HomeMy WebLinkAboutChange of contractor new sub agreementPLANNING&DEVELOPMENTSERVICES F3uOTnL3:DNrGTh*:fSas:VAVHLHSNrTO£2300 VIRGINIA AVE FORTPIERCE,FL34982 (772)462-1553 FAX462-1578 EI±EASE_SELE£|Q±!ELQ±±±HiEQELOWING: CHANGE andthenewcontractorofrecordforthecunentpermit.Anewpermtapplicatlonmustalsobecompletedwithnew__ _ _ _ .` ~[j,tt..+5. 1;i iuliiractor is to be signed and notarized by the property owner, Contractorinformationandsignature.AnewNoticeo±`Colrmencementmustbefiledinthenewcontractor'sname for job values greater tban $2,500 ($7,500 il` A/C Changerout) A recorded copy must be submitted pnor to cormenclng any work. There is a $50.00 I.ee 1.or the Cliange ol. Contractor. LCHANGE0FSUBCONTRACTOR-Subcontl.actolchangesaretobecompletedbythegeneralcontractol.. Thenewsubconti.actormustfilloutaSubcontractol.AgreementFoi.in.Thereisa$50.00feefortheChangeofSub- Contractor. I:::I:i:LCANCELLATIONOFPERMIT-Thecancellationofapei-mitisacceptableonlyifnowol.khasbeendone. Cancellation of pet.nit is to be signed and notarized by both the owner. and qualifier- of I.ecord. Tliere is no fee for cancellation o1. the permit. OFCONTRACTOR-ChangeofContractoristobesigned nr nf`t.f]r`r`t-A f^. +1^_ _._ Date: ,August2o2i Site Address: 2019 NW Laurel oak LN Ciufo Electric llc Permit Number: 2105-0415 State License Original GC, subcontractor or owner/builder POPE ELECTRIC iNC. New GC, subcontractor Reason for Cancellation unable to Preform the work SLC License 20919 state License EC13°1°414 SLC License The undersigned does hereby agi.ee to indemnify and hold harmless St Lucie County, its ot.ficers, agents and employees from all SIGNATURE GENERAL CONTRACTOR (oi. new GC, as applicable) PRINT NAME ANDRE E. MICHELE SIGNATURE OF OWNER (or ownel./buildel.) PRINT NAME State of.F]ot.ida, County of St. Luc.ie County The following instrument was acknowledged bcfoi.e mc this ol. who has produced who is pel.sonally known to me as ID. August 2021 Sigmture ot. Notary Revised 04/15/16 Date State of` Floi-ida, County of. St. Lucie County Eu:;,1:iapfa't#ELrer::his H T dr I - whLOLgj;:j2:=g±±!±|±±±Lown to PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICHS Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB-CON TRACTOR AGREERENT Pc9f)€ ELECLT`€jc_FfiijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiE-ijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiE- (Company NameAndividunl Name) the E=L£Tje!e.AL (Type of Trade) 4'C' Sub-contractor for 4 have agreed to be §SocJ4T€S LLC_ Forthepr°ject[°Catedat,a%r'opects#e#Ad|re%:a:±io=erty©TIAaxiD+)AI¢.Pal"C`Ty---L£±±sea It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the flling of a Change of Sub-contractor notice. 4rdb£F_ Eu M/C.4G,CF,.PRINT NAME COUNTY CERTIFICATI0N NUMBER State of Florida, County ofLS+. LJ`:i Theforcgoinginstrmnentwassigriedbeforemethisidayof Cia-€u`L ' 20J±' by who is persoliany known {Lol. has produced a asidentiflcation. Print Name of Notary Public Revised 11/16/2016 STAMP -,7=",g T2/a PRINT NANI COUNTY CERTIFICATI0N NUMBER Stole of Horidfl, County of`LSL . LLAC >- Thefoi.egoinginstrumentwassigriedbeforeTnethisidayof CLuauu3L 20IAtry whoispersonallylmownJCol.hasproduceda START