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wrightsoft, -Project Summary Entire Ho.use' QUICK CALLS, INC. 317 ST. LUCIE LANE, FT. PIERCE, Ft. 34946 pl:onq: .772-466-009 Email: QUICKCALCS@AOL.COM For: BAYSINGER ADDITION... 8801.S. INDIAN IRVER DRIVE; FT. PIERCE, FL Notes: Weather: Fort Pierce, FL, US Winter Design Conditions Outside db 42 'F Inside db 70 'F Design TD .28 'F Heating Summary Structure 5262 Btuh Ducts 602 Btuh Contra] vent (0 ckn)' 0 Btuh, (qdne) Humidification 0 Btuh Piping0- Btuh Equipmentload 5854 Btuh Infiltration Method Simplified Construction quality AVerage Fireplaces 0 Heatin coolln* Area (ft� 181 1 Volume (M 1840 .1840 Air-chbnge§/hdur- 0.61 032 EquiV. AVF (cfm) 19 10 Heating Equipmeni gurarhary Make Mitsubishi Electric Trade Ducted mini split System Model NTXSKH09A1 1 2AA AHRI ref 2023,92207 Efficiency 11 HSPF Heating input'. Heating output 12500 �Bt6h@47PF Temperature rise 38*F- Actual airflow 300 cfm Air flow factor 0.051 cfm[Btuh Static pressure .0.04 in H2O Spac6 thermostat Cdpablty.b.alance Point 20 'F Backup:' Input = I W Output =3943 BtJh,,100 AFUE BY: Summer 'Design Outside db I 90 'F. Inside db 75 F Design TD. 15 'F Daily.ra6ge M Relative humidlty 50 Moisture di.ffdrdnce 61 grAb' Sensible Cooling Equiptnlent Load 8Whg StrudtU%fe 6229 Btuh Ducts 709' Btuh Central vent (0 cfm) 0- Btuh (none) Blower 0 Btuh Use m6nufacturor's data n Rate/swing Mult%lier. Equiph`i.en sensi 'le load. .0.95 6676 Btuh Latent Cooling Equipment Load Sizing Structure 1 1110 BtLih Ducts 246 Btuh Central vent (0 dfrn) . O.,Btuh (none) Equipment latent.load. 1366 , Btuh uipmen Equipment Total Load (Sen+Lai)J. -8032 Btuh Req . total capacity at 0.70 SHR 0.8 ton' -..Cooling Equipment Summary' Makp Mitsubishi Electric . Trade Ducted.mini split sysiern Cand NTXSKH09A112-Ml Coil NTXDKS09A112AA AHRI ref 202392207 Effibibricy Et. R 18 8 SEER .12.8 Sensible cooling 6300 8tuh Latentcholing 2700 Btuh Total cooling 9000 Btuh Actual bi r floW 300 dM Air flow factor 0,043 cfm/Btuh 004 in H2O Static pressure Load sensible heat ratio 0.84' Calculations approved byAqqAt0meet all r�gli-SLite.oUdversal2Ol9lg.O.2lRSU0.810i. ocumerasWrightsaftlWAMAYS . INGERADD[TION.rup 6ic = Mig. Frbnt Door faces: N rements of Manual J.8thEd. 2021-Apr-19 08A7A0 . . Page 1 COA t - utrrightsoft" Right-M Worksheet . Jon: Entire House Date` By: QUICK CALCS,' INC. 317 ST LUCIE LANE: FT. FIERCE, FL 34946 Phone: 772-466-6799 Email: QUICKCALCS@AOL.COM 1 Room name Entire House BATH 2 Exposed wall 39.0 It 19.0 R 3 Room height 10.0 It 10.0 R heallcool ' 4 Room dimensions 11.0 x 8.0 11 5 Room area 184.0 IF 88.0 W Ty Corislruction U-value Or HTM Area (Rz) Load Area (RI)' Load number (BtuhIR2-"F) (BtuhlRz) or. perimeter (R) (Btuh) or perimeter (R) (Bluh) Heat Cool .. Gross, NIPS Heal Cool 'Gross' NOS Heal Cool 6 W ' 120-09w 0:091 n- 2.85 ' 1,96 120 306 235 T—G 13A-4ocs 0.143 n . 4.00 2.19 0 24 96 -53 0 0 0 0 10A-m 1.670 n 46,76 25.31 24 0 1122 608 0 0 0 0 W . •.:.: 13A-0ai5' % : 0:143 a 4:00. 2;i9 4 , :'=.."60 I,: �0 ; 3Z0 .i ' 175 •: 0 v .0 .... 0 0 11 13A-4ots 0.143 w 4.00 2.19 80 56 224 123 80. 56 224 123 '10A4n 1:670 w 46.76 51.93 24 1 1122 1246 24 1 1122 1240 6.d08 : - 1.5J 1'.37 ` 184 ''' , ` 18d . ^ 292 , i-'. 252 88 ` 88 . 140 120 F 22A4 0.989 - 27.69 0.00 184 39 1080 0 88 19 526 0 1 . r i,t. Y4.: 6 .. 