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3G. Structural Steel Members*- (Not Shown) - As an alternate to Item 3, 3A, 6C. Alternate Steel Framing Members* - (Optional, Not Shown) -As an o�LL Lo
System No. C-AJ-8143 Design No. P561 3B, 3C and 3F - Pre-fabricated light gauge steel truss system consisting of alternate to Items 6 to 6B, furring channels and Steel Framing Members as System No. W-L-5096 ... o 0
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March 30 2015 °Q J August 13, 2015 August 05, 2020 cold-formed, galv steel chord and web sections. Trusses fabricated in various described below. � ��= m Q
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Unrestrained Assembly Rating - 1, 1-1/2 and 2 Hr. sizes, depths and from various steel thickness spaced a maximum of 24 in. OC. a. Furring channels- Formed of No. 25 MSG galv steel. 2-9/16 in. or 2-23/32 F -� �
F Rating - 2 Hr in. wide by 7/8 in. deep, spaced 12 in. OC, perpendicular to joists. Channels F Ratings - 1 and 2 Hr (See Item 1) Y 0 0
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T Rating - 0 Hr This design was evaluated using a load design method other than the Limit States Design 3H. Structural Steel Members* - (Not Shown) -As an alternate to Item 3, 3A, secured to joists as described in Item b. Ends of adjoining channels overlapped T Ratings - 0, 1/2 and 1 (See Items 3 and 4)
Method (e.g., Working Stress Design Method). For jurisdictions employing the Limit States 3B, 3C, 3F and 3G, - Pre-fabricated steel truss system consisting of 6 in. and tied together with double strand of No. 18 SWG galv steel wire near °' 'N 2 �
NE .m
Design Method, such as Canada, a load restriction factor shall be used-See Guide BXUV cold-formed, galvanized steel chord and web sections. Truss top and bottom each end of overlap. 6 r- o
or BXUV7
chords min. 4 in. high by 1-11/16 in. wide by 18 ga. Truss webs min. 1-1/2 in. by b. Steel Framing Members* - Used to attach furring channels (Item a) to the ;11_1 � -� A 11-- �Q_. a .a
1 \ 3 (�� I T:�l A C�� I �L
-1. - f, " . `' ." * Indicates such products shall bear the UL or cUL Certification Mark for'urisdictions 1-1/2 in. by 20 ga. square tube bent and triangulated as shown. Chords and steel joists (Item 3). Clips spaced a max of 48 in. OC. RSIC-1 and RSIC-1 o N E as
. .. . ......... . . ..... , _ p web connected by fillet welds. Overall truss depth min. 12 in. Trusses spaced a (2.75) clips secured to alternating joists with No. 8 x 2-1/2 in. coarse drywall (n 0
employing the UL or cUL Certification (such as Canada), respectively. I
: .- ,�' ':4, ::. .'' ` k''S•, max of 24 in. OC. Truss ends placed over and secured to Bearing Seats (Item screw through the center grommet. Furring channels are friction fitted into clips. -° N
. 3H1)with two min. #10 by 3/4 in. long screws on each side of Bearing Seats. RSIC-1 clips for use with 2-9/16 in. wide furring channels. RSIC-1 (2.75) clips # 4 ' I . .
t-+ _- ry� `
k Allowable loading must be calculated so as to stress the steel trusses to a for use with 2-23/32 in. wide furring channels. Adjoining channels are # 0
. {� ... `� .--,i . A 41T maximum of 98% of the stress calculated in accordance with the allowable overlapped as described in Item a. As an alternate, ends of adjoining channels
....... .. . ...
:.. : . ; . ......'....;,,;;... topr-P. stress design approach outlined in the manufacturer's load tables. may be overlapped 6 in. and secured together with two self-tapping No. 6 ' ' y "' mm-,,. „_ """ ,, - - "" -
. f' .. . ......
.� ,' J _� framing screws, min. 7/16 in. long at the midpoint of the overlap, with one screw mm UZD . 1�
' ::::::::�8'............... ...... .. ---- .......... �; Y� _ 4- Y. 3H1. Bearing Seats*- ((Not Shown)- Galvanized steel tube, min. 1 in. by on each flange of the channel. Additional clips required to hold furring channel I:�- I P �.�I
, .
