HomeMy WebLinkAboutRevisions (2) fl �. .RN.- Xk File COPY BRADEN & BRADEN, A . I. A . P. A . x 5-19-21 417 COCONUT AVENUE, STUART, FLORIDA 34996 EV� ' D FOR TELEPHONE: (772) 287-825$ .FAX: (772) 287-8283 CODE COMPLIANCE ST. L CIE COUNTY St. Lucie County Building 'Dept. Blo RE: Wynne Developpment Permit #: 2011-0566 To whom it may concern: This detail shall apply to the soffit installation for the aforementioned ppermit number. If you have any questions please feel free to call me at -172-28-1-8258. Sincerely, Digitally signed by Daniel 1 f/ R.Braden Date:2021.05.19,14:05:18 04'00' Daniel R. Braden AIA Braden t Braden AIA PA Aluminum Drip Edge ! Fascia 2" x. 6" Sub—Fascia Install I" x 4" FT nailer long wall using 3/16" dia. tapcons with Attach soffit to bottom of �� min. .l" embedment into wall at 24" o.c. fascia using trim nails at 16" 12 max. o.c. max. Staple soffit to Attach Channel to nailer using staples fascia at nail hem and in valleys. at nail hem and in valleys. Attach Channel to wall using 0.091" dra. x. 1.5" T—nails at Kaycan LTD 12" Triple 4 FULL-0—VENT 12" o.c. into wall. vinyl soffit max. span = 12" with max pressure t 55.L TYPICAL SOFFIT DETAIL NTS