HomeMy WebLinkAboutsubcontractors5305hickoryDr.PORT ST. LUCIE PROPERTIES 011alifIN Ilome Builder SUB -CONTRACTOR LIST: A/C: AIR CONDITIONING UNLIMITED CERT# 20-28038 ELECTRICIAN: AAPEX ELECTRIC:CERT# EC13009343 INSTALLATION: DAVIDSON INSTALLATION: CERT:2140 PLUMBER: AQUA DIMENSIONS PLUMBING: CERT# 18628 ROOFER: CARDINAL ROOFING: CERT# 9072 PERMIT # ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUII,DING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT have agreed to be Sub -contractor for (Primary Contractor) For the project located at 5�� (_pb�` i��JS' U(�� ' � (Project Street Address or Property It is understood that, if there is any change of status regazding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change SIGNATURE ,�la10 notice. COUNTY CERTIFICATIONCNUMBER State ofFlorida, County of,�]�, The foregoing instrument was signed before me this day of . y .2%L by Mie VVi(M rmI who is personally known or has produced a as Ide''nt��i11ticatCCioa 1 1 )JYi STAMPC Signetur of Notary PubPublic,�t � Prlat Name of NotaryPublic Notary Public State d Florida i � e� Robin L Bowen ��My eommiasion GG 2Be212 Eupues 02/04/2023 Revised 11110016 S M-CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE(QuaWier) 1 zm/z/qa uwr.re,ta m: rG I�Dd 13u� COUNTY CERTII+ICATIONCCNUMBER State of Florida, County of oiI3 A &C( 2 The foregoing instrument was slgn�ed before me thisa L' day of 202 by l a. YGt( " D O who is personally known Nzor has produced a yr ro Notary Public Slata d FIdWa a�. I� Dena M Fullwood _,. , STAMP PLANNING OL DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division Bu¢.otNG vERn�rr SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT hate agreed to be For the project located at ��A� rlmz ,5 yleLze Y'Go or Property Tax ID IS) It is understood that, if there is any change of stohls regarding our participation with the above metitiened project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the r�iaao COUNTI' CERTIFICATION NPaIRER State of Florida, Canny orL LL]UR The tangoing instrument was signed before me fhi� day of &2�A4—,20al by it'lAY'IL tY1Oh7-k who is persona By known for has Prod aced a SU&CONTRACTOR SIGNAT. (Qualifier) PRINT NAME, COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER Slate of Florida, County or� %/� .per• I The foregoing lustrument was signed before uncS.4 this / , day of 20,&Iby .� ` 'I 1 who is Personally known or has produced a as Identification, is idc lineation. �. 1��Pnn STAMP S16AMP Sign fi or Notary Pu�lfc . ,��,,,' �`^\ o Nofinr Public Print,n�,,Xotary P brt — Prior� I f I Public yv=02104/2'0283 ate of Florida M;vr'u ;- JENNIFER DAVIS Revised 11116/2016 +P n MY COMMISSION#GG 953418 s1 EXPIRES: February 29, 2024 GG 290212 ,�<: 02a"y?;or t;0Pd Banded Thin Notary Public Undetwfllers PLANNING & DEVELOPMXNT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance DMS10n Par the project located at l .fpsr �/ ^+ram..;. �s'?n7 It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding onr partieipation wiih the above mentioned proje4, the Building and Code Regulation Dimion of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the fili ng of a of notice. shah +tCofNot PFnmi KfL\r;) 1�-V1 Pn tlYavx ofMobvy Pubfic 1 r• r xa: F• � ►�„ —( 1 kayo 11 1 P 1 I: ui• — It aB l�On�CBL]aa. STAMP � aaj l elf `sioffahve lofNAry Pamir Prot Name oFNot"Y FnbHe �.N'� °W. Notary Puhlic Stele of Florida W Robin L Bowen iL•aited ] ItiK1016 My Comm ssion GG 2 212 or n Expires 02/04/2023 m BHARONANOER80N �erru�, 0 Commlaelonk60971b4E yry, ExplrecAprll60,6110 PERMIT # ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT Aqua Dimensions Plumbing Services have agreed to be (Company Name/Individual Name) the plumber (Type of Trade) Sub -contractor for PORT ST LUCIE PROPERTIES (Primary Contractor) For the project located at 3402-608-0435-000-7 (TBD Hickory Dr) (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a notice. COUNTY CERTIFICATIO�NNUMBER State of Florida, County of. ]y- . ilp ++�� The foregoing Instrument was signed before me this a day of OUy 2o2lby w ta y, km meA,rAr7o who is personally known Yor has produced a as Identification. STAMP Signh c o NotaryPubec -Robs n t, Print Name of Notary Public Jar °� Notary Puhllc Slate of Florida Revised I I/16/2016My Robin L Bowen p Commission GG 29e212 Ex �aa,C Expires 02104/202323 eUB��CONTRACTO SIC T RE (QualiRer) PRINT NAME )acoab COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER Slate of Florida, County of The foregoing Instrument was signed Ibeforeme this 17day of June 2a!/ by ACJ�t / / lei 10JIN. who is personally (mown j—Or has produced a LISA LESTER NOTARY PUBLIC STAMP FLORIDA Cornet# GG127647 Expires 7124/2021 PERMIT # ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT have agreed to be Sub -contractor for (Type of Trade) For the project located at (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CONTRACTOR SIGNAT (Qualifier) Max k Mo r1�a 1-�a PRINT NAME 31220 COUNTY CERTIFICATIONNUMBER {� State of Florida, County of The foregoing instrument was signed before me this j2M day of `-k' )1�A , 20�, by InOla�,_ h L t,T`(41 M I who is personally known )Lor has produced a as identification. SignaturditfNotary Public Print Name of Notary Public SUB.CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE (Quahtier) Picch ar�� PRINT NAME �o-a�sa3$ COUNTY CERTIFICATIONQNUMDER State of Florida, County of The foregoing instrument was sit ned before me this �. day of 151�1�,20�by �<j�y 7 who is personally known or has produced a as i d e ntifi cation. \ fry p STAMP Tm )� ll' 1 ISTAMP Signati re o otary Public Print Name of Notary Public �y, Notary Public State of Floritla i�„ o,,,� Robin L Bowen �,M Ry, Notary Public Stnte of Flrnida My Commission GG 299212 W Robin L BoWen awd� Expires 02/04/2023 My Commission GG280272 Revised II/16/2016 �` p +ea py. Expires 02/04/2023 (,•