install Details - Clio Angle Mount pdf or TAS 100(A), but may be Installed In a location where the room behind FL6876 RIO II ESD-435X Install Details - Continuous Angle Mount odf the louver Is designed to drain water penetrating into the room and the FL6876 RIO 11 R25119 Load and size RaHnas odf room will house water reslstant/proof equipment, components, and/or Verified By; UL LLC supplies. Created by Independent Third Parry: Evaluation Reports Created by Independent Third Party: 6876.4 ESD-635X 6" Deep, Extruded Aluminum, Dralnable Blade Florida Product Approved Stationary Louver Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use In HVHZ: Yes FL6876 RIO C CALR25119 ESD-635X LIL ran C Odi iance odf FL6876_M_LS� 0L Quality Assurance Contract 9-19-2020 odf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant: Yes Design Pressure: +200/-200 09/19/2020 Other: Load and size ratings in accordance with attached table. Rated Installation Instructions for Basic Impact Missile Level D (50 fps). Product not rated for AMCA 550 FL6876 RIO 11 ESD-635X Install Details -Clip AagbL_MgOrij&ff FL6825 odf or TAS 100(A), but may be Installed In a location where the room behind FL6876 IIIO_II_R25119 Load and Size Ratin s df the louver Is designed to drain water penetrating into the room and the room will house water resistant/proof equipment, components, and/or Verified By: UL LLC supplies. Created by Independent Third Party: Evaluation Reports Created by Independent Third Party: J sack Next https://floridabuilding.org/prlpr_app_dti.aspX?param=wGEVXQwtDqumEMwPzhwcO4XgcbOkXuFF%2f6Us4TaJIMZjCvmlutcnuQ%3d%3d Page 2 of 3 !8 ;■ ■ !, / \ ■ - |■ §� ' .•2 | j LL � | a A\/ | . � ¥\ , En )/ \j [ k» all � 7 a� lit z} k z w w ± n O O /0 j /0 LLJ U | § w ' ( ,! ® ` \) \ 0�1110, ' � 0LLJ ' '� ■ , 2,§ 0 E - - fi I }� . j /.� I tot /§§ \ M IAMIOADE MIAMI-DARE COUNTY ME PRODUCT CONTROL. SECTION DEPARTMENT OF REGULATORY AND ECONOMIC RESOURCES (RER) 11805 SW 26 Street, Room 208 BOARD AND CODE ADMINISTRATION DIVISION T (786) 315.2590 F (786) 315-2599 GI Windows and Doors, 10100 NW 25"Street Miami, FL 33172 40 This NOA is being issued under the applicable rules and regulations governing the use of construction materials. The documentation submitted has been reviewed and accepted by Miami -Dade County RER - Product Control Section to be used in Miami Dade County and other areas where allowed by the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). This NOA shall not be valid after the expiration date stated below. The Miami -Dade County Product Control Section (In Miami Dade County) and/or the AHJ (in areas other than Miami Dade County) reserve the right to have this product or material tested for quality assurance purposes. If this product or material fails to perform in the accepted manner, the manufacturer will incur the expense of such testing and the AHJ may immediately revoke, modify, or suspend the use of such product or material within their jurisdiction. RER reserves the right to revoke this acceptance, if it is determined by Miami -Dade County Product Control Section that this product or material fails to meet the requirements of the applicable building code. This product is approved as described herein, and has been designed to comply with the Florida Building DESCRIPTION: Series "SS-3500" Aluminum Storefront System — L.M.I. 1MCV EPIT:'5riwing No. W17-52, ritlecTaSS- 6mAluminum Storefront Sys. (L.M.I.y" sheets 1 through 5, 5.1, 6 mid 7 through 15 of 15, dated 05/23/17, prepared by Al-Farooq Corporation, signed and sealed by Javad Ahmad, P.E., bearing the Miami -Dade County Product Control Revision stamp with the Notice of Acceptance number and e g�'NO=ZpactResistantI' duct