0) AEb exCu,sion 442 494 Envelope loss/gain 4676 3262 ' 2318 2218 12 a) . infiltration. 576 162 0: 288 0 81 0 b) .. RoomLenUIaBon.. 0 13 Internal gains: 0azipanLs @ 230 4 806 0 0 0 Applianceslolher .2000 Subtotal (lines 6 (013), 5252 6229 2606 2299 Less eArnalload 0 0 0 0 0 0 LessUansfe[• " 0 0 0 0 Redistribution. 5252 6229 2606 2299 14 Subtotal 11% 13"/0 602 ' ' 799 1.1% 13% 299 295 15. Ductloads . 5854 7027 2906 2594 Total room load 300 300 149 111 Air required (chi) Calculations approved byAC-CA to meet all reguirements.ofManual J Sth Ed. i {a- -Oct Right-Sulte® Uriversal 201919.021 RSU08101 2021 Apr 1908.4 Page1�tirihi�-sa. �� '� ...oaanenlslWrigMsoR HVACI9AYSINGERADDITION.rip Celc= MJ8 Front Door faces: N t wrightSoft' Right-J® Worksheet Job: Entire House. Date,. By: QUICK�CALCS, INC: 317 ST. LUCIE LANE; FT. PIERCE, FL 34946. PhonS: 772'•466-6799 Email: QUICKCALCS@AOL,COM 1 Room name KITCHEN 2 Exposed wall 20.0 it 3 Room height 10.0 it heaVrool 4 Roam diirierislons 12.0 x 8.0 d 5 Room area 96.0 itz Ty Construdiori Uvalue i Or. HTM Area , (1P) Load Area Load number (Btulifll? `F) • i (Btuhlt� or, perimeter (ft) (BNh) .. or perimeter Heat Cool Gross NIPIS Heat Qool Gross NIPS Heat Cool [, 6 W ` ' 12C-0sty :.. ,:..:.. ; :.b.Os1 ' ri 2;55 , ., : 1 6 ; 120 -120 306 `' ', 135 ' . 13A4ocs 0.143 n 4.00 2.19 0 24 -96 53 ' Y—G 'IOA-m 1.670 . n 46A 25.31 24 0 1122 60B W 13A ors ". 0.143. e' 4.66 . tag 80 : BO 320 "; 1�5 11 13A-4ors 0.143 w 4.00 2.19 0 0 0 0 .11L—C, 10A-m G 16kIJ`brrid;.:: ,. 1670 W 46:76 51.93 0 0 0 <, 04bBi. <;. 1t-9 1,31 s . 915 J6 :.'. ' 0 ."1$] F 22A4p1 0.989 27.69 ..0.00 96 20 554 0 %. _ ••5 �- -52 6 c) AED excursion 2368 1044 Erivelope losslgaln 288 81 12 a) ' Infiltration. b)'. Room ventilation 13 Interval pairs: Oooupants'@ 230. 4 805 2000 • Appliancesrpther. 2fi46 3930 Subtotal (Ilnes 6 to 13) :. ... 0. 0 Less external load 0 . 0 Less Irahsfer 0 .. 0 ... RedisVibuGon" 2646 8930 . 14 Subtotal : ` 11% 13% 303 '504 15 Ductloads 2950 `4433, Total room load 151 189 ' Air required (dm) Calcufaiibns.:a roved b AGCA to meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed. 2021-Apr-19 08:47:40 _, -t wr�igMlCSoR ° °• - Right-Sute®Udversal20i919.0,21.RSU08101 Paget 4 '�,..odwridrds\WrightsoftHVAC1BAYSINGE144001ON.rup CaIc=MJB Front Door faces: N ' Job: Date: By: wrilghtsoft Duct System Sommary Entire blouse QUICK OALCS, INC. 317 ST. LUCIE LANE. ft. For: 8AYSINGERADIDITION .8801 S. INDIAN.IRVER DRIVE; FT PIERCE, FL . . . . . . . . . . . . Heating. Cooling External static pressure .0.04 - in H2O 0.04 in H2O Oressurelo's*ses. 0 in H2O 0 in H2O Available static pressure 0.04 in H2O. 0:04 in H2O Supply:/return .available pre.ssurb. 0.02.01/ 0.020 in H2O 0.020 /0:020 in H2O Lowest M clion rate - 0.0.40 in/100ft .0.0,40 intiobft Actual airflow 300 qfm 300 cfm Total effective len'.9th,(TEL) Igg Design. '.Htg: Clg. Design. Diam Hx11V: putt Actual Ftg.Egv hk BATH h 29 05 149 !!1 0.040 4.0 Ok 0 V!Fk 51 95.;0. KrFCHEN c �4438 151. 189 0.040: 8.0 OxO VIFx 6.1 95.0 HI;g (cfrn) Cig (ch) TEL (ft) Design' FR Voloc (fpm� Diam in .() HxW (in) St6d/Joist Opening (in) Duct Matl Trunk Name.. Grille Size in): qOO 0- 0 Ox 0 rb! Oxb . .300 Boldritaildyaluethave bei?hM.a.nua 11YGVeiTiddon 2021-ApOg 08.47A0 VVk-iiqfiU5k>ft' Page I kjg*SLjte$UriVersa 1 12019 19.62.1 RtU08101 ocunients\wrig[60'ftHNA(jkBAYSINGERAbt)[TIONAP ca1c, W,B: Fr'Ont Obor bclas: N