HomeMy WebLinkAboutPROJECT INFORMATION --T7 2F--'0-jZ Ar Li 4-21,✓2, V 7 J Sz I 1H it f7 7t, 77-7.8n WT tv Po FITT-1-1 w t� i---i�--t >�' 0�` %�t't t�..� r ��cY�+tf�t�+°-1� —. ! �----#-----�---t ---�---- -- ` 1� �J ��� .-- ` AMERICAST AMERIPAD E R 2IP CODE: DN ,.acj ru,A' Digitally signed FED C046NNARDQa ..al'as•roryvnr' A^!s PE1100J6549 {yq By puHo.awrlarw,.. by Frank1" •� STEP 1: DETERMINE WIND VELOCITY AMERICAST R:WDIIaceLop( iCPOp `N° e'er nORMITp �C• FOAM CONCRETE PAD EWITHINI4 �6D°1�O" r l" CORE CON RE &� ePER LOCATION, RISK,AND EXPOSURE LSEAL raR «a, . Datei2021.07.28 (� 9895 'Ni+,y1��U4WTNi1,r' nv v.. Ma6D nR" 15:59:58-04'00' ASCE 7-10&7-16 ULT WIND VELOCITY TO ASO DESIGN PRESSUREATGRADE CONVERSION CHART-HVHZ OR NON HVHZ 32 X 54 x 4 IN, FOAM CORE (330 LB MIN) COPIES NOT VALID FOR PERMIT q,005/2021 EXAMPLE RISK EXPOSURE RISK EXPOSURE RISK EXPOSURE (ON-GRADE APPLICATIONS ONLY) COUNTY I C - D II- C 1 D III,IV C I D r TH1s DDcuxcNr s DIGNAur FORT MYERS 145MPH 29.4PSF 3S.6PSF 166MPH 35.8PSF43.4PSF 275MPH 42.8PSF 51.9PSF _ F«+P�EPAD DESIGN-NOTES•" slcmD,nnssHDaLSPARTOYA GENERATOR OIGIlNLY 51GIRDiNT.all- PALM BEACH 150 MPH 315 PSF 38.1 PSF 170 MPH 40A PSF 49.E PSF 180 MPH 45.3 PSF 54.9 PSF � 1. THIS SYSTEM HAS BEEN DESIGNED AID SMALL BE CMVN 1'N OIGRALIOAMAT.BIAII BE VERDIED BY EACIAONIC HEAW BROWARD 156 MPH 34.0 PSF 41.2 PSF. .17E MPH 40.4 PSF 49.O PSf 180 MPH 45.3 PSF 54.9 PSF GTH FABRICATED UI ACCORDAIICE WITH THE A FAIIIEDCoplu of THIS N /r\ W' RIMR'SMI(OFTNEFM(2017&020).CODE OOCUN[IRAREINOTCONSIO[A[D MIAMI-DADE 165 MPH 38.1 PSF 46.2 PSF 175 MPH 42.9 PSF 51.9 PSF 186 MPH 48.4 PSF 5&6 PSF I OF.� � PO T&SMID NEGATIVE DESIGN 7&PRESSURES p1GNcq uND suuD. '�/ 2. POSITIVE AID NEGATIVE DESIGN PRESSURES MONROE 17S MPH 42.8 PSF 51.9 PSF 180 MPH 45.3 PSF 54.9 PSF 200 MPH 55.9 PSF 67.8 PSF ' \\ = CALCULATED FOR USE WITH THIS SYSTEM SMALL Be ''"NSINKATeNT&rwr, D \ F DOES NOICONINNAN ENGINEERS C, I GENERATOR UNIT BY I DETERMINED BY OTNERSOEIA109-SPECIFICM5 ➢ANGINAL BIGNNAWRE&SEAL.THIS Kl ET UD TDb1026.10.1" 0.85 103 Kd Table 26.G3• 0.9 G Section 26.11- 0.85 \ GENERATOR ��� III ACCORDANCEWITH THE GO/EAIIIG CODE. ODCAQNTISVOID&INOTVIMDM Ka SONon 26.8.21= 1.0 I \ I 3 SEPARATE SUBMITTAL ]. NA%lmUMOIHEtISIOtGAIIDIYEIGHTOFC014CREIE uSE.R10I000PiESAAI.. Ke(Section 26.9)� 1 C(Table 29.4.1 v 1.4 \ 'ram I m (SEE SCHEDULE FOR PAD&GENERATOR UNITSHALL CONFORM TO PEANNTEDFOAUS6. I SPECIFICATIONS STATED f Ilr TOLERANCE, NOTE:TABLE ABOVE INCLUDES A QUICK REFERENCE OF COMMON FLORIDA CONDITIONS(AT ULTIMATE DESIGN Isj I I I iI I MINIMUM WEIGHT <. THE AREA UNER CONCRETE SLAB ON GROUND W REQUIRED) SHALL ALL VEGETATION,STUMPS,ROOTS, p WIND VELOCITIES)FOR SITE-SPECIFIC CONDITIONS,CONSULT LOCAL BUILDING MUNICIPALITY.MAXIMUM I / ) IVIVE AND FOREIGN MATERIALS REMOVED PRIOR TO Z v DESIGN WIND PRESSURES AT GRADE PER SPECIFIED EXPOSURE REMAIN CONSTANT FOR ANY MAX WIND y I \, i INSTALLATION 11 COMPACTED SOILAS VERIFIED p Eo VELOCITY.FOR SITE-SPECIFIC WIND VELOCITY AND PRESSURE CONVERSIONS,SEE QR LINK PROVIDED BELOW. I \ "I"w70Jh LIE, �I DESIG ERS.MESS CONCRETE PADS HAVE BEEN A W M LJ< DESIGNED fM 4 N1111HUH BEARING CAPACITY OF 1, �' I`•`,` .� \ 2,DDD PSF AIID MIIUHUM SUBGRADE FIODULU9 I.LJ U�J 1 U 0 �I !00 POI.SHOULD ETHER CONDITIONS o0. U- STEP 2: DETERMINE CONCRETE PAD PER ALLOWABLE WIND PRESSURE \ „rl- 00PCIALHOULDCTHERCON,ITIONS ItIEEROP w -N= o PAD �s\' I I„ �-54"BASE LENGTH�-+ RECORD SMALL BE NOTIFIED PRIOR TO `� WV WD PROCEEOUIGWTTH THE WORK: ' ALIT 11UU THICKNESS \ / �. S. SLIDING IS ASSUMED RESISTED by 2'EMBEDMENT r5Q-Zu TABLE 2.I:CONCRETE PAD INFORMATION �L�• .LEN,MITI PAD DIMENSIONS:PLAN VIEW OFPAD IN GROUNOALONGWIIH RESISTANCE Cal�t AMERICAST PADS MODEL L.IN W,IN H,IN ULT,LB PAD 110T ASSUMGM MED AED CABLING HOMIAL FA&UHE CASE IN THIS oeslei Z .At,mg-'c 92 X Si FOAM CORE 32 54 4 330 ISOMETRIC VIEW CONCRETE PAD MAY HAVE ROUNDED MASTERFIBER 2'MINI ONCRETE PAD - I� ii N O Fi 0 u S1DE9&CORNER6ASSNOYfN MACIOOMESH 4•MIN GENERAL'NOTES v-I-u1j 6 TABLE 2.2:ALLOWABLE LATERALASO PRESSURE FOR PAD/GENERATOR COMBINATION 1•FIBFRGU55 Ra. S. ELECTRICAL GROUND,WHEN REQUIRED,TO BE lL m ALLOWABLE EQUIVALENT WIND TOTAL WIDIII&LENGTH MAY TAPER UP J�'cT,��c'U ��1 -7 d OEBIGHED e1115TAGEDOY OTRERS.ALL UI CL'-' � BRAND CAPACITY MODEL L.IN WIN H,IN WT,LB ASO PRESSURE TO 1-FROM RASE TO TOP OF SLAB ON -�MI MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS(CLEAR SPACE. W EXP C EXP D EACH SIDE(ANCHOR EDGE DISTANCE TD 50" TONNAGE,ETC.)SHALL BE AS PER MANUFACTURER p W 20 KW 005871&005883 25 48 29 387 49.7PSF 175 MPH 160MPH. BEMPINTAINEDPERSaIEDutE) 54' NECnNMERD4Tv19A11DANTRA %PRESS �O REST VISIBILITY OF A M ARTRACTOR. 14 KW 005872&OOS884 25 48 29 439 46.9 PSF 180 MPH 165MPH PAD SECTION VIEW T ENWHEEREEM. FFIXED HERETO VALIDATES �/��/ STRUCTURAL DESIGN AS SHOWN ONLY.USE Of 16 KW 7035,7036,7037 25 48 29 406 44.9 PSF 175 MPH 160 MPH -�- THIS SPECIFICATION BY CONTRACTOR,E1.AL (� INOENNIFlE9&SAVES RMIESSTHIS VIGINLE0. 