HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION.- . '"" ·- SUPPLEMENTAL CONSTRUCTION LIEN LAW INFORMATION: DESIGNER /ENGINEER: _ Not Applicable MORTGAGE COMPANY: Not Applicable - Name : Name : Address : Address : State :_ C i ty : State : City : Zip : --Phone : Phone Zip : FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLDER: BONDING COMPANY: Not Appl icable _ Not Applicable - Name : Name : Address : Address : City: City : Zip : Phone : Zip : Phone : 'n icated . 0 , d h k and 1nstallat1on as I d WNER/ CONTRACTOR AFFIDVIT: Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to o t e wor I ce rtify that no work or installa tion has commenced prior to the issuance of a perm it . . , h Ider to build the subject structure St. Luc ie Countx makes no representat ion that is granting a perm it wi ll author ize th e permit o th t av restrict or prohibi t such wh ic h is in co n lic t with any ap plic able Hom e Owners As _soc 1a11on ru le~. bylaws or and co vena nts . ? m h" h m apply . st ruc ture . Please consul t with your Home Own ers Assoc1at1on and review your deed for any re stric t ions w IC av In cons ideration of the grant ing of this requested permit , I do hereby agree that I will, i n all respects, perform the work i n accordance with the approved plans , the Florida Building Codes and St . Lucie County Amendments . The following building perm it appl ications are exempt from undergoing a lull concurrency review : room add it ions , accessory structures, swimming pools, fences, walls, signs , screen rooms and accessory us es to another non-residential use WARNING TO OWNER: Your failure to Record a Notice of Commencement may result in paying twice for improvements to your property. A Notice of Commencement must be recorded in the public records of St. Lucie County and posted on the jobsite before the first inspection . If you intend to obtain financing, consult with lender or an attorne before commencin work or record i n our Noti ce of Commencement. Agent for Own er STATE OF FLOR_IQA t· " COUNTY OF Mtlf (• 1 --'-'-'----'-'---'---------- Sworn 1_2~or affir!'"ed) and subscribed before me of th is _15_' day o~ llr , 20.M_ by 0. [) o.J,4, . otary ublic -Stale of Florida ) r:..~ I '(JJJ1 I c~mi,.ioo "_-_Vl ____ .-___ (_Se_a_l) ___ _ I REVIEWS ' FRONT COUNTER ZONING I REV IE W SUPERV ISOR REV IEW Phy sica l Presence or __ On line Notari zation PLANS REVIE W l~IIV, "· GONULEZ ;i Hollry Public· Stitt cf ~londl CommlnlonfGG 197l18 ....... · My Comm. Explro, M,lr 11, 2022 VEGETATION REVIEW SEA TURTLE REVIEW MANGROVE REVIEW