HomeMy WebLinkAboutLetter; Subsurface Investigation55 5" Headquarters . Mai ing C1 /' ENGINEERING . 11345 V.S.:Highway. 1- P.O. Box 78-1377 • Sebastian; FL. 31958 Sebastian, FL. 32978. . Orlando Me,N Q TETI N Phone; 772 589-0712 723 Progress Way C.A. # 5693 Sanford, FL. 3.2771 KSMengineering.net August 18, 2020J r Gabriel Tawa Takayama c/o MBV Engineering, Inc.. 1835 20th Street. Vero Beach; Florida 32960 Re Pi rcel lD;'3406-502-0009.000-9 Jenkins Road, Midway_ Industrial Park Phase III South, Lot 14 St Lucle County,:Florida KSM: Project # 20386.9-b Dear Sir: As requested; KSM Engineering & Testing has performed a subsurface investigation at the referenced site. Presentation of the :data gathered during the investigation, 'together with our geotechnical related .opinions, are included in this report. A. Site Description; At the time of drilling; the, site was relatively hilly with heavy surface Vegetation and many trees. Trails were cleared prior to our arrival and site fill had been placed on the site on the areas -that were:clear. B. Project Description: Three. (3) commercial warehouse .buildings .are planned to be constructed: on the site.. The buildings .area 14,700 to .15,000 sf each. Loads ,from the . structures will be transferred to -the; ground by conventional shallow footings.. `We estimate the maximum'. Toads will be 'less than 2,500 .,on per linear foot along the wall .foundation. Some additional site fill -will be required to reach the.clesired, grades: FILE COPY Headquart , 11345 U.S. Highway i /� Mailing P.O..,B008-11377 Sebastian,-+L. 32958�N.INEERLNI OL flando NIV&G AN��IN Sebagah,R. 32978 Ohbn.,e :fl772- 58*9.;0712 723 Progress Way CA. # 5694 Sanford, FL. 32771 KSMenginee,ring.net Jenkins Road -2- August 1.8, 21020 St. Lucie County, Florida C. The scope r of qurttudy consisted of the following:: 1. Performed Standard Penetration Test borings and hand auger b6rings in the ,Proposed construction area to estimate the subsoil -relative density, 2. Measured the grou''ndwat6rlevel a't each boring. 3. Ev8lu''ated the existing -soil -c6nd i . tions with i . th respect -to the proposed -construction .and provided recommendations- forsite- -p repa ratio- n, foundation design and pavement areas. 4.. Prepared this report, to document our findihgS-. D. Site :Investigation: The site investigation program for -the proposed structures consisted of performing twelve (12):S-tandard- Penetration Test boring's (SPT), in the proposed coristrOdtion areas.- The SPT­bonn�q's� Wereterminated at depths of 10 to 25 feet below grade. The locations of the borihgs' are indicated on the attached location Plan. The SPT borings were .comple ted in accordance with ,procedures described in ASTM = 1,586..- A si6ndard' 1.5 inch I.D.,;2 inch O.D. split -spoon sampler - is -driven into o the he soil I :Dby slu-cdessive blows of a'140 pound hammer freely, falling - 3-0. inches.. The number of blows reqUired,to drive the sampler 1 foot, after. seating :6 -in., is designated the Penetration Resistance,. or "N" Value. 7'At regular intervals the 8arripler.'is extracted 'from the ground and-'opehbd..to allow visual ekaminafibn -and-- classification of the retained t "I 'sample.oi Also the groundwater table was allowed. to stabilize and the depth of the groundwater elevatJo.p.recorde-d from existing, grade. The records of the:soi,ls encountered, the penetration resistances and groundwater. level are showh:on the :attached fogs... Headquarters 11345USs Highway I Sebastian', FL. 32958 Orlando AV 723, Progress Way Sanford, . FL. 32771 Jenkins RoOd -3- .8t. Lucie County, Florida. E. En-ginooring Evaluation and Conclusions: ns; EING"NEER NG Mailing 0.6. Box *1177 SebIagtiah,FL. 32978ANOTESTINO Phone�12-599-0712 .. CA. # 5693 KSMe6ginterjngmet August 1.8, 2020 Based on the information obtained from this site investigation, we are pleased to offer the following evaluation: The boting logs indicate the ''subsurface 'soils consist mostly of fine- edified sand, Slightly Silty and/of slightly clay Od Sand, and: clayed.salhd. Pieces of rock were also found in the borings, generally pear the surface and, mixed -in with the fill material. "N" values recorded -during the borin'goperation indicate the Soil density. is generally firm to• medium dense. Please refer to the soil bpring logs'fbr specific infor miation relative to the soil description. Based on the existing soil conditions, the proposed structure can be supported on a shallow foundation system provided that the Site- is properly d. y prepare The following .sections. provide recommendations. for'the site preparation and: foundation design. F. Site Preparation: The proposed building area and areas, to be -paved, 'plps_ -a- minimum makrgin.of five feet beyohd' 't'he'pto'Ob§O_d_ construction 66on Shall "'dand; I d . :'g ubbed of Sur - fd' .