16KW 007176&7178 26 49 29 420 4S.8PSF I80MPH 160MPH ' I 1 MR AucoST&DAMAGESINCWDINGLEGALFEES -0 26 KW 006721 25 48 29 448 47.4PSF 180 MPH 165MPH ANCHOR TO PAD SCHEDULE: &APPIUATE FEES RESULTIIG FROM MATERIALT 1 O 1 I FABRICATION,SYSTEM ERECTION,CONSTRUCTION ' F4 16 KW 6459,6461,6462 25 48 29 513 S1.4 PSF 190 MPH 170 MPH I I I RA I PRACTICES SEMNDTMAT�MICII ISGLLED POP.BY C Witm LOAD F F GENE TOR ltiA Yx D wwnoM LOCAL.'TATE,&FEDERAL OES&FROM US w 17 KW DOS874&005886 25 48 29 421 45.8 PSF 180 MPH 16O MPH REsuLrulr = I = (SEE CONCRETE PAD 12rv[•D men ND oEVIATId19 Uf THIS PLAN.IS. I... GO Q W w Z GENERAL ,�., m&a1Ta DAEWWFuxr, e. MouowPADSFoquseWMeReAPPucaeLeeY In x w . 17 KW 005873&005885 25 48 29 455 47.9 PSF 180 MPH 165 MPH 1 SCHEDULE FOR V)^�O ui VL ED W I W HmBD61 L-L�•FtLLEvdm CODE.USE USE WERE APPLICABLE JIG DIMENSIONS&WEIGHT RNLI mCOMMETLD. DEPTAPPROVAL U Z me 20 KW 007038&007039� 2S 48 29 448 47APSF 180MPH 265MPH = = I I = I I Hlx.s&Ge 9. WATER-TIGHTH SS OF EXISTING FINISHES SHALL O REQUIRED) DISTN=I-MN• Nti n w g tL BE THE FULL RESPONSIBILITY OPINE INSTA WNG 2(IKW 005875&005887 25 48 29 451 47.6 PSF 180 MPH 165 MPH YIN I I uAn"oraAN ANY REMOVE.OR AIMED WATER ROOFINTHAT Dt ? a n EA tlMµD'N'' ANY REMOVED OR AIMED WATFApPDOFOIG W N 1 F- I 20 KW '006729&D06730 25 48 29 SIG 51.6 PSF 190MPH 170 MPH �» 4n IIEMBRAIE IS RESTORED AFTER FABRICATION 22 KW 007042&7043 25 48 29 466 48.5 PSF 186MPH 165 MPH GRADE "o»uNcgoh4w,rtmPEssasgsmE INSTALLATIOII OP STRUCTURE PROPOSED ME0.EIt1. Q ^o 1WFA 2 ERAOY[NE AFDEODE DINANCE A,ly EATEREER SMALL NOT BE RESPONSIBLEPOR N W ZZ KW 006551&006552 25 48 29 526 S2.2 PSF 190 MPH 175 MPH I EFEWDESNN11NL5,Ir AIY Vl41EPPROOFING OR LEAKAGE ISSUES WHICH cc..RAZE. MAY OCCUR AS WATER-TItlITHESS SHALLBE THE 1 1"SURE PtxININ COCA!NSTAHCL NLLRESPp15®ILITYOFTHEDLSdWNG IJ 24 KW G00720M 25 48 29 455 47.9 PSF 1BOMPH 165 MPH �32"WIDTH -54"LENGTH -� AS EMOTED IN..DA SEWDOM. Cp1RRACTOR Z 20 KW 14RE5&20RE5 26 48 29 500 50.6PSF 190MPH 170MPH F.[NsuAeMINIwNVACNBro O ANV ADIMIR ANMON. 10.IRE ROLE OF THIS ENGINEER FOR THIS PROJECT IS V PAD SIDE VIEW PAD FRONT VIEW 1. DLLOw AANDIDN S THAT OF SPECIALTY ENGINEER AND NOTTME 14KW 14RCA 26 47 32 M140 98.9PSF 165 MPH 150MPH Ylsr•wnonlNsrwmo"sro EIIGltiEEROFRECMD.CONSEQUEtITLY,THE KOHLER 20 KW 20RCA 26 47 32 555 44.7 PSF 175 MPH 160 MPH NSTALLMCIORs ARCHITECTAENGBIEER OFRECORD SHALL BE RESPONSIBlB FOR THE INTEGRITY OF ALL 14KW 14REAL 26 47 32 500 41.9PSF 170 MPH I56MPH UPPORNIIGSURFACESTOTHISpESIGNWHICH H mFQ GENERATOR SMILSECOORDIIATEDBYTMEPERMITTING p C e n C 20 KW 20RCAL 26 47 32 fill _ 47.5 PSF 180 MPH 165 MPH GENERATOR MOUNTING CONFIGURATION: ATTACHMENT BASE, COMWCTGR. •-•-m10 VARIES WITH MODEL 11.THIS DO LINEUP IS GENERIC AND DOES NOT x j�9 NOTES SEE GENERATOR SPECS PERTAIN TO AIN SPECIFIC PROJECT SITE. INFOPNATION CIXLTAINED HEREIII IS BASED ON "6 9 9 '6 A 1-CONCRETE PADS WEIGHTCALCULATED PER STANDARD WEIGHTCONCRETE(ISO PCF) GENERATOR I(•SIMPSON Iran NO, COIRRACEdhSUPPUED DATA AND pp 2.MIN REQUIRED WEIGHTS LISTED.REFER MANUFACTURER SPECS FOR SPECIFIC MODEL WEIGHT GENERATOR ATTACHMENT BASE SEE ANCHOR SCHEDULE MEASUREMENTS.EIIGIIIEERIIGEVAESS SHALL = i<@ 3.CONCRETE MIN COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH TO BE fc-6,000 PSI AT 28 DAYS. OR SIMPSON A24 ANGLE BRACE 2'X3'iW GALV.STEEL HOT BE HEM RESPONSIBLE OR LIABLE IN ANY WAY 5 3 u B e 11 W/(4)010 SS 316 SELF-DRILLING WASHER FOR ERRONEOUS OR INACCURATE DATA OR 4-UNIIS NOT SHOWN ARE RATED TO EQUIVALENT PRESSURES GIVEN EQUAL SIZE&EQUAL OR GREATER WEIGHT.FOR UNITS SCREWS OPTIONAL RUBBER MEASUREMENTS.DDIELSIONS ape SHOWN TO B TO GENEPATOR VIBRATION PAD ILLUSTRATE DESIGN FORCES AND OTHER OES(tll B OR CONDITIONS REQUIRING GREATER ALLOWABLE PRESSURE LARGER PAD OR ADDITIONAL ANCHORAGE MAY BE REQUIRED, ILUEAA.THEYMAY VARY SLIGHTLY,BUT MUST g (SEE GENERATOR SPECS) , CONCRETE PAD REMAIN WITHIN THE LIMITATIONS SPECIFIED mWO85 W THICK GALVANIZED 5,0OD PSI "IREN.IVORK&HALL BE FIELD VEROIEO BY ALLOWABLE DESIGN PRESSURE wpsHER&Ruee¢R \ CONCRETE MI% OTHERSPRIORTO CO OSTRUCTION.ENGINEERING 11115 EXPRESS SHALLBE HOTIFIEDAND GIVEII AN X w REQUIRED WIND LOAD DESIGN PRESSURES CALCULATED FOR USE WITH THIS SYSTEM SHALL BE DETERMINED UNDER VIBRATION PAD Z 1 OPPORTUNITY TO REEVALUATE OUR WORK UPON SEPARATE CERTIFICATION ON A 108-SPECIFIC BASIS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE GOVERNING CODE.SITE-SPECIFIC LOAD DESCOVERY OPANY INACCURATERIFORMATIOEI REQUIREMENTS AS DETERMINED III ACCORDANCE WITH THE APPLICABLE BUILDING CODE SHALL BE LESS THAN OR EQUAL Al PRIOR TO MODIFICATION OF EXISTING FIELD TOTHE POSITIVE OR NEGATIVE DESIGN PRESSURE"ASD•CAPACITY VALUES LISTED HEREIN FOR ANY ASSEMBLY AS SHOWN, Q �/ a CONDITIONS A10 FABRICATION AND INSTALLATION CONCRETE PAD PSI /` /:J�"ii�.