HomeMy WebLinkAboutTruss Layout - Windsor TRUSSES FOR THE FIRST MODEL SHOULD BE SHIPPED AND SUCCESSFULLY SET BEFORE ANY MORE TRUSSES ARE BU LT FOR THAT MODEL. - A SAFETY WARNING � � - N18' - 24' INA ARRANGE VIJITH CRA E OPERATOR IN ADVANCE FOR A SPREADER BAR OF LENGTH This symbol identifies Life Safety Warnings that should be read I I given special attention by all persons installing trusses. Do net stand on trusses until they are braced per BCSI & properly nailed to straps & hangers I - - I , FABRICATION AGREEMENT' -- _mow •- ---� 1 11 1 11 1 " 1 " , PAGING N C3 T I 15-3 19-9 1 s-9 - _ 15_3 L G TRUSSES CANNOT BE STARTED y UNTILreth if3 s6a%will be to edis.,SIGNED EI RETURNED The legal descripiltxr of the property where the trttssaa will 1]e fnstalEed is; i I I I I ! ALL TI U S SE S ARE T O B L SET I l The undersigned aofasowtedges and agrees. o In ti r` r• I• ! n n ti r1_ u7 m m 40 t• r` N n f` ti ti I r. ti !• :- ►� !7 t+f r I �'�-TNaSIIa will ba made In stflCt eCCGrdsrt0e with this truss placement diagram layout, A T 2'-C). O N CENTER _ �' �' �' -' -' I _ _ l �' -' ry -, -' `' which-is the sole suftdty for determining-successful tbrlcatfon of the trusses. 2.All dimensions In this laycait have bean verified by the undersigned. ExGEPT AS NOTED J1 J1 day adaffy ry the notice I n agrees na�t no bamd lase ul a; Truss d h;t vam i —— -- J17/ J such written noiko Is furnished Chambers Truss shall have ttirae(3}b�iess days in which to begin repairs required,or to substfttrJe othactrusses,at Chambers D 4.The undersigned aclmowtadges receipt of"BCSI 1-03"sum J3 J3 mary sheet b]'TAI&WTCr4. MULTIPLE PLY TRUSSES MUST BE •f �., 5. Delivery Is to job aft, tt Is the buyers'responslblfRy to make the job site suitable for f• ^ J delivery.Chambers Truss has the sole authority io detemrine the suitability of the Job sfte of a poiitan of the Job site for delivery.Chambers Truss will be responsible for dump delivery only. AST E N E D TOGETHER R E The buyer Is responsible W add€tonal delivent expenses If Chambers Truss has to redeliver BEFORE SETTING. REFER TO ' a J5 bacauBuyer la responsible job ofte Is o Chambbers Tru for ss fl'oorr'UWn�ts du;to�co„�tioni8'ery°"rise$' J5 Y J B.Pike as shown 11 paregraO 7 below Is subject to change If any changes are.made hi ENGINEERING DRAWING TO DETERMINE S ,� �,,, this•lsyccrt A$so per hour fee for revision may ba charged by Chambers Trvs& .F .7;Thls-Is a PURCHASE ORDER to Chambers,Truss of the sum agreed to, or K nq; I F MULTIPLE PLY. agreement a reasonable price.Invoke wilt be made on delivery and geld wIthln terms of ns{ DRA GRA On delivery. Irnralce may,be made at scheduled date of delivery If buyer cannot aoaept' delivery of fabricated busses,The undersigned agrees to pay Chambers.Truss reasonable attorniY6 lea for collections In event of payment not timely made.1.1/2%.per month serv,�ce charge will be added for all sums not paldwitltln terms. — _ — — 8.