-t strippe an . r surface. debris, including -Vegetation, roots and prgahic.mafter. - Stumps shall beremoved Jeritiroly., . The building area should be graded _level and proofrolled. Any soft yielding areas shall be excavated and, -replaced with clean. compacted fill. -Sufficient passes Should. be made during compaction operations to produce a densi I ty no -less- than 95 pe'Men t 4 of its i modified dry -Proctor -value (ASTM.131 11557),to -a depth pf two feet. Thais, is important on this project due to the amount of viagetationwhich will be cleared onsite. After the exposed Surface has been 0 . frolledAhe:building . . and pav ement. ave drit, ar eas, may befilled.W the, desired; tades., The material shall of lean granular and " I ' '. 9., St. containing les ' a S th- n 10% material, passing. the, U-.S. S#krid6rd No.:.200 me sh sieve; Place structural fill ih:loose .layers of 1.2 inches: 'in 'thi6kni6st; and -compact each lifttoat iaast�95 percerit of 'its modified dry Proctor value. - After excavating for _the footings, the disturbed''f6otJng_S.IUDgraqO should,b,q.,r6cornpqctqd to 95- percent (minimum) of its'#ibdifii6ddry. Peodtor', valud..:`ThiIS.c6n be best-66hk eved by making'several passes With 9 r0laiiVely light-weidht-walk4bbh . ind Vib-raitoty sled or roller. Headquarters 11345 U.S. Highway i: Sebwtlan, FL. 32958 Orlaindo A% gap wi 723 Progress Way Sanford, FL. 32771 Jenkins Road 4- St. Lucie'.County, Florida G. InrPlace Density Tests: ;i Mailing ENGINEERING P.P. Bok 78-1371 Phone:772589 297AROTESTIRS 0712 C.A. # 5693 I(SIVIengineering.net Aug6st 18, 2020 Make tests in randomly selected location in accordance with ASTM. 0 1557 as follows: MATERIALS TEST FREQUENCY a. Fill and Backfill 1 per lift per 2,500 sq. ft. b. Subg,rade for Floor Slabs 1. per lift per,2,506 sq. ft. c.. Continuous Wall Footings 1 test every- 100 lin. ft. d. Individual Columnfoofings 1 test at each footing e. Roadway i testper10,000-'sq. ft. Tests in the excavated footings should be conducted priorq q, to pjacemeht of any steel or concrete. In; lace density of the compacted soil can be verified using a' nuclear density p 9 gauge. All Iifts0houAd not exceed 12" tested. H. Foundation: Provided that but recommendations for site preparation are followed, the proposed structure may be Supported on conventional concrete, Steel reinforced footings designed for an allowable soil bearing pressure of 2-50 pounds n - Wds per square foot, or less. With the foundation properly designed and the site properlywe anticipate prepared, total settlements less 'than ..:%of an inch and. differential settlement of less than Y4of an inch. The majority of the settlement should -occur during -construction. I. Drives and Parking Areas: (Standard Duty Only.) We perforrhed eight. (8) hand-aUgers in the .p pos ro , ed. roadway to evaluate the.solls in relation to'tho proposed pavement We did not, find' any Im , , r material in the test bo rings, hoWomv er, the surface soils were found to be, very loose: to loose. It will beespedially important on this site to properly c6mp6dt,t1T6 surface soils i Is as described below.. Penetrometer readings recorded durifigtho inves'-figation indicates the existing soil density is firm to medium dense I Headquarters nus U.S,, ighway /' ENGINEERING Mailing Pio. Box 784377 Orlandon,; FL. 32958, yj AND TESTING Sebastian,A. 32918 hone: 772-58970712 723 Progress Way C.A. # 5693 Sanford; F.L. 32771 KSMengineering. . net Jenkins Road -5- August 18, 2020 St. Lucie'County, Florida The relationship of the static cone penetrometer reading to the relative density is listed below: Relative -Density Static -Penetrometer Reading Very Loose or Soft .05 Loose 15— 40 Medium Dense 40-70 Dense 7&+ The static done penetrometer readings