%�//JJ�//JJ� OF MATERIALS.ALTERATIONS OR AMBITIONS TO mPrR1oM 0NTNEAU1a FAPRES r f CIXACRETE MIX Ji/ %J�%J /Jf% IINIA DATE OUR CERTI«iGTONS DOCUMENT MIS MOT �ED Atlp �E �j p VISIT ECALC.10/30810 fti . HASIERFI.4 M.S 300 j J J/J JJJ // 12.EXCEPT AS DM99SLY PROM DM HEREIN,N 0 20�70L710 W6%WB/W1A%1.4MESHMTIMIS OR AFFIRMATIONSFOR EFORMAIONNGINEER ABOUT HISORI OAB • SCALE:NTB UNLESB NOTI bMORE INiORNATION ABOUT THI900CUMENT NpIES: EPS FOAM COREor�OR SCAN THIS ORCODE 1. Y DISTANCE DEPEND ON GENERATOR BASE LENGTH,NO LESS THAN 2-. REBAR AS SHOWNVISIT ENGIREERDIGEXPRESS.COMIANERICAST2. X DISTANCE 3-FROM UNIT EDGE TO CUP. ALONG EACH EDGEFORADOITKJNALPLANS,I�PORTSb RESOURCES 3. Z DISTANCE DEPEND ON GENERATOR BASE WIDTH,NO LESS THAN ANCHOR REQUIREMENTS � play La � CENERAC® Automatic Service and non-Service rated Tra nsf .. ui#ches Automatic Smart Transfer"Switches r. may. 100 - 400 Amps, Single Phase STILICIE COUNTY PLAN REVIEW BLDG: DATE: EL � DATE'=- PLUMB: DATE: iV1ECH: DATE: C UL us LISTED �em� `CUL only applies to non-service rated snitches Description Generac Automatic Transfer Switches are designed for use with single phase generators that utilize an EvolutionT" or NexuSTM Controller.The 100, 200, and 400 amp open transition switches are available in single phase in both service equipment rated and non-service equipment rated configurations.The 150 and 300 amp open transition switches are only available in a service rated equipment configuration. Standard Features Service rated (RXSW) Generac Automatic Transfer Switches are housed in an aluminum NEMA/UL Type 3R enclosure*,with electrostatically applied and baked powder paint. The Heavy Duty Generac Contactor is a UL recogni.zed device, designed for years of service. The controller at the generator handles all the timing, sensing, exercising functions,and transfer commands.All switches are covered by a 5 year limited warranty. " Non-service rated (RXSC)switches are housed in a steel enclosure. DPM Technology Through the use of digital power technology (DPM),these switches have the capability to manage up to 4 individual HVAC (24 VAC controlled) loads with no additional hardware. When used in tandem with Smart Management Modules, up to 8 more loads can be managed as well, providing the most installation efficient power management options available. GENERA GENERAC 100-400 Amps, Single Phase Automatic Smart Transfer Switches Functions All timing and sensing functions originate in the generator controller Utilityvoltage drop-out................................-..................................................................................................................................................................................<65:� Timer to generator start..................................................................................................10 second factory set,adjustable between 2-1500 seconds by a qualified dealer' Enginewarm up delay................-....................................................................._.. ..........---_......-......_ ...............----•-.....--._............._, ..5 seconds Standbyvoltage sensor................................................................................................................................................................................. ...........65%for 5 seconds Utility voltage pickup................ ................................................._..............._...................---..:.....................................-........................................... .......................>80% Re-transfer time delay........................•.................._.............._................................. ..............................._._.-...:.. _......... -.......................15 seconds Enginecool-down timer.................................................................................................................._........................................................................................60 seconds Exerciser .-•...........................................................................................................................................................5 or 12 minutes adjustable weeldy/8i-weekly/TAonthty" The transfer switch can be operated manually without power applied. `When used in conjunction with units utilizing Evolution—controls "Adjustable via the controller Specifications Model RXSC100A3 RXSW10OA3 RXSW150A3 RXSC20OA3 RXSI4r200A3 RXSW300A3 RXSC400A3 RXSW40OA3 Amps 100 100 150 200 20.0 300 400 400 Voltage 120,1240;1z 120/240,to 120/240:lu 120/240,1D 120/240:to 120/240:to 1201240:1z 120/240,to Load Transition Type Open Transition Open Transition Open Transition Open Transition Open Transition Open Transition Open Transition Open Transition (Automatic) Service Rated Service Rated Service Rated Service Rated Service Rated Enclosure Type NEMA/t1L 3R NEIvIA,&JL 3R NEMA/UL 3R NEMA/UL 311 NEMA/UL 3R NEMA/UL 311 NEMANL 311 NEt%4A!UL 3R UL Rating UL/LUL UL UL UL/CUL UL UL UL/CUL UL Withstand Rating (Amps) 10,000 10.000 22.000 10,000 22,000 22,000 22,000 22,000 Lug Range 1/0-#14 250 MCM-T6 600 MCM-N or 1/D-250 MCM Dimensions W, 13' Model RXSC100A3 RXSW1D3A3 RXSVV150A3 RXSC200A3 RXSW20DA3 RXSW300A3 RXSC400A3 RXSW40DA3 r' Hi 17.24/437.9 17.241437.9 26.751679.4 17.241437.9 26.751679-4.42 9111089.9 31:25(793.8 4291/1089.9 Height DEFIH wz (irtlmm) H2 201508 20/508 305162 20/508 30,?62 4811219.2 3619144 46/1219.2 W1 12.5/317.5 12.5/317.5 10.5/266.7 12.5/317.5 10.51266.7 