_ . . I I I Il 11 a C i I r r i 1 1 1 3 2-1/2 in. b 13 a. oriented vertical) and welded to min. 4 in. b 4 in. b 10 a. that supports y g y y y g pports the wallboard butt joints, as described in Item 7. p C vd
1 �' ::::::: : _ galvanized steel plate. Bearing seats spaced 24 in. OC and attached to bearing S� I 0) o Q
l�ti i'=�_..'T`T= 1t ] .... 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r r r M -- �- LL ,
a �__=_v_v______________�______. - - - -- - - - - - - - - - su orts b weldin or screw attachin the steel late to the bearin su orts. 7. G sum Board* -One la er of nom 5/8 in. thick b 48 in. wide sum ti (� u. Q * g o 0
.------------------- --===-= Pp Y 9 9 p 9 PP Gypsum Y Y gyp
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': --^1----------- -- --. - . ,' yy ';4 ,oll- panels installed with long dimension perpendicular to resilient/furring channels. z �Z I o
�, - `� r I-•--- -� 3H2. Bracing - (Not Shown) - For use with Item 3H - Galvanized Gypsum panels secured to resilient/furring channels with 1 in. long Type S � 0 �6.� 8 5•��
channel-shaped steel sections, min. 1-1/2 in. wide with 1/4 in. flanges, min. 16 bugle-head screws spaced 8 in. OC, with screws located 4 in. from and on each �n, w ,,,,w n.,v, U s
. � ga. Bracing attached to underside of trusses with min. #10 by 3/4 in. long side of the gypsum panel mid-span, and 1-1/2 in. from side edges of the board. 4 • R
• 5� '
' , screws through truss bottom chord. Bracing installed in truss cavities by scoring, End joints secured to both resilient/furring channels as shown in end joint detail. �
t " bending and flattening the ends to form a tab for attachment to truss top and When Steel Framing Members (Item 6B or 6C) are used, the butt joints in the O �
bottom chords. Two pieces of bracin crossed and tabs secured to truss chords
- ?rwl
p g gypsum board shall be supported by two furring channels. The two furring
0 1
____________ ______=______ y " with min. #10 by 3/4 in. long screws. Location and spacing of underside and channels shall be spaced approximately 3-1/2 in. OC, and be attached to
_ -_ __-_-____ --__--__-____ 4r.;_I crossed bracing to be specified on truss engineering. underside of the joist with one RSIC-1, RSIC-1 (2.75) or Genie clip at each end W
,�� 31. Steel Trusses-As an alternate to Items 3, 3A, 3B, 3C, 3F, 3G and 3H - of the channel. • �
� ___ ./ Cold-formed galvanized steel truss chord and web sections manufactured from __
steel conforming to ASTM A653 Grade 33 or higher yield strength. Steel 7A. G * * J
_�.,_l CO
SECTION ._ - � g g Y� g Gypsum Board - For use when Steel Framing Members (Item 6A) are
3 thickness of truss chord and web sections as required by design to meet used - One layer of 5/8 in. thick 4 ft wide installed with long dimension
governing code requirements. Truss members connected together with No. perpendicular endicular to cross tees with side edges centered over main runners and SECTION A-A ~
A p p g �_
10-16 (min size) self-drilling screws or equivalent. Truss chord and web joints centered over cross tees or channels. Fastened to cross tees or channels -
1. Floor or Wall Assembly- Min 4-1/2 in. (114 mm)thick reinforced lightweight or normal members to be designed in accordance with the American Iron and Steel with 1 in. long Type S screws bugle-head screws spaced 8 in. OC with the :E U
weight (100-150 pcf or 1600-2400 kg/m3) concrete floor. Min 5 in. (127 mm)thick reinforced ._ Institute
- - - s Specification for the Design of Cold-Formed Steel Structural screws located 4 in. from the mid-span of the cross tee or channel, and 1-1/2 in. of the materials and in the mannersecified in the individual U300, U400, V400 or W400 Series 1. Wall Assembly-The 1 or 2 hr fire rated wallboard/stud wall assembly shall be constructed colightweight or normal weight (100-150 pcf or 1600-2400 kg/m3)concrete wall. Wall may also be I Members 1996 Edition. Trusses spaced a max of 24 in. OC. Where the truss from side edges of gypsum panel. Fastened to main runners with 1 in. long p
constructed of any UL Classified Concrete Blocks*. Max size of opening is 1440 in.2 (9,290 }, Wall and Partition Designs in the UL Fire Resistance Directory and shall include the following C)
intersects with the interior face of the exterior walls, the min truss depth shall be Type Sbugle-head screws spaced midway between cross tees or channels. Q
cm2)with a max dimension of 48 in. (1219 mm). construction features: w
12 in. End joints of gypsum panels shall be staggered not less than 4 ft OC with A. Studs-Wall framing shall consist of either wood studs or steel channel studs. Wood studs ~ O P4
See Concrete Blocks (CAZT)category in the Fire Resistance Directory for names of g -
3J. Steel Joists-As an alternate to Items 3, 3A, 3B, 3C, 3F, 3G, 3H and 31, adjacent gypsum panels end joints. to consist of nom 2 b 4 in. 51 b 102 mm lumbers aced 16 in. 406 mm OC. Steel studs to
manufacturers. - -- - �_ Y ( Y ) p ( )
minimum 12K1, spaced a max 24 in. OC. be min 2-1/2 in. 64 mm wide and aced max 24 in. 610 mm OC. 00 rn
2. Through-Penetrant-One cable tray and one or more pipes, tubes or cable bundles may be ( ) p ( )
installed within the opening. The total number of through-penetrants is dependent on the size of 3K. Structural Steel Members*-As an alternate to Item 3 - Limited to the 1 8. Finishing System - (Not Shown)-Vinyl, dry or premixed joint compound, B. Gypsum Board*- Nom 5/8 in. (16 mm)thick, 4 ft (1.2 m)wide with square or tapered edges. M c' (O