are indicated on the attached boring logs Although a comprehensive pavement evaluation was .not within the scope of this study the: ' site smay be prepared to support ,a flexible pavement or rigid concrete pavement. The pavement should be de6,igned for the anticipated 'loads and 'fre quencies. The minimum pavement detigh for standard duty asphalt should include the following: C16a"t the, roadway area of any surface debris incn I vegetation, roots and organic .u. ' id' matter-. "Stumps shall be removed entirely. The, cleared areas should be graded level and proof tolled. Any soft yielding areas shall be excavated and replaced with clean compacted fill. Sufficient passes should be made. during compaction operations to - produce a density no less than 95: percent of its modified :dry Proctor valUe'(AASHT0 T! 80) to a depth of two feet. t. ..Additional fill shall consist, of clean granular sandcontaining less than 10% material passing the ,U..,S. Standard No, 200:ma§h. sieve and placed'in loose lavers of 12 inches and compacted to the above densities. Eight inches of suitable cldved soil having aLimat6ck,Bearing. Rat; (LBR)qf4Oshould be used. for the stabilized subgrade and compacted to 98 percent. of its. Modified dry Proctor value (AASHTO T1 80).- The base -course shall be six inches, of cemented coqu ina,rock (LBR of 100) -or limerock _d fi'd Proctor.' v 166 'and compacted t 9,8 percent of its mo,, i. e -drya , ASHT perq.(A Q T1 80), A minimum ,of .16 inches separation should be maintained between the bottom of the base and the high seasonal groUndwat6r.,table... The asphalt wearing surface ahOuldconsist of 1 of type- 'par -3 :in 'accordance with the ,Florida :Department of 'Transportation r Sta-idard Specification -_, Pacific- on for Road :and Bridg6 Construction. $ 6 Headquarters 11345 U.S.. Highway 1 '�'!'► /' ENGINEERING Mailing P O. Box 78-1377 Sebastian; FL..32958 Orlando A% AVA&AND TESTING SebastFL ian,_. 32978 Phone:,772 589-0712 723 Progress Way CA. # 5.693 Sanford, FL. '32771 KSMengineering.net Jenkins Road -6- August 18, 2020 St. Lucie County, Florida Where a concrete pavement section is used., a minimum "thickness of 5 inches is recommended .within light duty areas. The concrete should. be reinforced 10 withstand the design traffic loads and saw cuts constructed for crack control. The concrete should have a minimum compressive strength of 4;000 psi. Six inches of suitable clayed soil having a Limerock Bearing Ratio (LBR) of 20 _and compacted to no less than .98 percent of its modified dry Proctor value (RASH ro T1.80) should, be used as a base. Standard duty pavement areas are considered car and pickup truck loading conditions_ and a few medium trucks such as delivery and garbage truck loading conditions. J. Closure; This report. has been prepared in accordance With. -generally accepted soil- and foundation 'engineering practices -based on the results of the test borings and. .the assumed loading conditions. No'warranties. either expressed or implied, are intended or made. .This .report does not reflect any variations which. may occur. between. the borings. If - variations appear evident during -the ,course of Construction, -it would be necessary to re -evaluate -the recommendations of this project: Environmental conditions; wetland delineation, water quality, and municipal requirements are not a partof this report. We, :are pleased to be of assistance to "you on this phase ;of your project. When we may be of further service to you, or should .you have any questions, please feel free to contact the office. 6 is KSM Engmeel°ng & fest'ing' BORING NUMBER B-1 KSM PA°GE 1 OF 1 $ebP.Oas�an, FL 3297I3 Tel: (772)-589-0712 Fax: (772)-589- , 6460 CLIENT Gabriel Tawa.Takayama, c/o MBV PROJECT NAME. _ Parcel ID: °3406-502-0009-0004. Jenkins'Road PROJECT NUMBER 203869-p&ti PROJECT L.00ATION St.lucie.CountV, Florida . DATE•STARTED :8113/20 COMPLETED :8/13/20 . GROUND. ELEVATION HOLE SIZE inches. . DRILLING CONTRACTOR_.:. GROUND WATER,LEVELS: f i `DRILLING METHOD 'Split Spoon Sample _ 9---AT TIME OF DRILLING 3.33 ft LOGGED BY . MS/SH : CHECKED BY JEK.. AT END OF DRILLING NOTES See Attached Location ,Plan AFTER DRILLING w a A SPT N VALUE A aiG .. U Zfn a� O MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Wm w w'a O �w �z� O=¢ Lu w z a 20 . 