16.69/423.9 19.18/487.2 16.69/423.9 Width Y W2 14.61370.8 14.61370.8 13.5/342.9 14.61370.8 13.5/342.9 21.82/554.2 2409.6 21.82/554.2 Depth(Ira./mm) 7.09/180.1 7.091180.1 6.3/160.1 7.09/180.1 6.31160.1 10.96/255.5 10.06/255.5 10.06/255.5 Weight(ibsAlcs) 20/9.07 22.5/10.21 39I17.69 20/9.07 39117.69 140/63.5 133/60.33 140/63.5 � A; n GENERAC° Generac Power Systems,`Inc. •S45 W292.90 HWY 59, Waukesha,'Wl 53189 •generac.com 02017 cienerac Pourer systems,inc.A➢rights reserved.A➢specifications are subject to change without notice BU➢etin 10000D13459-A 04/14117 i GENERAC® i GUARDIAN® SERIES 20/22/24 k1111 - Residential Standby Generators ` Air-Cooled Gas Engine INCLUDES: Standby Power Rating G0070381,G007039-1,G00703".G007039-3(Aluminum-Bisque)-20 IcW 60 Hz • True Power- Electrical Technology G007042-2•G007043-Z G007042-3•G007043-3(Aluminum-Bisque)-22 kW 60 Hz G007209-0,GOD7210-0(Aluminum-Bisque)-24 kW 60 Hz • Two-line multilingual digital LCD Evolution'"controller ST.LUCIE COUNTY (English/Spanish/French/Portuguese) PLAN REVIEW • 200 amp service rated transfer switch available • Electronic governor BLDG: • Standard Wi-NO connectivity DATE: • System status&maintenance interval LED indicators ELEO�. 1 • Sound attenuated enclosure DATE: �( • Flexible fuel line connector PLUMB: • Natural gas or LP gas operation DATE` GENERAC_' MECH: • 5 Year limited warranty DATE: -- • Listed and labeled by the Southwest Research Institute allowing installation as close as 18 in(457 mm)to a structure.* `Mustbe located away from doors,windows,and fresh air intakes and in accordance with local codes. ON https.Ilassels.swd.oig/library/DirectoryOfListedPmduc(s/ or C ,� uSQ 1 Ccnstnrc6onlndustry/973DoC 204_13204-01-01RevApd If us LISTED V[VI �,k°� Note:CER orCUL certification only appllesto unbundled unitsand units ppackaged min limited circuit switches.Units packaged vrith the Smart Switch are ETL or UL certified in the USA only. FEATURES O INNOVATIVE ENGINE DESIGN&RIGOROUS TESTING are at the heart of Gen- O SOLID-STATE, FREQUENCY COMPENSATED VOLTAGE REGULATION:This erac's success in providing the most reliable generators possible. Generac's G- state-of-the-art power maximizing regulation system is standard on all Generac mod- Force engine lineup offers added peace of mind and reliability for when it's needed els.It provides optimized FAST RESPONSE to changing load conditions and MAXI- the most The G-force series engines are purpose built and designed to handle the MUM MOTOR STARTING CAPABILITY by electronically torque-matching the surge rigors of extended inn times in high temperatures and extreme operating conditions. loads to the engine.Digital voltage regulation at-1%. O TRUE POWER'S ELECTRICAL TECHNOLOGY:Supedor harmonics and sine wave O SINGLE SOURCE SERVICE RESPONSE from Geneiac's extensive dealer network form produce less than 5%Total Harmonic Distortion'for utility quality power_This provides parts and service know-how for the entire unit,from the engine to the small- allows confident operation of sensitive electronic equipment and micro-chip based est electronic component- appliances,such as variable speed WAC systems. O TEST CRITERIA: O GENERAC TRANSFER SWITCHES:Long life and reliability are synonymous with ✓ PROTOTYPE TESTED ✓ NEMA MG1-22 EVALUATION GENERAC POWER SYSTEMS.One reason for this confidence is that the GENERAC ✓ SYSTEM TORSIONAL TESTED ✓ MOTOR STARTING ABILITY product line is offered with its own transfer systems and controls for total system compatibility. O MOBILE LINK®CONNECTIVITY.FREE with select Guardian Series Home standby O PWRVIEW'" TRANSFER SWITCH: The Generac PWRview Automatic Transfer generators, Mobile Link Wi-N allows users to monitor generator status from any- Switch integrates the PWRview energy monitor to provide real-time energy con- where in the world using a smartphone,tablet,or PC.Easily access information such sumption data that can help lower a home's electricity bill. Using a convenient as the current operating status and maintenance alerts. Users can connect an mobile app,homeowners can access energy usage and alert information while under account to an authorized service dealer for fast,friendly,and proactive service.With utility power or generator power.The PWRview energy monitor is a simple to useand Mobile Link,users are taken care of before the next power outage. low cost tool which helps save money over the life of the generator.Included with model G007210-0. "' GENERAC �s ""°> GE® �IPROMISE PWR GENERAC® 20/22/24 kW Specifications Generator Model G007038-1 G007042-2 G007038-3 G007042-3 G007209-0 G007039-1 G007043-2 G007039-3 G007043-3 G007210-0 Nliq (20 Wo (22 kW) (20 kW) (22 kW) (24 kW) Mated maximum coniinuous.poweriapaciuLP) 20;OOD.Watts'_22 000 Watts` 20 000_Watfs'� _22,000 Watts' 24,000 Wads' Rated maximum continuous power capacity(NG) 18,000 Watts- 19,500 Watts'_ 18,000 Watts— 19,500 Watts" 21,000 Watts" Rated voltage _ 240 _.._.._� Rated maximum continuous load cuirent-240 volts(LP/NG) 83.3175.0 91.7/81.3 83.3/75.0 91.7/81.3 103/87.5 ' Total HamroniENstortion Lessthan6C— Main line circuit breaker 90 amp 100 amp 90 amp 100 amp 100 amp Phase Number of rotor poles 2 R tad AC frequency - -- - - -BO Hz Power factor._ - - 1.0 CBr-tery requirement(not included)M _ _ 12 Volts,Group 26R 540 CCA mini mum or Group 35AGM 650 CC_A minimum Unit weight(Ib/kg) 448/203 466/211 436/198 445/202 _ 4551206 Dimensiarrs(LzWxH)in/cm,' �- �~_� _- y�46z25z2911219x8357x73.7u� Sound output in dB(A)at 23 it(7 m)with generator operating at normal load"" w 67 67 67 67 67 Sound output in d8(A) 23 f(t(7m}ti%rich generator la Qulei Testlour speed exetds_e mode" _ b_6 57 65Exercise duration duration r 5 min Engine A Engine type GENERAC G-Force 1000 Series _ Displacement �999 cc� fCylinderblock —.