the opening and the types and sizes of the penetrants. Any combination of the penetrants14X Hour Ratings. Pre-fabricated light gauge steel truss system consisting of applied in two coats to joints and screw-heads. Nom 2 in. wide paper tape The gypsum board type, thickness, number of layers, fastener type and sheet orientation shall rn
described below may be used provided that the following parameters relative to the annular ' cold-formed, galv steel cord and web sections. Trusses fabricated in various embedded in first layer of compound over all joints. As an alternate, nom 3/32 be as specified in the individual U300, U400, V400 or W400 Series Design in the Fire I U Q iIt
spaces are maintained. The annular space between cable tray and all other penetrants shall be sizes, depths and from various steel thickness. Trusses spaced a max of 24 in. in. thick veneer plaster may be applied to the entire surface of gypsum panels. Resistance Directory. Max diam of openings is 14-1/2 in. (368 mm)for wood stud walls. Max w m N
min 3 in. (76 mm). The annular space between individual cables and cable bundles shall be a1, OC. Location of lateral bracing for truss chord and web sections to be specified diam of opening is 18-5/8 in. (473 mm)for steel studs walls or sized to the outside diam of steel N v x
min 1/2 in. (13 mm). The annular space between individual cables and cable bundles and otherC64 on truss engineering. * Indicates such products shall bear the UL or cUL Certification Mark for sleeve (Item 2)when optional steel sleeve is used. O z -U_
penetrants shall be a min 1/2 in. (13 mm)except that a min 2 in. (51 mm)shall be maintained jurisdictions employing the UL or cUL Certification (such as Canada), The hourly F and FH Ratings of the firestop system are equal to the hourly fire rating of the wall N [� �"{ o 2 ti
between the cables and copper pipes and tubes greater than a nom 3 in. (76 mm)diam and 4. Joist Bridging Not Shown - For use with Item 3 and 3B - Installed respectively. assembly in which it is installed. ti � O CO: N
g g - ( ) p Y• Z 0 c
steel and iron pipes and conduits greater than a nom 4 in. (102 mm)diam. The annular space 1. Roof Covering*- Consisting of hot-mopped or cold-application materials immediately after joists are erected and before construction loads are applied. O Co N
between metallic pipes, conduit and tubes and insulated pipes and tubes shall be a min 2 in. (51 which rovide Class A, B or C coverin s, direct) a lied to Structural 2. Steel Sleeve- (Optional) Max 18 in. (457 mm)diam Schedule 40 (or heavier)steel pipe w Q 0 N
p g Y pp The bridging consisting of joist sections cut to length and placed between outer LO N
mm). The annular space between nom 3 in 76mm diam and smaller copper pipes and tubes sleeve inserted in opening core drilled through wall. Length of steel sleeve to be equal to O 0
p ( ) ( ) pp p p Cement-Fiber Units(Item 2). See Roofing Materials and Systems Directory-Roof supports, adjacent to openings and at mid span with 8 ft OC max spacing. P4 Z "! �
and between nom 4 in (102mm)diam (and smaller) steel and iron pipes and conduits shall be Coverin Materials TEVT . thickness of wall. = w cn .
g ( ) Bridging channels are screw-attached at each end to joist web using angle = MM = O a)
min 1/2 in. (13 mm). The annular space between nom 2 in. (51 mm)diam (and smaller) metallic 1A RoofingMembrane* - Not Shown In lieu of Item 1 single-ply3. Through Penetrant-One metallic pipe or tubing installed concentrically or eccentrically Q F-�-I � CO N �
( )- � clips. V-bracing of 1-1/2 in. by 20-ga galvanized steel is screw-attached to within the firesto system. Pi a or tube to be rigidly idl supported on both sides of wall assembl
pipes and conduits shall be min 0 in. (point contact). The annular space between insulated p Y p g Y pp Y•
membrane that is either ballasted, adhered or mechanically attached to bottom joist flange between bridging channels. S stem No. W-L-1054 The following types and sizes of metallic pipes or tube may be used: Digitally signed b
penetrants or the cable tray and the periphery of opening shall be min 1/2 in. (13 mm). The Y 9 Yp p�p Y g� Y g Y
annular space between all other penetrants and the periphery of opening shall be min 0 in. Structural Cement-Fiber Units(Item 2). See Fire Resistance Directory-Roofing 4A. Joist Bridging - (Not Shown) - For use with Item 3A- Installed immediately January 21, 2020 A. Steel Pipe- Nom 12 in. (305 mm) diam (or smaller) Schedule 40 (or heavier)steel pipe. Brent Wood
Membranes (CHCI) Category after joists are erected and before construction loads area lied. The bridging(point contact). A max annular space in the system shall be 12 in. (305 mm). Penetrants to be j applied. g� g When steel pipe is used, T, FT and FTH Ratings are 1/2 hr and 1 hr when installed in 1 and 2 hr DN:cn=Brent Wood,
Roofing System - 1 or 1-1/2 Hr Rating consisting of rim track sections cut to length, with two 4 in. Ion folded back rated walls, respectively. Brent o=Brent A.Wood
rigidly supported on both sides of floor or wall assembly. The following types and sizes of g g � g F Ratings -1 and 2 Hr (See Items 1 and 3) p y�
penetrants may be used. 2. Structural Cement-Fiber Units* - Nom 3/4 in. thick, with long edges tongue flanges, and laced between outer supports, adjacent toopenings and at mid B. Copper Tube- Nom 6 in. 152 mm diam or smaller Type L or heavier copper tube. When Architecture,LLC,
p Y g p pp JT Rating - 0 Hr pp ( ) ( ) Yp ( ) pp
A. Metallic Pipes-The following types of metallic pipes, tubes or conduits may be used: and grooved. Long dimension of panels to be perpendicular to joists with end span with 10 ft OC max spacing. Bridging channels are screw-attached to each copper tube is used, T, FT and FTH Ratings are 1/2 hr and 1 hr when installed in 1 and 2 hr ou,