40 _ 60 80 PL" MC. LL � w o, �: �� n: _. O W m O > Y " ? �. 20 40 60 80 . t2 Q':Z W CU z O FINES CONTENT (%) ❑ 0 w' a o � 20 40 60 80 o Gra Y Sand .with Traces of Roots, o a light Brown Sand with Rock Fragments 4 4 ... (8) o - :Gray:Sand 5 54 .. SS (11.) .. 5 10-1 i-1 SS ; 0 Brown Clayed Sand.' 6 5'8 ... SS 10 S ( ) ... SS 11-10=10 m . (20) 4 Gray Sar d '.Slightly Silty. and. Slightly Clayed " SS l l-12-.1.0' .. .. " . (22) ry Bottom of borehole at 14.0 feet. "' "' w w co Y O 0 w y Y O O m g ) y F. ,Z ai J IL x m a w 0 w KSM Engineering & Testing BORING NUMBER. B=2 KSM PAGE 1 OF 1 S bassi an, FL 32978 Tel: (772)-589-0712 Fak (772)-589-6460 CLIENT Gabriel Tawa Takavama,:c/o MBV _ PROJECT NAME :Parcel ID: 3406-502-0009=000=9, Jenkins Road i PROJECT NUMBER ,203869-oft PROJECT LOCATION St. Lucie County, Florida, DATE STARTED :8/13/20 _ , , _. COMPLETED 8/1.3/20 . GROUND ELEVATION ... . HOLE SIZE inches • DRILLING CONTRACTOR GROUND WATER LEVELS. „,. DRILLING METHOD Split Spoon Sample Q AT TIME OF DRILLING 4.08 ft LOGGED BY . MS/SH, _:. CHECKED BY .JEK. ._ .... AT END OF DRILLING - NOTES See Attached Location Plan .. AFTERDRILLING w w A SPT NVALUE A aC2m wo �zJ "� 20 40 60 80 PL• . MC LL n~ o ,. O -' MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Lu �:� > Cy 0 O = ¢ m w r z o. ., C7 a Z. 0 0-> L z 20 .40... 60 80 _ _ . ❑ FINES 'CONTENT (%) 0 w a 0 0 • _. 26 . 40- .60 80, ... DarkGray Sand with'Traces;'of`Roots ' SS Light Brown Sand with Rock; Fragments .. ... c : o Gray:Sand 4_fi"7 _ SS (13) s SS 8-6 8 ;. - SS 11 1.-10 Brown "Clayed Sand . .... (20 ). ... ... SS ,•. 10 5) Bottorribfborehoieiat 10.0 feet.. n, m a m 0 ry w w Y 0 w J mm LL:. .. .. M. .. .. O 0 J a m La 0 w 6 I KSM Engineering & Testing BORING NUMBER B-3 ox 78-1 377 11S1V1, S baistiari, FL 32978 PAGE 1 OF 1 Tel: (772)=589-0712 Fax: (772)-5,89-6469 CLIENTGabriel Tawa Takayama;. do' MBV PROJECT NAME Parcel ID: -3406-502-0009,000-9, Jenkins Road _ PROJECT NUMBER 203869-p&b PROJECT LOCATION St, Lucie County; Florida DATE.STARTED :8/13/20 COMPLETED .8/13/20 GROUND ELEVATION HOLE -SIZE inches . DRILLING CONTRACTOR GROUND WATER LEVELS: ? DRILLING METHOD - Split Spoon Sample -•.AT TIME OF DRILLING 4.17 ft LOGGED BY .MS/SH CHECKED BY. JEK _ . AT END OF DRILLING .- .... NOTES See Attached Location Plan AFTER DRILLING --- .. a o z ♦ SPT N VALUE A = U .o_ o: w >= � 6 cn w H � O¢ w °' 20 40 60 80 PL MC LL w O MATERIAL.DESC_RIPTION jU' w z a-i mUZ U-r }., 20:, 40 60 80 0 FINES CONTENT(-%) 0 co 0 20 40 ...60 80 .:.. Dark GraySand'with Traces of Roots .. SS 3.3-4 o .`o Light'Brown Sand with Rock.Fragments - (7) _.... Gray Sand " SS 6-5-5 . SZ - (10) ....... 5 :. SS 7-7-7 (14):.:. ::....., ::•. S $ - 98-9 • B�own Clayed Sand . (17) :.: ... 10 .' SS 7-16-10 " (20) O Gray Clayed-Sand 7-7-7 SS" (14) ... g , .15 ... ....... .... W ... , w o _ •: Gray Sand, Slightly'Silty and Slightly Clayed .: .. .. """' ""' """' 0 W 20 $S : 5-6-6: J .. Y... .. --- ... Se Gray Sand, .Slightly.Clayed � _ . ,. , • N ..25 ;'• . (22) Bottom of. borehole at 25:0 feet, _". 0 c� m g y 0 z 0 O ' J a m U W 0 W .. 1 � � KSM Englneering &testing BORING NUMBER B-4 KS PAGIE 1 OF 1 . Seta§ an, FL 32978 Tel:(772)-589-0712. Fax:(772)-589-6469 CLIENT,: Gabriel Tawa.TakaVama, c/o MBV PROJECT NAME Parcel ID: 3406-502-0009-000-9, Jenkins Road PROJECT NUMBER 203869-pft PROJECT" LOCATION St. Lucie County, Florida DATE.STARTED :8/13120 COMPLETE_ D 8/13/20 GROUND ELEVATION HOLE SIZE inches . DRILLING CONTRACTOR .. GROUND WATER LEVELS: R . DRILLING METHOD Split Spoon Sample Q AT TIME DF DRILLING 350 ft LOGGED BY MS/SH • CHECKED BY. JEK, AT END OF DRILLING - - NOTES See Attached Location Plan AFTER DRILLING — m ASPTNVALUE ♦ v o_ DESCRIPTION' o_ iY >- w w 20 . 40 60 80" W 0 MATERIAL > C' O S 0 ¢ > w Y " z gip--- 0 a. m.0 U ? V >- 20 40 60 80. ❑ FINES CONTENT (%) ❑ Lu 0 0 0 20 40 60 .80 Light Brown.Sand with Rock Fragments. eo - . :.: Dark Gray Sand 4-5-5 SS' (10) .................. :....... :. 516.6.. :,. SS (12) ... .......... .........:......: 5 .•;; SS 7-8-8 ... ; Brown Clayed Sand (16) ....._........ SS: 11-12-11 _;. ................ (23) ... SS 77-7 . ,10 _. (14) Bottom of borehole at 10.0 feet. (L m . m C. d, 0 m cn 0 w r w .. . y U O .. 0 0 W J y Y O O " O ' c r KSM.Engineering..