— - —Aluminumw/castlionsleeve Valve arrangement Overhead valve El tiopsystem -�� --__--__ Solid-sntew/magneto Governor system Electronic Starter 12 VDG Oil capacity including filter -_ � —._ _ , Approx 1.9 qt/1.8 L -- j Operating rpm 3.600 Fue(cor>suption j Natural gas+ fta/hr(Vlhr) 112 Load 2t74(5.78) 228(6.46) 164(4.64) 203(5.75) }} Full Load 301(8.q 327(9.26) 287(8,13) 306(8.66) I Liquidprppare ft3Ihr(9aVh IL 1/2 Load ad 87(2.37)[8.99] 92(253)[9.57] 86(2.36)['8.95] 92(253)[9:57] I Full Load 130(3.56)[13.48] 142(3.90)[14.77] 136(3.74)[14.15] 142(3.90)[14.771 Note:Fuel pipe must be sized for full load.Required fuel pressure to generator fuel inlet at all load ranges-3.5-7 In ester column(0.87-1.74 kPa)for NG,10-12 in water column(2.49-2.99 Wa)for LP gas For BTU content,multiply 1`13/hrx 2500(LP)or ft3/hr x 1000(NG).For Megajoule content,multi ply W/hrx 93.15(I.P)or m9lhrx37.26(NG). Controls Two-line plain text multilingual LCD Simple user interface for ease of operation. Automaiicstarton-uti[ityfailur`e.Weeld,-Bf-veek]y;orMonthtyselecta6leezerdser: `�- MANUAL Start with stader control,unit stays on.If utility fai Is,transfer to load tales place. OFF _ _ Stops unit Pourer is removed.Control and charger still operate. Ready to Run/Maintenance messages Standard [ngine run flours indication Standard - Programmable start delay between 2-1500 seconds Standard(programmable by dealer only) 0 lii Volta Loss/fietuin io Utili�ad astable bimmout settin)�_ — �y From 140 171 VI 190 21 fi V --' Y 9e Y__f ( _ 9 _ ! Future Set Capable Exerciser/Exercise Set Error warning Standard [RuNAlarm/tylaintenance logs ` 50 events each Engine startsequence Cyclic cranking:16 ec on,7 rest(90 sec maximum duration). S—ReF ck ouout m Staiter cann6t reengage until 5 sec after engine has stopped— Smart Battery Charger Standard ChargetFaulUMissing AC v_srNng _�_ _ ___ vd___ Standard � - Low Battery/Batterl Problem Protection and Battery Condition Indication Standard Automatic Voltage Regulation with Overand Under Voltage Protection _ - _ TM� Standard. Under-Frequency/Overload/Stepper Overcurrent Protection Standard --e-WFEe-cVFuse Problem Protection Standard "����j Automatic Low Oil Pressure/High Oil Temperature Shutdown Standard Overcrank/Dvetspeed(@ 72 Hz)/rpm Senseless Shutdovm � _ _ _ Standard High Engine Temperature Shutdown Standard Common external fault capability Standard Field upgradable firrmsre _ Standard `Sound levels are taken from the front of the generator.Sound Ievels taken from other sides of the generator may be higher depending on Installalion parameters.Rating definitions-Standby:Applicabie for supplying emergency parer for the duration of the utility povrer outage No overload capability is available for this rating.(All ratings in accordance with BS5514,IS03046 and DIN6271)."Maxi mum kilovolt amps and current are subject to and limited bysuch factors as fuel BTU/megajoule content,ambient temperature,altitude,engine power and condition,etc.Maximum parer de creases approNmately3.5%for each 1,000 ft(304.8 m)above sea level;and also will decrease apprmdmatehl 1 m for each 10 IF(6 IC)above 60 IF(16'Q. GENERAC" 20/22/24 kW Features and Benefits _ Engine • Generac G-Force design Maximizes engine"breathing"for increased fuel efficiency.Plateau honed cylinder walls and plasma moly rings help the engine run cooler,reducing oil consumption and resulting in longer engine life. • "Spiny-lok"cast iron cylinder walls Rigid construction and added durability provide long engine life. • Electronic ignition/spark advance These features combine to assure smooth,quick starting every time. • Full pressure lubrication system Pressurized lubrication to allvital bearings means better performance,less maintenance,and longer engine ' life.Now featuring up to a 2 year/200 hour oil change interval. • Low oil pressure shutdown system Shutdown protection prevents catastrophic engine damage due to low oil. • High temperature shutdown Prevents damage due to overheating. Generator • Revolving field Allows fora smaller,light weight unit that operates 25%more efficiently than a revolving armature generator. • Skewed stator Produces a smooth output waveform for compatibility with electronic equipment. • Displaced phase excitation Maximizes motor starting capability. • Automatic voltage regulation Regulating output voltage to±1%prevents damaging voltage