p 9 Yp p�p Y p p g• g� g g
Copper g _ ( ) ( )Type ( ) pp joints staggered a min of 2 ft and centered over the joists. Panels secured to p 1 g Y g L Rating (Without Movement) at Ambient- Less Than 1 CFM/sq ft rated walls, respectively.1. Co er Tubing Nom 6 in. 152 mm diam or smaller T e L or heavier copper tube. J g9 J of the four to and bottom joist flanges with two No. 8 b 1/2 in. Ion wafer head p Y• Wood email=brent@bawo
2. Copper Pipe- Nom 6 in. (152 mm) diam (or smaller) Regular(or heavier)copper pipe. steel joists with 1-5/8 in. long No. 8 self-drilling, self-countersinking steel screws steel screws. L Rating (Without Movement) at 400°F - Less Than 1 CFM/sq ft C. Copper Pipe- Nom 6 in. (152 mm)diam (or smaller) Regular(or heavier)copper pipe. odarch.com,c=US
3. Steel Pipe- Nom 24 in. (610 mm)diam (or smaller) Schedule 40 (or heavier)steel pipe. spaced a max of 12 in. OC in the field with a screw located 1 in. and 2 in. from 4B. Joist Bridging - (Not Shown) - For use with Item 3A and 3B - 1-1/2 in. wide When copper pipe is used, T, FT and FTH Ratings are 1/2 and 1 hr when installed in 1 and 2 hr Date:2021.05.07
4. Iron Pipe- Nom 24 in. (610 mm)diam (or smaller)cast or ductile iron pipe. each edge, and 8 in. OC on the perimeter with a screw located 2 in. from each strips formed from 20 MSG - The structural bridging is installed perpendicular to rated walls respectively. 15:07:40-04'00'
5. Conduit- Nom 4 in. (102 mm) diam (or smaller)electric metallic tubing (EMT)or nom 6 in. edge, located 1/2 in. from the side edges of the panel. and on the bottom surface of the joists at mid-span with one #10 x 3/4 in. long 4. Pipe Covering*- Max. 2 in. (51 mm)thick hollow cylindrical heavy density (nom 3.5 pcf or 56
(152 mm)diam (or smaller) rigid steel conduit. As an alternate to the 1-5/8 Ion No. 8 fastener, the following power-actuated ___ :-,... kg/m3)glass fiber units,jacketed on the outside with an all service jacket. Longitudinal joints
g � 9 p hex head steel screw at each interface. �� ?""'" !} I I"�-�
B. Cables Bundles- Max 4 in. (102 mm) diam tightly bundled cables. Any combination of the ins may be used for min. 1/8" thick, hot-rolled A36 steel sections for joist sealed with metal fasteners or factory-applied SSL tape. Transverse joints secured with metal
p Y J 4C. Joist Bridging - (Not shown)- For use with item 3C. Installed immediately I i -�
following types and sizes of cables may be used: specified in Item 3J: � I } � fasteners or with butt tape supplied with the product. The annular space between insulated Q
p after joists are erected and before construction loads are applied. The structural _ p periphery y p g (p ) ( )
1. Max 500 kcmil single copper or aluminum conductor power cable with thermoplastic insulation 1 ' - penetrant and eri her of opening shall be min 0 in. (point contact to max 1-7/8 in. 48 mm .
bridging, Type CEMCO Sure Bridging, consisting of No. 18 MSG galv steel, I # When
and polyvinyl chloride (PVC)jacket. 1, Y III
pipe covering thickness is less than 2 in. (51 mm), T, FT and FTH Ratings are 0 hr. �O
Hilti pin model X-U 32MX with a min. 0.157 shank diameter min. 1-1/4 long, 2-1/2 in. wide by 25-1/2 in. long with 1-5/16 in. long legs structural bridging 2. Max 300 pair No. 24 AWG copper conductor telecommunication cables with PVC insulation DeWalt in model 50458-PWR with a min. 0.157" shank diameter min. 1-1/4"
� (D Nand jacket material. p staggered between the steel joists and attached to the bottom joist flange with See Pipe and Equipment Covering-Materials (BRGU)category in the Building Materials }, J a
long or Aerosmith model 5324HPG with a min. 0.145 shank diameter min. 1-1/4" two#10 1/2 in. Ion self-drilling screws at each end tab of bridging. Solid Director for names of manufacturers. An i e coverin material meetin the above (63. Max 7/C copper conductor No. 12 AWG multi-conductor power and control cables with PVC g g 9 9 �%)__-, 11. ,-,.,N,.y -,n,,,,.,., \ Y Y pipe 9 9 U) co
or cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE) insulation and PVC jacket. long. bridging consisting of cut to length joist sections placed between outer joists .. 1 specifications and bearing the UL Classification Marking with a Flame Spread Index of 25 or less 0 E = rn
4. Multiple fiber optical communication cables jacketed with PVC and having a max outside diam and at center joist with 8 ft OC max spacing. Solid bridging is seated in the i and a Smoke Developed Index of 50 or less may be used. m � M M
of 1/2 in. Unrestrained Assembly Rating is 1 hour when Item 3A or 3B is used. structural bridging and is screw-attached at joist web using Type CEMCO y U � .0 LL
5. Max 3/C No. 12 AWG steel clad cable with copper conductors and PVC insulation material. Unrestrained Assembly Rating is 1-1/2 hour when Item 3, 3C, 3F, 3G, or 3H is Sure-Support Clips 1-1/2 in. b 1-1/2 in. b 7 in. Ion 16 MSG min 50 ksi r r 5. Fill, Void or Cavity Material*-Sealant- Min 5/8 in. (16 mm)or thickness of fill material applied •L 2 0 U
pp pp p ( Y Y g,
C. Individual Cables-An of the following types and sizes of individual non-bundled cables used. support ; ,---*- within annulus, flush with both surfaces of wall assembly for At point contact an additional 1/2 in. W _ -0 _
Y g Yp ( ) pport clip)with three #10 3/4 in. long self-drilling screws per leg on one side -� t.--- y p � a)
Y and the other side with Type CEMCO Sure-Support Clips (4 in. by 1-1/2 in. by 7CD It!