&Testing BORING -NUMBER B-5P.O. �/j Box 78-1377 PAGE 1 OF 1 lVl Se assi aKSn, FL 32978 Tel: (772)-589-0712 Fax: (772)-589-6469 CLIENT Gabriel Tawa Takayama, clo MBVI PROJECT NAME Parcel ID: 3406-502-0009-000-9, Jenkins Road t PROJECT NUMBER 203869-p&b PROJECT LOCATION St. Lucie County, Florida DATE STARTED .8/13/20 COMPLETED .8/13/20 GROUND: ELEVATION HOLE SIZE inches. DRILLING CONTRACTOR GROUND WATER LEVELS: DRILLING METHOD :•Split Spoon Sample Q AT TIME OF DRILLING .4.25 It LOGGED BY MS/SH CHECKED BY JEK� AT END OF DRILLING — NOTES See Attached Location Plan AFTER DRILLING — w o z ♦ SPT N VALUE U of >- W W w 20 40 60 80. PL MC LL F---0 Hr. w a. O MATERIAL DESCRIPTION m g Wo > d 0z� 0¢ a w �c z a p U po 0 U ` } " 20 40 .60 80 Z W ❑ FINES CONTENT (%) ❑ 0. a W 20 40 60 . 80 Gray Sand SS 1-2-3 Qa LighfBrown Sand with Rock Fragment's (5) ............................... 6 SS 4-4-5':.. - Gray 5 Sand (9) ....... .... SS 5-5-5 Brown Clayed Sand (10) ...... :....... :....... :....... •;: SS' 5-6-5 :'•.:: 10. ': VSS 8-6-7. (13)- (7 a 'Gray ClayedSand 8-8-7 ..:....... o SS (15) . 15 o : ' Gray Sand, Slightly Silty and Slightly Clayed c W20 ;....; . SS 5-7-5 J .LL (92) ... ... •;;. Y TH Gray Sand, Slightly Clayed 25 m F Bottom of.borehole at 25.0:feet. 0 m 3 o z y r 0 J IL x m r UW F- O w c7 t f i C KSM Engineering &Testing IBORI:NG NUMBEP.R B-6 78-132 ll`IJ1:Vl SebAs is Sebastian, FL 32978 PAGE 1 OF 1 TO (772)=589-0712 d Fax:. (77.2)=589,6469 CLIENT Gabriel Tawa Takavama: do MBV :. PROJECT NAME , Parcel ID: 3406=502-0009-000-9, Jenkins Road PROJECT NUMBER 203869=p&b PROJECT LOCATION .'St. Lucie County, Florida DATE STARTED 8/13/20 COMPLETED 8/13/20 GROUND. ELEVATION .. HOLE SIZE .. inches DRILLING CONTRACTOR. GROUND WATER LEVELS: DRILLING METHOD Split,'Spoon:Sample AT TIME OF DRILLING :0.50 It_ .. . . LOGGED BY .MS/SH CHECKED BY JEK _.. . AT END OF DRILLING --- ..... NOTES See Attached Location Plan AFTER DRILLING ♦ SPT N VALUE _ _ -� O w �� j aw 20 40 60 80 PL MC LL a w Oo MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Co. > a 0:1— z O =) > f. w �: z � , �_� " - V' o o z m O U ? Y 20. 40 60 80 a' ❑ FINES CONTENT (%) ❑ 0 _ `Dark'Gray Sand with Traces of.Clay a,nd, Roots 0 o o Light Brown Sand with Rock Fragments SS _3} Dark.. Gray Sand :, .- :.::: S$ 4-6-6 .. • (12) 5 SS .. Brown Clayed Sand' ` 10 j0-:11 _ .._.. .. .. SS 40 ...... ....... SS (3) ` Bottom of`borehole atr 10.0feet. 'a rc a ( 0 0 .. .. .... .. .. LU .' .. .' N .� .. .- . W J - - - .. .LL .. Y O am Aa f- F y-. N -. -. .. .. a m U - - Uj l7.' .. ..'. .. . KSM Engineering & Tgsting BORING NUMBER 9-7 KSMP.O. Box 78-1377 Sebastian, FL 32978 i PAGE 1 OF 1 Tel: (772)-589-0712' Fax: (772)-589-6469 CLIENT Gabriel Tawa Takayama, c/o MBV PROJECT NAME Parcel ID: 3406-502-d009-000-9, Jenkins Road PROJECT NUMBER 203869-p&b PROJECT LOCATION St. Lucie County; Florida DATE STARTED .8/13/20 COMPLETED .9/13/20 GROUND ELEVATION HOLE SIZE inches DRILLING CONTRACTOR' GROUNDWATER LEVELS: DRILLING METHOD .Split Spoon Sample AT TIME OF DRILLING 3.17 ft LOGGED BY MS/SH CHECKED BY :JEK AT END OF DRILLING --- NOTES See Attached {vocation Plan AFTER DRILLING -- o Z A-SPT N VALUE aEa� 0 0 o: > wo cn w �z wa 20 40 60 80 PL MC LL w O MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Wm W,g uj fd 0¢ F�_� p C2 o 2z O� U m O> Uz Y" 0 r 20 40 60 80 < W a o 0 FINES CONTENT (%)'❑ 0- 20 40 60 80 C.a : •:: Dark Gray Sand. with Traces of Roots a Light Brown Sand with Rock Fragments 2-3-4 :...................... :.:....... t i o SS' ;(7) : Gray Sand 4 ;.: (8) ... ... 5 : ;::•,: 3S 8-8-8 (16) .........:....:. . Brown Clayed Sand. 9-8-10 ..:.......:. :::; • : $S (1.8) . ..... :..................:......... 10. SS . 10-10-10 Gray Clayed Sarid :......: i..... 7-8-7 SS (15) 15 : _ .. .:....._.........s....... : ; Gray Sand, Slightly -Silty and Slightly Clayed 20 SS 6-5-6 ...... ........ :....... :....... ;...... . Gray Sand, Slightly Clayed .• :.: : :.. 