spikes. • UL 2200 listed For your safety. Transfer Switch (if applicable) • Fully automatic Transfers vital electrical loads to the energized source of power. • NEMA3R Can be installed inside or outside for maximum flexibility. D• Integrated load management technology Capability to manage additional loads for efficient power management. • Remote mounting Mounts near an existing distribution panel for simple,low-cost installation. PWRview Transfer Switch(if applicable) • PWRview energy monitor Energy usage at-a-glance. • Ability to view real-time energy consumption data Better understand the home's energy profile. • PWRview mobile app Access daily energy intelligence and insights. Evolution'" Controls • AUTO/MANUAUOFF illuminated buttons Selects the operating mode and provides easy,at-a-glance status indication in any condition. • Two-line multilingual LCD Provides homeowners easily visible logs of history,maintenance,and events up to 50 occurrences. • Sealed,raised buttons Smooth,weather-resistant user interface for programming and operations. • Utility voltage sensing Constantly monitors utility voltage,setpoints 65%dropout,80%pick-up,of standard voltage. • Generator voltage sensing Constantly monitors generator voltage to verify the cleanest power delivered to the home. • Utility interrupt delay Prevents nuisance start-ups of the engine,adjustable 2-1500 seconds from the factory default setting of 5 seconds by a qualified dealer. • Engine warm-up Verifies engine is ready to assume the load,setpoint approximately 5 seconds. • Engine cool-down Allows engine to cool prior to shutdown,setpoint approximately 1 minute. • Programmable exercise Operates engine to prevent oil seal drying and damage between power outages by running the generator for 5 minutes every other week.Also offers a selectable setting for weekly or monthly operation providing flexibility and potentially lower fuel costs to the owner. • Smart battery charger Delivers charge to the battery only when needed at varying rates depending on outdoor air temperature. Compatiblewith lead,acid and AGM-style batteries. • Main line circuit breaker Protects generator from overload. • Electronic governor Maintains constant 60 Hz frequency. GENERAC 20/22/24 kW Features and Benefits Unit _ • SAE weather protective enclosure Sound attenuated enclosures ensure quiet operation and protection against mother nature, withstanding winds up to 150 mph(241 km/h).Hinged key locking roof panel for security.Lift-out front for easy access to all routine maintenance items Electrostatically applied textured epoxy paint for added durability. • Enclosed critical grade muffler Quiet,critical grade muffler is mounted inside the unit to prevent injuries. • Small,compact,attractive Makes for an easy,eye appealing installation,as close as 18 in(457 mm)away from a structure. Installation System 1 • 14 in(35.6 cm)flexible fuel line connector Listed ANSI Z21.75/CSA 6.27 outdoor appliance connector for the required connection to the gas supply piping. • Integral sediment trap Meets IFGC and NFPA 54 installation requirements. Connectivity(Wi-Fi equipped models only) • Ability to view generator status Monitor generator with a smartphone,tablet,or computer at any time via the Mobile Link application for complete peace of mind. • Ability to view generator Exercise/Run and Total Hours Review the generator's complete protection profile for exercise hours and total hours. • Ability to view generator maintenance information Provides maintenance information forthe specific model generatorwhen scheduled maintenance is due. • Monthly report with previous month's activity . Detailed monthly reports provide historical generator information. • Ability to view generator battery information Built in battery diagnostics displaying current state of the battery. • Weather information 'Provides detailed local ambient weather conditions for generator location. ® GENERAC 20/22/24 kW Switch Options Service Rated Automatic Transfer Switch Features Model 0007039-1,G007039-3(20 kW) • Intelligently manages up to fourair conditioner loads with no additional hardware_ G007043-2,0007043.3(22 kW) No of poles 2 ti • Up to eight additional large(240 VAC)loads can be managed when used in conjunction Current rating(amps) 200 with Smart Management Modules(SMMs). Voltage rating(VAC) 1201240,10 • Electrically operated,mechanically-held contacts for fast,clean connections. Utilityvottage monitor(fxed)' • Rated forafl classes of load,100%equipment rated,both inductive and resistive. Prck up 80, -Dropout 65% • 2-pole,250 VAC contactors_ ,Return to UtilityT , Approx.13 sec • Service equipment rated,dual coil design. Exercises bl-weekly for 5 minutes* Standard _ • Rated for both aluminum and copper conductors. Kor UL fisted Standard Enclosuretype NEMA/UL311 • Main contacts are silver plated or silver alloy to resist welding and sticking. Circmt breaker protected 22,000 } • NEMA(UL 3R aluminum outdoor enclosure allows for indoor or outdoor mounting flexibility. Lug range 250 MCM-;6 'Function of Evolution controller