""""°""�""' _
�..,v- 13 mm bead of sealant shall be applied to the insulated i e/wall interface. - a_
may be used: `- ��� -- k , .vr_ Y - k � � ( ) pp p p M �
1. Max 3/C No. 2/0 AWG (or smaller) copper conductor PVC jacketed aluminum clad or steel in. long, 16 MSG, min 50 ksi support clip)with three#10 3/4 in. long self-drilling : () N co 0
clad TECK 90 cable. 2 Hr Rating screws per leg. �,�
2. Through Penetrating Product*-Any cables, Armored Cable+ or Metal Clad Cable+ currently 2. Structural Cement-Fiber Units* - Nom 3/4 in. thick, with long edges tongue 4D. Joist Bridging - (Not Shown)-For use with Item 3F. Installed at the I � I > I
Classified under the Through Penetrating Product category. and grooved. Long dimension of panels to be perpendicular to joists with end center of the joist span immediately after joists are erected and before � 1 '
See Through Penetrating Product (XHLY) category in the Fire Resistance Directory for names joints staggered a min of 2 ft and centered over the joists. Panels secured to ;w1_
J gg J construction loads are applied. The bridging (2-1/2 TDSB18) consists of No. 18 - Design No. U906
of manufacturers. steel joists with 1-5/8 in. long No. 8 self-drilling, self-countersinking steel screws MSG galv steel channels, 2-1/2 in. wide b 1-1/4 in. deepb 21-3/4 in. Ion with 4'
spaced a max of 12 in. OC in the field with a screw located 1 in. and 2 in. from g y Y g March 11, 2016 C
p 2-1/8 in. Ion web extensions at each end for screw-attachment to the bottom p_
3. Max 500 kcmil single copper or aluminum conductor power cable with thermoplastic insulation each edge, and 8 in. OC on the perimeter with a screw located 2 in. from each g �� - __
andpolyvinyl chloride PVC jacket. g p flange of the steel joists with a 3/4 in. long No. 10 x 16 self-drilling steel TEK
Bearing Wall Rating 2 HR.
(PVC) edge, located 1/2 in. from the side edges of the panel. screw. Solid bridging consisting of cut-to-length joist sections laced between Nonbear n Wall Ratn 2 HR. C
4. Max 300 pair No. 24 AWG copper conductor telecommunication cables with PVC insulation g g g g J p 1. Wall Assembly-The 1 or 2 hr fire-rated gypsum wallboard/stud wall assembly shall be g g " M
As an alternate to the 1-5/8" long No. 8 fastener, the following power-actuated the outermost joists and between the centermost joists with a max spacing of 8
and jacket material. 1 J p g constructed of the materials and in the manner specified in the individual U300 or U400 Series � �
5. Max 7/C copper conductor No. 12 AWG multi-conductor power and control cables with PVC pins may be used for min. 1/8" thick, hot-rolled A36 steel sections for joist ft OC. Solid bridging are screw-attached at joist web using a 1-1/2 b 1-1/2 b 7 314 X
pp p g J g Y Y Wall and Partition Designs in the UL Fire Resistance Directory and shall include the following
or cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE) insulation and PVC jacket. specified in Item 3J: in. long, No. 16 MSG, min 50 ksi steel support clip (EasyClip S-Series S547) construction features: """" - - _ ! - .�. . �. - LU
6. Multiple fiber optical communication cables jacketed with PVC and having a max outside diam with two 3/4 in. long No. 10 x 16 self-drilling steel TEK screws per leg on one A. Studs-Wall framing may consist of either wood studs or steel channel studs. Wood studs to � � 1 -
of 1/2 in. Hilti pin model X-U 32MX with a min. 0.157" shank diameter min. 1-1/4" long, side and on the other side with a 4 by 1-1/2 by 7 in. long No. 16 MSG, min 50 consist of nom 2 by 4 in. (51 by 102 mm) lumber spaced 16 in. (406 mm)OC. Steel studs to be (� ED din a)
7. Max 3/C No. 12 AWG steel clad cable with copper conductors and PVC insulation material. DeWalt pin model 50458-PWR with a min. 0.157" shank diameter min. 1-1/4" ksi steel support ort clip Eas Cli E-Series E547 with two 3/4 in. Ion No. 10 x 16 min 2-1/2 in. 64 mm wide ands aced max 24 in. 610 mm OC. For M Ratin , steel studs to be
8. Max 4C/750 kcmil or smaller aluminum or copper conductor metal clad cable with aluminum Ion or Aerosmith model 5324HPG with a min. 0.145 shank diameter min. 1-1/4" . Cpp p ((Easy Clip ) g ( ) p ( ) 9CD s
( ) pp g self-drilling steel TEK screws per leg. min 3-5/8 in. (92 mm)wide. When steel studs are used and the diam of opening exceeds the . ..,.