1171042 .............. : ..... : Bottom of borehole at 25.0 feet. x m 4 p. 4 st KSM Engineering & Testing 4y BORING NUMBER B-8 � Box 78-7377 KS]� Seb! 1V1, Sebasfian, FL 32978 PAGE 1 OF 1 Tel:- (772)-589-0712 r Fak:(772)-589-6469 CLIENT , Gabriel Tawa.Takavama, c%'MBV I • . PROJECT NAME Parcel ID' 3406-502-0009-000-9, Jenkins Road: PROJECT -NUMBER 203869-p&b PROJECT LOCATION St. Lucie County, Florida. DATE STARTED :8/13/20 COMPLETED 8/13/20 GROUND ELEVATION . . . . ' HOLE SIZE - inches- . " DRILLING CONTRACTOR GROUND WATER LEVELS: DRILLING METHOD :'Split Spoon Sample -V- AT TIME OF DRILLING 3.83 ft LOGGED BY. MS/SH CHECKED BY JEK. AT END OF DRILLING --- NOTES See Attached Location Plan AFTER DRILLING w o SPT N VALUE A w � = a. 20 40 60 80 PL, M= a.' ° O MATERIAL•DESCRIPTION w� j C�J O Z¢ w ,. Z c `� ,L o,z U m O-Z U } 20 _ 40 60 .. 80 ❑ FINES CONTENT (%):O N. Lu a w _0 20 40 .60 90. o Q Gray Sand with Pieces of Rock o 6 Rock Fragments 6 8-5 . Li ht Brown Sand ' 9 SS (13) ' Gray Sand 4-5-T ....... i SS $S 6-7-6 (13) .. Brown Clayed'"Sand - .. MAO .. ::. SS:. (19) 10 SS 8-9711. Gray Clayed Sand (20) ... SS 10-12-92 '(24) cd m ........ . . ..:.......:....... : ;.. SS -14 13-.13 .. ... m (27) ; Bottom of borehole at 14.0 feet. w m . y U . O C W `J LL .� .... In Y m dd 0 ro m g E: N z F 0 J a x m W f w ,- V s E 4 h' KSM Engineering & Testing BORING NUMBER B-9 /j P.O. Box 78-1377 KSl°Vl Sebastian, FL 32978 4 PAGE 1 OF 1 r, Tel: (772)=589-0712 Fax:'(772)=589-6469 CLIENT Gabriel, Tawa•Takavama. c/o MBV PROJECT NAME _Parcel ID'. 3406-502-0009-000-9, Jenkins Road PROJECT NUMBER 203869-pi;iti .... PROJECT LOCATION St. Lucie-Courity, Florida. DATE STARTED 8/13/20 COMPLETED "8/13/20 GROUND ELEVATION . HOLE SIZE inches DRILLING CONTRACTOR GROUND WATER LEVELS: DRILLING METHOD Split Spoon Sample. VAT TIME OF DRILLING .4.00 ft LOGGED BY MSISH CHECKED BY - JEK• AT END OF DRILLING . = - NOTES See. Attached Location Plan AFTER DRILLING a o z A SPT N VALUE A a .. v Q.0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION o: w m >- ,-. w a f2 w 0 z a E- z 20 40 - - - _60 80 ... ; PL MC LL o �,� -j m 0 m O > Y = r 20: . 4~0! 60 180 z � V ? p p" D-FINES CONTENT (%) ❑ - 0 :.1 20 40 . 60 80 Dark Gray Sand with; Traces of Roots Light Brown Sand _. SS 4-3-4 Rock Fragments o ° (7), ....... ... ' Gray: Sand SS 5-8-7 (15) 5 - SS :: 557 Brown Clayed,Sand (12) ' .:... .. . SS 8 9=11 ao) 10 SS 12-12=11 . Bottom of aborehole at 10.0 feet. a 00 a co 0 AN -W K W m .. y y U O to J LL .. Y ` in do 0 a N m ❑ Z .O .J IL x ,m LLl O w Engineering A Testing KS BORING NUMBER B-70 P.p Box 78=1377, KSM Sebastian, FL 32978 PAGE 1 OF 1 Te1:(772)-58970712 Fax:(772)-589-6469 CLIENT Gabriel Tawa Takavama; c/o MBV PROJECT NAME, ,'Parcel iD: 3406=502=0009-0Q0=9. Jenkins Road - PROJECT NUMBER 203869-p&6_ _ PROJECT LOCATION St. Lucie CouMv:.Florida DATE. STARTED :8/14/20 .. COMPLETED .6/14/20 - ... GROUND ELEVATION HOLE SIZE inches" DRILLING CONTRACTOR GROUND WATER LEVELS.: DRILLING METHOD ,Split Spoon Sample AT TIME OF DRILLING 3.59 ft LOGGED BY MS/SH . .... _ ._ .. CHECKED BY :JEK - AT END OF"DRILLING -- NOTES :See Attached Location Plan .. AFTER DRILLING -,- w" o z SPT N VALUE �—.. n +c ,. c.). x� IL Oo MATERIAL• DESCRIPTION a o �w w m r W, w C v� w �i—� z a ►L o F F- z� 26 40 60 80" PL MC LL w o �.g a O D Q coO w 20 40 .60 - .80 Q_ 2 z - U z Q >- 0 FINES CONTENT (%) Q < w a o 0 .... 20 40 , . 60 80 , . a Dark'Gra ,: •;: y Sa,nd,with Traces of Roots .. c 5 . SS 4-4 - Light Brown Sand'with Rock Fragments. a O° (9)".. o Q 556- Gray Sarid" 5 SS l l) SS 8-10-9 (19) ... ., ES 10- 11 A 0 Brown Clayed Sand (21), 10 ;''• SS 8.7-7. (14) SS Co ii (20 ) .. Gray Clayed "Sand _, S$ 13-12-12:.. - (24) .. Bottom of borehole at 14.0 feet. `. W y Y U O O W J LL _Y O O C7 :m y " N r z - .. . y O J a m U w O , w O 71 KSM Enginee ding & Testing BORING NUM I BER B-1 I P. 0. Box 78-1377 KSM'. Sebastian, FL 32978 PAGE I OF I Tel: (772)=589IO712 Fax: (772)-589-6469 CLIENT Gabriel Tawa Takayarna, c/o MBV f PROJECT NAME Parcel ID: 3406-502-0009-000-9,.Jdnkins Road PROJECT NUMBER 203869-p&b PROJECT LOCATION St. Lucie County, Florida DATE STARTED 8/14120 COMPLETED. 8/14/20 GROUND ELEVATION HOLE SIZE inches DRILLING CONTRACTOR GROUND WATER LEVELS: DRILLING METHOD Split t Spoon Sample .� AT TIME OF DRILLING, 3.75 It LOGGED BY MS/SH CHECKED BY JEK AT END OF DRILLING NOTES See Attached. Location Plan AFTER DRILLING ;2� A SPT N VALUE A F.a. jX w >- W 6 co a 3: f-:D uj (L 20 40 60 .80 PL MC LL (L jF LU MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Uj M -j a LU CY 8K Z -i =) § �- cp� w U) Z 3 5'5 0 ---1 ❑ a. =) 0 �4;t- — 20 40 ' 60 80 2z L) w 0 Z 0 0 .$.