^signature ar initialso rlywhare on the sheet constitutes agreement to all terms herein. A _ A 8:In Dar�de"on of Chambers Truss extending credit for this material the undenilgned uncandidonaty guarantees payment when due of any and all Indebtedness towed to Chambers Truss by any entity receiving material and the undersigned agrees to pay such Indebtedness including attorneys Tess, K default!rr payment far material be made by the DON'T LIFT TRUSSES Al Al re�1 in the event of any iitkp on concerning this agreement,the Items furnished hereunder WITH SPANS LONGER THAN I I I or payments referred to herein,the,parties agree that the sole venue for any such action will he Saint h6cle County,Fforlda. 30' BY THE PEAK. �,Design responslblltfes are per"NatlonaE Standard And R'o'commended Guidelines On CONSULT BCSI I Reiponsibilklea For Construction Using Metal Plate Connected Wood Trusses ANsuTPrn►vTCA a-znoa- 3g' Span or less 36' to 60' Span o degrees Spree er Bar �. ... ��o�Il3la or less FD TITLE zo ` Aspnu dw barmwbe re9*0d per"BCSI 1-W to prewerdkury&danv9%• As :. Multlple ply Trusses must lee fastened#ogether per engineering Before they are set:failure to do so can result•ln roof collapse, � �,2 �, � '�ag � ApProx 2�� to�� � , Tog LIi'e S ]Qrl Q�]Prox. Lire 1/2 of Span REFER TO BCSI Temporary and permanent bracing are Required and can save life REFER TO BCSI � � and prapet#y and is ti>le rtisporlslZaillty ofthe truss grBctor. . Truss must be set this way if crone used. Truss must be set this way If crone used. ,d. Truss Is an example, your tni5$ ropy hot (notch- This is an example, truss may not match. I ; -Study the contents of the Information packet Included on dellvery . before settin trusses. Insist crane operator sets truss this way. Insist crone operator sets truss this way. 8 As A5 lnmm must besetand braced perdesign to pr�v�nt"PA . All load bearing walls, headers, I I Trusses>rnslst be$_t plumb and square beams & lintels must be i n place Ce '� I I � Dv.pot set bunks ar stack of plywood,roofing material or any . p Do co°ttbentrated loads on trusses,this can cause coils se. at indicated height before trusses - — DO-NOT SET TRUSSES USING THIS LAYVUT are installed. A r -USE LAYOUT DELi11ERE0 WITH TRUSSES To SET TRUSSES 1 " I " 1 " , "I , " A5 .CHAMBERa TRUSS INC . A I FR I--I A N I] L I� F� IV a T Il= 14-5 3 -2 19- 13 14-9 UNLESS NOTED ELSEWHERE ON THIS LAYOUT,THESE TRUSSES I 1 ARE NOT DESIGNED FOR AIR HANDLERS IN THE ROOF OR FOR ANY OTHER A/C REQUIREMENTS. THIS MAY BE IN CONFLICT 1 WITH BUILDING CODE AND A/C DESIGN REQUIREMENTS. >t.. CONSULT WITH BUILDING DEPARTMENT AND A/C CONTRACTOR. '°"5 I As 42f`2 I I12 I12 011 I 3'185 Oleander Avenue Carrying Girder Fort'Plercei Flvilda 34982-6423 For Truss to Truss I / 800-551-5932 - Connections see Fort Pierce rr�-�s�.