or steel armor, with or without PVC jacket. long. 4E. Bridging - (Not Shown)-For use with Item 3G - Location of lateral bracing width of stud cavity, the opening shall be framed on all sides using lengths of steel stud installed 0-
D. Cable Tray*-(Not Shown)- Max 24 in. (610 mm)wide by 6 in. (152 mm)deep between the vertical studs and screw-attached to the steel studs at each end. The framed 2 i+orizoatal Section
for truss chord and web sections to be specified on truss engineering.
open-ladder steel or aluminum cable tray. Aggregate cross-sectional area of cable tray to be 2A. Gypsum Board* (Not Shown)- Min 1/2 in. thick gypsum board, Classified Batts and Blankets*- Glass fiber insulation, min cuss in. thick, bearing the opening in the wall shall be 4 to 6 in. (102 to 152 mm)wider and 4 to 6 in. (102 to 152 mm) CL
max 40 percent of the cross-sectional area of the cable tray based on a max 3 in. cable loading as to Surface Burning Characteristics. Boards loosely laid, adhered or higher than the diam of the penetrating item such that, when the penetrating item is installed in 1. Concrete Blocks*-- Nominal 6 by 8 by 16 in, hollow or solid.Various designs. Classification (2 hr). �
UL Classification Marking for Surface Burning Characteristics. Min density of 0.5 0
depth. Any combination of the types and sizes of cables described in Item 2B may be used. mechanically attached to Structural Cement-Fiber Units. Joints between pcf. The insulation shall be fitted in the concealed space, draped over the
the opening, a 2 to 3 in. (51 to 76 mm) clearance is present between the penetrating item and L_
Cable tray to be rigidly supported on both sides of floor or wall assembly. Structural Cement Fiber Units and of Gypsum Board staggered a min of 6 in. the framing on all four sides. Allowable compressive stress of 75.6% of max allowable compressive stress in accordance with the (D
3. Pipe Insulation - (Optional) Pipes and tubes of the sizes noted below may be provided with resilient channel (Item 6) or steel frame members (Item 6A) and gypsum board
p ( p ) p y p See Gypsum Board (BWFR) Category in the Building Materials Directory or B. Gypsum Board*-5/8 in. (16 mm)thick, 4 ft (122 cm)wide with square or tapered edges. empirical design method. },
one of the followingtypes of a insulations:: (Item 8) ceiling membrane. See Batts and Blankets (BKNV) category in the
Yp pipe The gypsum board type, thickness, number of layers, fastener type and sheet orientation shall
Roofing Systems (TGFU) in the Roofing Material Directory or Gypsum Board Building Materials Directory for names of manufacturers. 2. Mortar-- Blocks laid in full bed of mortar, nom. 3/8 in.thick, of not less than 2-1/4 and not more than 0 `c
A. Pipe Covering*- Nom 1-1/2 in. (38 mm)thick (or thinner) hollow cylindrical heavy density g rY be as specified in the individual U300 or U400 Series Design in the UL Fire Resistance � �
(CKNX) Category in the Fire Resistance Directory. 6. Resilient Channels- Formed of No. 25 MSG p p p (proportioned b volume and not more than m
glass fiber units jacketed on the outside with an all service jacket for pipes with a nom diam of 8 - galv steel, 1/2 in. deep, spaced Directory. Max diam of opening is 32-1/4 in. (819 mm)for steel stud walls. Max diam of opening 50 p arts of clean sharp sand to 1 art Portland cement y ) m M
UNITED STATES GYPSUM CO Type FRX-G 50 percent hydrated lime b cement volume Vertical joints staggered. 1
in. (203 mm) (or smaller)or tubes with a nom diam of 4 in. (102 mm) (or smaller). Longitudinal max 12 in. OC, perpendicular to joists. Channel splices located beneath joists is 14-1/2 in. (368 mm)for wood stud walls. p y ( y ) 1 gg 0 .o UJ
joints sealed with metal fasteners or factory-applied self-sealing lap tape. Transverse joints and overlapped 4 in. Channels secured to each joist with one 1/2 in. long Type The F and FH Ratings of the firestop system are equal to the fire rating of the wall assembly. _L = ai
3. Portland Cement Stucco or Gypsum Plaster-- Add 1/2 hr to Classification if used.Attached to � U
secured with metal fasteners or with butt tape supplied with the product. S-12 low profile steel screw. Two channels, spaced 6 in. OC, oriented opposite The M Rating is applicable only to 1 hr rated walls. ai 0 �; -
See Pipe and Equipment Coverin Materials BRGU category in the Building Materials 3. Structural Steel Members- Channel-shaped, min 10 in. deep with min 1-5/8 concrete blocks (Item 1). E � U .-
p9 - ( ) 9 ry 9 each gypsum board end joint as shown on the illustration above. Additional co _ a