- w 0 FINES CONTENT 0 Brown Sand ,I- z ents Ss' 3-4-3 (7) ................ ...... SS 6-5-5 (10) .. ...................... SS 6-6-8-8 (14) ....................... ............................... SS 9-10-9 X SS 10-10-12 ........ ...... ........ ....... ...... .(22) 9 KSM Engineering &Testing BORING NUMBER 13-12 ox 78-1377 KSMP.Q. S basBt an, FL 32978 PAGE 1 OF 1 Tel: (772)-589-0712 Fax: (772)-589-6469 a CLIENT Gabriel Tawa Takavama, clo MBV PROJECT NAME Parcel ID: 3406-502-0009-000-9. Jenkins Road PROJECT NUMBER 203869-p&b PROJECT LOCATION St. Lucie County, Florida DATE STARTED . 8/14/20 COMPLETED :8/14/20 GROUND ELEVATION HOLE SIZE inches DRILLING CONTRACTOR _ GROUND WATER LEVELS: DRILLING METHOD _Split Spoon. Sample �V AT TIME OF DRILLING 0.42 ft LOGGED BY MS/SH. CHECKED BY _ JEK AT END OF DRILLING =- NOTES See. Attached Location Plan AFTER:DRILLING -- . o z ♦ SPT N VALUE m ~^ V M0 a o: m > _ It u� w �z� a �q 20 40 60 80 PL MC LL w OO MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Zi n Ci � O I Q �� w.4 " z n �, a. z U Lu m O Z � a ., Of 20. 40 60 . 80 ❑'FINES CONTENT (%) 0 0 20 40 60 80 _. park Gray Sand .. ;;.. 8S 2-3-4 0 o Light Brown Sand with Rock Fragments - .(7) . .............. :....... :....... Gray Sand .:. _ .; SS .......: 01) i..._,.:i......... 5 SS 8-9-8 (17). Brown.Clayed Sand 10-12-11 ....... ...... :....... i......... SS' (23) ... 10 SS 11-12-10 (22) Gray Clayed Sand 8-8-7 ..i.......:..... SS] (22) Bottom of borehole at 14.0 feet. Y m .5 � s Head uarters:' q 11345 U.S: Highway 1 Mailing: d P.O. Box 78-1377 0, At ENGINEERING Sebastian; FL 32958 Orlando: Sebastian; FL 92978 X -,AV AND TESTING Phone 772-589 0712 723 Progress. Way C.A. # 5693 Sanford, FL. 32771 KSMengineering.net Date. August 14, 2020 Location_: Parcel ID: 3406-502-00.M.000-9 Jenkins Road, Midway Industrial Park St. Lucie County, Florida HA-1, See Attached Location Plan DEPTH STRATA PEN DESCRIPTION, OF IN FEET FROM -TO READINGS SOILS ------------ -0- 0" —12" Gray Sand with Roots -1---------------------- ----=-------_ =-=--=-------30--==-----=-----=--=--==------------- 12" — 48" Yellowish Brown Sand -2-: .35 -3-. 40 =4-----------------=-=-----=----------- ---------------- 40---,--------- -----------�--------------------- Water.Table: 4" Below Existing 'Grade Job .#: KSM 203869-1 f1a g b i 4 Headquarters- 11345 U. S: Highway 1Te AN HTUER Mailing; P O Box 78 1377 I G Sebastian; FL. 32958 ld'I Sebastian; FL. 32978 Orlando: 111111 A Di ST Phone 772-589 0712 NO 723 Progress Way C:A. # 5693 Sanford, FL, 32771 KSMengir eeriiig:net Date: August 14, 2020- Location.: Parcel 0: 3406-502-0009=00.0-9 Jenkins Road, Midway Industrial Park St. Lucie County, Florida HA-2, See Attached Location Plan DEPTH STRATA PEN DESCR'IPTIO.N OF IN FEET FROM=TO READING'S SOILS -0- 0" —:241' Gray Sand with Roots -1- 25 -2------------- ---------------------------=---------30=-=--------=—:_:---=---- --- --- - - ------ ------ 24" — 48" Light Gray Sand . -.3-: 35 -4- ------ --- ---= -------------- --=-- -- - Water Table 5" BeloW Existing Grade job*.- XSM 20386� ;2ha s r Headquartersc 11345 U,$; Highway 1 r Mailing: PsO. Box 78-1377 � � Ar- IV ,ENIGINE Sebastian;Fl 32958 Orlando• 1w�st10 �Sebastian; V ANO ESTI FL 32978 Phone 772-589 071Z 723 Progress Way AA C.A. #'5693 Sanford, FL.. ,32771 f(Werigineering-net Date August 141 2020 Location: Parcel ID: 3406-502-0009-000-9 Jenkins Road, Midway Industrial Park St., Lucie County, Florida HA-3', See Attached Location Plan DEPTH STRATA PEN DESCRIPTION OF IN FEET FROM -TO READINGS SOLLS -0- 0" =1211 Gray Sand with, Some Roots -1-----=--=------------------- —----------------- -=--25---=--------------------------------------- - ---------- -- -- 12" — 48" Light. Brown Sand -2- . 35 -3- 35 -4---=-----=--=-------=------------ =------ ---- ------ =---- 40-- .---------------- ----------------------------- ----- r. r. • 4 Headquarters: 11345 U.S. Highway 1. Sebastian;:FL. 32958 Orlando; I . 723 Progress Way Sanford, FL. 32771 1 Ar ENGINEERING JV& ANOTESTING Date. August 14, 2020 Location: Parcel ID: 340.67502-00097000-9 Jenkins Road, Midway Industrial Park St. Lucie County,'Florida HA-4, See Attached Location. Plan Mailing: P.O. Box 78-1377 Sebastian; FL. 32978 Phone. 