HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIONAII APPLICABしE INFO MUST BE COMPしETED FOR APPしICATION TO BE Dat。:矛vG偽/ Bui看ding Perm PI。ming ond Development Services Bui/ding ond Code Regu/otion Division 2300 Wrginio Avenue, Fort Pierce FL 34982 Phone: (772) 462-1553 Fax: 〈772) 462-1578  Commercial PERMiTTYPE: PIumbing PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT LOCA丁ION: Address: 7725 WEXFORD VVAY, PORT ST LUCiE Property Tax ID藍 Site PIan Name: Project Name: 3321 -801 -0054-000-7 DETAlしED DESCRIPTION OF WORK: CHANGE OUT WA丁ER HEATER 50 GALLON ELECTRICAL LIKE TO Li CONSTRUCTION INFORMATION: AdditionaI workto be performed underthis permit-Check aIi that 器:-CaI 詩誌 _書芸 Totai Sq. Ft of Construction:Sq. Ft.ofF OWNER/LESSEE: Name DAVID B HERRING Address: 8728 BALLY BUNION RD Port St Lucie FL Zip Code: Phone No. 亡-Ma旧 34986     Fax: Fi= in fee simpIe TitIe HoIder on next page ( if di惰erent from the Owner listed above) Name:A Company Address: Zip Code: Phone N E-MaiIIe If vaiue of construction is $2500 or more, a RECORDED Notice of Commence If vaiue of HVAC is ;7,500 or more, a RECORDED Notice of Commencement i CC各p丁各D ermit Number: t Application ResidentiaI X 」ot N○○54 BIock N0. Shutters windows/Doors Generator Roof rst FIoor: er _Septic BuiIding Height: Pitch NER LEYVA Leyva PIumbing Services 502 SW Meridian Ave S丁Lucie 34953     Fax: 786-586-6928 state: FL apIumbing@yahoo.com License CFC1425666 ent is required. required. DESIGNER/ENGIN旺R:    Not AppIicable Name: Address: MORTG Name: Address: 幡E SIMPしE TITLE HOしDER:  Not Applicable Name: Address:Address: OWNER/ CONTRACTOR A田DVIT: AppIication is hereby made to obtai l certifythat no work or installation has commenced priorto the issuance of 謹鵠緒言輔蒜畿謹翳諾鵠鵜 In conside「ation ofthe g「anting ofthis requested permit, i do he「eby agree th in accordance with the approved pIans, the FIorida Bu脚ng Codes and St. GE COMPANY:    Not Applicabie COMPANY:    Not ApplicabIe a pe「mitto do the wo「k and insta=ation as indicated. ’3葦投書,整籍盤豊謀詰ま描盤h諒解謂盤謂鵠鵠 t l wilI, in a= 「espects, Pe「form the work County Amendments. 言霊岩盤豊島墨書誤蒜蒜霊塁岩盤豊島芸諾書芸嵩霊霊n,i。I us。 ``wARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FÅlしURE TO RECORD Å NOTl⊂E OF 丁WiCとFOR IMPRO▼EMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. Å NOTICE POSTED ON THE JOB SITE BEFORE THE FIRST INSPECTiO軸。 W町H YOURしENDER OR ÅN ÅTTORNEY BEFORE RECORDiNC Y MMEN⊂EMENT MÅY RESUしT iN YOUR PAYtNG F COMM教NCEMENT MUST BE RECORDED ÅND 「OU INTEND TO OBTÅ看N FINANCINC’CONSUし丁 0UR軸o丁tC格O「 Signature of Owner/しessee/Contractor as Agent for Owner STATE OF FしORIDA COUN丁Y OF The forgoing instrument was acknowIedged before me this_day of 20_ bY Name of pe「son making statement. PersonaIIy Known Type of ldentification Produced OR Produced Identification (Signature of Notarγ Pubiic- State of FIo「ida ) Commission No.(Seai〉 Signature STATE O COUN丁 The fo「goi Nameofp Persona=y Type of id Produced Commissi REVIEWS FRON丁 COUNTER ZONING REViEW SUPERVISOR REVI巨W M各軸⊂各軸各軸丁。タタ f Contract 「しORiDA b「 ̄- ̄ ̄ ̄手工、し毒し g instrument was acknowledged befo「e me rson making statement. Known >二二⊃ OR Produced ldentification Of Nota「y Pubiic- State of FIo「ida ) nN。. 7//8万⊃臆_ (S。aI〉 VEGETATION R各VIEW SEA TURTLE REVIEW MANGROVE REVIEW