Directory for names of manufacturers. Any pipe covering material meeting the above in. wide flanges and 1/2 in. long stiffening flanges. Fabricated from min No. 16 channels shall extend min 6 in. beyond each side edge of board. 2. Throu h-Penetrants-One metallic i e, conduit or tubin to be installed either *__ Z M -
specifications and bearing the UL Classification Marking with a Flame Spread Index of 25 or less MSG galv steel. Min yield strength of 50,000 psi. Joists spaced max 24 in. OC. y g g pipe, g 4. Foamed Plastic (Optional-Not Shown)-- 1-1/2 in.thick max, 4 ft wide sheathing attached to 2 .,n _
6A. Steel Framing Members* - (Optional)-When it is desired to drop the concentrically or eccentrically within the firestop system. The annular space shall be min 0 in. to concrete blocks (Item 1). •o � �
and a Smoke Developed Index of 50 or less may be used. Supplied with appropriate rim tracks of same size and gauge. ceiling below the bottom plane of the structural steel members (Item 3), a max 2-1/4 in. (57 mm). Pipe may be installed with continuous point contact. Pipe, conduit or a
3A. Structural Steel Members- (Not Shown) -As an alternate to Item 3 - For tubing to be rigidly supported on both sides of wall assembly. The following types and sizes of
suspension system may be used in lieu of the resilient channels. Main runners,
B. Pipe Covering*- Nom 2 in. (51 mm)thick (or thinner) hollow cylindrical heavy density glass maximum clear spans not exceeded 8 ft. Channel-shaped, min 6 in. deep with metallic pipes, conduits or tubing may be used:
fiber units jacketed on the outside with an all service jacket for pipes or tubes with a nom diam cross tees, cross channels and wall angle as listed below:
1 1 p�p min 1-9/16 in. wide flanges and 3/8 in. long stiffening flanges. Fabricated from a. Main Runners- Nom 10 or 12 ft long , 15/16 in. or 1-1/2 in. wide face, A. Steel Pipe- Nom 30 in. (762 mm) diam (or smaller)Schedule 10 (or heavier)steel pipe.
of 2 in. (51 mm) (or smaller). Longitudinal joints sealed with metal fasteners or factory-applied min No. 18 MSG galv steel. Min yield strength of 33,000 psi. Joists spaced max B. Iron Pipe- Nom 30 in. (762 mm)diam (or smaller)cast or ductile iron pipe. FIRE RATED COMPONENT
spaced 4 ft. OC. Main runners suspended by min 12 SWG galv steel hanger
self-sealing lap tape. Transverse joints secured with metal fasteners or with butt tape supplied 24 in. OC. Supplied with appropriate rim tracks of same size and gauge. C. Conduit- Nom 4 in. (102 mm) diam (or smaller)steel electrical metallic tubing or 6 in. (152
with the product. wires spaced 24 in. OC a min of 4 in. below bottom flange of joists twist tied to SPECIFICATIONS & NOTE S
p 3B. Structural Steel Members- Not Shown -As an alternate to Item 3 - mm) . diam steel conduit.
See Pipe and Equipment Coverin Materials BRGU category in the Building Materials ( ) #10 - 3/4 in. long screws installed in the web, 1/2 in. from the bottom flange of pp g - ( ) ( )Type ( ) pp g
p9 - ( ) 9 ry 9 D. Copper Tubing Nom 6 in. 152 mm diam or smaller T e L or heavier copper tubing.Channel-shaped, min 8 in. deep with min 1-9/16 in. wide flanges and 3/8 in. the steel joists. Hanger wires to be located adjacent to main runner/cross tee
Directory for names of manufacturers. Any pipe covering material meeting the above 1 g J E. Copper Pipe- Nom 6 in. (152 mm)diam (or smaller) regular(or heavier)copper pipe.
specifications and bearing the UL Classification Markin with a Flame Spread Index of 25 or less long stiffening flanges. Fabricated from min No. 16 MSG galv steel. Min yield intersections.
p 9 9 p 3. Fill, Void or Cavity Material*- Sealant- Min 5/8 in. (16 mm)thickness of fill material applied FIRE RATED CEILING COMPONENTS:
and a Smoke Developed Index of 50 or less may be used. strength of 33,000 psi. Joists spaced max 24 in. OC. Supplied with appropriate b. Cross Tees- Nom 4 ft long, 1-1/2 in. wide face, installed perpendicular to within the annulus, flush with both surfaces of wall. At the point or continuous contact locations
rim tracks of same size and gauge. the main runners, spaced 16 in. OC. Additional cross tees or cross channels between pipe and wall, a min 1/2 in. (13 mm)diam bead of fill material shall be applied at the 2 HOUR CEILINGS: TENMAT MODEL FF109X DOME UL RATED LIGHT COVER
C. Tube Insulation-Plastics+ - Nom 1 in. 25 mm thick or thinner ac lonitrile 3C. Structural Steel Members* - (Not Shown) -As an alternate to item 3 only- 3M FIRE BARRIER MPP MOLDABLE PUTTY PADS FOR J-BOXES/DEVICES
( ) ( ) ry used at 8 in. from each side of butted gypsum panel end joints. The cross tees pipe wall interface on both surfaces of wall.