772-589-0712 C.A. # 5693 KSMengineenng,net DEPTH STRATA PEN DESCRIPTION OF IN FEET FROM -TO READINGS SOILS -0- 0" 12" Gray Sand with Traces of Roots -1-—------- --------- ----------------------------------- 20--------------- =--------- ---------- ---=------------------ 12" — 36" Light Gray Sand -2- 30 -3-------- -------------------------------------------35=-------------------------------------=---------------------- 36" :— 4811 Light Brown Sand with Traces of Clay =4------------------- - --------- ----=----------=---------40------------------- -.-=------------------ ---- Water Table: 6".-Below1. Existing Grade Job #: KSM 203869-4ha I 1 4 .I r Headquarters: 11345 U.S. Highway 1 Sebastian, FL. 32958 Orlando: 723 Progress way Sanford, FL. 32771 tr I Af ENGI i117iYi AND N �Mailing: � RIND P:O. Box 78-1377 Sebastian, FL. 92978 VON, Phone: 772-589-0712 C.A. # 5693 KSMengineering:net Date August 14, 2020 Location: Parcel ID: 340.6-502-00097000-9 Jenkins Road, Midway Industrial, Park St: Lucie County, Florida HA-5, 'See Attached Location Plan DEPTH STRATA PEN DESCRIPTION OF IN FEET FROM -TO READINGS SOILS -,0- 0 24" Dark Gray Sand with Roots -1- 25 -2-------------------------------------- ----------- --30------------------------------------ ----------- - ---- 24'` — 48" Light Brown Sand with Traces of Clay -3- 30 -4-----------------=35-=- ------ . _-------------=---- Water Table; 3" Below Existing Grade Job #: KSM 203869-:5ha Headquarters: 11345 U.S: Hi hwa 1. b y _ "" Mailing: P.O Bo x'78-1377 I C!"I /' ENGINEERING . Sebastian FL, 32958 , Orlando: Sebastian A. 32978 m w723 AND TESTING Phone: 772=589-0712 Progress'Way. C.A. # 5693 Sanford, FL. 32771 KSMengineering.net Date : August 14, 2020 Location: Parcel ID: 3406-502-0009-000-9 Jenkins Road, Midway Industrial Park SL Lucie County, Florida HA-6, See Attached Location Plan DEPTH STRATA PEN _ DESCRIPTION OF IN FEET FROM -TO REAOIN,o$ SOILS -0- 0" —.24" Gray Sand -1- 20 -2-.-------- ------------ --=-------------------- -------- 25- --- ------ 24" — 4811 Light Brown Sand -3- 30 -4----------------------------------------------- - - - - - - ------------------------ - -- -- -----3 5---=----------= ater:Table: 7 Below Existing Grade Job M KSM 203869-6ha a f Headquarters: Mailing: 1i345 U $.-Highway 1 vp ' Iff ENGINSING P.O. Box 784377 Orlando: v1W Phone Sebastian, FL. 32958 ND UsTING S6bcjt772 589-0712 723 Progress Way - CA. # 5693 Sanford, FL 32771 KSMengineei dng.net i Date. August 14, 2020 Location: Parcel ID: 3406-502-0009.-000=9 Jenkins Road, Midway'Industral Park St. Lucie County, Florida HATT, See Attached Location Plan DEPTH: STRATA PEN DESCRIPTION OF IN FEET FROM -TO READINGS SOILS -0- 011:- 1.2" Dark Gray Sand with Roots 1--------------=-------------------=-=--------- =-- 30- --- ----- -------=--------------- ------------------ ----------- 12" 36" Gray Sand -2- 30 . 73—--------------------------- 40-=-=- ----- --- - ---- ----- 36" 48" Light Brown Sand With Traces of tlay -4- 45-=-=-----=---=--- -------------------------------------------- ---- ---- ---=--------- . - ------- WaterTable 3":Below.Existing ,Grade Job #: ,KSM 203869.=7ha Headquarters: 11345 U.S. Highway 1 Sebasti0n, FL. $2958 Orlando: 723 Progress Way y Sanford, FL 32771 r�► r� � EN v AIN Mailing: P.O. Box 78-1377 Seba-Alan, FL 32978 Phone: 772-589-0712 C.A. # 5693 l(SWangineeting.net Date. August 14, 2020 Location: Parcel ID.: 3406-502-0009-00,079 Jenkins Road, Midway Industrial Park St. Lucie County, Florida HA-S, See Attached .Location Plan DEPTH ----- -------- ------- --------- ------------------ — ----------- STRATA PEN DESCRIPTION OF IN FEET ------------------------ FROM -TO READINGS SOILS ------- ------------------------- --------- — — ----- ------ ------------- -0- 011-2411 bark Gray Sand -1- 30 -2 - ------------- — ------- ----------30 ------------- — ------------------------- ---------------- — -- 24" — 48" Light Brown Sand -3- 35 -4 - ----------------------- --------- ------- ------------- — ------------------------- Water Table: 5" BelowExistingGrade Job-#-. KSM 203869-8ha' A-3 14 w 0, ti / ifl ���� ,.4j4 `. .LOCATION OF TESTS PROJECT: Parcel 100406-502-0009.000m-0, Jenklqs'ko6d;Mldway Industrial Park,- Phase Ill South, Wtl14,,'$t.. Lucie County, Florida SHEET 1 M I lk,�NGIf�EERING. DRAWN BY: : C.V. PERMIT #: AVL ' AND TESTING' DESIGNED BY: _j.K ff PROJECT #: 203869-b DATE:" 20200910 AMOSCALE: NONE