HomeMy WebLinkAboutProducts Review; SikaGrout-212-
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Edition 04.2018/vl
CSC Master Format- 03 62 13
Description SikaGrout l-212 is a non -shrink, cementitious grout with a unique two -stage shrinkage compensating mechanism,
(compensating for shrinkage in both plastic and hardened states). It is non-metallic, contains no chlorides and may be
placed at various Consistencies ranging from dry pack to fluid by simply adjusting the quantity of mixing water.
A sulphate resistant grade, SikaGrout°-212 SR, and a silica fume modified grade, SikaGrout®-212 HP, are also available
(see separate Product Data Sheets).
Where to Use a On grade, above and below grade, interior and exterior applications.
u Structural grouting of column base plates, machine base plates, anchor bolts, bearing plates, bridge seats, precast wall panels.
a On grouting projects where ability to adjust consistency and achieve accelerated strength development is required.
Advantages a Pre -blended for easy application and maximum field control. Just add water, mix and place.
a Versatile, can be applied in any consistency from dry pack to fluid by varying water content.
a Reducing water content accelerates strength development and ultimate compressive strength values.
u Non -corrosive does not contain chlorides.
a Formulated with inert, non -reactive aggregates to eliminate potential Alkali -Aggregate Reactivity (AAR).
a Excellent pumpability - does not segregate even at high flow; no build-up on equipment hopper.
a Low heat development.
a Superior freeze/thaw resistance.
a Ministry of Transport Ontario approval for use in grouting bridge bearings and anchor bars (Reports MI-110 & MI-120).
a Product qualified by The Road Authority (TRA).
a Meets Ontario Hydro specification M-690-87for pumping through grout pump and hoses for a distance of up to 60 m (196 ft).
a Ministere des Transports du Quebec acceptance for grouting anchor bolts and reinforcing dowels in concrete.
a Approved by the Alberta Ministry of Transportation.
a Product recognized by the British Columbia Ministry of Transportation (BC MoT).
a Meets H. A: Simons grout specification 15-05.01 for grout types 1, 2a, 2b, 2c, 3 and 4.
a Meets ASTM C1107 for Grade C type grouts.
M kg (55 lb) bag
ConcrRe Grey
Apprpx. 13 t (0:46 ft3) per bag of fluid grout i
12 months in original, unopened packaging. Store dry, ensuring that product is not exposed to rain,;
c0densation or high humidity. For'best results, condition: product at 18to 29'C (65 to 84'F) before using,.
Mix Ratio
4.6 L (1.21 LIS gal.) water/bag max.
;Properties at 23'C7(73 T1 and 50 %. R.64.
SlkaGrouta-212 (tested at water/solids ratio
of 0.18 by weig1it)
Aggregate grading ASTM C136
100 ropassing 2.5 Mtn (3/32 in)
Flow cone CAN/CSA A23.2-18
25 - 35 sec
Placement Time
1 hour max.
Set time ASTM C 403.
Initial 4 to S h 30 min
Final 5 to 7 hours
'Compressive Stretigth MPa (psi)
CAW/CSA A23.2-18' yGr/5 = 0.18 "
(a.6 L (1:21 us gat.)/bagT
1 day . (3710)
3 days 42 (6095)
7 d 48 (69651
28 days 56 {8125)
Compressive Strength ASIM C109, We (psi)«
(SilcaGrouto-212 tested with Siliacere Accelerator)
:Temperature Dosage 24 hours 2 days 3 days .� s'
0 -C (32 -F) 1 bottle (150 ml.) 2 (290) 13 (1932) 24(355,01
40 (5756) 4&(69
10'C (50'F) 1 bottle (150 ML) 18 (2624) 33 (4855)
23'C U3'F) 1 bottle (150 mL) 37 (5356) 42 (6070) 45 (6461) $6.(8
' fluid consistency compressive srrenyths are given as minimum guig'elines. Pourable and drypack cansistenc.%es wil,erisr7v eweed these values. AlhmauJds; midngtmJs
components were preconditioned to the test temperatures. Prepargd test specimehs were costand then cured otthe Indicated testtemperotdres until the time of testing
;`>f �
be•clamped <sn cooedASolftimes QIQpidjsotids ratioAvater+5lkocem',Accelerator/SlkaGrout9-212)=6.18; [4.6L (1.21 US gaL) ofR.7uid per 25 k9 (5S 1b) bog ofSike6' ou 42IJJ
Silt:iGrouY°-21P �
Freezelfhaw durability ASTM C666, Procedure A
Helative:dynatrlicmodulus 101.9%
Durability factor 101
No tigiilficant change to specimen
Anchor 801f Grouting Appfications
W3tetJso'lids ratio 0.166
Mix water 41.5 L (11 US gal,)
pull -alit kesPlts L30 inm (1.$ in) diameter hole]
Role depth, corn (in) Load fall^ kN (Ibf) [orrlmertts
12' (3) 7lf.6 (17 676) Concrete block split in half
19Q (7.5) 308.2 (24 324} Caficrete block spit. in half
250 (10) 126.4 (2$ 416) Concrete blork split.ln half
bato based on results obtained from pull tests an T5 M, epoxy coated rebars grouted intd'30 MPa (435Q psl), 80 t 10 mm slump, 611 % air entrbined
concrete black
Product properties are typically dverd'ges, .Walned under laboratory conditions Reasonable variations can be expected on -site due to local factors, including environmeet
prepafnNa: iapp)rmtion, saringQnd testmefhods.