Dimensions Exercise can beset toweekiy,bi-weekty,or monthly tvr 200 Amps 120/240,1e Open Transition Service Rated Height Width Depth Hi H2 W1 W2 in 26.8 30.1 10.5 13.5 6.9 cm 67.95 76.43 26.67 34.18 17.5 112 Wire Ranges Conductor Lug Neutral Lug Ground Lug 250 MCM-7#6 350 MCM-#6 2/0-#14 orvnr m PWRview Automatic Transfer Switch Features Model 13007210-0(24 kW) • Integrated PWRview monitor provides real-time energy usage data through PWRview app. No.of poles 2_ Current rating(amps) 200 • Intelligently manages up to fourair conditioner loadswith no additional hardware. Voltage ratirg(VAC) T 1201240,10 ` • Up to eight additional large(240 VAC)loads can be managed when used in conjunction Utilityvoltage monitor(fixed)' with Smart Management Modules(SMMs). -Pick-up 80 -Dropout 6514 • Electrically operated,mechanically-held contacts for fast,clean connections. Return to U6llty Approx 13 sec • Rated for all classes of load,100%equipment rated,both inductive and resistive. Exercises bi-vreeldy fors minutes' __ Standard • 2-pole,250 VAC contactors. ETL or UL listed Standard • Service equipment rated,dual coil design. Enclosure type NEMA 3R Circuitbreakerprotected 22,000 • Rated for both aluminum and copper conductors_ lug range 250 MCM---6 • Main contacts are silver plated or silver alloy to resist welding and sticking. Function of Evolution controller • NEMA 3R aluminum outdoor enclosure allows for indoor or outdoor mounting flexibility. Exercise can be set to weekly,bi-weeky,ormonthly wr • Heavy duty Generac Contactor is an n recognized device. Dimensions 200 Amps 1201240,ie Open Transition Service Rated Height Width H2 x' H1 H2 W1 W2 Depth in 26.8 30.1 10.5 13.5 6.9 cm 67.95 76.43 26.67 34.18 17.5 0 Wire Ranges �anr wz Conductor Lug Neutral Lug Ground Lug 250 MCM-#6 350 MCM-#6 2/0-#14 d GENERACs 20/22/24 kW Available Accessories Model# Product Description 0005819-0 26R Wet Cell Battery �'Every standby generator requires a batteryto start the system.Generac offers the recommended 2611 wet cell battery for ►Luse with all air-cooled standby product(excluding PowerPact"). G007101-0 Battery Pad Warmer Pad warmer rests under the battery.Recommended for use If temperature regularly falls below 0 IF(-18 IC).(Not nec- essary for use with AGM-style batteries). G007102-0 Oil Warmer Oil warmer slips directly over the oil filter.Recommended for use 9 temperature regularly falls below 0 IF(-18°C). ' G007103-1 Breather Warmer Breather warmer is for use in extreme cold weather applications.For use with Evolution controllers only in climates where heavy icing occurs. G005621-0 Auxiliary Transfer Switch The auxiliary transfer switch contact kit allows the transfer switch to lock out a single large electrical load that may not be Contact Kit needed.Not compatible with 50 amp pre-wired switches. G0070274-Bisque Fascia Base Wrap Kit The fascia base wrap snaps together around the bottom of the new air-cooled generators.This offers a sleek,contoured (Standard on 22124 kW) Jappearance as well as offering protection from rodents and insects by covering the lifting holes located in the base. G005703-0-Bisque Touch-Up Paint Kit If the generator enclosure is scratched or damaged,it is important to touch up the paint to protect from future corrosion. The touch-up paint kit includes the necessary paint to correctly maintain or touch up a generator enclosure. G006485-0 Scheduled Maintenance Kit Generac's scheduled maintenance kit provides all the items necessary to perform complete routine maintenance on a Generac automatic standby generator(oil not included). G007005-0 Wi-Fit LP Tank Fuel Level The WI-F enabled LP tank fuel level monitor provides constant monitoring of the connected LP fuel tank.Monitoring the Monitor LP tanks fuel level is an important step in verifying the generator is ready to run during an unexpected power failure.Sta- tus alerts are available through a free application to notify users when the LP tank is in need of a refill. G007000-0(50 amp) Smart Management Module Smart Management Modules(SMM)are used to optimize the performance of a standby generator.it manages large elec- G007006-0 trical loads upon startup and sheds them to aid In recovery when overloaded.In many cases,using SMM's can reduce (100 amp) the overall size and cost of the system. G007169-0-4G LTE Mobile Link Cellular The Mobile Link family of Cellular Accessories allow users to monitor generator status from anywhere in the world,using G007170-0-Wi-FU Accessories a smart phone,tablet,or PC.Easily access information such as the current operating status and maintenance alerts.Us- Ethernet ers can connect an account with an authorized service dealer for fast,friendly,and proactive service.With Mobile link, users are taken care of before the next power outage. G007220-0-Bisque Base Plug Kit Base plugs snap into the lifting holes on the base of air-cooled home standby generators.This offers a sleek,contoured appearance,as well as offers protection from rodents and insects by covering the lifting holes located in the base.Kit i contains four plugs,sufficient