��z� Fax ���. ss-s�� Vero Beach T!x-1568-ZOiZ Stuart T!Z-Z88�342 r � � I I � ia,�r. era..,r�Lrw■■nC�QTts11CS"f`AM �•. . hanger/connector Nails must be as schedule in engineering Dome angle A5 I I A5 package. - Carried Truss co cg A5 A5 SEAT PLATES BY CHAMBERS A5 A5 92.0/93.2 MITEK 4.2 H-P CA-e1411.k LOCAltOA5❑eMENSIONEDeN LAYOUT I DESIGN CRITERIA ' County SAINT LUCIE I Building Department ST LUCIE COUNTY � Wind Design Criteria ASCE 7-2010 SEE STAHWAO V i� A5 Wind Design Method MWFRSIC-C hybrid Wind ASCE 7-10 rNGiKERNG. PHI ' I � Roofing Material Shingle or Shake A5Loa Topding in ChordPive OSF oof R.D.L. — � AT �L t"� TA 4 v Top Chord Dead 7 4.2 AYE":°ter 24- ' 12 ? 0� Bottom Chord Live 10 Non-Concurrent CORNER DETAIL 4.0Q �� _ o — Bottom Chord Dead 10 3 AT r INVERTED"V"WEBS AT CENTER INVERTED Ir WEBS AT CENTER r TA `� H TOTAL Load 37 7.2 flVE iiHANGS NOT SHOWN FOR Ct ARITY , WI3'B.C. PANNEL. LOAD WI i2} WI3'B.C.PANNEL. LOAD WI(2) b "p t'� �..„ $* r 5°#POINT LOADS PER TRUSS FOR AIHIU 50#POINT LOADS PER TRUSS FOR AIHIU o Duration Factor 1.25 AT TA (a 0 Wind Speed 165mph The Architect's Or Architect's representative's Top Chord C.S. Sheeting by builder. shop drawing approval is NOT a AT TA Bottum Chord C.B. Sheeting by builder. "double check" of the contractor. +' � „ 1 v Highest Mean Height 15-0 The contractor shall retttain responsible Building Type ENCLOSED for checking field measurements and upset=1/4" heel=3 15/16" AT TA other constr«ction criteria. Architect's Building Category II:Non Restrictive approval cuvrers general roof shape, PLUMB CUT END Exposure Ex sure CategoryC review of truss strapping, and loading on 2 x 4 Top Chord B Barrier Island No structure from gravity and uplift loads and WALL HEIGHT 8' c`+r Conforms t[] FBC 2017 their reap r►e locations" TYPICAL END DETAIL B o R.D.L.=Restrainin Dead Load C.B:-Continuous Bracing T SETBACK BOSTON HIP s- T SETBACK BOSTON HIP Verify DESIGN CRITERIA shown above with the _ _ 4� 13w� building department and your engineer. Approved 8y: - - 1 BHA �1 Date: Braden ratlen A.I.A. P.A. 7_7 Design' J5 J5 J BuildingDesignerCriteria and/or pEn responsibility of Record. 12 .� . 4.00 Chambers Truss Inc. Drawing Name: M11392 J3 1 J3 '3 J Scale: 1 f4 = 1 ' - 2.00 8 W 82 total trusses, 15 different trusses. co 12 Ji �� _ _ �' MI 4: RLC ACAD: RLC Reviewed By: f Date: 10/07/15 Revised: 03/21118 " _ r� In r+ r` r• f+ n ti n ti a] .— e� u7 r` r• f- > > �l l� 71 FOR Revised: 31Q51202Q �, WYNNE BUILDING CORP. I I 14'-4" 6'-4" 14'-4" l .. -..14'-Ir 6'-4" v_ 14'-4" upset=114" heel=3 15116" INDICATES LOAF]BEARING �w� r��`�✓� �`►��-■� PLUMB CUT END REQUIRED BY TRUSSES �' CLOUZSED AREAS ARE OF DESCRIPTION. 2 x 4 Top Chord SUPPLIED BY BUILDER J SPECIAL CONCERN & MUST BE ' PORCHLEFT VIIINDSOR AT A HEIGHT OF 8'-0" PORCH RIGHT WALL HEIGHT8' ABOVE FINISHED FLOOR 1� CHECKED CAREFULLY & MAY PAGE 1 of 1 CUSTOMER INITIALS EACH PAGE END DETAIL :TYPICAL VAULT 1 INDICATE DEVIATION FROM ^ �� �. PLANS., �•`_��� '15 TRUSS DRAWINGS ARE ATTACHED TO LAYOUT M 11392 ��`—ram �_����