HomeMy WebLinkAboutLetter; Permeability Test Results & Soil ProfilesHeadquarters 11345, U.S. Highway I Te 0, NGINEE RING Mailing P.O. Box 78-1377 Sebastian, FL. 32958 Orlando L AN�'IPhone:77� Sebastian; FL. 32978 S89-0712 723 Progress Way ilTESTING', C.A. # 5693 Sanford, FL. 32771 KSMen gineering.net August 18, 2020 Gabriel Ta.wa Takay.1ma d/o IVIBV Engineering, -Inc. 1835 20th Street Vero Beach, Florida 32.960. Re: Parce.11113: 34013-562-0009."400-9 Jenkins Road, Midway Industrial Park. Phase III -South, Lot 14 St.. Lucie %County, Florida KSM:Prpject #: 201869-p Dear Sir: Enclosed are the permeability test results and 'soil ,prpfilos for the referenced project. Two Hydraulic. Conductivity -Tests were performed, in the field by the "Usual Open - Hole Test," method. The horizontal -and vertical perme bility flow rate a.. W s were determined by: excavating atest pitadjacent,to the soil profiles: and obtaining undisturbed shelbYtube samples. We then performed a permeability test, an the field samples in our laboratory. All thesetestswereperfbtmed to evaluate the drainage :characterit;tics,of the soils for these particular test. locations. The followingtable indicates the usual Open H616 Hydraulic Conductivity test results for ,each test location: TEST LOCATION ..HYDRAULIC C r r -ONPL)PTIV.1,TY (See Location Plan) P-1 4.1 x 10-4 P-2 9.4 k 10-5 FILE COPY Headquarters 11345 1 U.S. Highway I I Sehastian, FL. 31958 Orlando 723 Progress, Way Sanford, FL. 32771 Jenkins Road Sit, LUcib County; Florida Mailing 's ENGINE�RJNG P.01. Box 78-1377 Sebastian,- FL. .92978 2_5 AVILINID TEST-l"s Phone: 71CA. # 189=0712 5693 KSMengine6ting.fiet. -2- August 18, 2020 The following table indicates the horizontal and vertical flow rate's for each test location. These tests were performed in accordance with,ASTM D-2434 and are performed in a saturated condition. TEST LOCATION HORIZONTAL FLOW RATE VERTICAL FLOW (See_ Location Plan) RATE P-1 9.5 Ft/Day @ (0"-10") Depth 7.2, Pt/bay @ (0"--10") Depth P-1 12.5 Ft/Day @ (1 W'-24") Depth 9.2 Ft/Day @ (10 -24")-,Deoth P-1 31 Ft/Day @ (24"-3.6") Depth P-1 1.0 Ft/Day @ (367-6.0")Dp0th P-2 . 5.45 FtID6y @ (0"-10") Depth 4.2:Ft/Day i§ (0"-40"") Depth P-2 2.3 Ft/Day @ (10%36 Depth P-2 10.;0 Ft/Day @ (36"-56") Depth P=2 2.8 Ft/Day (g (56'400' Depth 7) pt The following table indicates the measured water table along with our estimated 'normal wet season water table and normal dry season water table for each test location., TEST LOCATION MEASURED ESTIMATED TIMATED WET ESTIMATED -- (See Location Plan) WATER TABLE SEASON WATER PRY SEASON TABLE.. WATER TABLE P-1, PBA. .16"' Below Grade 8" 8610W -G Grade 44" Below rado P-21- PB-2 4" Belqw,Qrade 20" Below Grade 56"Below. Grade *Please note, that the.,,surfaceelevations. • in the areaof the .p roposed po nd varied considerab �ly,jue to, the fill material placed in thea'rda prior to the ihv stiga ion. f , l4. Headquarters h Mailing 11345 U.S Highway 1 _tNGIN�ERING: P O• Box 78-1377 Sebastian, FL. 32,:958 Sebastian, FL. 32978` Orlando AVA `ANO TESTI1 NG Phone:772-589-0712 719 Progress Way CA. ## 5693 Sanford; FL. 32771_ KSMengineering.net ' C Jenkins Road -3= August 18, 2020 St. Lucie County, Florida This est%imate is based upon our interpretation of existing site. conditions and a review of the USDA Soil Survey for St. Lucie County, Florida. The project soils are mapped as (25) Nettles and Oldsmar sands and (48) Wabasso sand; 0 to 2 percent slopes, according to the Soil Survey Map of St. Lucie County; Florida. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the office. Respectfully,. KSM Engineering &Testing BORING NUMBER PB-1 ]� KS1 Vl Sebassti n7 FL 32978 f PAGE 1 OF 1 Tel: (772)-589-0712 r Fax: (772)>589-6469 ; CLIENT Gabriel Tawa Takayama, c/o MBV PROJECT NAME Parcel ID: 3406-502-0009-000-9, Jenkins. Road PROJECT NUMBER 203869-p&b PROJECT LOCATION - St. Lucie. County, Florida DATE, STARTED. W14/20 COMPLETED 8/14/20 GROUND ELEVATION - HOLE SIZE inches DRILLING CONTRACTOR GROUND WATER LEVELS: i DRILLING METHOD _Split Spoon Sample EAT TIME OF DRILLING 1.33 ft LOGGED BY MS/SH CHECKED BY ..JEK AT END OF DRILLING NOTES See Attached Location Plan AFTER DRILLING a o z A SPT N VALUE a. a.0 _ wo U) w �z� w �� �� 20 40 60 80 PL MC LL w .. O MATERIAL DESCRIPTION wm > U of O z Q m,V w o " z a -f o a. z VO 2 V } " 20 40 60 80 1. < W a X ❑ FINES CONTENT (%) ❑ 0 1 20 40 60 80 Dark Gray Sand with Some Roots Gray Sand _ SS 3 4-5 ........:..... ..... :....... Dark Gray Sand, Slightly Silty (9) .. ......... ........ Brown Clayed Sand 5-5-5 SS (10) 5 SS 5-7-6 (13) :.. . SS 8-8-10 10 SS 10-9-10 :.......... .....:....... ............... Gray.Clayed Sand CL.:..:...._.....i.....:. SS 8-8-7 � a (15) ... ... .15 SS ( 7-8 15), ..... ... .... :.......: " LU Bottom of borehole at 15.0 feet. 5 4 KSM Engineering & Testing BORING NUMBER PB-2 y P.O.,Box78-1377 KSM Sebastian, FL 32978 PAGE 1 OF 1 Tel: (772)-589-0712 a Fax: (772)=589-6469 CLIENT ,Gabriel Tawa Takavama, c/o' MBV PROJECT NAME Parcel ID: 3406-502-0009-000-9, Jenkins Road PROJECT NUMBER 203869-o&15 PROJECT LOCATION. St. Lucie:County, Florida DATE STARTED 8/14/20 COMPLETED 8/14M GROUND ELEVATION HOLE SIZE inches . . . DRILLING CONTRACTOR. GROUND WATER LEVELS: DRILLING METHOD Split Spoon Sample Q AT TIME OF DRILLING 2.33 ft LOGGED BY MS/SH CHECKED BY .. JEK AT END OF DRILLING --- NOTES - See Attached Location Plan AFTER DRILLING W ♦ SPT N VALUE A F=-.. U a.0 Q. r o: > wo w �Z� a 20 40 60 80 PL MC LL Q'� O MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Wm g � Ci 0' ¢ � " Q. z U m O Z V } " 20- . 40 60 . 80 c of a 0 0 FINES CONTENT (%) 0. 0 20 40: 60 .80: '.' Brown Sand with Traces of Clay 'Limerock .... :.......i....... i..... 3-3-3 .. SL- SS (6) Gray Sand .: . SS 3-5-6 (11) ................... 5 Dark Gray Sand, Slightly Silty 7 - 7 -8 "' "' Brown Clayed Sand SS (15i S8 9-9=8 10. .................... 9-9-10 (19): ... ... ... ... a .•: Gray Clayed Sand 3S : 10-1Owl 2 (22) :..._........ 11-10-9 ... ..... .15 .(1'9): Bottom of borehole at 15.0 feet. W N c Y y U O 0 W J LL y Y_ Y is O O N O m 3 0 Z y 0 J IL m U W O W q7 I LOCATION Of TESTS PROJECT: Farcel. ID::3466'.'562-6009�000-9, Jenkins Road; Midway Industrial Pak Phase III-Sbuth, Ldt 14,,.St. Luci e-' County, Florida DRAWN BY: QN. PERMIT#': J.K.SHEET 1 1. Or 2 WINGINEERING DESIGNED BY: i PROJECT4; 263869-p DATE, 26200820 V, DTFSTING SCALE: NON A L.J PROJECT:, Parcel ID: 3406,402 0009.000 9, Jenkins Road, Midwa Industrlal:Park, Phase III Soutli; Lot 14 .St: Lucie Coun ,:Florida , SHEET OF 2 ENG-INEEIRIN. DfiAYVNBYi C.V. PERMIT #;S, DESIGNED BY: J.K. LVj,,,-,AND:Tro .� DATE: 20200820 PROJECT#; 203869 soils' SCALE. NONE