for use on a single air-cooled home standby generator. y Dimensions & UPCs Model UPC 6Sr.6mm- -tz,6mm 12s.t Id 14s.0 Iry G007038-1 696471074185 G007038-3 696471074185 O G007039-1 696471074192 G007039-3 696471074192 G007042-2 696471074208 T27smm 126E m1 G007042-3 696471074208 G007043-2 696471074215 0007043-3 696471074215 o a 0 0 G007209-0 696471071511 G007210-0 696471078220 646 mm 1272 mm lzss mt laas nI LEFT SIDE MEIN FRONT VIEW DimensionsshovmamapproAnate.See lnsUlafionrrnnlaltoreWdhnensions DO NOT USE THESE DIMENSIONS FOR INSTALIATIONPURPOSES. GENERACO Generac Power Systems,Inc. • S45 W29290 HWY.59,Waukesha,WI 53189 •generac.com 02020 Generac Power Systems,tnc A!rights reserved.A!specifications are subject to change without notice.Pad No.AM937814 Rev.8 07/30/2020 S e972'01'W 138,00' N.N.CORNER IAT 6,STOCK S 10 0 AD SO 120 m I.R.k C. MdNURLN FARMS 06°s°0 ID.UL Scale iN = 40' _ _._ _ __ ..r-__N al•�a:unTn u`a i`r Im.°ao.!m ra.as _-.S 8972'0614'— __eS[9i•_._,_—...___g_.-. Ti DCSPTNRWI(WARMHW OECD O.;DDDN 1A72,PACE 22a0 ST.Luac COU JNNCCOROS) I T 1/2 W L07S 5 AND D ANp iNC[AST IN FEET Or L4.9 6.MID 7.PLOCK 7 OF i MdAl FARM;A SUBDINSION RECORDED M PUT 8PM A,PAGE 56 Or TIE PUDUC R REGARDS of ST.IVCE CWMTV.FLORA]nt CWTAOIWO It.B30 aC0.GT MORE CP LF55:ALL I b LYIN ANp BEMO M SECRON 20,11-.'P]!SWTH.AANCE OB EAST,ST.LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA. TOGETHER=AND SUOJECT TO MCSE EASEMENTS FOR MCREW AND EGRESS AND TOM DRA4UCE AHD U141NST CPUlEO.WE SEAViU CH PUNTED DY THAT CTATNN CCCtARARW I C, OF EASEMENTS AND RESPIC71VC COVENANTS DATED MAY 24,20N AND RECORDED W , O.R.BOOK IO02 PACE 9011 AS AMOIOED. EMIT aag � I I 6 �� rvArA ADoa 1 WWRLCN fAAUS 2 Or l0i6 BLOCKS I a �wRAr I p i R 4: LOT6.OLOCHOOr I 1Of y �j� � �~ § 1RA<•° a0°rlo au LOT G. L FARMS,Ld$9 Ira-wDm wuu � eM.-nolCO1mi Iwvul ME EA5}I58' !R ii Hu Apo W IIII p� P.P�0.PBAP MI I JAD.2.1' 16C°�1•�- OR'K�0196G6®Qf I SN N4T. �a L-ItDI�D rNiol�No YDR I 14W! A.-r011r pI D.SHI' _ I NNE FAST IN IPT OI Ul, �ya, !6 PP'aRA°-ro�w wm'"�'rDa am°�aw I SE narA J a u„xaEN rppuli oR�m P,C6.lCplf Y Ro+CP•7 I �WL PU6 Pen=-ml�irmrnv o"nKoolr Ary'/-RmN v wr P�-rpoluMu RoOorla MONUMr nwA•olr mlrpa,roar iw.-M�icu AroE fvLra AH2E7 wn � \ �7.`5r// s�'Y:GCTT xrrANx M. 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"A 70 BEAR N OO1B'29'W.AU.ORIDp OEARNCS ARE RCLATAE THERETO. a.)THIS SUAYEY IS HOT IIr1EADED TO DErZrE!GOAT AREAS Oi PAflRNUR CONGER!/, I Di[A67Ix rrR a l6t T S0 F 11 dal WETLANDS OR 14 NMINIAL JUPoSDICTIDHAL DOUN6NOE5: RO01 a a MOpMIMI nrMa A 1,74- 8.)ELECI0.P0C DATA IS MANS471W FOf!YW0.GANYORCNR ANU I5 ENE 50.0 PAOlATY MNm !•RlRrOrE OlwlbO THE EAST 1/2 K LOT q BIOCK.l OF C.A,IOTfNCLL ANp ASSOgAlE9,INC DY ACOVII DEUZ HEREOF.NNE REOPRNT IQ'{� ry'i� r67 OiSAA pcTNunlN YCNUR{DI FARMS HERB AORS TO 6NUP5JY AND HPD C.A.YITCTCLL AND ASSOPAtts,V7C HARMLESS I RICH NJY UAORTIY pCSULRNO MO„THE USE OF R65 DATA.LIECTRONIC DATA IS SUR?CT MT AM'ya AND OOORPNATION a UPDATES IS THE RESPONSBIUTY Or ME RECPIENT. MFPNARW CPITNNED PI THE DIDTAL COPT OF NIY OR,. IS MEITNER CERME0 [i MY O.A,IMPIELL ANO ASSOWIEr,wT'c NOR WTENOED TO I"THE PUCE OF A I ¢LI CERRREO SURVEY.DRAWNGS OR DOCUMENTS.RIE bEY MR0A1 DEPICIIUN O'MR I �u u�N INFORMATION 19 THE ORIGBIAL MARRO 11AWNO IN OUR OFFICE OR A VALID SGMED bV A D�nSY CtMmp ppNr iOONIR7IL WIHMIRT• AND SEAL.CP'Y.UHDEA NO CA.MSrAN.S WILL ANY ORIFR ORMHOC O DIDTAL FORM-ms OPOIMAnoH svPrNaoc 1T, a A m IICYAAp1.soar 5mPAn,.dbl rCv O.)TN,&STE LYB N fL000 T:P¢'c PER INC FT'N.DMERCUICT UA UA ENT AGENCY '�*mF lNA'v00 CPoMW AA1PMvi—S,-.PI—f (LOOO INSURANCE RATE MAP/120255-12111 00 165 J,U'rECOYE DATE 1/16/20T2. I b f ar uT 6 HwIJ mN � >.)MERE ARC NUUEROUS WRRION FENCES AND PERMACTER OfrCNES AND 6NNE5 NOT / 037DSB m WIN# SHORN. �1e. See Now u� �;� Y B� AumAa _ Q� Aw+e M. { �ouAJla BJJ.S4' S e9�1'OY W �_ ..-.-.._.._ sw,cmNFR LDI a moa].. Ir DIUW lATATgl1 Pa - SET Exm F pOTt ) j y_ _.__._ _._.-,_—--•.-. •.— _•• ,.i,(oaaw f rrt m MwT F C.A. P1ELL AND ASSLOATES,BIG. I.X(P511AE7 1 ULM O ID.UL&C. Nw1RLIN"Anus S BD'2NOPW (='I) pALDrO STATE CER 1 B tt 00 86MO.R TON AO.IDA216 1sD.00' AC19AC, 1 MMtlI 31.A-0 rt`"l rA4`n,n^W W A MICHELL R.LS 1 rta�TQiCaocPsraaTw�IRi ua su(9OTIPtt�To62} ulrcuELL AND ASSOCIATES.INC. roanars or IDTs e.6.7 AND 6IiLIXX]OF uaWaEN FILMS SURVEY WNH IMPROVEMENT aNE MARCH ABA] .�, LAND SURVEYORS•LAND PLANNERS•GEOMATC CONSULTANTS 2605 SNM BROCK IN ROAD FORT PUMM FLORIDA. or OR![ A9L3 A9,] FUA wm.:C; A AOn 759 S.yf.SOUTH YACE00 BOULEVARD,PORT ST. LUvz,FLORIDA. LOCATIONS AqD PROPOSED ADDITIONS p72)67e-75V t G- MON � n •.._ �..._-.�. .... __ .___.�_... .._.yam,..---.._:--_ ...-�...,...--...... �..__ ., _ _._ ... ..... ...._. �.. ,- _ .. ... �--.�_. 25.00' 4' N � CONC. CAR o PORT QUIP. P f USE BACKUP IGE ATOR PAD 3' CON C. W j s a 3Z. 2 7, WALK 14.00' $ 1:4.67' r e i 1.33 � ����✓ 7.00' - cJ erG .. N p A r .Q 0 M � .i :r. �. O 5�28$ 0o m � rn 0 8.18' t 0.0' (n � �! 7.00 11.33' w ' • •, w r� 21,33' 32.33' 2 C A.C. CONC. ` VEY CONTROL POINT PADS fATION = 20.63 (N.A.V.D:) I 40 _ - J- 211 r 1600 S.F� AVAILABLE 6� / DNS��� �