Control Section. MISSILE IMPACT RATIN arge and Small MissilLABELING: Each unit shall bear a permanen a e wname or logo, city, state, model/series, and following statement: "Miami -Dade County Product Control Approved", unless otherwise noted herein. RENEWAL of this NOA shall be considered after a renewal application has been filed and there has been no change in the applicable building code negatively affecting the performance of this product. TERMINATION of this NOA will occur after the expiration date or if there has been a revision or change in the materials, use, and/or manufacture of the product or process. Misuse of this NOA as an endorsement of any product, for sales, advertising or any other purposes shall automatically terminate this NOA. Failure to comply with any section of this NOA shall be cause for termination and removal of NOA. ADVERTISEMENT: The NOA number preceded by the words Miami -Dade County, Florida, and followed by the expiration date may be displayed in advertising literature. If any portion of the NOA is displayed, then it shall be done in its entirety. INSPECTION: A copy of this entire NOA shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall be available for inspection at the job site at the request of the Building Official. This NOA revises and renews NOA# 1"505.04 and consists of this page 1 and evidence pages E-1, E-2 and E-3, as well as approval document mentioned above. The subrtit:ed documentation was reviewed by Manuel Perez, P.E. NOA No. 17-1114.02 Expiration Date: January 17, 2023 Approval Date: December 28, 2017 ��� Pagel CGI Windows and Doors, Inc. NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE: EVIDENCE SUBMITTED 1. EVIDENCE SUBMITTED UNDER PREVIOUS NOA's A. DRAWINGS 1. Manufacturer's die drawings and sections. (Submitted under NOA No. 12-1005. 01) 2. Drawing -No. MD-350(-2-1,M, titled "Storefront Window System Details - LM", sheets i through 16 of 16, dated 03/23/16, prepared by manufacturer, signed and sealed by Anthony Lynn Miller, P.E. B. TESTS L Test repces on: 1) Air Infiltration Test, per FBC, TAS 202-94 2) Uniform Static Air Pressure Test, Loading per FBC, TAS 202-94 3) Ww:.r Resistance Test, per FBC, TAS 202-94 4) Large Missile Impact Test per FBC, TAS 201-94 5) Cyclic Wind Pressure Loading per FBC, TAS 203-94 6) Forced Entry Test, per AAMA 1304-02, FBC 2411.3.2.1, and TAS 202-94 along will-, marked -up drawings and installation diagram of a storefront system with French door and transom, prepared by Fenestration Testing Laboratory, Inc., Test Report No. r TL-713% dated 12/10/12, signed and sealed by Marlin D. Brinson, P.E. (Submitted under NO,& No. 12-1005. 01) 2. Test reports on: 1) Uniform Static Air Pressure Test, Loading per FBC, TAS 202-94 3) Water Resistance Test, per FBC, TAS 202-94 4) Large Missile Impact Test per FBC, TAS 201-94 5) Cyclic Wind Pressure Loading per FBC, TAS 203-94 6) Forced Entry Test, per AAMA 1304-02, FBC 2411.3.2.1, and TAS 202-94 along wiih marked -up drawings and installation diagram of a storefront system with French door and transom, prepared by Fenestration Testing Laboratory, Inc., Test Report No. FTL-'/20a, dated 01/04/13, signed and sealed by Marlin D. Brinson, P.E. (Submitted under NOA No.12-1005 01) C. CALCULATIONS 1. Anchor verification calculations and structural analysis, complying with FBC-5's Edition (2014), dated G6/05/15 and 05/02/16, prepared by manufacturer, signed and sealed by Anthop-y L)Ti Miller, P.E. 2. Glazing complies with ASTM E1300-09 D. QUALITY ASSURANCE 1. Miami --Dade Department of Regulatory and Economic Resources (RER). M uet .E. Product Control xa finerer NOA No. lid.02 Expiration Date: January 17, 2023 Approval Date: December 28, 2017 E-1