butadiene/polyvinyl chloride (AB/PVC)flexible foam furnished in the form of tubing for pipes or The joists are channel-shaped, 10 in. min depth. Joists are fabricated from min or cross channels may be riveted or screw attached to the wall angle or channel
tubes with a nom diam of 2 in. (51 mm) (or smaller). No. 16 MSG galv steel. Joists spaced max 24 in. OC. Joists attached to rim to facilitate the ceiling installation. ARCHITECT NOTE:
See Plastics (QMFZ2)category in the Plastics Recognized Component Directory for names of joist with a minimum of three#10 3/4 in. long self-drilling screws at the rim track c. Cross Channels- Nom 4 ft or 12 ft long, installed perpendicular to main ALTERNATE EQUIVELENT PRODUCTS OR PROPOSED SUBSTITUTIONS SHALL BE REVIEWED
manufacturers. Any Recognized Component tube insulation material meeting the above clip to the outside of the web joist, and a #10 1/2 in. long screw through the top runners, spaced 16 in. OC. &APPROVED BY ARCHITECT&OWNER PRIOR TO PURCHASE/INSTALLATION
specifications and having a UL 94 Flammability Classification of 94-5VA may be used. and bottom flange of the joists to the top and bottom flange of the rim track. At d. Wall Angle or Channel - Painted or galv steel angle with 1 in. legs or U)
rim joist splices bearing on supports, rim joists are connected using an channel with 1 in. legs, 1-9/16 in. deep attached to walls at perimeter of ceiling J
4. Firestop System-The firestop system shall consist of the following: overlapping section of a 12 in. long splice plate (a joist piece), with a minimum with fasteners 16 in. OC. To support steel framing member ends and for �
A. Packing Material- Min 4 in. (102 mm)thickness of 4 pcf(64 kg/m3) mineral wool batt of six 3/4 in. long self-drilling #10 screws to each rim piece. For use with item screw-attachment of the gypsum panel. WQ
insulation tightly packed into the opening as a permanent form. Packing material to be recessed
from top surface of floor or both surfaces of wall to accommodate the required thickness of fill
material. 6B. Steel Framing Members* - (Optional, Not Shown) -As an alternate to D
*- 3D. Clip Angles- (Not Shown) - No. 16 MSG, 9-3/4 in. long steel angles with 2 Item 6 - Furring channels and Steel Framing Members as described below:
B. Fill, Void or Cavity Material - Sealant Min 1/2 in. (13 mm)thickness of fill material applied g g J
within the annulus flush with the top surface of the floor or both surfaces of the wall. in. legs. Secured to track and joist with eight No. 3/4 in. long, self-drilling, hex a. Furring channels- Formed of No. 25 MSG galv steel, 2-3/8 in. wide by 7/8 Q
head screws, located 1 in. from each end of clip angle, with the other two in. deep, spaced 12 in. OC, perpendicular to joists. Channel secured to joists as i� U
screws on each leg evenly spaced. Only one clip angle per joist end. described in Item b. Ends of adjoining channels overlapped 6 in. and tied Z }
3E. Clip Angles- (Not Shown) -As an alternate to Item 3D, for use with 6 or 8 together with double strand of No. 18 SWG galv steel wire near each end of 0) I--
in. deep joists (Item 3A or 3B). No. 16 MSG, 5-1/2 in. long steel angles with overlap. Additional channels shall be positioned so that the distance from the 3:
1-1/2 in. legs for 6 in. deep joists and No. 18 MSG, 7-1/4 in. long steel angles end of the board to the center of the first channel is 3 in. and from the board end 12
with 1-1/2 in. legs for 8 in. deep joists. Secured to track and joist with six No.10, to the center of the next channel is 12 in.
3/4 in. long, self-drilling, hex head screws, located 1 in. from each end of the clip b. Steel Framing Members* - Used to attach furring channels (Item a) to joists
angle and at the centerline. Only one clip angle per joist end. (Item 3). Clips spaced 48 in. OC and secured to the bottom chord of joists with
3F. Structural Steel Members*- (Not Shown) -As an alternate to Item 3 only. min 1-5/8 in. long No. 8 self-drilling, self-tapping, bugle, flat or hex head screw
The proprietary joists are channel-shaped, min 9-1/4 in. deep. Joists are through the center grommet. Furring channels are friction fitted into clips. N LO
fabricated from min No. 16 MSG galv steel. Joists spaced max 24 in. OC. Joists Additional clips required to hold furring channel that supports the gypsum board Q o 0 0
attached to joist rim with three 3/4 in. long No. 10 x 16 self-drilling steel TEK butt joints. N
screws through tab to the outside of the web. At joist rim splices bearing on L L6 L� q ,�
supports, joists rims are connected using an overlapping section of a 12 in. long -0 I o a
splice plate (a joist piece), with four 3/4 in. long No. 10 x 16 self-drilling steel � Q z 6 in
TEK screws to each rim piece. �! C) N
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