HomeMy WebLinkAboutAlternative Service Agreement® GeotechnicalEngin Bring
U N 1 V E R SAL' Construction Materials Testing & n'spection
.. Building
i rng Code Comp lance
ecupational Health &Safety
Grounded in Excellence'..BURCI(ng.EnVelope. '
Alternative Service Agreement.
Project: DR Horton-Creekside- 3420 Trinity Circle.. Fort Pierce, FL 34945=Lot 29
Private Provider Firm: Universal Engineering Sciences
Private Provider Name: John -Carl Peterson .
Address:.607-Commodity. Cove, Port'St.:Lucie;:FL 34986
Phone: (772).•924-3575 :, Fax:1772) 924-3580
Names, License/Certificate Numbers, and'L'icense description of provider and. duly authorized:agents who will be
providing services for this project:
License/Certificate No::.:
License/Certificate Type::- .
Matthew Chaney
Don Determan.._ _.
' BN# 4688 :
Inspector= Build ing„(1 and 2:f9mily), Plumbing'.
Josean Duprey,
BN# 7330 - ..Inspector;=Building.
••Carl Peterson
BN# 5555 RPX#243 •-
Inspector=:MEP,'Building.' .:: ;
Michael Benton
BN#.8067 _
'Inspector- Inspector -Building (1 and 2 family),'
Mechanical, Plumbing —
Donald: Green
BN#7301 :
Vincent Burdo :.
"Inspector=Electrical,'Plumbing Mechanical.
As the private inspection services provider for this project, I have;read and agree to be.bound to the provisions._of State
Statute. 553.791. 1 further agree and understand that only the above listed personnel may: perform inspections on -this
project. and -that if for any reason the inspection personnel should change; -or if -any -person listed above should discontinue- -
to quality as a.duly authorized agent, you will be notified'in rpg immedia
Representative Name:.
Signature ..
State of Florida, Courityof Palm Beach;
Sworn to (or affirmed).and subscribed before me this day of I 2021, byJ
who is. personally known to me.
f,9_re—�t'�1 Notary public. Stated Florida
t �. Commission 4 Ph 106455
g • My Comm. Expires filar 21. 2025 -
3CnCeC tgr"In Natiorai Notary Assr. -