All grease, oil laitance, ice or snow and any foreign deposits shall be removed from all surfaces with which the grout
to the extent that it does not present a smooth
will come in contact. The concrete foundation shall be roughened
foundation. All dust and loose particles shall be removed by
surface, which would impede the bond of the grout to the
sandblasting, high pressure waterblasting or other suitable means.
Concrete foundations less than 28 days old shall be kept wet for at least 12 hours, and older foundations for a minimum
of 24 hours before placing grout (SSD condition). All free-standing water shall be removed from concrete surfaces priorto
anchored to grouting exceptfor anchor
grouting. All items to be grouted into place shall be properly positioned and prior
bolts and dowels, which may be placed into the fresh grout if job conditions permit and at the discretion of the engineer
in charge. For grouting of base plates the formwork used to contain the grout shall be constructed in a workmanlike
manner and caulked to prevent leakage of grout. Provisions shall be made at the high points for airto be vented as it is
displaced by grout.
Mix using a heavy duty low -speed drill (300 - 450 rpm) and mixing paddle or in a grout mixer. The size of the mixer
amount of water consistent with placeability
should be appropriate to the volume of grout required. Use a minimum
requirements. After all dry product has been added to the water, continue mixing for three (3) minutes. For application
greater than 150 mm (6 in) in thickness, add up to 12 kg (26.5.Ib) of 10 mm (3/8 in) coarse aggregate. The aggregate must
be non -reactive (reference ASTM C1260, C227, and C289), clean, well -graded, saturated surface dry, have low absorption,
high density and comply with ASTM C33, size number 8 per table 2.
The prepared grout may be pumped or transported to the forms in buckets or wheelbarrows and deposited without
forms is Grout having been prepared but not placed
delay. External vibration and agitation of the grout in the permitted.
within one (1) hour after preparation shall be discarded. Prepared grout shall be agitated until use. Several hours after
placement of grout (depending on ambient temperatures) forms may be removed and exposed grout shoulders may be
trimmed or shaped to desired finish.
Dry pack application: Refer to the Sika Cementitious Grouting Method Statement.
Curing As per ACI 308 recommendations for cement concrete, curing is required. To achieve performance consistent with
Technical Data, curing must be provided by recognized curing methods, such as wet burlap covered with white
polyethylene film, misting with water, or approved water -based curing compound, such as Sika® Florseal WB-18 & -25.
Usage of Sika® Ultracure DOTrM or NCFTm wet curing blankets is also strongly recommanded. Curing must commence
immediately after placing and finishing. Protect freshly applied grout from direct sunlight, wind rain and frost.
Clean Up Clean all tools and equipment immediately after use with water. Once hardened, material can only be removed manually
or mechanically. Wash soiled hands and skin thoroughly in hot soapy water or use Sika® Hand Cleaner towels.
CSC Master FormatTm 03 62 13
G 'g pp�� ppf&tt-�ry7 MUM,
Limitations Important: p�.'_ stored material from exposure to rain, condensa`;a )id high humidity as moisture may penetrate
packaging, causing lumps.
For best results, condition product to temperatures ranging from 18 to 29 °C (65 to 84 °F) prior to mixing and
installation. Lower temperatures may result in slower strength development and longer cure times.
Maintain wet grout, ambient and substrate temperatures between 5 - 32 °C (41- 89 °F) for a period of 72 hours after
placing, unless using Sikacem° Accelerator in mix (refer to Technical Data section).
o SikaGroutO-212 must be protected from freezing during setting.
a Minimum application thickness (neat without additional aggregate): 25 mm (1 in).
o Maximum application thickness (neat without additional aggregate): 150 mm (6 in). Thicker applications are possible
with the addition of suitable aggregate. Please contact Sika Canada.
• For anchor bolt/dowel grouting, hole diameter should be 25 mm (1 in) greater than bar diameter.
• Anchor bolt/bar holes should be pre -dampened for a period of one (1) hour prior to grouting. Holes must be in
saturated surface dry (SSD) condition at time of grouting.
• Do not use as a patching or overlay mortar or in unconfined areas.
• Use only potable water.
o Extending with aggregates will reduce compressive and flexural strengths. Dimensions and grading of aggregates will
influence effect on physical properties; pre -testing is recommended.
Health and Safety For information and advice on the safe handling, storage and disposal of chemical products, users should refer to the
Information most recent SAFETY DATA SHEET containing physical, ecological, toxicological and other safety -related data.
The Information, and In particular, the recommendations relating to the application and end -use of Sika products, are given In good faith based on Sika's current knowledge and
experience of the products when properlystored, handled and applied under normal conditions, within their shelflife. In practice, the differences in materials, substrates and actual
site conditions are such that no warranty in respect of merchantability or of fitness for a particular purpose, nor any liability arising out of any legal relationship whatsoever can be
inferred either from this Information, or from any recommendations, or from any other advice offered. The information contained herein does not relieve the user of the products
from testing them for the intended application and purpose. The proprietary rights of third parties must be observed. All orders are accepted subject to our current terms of sale
and delivery. Users must always refer to the most recent issue of the local Product Data Sheet for the product concerned, copies of which will be supplied on request or may be
downloaded from our website at: www.sika.ca
Head Office other locations
601, avenue Delmar Toronto 1 800 933-SIKA
Pointe -Claire, Quebec Edmonton Certified 1509001(CERT-0102780)
H9R4A9 Vancouver www.sika.ca Certified 15014001(CERT-0102791)
CSC Master Format*r" 03 6213
3/3 3-440